l\ I I"! S ummer Clearance I 1 their staple merchandise at such big as Begins w To=dav" 1 >ns you are reading about daily, but this is the test of the policy <= *7 V lar methods of doing business when they know full well that \ lace from the manufacturers than the low prices it is being ustands of customers and friends we have and we look after (ly wants to cut do\ra expenses wherever possible. We have j Saturday l tier goods, so that there will be nothing left : frorn season to Night I -Every dollar you spend will net you a bigger Wf'WR ©Of . dividend than any other investment you could possibly make—Clothing ' I J,-:.|lk M: .\| and wearing apparel you MUST have no matter what it costs, but you can buy many W \ 1 'Sti H Sale' I j^ e4#lt l ies wi&what you will save at Doutrichs Big Semi-Annual Clearance rejjnH' 1L 829. / 5 I Ail $2.00 Underwear ~ $1.59' ! I •• • • fr.i I- /n f All $2.50 Underwear $1,89 4 [""PP™ 1"."!'. i P"T~ ——j j oor ry** I All c? fin it A 1 * Brighton ; j All $1.50 B. V. D. { : All 50c Monito I Sosw> f All $3 0Q Underwear $2.39 j ! f / i I „ • , 0 s39 7£ j All $4.00 Underwear $3.39 ' | ' WC j j j I Hosiery, 39c | 1 Q/IO f*? f* J All $5.00 Underwear $3.89 *, * i \\ . " 1 \ i ''''" 1 i P"'" I ' | A!! $6.00 Underwear $4.69 I ! i I AU 50c Pioneer | j Bluck Sateen and\ | S4S / P J 5 I $1.69 } i Suspenders, IQr : ■ 9 *J> tl-Vll vfff Vlr I'W II wl 01/ .l ift 1, L .J*l I OJTLY 2TO A CUSTOMER j J _ j \ QQq [ ar > Neckwear, Pajamas, Hats, Caps, All Sweaters Marked Down j 01 dPik 'Q. ~ Every Shirt in our entire store is in the Semi-Annual S Clearance Sale—-All Silk, Madras, Percale, Mercerized and Work Shirts. f| i%Mr A'.. wift y&ik '■ All $l-50 Shirts ...$1.19 AU $5.85 Silk Shirts ~..,,,,...$4.89 I MfWl /MlfW trWih 1 AD 52.00 Shirts $1.59 AU $6.85 SUk Shirts .$5.89 : V Wi Y/ jMT mffl '? AU $2.50 Shirts $1.89 AU $7.85 SUk Shirts $6.89 j\ x Wi I vif bH L trW' 4 AU $3.50 Shirts $2.89 AH $8.85 Silk Shirts ...,..$7.89 M JWW MM <£&> If '= AU $5.00 Shirts $3.89 AU $lO.OO Silk Shirts $8.89 tf'lll\/f Itf/tff(lii' ! fits 50 '' HarriBburg I ® 4 1 f $1.89 "■ AT ** ™ liLl II Penna. I >,.... yfa yii i W n A 'A ■ >ftr i Vh " tflt ■ tlb ■ ift n%Hi ■ Q Q"W' FRIDAY EVENING, EXiaUSBUROIfittmEQRXFB AUGUST 1, 1919. 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers