BBI.L JMII—S3S6 UNITED HAIiniSnUHG. FItIDAY, AUGUST 1, 1010 FOUNDED IST New Fall Styles in Saturday Specials In • Jack Tar Middy Dresses I HlStOry RcpCfltS ItSClf. YcS 9 (Old | SSiltk t Cotton And Wool I Once More We Are Holding the I Dress Fabrics mother who shows good taste in ; O ffi Fer own dress knows the advan- ||| IB SILKS 1,500 yards, 36 to 40-inch printed Fou ; j'i \ tage of keeping the little girls qN tL 1 /" r \ /"" | i • jjfi lards and Crepe de Chine. Dark and medium grounds / N / abreast with Fashion's changes. k;'j /\ 11 Wll O 1/3 C J"T" -* i -mm i 4"i ~* -/• r* Xl with white or contrasting figures. Plenty Navy and l Some of the many things in'for | iXUgUSI M SllC V/I JL I Black; $1.89 yard. L—-" are tke new midd y dresses and W, ' 36-inch Fancy Silks, Satin Stripes or Plaids on JjJ [] i\\ Flouses. ffl And customers are coming in with repeat orders. That is they were so well pleased with the y§ Over 100 stvlps tn cpf 0 cdso Louisines. I' A The Jack Tar Middy Dresses are m styles and values received that many have come in and bought additional pieces and suites. One worn- m „u: rt nr • A ci ro A i lOm ' I ° S e * or || 11', : i V prettily made of Jean, Hague cloth |p an who bought generously last year came in again for several additional pieces.' "I wish I were furnish- ffl wais , yard. . I Ijf I j anc } Belgian cloth. 1 hey come in yp ing my home all over again," she sqid, "just for the fun of picking out the lovely things, especially |jfj WASH GOODS—32-inch Fine Imported and \ 'Aj-A P la ' in whit s and white with navy, yd when you know how much happiness they can bring." The furniture which has gone before it is Qp Domestic Gingham; good range of colorings in plaids yJ. re d and Copen trimming. \ oke |y serving as a better advertisement than we could write of what our August Sale means. fu and stripes; 59c vard. Ifjf back and front belt and pockets. Co We invite your inspection of the following. A deposit holds any purchase for future delivery. Id 36 to 44-inch Plain or Printed VniUc • M Braid trimmed, with emblem on ffi Bowman's Club Plan is a convenient method of taking care of later payments, if so desired ffl to mch l Jain or Inned \ odes, large assort sleeve. Silk tie or lacing at neck. fcj P a > so aesnea. uj ment of colors and figures; 48c yard. \i Sizes 2 to 6 and 6 to 14, at $2.95, IW • r 36-inch Satin Striped Voiles; light and dark colors, $3.95, $4.50, $5.50, $6.50 and $9.50. JiM <f l|f H F'W H A Navj' and Copen Blues; 65c yard. Girls'middy blouses, 6to 14 years. Made of Jean |jf| |(|f|ij jll 1 llmj *f== ! 36-inch Silk Overweave Habutine. A most com twill, Hague and Belgian cloth. All white or color f|| yi | m\\ ' li^ IIM , 11 m "'^ a ppl | plete assortment of best colors, most suitable for trimmed with and without emblem and tie; $1.50, ||| | ■jltllri \| | EP dress, also fine underclothes; 3 self-colored designs; Flannel middies _ are to be popular this fall among j m & "WOOL DRESS GOODS—4B-inch White Em * girls 6to 14. We have them in navy and red, braid tp broidered French Serge. The embroidery is richly trimmed. Just the thing for outing, camping and . ffl worked, black on white or white on white; $3.50 yd. sport wear; $6.95. Lkl vjllCCn Atinc DedrOOm SuitC, $166 A 54-inch W 00l Jersey; five good shades; $1.85 yard. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. J A ra ' 40-inch Silk and Wool Poplins and Crepes; $1.59 |M Natural finished Satin gum; consisting of dresser, men's chiffrobe, full size bed, triple mirror fjf yard. jyj dressing table. August Furniture Sale price, 4 pieces, $166.00. gh BOWMAN'S- Main Floor. W^nmpnl^inl r \ pofr A —______— A , uuicii a i IIIK \ cbLS -roc g Louis XVI Period Bedroom Suite Chippendale Period Dining Suite. | p^ er Stockings 55c A choice of women's pink light weight Swiss 1 S t4."2Q n5 i ribbed vests made from strong fine gauge yarn. g $179.00 I Women's black and white fiber silk stockings. 1 hese are garments for comfort. Ihe vests are m . . m A cioditLr ond i,- „ -.i_ , f made low neck, sleeveless, trimmed and they are IP American Burl Walnut suites consisting of Antique Mahogany; dust proof petition. All fe] ! lisle tops and lisle sole-55c eas ic attractive values at the special price of 43c. M r Amencan url Walnut suites consisting of mahogany mterior of drawers and cupboard . | bsle tops and lisle sole, soc. |y four pieces: Dresser, men s chiffrobe, full size Large buffet with mirror, china closet and 54- M ! BOWMAN-S Main Floor ly bed, triple mirror dressing table. August Furni- " 1(dl extension table, five side chairs and large ffl M tnre Sale nrire $179 00 host chair. August Furniture Sale, 9 pieces, ffl | 00 ture -3 a J e P rice > s sl '9.uu. 5h439 00 nn i , t T t • - Half Price on Men's And | ITTII 1 ° rs ets In Leading Makes IS .- —--p> A A new corset always makes a better foundation for Rnvs Kltnincr m >MI I ffl a new garment than a corset which has been worn 2— cIL n G?ulLj [pj Hill" ~fl ffl for ? ome t^ e - our collection consists of leading at , n ,-o ... 0 , ' kN 1 fl "|f = 1 Si "makes." They come in sizes and styles suitable for Men s and Cluldien s Bathing Suits; a small lot of bM Liy s- ~ J pi women of all types and builds, and selections to satis men's and children's bathing suits. Some part wool A |\( Ippfe- \\ j/ p 1|A —Si fy one and all can easily be chosen from the displays, and some all cotton. || 4 9 V ll Flesh colored elastic top corsets in coutil, fine qual- A good assortment to choose from, but not all A vuT fe) ity; $1.25 and $1.50. sizes in all styles; exceptional value; One-half Price. : ffl 1 H§ Brocade elastic top corsets in flesh; $2.00. , TP, fo . TP. • T t—v. . , wi Fine quality; flesh coutil elastic top corsest; $2.50 r • m Queen Anne Period Dining- Room Suite, $279 m and $3.00. ! ra ' m Broche corsets in elastic top; $3.50. fy American Walnut. Suite consists of large 60-inch buffet, new design of china closet with drawers o| Dainty novelty corsets with clastic top; sizes 20 to Y in bottom, large 54-inch extension table, 5 leather seat chairs and one host chair. August Furniture ffi 26; $4.00. _ S3 Sale, 9 pieces, $279.00. ' Rll Pink and white elastic top corsest; fine quality; T7 vtro tit! m $3.50 and $5.00. CI |g yy BOWMAN'S-Second Floor. o B Mattresses Specially Priced T 3U hummer | , k , Ams , Fu „ iwr , Sak | Garbage Cans "T\ m Genuine Silk Floss Mattress; 100 per cent, all Java Floss, high grade Art Ticking. ust I jJI Must Covers k C/ICSSCS © Furniture Sale, one piece for full size bed, $21.75. m Imperial Felt Mattress; double stitched edges; full round roll, closely tufted. High grade ffi The Health Department has decreed . . M ticking; one or two parts. August Furniture Sale, $19.75. " that the day of the peach basket, wood- T.UAISTHtII U* If! Bowman Roll Edge Felt Mattress; art ticking, well made. August Furniture Sale, $15.95. NN en box, pasteboard box and other open Mf! ■ HJ || Cotton combination mattress; one or two parts; all sizes. August Furniture Sale, $7.95. g receptacles is past. The garbage col- m *———————————————————, ________A lector is not obliged to take garbage 1 > ■ T , „„ , i , r - , 13 m from anything but covered metallic clearance. Beautifully fashioned in q Xt- I 1 11 wmPa y You j EARLY CLOSING-T S,orecloses I georgette a toT hTvt j | To Be Among j/ /-iW Saturdays at | Ex,ract Frnm straight lines finished at waist with crush ffl The Earlv Birds -Ait -Jk. JkSo Six OVlnelc flf f The contract with the garbage collector says: "All satin girdles. Others with tunic and pep- NjM ; g ine nany Diras SIX U clock W g arbage sha u be co „ ccte | in wter tight cov / red me . nine ects. \f S Rn _, Nl<! „ m tallic cans, that can be easily and quickly handled by You may select a very desirable street • BOWMAN s-rttth Floor For Fine Furniture. g one man. ** * 3 or afternoon frock here for practically "These receptacles shall have a capacity of no less w hat the material alone would cost, in j— —————_________than three or more than 10 gallons." * * * SOr £? n°An P rc tty moddls. Very special i a T l~\£. lI7L 'a a_ "If these rules are not observed by the household .it s 0.00. V? llltC r OOtWC3.r contractor is relieved from making collection." BOW p ANS " The Health the City Officials and 1 Included in this Midsummer Clearance are Women's and Misses' Pumps, Colonials and Oxfords in Garbage Cans Specially Priced lu* , a variet y embracing all the season's approved models. The saving indicated will attract every woman |T\.. who needs new white footwear for any occasion to carry her through the rest of the summer. in This Health Campaign r o.White canvas pumps, high and low heels $4.35 :jj . White canvas oxfords; high and low heels $5.35 Galvanized Household Garbage Cans with tight rm I \o6lS te u " B^ k P um P s a " d ox f ord s, high and low heels . $6.35 j fitting cover and bail handle; 75c. \ /ill lii\ Women S white canvas lace shoes; leather military heels, $6.35 f Galvanized garbage can, larger size with cover, 98c \ vV omens white kid oxfoids; women s white Nu-buck lace shoes, Vx Galvanized garbage can with tight fitting cover ) (L or ' ow Feels $7.35 an d Fail handle; 8 gallon capacity; $1.50. V__ U J C. O. D. NO EXCHANGES. ALL SALES FINAL Galvanized garbage can with tight fitting cover BOWMAN'S-Mam Floor. and bail handle; 10 gallon capacity; $1.98. —^ COWMAN'S—Basement. FRIDAY EVENING, - BLAJRRISBTTRG TELEGRAPH AUGUST 1, 1919. 3
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