10.000 WANT TO MARCH IN PARADE TO GEN. LIGGETT Reading, Pa., July 28.—Up to to day organizations which will parade here next Alonday in honor of the homecoming visit of Lieut. General Hunter Liggett, commander of the American First Army against the Germans, had reported a total of 10,000 members. General Liggett is one of Reading's most distinguished sons and he and his wife will be guests of the city, arriving from New York next Alonday at noon. The lavish decorations bear out the spirit of the determination of the city to greet General Liggett as "Reading's greatest son." Ambition Pills For Nervous People The great nerve tonic the fam ous Wendell's Ambition Pills that will put vigor, vim and vitality Into nervous tired out, all in, despondent people in a few days in many In stances. Anyone can buy a box for only 50 cents, and all good druggists are au thorized by the maker to refund the purchase price it anyone is dissatis fied with the first box purchased. Thousands praise them for gen era) debility, nervous prostration, mental depression and unstrung nerves caused by over-indulgence in alcohol, tobacco or overwork of any kind. F'or any affliction of the nervous eystem, Wendell's Ambition Pills are unsurpassed, while for hysteria, trembling and neuralgia they are simply splendid. Fifty cents at all good druggists and dealers every where. Coal Production Dangerously Below the Safety Line The National Coal Associa tion has prepared a chart cov ering the coal consumption dur ing 1917-1918, and up to June of the present year, there is a safety line- When the record is below that line there is NOT ENOUGH coal ior people and their industries. Production has been on the wrong side of the safe ty line since January. Conditions ah house holders to fill their bins at once. H. M. Kelley & Co. 1 N, 3rd St 10th &. State Sts. On the trail Ut alon & the °pen road, where the traffic-creep is unknown, the speedometer has ample opportunity to record the performance of the Mlles of steady rolling with here a grade and there a declivity— good, average driving that demonstrates either the worth or worthless ness of the gasoline. Atlantic Gasoline stands well the test of the long trail. Excess mileage is bred in its bones. It is made to a definite quality standard that is adhered to rigorously. Use Atlantic Gasoline in your passenger-cars and trucks regu larly for better mileage. THE ATLANTIC REFINING COMPANY Philadelphia Pittsburgh AT L A N T I C Gasoline Puts Pep in "Your Motor TUESDAY EVENING, CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA NEWS] Nine Pinned Under Auto; One in Hospital Bniiibridgc, Pa., Julv 29.—While ascending Burkholder's Hill, a mile west of Bainbridge, an automobile containing nine persons upset pin ning the occupants beneath. Two persons were injured. Mrs. R. H. Storm, of Hhrrisburg, who sustained a crushed arm and a four-year-old girl, who suffered a broken nose. The automobile was being driven by R. H. Storm, of Harrisburg, and contained his wife, his wife's sister and six children. In attempting to shift from high gear to second, Storm put in the reverse and the car ran into a bank and turned tur tle. Dr. Steaver, of Bainbridge, at tended the injured and sent Mrs. Storm to the Harrisburg hospital. Mr. Storm was lacerated about the face and body. The others re ceived minor bruises. Shortly after the accident H. X. Koser, of I-andisville, came along in his automobile and found the entire party pinned beneath the machine, unable to extricate them selves. He used a jack to lift tiie car off the injured and was surpris ed to find that only one was ser iously hurt. WILLI VMSTOW.N Wlltlnmstown. July 29.—Joseph Davidson, of Branclulale, spent Sun day with his sister, Mrs. Bessie Sliammo. Harry Hunter, of Hamsburg, a former resident, spent a few days with town friends. Miss Carrie Thompson, of Lemoyne is spending her vacation at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stinner. Mr. and Mrs. George Fetterhoff. of Fisherville, motored to town Sun day. Airs. John Dyer and son. John, are visiting her brother George Motter, and family, at Wilkes-Barre. William Host, employed at Harris burg. spent the week end with his family in town. Mr. and Mrs. George McCurdy, of Coatesville, spent Sunday in town with relatives. Harry Dinger, of Millersburg, was a Sunday visitor at the home of his brother John. J IST BEPOItK BETIIIING Take lloraford'a Acid Phouptiate Relieves thirst and fatigue, refreshes the system and rests a wearied brain. ANY GRIEVOUS SKIN TROUBLE NEEDS POSLAM Treatment of your skin with pos lan will as once discourage and sen the hold of that eruptlotwil dis order, The trouble should annoy you very tittle now and soon you may contemplate with satisfaction the clear, smooth spot where u used to be, Postara prevents oneotaintf erup tions, speedily reduces redness of the nose or eotitplesion. Removes in fiamrnation, soreness and outbreak ing* due to prickly peat, pimples, hives abrasions and is prompt to heal eieiyerna and other annoying skin troubles, gold everywhere. For free sample write to Fraergene y laboratories, 24$ West <7th St,, New York City."" Poelaru Soap is a daily treat to tender skin. Contains Posiana. Body of Mrs. D. G. Neiper Laid to Rest: at Lykens I.ykcns, Pa., July 29. Funeral services were held here last Friday over the remains of Mrs. D. G. Nei per, whose body was brought here for burial. The Rev. Mr. Smith, of Williamstown, and the Rev. C. S. Jones, of Lykens, officiated at the cemetery. Mrs. Neiper formerly lived here, having been a resident for 42 years until nine years ago when she went to Williamstown to make her home with her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Illes. Three daugh ters, Mrs. Thomas Illes, Mrs. Witmer and Mrs. George Svitts survive. She was born in Montgomery county, June 13, 1835, a daughter of Jacob Johnson. She was the oldest resi dent, being 84 years old. Gustave Meinhardt is entertaining one of his daughters. Mrs. Lloyd Klinger, of Philadelphia. Air. and Mrs. Samuel Byerly, of Big Run, visited the Byerly home stead at Wiconisco. Captain G. M. Stewart and wife, of Belvidere, X. Y., are seen among Lykens friends. They are former residents. Mrs. James Newton, of Philadel phia, is hotup for the summer with her parents, Air. and Mrs. Sebastian Schreimer. Aliss Edith Bateman, of Atlantic City, is visiting old friends here, her former home. Charlie Schreimer and wife, of Wilmington, Del., are the guests of the former's parents, Sebastian Schreimer and wife. Airs. Baker and son, Orien, of Connecticut, are visiting Airs. Thom as Aloyer, of Big Run. Miss Laura Sudors, of Big Run, is spending some time with Air. and Airs. Edward Alartz. Albert Byerly and wife, of Big Run, have gone to Williamstown, where they will reside. Kathryn Short, of Waterloo, Pa., spent the past week with Air. and Mrs. John Troutman, at Big Run. Air. and Airs. C. H. Koch. of Philadelphia, and children are visit ing the latter's parents, Mr. and Airs. Samuel Byerly, of Big Run. Edward Hawk and wife, of North Second street, are entertaining their sons, Russel of Milton, and Alyron, of Harrisburg. Airs. V. G. Slitchell is entertain ing Mrs. Enoma E. Bannon, of Steel ton, and sister. Airs. Edward Sellers, of Dauphin. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Row. of Har risburg. are visiting Airs. Harry Miller. Mrs. Ella Mlnnich has the follow ing guests: Her son, Charles Maur rer, Harrisburg. and daughter Car rie, and Mr, and Mrs. Roy Swab, of Shaft. Pa. Miss Beatrice Mitchell has return ed home from a three week's visit to 8c ran ton, Ray Lebo, wife and children, of Shaft, are guests of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Lebo, GRANGE PICNIC, AUGUST 0. Halifax, Pa„ July 29, The an. nual pjcflie of the Haiifa* Grange, No, 1343, will be held In Millers Grove at Fisher-viUe, on Saturday, August 9, A festival will be hela in the evening, AfETHODIOTS WILL PICNIC llummclsUHni, July 29, —The an nual picnic of the Methodist Sunday school fit town will he held #t pa?- tang Part-: on Thursday.. A pleas ing program of entertainment has hee prepared. BAKEUSBURG TELEGRAPH Prosecuted For Selling Milk Below Standard Columbia, July 2 9.—AI. AI. Buelt ong, a local dairyman, and Adam S. Hartman, butcher, have been prosecuted before 'Squire Lutz, by State officials, charged with selling milk below the legal standard. They were not required to give bail and have not been notified of the time for the hearing. The sam ples of milk on which the prosecu tions were entered were taken on Alay 16 by State agents. LIVERPOOL Liverpool, July 29.—Dr. George AI. Bogar attended the Perry County Medical Association picnic at Lovs j ville. j R. F. Yoder, wife and two sons, of j McConnellsburg, are visiting the for | mer's parents. Air. and Airs. John | Yoder. Airs. W. C. McCloskey and daugh ter, Aliss Alary, a teacher in the high school at Long Branch, N. J„ visited here over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. \V. W. Hoiman. Air. and Mrs. William Coleman, Air. and Airs. Harry Iverstetter and son of Lewistown, the Rev. John Saun ders and family, of Peeksville, N. Y. and the Rev. Frank Saunders and family, of New Kingston, visited the Rev. A. B. Coleman and family. Air. and Airs. K, J. Shuman and son David, of Catawissa, Aliss Alary Went and Airs. Gordon Lesher, of Sunbury, were recent visitors here with Dr. W. G. Morris and family. Mr. and Airs. Luther Erlenmeyer and daughter Evelyn, are visiting relatives in Washington, D. C. Prof, and Airs. George Lyter and children, of AlontoursviUe, are visit ing relatives here. H. E. Ritter, of the State Insurance Department, spent the week-end at his home here. Mrs. Edward Hawkins and daugh ter, of Canton, are visitors with Air. and Airs. Dougherty. Charles G. Goodling, who is em ployed in Harrisburg, visited here with his family this week. William Ulsh, of Sunbury, spent the week end here with his brother, Thomas Ulsh and family. Recent visitors here with Mr. and Airs. H. A. S. Shuler were George F. Leffer, wife and two sons of Pitts burgh, Airs. Clara Glelm nnd daugh j ter Florence of New York, Dan Lef fer, of Clearfield, Burleigh Peters, of Reedvllle, Airs. E. H. Leffer and daughters Alary and Gertrude and son Joseph, of Millersburg. HrMMELSTOWN HumfnclNtown, July 29.—John La Ross, of Allentown, Is spending sev eral days with his sister, Mrs. Alazle Wheeler. Charles Hale, of Huntingdon, W. Vs., returned home yesterday after spending the week with his parents, Mr, and Airs, John Hale, Harry Holsberg, of Harrisburg, spoilt yesterdy with his mother, Mrs. Fidelia Holsberg, Clair Blocker, of Philadelphia, spent yesterday with his parents, Mr, snd Airs, Clayton Stecker, Charles Ruff, recently returned from France, is visiting his friend, Charles Fausnacht, HEPI'BLfCAN NAMING MEETING ~Halifax, July ?9.—The Republi cans of Halifax township will hold fheir annual naming meeting at the Election House near the Halifax shoe factory on Saturday, August 16, I at 4 o'clock. P.. M, SERVICE FLAG HAS BEEN DEMOBILIZED [Continued frors Page 2.] dancer; George Windsor. Harris burg, skating boy; W. D. Fritz, llar- I risburg, country doctor, nnd Harry Mark, Harrisburg, country doctor's wife. In the junior grand march the following won the prizes: Miss Jane Houston, Carlisle, Spanish boy; Joseph P. Machlan, Harrisburg, Hawaiian lad; Miss Emma Kerr, Harrisburg, Pierrot, and John Hoover, Harrisburg, Hawaiian lassie. I A very delightful time was en- I joyed on Friday evening at Mrs. I Cassel cottage, "Oassel Castle," when | a wicnier roast nnd marsliallow toast j was held. The evening was spent iin enjoying many old fashioned ! songs and a lot of stories were told around the camp fire. The follow ing persons were present. Mrs. Bernhardt, Minerva Bernhardt, Catherine Bernhardt, Albert Smith, Mrs. Charlie Smith, Dorothy Smith, j Sara Smith, Sara llcss, Bud Hess, i Air. and Mrs. John Hoover, Alary Hoover, John Hoover, Mrs. C. A. Alay, Raymond May, Pauline Fritz, Emma Fritz, Pauline Anderson, Mrs. Charlie Jones, Lydia Totten. Alinnie Hummel, Airs. Stewart Aleals, Fred Hoffer, Mrs. William Dash, Mrs. J Koons, Clarine Guistwhite, Dorothy I Guistwhite, Alabel Guistwhite, Jackie | Guistwhite, Airs. Raskin, Mr. and Airs. Harlon Noel, Airs. Joe Houston, Jane Houston, Captain and Airs. W. B. Allen, Airs. Shupp, Jane Shupp, Mildred Shupp, Annie Osier, Alartha Osier, Dorothy Weaver, Catherine Greenfield, Robert Gardner, Katll- I erine Little, A'irginia, James and Stewart Little, Airs. Ed. Hilton. Wil liam Hilton, H. Wolf, John Aloltz, Hudson Hess, Donald Hess, Airs. John Reichert, Irma Keichert. John Reichert, Charlotte Crabbe, Arthur Gardner, Airs. George Dinger, Belva Dinger, Thedore lJoekman, Airs. Ezra Cassel, Airs. James Alachlan, Joe Alachlan and Katherine Alach lan. A straw ride was enjoyed last Thursday evening from Williams Grove to "Bubble Town," Boiling Springs, to the dance at the park. About 50 were in the party. John Aloltz, who has lately re turned from France, is visiting Wil liam Hilton, at his cottage, "Tec- Xic." Aliss Lilly Roth, Aliss Alary Hus ton and Aliss Alabel Wilbar, of Har risburg, spent the weekend as the guests of Katherine AI. Alachlan, at her cottage, "Outside Inn." l Air. and Airs. William Lytle and I daughter, Katherine Virginia Ethel, ,of Harrisburg. are visiting Air. and Airs. Charles Lytle at their cottage, "Welcome Inn." Air. and Airs. P. R. AlcGinnes and Air. and Airs. J. Frank Aleyers, of Harrisburg, and Catherine Good, of New Cumberland; Air. and Airs. R. E. Bratten, of Harrisburg, were the weekend guests of Air, and Airs. J. W. Finton at their cottage. Air. and Airs. AI. L. Potts, Air. and Airs. W. B. Brunner, of Har ] risburg, are spending a week or ten I days at their cottage, "The B's Hive." Alfred Brentz, Aliss Dorcus Slot hower, Aliss Hazel Howard and Air. and Airs. Walter Shope and daugh ter, Virginia, of Lemoyne, are visit ing Mr. and Airs. A. S. Bentz at their cottage, "This Way Inn." Airs, A, L. Buchanan and son, Itussel, New Cumberland, spent Sun day with Air. and Mrs. R. N. Sipe at their cottage. "Camp Do Little." Charles Koser, of Harrisburg, re turned home after spending his va cation at his cottage, "Camp Rest a-While," Mr, and Airs. Wendell Crabbe and son, Wendell, Jr., returned from Lykens to their cottage, "Dudrop inn," after spending a week at Ly kens, Aliss Gertrude Reel. Air. Roy Reel and Wyne Snyder, of Harrisburg, are spending two weeks as guests of Mr, and Airs, Ross Reel at their cottage. "The Zoo." Catherine Greenfield, of York county, and Frank Keister, of New Cumberland, spent the weekend as the guests of Air. and Airs. Bailey Osier at their cottage, "Seldom Inn." Air. and Airs, J. X. Hesson, daugh ters Agnes and Helen; Aliss Laura Ness, Air. and Airs. Herbert S. Shaef fer and Air. and Airs. Edgar Powell and son, Herbert, all of York, and J. C. Powell, of Carlisle, are visit ing Mr. and Airs. E. L. Faber at their cottage, "Yankee Camp." Theodore Morganthaler, of Har risburg, spent the weekend as guest of his aunt. Mrs. Charles Crabbe, at her cottage, "Sunset." Stewart Hess, Fred Alorgan and John Huston, of Harrisburg, were weekend guest--) of Mrs. Harry Hess a ther cottage, "ldyle Hour." Aire, AI, L. Shupp and daughters, I Alary, Mildred, Gladys and Jane, have opened their cottage, "Full-o'- Pun," for the rest of the summer. Airs. Frank McXannes nnd son, of Youngstown, Ohio, were weekend gucets of Aire. M. 1,. Shupp at her cottage, "Full-o'-Fun." CHILD'S PARTY HELD ON THIRD BIRTHDAY [Continued from Page 2.] tho day with Aliss Elizabeth Ford at Sentinel cottage. The Alisses ltawn, of North Second street, Harrisburg, who are located on the Chautauqua grounds for the summer, have Air. W. G. Hean as their weekend guest. Air. and Mrs. W. J. Snavel.v, of 224 North Twenty-second street, Harrisburg, motored here for a visit and are entertaining their niece, Aliss Sara Ellen AlcGinnis, of Steel ton. Airs. Charles AlcEnroe, of Harris burg, has returned home after a five weeks' visit among friends here. Mrs. E. F. Wurster entertained her mother, Airs. Sara Coleman, of 222 Harris street, Harrisburg, and her sister. Airs. Harry Anwyll, and daughter, Sara, during the past week. Air. and Airs. John Sweeney and children, of Harrisburg, are locoted at Alontra Villa on the Chautauqua grounds and have as their guests Airs. Sweeney's brother, E. J. Sln giser and family, of West Philadel phia. L. H. Tyson, of Harrisburg, and daughter. Airs. Scott Leiby and lit tle daughter, of Alarysville, motored here Saturday and will return Alon day, accompanied by Airs. L. H. Ty son, who has been visiting here for several weeks. Mrs. J. H. Harms, of Philadelphia; Mrs. Glasgow and Aliss Adele Glas gow, of Texas, who are summering on tho Chautauqua grounds, spent several days at Harrisburg as the guests of Miss Bert Maeyer, of 916 North Second street. Mrs. E, L. Rlnkenbach and little granddaughter, Mary Virginia Rlnk enbach, wero in Harrisburg on Wednesday, Miss Frances Hamilton has return ed from a visit to Philadelphia, The Misses Olive and Florence Slnglser are visiting at Alontra Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Luther Bowman and Miss Dorothy May Bowman are vis-] iting the Walzers. Miss Stella Denniston, of Kirks viile, Mo., a sister of Dr. Denniston, of Harrisburg, is visiting at Quentin cottage. William Fisher is the guest of Mrs. Elizabeth Quigley at the Idyl v.vld. Miss Dorothy Duncan and Miss I Florence Rinkenbach attended Miss I Getha High's announcement party at I her home, 910 Green street, Harris burg, Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Renner, of Harrisburg, lias ! returned home after visiting her I sister, Mrs. George Mcllhenny. | Mr. and Mrs. J. Fred Schofer and , Richardson Schofer, of Reading, are spending the weekend at Zembo cottage. Mrs. John C. Harlaclter has re turned to Pittsburgh, after a visit | with Mrs. J. C. Harlacker, at Vesta I cottage. Felix X. Banitch, of Astoria, L. I„ I arrived Saturday for a visit with William Richardson. Miss Gladys McDanel, of Iligh sp'.re, is visiting the Dennistons at Quentin cottage. Ralph Harlacker, Jr., of Williams, port, who has been the guest of j his grandmother, Mrs. J. C. Har lacker, has gone to York for a visit. Mrs. Morris Cooper, of Lancas ter,is visiting Mrs. J,. S. Shimniel, of Harrisburg. Howard Whitmoyer, of Altoona, is visiting his brothers. § kALkiNQ fS I W(K)LDEN RULE DEPT. STORE W I 428-30 MARKET STREET S Golden Rule Policies Do you realize the Golden Rule Policy? Do you know that Democracy K is simply the Golden Rule? Merchandising' on the Golden Rule plan is NH giving the customer a square deal. He should receive nothing else. Keep- LjJH ing up with the high cost of living is difficult enough for everybody. The Golden Rule store appreciates this, that's where our success is. Look |Wk over our specials for Wednesday and save yourself dollars by buying at f/wl the Golden Rule Store. ft W A WOMEN'S AND MISSES' ~~ \ TUB SKIRTS >f Gabardine, Rep, Poplin nnd Wash Satins at Ti $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 I2J Savings of SI.OO to $2.00 on Every Suit. § Wednesday's Golden Rule Values 39c Beautiful 25c Apron Men's $2.00 Dress Figured Voiles Ginghams Shirts IHj A variety of beautiful figures, Best grade of fast colors, A wonderful assortment of striped and plain eol- fy /A plenty of blue and brown these fine woven madras shirts ft? ored voiles. Really /" cheeks ami liars of all sizes. in all Uie latest rft -f m mop an exceptional value This is less than to- f colors; sizes ll.Tj / / / WA ________________ <■">' wholesale 1 C to I# H V 1 •At m 30c Bleached 39c Plaid Rress Men's $1.25 Athletic Wl S Musl,n Gingham Underwear ™ Ti ' arV Solrct „ low iiaftorns of ,|,ls s^ Ml nil"'. 1 ," v% rst kw*,o ss ft grsr 22c sprstr"32 c 83c iw 39c Plain Colored Ladies' $1.25 Silk $2.00 Boys' Wash pi $ Chambray Camisoles Suits Jjjjg f/i fair go selection of Fine quality sill; camisoles in Mnde In nil the lending styles rft IflSB all liest colors. Ex- X / /" pink and flesh colors; lace and patterns. /ft -m A£\ ikm ccptlonal bargain .. trimmed, with lace and ribbon Sizes Sto 8 nfc 1 cA. M j^H ! kf shoulder straps; some f\ years ™ ft" §]* 30c Unbleached ——— Clark's O. N. T. Wi im Muslin Ladies' Hose Thread kji Yard-wide unbleached mus- 250 J A The genuine Black I JQ] So? lin. of soft Sea Island finish; '" ,(1 " ll I,OM ' : A C nnd White.. Special £L Q = Ms made of highgrndc Southern sizes 8 >.-10 spo))1 Ei fa cotton. Buy sufficient to pro- WJA [2 r,, , r;"So/L" a ' 30c Crash Towehng Boys' Overalls S| j of this fix. /** Bought this six months ago, ul Uo grade ' when prices were nwny down. Boys Well Made P 1 /A w 4 g'rude!' 1 extm BOMd i Q r otfc m fm 35c Assorted Vtml ~~—; S Percales Ladies' 98c Chemise Men s 85c Underwear • Light and dark grounds, as- Lmlios* 98c chemise, mailc ■] i Wji sorUul (igurcs, strl|Hs and do- from line nainsook; trimmed Kern halhri"-gaii shirts and WA •L* fHst eolors. in laee, camisole £% g\ drawers. Sizes 30 to a fta Specially gootl pat- fj A "tyle; hue shoulder Q Q 41; short slooves . U NK fJ u ' ,,r 1,0,15p <!rpss £C s "' l>t)s ankle length "T %S ftl jI ■ and aprons ] $2.25 Cotton Sheets Damask Top Sox Y/i Finest grade cotton to lie 58-ineh mercerized; good ilMß had. full hleachetl, 81x90 size; looking patterns in large and Of mercerized yarn, pink, in neatly finished hems. " Seam- small effeets; all ijr Q blue, brown, navy or Q Q ktS less and free rfk • f /* first quality. / black; enlt tops; f* Ml from Yartl sizes 5 to B'/ 3 K- Ti E r"'V ■•l -r 7 Men ' , 5 u S ' lk L ' Sle Ladies' 69c Union 31 59c Turkish Towels Hose Suits La Gikml size niul gotnl height, Extra gootl quality silk lisle . , ... WA rerv absorbent. A O yarn. Your choice of black, Extra large size, \ neck, band PJ Snow 4Ak /x gray or cordovan brown. tops luce trimmed A/A __ VM w t,lte . . *** Linen t<w and heel; r> knee, umbrella aHf 1M ______________ sizes to lIH. jy r style nl )■■ l'air ™ J Ladies $2.00 Hose Men's $1.25 Work Ladies' $2 Percale Rj Kjjj thread pure silk, double sole, Shirts I House Dresses ' I'WJ •spliced ' ,pol ' ?' „ . i . , I .tulles' dark blue and gray hi IB white and nil good plain Extra good qual ty dark blue House Dresses with collar and £ k colors. Sizes 1 O Q chambray ; mtulc largo size to ||ttcd st7/OS vcry , arRO Ml - M 30 t,, 44 . FA Pair ble-stltchod armholcs / M ni _ \ 7 /% w jtk K .110 -Icra * " L .DO SB Children'. 38c Men'. 29c Lisle , j- ft Hose Hose Lad,e " $l5O Gown ft. Afatlc of soft whit.) muslin, K Medium ribbed for boys and Very fine grade and strongly gowns trimmed in embroidery v Wm girls, brown or fl I*9 reinforced; double M sqtiure aiul V- /ft f a rfl black; sizes 0 to ££* sole, heel and toe; // £* neck. Good / /AJ ft 1 l| sizes to Il' ~.■* ** full sizes A• A. ■ JULY 29, 1919. Altsses Hazel Kuhn, Edith Sack man and Hazel Mummu, of Lemoyne, and Aliss Isabel Shank ,of Chambers burg, ure visiting at Wissinomlng Hall. Mrs. Dr. Peters and son, Paul Zim merman, who recently returned from France with the 28th Division, and daughter, Aliss Helen Zimmer man, are visiting Airs. Peters' moth er, Airs. Henry Burns, at Emburn Hall. Aliss Clara Cassel is spending tho weekend with her mother. Air. and Mrs. Joltn Alonn, of North Seventeenth street, are regis tred at The Inn. Alisses Esther and Isabel Smith Carter's Little Liver Pills You Cannot be A Remedy That Constipated Makes Life and Happy t!T,l L £ Worth Living "SLIIdo.. Ip>US. Genuine Iwar* algnatur* tho reason for PARTER'S IRON PILLS msny colorless faces but greatly help most pale-faced poople are visiting their mother, Mrs. Eliz abeth Smith. Miss Isabel Smith has just returned from a ten days' visit at a Y. AI. C. A. camp. Clarence Mackenson, of Harris burg, is here for the weekend. BRUISES-CUTS Cleans* thoroughly— reduce inflammation kS by cold wet compree- AjfAi se—apply lightly, without VICR'S VAPORUBsT "YOUR BODYGUARD"-30f.60A3> 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers