12 [YOU Can HIL a Position, Fitting Your CapaMlifejffSl the Classified 11 Deaths lUTCHIE Melanchton M. Ritchie. SI. D.. died on Sunday. July 20, 1910. at his residence. 36 South Thirteenth street. Funeral on Wednesday morning at, 10 o'clock from 36 South Thirteenth ] street. Relatives and friends are in- | vited to attend without further no- I tice. Burial private. I WINDSOR —Mary E. Windsor died ! Sunday. July 20. 1919, at the real-1 dence of her son-in-law, H. L. Keller. Funeral on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from 1523 Regina street. ] Relatives and friends invited to at-] tend without further notice. Burial private. i LOST AND FOUND $5.00 REWARD For the small gold pin with j letters H. H S.-1S on and m tials M. B. engraved on hack, | which was lost at Tech Com- , mencement dance at Y\ ilia Villa on June 13. if returned to the office of HARRIS BURG TELEGRAPH LOST—Boy's brown raincoat be- | tween street car barn and Pennsylva- i r.ia stat'.on. Finder please call Dick, Johnson. State Hospital, Bell phone 6C2. | LOST— Monday. July 7. a small pearl crescent pin. valued for memory asso ciations. Reward if returned to E. Wallowsr. Front and Maclay sts. LOST—Wallet containing h f tv y ee " $3O and $3O, valuable papers and thre<- lcdgo receipts. Elks. Consistory and Shrine. Liberal reward if returned to 1413 X Second Street. LOST—A bunch of keys in a leather pocket. Reward if returned to Finn- Harris Taxi Service Co.. Fenn-Harris Hotel. INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shorthand. Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping. Penmanship. Aritnme tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR Enter at any time. , Bell 125. Dial 4016. _ r p-r ; BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. ) 121 Market St. Chas. R. Leckle?. FOR instruction in elementary or advanced mathematics or mechanics, see Miller. 306 Chestnut St., formerly > instructor at U*. S. Naval Academy. HELP WANTED —MALE ; i- I, SPECIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN OF PRODUCTION WORK Ages 18 to 45. Weight 140 pounds or mora. MUST BE IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. No Experience Necessary. No Labor Trouble. Apply in person or communi cate at once with Factoory Employment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUB- I BER COMPANY. j AKRON. OHIO. i i ; ( i . i WANTED | Men to learn to repair auto mobiles ana aeroplanes. Make < application at once. Full ; 1 course, $5O. Call, or write. 25 N. CAMERON STREET, Or TRAINING QUARTERS. |- 260 South Front Street, Steelton. Pa. | SALESMAN of discriminating judg ment. acquainted in Central and West ern Pennsylvania, to sell new contract to selected customers. No samples: no active opposition in small towns. Will furnish leads, names of patrons fa miliar ith our method. Strict com mission basis. State lines and terri- ; tory handled; refer to reputable mer chants. Address Box L-BS2O care Tele- • graph. RAILWAY mail clerks; hundreds wanted, tl.loo-tl.500: age. 19-35; ex perience unnecessary. Examinations everywhere. August 23. For free par ticulars. write Raymond Terry, (for-: rn.er government examiner), 518 Con linter.tal Bidg Washington. ] RAILWAY' mail clerks. Hundreds; wanted. $l.lOO-51.500. Age IS-33. Ex perience unnecessary Examinations j everywhere, August 23. For free par ticulars. write Raymond Terry, (form - i ;• government examiner). 516 Contin- < tntal Bidg.. Washington. EXPERIENCED storage battery- Stan wanted. One who understands ;he business thoroughly Opportun ity for right party. Address stating experience. Box V-8431, care Tele graphy | iCoutlnucu in .Next Column) ! HELENA COTTAGE * AT COVE STATION Ideal Summer Home At the Foot of Cove Mountain Roomy Front Porch, Large Eack Porch. Large Living Room in center extends entire length of house; Three Bed Rooms and ] Kitchen on First Floor; One Large Room on Second Floor; , Fine Drinking Water; Beautiful ] Lawn and Garden with Fruit ' Trees. Good Train Service J/Ot 40x330 Feet Price $1,500 Which Includes Furniture. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COURT STS. REAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONUS Member. Hbg. Heal Estate Board ——■———— MONDAY EVENING, HELP WANTED—MALE CARPENTERS ALL AROUND MACHINISTS GENERAL REPAIRMEN PIPEFITTERS AND SHEETMETAL WORKERS SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY to earn rates In accordance with your ability. Steady work assured. No labor trou ble. Bonus paid on second and third shifts. Apply In person or communi cate with Factory Employ i ment Office, THE GOODTEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY AKRON, OHIO . WANTED Freight truckers and freight handlers at P. R, R. Division Street Transfer, Harrisburg, Pa. Apply to agent at Seventh and Division Streets. Take Big Four or Rockville car to Sixth and Division i streets. WANTED Car repairmen at P. R. R. j shops, Harrisburg. Inquire MASTER MECHANIC'S OFFICE. Harrisburg, OR GENERAL FOREMAN' S OFFICE. Lucknow and Enola. ■ ! YY ANTED—A good man for inside I work must ha\e reference. Appl\ Grand Union Tea. 205 N. Second st. I WANTED— Experienced sewing ma- Ichir.e adjusters, one who ' as had e.\- ptrieno .n different nink. machine*. Apply shearer Mfg. Co.. JuS Hamilton street. THE SIMPLEX starts your Ford front tiie se.at; each one guaranteed; the only successful starter made, $l5 or $17.50 installed; agents with a Ford car wanted. Come and see me. it will pay you Always home Saturdays. C. A. Ostrander, Avoca, N. Y'. WANTED—A carpenter to do rough carpentry work. Apply 1700 North Second st. WANTED— DIOD forge hammermen and die sinkers, with experience. Best wages. Address General Drop Forge Co.. Inc.. Buffalo, N. Y'. i j ACCOUNTANTS RECEIVING CLERKS BOOKKEEPERS, SHIPPING CLERKS' | CLERKS, STOCK CLERKS ! Institution of national reputation I will interview young men, experienced as above and now employed, who wish to fill expert accountants and traffic managers position. State experience and hour you can call. Address Box J-S4SS. _ .! WANTED Boy sixteen years old with at least one year High school | education to learn a good trade. Ap-| ply No. 2 South Market Square, second floor. MEN WANTED—Must be well ac quainted in town. Inquire at office, room 4. Spooner Bidg., 9 N. Market Square. HELP WANTED—FEMALE I WANTED FIFTY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON POWER SEWING MACHINES 30 PER CENT. WEEKLY BONUS ON ALL EARNINGS 10 FER CENT. EXTRA BONUS ON EARNINGS EVERY SIX MONTHS IDEAL WORK UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS IN AN IDEAL PLANT JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO 2012 N. 4TH ST., HARRISBURG. PA i WANTED ; Operators on plain sewing machines; also a few on union i special felling and sleeving machines; learners paid while J under instruction; also a bonus paid every week. Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO.. City Star Laundry Bidg., Sixth and Herr Sts. I ! 1 i YVE have a few positions open for women. $8 to start. Sanitary Family Washing Co.. 16th and Elm sts. TWO waitress wanted at Capital City Fiestaurant. 437 Market st. WANTED—Lady canvassers to han j die our line of sanitary twisted wire brushes, mops and dusters. Apply Francis Mfg Co.. 2 N. 15th st. YVANTED —White middle aged wom an to tend invalid for indefinite time. Good home to right party. Call room 310 Kunkel Bidg between 9 and 12 a.m. 1 . 3<> and 3 p in . WANTED —Girl to assist with gen eral housework Apply suO North Sec ond street. WANTED—A woman who has used or who knows of Viavi. 103 North Sec -1 ond st. room 4. i WANTED—An educated woman as assistant manager; good salary and promotion certain. Box J-5435 care Telegraph. I WANTED —Girl for general house -1 work. Apply 917 N. 17th st. j WANTED —An assistant matron at 'the Home For Friendless Children, Reading. Pa. Apply Hannah M. Cot- Iterel. 841 N. 3d st.. Reading, Pa. ] WANTED —Night dish washer; good: pay. Apply Alva restaurant. WANTED —Middle aged woman as housekeeper for widower residing m • Philadelphia, must be capable of tak- . ing care of two children aged 3 and 5 1 • years. No laundry work Willing to! pay good salary. Write stating expert-] ence. salary expected and reference. J Address K-5943 care Telegraph. (Continued In Next Column) 1 HFI.P WANTED—IT-MALE WANTED—GirI for general house work. Must be willing to go to coun try for summer months. Apply Em ployment Bureau. Bowmv. & Co. WANTED—Maid for general house work in small family. No washing. Bell 15S1-K. or 1723 Forster St. WANTED—MiddIe aged white wom an for general housework. Apply 1522 North Second street. WANTED Experienced waitress, no others need apply. Apply 512 Market St. | WANTED—operators on sewing ] machine. Steady work; good ag.-.- ; Apply Shearer Mfg. Co.. 30S Hamilton !street. A refined widower would share his home to a refined pensioned lady of !neat appearance. No compensation, but fine home. Address A-5433 care Tele graphy HF.LP WANTED—MaIe and Female YVANTED IMMEDIATELY—By U. S. Government. Hundreds clerks. IS or over, at Washington. D. C. Harrisburg examinations July 19th. SI,IUO year. Pleasant clerical work. Short hours. Common education sufficient. Try these July 19th examination. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, j Dept. 414 R., Rochester, N". Y. AGENTS WANTED | AGENTS—IdeaI steak tenderer, the; ; greatest moneymaker on the market;] makes tough steak as tender as opi-i j terhcuse; housekeepers buy on sight; icver 200.000 in use; samples free. Ty-i tier Mfg. Co., B-10. Munice, Ind. AGENTS WANTED ] AGENT—To sell portable fireproof steel go rages, cottages, factory and farm I uildings. moving picture halls: any size: give references. Munufactor | iug Stove Repair Co.. Inc., Hagers- ; i town, Md. AGENTS wanted for Dauphin • Cumberland, Perry and Lebanon coun-j lies, to sell an article everybody uses. 'P. O Box 32, Highspire. Pa. SALESMEN W ANTED 1 MANY stupendous fortunes lately, ' made in Texas oil. Our 2H-acre $l2. .0 leases may be worth $30,000 inside one yea i Write for particulars now. Tovah Oil Company, Southwestern Life Bidg., Dallas, Tex. — SITUATIONS WANTED—MALE • COLORED man desires work as i chauffeur. Can do minor repairing. Ap ply 109(4 Adams st., Steelton. |— : MAN 5e years old desires work as shipping clerk, especially good on parcel pest. Apply 27 West Keller st, Mecliar.i .-burg, Pa. SITUATIONS W ANTED—Female — IOINO girl would like to assist • in house work. Apply 706 N. 7th st. WOMAN desires general housework, ! can furnish reference. Apply A-8438. YOUNG woman wants day work, no washing. Address 21 South Thirteenth street OMAN wishes washing and iron ing to do at home. Inuqire 1815 Briggs street. DAY'S work by reliable and experi enced lady. Dial 4090. . WOMAN would like to have wash ing and ironing at home. Plain or] fancy ironing Bell phene 4586. EXPERIENCED nurse desires post-j tion: best of references. Call Bell' phone 841-W. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Three room apartment, furnished or unfurnished: all conven iences; use of bath; electric lights; ] young couple preferred. Apply 1704 Regina st. | WANTED—Two unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping or small apart- i ment. centrally located State location | and rent. Address C-5434 care Tele-! graph. j F'OR RENT —Nicely furnished bed- I room for one or two gentlemen. In quire 808 North Third St.. second floor] or Beil phone 4240-J. ENTiRE third floor, consisting of two nice large furnished rooms and bath with private family; most beauti ful section: al! conveniences, use of telephone, or would rent single room. 815 N 17th street. 131 Herr street, two furnished bed j rooms. use of bath. FOR RENT- —Three rooms for liht housekeeping. Inquire 1665 Susque- . hanna St. Dial phone 5143. I FURNISHED room, all conven iences, centrally located. Apply 9 N. Front street. FOR RENT Three unfurnished rooms; first floor, all conveniences:! gas; heat: bath; laundry; front and back porch; concrete yard; nice lo cation, rent very reasonable, 21)8; ] Penn street. FOR RENT —Two furnished or un • furnished rooms for light housekeep ing; use of phone and bath. Apply 926 N. Third street. FOR RENT—WeII furnished .cool ; room, with running water and all modern conveniences, in private fam jily. Geticman only. 324 N. Second st. TWO rooms furnished; light house- I keeping. 113 Locust st. 1 WELL furnished rooms; electric light; phone. 113 Locust street. j NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM— ! • For gentlemen only. Dial 4990. or 9i > ' North Third street. ] FOR RENT—Furnished room on ! second floor; all conveniences. a .!, ! water. Bell phone 466-R. aul j , FOR RENT— Large well furnlsh-d ! room; twin beds; single or ensult* ' use of Bell phone. Address. 719 North i .Sixth street. | Nicely furnished, clean, cool room, ! $2.50 per week and up. 143 South I Third street. ! 'LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING." Th-eJ rooms on third floor furnished; lig'nrl 'heat, etc., use of phone; no children'] ,1814 Green street. ROOM AND BOARD—FOR RENT • , PLEASANT front rooms; furnished ' all conveniences; breakfast served if desired. 1549 State street. Bell 5246 W. ROOMS WANTED ' WANTED —By young lady, employ ed, room with or without board. Hill ; location preferred. Call Bell telephone j 1018-W. APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—I63I Green street, fur nished 3-room apartment, first floor; all conveniences; no children. Apply • 261 Cumberland street. APARTMENT FOR RENT—Apart- ' j ment of medium size, containing four : rooms and private bath; third floor i ; front of No. 110 North Second street. Ready for occupancy August Ist. • Apply Luther Minter, same address. Both phones I (Continued lu Next Column) HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH CO m S m Is M S 1 S3 A BIG-ENOUGH CLASSIFIED jS; ky ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN is al- EDj ky ways the least expensive way of sell (QjiJ ing property. This does not mean juh that large space must be used it m means that you must use enough KM space in which to describe your otter- |sS ing and to give the vital facts about yj yy it. It means, too, sensible persistency U*J iy repeated publications of your ad if y3 i |H ' this shall be found necessary. S - i! 1 1 I -rrrrl APARTMENTS FOR RENT I FOR RENT—Apartment on third ; floor, four rooms and bath, family •without children preferred. Apply • 418(4 Reily street. ; FOR KEINT—Two nicely furnished rooms on the third floor for light housekeeping; hot and cold water; electric lights; use of bath; fine lo< a 'tion. inquire 22 N. ISth st. FOR RENT—Apartment of two large unfurnished communicating rcoms. One front with three windows, also large hall, fine location. No chil dren. Call at 1506 State street. FOR RENT—An apartment of four rooms and bath on corner of Sixth and • Broad streets; all modern iniprove ' ments; possession July 22, call at 1)29 iNorth Sixth street. Bell phone 2599 R. ! FOR nr.XT—Apartments four rooms and bath, all modern convenience*, city steam heat; hot running water, al 1101 N. Sixth street, appi.i between ? a. m. and 4 p. m. at Louis, 414 N. Third st. j FOR KENT—Elegantly furnished • apartment at 100 S. 13th street, first floor; 7 rooms and laundry; private j porch and entrance: price $75. App.v , 1208 Chestnut street, or Bell phone FOR RENT—Apartment of two laige unfurnished communicating rooms; cue fiont v. ,th three windows; also large hall; fine location. Call Bell plmnc 2 761 R. APARTMENTS WANTED FUR74ISHED apartment wanted about August 15 or September 1. Jlua be thotoughly up-to-date and in best neighborhood, to consist of 4 or 0 rooms, kitchen and bath, best of r< f erenccs furnished. Write to Box 247, Waynesboro. Pa. WANTED—At once, two furnished rooms for light housekeeping; down stairs preferred; by mother with a daughter 12 years old. Address BJX A-5432 care Telegraph REAL ESTATE FOR SALE HARRIS BURG'S REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. I FOR SALE POSSESSION SOON I If you are looking for a nice, sub- : stantially built suburban home, with plenty of ground, fruit and garden, in spect the Bixler property, located cn the northeast corner of Dickinson and , Princeton avenue. Earligton, Camp • Hill. I'a.. two blocks from car line; single car fare from Harrisburg: 2(4-! story frame detached dwelling, size I 31x31; stone foundation;; Shingle 1 roof; cemented cellar under entire • house; ail improvements; 3 large. 100ms and reception hall on Erst! floor; (large kitchen); open stairway; 4 ' rooms and bath on second floor; an- ] finished atiic; good yellow pine floor-! ing; cypress finish; hot water heating system; front porch 9x31; plot of; ground 120x120; granolithic walks; shade trees, garage for one car; two] chicken houses which wil accommo date 500 chickens: 17 fruit trees (13] bearing the finest kind of fruit); va-| riety of grapes; 1,500 strawberry; plants; good reason for selling; in- I spection by appointment only. PRICK V FRY REASONABLE at $5,150. I ! Bell C. O. BACKENSTOSS. Bel) 700 AGENT. 3077J HARRISBURG. PA. FOR SALE NEAR PENBROOK Nine-room brick house, new, slate , roof, furnace, electric lighting, arte ' sian well water, chicken house good I garden end fruit, with plot of ground ,150x170 feet. Easy terms. Price. $3,500. Look at this property if you want a 'nice suburban home. I 30 acres of choice productive land (240 building lots), scenic location, close to Pc-nbrook and trolley, will sell • any number of acres at $4OO per acre. Also nine acres with 8-room frame ' house, running water, best of soil • for trucking, poultry, etc., price $3,500. 1 A 17-acre truck farm. 6-room house. I barn, chicken and hog house, 4,000 • asparagus, 200 fruit trees. 1(4 acres I strawberries, spring water, 2 miles | west Enola. Price $2,750. A bargain I 115-acre farm; black loam soil: 8- I room house, new summer kitchen. ] bank barn, chicken house, hog house. ! garage, lots of fruit, location one mile west of West Fairview. Price $lOO per acre. See CHARLES DAY'IES REAL ESTATE. FARMS. ETC.. 1549 State st, Harrisburg. Bell 5246 W. BELLEVUE PARK RESIDENCE FOR SALE PRICE $lO,OOO Fcr interview address, RESIDENT. 526 Woodward Street, Reading, Pa. $2 050 WILL PURCHASE 529 Wood bine street; 7-rooms and bath. Bell ! Realty Co, Bergner Bidg. 1 (Continued in Next Column) KKAi. tSlAi't lUK &AUfi ' j "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE, SEE SANDERLIN." I i t j • FULTON* ST—IS2G; VACANT; three j story frame; ei o ht rooms'; some tm j ProNements; in the nicest block on k i n strec t; small amount down, i balance same as rent. ■I FULTON 5T.—1931; VACANT; two- I t V' cottage; six rooms and | bath; steam heat; all improvements,! -[small amount down; balance same as i ■ i rent. j AGATE 5T.—2536; VACANT; two-' i j story brick; six rooms and bath; alii •Improvements; small amount down; I ; balance same as rent. , ! SWATARA 5T.—1856: VACANT; two- ' , • and-a-ha!f-story frame; seven rooms I i [ and bath; all improvements; nice front j pcich; driveway in the rear; small; amount down: balance same as rent. I DKKRY 5T.—2341; NEW; vacant;! two-and-a-half-stor.v brick; six rooms: ; and bath: hardwood floors; cement' ; cellar; steam heat: gas and electric- i Ity; A 1 in every respect; right price j to quid; buyer. | JEFFERSON 5T.—2130; three-story i [brick; nine rooms; all improvements;! ■ cement cellar; driveway in the rear; I II small amount down; balance same as; rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN, I Room 1, Security Trust 81dg..: I 36 North Third St. Bell 1390. Dial, 3573. : ! FOR SALE |j 141S N. Second street, brick dwell-! [ ing, 9 rcoms and bath. | 523 S. Front street, frame dwelling i | 1614 N. Fifth street, three-storv | frame dwelling, with improvements, j ten rooms and bath. I West Fairview property, located on 1 Third street, two and one-half-story ; frame dwelling. Inquire of HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY, 16 S- Second Street, Harrisburg, Fa. FOR SALE Double 2 %-story frame dwelling, each side containing 7 rooms, bath, all improvemets, com- -I bination ranges, porches, cemented j cellars; located one-half square front car line in Ninth street, Elk wood; j elegant conditon. Posession soon, j Price, each, $3,000. FOR SALE —$3,200 wil buy a new ■ 214-story brick dweling with 6 rooms. ! bath, receiving hall and pantry, all modern improvements; lot 37x125 ft.; ! located one square from car line in I Market street, Elk wood (adjoining 1 [New Cumberland*. This property is I ! well located ar.d exceptionally attrac- ; | tive at this tigure. Possession on short notice. ! FOR SALE —At Camp Hill, a 2(4- | story frann: dwelling, containing * , rooms, bath, cemented cellar: all j i modern improvements, including , steam heat; lot 65x120. Price. I ' $3,500. I F'OR SALE—I23O-1232 Cowden St., I j 214-story frame dwelling. Properties! j equipped with water and gas. Price,; ! $3,200. Brinton-Packer Co., Agents, Second & Walnut Sts. J :, _ | HOMES FOR SALE I ; 1912 N. 6th. brick $4,500 [ ' 1512 Walnut St.. brick 3.600 | Penn St.. brick 3,000 : Hummel St.. Lemoyne 3,800 I Small amount of cash required. D. A. Caley, 707 Kunkel Bldg. Bell phone 559. Harris Street 630 Three-story brick, 9 rooms, all Improvements, small amount down; balance same as rent no questions as to race or nationality' D A. Sanderlin, 36 N. Thud street room 1. Security Trust Bldg. Beli 1390. Dial 3573. i AN exceptional bargain in a fine 1 ! home. This property is located 451 Elizabeth street, Highspire; single house, plot 150 foot front by 125 feet! ■'deep; improvements; most all kinds I !of fruit; chicken house and garage, I 1 14x50. Will sell for $l,OOO less than! I ; what it is worth; reason for selling I ■! other business. W. W. Reeves, 224 [Market street, Highspire. Dial 9801. il FOR SALE—2%-story house, Fourth ! and F.utaw sts.. city and well water; .out bulldfngs; fruit trees; price rea 'eonable. Inquire D. E. Seip, 313 Fourth •St.. New Cumberland, Pa. i j FOR SALE l THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, No 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot 15 ft. 3 in by 90 ft. COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANY, 222 Mrket Street. F'OR SALE —112-114 Washington St.. 8 rooms ana bath; frame: tin roof; all conveniences; bargain. Apply 814 N Third street. FOR SALE!—No. 26 South Chestnut st, Penbrook. Lot 25x150; 6 rooms; finished attick; furnace heat; cement ed cellar; electricity; double garage; chicken house. Apply on premises. SCHUYLKILL ST., 682—For sale, 6 rooms and bath; gas; electric light; steam heat. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. F'OR SALE—In Highspire. Jf you ere looking for a business that will net you $3,000 to $5,000 a year at a real down bargain, see me at once; property including residence, store room. Ice cream parlor, large pool room, only pool In town; reason for selling, would retire from business. W. J. Reeves, 224 Market St, Kigh , spire. Dial 9801 (Continued In Naxt Column j , raraKaraßraraEasraogsg ; REAL ESTATE FOR SALE l . } -, On_RALE —On Fifth St., 2H-story I ii ' roonls and bath, electric, gas, i jail conveniences, large lot, fruit trees. I I oasession soon as owner can vacate. i ' On Third street, 2H-story brick, 9 rooms bath, steam heat, gas and elec- j jtric, fruit cellar, large lot. fruit trees; and garden. Possession soon after | sale thereof. Price reasonable. On Green street, 2H-story, stone and i , stucco, S rooms and bath, hardwood 1 ; finish, fireplace, water heat. Lewis street, new brick, 7 rooms and bath, steam heat, finished in chestnut, up-to-date in every par- | t'cular. will be completed in a few ; I weeks, will sell on terms if desired, j D. E. LUCAS, Real Estate and Insurance, 303 Lewis street. jßell phone 5065 R. FOR SALE Whitehall and Regina streets. ; at intersection overlooking Reservoir Park; fine 12-room i home; lawn; hardwood floors; i all improvements; completely furnished. Owner will leave 7 3 pel' cent, mortage stand at 5 and 6 per cent. Quick sale price. $16,000. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO., 331 MARKET STREET. FACTORY SITE FOR SALE With large building which can be remodeled; lot 100x150 feet; located on 11th street near Mulberry. Price $16,000. For particulars see DURAND & FERRER, 107 Chestnut Street. ' BUY YOUR HOME on the rental i I payment plan Small cash or Liberty ; [Bond first payment required, balance las rent. We have houses in every ! part of the city and suburbs. Apply j j A. P. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street, j ' THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE for Isale; 8 rooms and bath, gas; electric Might; steam heat: slate roof; 2104 ■ Swataie street. Bell Realty Co., Berg-j j ner Bids. I FOR SALE —on easy terms. 2012 'to 201s Susquehanna street. Apply A. jP. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth. VERY desirable corner property | for sale, on State street—large brick house with all most modern improve ments; brick garage on property. Bell | Realty Co., Bergner Bldg. i DESIRABLE DERRY STREET I PROI 'ERTY FOR SALE Brick | house 7 rooms bath gas : electric light steam heat No. !2012 Deny. Bell Realty Co., Bergner 1 Building. THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE for Isale; 8 looms and bath; gas; electric I light; steam heat; slate roof; 2101 iSwatara street. Bell Realty Co.. Berg- | ner l.ldg. ! $2,000 will purchase a frame house \ with seven roonls, located at New [Market. Price is right as estate must be closed. Bell Realty Co., Bergner | Building. Real Estate Fur Sale—Suburban FOR SALE—292-291 Second street. ! iHighspire. A fine double house, all im provements, will sell single or double. 1 lit" you are looking for f. bargain see 1 this property before you buy. W. J. i Reeves, 224 Market ctreet, Highsplre. I Dial 9801. My car is at your service. j FOR SALE—Large suburban home | near Camp Hill, % acre land; all tm j provements; fruit, chicken house. ! etc., will take city property in ex change; easy terms. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. I Bell Phone 560-J REAL ESTATE WANTED j WANTED to rent, three first floor [rooms for office use in following lo • calities: South of Paxton and Dock; [north of Herr, between Sixth and Sev 'enth; between Eleventh and Twelfth; j Herr and Calder. Store rooms or pri [vate residence desired; well ventilat ed; running water. Apply Housing ' Secretary, Chamber of Commerce, i Phones, 4120. WANTED to buy 2Vi-sto.-y brick house, with all conveniences and front poich wauted; state price and all par ticulars; no agents. Address Box J-6927. care Telegraph. | 1 HAVE READY BUYERS for lariu. ; city and cuburban properties. My I large clientage eiiaoles nie to secure i ready buyers for any kind of Real I Estate you may have to offer. I A. P. DORANZ. 1225 North Sixth St. | Bell 271 J. Dial 3943 WANTED—Suburban house, west | side of city preferred. Address DB47S [cere Telegraph. I I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es- I j tate and Insurance. 1002 North Third I I Street. FARMS ! FARMS FOR SALE WITH STOCK, ! CROP AND IMPLEMENTS 16" acres. 30 acres of wood- j land, 8-room house, large bank barn, all outbuildings. Also 4-room bungalow; run ning water in every field; six i horses; one mule; 19 head of cattle: 9 milch cows; 11 hogs; 25 shoats; 20 sheep and lot of poultry. 17 acres of oats. 4 acres of cow feed. 25 acres of wheat. | 16 acres of corn. 2 acres of potatoes, and all farming implements. Including Moline tractor. Price $14,000. DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut St. FARMS FOR SALE FARM —29-acre in Dauphin county, good buildings, lots of fruit, running I water, crops and stock $2,200 j FARM—IO3 acres. Perry county; 22; acres woodland; all new buildings: running water $3,500 1 FARM—I 27 acres, Lebanon county; good house; large bank barn and all i outbuildings: good apple orchard; level soil; running water $6,200 DURAND & FERBER, 107 Chestnut St. FOR SALE 43-acre limestone farm; 1 \ miles south of Mechanics burg. Pa.: 8-roomed brick house; 1 ank [ tarn; summer kitchen; all in fine shape; two orchards; good silo. Ap ply F. F. Mumma. Mechanicsburg. Pa. I FOR SALE—IOO-acre farm: also, stock, If desired: possession Novem-j ber 1. two miles northeast of Harris burg; further Information, apply 1700 N. Second street. i (Continued in Next Column) 1 JULY 21, 1919. j FARMS FARMS FOR SALE 103 acres; good buildings; fences; fruit; 5 miles northeast Linglestown. This farm is worth a "whole lot" more money then we ask for it, $3,500. 60-aere farm bordering on the above farm. A REAL bargin for $2,500. \ Please look these farms over. C. B. (Care. Care's Grocery. Linglestown. Pa. : L car from Square. Harrisburg. FARMS WANTED WANTED—A good farm with or without stock, not too far from city. Address A-5477 care Telegraph. OBices and Store Rooms for Rent ; i FOR RENT For any business, three upper I floors. 219 Market street. A"b piy. S. FRfEDMAN, Real Estate, Kunkel Building, Third and Market Streets. j ; FOR RENT i Room No. 2, on third floor of No. 5 IN. Second Street. Inquire of j HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY. 16 South Second Street. Harrisburg, Pa. ! FOli RENT — Desk room and office. I Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney, 31 'North Second street. Bell phone 307J FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS MOTORS FOR SALE I We hase the tallowing motors we | are offering for sale. We guarantee | tnese motors to be in first-class con j dition and can make immediate de i livery. One H H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. ! One H. P. 220 V. 3SO K. P. M. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 500 K. P. M. j One At H. P. 115 V. 800 R. P. M. I One H. P. 230 V. 370 R. P. M. ! One 14 H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One Vi H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M. i THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg, Fa. FOR SALE Full size. bed. mattress and spring. $18.50, if sold this . j week. Inquire. . I FORNALT'S. 1321 North Sixth Street. I j lOR SALE —White reed coach with i wind shield in good condition. Apply ] 316 Herr street. FOR SALE —New and used sewing machines, drop heads, two at $lO each Joe Karhart, 2122 N. Sixth street. Dial 3SSS. ' FOR SALE —Iron fence. 40 feet; 3 ! feet high: in good condition; price $35. (Apply at 1208 Chestnut street. Bell I phone 624. 1 FOR SALE—Monarch typewriter, j desk, filing cases. Bankrupt estate of I Harry M. Bret:'.. Thomas C. McCarrell. i Jr.. trustee, 222 Market st. | FOR SALE —A coal digger composed ! of a high grade 6-inch pump, eleva- ; tors, boats etc. Operated entirely elec trically. One ten and one 15 horsepow i er Westinghouse motors. Entire plant just complete?! and entirely new and I ready to operate Epuipment the latest t and very best. Long lease at 10c a ton royalty: doing business on Shamokin I creek near Sunbury, Pa; A good in- I vestment at a bargain to buyer for, leash. Address D. 6i H. Coal Co., 200 ■ i Catawissa ave., Sunbury, Pa. | FOR SALE —All kinds of building I material, including beams, channels, rails, pipe, one hoisting engine and | motors. Apply Williams & Freedman. Sixth, below Hoffman's Woods. I BOOKS Bought ana sold; 20.000 new. old, rare,' in stock. Aurand s. | 925 North Third. Circulars free. i TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES - RENTED - EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON. •>O5 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES ' MORRIS SAYS save money buying 'new and second-hand furniture here I High prices paid for furniture. Morris j Si'hmertz. 1018 Market. Bell 4494. I BABY carriage for sale; natural col or reed, reversible; excellent condition ; Call 50 N. 13th st. I ! FOR SALE—Reed baby carriage, in I 1 good condition, cost $45. Sale price $l2. i i inquire 121 Royal Terrace. i FOR SALE —The furniture of a ten- | 'room house It pays all its own expen- j I ses. Call 575J Bell. I I FOR SALE--One hot air furnace | ! with pipes; in good condition. Apply I IC. F. Gchl. 1003 N. Second street. Belli | phono S9SM ■ j FOR SALE—Four pool tables; two] I bowling alleys: barber shop and res- I taurant building can be rented or 'bought. F. Mixeli. Linglestown. HV\XTED —MISCELLANEOUS | WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition. Address Box S-4429. care Telegraph. stating price, when it can be seen. WANTED To purchase an old bureau or chest of drawers with mirror. Mahogany preferred. Wish to secure this for utility not as an antique. State what you have, price and where it can be seen. Address L-8923 care | Telegraph. ' WANTED Storage for boxed pianos; first floor; must be dry. Yohn Bros., 13 N. Fourth Street. JUNK—We are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974, or write L. Cohen & Co., York street and Ash avenue. BELL PHONE 3570-J S. RIFKIN. CLOTHING. SHOES. FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA MAX SMELTZ Second hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call I Bell IO7IR. or drop a postal to Max I Smeltz. 1020 Market street. Will call.' .City or country. Bell phone 3239-Rl. j I HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for ; I Second-Hand Furniture. Prompt at i tentlon Newmark & Cown, 30$ Broad [street. Dial 4826, Bell 4706-R, j BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES i FOR SALE 2"„2f count of expansions in building and other business which is unabling us to give proper attention to our repair shop employing 12 to 14 men regularly, we will sell same v hteli includes complete auto repair equipment. We will also lease building for anv length of time to a desirable | party; un abundance of work $■ available. This is a real prop- I osition for a live wire and will stand close inspection For * further particulars call or address, if SELDEN TRUCK DISTRIBUTORS. 1017-25 Market Street FOR SALE—Restaurant and lunch* I room, complete and up-to-date, near (Market street: price reasonable; lu | quire A- P. Doranz. 1225 N. Sixth st. WOULD YOU RISK $2 PER WEEK # FOR 50 WEEKS TO MAKE THOU SANDS? A WORKING MAN'S ' COMPANY. By paying $2 per week for 50 weeks we will offer you something great. Most people spend more for drink, tobacco, etc.. but object to spending a few dollars for their future wel fare. Particulars 7024 Jenkins Arcade, Pittsburgh. Pa. FOR SALE—MiIk route In Lebanon, county, doing good business: ill health, reason for selling. Address Box K-S4sTj car Telegraph. LIVE business for a live man. nearby town. Restaurant, confection ery. cigars. Doing business of $42,000. a year or more. Apply A P. Doranz. . 1225 North Sixth at. 1 BUSINESS PERSONALS ACCOUNTING systems installed, financial statements prepared; ac counting errors detected and correct ed. Address, Accountants, care Teieq graph. STEAM feather renovating; all ticks, emptied; new ticks furnished; B. j., Campbell. 1000 Paxton street. OXY-ACETYLENE WELDiNG | Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon removed by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logaa ! street. Bell 4596-J. ! DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. K. j CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street. ! PAPERHANGING AND PAINTING' First-class work. Chilcoat Bros. ' 1622 N. Fourth St. A LANK ■I New and second-hand furniture 1 bought and sold. Highest prices paid., J 1022 Market street. Bell 4730-J. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping J. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street w QUININE —Look out for that grippe ' feeling, likely to catch you this changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE/] . PHOSPHO-QUININE will slave it off llf taken in time. Gross Drug Store, .- ] 119 Market street I R x zoR BLADES SHARPENED i Single edge, 25c doz.. double edge. 35<> doz., razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. FURNITURE, china packing and re-1 1 pairing, carefully done by R. J. Royaj ] gter. 815 West st Bell 818-R. _ ■ ■ "i MONEY TO LOAN MONEY AT NEW LEGAL RATES % 1 The entire cost of $25 for five months Is $2.64 * $5O for five months is 5-25 I $75 for five months is 7.89 ] $lOO for five months is 10.59. i Based on five equal monthly I payments on date due. Longer time if desired at little extra | cost. Shorter time at lower I cost. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT COMPANY., 204 Chestnut Street Under State Supervision . WE LEND MONEY in compliancat with Act of June 4, 1919. to individu als in need of ready cash, small loans 'a specially, business confidential, pay i ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO. 132 Walnut Street MONEY LOANED—Employes' Loan ] Society, Room 206 Bergner Bldg., ] Third and Market streets. "Licensed j and Bonded by the State." HAULING AND MOVING I HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped fo r furniture, freight and piano mov ■ ing. No distance too far. Careful driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. E. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin * Aungst. Manager. Hershey, Pa. Beil phone 15R6. AUTO HAULING—LocaI or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 317 Capital street Both phones. HAULING —Local or long distance, pianos and safes a specialty. Paul Beck, successor to O. H. Beck. Call at 1419 Vernon street. Bell 2811-J., or Ober's Livery. WE Move Anything. Anywhere, Any time. Price reasonable. Dial 4930. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North Third street MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture, and pianos a. specialty. General hauling. Fifth and Reily. Dial 6268. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3515. LOCAI. AND LONG-DISTANCE a HAULING Furniture Moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbln. 656. Caldor street. Both phones. Bell 3CS6-J. Dial 3688. HICKS Local and long-dlstan-o j hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Both • phones. Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page '* •' J . .—. 'i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers