14 g Ii Advertise teal Estate Until It Is Sold Is lever an Expemstyc Plan JB 2>eatbg ADAMS— On July 27, 1919, Cristie O. Adams, aged 3s> years. Kuneral on Wednesday afternoon at 3.30 o'clock, from his late residence, 2141 Atlas street. Interment Paxtang cemetery. Relatives and friends are invited to attend without further notice. ItKt MAKER —On July 29, 1919, Jo seph K. Brubaker in his 06 year, at his late home. 1101 % Capital street. Kuneral services will be held at the above address on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock to which relatives and friends are invited. Interment pri vate in Harrisburg cemetery. KOONS—On July 26, 1919, Marvin Lyle Koons. . .... ... Private funeral on Wednesday aft ernoon at - 2 o'clock from the resi dence of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A Koons. 2623 Butler St.. len brook. Interment Paxtang cem *' terv. Remains car be v.ew ea on Tuesday evening. The relatives and friends are invited to attend with out further notice. KRAMNB —On July 27 1919. F|™} Kr.nnme, in his 0..d j ear, at home, 443 Verbeke street. Funeral services wilt be b cld a. above address on Wednesdiat o'clock. Relatives and *rUmts are invited without further bllr ,, torment private at Bast 11a . is. 6, cemetery. j SHADE—On July 28, 1819, at the rcsL ; dence of Mrs. C. Knupp. 1I street, Penbrook, William M. - >1 ajrpd 40 y*fU's Slid -4 ClflJ • . Funeral on Thursday forenoon at 10 o'clock from tne office of S. -f• SiTM K.S! Burffl's? JU, Church cemetery. SM 2 '- T^D° n Mrs Un Al?ce w"le ! of' Elmer J at her late home, 2120 North held at the Funeral services will b ®kf a after above address on ed r " e I S a d l tv e s and private in Harrisburg compter). LOST ANI) FOCKP _ $5.00 REWARD For the small gold P' n _ , w letters H. H. 8.-18 °b lack '".Ma M C: Jun"fc If returned to the office of HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH " LOST-LADY'S. ope^ ac £ gold watch, on second are . Mcchanicsburg car. Rewaru ed, 1226 Green street. IN STRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS „ I INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION Shorthand. Typewriting. Bookkeeping, P® "l"* SCHOOL "Z'ic'ilrJl"™ ife" i 121 Market St. Chas. R- Beckiey. FOR instruction in eleirieritSLry ° r advanced mathematics or . ■ee Miller 306 Chestnut st., formerly instructor'at U. S. Naval Academy. mn.P WANTED —MALE SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN OF PRODUCTION WORK Ages 18 to 45, Weight 140 pounds or more. MUST BJ IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. No Experience Necessary. No Labor Trouble. Apply In person or communl eate at once with Factoory Employment Office. •rrrrr GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUB- J- 1 BER COMPANY. AKRON. OHIO. WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, 850. Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or TRAINING QUARTERS. 260 South Front Street, Steelton, Pa. A Pittsburgh manufacturing corn any has an attractive offer for sales manager In Dauphin county for an auto accessory having unusual merit and for which there is great demand Party should have ability and an automobile. Write to J- C. Caldwell, care this office. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk. Apply 2030 North Seventh st. IF YOU are a good oil find paint salesman, we will pay well. Only *.ho best of talent need apply. Parker Re fining Co., Cleveland. Ohio. WANTED —Several husky young men for Sunday work. Apply Harris burg News Agency. 108 Chestnut st. WANTED —Experienced butcher to drive meat wagon. Apply 226 Chest nut st. • WANTED —County managers, men who have A 1 reference, must have bond, permanent position, not a soft snap, real salary and expenses, no coin., contract. Address, Pen-Dol Sales Company. Northumberland. Pa. WANTED —A man for the wood •bop to repair- wheels, malting gear and general repairing. Steady work. J L SAYLOR & SON, CARRIAGE BUILDERS, Annville, Pa. (Continued in Next Column) f V FOR SALE 5 Acres in New Cumberland Improved with a modern 2V6-story red brick house, having 7 rooms, reception hall, bath and pantry; front, side and back porches; ce mented cellar with laundry; steam heat, electric light; lawn and garden; 150 fruit trees; also a 2-story stable. It is a desirable property and only 2Vi squares from the trolley. Possession on short notice. Miner t rothers & C<l LOCUST AMI COI)HT M'B. KLV.. .-.ft'lATtt IMSUltsl.\cu IIOM>> Member* Isral teaitute Hoard v TUESDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE CARPENTERS BORING MILL MEN GENERAL REPAIRMEN SHEET METAL WORKERS ALL AROUND MACHINISTS Permanent work assured. No labor trouble. Bonus paid on second and third shifts. Phy sical examination required. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUB BER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. J I j i MALE HELP WANTED Several salesmen for door te-door proposition. Experi ence not necessary. Salary guaranteed. Apply H-5421 care Telegraph. WANTED Freight truckers and freight handlers at P. R. R. Division Street Transfer, Harrisburg, Pa. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Rockvllle car to Sixth and Division streets. WANTED —A good boy over 16 years for delivery and store work. Apply Grand Union Tea, 208 N. Second street. . WANTED —Young man about 22 years of age to prepare for the man agement of one of our stores. Salary $lB per week to start. Splendid oppor tunity for the right party. Address Box J-5458 care Telegraph. HELP WANTED —FEMALE WANTED Operators on plain sewing machines; also a few on union special felling and sleeving machines; learners paid while under instruction; also a bonus paid every week. Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO., City Star Laundry Bldg., Sixth and Herr Sts. j I WANTED Competent stenographer and general office assistant. Lady prelerred. Inquire Bell 1351-J. Dial 6315. I WANTED Girl to help with housework in a small family in Camp Hill. Bell phone 3455-M or address Box M-5920 care Telegraph. I W \NTED —Competent experienced II woman for pastry and pantry work at , rnce. Also waitress and chambermaid. } ; Write or phone Miss Patterson. Hotel 1 Conewago, Mt. Gretna. T'a. ( 1 EXPERIENCED saleslady wanted. 'Apply Stern's Cut Rate Shoe Store, 209 J Walnut street. ' | STENOGRAPHER with experience of bookkeeping; can furnish refe,- iences Call Bell phone 460. from 9 ; ; a. m. to 5 p. m. "I w \NTEP —Girl for general house- Iwork In small family. Apply 104 Boas -I street. " I WANTED Experienced waitress; - | good' wages. Apply Alva Restaurant. ' WANTED —Girl or woman for gen eral 'housework In small private „ family, living near Second and Rciiy „ sts. Bell phone 120 or Dial 4016. e W \NTED Experienced waitress; I no others need apply. Apply 512 | Market St. ! OPERATORS ON UNION SPECIAL 7 Felling and Sleeving- Machines. a July 3rd we paid 10 per cent, extra '' bonus on six months' earnings, making 40 per cent, bonus paid | this year. I JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO.. a 2012 N. Fourth Street. ■ I WANTED —Middle aged white volt. an for general housework. Apply 1822 i North Second street. HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female ARTlST—Opportunity to study with large engraving company; no inter ference with present occupation. Ad jdress Box T-5462 care Telegraph. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED—Agents make big money selling typewriter ribbons. Samples 35 cents each; 3 for $1; one dozen for $3. Retail at dealers 73 cents each. National Ribbon Inking Works. Dept. B. 8723 Fourth avenue, Btonklyu, N. Y. iContiuued tn Next Column) AGENTS WANTED ,1 CANDY'—Big pay. Advertise, men, women. Start one of our specialty candy factories in your home, small loom, anywhere. We tell how and furnish every thing. Grand opportu nity. Candy House, 1819 Ranstead st., Philadelphia, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE I ENGINEER desires position, steam shoveling engineering or any kind of steam engineering. Call or write 632 Reily street. SITUATIONS WANTED —Female WHITE lady wishes washing and ironing to do at home. 130 Cranberry ! street. WOMAN wants general housework or dav work. Address Box D-8465 NFISSE wishes position in private family or to take care of invalid, or practical nursing; can furnish i'efer- i ences. Address Box C-5463 care Tele- \ graph. : — STENOGRAPHER wants position;: can furnish references. Call Bell phone 4602. STENOGRAPHER, with knowledge ' of bookkeeping, wishes permanent i| position. Can furnish best of refer-,! ence; graduate of Berkley's Business College. Apply 2004 Green st. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Two communieatins rooms, furnished; private bath; sec ond lloor front. Inquire 121 State st. FOR KENT—Nicely furnished or.d-story front room, near all modern conveniences; use of both ' phones; bath; permanent tenant de- , t sired. Apply 721 North Sixth street. j FOR RENT—Two rooms for light j housekeeping, furnished or unfurnlsh-., ed; suitable for man and wife or I trcntl^mcn: use of bath and phone. In- , quire 926 N. Third st. J; FOR RENT —Two or three rooms. ; I furnished or unfurnished, use of bath; land phone, also garage in rear if de- t i sir able; rent reasonable; gas and electricity. Call Bell phone 693-J or j ! apply 1305 S. Cameron st. i: FOR RENT—Three furnished rooms | for light housekeeping on third floor; | all conveniences; located 1531 Green' street. Apply 261 Cumberland street. , 106 STATE —Two furnished rooms ! for gentlemen; all conveniences; ref erences required. Nicely furnished, clean, cool rooms. $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street. ] FOR RENT—Nicely furnished room, gentleman preferred. Inquire 1206 Chestnut street, or Bell phone 946-J. j FOR RENT —Rooms for light house keeping. and roomers; all conven iences. Inquire 335 Pine st.. Steelton. FOR RENT Three unfurnished I rooms, second floor, gas, electric, use | lof bath, heat furnished. 1622 Regltiu j | street. FOR RENT —Large nicely furnished j front room with board for two gentle men, or man and wife. Railroad men considered. Inquire 1321 State st. | _— i FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms for light, housekeeping; no children;] references required. Inquire 2037 N. ] Fourth street. ! FOR RENT —Desirable front and back rooms; all conveniences; city steam heat; very desirably located. Apply at 266 Briggs at. NICELY-FURNISH El' BI.DHOOM For gentlemen only. Dial 4990. or 912 • North Third street. ROOMS WANTED WANTED —Couple with small child desires room unfurnished for house keeping or small house. Address Box j R-SO7l care Telegraph. WANTED —A second-story furnish-! Ed front room within one-half mile : of Capitol. Apply A-8021 care Tele- j graph. BOARD AND ROOMS BOARD —Man and wife desires' board and room about September 1, ' with congenial private family in good! location. Addrc-ss Box T-5152 caret j Telegraph. ] I APARTMENTS FOR RENT j i FOR RENT —Furnished apartment i for light housekeeping; tirst and sec- i j end floor rear; gas and use of bath. | I Inquire 327 South Front st. I | koR RENT —Two rooms furnished, i housekeeping apartments; first class;, electricity; gas; hot and cold water; use of bath and phones. Apply Bell 1624 ; Dial 4957. — ' I real estate for sale ! KAP.RISBURG'S | REAL ESTATE BUREAU | CONSULT US. ; BACKEN'STOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. , ; ii . i! i; VACANT corner, centrally lo ■ c-ated: 9 rooms; all lmprove- I ments; electric lights; front, ,! side and back porch; side vard; ten minutes walk to ' I market Square. Several more . j houses in all parts of city. I' Single corner in city; 2H stories: 8 rooms; all Improve ments; side yard; fruit trees; stable 40x20 feet on rear of J lot; electric lights; fine place ; for contractor or builder. Price $3,500. SSOO down. C. H. CORDER, 1722 GREEN STREET. Bell 560-J. •! ■ i -1 * : Fin* resident, North nt -'Brick property. Camp Hill h'noo ij Paxtang residence 17,000 'n 16th st.. brick :>V,:?I N 6th, brick 6.000 iicst Swatara, frame 2.400 -'1 943 N 4th, brick 3,000 | Brick building, garage 15,000 -I D. A. CALEY, 8 I Bell 589- 707 Kunkel Bids- I '• 3 I FOR SALE —112-114 Washington St.. 4 8 rooms ana bath; frame) tin roof; all .(conveniences; bargain Apply 814 N. j Third street. -Continued In Next Column) HAJRJUSBTTRG TELEGRAPH If PROPERLY CLASSIFIED your ' little ad secures PREFERRED POSI |j|jj (q£ TION in the paper. It is not merely ffij ! "next to reading matter" —it is read- ing matter, of more interest to the people who turn to that classification ' ■ than anything else in the paper. m j j ffl ffiii a pa: •HI 'Pi : | II REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. SEE SANDERLIN." Lot 15 ft. 3 in by 90 ft. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANI', I STATE ST.—ll3l, VACANT; NEW; 222 Mrket Street. tliree-fctory; nine rooms and bath; •fa" 1 " eat - B as and electricity; front P'OR SALE—Riverside, 3024 2'A ar Poruhes; cement cellar; a j story frame; 9 rooms and bath; steam magiuncent home; possession August'heat; git.* and electric; also four 1 * an be bought with SSOO cash. j rooms en first floor; front and back porches; large lawn; garden; fruit AGATE 5T.—2536, VACANT; two-1 trees; all latest improvements; pos j story brick cottage; six rooms and' session soon after sale thereof. In- Datn; all improvements; nice front| qu ire Daniel E. Lucas, Real Estate and ,and rear porches; just one-fourth of insurance, 303 Lewis st. i a block from Sixth street trolley; no , inonej down, $25 per month. AN exceptional bargain in a line FULTON st 1931 VACANT- twu- home. Phis piopeity is located 401 l i ft ory brick cottage;' s\x doom's 'and 1-V^ bath; steam heat; gas and electricity: ' £ o ve m „t most sn u jeement cellar: nice front porch; cozy d Jr' e ?; ll i{" p house ind slittle5 little home; right price to quick buyer. x^ U ' wiR sell for les^u.tn I SWATARA 5T.—1856; VACANT; two- V,,,!, 1 n^ 1 h \V F^ \V°"r!■?.v I and-a-half-story frame; seven rooms street Hiehsnire Dio aim [and bath; all Improvements; nice front I Muiket stieet. Highsplie. Dial 9801. , porch: large yard with driveway in j the rear: small amount down; bal- FOR bALE —On Broad between Sec ance same as rent. ond and Third streets, a three-story brick house with all improvements. DIiRRY 5T.—2341, NEW; VACANT; inquire A. W. Swengel, 2131 North two-and-a-half-story brick; six rooms Second street. Bell 2575-J. and bath; hardwood floors: cement cellar; steam heat; gas and electric- ~n r. .. 003 N si N -th street 3 lty; must be seen to be appreciated; . .-ALL -003 N Sixth street. 3- can be bought with SSOO cash. Swengel 2'l';U Nonh Second street! SEVENTEENTH AND PAXTON DeU Ph ne 2575-J. I STS.—NEW: VACANT: two-and-a- —""773 vouu 77 jbalf-story stucco; six rooms and bath; BUY YOUR HOME on the rental j steam heat; gas and electricity: payment plan Small cash or Liberty I everything that goes to make up an Bond llrst payment required, balance up-to-date house; can be bought with as rent. Y\ e have houses in ever) SSOO cash. | part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz, 1225 North sixth street. FULTON 5T.—1836; Y'ACANT, 3- —— 'story frame; eight rooms; some im- 26TH ST., S., 734—For sale; brick 1 provements; in the nicest block on and stucco dwelling; 6 rooms and 'Fulton street; no money down; $25 bath; gas; electric light; steam heat; per motith. possession within 30 days. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. D. ASA SANDERLIN, VERY' desirable corner property ! Room 1, Security Trust Bldg., for sale, on State street—large brick 36 North Third St. house with all most modern improve- Bell 1390. Dial, 3573. ments; brick garage on property. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. jroß SALE 1935 and 1937 State street, each with seven rooms; gas; electric light; long lot running to _ . Walnut street; price reduced. Bell BUSINESS LOCATION Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. i ... . . . i, DWELLING—SI,6OO will purchase; West Fairvlew—-V4-tory brick, in j- Q ,j., j lury s t re et; 8 rooms and I heart o. town with small out building. bat j,. „ as . f urnace; now vacant. Bell suitable for business of any kind. Rea j ty £o., Bergner Bldg. I ' Very cheap. . | I Enola Homes —All Imp.; corner Real Estate For Sale—Suburban j house; Lemoyife homes, all imp.; sin- ___ I gle corner: New Cumberland, fine home; al imp.; Camp Hill, all imp.; Enola, Columbia Road—Fine 2H-! large lots. story frame dwelling, with electric-; ity, steam heat, cemented cellar. S | City homes of all kinds, easj terms, roonls all( j bath, slate roof, garage pay as rent; some for cash. room, 30 fruit trees, front and side' - „„ ,_ , ns porches, lot 62t4x280, built in 1915. Farms—6. 10, 16, 30. 40. 75. 96, 1-5 'and !7f-acre farms, from 3 toi i- BACKEN'STOSS REALTY CO., , miles of Harrisburg. Some of tnese 22H Market Street, j farms with crops, stock and tools in- (Hbg. Real Estate Bureau) clude'd. Possession at once. ! Market Street— Three-story brick, kor SALE—292-294 Second street, store room front, on Hill. Highspire. A fine double house, all Im provements. will sell single or double, j Apartment Houses —One or two ci lf you are looking for v. bargain see the finest in the city. this property before you buy. VV. J 1 inn wo--.! Reeves, 224 Market -treet. Highspire. I I Building lots at Camp Hill. YYor.n- £)j a ) osoi. My car is at your service. levsburg, Enola. Riverside. Paxtang. , Progress. Belvue. uptown and sev- k e.\L ESTATE FOR REXT I era! good factory sites. 1 Investments Several rows of CARLISLE dwelling in best resi ; houses' paying big interest. YVrite lock box 851, O. H. CORDER. l"'" Green Street, FOR RENT—A small furnished Bell phone 560-J. country home, half-hour run from city, rent reasonable. Possession at once. Edna M. Maeder, Dauphin. FOR SALE—lmmediate possession ___ lof ten-room single brlck on the Hill: HEAL ESTATE WANTED side entrance: room toi garage. 'makes fine apartmen ous . HAVE BUYERS—List your prop | 6-3b. erlios with me. Chas. Adler, Real Fs- tate and Insurance, 1002 North Third I r„..e.i 5t.—569, corner property; 3-j Street. I story brick; lot 15x108; price reason-; I able' Offices and Store Rooms for Rent BACKEN'STOSS REALTY CO., | 331 Market Street. (Hbg. Real Estate Bureau) ' STORE ROOM FOR RENT .. Store room at 311 Walnut st., FOR SALE —In Highspire. If you second door from Penn-Harrls ere looking for a bus '" e ® s thall J! 1 Hotel, now occupied by mil net vou $3,000 to $5,000 a > aar at linery store. Apply to super "eal down bargain, see me at once, int endent property IncHidlng resldcnce store BOWMAN & COMPANY, ?ooSl ' (rd V C Doo™ in town; reason for Harrisburg. Pa. r °fi?iv wouW retire from business. W J R* E ° EB ' 224 MARKET ST " HIGH " spire. Dial 9801 FARMS FOR SALE At attractive price to close estate, property No. 1922 Boas jt AR M FOR SALE WITH STOCK, street. two and one-nait CROP AND IMPLEMENTS story seven room. frame house, with ® lect r' .JI'J 163 acres. 30 acres of wood gas; lot 94 feet more or } ea S' land, 8-room house, large bv 110 feet, with well of bank barn, all outbuildings, water, fruit trees, eis. Algo 4_ room bungalow; run- ning water In every field; six FOX & GEYER. Attorneys, horses; one mule; 19 head of Kunkel Building. cattle; 9 milch cows; IX hogs; conveniences; sood siz.d 12 acreg of oatg . ?nt to nioct of these p la ce®- £ ain Me 4 acres of cow feed. 500 to $6,000. h. b. Mumma & Son. Me- acreg of w j,eat. chanlcsburg, Pa. 16 acres of corn. SIXTEENTH n ea ' Boas, fiine resl- and nl) farm i ne implements, dence. all improvements price int | U di n g Mollne tractor, able ol =srive al P le°y P D ty X. I * l4 ' ooo ' ?07 rC Kunkel Bldg. Bell 589. BUR AND & FERBER, TOR SALE un eay terms, 2012 107 Chestnut St. tn "'Olei Susquehanna street. Apply a. " t° noranz. 1225 North Sixth. ' brlck"'ruuins*alTTmprovenwiu'"'man FARMS FOR SALE l'So questi d o°n^ n as b to l r2ce or"natUinlfl'ty FARM—29-acre In Dauphin county. 1l D a Sanderlin, 36 N. Third street! K° od buildings, lots of fruit, running 3 I room 1. Security Trust Bldg. Bell water, crops and stock ...$-,200 J 139°- plal 3573 - FARM —103 acres. Perry county; 22 CAMERON ST.. N., 1944—52,000 will acres woodland; all new buildings; purchase frame house with 8 rooms; running water $3,509 electric light; lot 40x110; bearing fruit trees and stable. Bell Realty FARM —127 acres, Lebanon county: ! Co Bergner Building. KOO d house; large bank barn and all - outbuildings; good apple orchard; DWELLING —$2,550 will purchase level soli; running water $6,200 1 dwelling with 8 rooms and bath; gas; furnace; cemented cellar; lot 15x100. DURAND & FERBER. Bell Realty Co. Bergner Building. 107 Chestnut St F Alt MS SEVERAL. SMALL, FARMS Three to ten miles from city. Price and terms right. C. H. CORDKR, 1T22 GREKN STREET. ' Be 11 560-J. 45 ACRES —The Wilhelm farm, on nile north of Linglestown and th tarrisburg Railway and the pave, •oad to Harrisburg; all even and ver; iroductive fields; buildings; runnini water; 'fences. 76 acres —The Bailey farm; all evei lelds: one-fourth mile west of I xolley and paved road to Harrisburg buildings, fences and running watei These farms are a higher price. C. S Hare. 409 Market street. Harrisburg Hare's Grocery. Linglestown. FOR SALE —A small truck farm; niles from Harrisburg; good build ngs; running water. Will sell chea 0 quick buyer. Bell 315-J. FARMS WANTED WANTED —To buy a farm in Cum jerland county, 75 to 100 acres. Stat owest price. Address L-SS32 car Telegraph. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTOR BOAT Beautiful automobile type; 25x5; 40-horsepower; electric starter, lights, reverse gear, etc. Cost $1,600; only run about 50 miles. Am leaving town. Yours for $l,lOO. Will consider late model automo bile in part payment. Write lor photographs and specifi cations. Address. CHARLES RESCH, Marietta, Pa. MOTORS FOR SALE We have the following motors w are offering for sale. We guarante these motors to be in first-class con dttion and can make immediate de UV One' V4H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One U H. P. 220 V. 350 R. P. M. One V. H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One V* H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. One ti H. P. 23C V. 370 R. P. M. One 14 H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One % H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M. THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing - Photo-Engraving Die Stamping - Plate Printing Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE Lumber, tubes, tanks, shaftinj hangers, pulleys, belting, bolts, pipi etc. dismantling plant. The Highspire Distillery Co., Ltd., Both phones. Highspire, Pa. FOR SALE RIVER SAND Best In quality and price. At the river, Motor street, Highspire, Pa. Martin Construction & Supply Co. FOR SAUK —High grade concret road stone. located at Glrty's Note! north of New Buffalo. Pa. on Pennt State Highway route No. 195. AUdres P. O. Box 890, Harrisburg. Bell phon 1202; Dial 3138. FOP. SALE—Double flat top oa! desk, 42x55; also Harvord range Nc 82; both good as new. A. S. Millei 18th and State sts. FOR SALE —Two oak ladies' desk! chairs, hall seat, iron bed, windin shades, gas drop light, etc. All ii grod condition. Call Bell phone 321S\ FOR SALE—HaIf rtll-i mattress value $35, selling 2o; Brussel rug 9x12, value SSO, sale price s3l Fornw.-.lt's. 1321 N. Sixth street. FOR SALE—Two beds; also tw springs cheap. Inquire 650 Schuylkil street. Bell 4427-M■ FOR SALE —Two cash registers i' good condition. Address R-8460. FOR SALE—One living room suite one dining room suite. Apply 160 Market street, third iloor apt. Bel 1490-R FOR SALE Royal typewrite! typewriter desk and chair. F. andl k check protector, slightly used. \\ il sell for half price. R. J. Church. Bel phone 1572-W ■ SEVERAL fine coverlids, mantl clocks, grandfather's clock, dishes enndleabra, vases, etc. Address M, Meehar.icsburg, care Telegraph. FOR SALE—One 15 foot counter me 16-foot show case; 1 National easl register; 1 soda fountain and syrups 1 Ice box; 1 Dayton spring butehe scafes; 3 tables; 9 chairs. Will aacrl five for $l5O. Call Thomas B. Klugl 44 1 Lincoln at- Steelton, Pa. FOR SALE—AII kinds of buildlni material, including beams, channels rails pipe, one hoisting engine am motors Apply Williams & hreedmar Sixth, below Hoffman s Woods. BOOKS Bought ana sold; 20.00( new, old. rare, in stock. Aurand i 925 North Third. Circulars free. MORRIS SAYS save money buyini new and second-hand furniture here Hicrh prices paid for furniture. Morri Schmertz. 1018 Market. Reii 4494. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOF CASH ALL MAKES - RENTED - EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITI ORPHKUM THEATER BOTH PHONES WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be In good condition. Address Box S-4429. care Telegraph. stating price, when it can be seen. WANTED To purchase an old bureau or chest of drawers without mir ror Mahogany preferred. Wish to secure this for utility not as an antique. Stote what you have, price and where it can be seen. Address L-8923 care Telegraph. I WANTED To buy one secondhand gas stove In good condition. Call at 1003 North Second street or Bell phone 899-M. i__ —— —— * Continued In Next Column) JULY 29, 1919. WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS I JUNK—We are In the market fo all kinds ot Junk. Call Bell 4974. o write L. Cohen & Co., York street am j Ash avenue. WAN'!'}' -- ""orage for boxe< pianos; first floor; must be dry. Yohi Bros., 13 N. Fourth Street. BELL PHONF, 3370-J S. BIFKIN. CLOTHINO. SHOES. FURNITURE BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. IIARRISBURG, PA MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought ant sold. Highest cash prices paid. Cal Bell 1071 R. or drop a postal to Mai Smoltz, 1020 Market street. Will call City or country. Bell pnone 3239-Rl. ROOF PAINTING AN HOUR'S DELAY IN GETTING REINFORCEMENTS COST NAPO LEON THE BATTLE OF WATER LOO. A LEAKY ROOF RUINS PLAS ITER AND WALL PAPER. LET ME BUILD YOUR ROOF. I LET ME PAINT YOUR ROOF. AUCTIONEER HITK. RELL 187f.-J. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES WOULD YOU RISK $2 PER WEE* FOR 50 WEEKS TO MAKE THOU SANDS? A WORKING MAN'S COM PANY. By paying $2 per week for 50 weeki wo will offer you something great Most people spend more for drink tobacco, etc., but object to spendin* i. few dollars for their future we! fare. Particulars 7024 Jenkins Arcade Pittsburgh. Pa. FOR SALE—Restaurant and lunch room, complete and up-to-date, nea Market street; price reasonable; In quire A. P. Doranz, 1225 N. Sixth sL LIVE business tor a live man, rearby town. Restaurant, confection ery. cigars. Doing business of $42,00 a year or more. Apply A. P. Doranz 1225 North Sixth at. BUSINESS PERSONALS E. L. DAVIS Automobile and motorcycle repair lng and overhauling. All work guar anteed. Garage, 1421 Thompson STEAM feather renovating; all tick emptied; new ticks furnished; B. J Campbell. 1000 Paxton street. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDiNG - Any metal welded. Wbrk guaran teed Carbon removed by oxygen Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logu' street. Bell 4396-J. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. H CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping j. A. Bishop, 1736 Logan street. A. LANE flew and second-hand furnitur bought and sold. Highest prices paid 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. PAPKRHANGING AND PAINTINC First-class work. Chilcoat Bros, 1622 N. Fourth St. QUININE—Look out for that grlppi feeling, likely to catch you thi changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVI PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it o( if taken in time. Gross Drug Store 119 Market street. RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED Single edge, 25c doz., double edge, 35. doz!! razors, 25c. Gorgaa Drug Store FURNITURE, china packing and re oniring. carefully done by R. J. Roy ster. 815 West st. Bell 818-R. MONEY TO LOAN MONEY AT NEW LEGAL RATES | The entire cost of $25 for five months Is $2.6 SSO for five months is 5 I $75 for five months is 7.8 SIOO for five months is 10. Based on five equal monthly payments on date due. Longer time if desired at little extra cost. Shorter time at lower cost. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY 204 Chestnut Street. ■ ' Under State Supervision WE LEND MONEY in compliant with Act of June 4. 1919. to individu als in need of ready cash, small loam a specially business confidential, pay ment's to suit borrower's convenience r.oaltively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO | 132 Walnut Street. MONEY LOANED— Employes' Loar Society Room 206 Bergner Bldg. Third and Market streets. "Licensee and Bonded by the State.' ■ HAULING AND MOVING HEAVY HAULING —Fully equlppe fo- furniture, freight and piano raov ng. No distance too far. Carefu driver. P.ain and dustproof body. .1 E Gruber's Truck Service. Irwu Aungst. Manager. Hershey. Pa. Bei phone 15R6. AUTO HAULING—LocaI or lon( distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 31. Capital street. Both phones. HAULING —Local or long distance plinos and safes a specialty, Pau Beck, successor to O. H. Beck. Cal at 1419 Vernon street. Bell 2811-J.. oi Ober's Livery. WE Move Anything. Anywhere, . tim. Price reasonable. Dial 4930. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street. MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a Specialty General hauling. Fifth anc Relly. Dial 6268. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture Moving Prompt service. Ernest Corbin. 65f Calder street. Both phoneß. Bel, 3636-J. Dial 3688. wirKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Relly. Both phones. _ FINANCIAL " STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. QREENAWALX. JR, 130 Walnut St.. Harrlaburg. Pa. Bell Phone 61'-J. CKMKTKRY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Beautifully situated on Market streut east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north end east faces the new park way The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. & Co., Agent*. INSURANCE It Isn't a nice thing to say. But il is a fact that SIOO will buy you mot< V care and attention when you are laid up than 100 friends will give you. p The time to insure against alcknesl ' or accident, is right now. J. SCHOOLNIK. 21 Spooner Bldg., Harrlsburg, Pa. STOIUGB STORAGE —419 Broad street, house* hold goods, merchandise. Privat* rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul* ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co, Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms fo< household goods In fireproof ware house. $9 per month and up. Lowei storage rates in non-fireproof ware* 4 house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437, * 440 South Second street. STORAGE—In brick building, real 'Jr 408 Market. Household goods in clean. Fi private rooms. Reasonable rates. H XV G. Diener. 408 Market street. HOUSES AND CARRIAGES f FOR SALE—Bay horse and buggy. Including harness. Cheap to quick buyer. Inquire 1713 N. 12th St. FOR SALE—Carload of new Watson dump wagons. Inquire A. A. Thomas, Lemoyne, Pa. Dial phone. FOR SALE—High grade horse; guaranteed sound; safe to ride oi drive anywhere; also runabout; har ness, saddle and light wagon. Inquire I. B. Dickinson. 505 N. 13th at. Bell phone 4773R; Dial 4201. WHERE TO DINE yc ALVA HOTEL AND RESTAURANT. THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACXLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR. 1312 Derry St. BELL 1956. DIAL 213| RUDOLPH K. SPICER. "* Funeral Director and Embalmer. 511 North Second Street. I BELL 252. DIAL 214# < MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. PHONOGRAPH BARGAINS THIS WEEK. SOO Universal mahogany phono graph: almost new; plays all rec ords. Price S4O SIOO Kimberly mahogany, phono- * graph: cabinet size; like new; plays all records. SBO sllO Cheney; fumed oak; phono graph; like new; plays all rec ords. Price SBO Two Empire olden oak phono graphs; used about four months: cabinet size. Price each SBS $125 Cheney, mahogany phono graph; used very little; plays all records; price SIOO $125 Columbia, mahogany, like new; cabinet size; price SIOO Easy payments may be arrang ed on any of the above instru- J ments. A AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, TROUP BUILDING. ' 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S 14 South Fourth Street. YOU have made the visit to musia houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have it. Spanglor Music House, 2112 North Sixth street. VIOLINS. MANDOLINS. GUITARS, * BANJOS, Band and Orchestra Instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed. OYLER'S, 14 South Fourth street, 4 —, AUTO WANTED WANTED—Buick or Dodge touring or roadster, will pay cash, state year model and pvice. Address Box 8457 care Telegraph. WANTED TO HIRE A responsible party, experienced and careful driver, wants to hire by the month, good light touring car for canvassing. Send replies to P. O. Box 1134. AUTOMOBILES y FOR SALE —Overland, in good con dition. Post office box 1207, Harris burg, Pa. J v J 1 Koehler I'4-ton truck. Over hauled. All tires like new. Will carry ten-foot body. THE OVERLAND-HARRIS BURG COMPANY. 212-214 North Second St. D.-E. worm drive. IVS-2-ton truck. Used only few months. Original tires like new. THE OVERLAND-HARRIS BURG COMPANY, • 212-214 North Second St. Dodge. 1917. in good condition; completely overhauled. 1 Reo roadster. A bargain; overhaul ed and in first class condition; tires good. Templar car, 1918. In fine shape; tires new; one extra. Overland roadster Completely over hauled: tires new and new battery A j real bargain. Velie, 1918. In fine shape; carrying k a new car guarantee. REX GARAGE AND SUPTLY CO, 1917 N. Third St. j FOR SALE —1914 Buick 4-5 passen ger; one Cole eight touring car. $750;, one Cole eight touring car. $7o0; one 1917 Chevrolet touring car, *450- one 1915 Paige. Just palnt- Sa i 12- Hudson four, new top and Just painted, fine shape; $550; one 1917 niVumnkile 8 speedster, wire wheels Tery fast. SBSO. also many other uareains In used cars and trucks. Sea nt before buying elsewhere. Selden ft Truck Distributors 1017-1026 Market street. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE T Fire Public Liability, Theft and collision. Phone and representative wUI call. Chas. Adler. 1002 North Third St- Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers