STORE CLOSES jtfQ*A STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX BELL. 1001—2356 UNITED HARRIS BURG, WEDNESDAY, JULY 30, 1010 ~ • i f <■■ j v" ~ Pillows have but three short hours in which to do your ' &ilpPlii^W—! Bright hued cretonne pillow cases, scarfs, cushion shopping tomorrow. tops, centerpieces and table covers add a new at-\ and designs; P B9c, $1.19 and fILSa 088 ' Van ° US C ° lorS ~y\) / x"Tf/ r / T T A 0 1 r m 1 n~l ?' Balsam pillows having manv different verses and ' omorrow Is Another of asr' s M „ t which mows tnm , h e fir ,;-3sc Stencilled scarfs, 17x54 inches with floral designs; Courtesy Days For the Inspection $1.75. / 1 —1* I—>1 —> • T-v Cushion tops, matching above; 98c. or Our rine Furniture Preced- aSStr* design Mid-Summer Clearance Of • , * c , cen btacftrLid ; p withcretonne , p , IR§ tflC AUgUSt iSnIC s2l9 arf ' t0 m atch a b°ve;sl.7s. Table cover to match, Women S I Limps 3.11(1 Cretonne cushion top with scalloped edge, bound Even though the sale does not begin until Friday morning, you will appreciate the opportunity w l th b,ack : sl-00. Oxfords °* saunterin S U P one aiide and down another, contemplating what particular style of suite or odd i rable cover ' SESO. Scarf, $1.25; matches with piece is best suited for your particular purpose. a ove ' BOWMAN- s-secona Floor. Yes, we know some people say were foolish to cut Bowman's "Fifth Floor For Fine Furniture" has become a familiar phrase as one pleased cus- the prices of good shoes when prices are going up at tomer after another tells a friend to be sure and come here before deciding on what to choose It's End of Month Sale in a rapid rate. But we want women to know more of really immaterial whether you come here first or after you have been elsewhere. The mental im- this shoe department and we are determined to carry r i,__ j„__ j • • j ji i j c e . .... , meiiuti im no stocks over for next summer. But the wise buyer Passion of handsome des.gns in dependable grades of furn.ture w.U be a lasting one. 1 V f J will choose now and have good wear out of them chis lou cannot fail to be favorably impressed as we endeavor to choose only such furniture as I/( )U|U jLI vS season and have new shoes to begin next year's measures up to the Bowman standard of reliability and artistic workmanshin at the most moderate * spring and summer season. price obtainable. moderate Patent Coltskin, Brown Calfskin, Black Kidskin, w 'll L- l ♦' u jj i- Serviceable fabrics for every day use that one can Brown Kidskin and Black suede in pumps and ox- f e ™ mak * BUch reservations as you choose and deliver after August first or hold it in stor- scarcely ever & et to ° m . u f h of - When specially priced fords; some with leather military or leather Louis a g e for a later delivery date if preferred. economy replenish your supply, heels, also the dressier kind with the full Louis XV ,• , a la , s f irtln £ Pl cbes Wlde in good patterns; heels. Very Special at $+.35, $5.35, $6.35 and $7.35. Flfth Floor For Flne Furnlture - "Sjjt and dark colors; yard. * Bleached sheets, 72x90; center seam. Made nf BOWMAN'S Main Floor. - , good quality muslin; 3-inch hem at top; $1.39 each. 7" 7 ! nf Tnil#** Bleached sheeting, 81 inches wide; cut from the Women's Bathing Socks 1 UIICL /AIULICS j Wnmnn'c piece; standard make; 69c yard. n UUICII 3 Owlbo JVIDDCQ Dress gingham in two and three colored plaids; cut • / ,73 Senreco tooth paste; Mavis cream; 19c and i ~ from the piece; 27 inches wide; 16c yard. special at (DC 2 lc 43c _ 9Q r* Bleached sheets, 81x90. Made of best quality . , . , „ , Dentifrice; 19c Listerine; 19c and 39c V CoLo ti/L sheeting; no dressing. Noted for their wearing and Women s fancy striped fashioned silk bathing Chlorox* 45c Parisian sage; 39c laundering qualities; $1.98 each, socks greatly reduced; 73c. Woodbury's soao * 19c Palmer's Almond A light weight cotton Swiss ribbed vest, low BOWMAN-S— second Floor. BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. y Meal;2lc neck, sleeveless trimmed. Made from fine oual- —— Castile; 3 for 25c ity yarn with strength for good service. A spe- Women's White Stockings cakes' for 25c I e Ij I Regular and extra sizes, 29c. I Men's Night Shirts, $1.29 I' Hone y and almond 450 Boxes of BOWMAN-s — M a, n FOO, 3 1 Special Thursday Morning, 89c soap: 3 cakes for 25c ] Men ' s hi^h & rade mght Shirts made from L-Ame powder; 39c KOUge and strong medium weight cambric, trimmed and f Women's white full fashioned stockings; seconds. Piping Rock; 19c r j I HPTP C\ t"P ]VT tl V A n f"Q Cre*Q plain. Made full size for comfort; $1.29. Medium weight fine thread silk with lisle top and Miro-Dena; 89c Compact Powder j A iICI C C /\U V BOWMAN-S Main F.OO, feet. An exceptional value for Thursday forenoon; Butterfly talcum; 19c T -> 89c pair. Babcock's Corplopsis at i In Buying Your Furs Now bowmans Main taicums;isc 21c 2l BOX Women's Pnnt"<; La Bonite talcum; 39c You have all the advantages of early selection— HCII 3 1 ailLSy JC)C Special Lot of t L r °;;; R^lar size box wilh firSt ChOOSing ° f ,he new fUrS aS they COme in ready Women-, light weight cotton ribbed pants; trim- : £- 91 ' P uff and mirror, every _ for Fall and Winter. Then you know from the med. An exceptional value at the reduced price of ; shade in flesh and upward price tendency of the market on most all P a^r - Cerate cream; white; 21c box. merchandise, that you gain the advantage of buying F '° o " 11 rfIPC .OWMAN's—Main Floor. furs that wereordered months ago. Andif we re- TAj Thcf Art- Mrvcb JL W place them with later purchases, the probabilities are JVIIIIOIIOS 1 IlaL Alt IVIOSt ===========================; n * t% /T i tbat we will have t0 pa y niore or them and you would • Prices That Meet All the Require- Petticoats m Many Colors nautrahy have to pay m? re. - Charming in Design — 2 burs like diamonds should be purchased from a A J r 1 i 1 * • tr • r ments of Style at Prices That Are the W\anted Color Tones reliable source. Bowman's furs are from selected j And Uolorilll in 1 heir Variety of — T 77 I 7 : Z pelts by reliable makers and lined with best materials. Figured and Plain Effects Meed Fery Special Are Here in VariOUS Fabrics thirty-inch Hudson* Light weight cotton Tepe _ v, M tinn ennenn i , , I 0 . of selected skin, with genuine X kimonos in refreshing shades of old acation .eason is here and I Such a diversity of attractive styles Beaver collar and bell shaped PAf rose, Copenhagen, lavender and exei > oman wants a nice j ai ? 9 lla bty fabrics to select from. sleeves. purple, trimmed in ribbon of same ZjrK pm ' Se t0 Carry with her , either A< I lh, ese beautiful petticoats have been A j ap M ink coat made of color - Belts at wai st line and /OTA !i\ at the shore, cottage or where- /ykjV ®f lgned a "5 a P^- ringr , J ine . s ' adm ir- rich pelt that one can scarcely with sa sh. Other models in pale Jj.JfjLA in Jgggg&EffS' ever she may chance to be. We /f\ -yy)h y su its to the fashionable slender sil- resist. Its youthful lines wii4 pink and light blue in figured ma- 1 believe we have just the very ouette ' appeal to the most tastefully terials, straight loose lines, trimmed foMf kind that will be sure to please JK§| Black cotton and -sateen skirts in dressed person. filßlflßft in shirred ribbon; $2.48. A varied and beautiful assort- H a " d . blue ; pleated Th en there is the beautiful JUkHyS Kimonos in figured crepes in<on- UAimi r . , , . , Mn and ruffled flounce in plain and figured „.; f u lk, vz iftPlfflßllr V trasting shades or rose, pink, dark VI able style and priced a ° k a £ s ln every conceiv- H material; SI.OO, $1.25, $1.75 to $1.98. and ligbt blutt tttn s rrt y turd ill In our Stockton will find both top strap and hack ■ "° W ' M strap, long and short handles in black and all the D ] e tan j . go ' P And Marmot coats, thirty JiLTW Empire waists, elastic belt and \ 1 good colors; all beautifully lined and fitted with mir- |K| Tu -it -.u 1- \ • r, , inches; good serviceable coats straight lines; $2.98, $3.50, $3.98, lA \ ror; some with mirror, coin purse and memorandum HUfll ~U s i. lk Wlt stripe flounce and i n r i c h Kolinsky shade. #/ $4.75 and $5.95. with pencil. _ Wack'■ $2 98"" Prices on Fur coats range Charming crepe de chine kimonos Jf In such leathers as seal, pin and crepe, Indian goat, . garnet, navy and black, $2.98. from $135.00 ' \vll HI Will/ in pale Copenhagen, Pekin and dark Limb's leather, calf alligator, eckrasa and vachette, f ub f dk lr U° Be ' tan ' navy 'X r ® en and Meek r>; e ces and Muffs to - - niAW blue P ale yellow, orange, lavender, plum, pale pink prices from SI.OO to $22.50. . ray Wlth ruffled flounces; $3.50. match in Fox Wolf Mink BHf Mm® and rose ' Either hemstitching or embroidered in self A splendid line of finger purses in colors and black. Taffetas in changeable shades of blue, green, rose Stnnc Marien 'sniiirre'l \ / ill or contrasting shades. High waist line without Nice to carry in bag or pocket as we'll as in hand; 50c and P ur P le > with fancy flounces; $3.50 to $7.50; ex- , Mole and Hudson Seal - frnm fPlpfpH -/fJffP™ belts; $5.95, $6.50, $11.50, $15.00 and $17.50. 75c and SI.OO. tra sizes, $5.75 to $7.50. $19.50 up ' Also handsome old rose and blue kimonos with Beauty boxes of odd shapes. From the very small Petticoats with Jersey tops and tub silk flounces w ;11 enw -, u * flo TT g V? eorg ' e i t s sleeves and beautiful beaded case to that which is quite large; fitted and unfitted, in Copenhagen, rose, purple, green and blue; $3.98. They are lined with beautiful shades of silk to match All Tersev in black nnml* ta,,nF and fonnn g 2 } M Figured Jap Silk kimonos, sleeves in Japanese ef the leather; $2.50 to $7.50. haeen"^wiS ? 'A ? < ° St '"V " fect; large Collar ' ribbon trimmed with cordin & at MWMAV . lf , nagen with pleated flounce, $4.25 to $7.50. mediate use for a fur garment. waist line; dark blue and purple back grounds; $12.50. •OWMAiN S—Main Floor. feoxv\riM' mum •OWMAN 8-Tblro Floor. aowUAN R-Thlrd Flonr. FH WEDNESDAY EVENING, BARRISBURO TELEGRAPH JULY 30, 1919. 3
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