OUR GREAT AUGUST FURNITURE SALE With the Finest Collection of Medium and High Grade Home Furnishings Ever Displayed in Harrisburg MORE THAN 100 BEAUTIFUL PERIOD SUITES FOR YOUR SELECTION at prices that cannot be equalled anyivhere. Our reputation for FIRST QUALITY and LOW PRICES is not just TALK; we deserve this reputation, for ice do sell BETTER GOODS for LESS MONEY than can be purchased elsewhere. 9- Piece Adam Suite . . . . . $125.00 liffl mmum I ■■■■■! Walnut, Mahogany or Ivory finish. Bed, Dresser, Chifforet and Dressing Table. 4 Piece Adam Suite . .... $175.00 EH _ - -! j ii \j —— s: i 1 ■■ . If alnut, Mahogany or Ivory finish; four pieces complete. William and Mary Suite: inßurll-Walm^ it $250.00 > our choice of any three pieces of exquisite suite. This suite must be seen to be appreciated. Adam Suite of Large Proportions . $275.00 jQ Designed for a large bedroom. Any three pieces you wish. Genuine Burll (figured) Walnut; 48-inch Dresser with 30x38-inch glass. All dustproof drauers. FROM THE CHEAPEST THAT IS GOOD TO THE BEST THAT CAN BE BOUGHT THURSDAY EVENING, Opens Tomorrow Friday August Ist. Make Your Purchases Now Reservations May Be Made For Later Delivery A Deposit of One-Fourth of Your Purchase Is Required. Liberty Bonds Accepted HOOVEB FURNITURE CO. |\ 1415-19 North Second Street . Open Every Evening | 23 W. Main St., Carlisle Bed Davenport Suites $llO.OO Fumed Oak, Mahogany or Golden Oak finish. Upholstered in Tapestry or Brown Spanish Mule skin. 9 Piece Colonial Dining Suite $125 Genuine Quartered Oak Buffet, China Cabinet, Table and six Chairs. 9 Piece Walnut Dining Suite $3OO Louis XV Buffet, 66-inch length; massive China Cabinet, 54-inch Table, six Chairs, covered with genuine leather. 9 Piece Italian Renaissance Suite $425.00 Elegantly finished in Antique Mahogany. The very best furniture that skill can produce. All massive pieces. OOVED Furniture CoT I 1415-19 N. Second St. *■ Open Every Evening 23 W. Main St., Carlisle HARRISBTJRG TELEGRAPH OUR TREMENDOUS VOLUME OF BUSINESS AND SMALL EXPENSE make it possible for us to sell goods at a very small margin of profit. Our aim is to give every customer 100 cents, value for every ollar they spend here. THE AUGUST SALE offers you even better values than can be had at any other time. 10 Piece Queen Anne Suite $235.00 Jacobean finish. Buffet, Table, China Cabinet, Server, six Chairs. Mahogany Frame Suite. $llO.OO Genuine Blue or Brown Spanish Leather or Tapestry Upholstery. Well finished frames. \ Over Covered Tapestry Suite . $225.00 Loose spring-filled cushions, deep seats, spring edge and backs; beautiful silk-finish tapestry. Much above the ordinary. An Exquisite Adam Suite . $350.00 Without doubt one of the finest suites we have ever shown. Finished in Brown Mahogany. Excellent case work. JULY 31, 1919. 7
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