8 Miss Stewart Entertains For Out-of-Town Guests Miss Ruth Steiner, of Bedford, I and Miss Catharine Shall, of Lewis- | town, were the honor guests at a ; party given by Aiiss Vera Stuart, I 2224 North Fifth street. Miss Shall i entertained the guests with several ! vocal solos and Miss Levina Ackers I and Russell Challenger sang a duet. I Miss Steiner played the accoinpanl- I ments. The guests included: Miss Olive Thomas, Miss Ruth Steiner, Miss Levina Acker, Miss ! Catharine Sholl, Miss Bertha Stuart j and Miss Fanny Stuart, Russell 1 Challenger, Howard Steiner, of : Bedford, Howard Aughinbaugh, j James Snyder, David and Lawrence Stuart and Mrs. J. A. Stuart. MISS HECKEXDOItX WEDS Miss Mary Ethel Heckendorn and j "William B. Graham, both of New- | ville, were united in marriage on j Tuesday evening, July 29, at Cal- • vary Evangelical Lutheran Church by the pastor, the Rev. Edward H. Paar. The ring ceremony was used. Wedding Flowers! Plant Decorations j If tt has to do with j | Flowers or anything the* J "gro *s," consult us— THE BERRYHILL ; Locust Street at Second t As You I.lke Them REAL JUMBO PEANUTS 25£ per lb. ROASTED FRESH DAILY If You Hare Coffee Trouble Let l' i Fix It IJp IMPERIAL TEA CO. 213 Chentnnt % Dinner Friday Eveninff, August 1 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 Ji. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50< Clnm ('homier Deviled Crnb Huston Salad Pork Chop < plain) Koast Beef Mnahed or An (.■rutin Potatoes Stewed Pens Stewed Toinntoe* I Slaw lee Cream, Pie or Pudding Coffee, Ten or Cocoa Visiting the Shops With Adele BY ADELE DO you know that the manufacturers have been trying to keep Mr. Doutrich from reducing his merchandise? They argue that because of high market conditions he should carry over as much of his old stock as possible. But Mr. Doutrich does not agree. He claims that it is the policy of this "Live Store" to hold annual clearance sales and that nothing can alter that plan. He insists that he would rather rid the store of all old goods and give the public a yearly opportunity to benefit by an enormous purchasing power than to carry things from one season to another. In other words he stands firm on keeping faith with the public no matter what the cost is to himself. Isn't that a generous spirit? ( (TT7HAT is so rare as a day in yy June?"asks the poet. And, may I add, "What is so mysteriously beautiful as a night in June?" Nothing. T- should say. Tf you fail to agree with me, just go down to Saltzgiver's, 223 North Sec ond street and take a long look at the picture in one of the windows. The artist, T. C. Gotch. has called it "Night in June," and it fills one with a consuming desire to ever live In a continuous succession of just such June nights, in just such a gar den. An elusive, baffling air of ro mance and happiness hovers about. Dark and hazy, except where the swaying Japanese lanterns burn vivid splotches in the dull night shades, it grips one as few things d 0" RUGS are scarce articles these ' days and procuring a new one oftimes becomes a serious problem. But all difficulties can be avoided by going to J. Porter Har ris & Son, 221 North Second street, and placing an order for a seam less rug in any length and practi cally any width desired. If you want one for fall, however, attend to the matter at once, for it takes from 6 to 8 weeks for them to ar rive. Just the same, they're worth waiting for! They come in all shades. Some are single-toned while others are two-toned with small figures. And they are es pecially desirable because of their unusual high quality combined with the fact that you can order just exactly the kind you want to carry out any decorative scheme. <{Q<HOE tho little horse, Shoe the little mare. Let the little colt go Bare, bare, bare." It seems like cruelty to tho little colt doesn't It? But some of us don't bother a bit about that when the steadily increasing price of foot wear brings us on the verge of a similar shoeless fate. Just the same. If we took time for a second thought, we'd cease our worrying and start straight for Paul's, 11 North Fourth street, where the low shoes still re maining in stock are being sold at prices which justify our buying sev eral pairs and reserving them for next year, when we may be obliged to pay again as much. Voss Electric Washers Are Complete In Every Detail TRY ONE AT OUR EXPENSE Easy Payments NEIDIG BROS. LTD. 21 South Second Street 1 I FRIDAY EVENING, 'INTERESTING PERSONAL AND SOCIAL HOUSEHOLD GIFTS FOR BRIDE-ELECT Miss Shakespeare Receives Many Useful Articles For Her Home in Altoona J Miss Gwenlian Shakespeare, whose i engagement was recently announced to Cloyd L. Hearn, of Altoona, was given a surprise shower at the homo of her sister, Mrs. Benjamin F. 1 Derick, 2253 Jefferson street, Wod . nesday evening. Beautiful household gifts for the ; bride-elect were presented by her friends, who are anticipating an Au gust wedding. Refreshments were served to Mrs. Goodman Dolbin, Mrs. H. M. Stroup, Mrs. Albert Anderson. Mrs. Lloyd Shettle, Mrs. Maurice Urich, Mrs. Ira Fry. Mrs. David Shakes peare. Mrs. Philip Bryan, Mrs. F. L. Pike, Miss Olive Ziegler, Miss Ruth Thomas, Miss Trixie Putt, Miss dough, of Trenton. N. J.; Miss Mayme McGuigan. Mrs. Henry Hor ton, Mrs. Her:ian Laudenslager, Mrs. William Thomas, Miss Winifred Jones, Mr. and Mrs. David Shakes pears, Jr., Miss Violet Shakespeare, Miss Dorothy Shakespeare, Miss Doris Jane Thomas, Master Richard Dolbin. Entertain Informally For Philadelphia Guests Mrs. Willison Miller. 2632 Jef ferson street, entertained at her home last evening in compliment to Mrs. Samuel F. Caperilla and Miss Mabel Thorn, of Philadelphia, former residents of this city. The evening was spent with games and music. Snapdragons and ferns graced the table and a supper was served to these guests: Miss Mabel Thorn, Miss Tillic Wagner, Miss Grace Bldaman, Miss Ruth Kramer. Mrs. I.oy G. Flood, Mrs. C. Edward Keys and Mrs. Samuel F. Caperilla. Mr. and Mrs. L. J. First. 1935 Whitehall street, have left for a trip to New York. Washington, Balti more and Pen Mar. At Pen Mar they will be the guests of Mrs. First's aunt. Mrs. Flora Reidinger, who has charge of the Mt. Pleasant Hotel. ! i ffipHINGS aren't always what they seem, skim milk mas i querudes as cream"—some times! But not always. For in j stance, if tho skin is in a bad con dition no amount of effort will dis guise the fact although proper treatment may remedy it. Now, the wise woman realizes the value of a good cream as an aid to keeping her complexion as it should he. And she knows that at the drug store of George C. Potts, Third and Herr streets, she can procure just the kind her skin requires. She may need one containing oil or she may de sire a greaseless cream, in which case she will he glad to know that she can buy one of unusually high quality which Dr. Potts himself has i made and guarantees. i DON'T you suppose our poor homes ever become jealous of us? Of course, they do. Here we are, continually buying pretty, new things with which to array ourselves while they patiently wait for the time when some little change, no matter how minor, may be made in their appearances. Now, for the room that is fairly crying out for some little additional touch to break the monotony of too much sameness, the remedy is to be found at the Art & Gift Shop, 105 North j Second street. Pottery vases, in shades of dull blue, green and ; brown the latter sometimes merg ing into soft tans and vivid yellows, solve the problem. They also furn i ish the satisfactory solution to the I problem of the gift you Nvant to | give. TSN'T it perfectly astounding what I an artist, plus a little bit of j ribbon and a little bit of j crepe, can do? Give most of us j the same materials and a lifetime I in which to work, and we'd never | produce anything to equal the dainty j frock now being shown at the rioos Shop In the Penn-Harris. Of flow i ered navy blue Georgette, it boasts ! a wide girdle of navy blue, with just | a touch of rose. Kibbon trimming i in rose falls from the girdle to the ' hem, adding a charming touch. ! Last, but not least, come the side j drapings and the button-trimmed reveres, adding just the features J necessary to make the average I gown give up in absolute despair. JOSEPH L. GARVIN TO LEAVE CITY Farewell Luncheon Given To day, Prior to His Depart ure For Pittsburgh A farewell luncheon was given at noon to-day In honor of Joseph L. Garvin, who leaves for Pittsburgh on Sunday, to take up the work of the War Camp Community Service in that city. A. W. Ncate presented Mr. Garvin with an umbrella as n : token of appreciation from the staff j 1 for his untiring services while seiv l ing as head of the local branch of i the War Camp Community Serv ice. | Mr. Garvin accomplished a big | work during, the comparatively brief j time that he was here. He arranged I and staged many community events, j with the aid of his staff, including I the Girls' Night on the island and j various similar affairs. He has ac | eomplished tilings that will be of I lasting good to the city and has | kindled a co-operative spirit bc ! tween numerous organizations that I was previously lacking. The guests present at the lunch -1 eon were: Mrs. Florence A. Ley, I Miss Helen R. Hawes, Miss Viola 1 Showers, Miss Helen Shoop, Miss Rosanna Scheffer, Lieutenant E. A. Romero, Lieutenant James F. Win ston, Howell S.' England, A. W, Neate and C. E. Zorger. Mr. and Mrs. 801 l Entertain For Miss Lucile Spaulding Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. 801 l entertained yesterday with an auto mobile trip to Gettysburg and an informal dinner at the Hotel Get- I tysburg, in compliment to Miss | Lucile Spaulding. of Cambridge, I Mass., who is tho house guest of j Mrs. J. E. Sisson, 401 North Sec t ond street. The party included Miss j Spaulding, Miss Mildred DeShong, ; Mrs. J. E. Sisson, William Ray j Chapman, Robert W. Crist and Mr. j and Mrs. Charles W. 8011. Mrs. 801 l ga\e a luncheon to-day at her home, V3l North Thirteenth I street, in honor of Miss Spaulding. ! Pink snapdragons graced the tabfe and covers were laid for eight. ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert P. Emmert announce the engagement of their daughter. Miss Marguerite Rachel j Emmert, to Charles L. Whitaker, j of Berryville, Va. • Miss Emmert is a popular young j school teacher who was graduated | from the Cumberland Valley State I Normal School. Mr. Whitaker is j a graduate of the University of Vir i ginia and now is a draftsman in Trout Royal, Va. LUNCHEON FOR SIXTEEN i Despite the showers at internals ! yesterday afternoon, Miss Claire , Thompson, of Market street, enter i taincd at a luncheon of sixteen cov- I ers on the broad porch of her Mar ' ket street home. Baskets of wild (lowers graced the little tables where j cards were played after the feast • ing. Guests were present from Lan | caster, York and Carlisle as well as j this city. j KEYSTONE LAUNDRY PICNIC I The Keystone Laundry picnic will { be held to-morrow at Hershey Park. Elaborate plans have been made for ! the day's outing and there will be no - deliveries after 9.30 o'clock. Games ; and stunts of all kinds are being prepared and a picnic lunch will be one of the big features of the event. PICNIC FOR LAUNDRY The Keystone laundry employes, headed by Miss Kate Hockley and her brothers, will hold their first an nual picnic to-morrow in Hershey Park. Many attractive plans have been made for the pleasures of the (lay to be enjoyed by 40 people. The laundry will make no deliveries after I 9.30 a. in. i Mrs. John C. Stino, of the Reynard Apartments, is homo after spend ing two weeks at Wernarsville. Mrs. Samuel Jiahrn, formerly of I Lancaster, is the guest of her sis j ter, Miss Emma Bendor, 1311 Penn i street. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Maus, Mrs. A. Shaffer, Miss Maymo A. McGui gan and Robert Dunlap, motored to Hagerstown for the weekend. Miss Helen E. Bahn, 104 South Seventeenth street, is visiting rela | lives at Now Freedom and Summit Grove. Mrs. William J. Tate, 1629 Swa- I tarn street, who has been employed I by the government at the Aviation Depot at Middletown for the past two years, has resigned her position. Miss Kate Wharton, of Wash -1 Ington, is tho guest of her sister, I Mrs. J. A. Ringland, 1626 North | Third street. Miss Lillian Beach. 407 South Thirteenth street, and Miss Sara Rieff, 1618 Market street, will spend some time at Atlantic City and Philadelphia. Miss Helen Owens, Miss Mar guerite Elder, Miss Marie Elder and Miss Mary Rankin left tho dlty to day for a visit of several weeks at Philadelphia and Atlantic City. """^fe^TORK .^S^NEWS" [An announcement under this headir.~ nu.it be accompanied by name to assure accuracy.] Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fetterman, of Shamokin, former residents of this city, announce the birth of a son, Leonard Rogers Fetterman, Friday! July 25, 1919. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Burris, 434 Hamilton street, announce the birth of a son, William H. Burris, Monday, July 21. 1919. Mrs. Burris was for merly Miss Pearl Schroudly. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brown, 1311 Penn street, announce the birth of a daughter, Frances Alice Brown, Thursday, July 31, 1919. I Special Saturday Offer M Gold - Filled A 4 p n K Spectacles orJ) | .nil ■ Nose - Glasses,™ I m fitted with ■ —— % spherical lenses ~ w for far or near % vision. Speeial at AIkTT - TT _, M only AND UP M Charles M. Rogers f Registered Optometrist I Over Cluster's Jewelry Store 1 302 MARKET ST. f Open Snturduy to 1) F. SI, J toMUigPßft<Bifttm!QKiUWl D. A. R. TO MEET SOUTHERN GUEST Miss Martha Berry, Founder of Noted Schools, to Ad dress City Clubwomen Harrisburg chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, is inviting its members and interested c.Vjb women of the city, to come to Par lor C of the Penn-Harris Saturday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock to meet Miss Martha Berry, of Georgia. No cards have been sent out, the notifi cationg being made through the newspapers. Eighteen years ago Miss Berry gave a large property and her own services toward the education of the children of the Mountaineers. The schools have grown until there are now three of them, with wonderful industrial and agricultural plants in connec tion with the "book learning." These schools are supported by contributions frapi all over the country and the pupils have gone into' many States to tell the Berry story. In the war there were 500 Berry boys with twenty of their faculty, some of the boys taking positions in various special departments because they were so well fitted for the work. Harrisburg D. A. R. has a vital interest in the Berry schools and each year endow one day, their own anniversary, paying all the ex penses of that day. Miss Berry was entertained to-day at luncheon by Mrs. A. P. L. Dull at her country place and this eve- 1 ning by Mrs. John Y. Boyd. She is staying in this vicinity over Sun day, going to Mechanicsburg also to see Mr. and Mrs. David Ferguson, botii of whom have been connected with the Berry schools. Birthday Surprise Party For Miss Pearl Fowler A birthday surprise party given in compliment to Miss Pearl Fow ler, at her home, 452 Hummel ave nue, Lemoyne, by Miss Ruth Web ster and Miss Carrie Merkle. The evening was spent with games, danc ing and music. Refreshments were served to these guests: Miss Clara Mae Webster, Miss Es ther Cummings, Miss Mary Deihl, Miss Miriam Weiser, Miss Edith Zimmerman, Miss Beatrice McElroy, Miller Fencil, Sterling Fair, Charles Cummings, Earnest Fair, John Cum mings, Samuel Morris, John Fowler, Dave Moul, Mr. and Mrs. George Fowler, Mr. and Mrs. A. Acri, and children, Augustus, Pearl and Lu cille Jane. Y. M. C. A. Entertains 25 Veterans From Hospital Another of the weekly social pro grams was conducted by the de mobilization department of the Central Y. M. C. A., Second and Locust streets, yesterday afternoon, when twenty-live convalescent sol diers from Carlisle were entertained. Two trucks, driven by Red Cross i nurses, arrived with the men about two o'clock. They yere taken to the Majestic theater to enjoy the after noon performance, through the courtesy of the management. After this feature of the after noon's program, the men returned to the "Y," where an abundance of good eats awaited them, prepared by Mrs. Phillips, ilie "Y" caterer. In order to give the affair a touch of home, the Misses Leonard and Hepford, two overseas 'Y" secre taries and Miss Shumaker, Mrs. Ira Tucker and Mrs. Ewig, graced the occasion with their presence and served at the tabic. In Spite of Guilt Thugs Continue on Police Force lliiltulclpliia, Aug. 1. Four of the six policemen criminals convict ed x>f conspiracy In connection with the brutal Fifth ward murder case and election fraud were still on the city payroll yesterday doing police duty despite the fact that they must begin their jail sontences net later than next Wednesday. Since Wednesday last, when the Supreme Court of the State denied their application for a new trial, these policemen have been not only morally, but also techincaily con victs, and os such cannot be legally in the employ of the city, according to several legal authorities. Despite this fact not a single move has been made by cither Director of Public. Safety Wilson, Superintend ent of Police Robinson, nor Mayor Smith to dismiss tho criminals from tho police force. Light Engine Hits Auto; Injures Six Persons By Associated Press. Wllllnmsport, Pa., Aug. 1. A light engine on tho Pennsylvania Railroad struck an automobile at Hepburnvilio last night demolishing the car and injuring six occupants, one fatally. Elsie Armes Is inter nally injured and not expected to live; William Stugart Is injured in ternally and one leg broken; George W. Kyle Sustained a broken right arm; Truman Ruckel is severely in jured about the head; Bertha Wil son. injured about the head; Myrtle Rooker suffering from shock. Chicago Elevated Lines May Resume Tomorrow liy Associated Press. Chicago. Aug. I.—Resumption of traffic Saturday morning on Chi cago's elevated and surface car lines seemed assured to-day, according to reports from union leaders which came to the headquarters of VV. D. Mahon, international president of the Street Car Employes' organiza tion. Mr. Mahon, who addreasel meetings of the carmen yesterday afternoon and last night, expressed confidence that the 15,000 strikers would vote to-day to accept the terms offered by the companies. Former Manager of Buffalo Bill Dies By Associated Press. Atlantic City, N. J., Aug. I.—Harry A. Lee, manager of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show when it made its first tour of Europe, died here yes terday. He was born in San Fran cisco and was widely known among old time show folk. Later Mr. Lee was manager of Joseph Jefferson and William J. Florence. He was 6 8 years old. , MISS LEMER GOES BACK TO FRANCE Harrisburg Woman Is Visit ing Friends Prior to Sailing For Her Normandy Home Miss May Lemer who spent the past two years at her home, 213 South Front street, this city, has gone to Keddo, near Wilkes-Barre for a visit with Mrs. Jessup an old friend. She will stop for a short time in New York and Long Island places before sailing the latter part of August for France. * Several years ago when Miss Lemer was graduated from Wellesley Col lege, she went to France with two other college women to organize the "School for American Girls in Paris. ' which was most succesfully conduct ed. Miss Lemer retired just before the World's War to a country place, purchasing a home at Varengeviile, Normandy, near Dieppe, where she is now going to remain. Being on the border line Miss Le mer saw much of war conditions in the first part of the great conflict, and was of much assistance there. Later she came here at the urgent request of her family, but now wishes to have a share In the reconstruction work. She has taken with her quan tities of supplies for the refugees, so kindly donated by Harrisburg people. Miss Lemer's sister. Miss Mary Ade line Lemer, who has been head of the art department of the Ely School, Greenwich, Conn., is home after a sketching trip to Chester Springs, Pa., and will remain here for the winter. Hoover-Arnold Wedding Solemnized at Highspire The marriage of Miss Grace F. Arnold and Clarence E. Hoover, both of Highspire, was solemnized yesterday at the parsonage of the Highspire Church of God, the Rev. Jay C. Forncrook officiating. The attendants wore Miss Grace Magaha and George Arnold, a brother of the bride. The bride is a daughter of Floyd L. Arnold, and for some time past has been employed in the com pany store, Highspire. The bride groom is a son of Edward B. Hoover and recently returned from overseas. Mr. and Mrs, Hoover will be at home to their friends at Highspire after August 10. LEAVE FOR CANADA Mr. and Mrs. James A. Wright, Miss Helen Wright, Miss Ansa Dimm, and Paul Wright, of 4?2 Cumberland street, and William Rieff, 1618 Market street, recently returned from overseas, will leave to-mori nv for Canada. They will visit at Milwaukee and St. Paul on the way and at Granum, Alberta, Canada, returning about Septem ber 1. Palmer Issues Call For Conference on High Cost of Living Washington, Aug. 1. Attorney General Palmer to-day summoned t'/e heads of important government /epartments to confer with him im mediately on the high cost of liv ing and to consider appropriate measures to reduce prices to the average citizen. Those requested to meet in the At*, torney General's office were Secre taries Glass, Houston,' Redfield and Wllson, Director General Hines, As sistant Secretary of the Treasury Le ffingwell and Chairman Murdock S. .. B ' Colve L of the Federal Trade Commission. First Community Swim Is Twilight River Event Plans are complete for the first com munity swim this evening. Swimmers will meet at the Reist boathouse, foot of South street. The contests start at ' ° clock. Entries will be accepted up to 6.45 p. m. V. Grant Forrer. assistant superin tendent of city parks, has consented ..u Ct as °' events, along with William Sweeney, of the Knights of Columbus. Frank Davenport, of the Rotary Club, is to be timer, and bred Snoddy, clerk of course. CANDY IS A FOOD There are a ULI great many ways 11 of making candy, IvxL-5/nI k"* " l 0 es sentiai V/SSIW II thing is to make " Palatable. Mes- Rimer's Home \ made Candy is made just right— txvV try " out —you'll be convinced of Special for the Weekend Burnt Peanuts, Ittle lb. Cocoanut Caramels, assorted flavors, 40e lb. #Dld fashioned Maple Cakes, 2c each Itoasted Marshmallows, 45c lb. MESSIMER'S The Hoiimp of Homemade fundi cm Third St. Nt ISriKKM. ? o • '7 Don t See ® ? How She I o Can Do It." • 2 0 "Why, at her sale in Feb- ? • ruary I bought the sweet- 0 V est waist for $7.65 that { 0 was plain-ly worth not a k 0 cent less than $20." A T "Nothing has been an- ( 0 nounced yet, but you ( 0 know when she opened • j her shop she said she'd : : start afresh every six ! V months." 0 ? 0 j "Well, If Suzanne heard A one of Miss Sach's own : • staff say it was scheduled " ? for the week of August } t fourth, It's probably true. 0 0 I hope so." j ISuJ Jw | * Merry Party on Ninth Birthday Anniversary Miss Sarah O'Brlno celebrated her ninth birthday anniversary with a j llttlo party at the home of her | parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Brlne, 135 Paxton street. Music and games i were the main features of the eve ning and prizes were awarded to Viola McCurdy and Emma Rohr other guests were: Erma Bryson, Ross Orris, Oert | rude Hocker, Susan Ylngst, Naomi ! Reeser, Eva Johnson, Edn •. Hocker, I Esther Landis, Esther Kantz, I Beulah Kantz, Mary McCurdy, Eve- I lyn Dink, Pauline Malley, Eleanor Landis, p e ba Landis, Bertha But j •^ t rman O'Brlne, Mrs. Chandler | and Mr. and Mrs. O'Brine. Miss Helen Marshall has return- ! f„ h ? r hon,e ' 33 Nor th Seven- SATURDAY'SI BIG BARGAIN Enamel Water Pail and 2 lbs. Baking Powder for $l.OO I he place where Coffee is fine or money refunded. No bad taste when using our coffees. Try a pound and be con vinced. Grand Union Tea t Store 208 N. Second St. J' * Witmer Bair & Witmer Walnut Near Second Saturday Business Hours 9 to 9 Half-Price Specials Friday & Saturday Absolute and final clearance prices on all Summer merchan dise. Certain stocks are almost depleted, but you will find many choice HALF ORIGINAL PRICE bargains in Summer Dresses, Silk Dresses, Serge and Silk Capes, Cloth Suits, Novelty Cloth Skirts, Cloth Coats and Wraps. Half Price Dresses Half Price Silk Capes Exclusive models of taffeta, bro— Black satin, taupe and navy vel caded crepe and georgette, that sold vet, taupe and navy moire capes originally at $87.50, $95.00 and lined in beautiful contrasting $lOO.OO, now price $43.75, shades that sold at $25.00, $26.50 $47.50 and $50.00. ' and $31.50, reduced one-half or Cotton voile dresses a few in $12.50, $13.50 and $15.75. white and remainder printed colors JVaVV Serffe Cai)eS —all reduced to one-half former ... * p r j ccs< including lined and unlined ones in r> . • r Te remaining stock are now mark- Present prices range from $5./5 e( j $8.25, $12.50, $l3 25 to ? 13 - 75 - $14.25 and $16.25, which is Silk Skirts original prices. Two pink georgette and four DolmanS and Coat novelty taffeta skirts are to be had Wraps for the rediculous price of $6.25, c m . in• • . eo <>? io ob of silvertone and Bolivia that sold and $9.88. at $35.00, $45.00, $55.00, $65.00 arc 20% discount off. included in the half-price sale at Original prices 011 all white and $17.50, $22.50, $27.50 and light colored georgette dresses and $32.50. all dark foulard dresses. Jersey Suits Specials in the Blouse Plain and Heather Mixtures Department , $27.50 reduced to $22.00 Cotton blouses in flesh, blue and $28.50 reduced to $22.80 white. $2.50 values, special $1.95 $32.50 reduced to $26.00 „ r ?. GOrg r C ; tt< ; andwash satin blouses. nn , , White, flesh and novelty designs. $35.00 reduced to $28.00 $6.95 values, special, $4.95. NEW FALL SUITS, COATS AND DRESSES Arriving daily— Silk, Jersey, Satin and Serge Dresses, Choice mixtures in Suits; Polo, Silvertone and Silvertop Coats. Witmer Bair & Witmer AUGUST 1, 1919. THE DEPENDABLE STORE ' 50 SUMMER DRESSES I Every Cotton Dress to be Sold at a Sacrifice I Come early. Get your choice. Never again at these low prices. 2 Lots. Every Dress Below Cost ' * 4 Gingham, Voiles, Organ- A _l. | dies, Smart styles, all col- U* H LOl X ors. _Here-to-fore $5.75 Dainty practical styles, _ 1. Fancy Organdies, Voiles, ' I P |*fjT /. fashionable colors. Here to-fore $8.75 to $12.75. T v | $2.50 Silk Hose for $1.45 I $2.00 Silk Hose for $1.25 $1.50 Silk Hose for 75c Jl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers