14 S>catbs SHANK—Fay Loretta Shank, aged 2 \eais 5 months and 22 days, child ol Ml and Mrs. Paul Shank, died at hoi home, Thursday afternoon. July 10. , . Funeral services at the home in Penbrook on the Square. Sunday - p. m. Interment in the tt Mo* Grove cemetery at Ltnglestown. '*• Services in charge of the Rev. M . E- Pottleger. Relatives and friends aie invited. CARD OF THANKS Mi. Joseph J. Parialo and family, of 506 Sou til Second street. Y ' for thank his friends and ne'ghbors for the kindness *tmwn them during their F ad bcieavement, also for the bea lul tlnral tributes. LOST AND FOUND LOST Will the person who found * j small gold class pin. *>yj letters H. H- 5.—1918 oil it and initials M. B. engraved on back, which was lost at the Tech High voinn encemen dance at Willa-Villa, I ~.. ; turn to the Telegraph Otttce and receive reward. j LOST-On Friday,.between U6 Vi no j name of Charles M Mo. to will be rewarded by returning the above address. . usT—Two SSO fourth issue Liberty returned to this office. rr] u cot l >, be- i lAJST—Lad> nose pin .. tneen Second and Third on Pine street. Ueward if retuincu. phone 213!). - ! STOLEN— Party who of carpenter s tools from building; at, 23d and 11 oft c-1 streets, night of • tmc 2, are known. By returning at on e i. c> will avoid prosecution. FOUND—Bunch of key* on Hill. , owner can have same by calling and paying lor this ad. ; INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION ij brese Shorthand, Typewriting. English. Bookkeeping, penmanship, Arithmo tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHCIOL | OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter at any time. ; Bell 125 Dial 4016. ■ BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, I 121 Market St. Unas. R. Beckicy. , FOR instruction in elementary or; advanced mathematics or mechanics, | see Miller, 306 Chestnut St.. fotmerl y ; instructor at U. S. Naval Academy. HELP WANTED—MALE j SVECIAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN OF PRODUCTION WORK Ages 18 to 45, Weight 140 pounds or more. MUST BE IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. No Experience Necessary. No Labor Trouble. \pplv in person or enmmuni iate at once with Factoory Employment Office. Till' GOODYEAR TIRE AND RUB BER COMPANY, AKRON. OHIO. CARPENTERS ALL AROUND MACHINISTS GENERAL REPAIRMEN PIPEFITTERS AND SHEETMETAL WORKERS SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY to earn rates in accordance with your ability. Steady work assured. No labor trou ble. Bonus paid on second and third shifts ADply in person or communi cate with Factory Employ ment Office. THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY AKRON. OHIO INVESTIGATE THIS You can make big money writ rig life insurance. We have an exceptionally liberal proposition to jffer capable man for agency with territory headquarters at liarris burg. Address John A. 11. Gilbert, Munager Eastern Department. bC It ANTON LIFE INSURANCE CO.. HCRANTON, PA. WANTED —Our interesting spare time proposition will increase your inc.-mo and lower living expenses. Address Box 293, Newark. Wayne countv. New York. MEN—Age 17 to 55, Experience un necessary. Travel; make secret inves tigations, reports. Salaries; expenses. American Foreign Detective Agency, 429, St. Louis. MAN to sell shrubs, roses, tree*, plants. Weekly pay. Permanent. Write now. Baity Nursery l'o., Box 38. Rochester, N Y. WANTED—Assistant engineer who has had experience with steam and who is willing to learn refrigeration. Address Box A-8482 care Telegraph. (t'niittnueil In Next Column i f 8 FOR SALE BUSINESS PROPERTY No. 226 Hamilton St. ftp the northeast corner Hamilton nd Green bis., 3-story brick house with Store Room front, contain ing 19 rooms and bath; gas light, hot water heat: lot 18x92 ft. Miller Brothers & Co. I,IM UST AND COURT NTS. HEAL ESTATE INMItCME MKKTY HO MIX Members Hhg. Heal Estate llouril . _________________ . ■ •- : ■ •; Jjr ' • a;,?' • SATURDAY EVKNING, HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application at once. Full course, SSO. Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or TRAINING QUARTERS. 260 South Front Street. Steelton, Pa. WANTED Expert auto mechanic; none hut experienced need apply. FEDERICK'S GARAGE. 1807-1809 North Seventh St. PATTERNMAKERS wanted. Apply j 221 Market street, Wednesday even- • ing, July 16. Open meeting. WANTED at once, two good tinners. Appy 37 N. 13th street, Lincoln Pal - themore. DISTRICT manager to represent manufui .urer. Prefer man with ex- j periem e in handling lady solicitors. $5,000 a year possible; SIOO required for stock. B. &• G. Mfg. Co., 618 Penn uvp., Pittsburgh. Pa. WANTED—A white man and boy, for day labor in country near city. Apply 1700 N. Second street, after 7 i). m. EARN $5 to $lO day gathering ever greens, roots and herbs in the fields and roadside. Book and prices f"ee. Botanical, WI, West Haven Conn. August 23. Railway Mail Clerk Ex- | animations in llarrisburg. Hundreds wanted. $l,lOO-11,600 year. Every second week, or equivalent, off at full j pay. Common education sufficient, j Write immediately for free list of po- ! sitions open and sample questions. ; Franklin Institute, Dep't 414 R, Ro-1 Chester, N. Y. CENSUS clerk examination soon. Thorough instruction $5. Particulars free. American Civil Service School, Washington, D. C. z —: i RAILWAY mail clerks; hundreds j wanted, $l,lOO-$1.500; age, 18-35: ex perience unnecessary. Examinations] everywhere, August 23. For free par- j ticulars, write Raymond Terry, (for-; mer government examiner), 518 Con- 1 linter.tal Bldg. Washington. WIRE DRAWER, familiar with j both alloy and carbon steel; permanent i position in large steel mill out of city: highest pay to man meeting re-| quirements. Give full particulars i'orj interview. E-8528. PAINTER WANTED—Qualified by; experience to do all manner of mixing and applying; fair wages with meals, und year round engagement. Apply Superintendent, Harrleburg Hospital,' WANTED—Burner, at once. Apply! Tile Barber Shop, 15 North Market Square. WANTED—Several men for quarry) and lime kiln work. Apply Ruther-1 foid Bros., Paxtang ,Pa. ROUGHER, also one heater, for plate mill of large steel corporation; first class wages to thoroughly com petent man. State age and experience in detail. H-8526 care Telegraph. OPEN HEARTH HEATER, also one helper, experienced; important, per manent connection on special work for large steel company; high pay to suitable man. Give full particulars as 1 to experience and age. in own hand i writing. X-8527 care Telegraph. MOULDER—Thorough all around mechanic, accustomed to both and small work; gray iron and steel;! excellent permanent position; first class working conditions in modern well lighted shop, out of city; trans portation paid; high wages to man meeting requirements. Give complete details of experience and age for re- ] ply. D-SS2S care Telegraph. MEN WANTED —Must be well ac quainted in town. Inquire at office, room 4, Spooner Bldg., 9 N. Market Square. MACHINISTS First class lathe hands; milling machine hands; tool makers, etc. Only thoroughly compe tent men experienced on ciose and ac curate work need apply. First class open shop on an 8-hour basis; now working ten hours with time and one half for overtime. Rates up to 75u for j machinists; 80c for toolmakers. Ap-: ply by letter to the Employment Man- | ager. Crown Cork and Seal Co., 1511: Guilford avenue, Baltimore, Md. KITCHEN man, strong willing 1 worker with previous experience pre- , ferred. Good wages, food, room and laundering supplied. Apply Superin tendent llarrisburg Hospital. Hl-.LI' WANTED—FEMALE WANTED FIFTY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS I ON POWER SEWING MACHINES! 30 PER CENT. WEEKLY BONUS ON ALL EARNINGS ! 10 PER CENT. EXTRA BONUS ON | EARNINGS EVERY SIX MONTHS | IDEAL WORK UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS IN AN IDEAL i PLANT JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO. 2012 N. 4TH ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. j __j EXPERIENCED MILLINERY MAKERS wanted at once. Twelve months' steady work; also apprentices paid while learning. Apply ASTRICH'S. 308 Market Street. GIRLS wanted from 16 years up, to learn cigarmaking. Pay $6 j per week while learning; good opportunity to earn big money after learning. Ap ply. GENERAL CIGAR CO., INC., 500 Race Street. j . ! PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY Knit urgently needed socks for us on Auto Knitters Experience unneces sary. Full particulars. $c stamp. Department 146. Auto Knitter Co.. 2l Jetu rson street. Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED Middle aged housekeep er and companion for elderly couple. I Apply by mail to A. Johnston, P. O. I Box 865, Harrlsburg. Pa. WANTED Competent girl to get out or ders and take care of stock. Apply, Hurnsbiirg Apparel Company. Sixth and Herr Streets. j WOMEN ATTENDANTS —Wanted In I department for women, Norrlstown 'Slate Hospital, l'a.; minimum monthly wage S3O. steadily increased, includes tull maintenance, comfortable nurses' iioiiie, vacation employment for stu dents nnu teachers. Write, Dr. Jesslu M Peterson I KITCHEN woman who cgn take charge and direct help; one with pre- I vious experience preferred . good I wages, food, room and luundeiin" supplied Apply hupei intendent llui - rlnburg Hospital- | MenllnucU to Next Column) HELP AVAXTKI)—I'K.MALE , WANTED—GirIs for fancy ironing. I Apply Compton's, 1006 N. Tliird st. WAXTKL—Five bright, capable la- ] dies to travel, demonstrate and sell dealers. slls to SSO per week. Railroad , fare paid. Write at once. Goodrich : Drug 0r,.. Dept. 841. Omaha. Neb. ; WANTED Experienced waitress; no others need apply. Apply 612. Market St. — WANTED —Mangle girls and a good hand iioner. Apply Palace Laundry,; | .'lO3 Logan street. 1 WANTED—Experienced diningroom gills with clean habits. Apply In per son Manhattan Restaurant. 317 Mar-. ko.. st net. HELP \VAXTKI)—.MaIe and Female MEN-WOMEN raise Belgian Hares for us. We pay you $7 pair und ex- I pressage. Free illustrated booklet and I contract. United Food & Fur Asso- ] elation. 329 West 48th St.. Dept. C, IN. V. WANTED IMMEDIATELY—By U. S. | Government. Hundreds clerks. 18 or over, ut Washington. D. O. llarrisburg examinations July 19th. $l,lOO year. Pleasant clerical work. Short hours. Common education sufficient. Try these July 19th examination. Specimen questions free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 414 R., Rochester, N. Y. AGENTS WANTED AGENTS Make $3 to $5 an hour selling guaranteed made-to-measure liberty luincoats. Worn as stormcoat, auto or topcoat. Boston agent made $02.50 Hist week. McCann, Kentucky,. $172. Liberal commission in advance. [ We deliver and collect. Sample outlit j free. Write to-day. The Liberty Ruin- I coal Company, Dept. B, 105 Dayton, ! Ohio. i SSOO pel month selling a new pat- . ented tuel vaporizer, guaranteed to J save up to 50 per cent, in gasoline; | 40 miles per gallon made with Ford ! car. bold on money-back guarantee, j One sample free. Strunsky Vaporizer Co.. Pukwana, S. D. AGENTS—SeII farmers, breeders, slock raisers, noncompetitive prod uct. Earnings S2OO-SSOO month; $25- $l5O bonus. Clean, honest, profitable employment. Specialty Mfg. Associa tion. Division 125. Madison, Wis. AGENTS wanted for Dauphin, Cumberland. Perry and Lebanon coun ties, to sell an article everybody uses. P. O. Box 32, Highspire Pa. AGENTS—IdeaI steak tenderer, the greatest moneymaker on the market; makes tough steak as tender as opi terhc.use; housekeepers buy on sight; ever 200,000 in use; samples free. Ty ler Mfg. Co., B-10, Muniee, Ind. LARGE MANUFACTURER wants | representatives to sell shirts, under- i wear, hosiery, dresses, waists, skirts, i direct to homes. Write for free j samples. Madison Mills. 503 Broad- j way. New York City. AGENT —To sell portable fireproof | steel gerages, cottages, factory and farm buildings, moving picture halls:! any size; give references. Manufactor- I ir.g Stone Repair Co., Inc., Hoges- | town. Pa. SALESMEN WANTED Wanted—A saleman who can qualify for position as Dis trict Manager. Also a few po sitions open for salesmen with red blood. Men of the right caliber can earn Big money. Our proposition is one of the most attractive any | buyer can ' have and finds rtadv response from the small I as well as large investor. For- ! tunes are being made in Tex as Oil Leases and it is the safe end and the big money end of the oil business. Write for full particulars of the lib eral contract we offer sales men. You can qualify as Dis trict Manager or salesman. Stateland Lease Association, 602 Marbridge, Building, New York City. I AUTOTIRE vulcanizing: a growing profitable business. Easy to learn. In struction book sl. Plants s;io up. Cat-■ alog tree. Equipment Co., 458, Bth st., Cincinnati LIBERAL commission, steady in come, with selling agency for Davis tnliormade clothes front maker to | wearer. Write to-day. Reference; wanted. P. 14. Davis Tailoring Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. SALESMAN Large manufacturing • company producing merchants' new j highciass mechanical specialty wants, factory representative. Only high- , class applications will be considered. Permanent position; S4OO to S7OO per ; month: commissions paid weekly;; state experience. Address J. L. Rog ers. Box 190. Station C, Cleveland, Ohio. I SALESMEN—NEW CARBURETOR I FOR FORD CARS. Simple, not a ntov- I ing part: installed in thirty minutes:: guurantv ed to double your mileage I | and start in zero weather without heating or priming. 15-day FREE trial Our St. Louis man sold 1,400 in 6 months. Salt loike City man made $1,200 in one week. Write U. N: ,T. ] Carburetor Co., 505 W. Jackson Blvd., I I Chicago. SALESMAN wanted to sell shares lin big oil company. Something new. \ cracker lack oil proposition. Pay cash commission. Write Monarch In | vestment Co., Rlackwell, Okla. 1 HIGH grade specialty salesmen at tention We manufacture accessory to I Ford ear which sells to best dealers ion HiKhi Yon can earn sir,o weekly. ; Motor Products Company, Indian apolis, Ind. 1 STOCK salesman to market bona | fide oil stock issue: large holdings: dividend payer; bank references. Top i commission. Guaranty Title and Trust ICo.. Slaughter Bldg.. Dallas, Tex. 1 V! \DESMAN —Live wire producer, len'r'make big money on new product Itbat interests all automobile owners. Territorial control to men who make I good Must have ability to organize 1,,,.d direct business. Commission basis. Auto-Pep Company, Inc., Box 1511, Manbeim, P • i MANY stupendous fortunes lately made in Texas oil. Our 2',4-acre $12.5 a leases mav he worth SSO an inside one I vA,. Write for particulars now Ti.vah Oil Company. Southwestern Life Bldg.. Pall*' 1 - Tox ■ i VGKNTH wanted to sell leases in 'v. w Pecos oil field; 214-acre leases jb , si op Hundreds quickly became rich from similar Texas oil Invest meats Surest winners ever offered. Everyone buys. Big commlssionr. vvi-tte for pal Honiara. Toyah Oil Co., I Southwestern Life Rt|llding. Dallas. Texas. ___ SITUATIONS WANTED —MALE YOUNG high school boy would like ! work of anv kind during sutmner | months Address Box C-Mll. car. ; Telegraph. ' • continued la Neat lolmuii i BtARRISBTTRO telegraph |K YOU PLAN TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME, of course. That is the plan that forms, at some time, in the j*jra I# mind of about every man who desires LJ e|a to "belong" in his community. Your by ky plan will take definite shape when M IpO you begin to investigate advertised , offers of property. You'll learn much I|p 4 through this method—learn compara tive values, learn neighborhoods. | (Ml Date your interest in real estate ads yd | 111 from to-day. I 1 g ' SITUATION'S WANTED—MALE | YOUNG man wants position as ' chauffeur or truck driver; best of : references. Apply p. o. Box 491. BOY 16 years of age, wishes any kind of work; has bicycle. Call Bell 1 rhone 428-R, SITUATION WANTED—AI machin ist, thoroughly experienced, desires to locate in Harrisburg. Worked in Government Navy Shop during the war. Discharge excellent. J-8480. WANTED—Position by married man as grocery clerk, have had over 11 years' experience. Capable of man aging. Address P. O. Box 24, Reeds-' ville. Pa. POSITION on road or in office want-J ed by a young man with technical training and experience. Plenty of in itiative and "pep." Willing to tuckloj big things and go anywhere to meet opportunty. Very best local refer ences. Address Box S-8524 care Tele- I graph. SITUATION'S WANTED—FemaIe j WOMAN wants housework in Camp Hill, apply 432 Herr stheet. HALF grown colored girl would like! to assist with house work. Call 28 Linden street, City. WANTED—GirI 18 years of age wants to assist with light housework. Call or address 1517 Derry St. HOUSEKEEPER Reliable young woman with son of nine years, wishes position in suburbs or country with elderly couple or widower; good home j and congenial surroundings in pref-• trence to large remuneration; beot references. Address Box R-8481, care I Telegraph. A half-grown girl wants a position as a nurse girl, call at 1709 N. Seventh street. WANTED—Office cleaning or Jan itress work, by refined colored wom an. References. Call or address 1422 N. Fourth St. COLORED girl 14 years of age, de sires pesition as nurse girl. Can fur nish references. Call or address, 1422 N. Fourth St. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenographer, desires position; can turnish best of references. Address R-8479 care Telegraph. WANTED Refined middle aged lady of ability desires position as manager or caretaker of apartment house in Harrisburg or vicinity. Would occupy one apartment. Small family. Best of references. Address B-5475 care Harrisburg Telegraph. WANTED A respectable white woman wishes position as plain cook cr housekeeper in or out of city. Ad dress Marie Vernon, General Delivery, West Fait view. EXPERIENCED typist and clerk, wants position. Address Box E-8472, care Telegraph. HOUSEKEEPER—Experienced re liable middle aged widow desires po sition; leferences. Address B-Sa23 cure Telegruph. luli.NG High school girl wishes position; clerical work preferred. Ad dress Box SS-8924 care Telegraph. ROOMS FOR RENT FOR RENT—Furnished rooms; all • conveniences; centrally located. Apply j9 N. Front st. lOR RENT—One large furnished [front room, electric lights and gas, use- of bath; phone in room. Inquire 1 7 N. 13th st. ! FOli RENT—Two large communi cating rooms, one front; private hall; well ventilated; suitable for light | housekeeping; refetences exchanged; use of bath and phone. Inquire 210 i South 13th Street. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS Large ! single or communicating rooms with • kitchenet, stove furnished free; bath, ] phone and laundry priviligea; all out i side, independent and private. Apply 429 Broad street. FOR RENT—Furnished room in .'good location. Call Bell phone 356 R. | FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms, iniluding use of phone, light,and bath. I Call Bell phone 1218-M. ! "LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING." Th.ee i rooms on third floor furnished; liglu, ' heat, etc., use of phone; no children. 11811 Green street. : FOR RENT—One large furnished room at 1531 Green street. Inquire ut 1261 Cumberland. I FOR RENT —Lurge room with three llatge windows on second floor; use of bath und phone; gentleman preferred. Inquire Ctl7 N. 16th street. FOR RENT —Furnished room on second floor; all conveniences; hot water. Bell phone 466-11. FOR RENT—At 209 Boas street, furnished room; all conveniences; Bell phone 1041-W. FOR RENT—Large, well furnished room; use of Bell phone, address 719 N. Sixth st. FURNISHED room for rent; use of bath, gentleman preferred; rent, s;s.su la week. Inquire Mrs. Owens, third | floor. Potts' Apartment. Third and ' lierr streets. FOR RENT—Nice light furnished room on second floor, with buy win !dow. suitable for two; also an un- Ifurntihed room on third floor; electric lights, use of bath and phone. Apply til Evergreen St. Bell 4900 R. Nicely lurnished. clean, coco rooms, $2.50 per week and up. 143 South Third street. NICELY-FURNISH ED BLDHOOM For gentlemen only. Dial 4990. or 912 North Third street. APARTMENT* FOR RENT FOR RENT—Small furnished apart ment, second floor, strictly up-to-date reslclt ntlal location. Hell phone 12tig|t. • I uullnucd la Nest Column i APARTMENTS FOR RENT FOR RENT—One bright front room furnished complete; apartments of two rooms. Call Bell 2985R or 421 S. 17 th St. APARTMENTS for rent; furnished and unfurnished; all modern conven iences. Apply Louis, 414 N. Third St.. between 8 a. m. and 4 p. m. APARTMENT FOR RENT— no N Second street; 4 rooms and private bath; third story front; unfurnished tirst class condition; hot running water all the year; city steam heat s4s per month. Apply L. Winter, tirst floor same building. Both phones. AT 100 South Thirteenth street; first floor, 7 rooms and laundry, ele gantly furnished, equipped with hard wood floors, gas and electricity, pri vate porch and entrance. Apply a: 100 South Thirteenth street. APARTMENTS WANTED YOl N't; man and wife desires one or two lurntshed rooms for light housekeeping with electricity, gas and modern conveniences. Located in or near Harrisburg. Address A-8484 care Telegraph. ROOMS WANTED MARRIED couple (middle aged) re fined and reliuble people, desire one or two plain, but comfortably fur nished rooms, also privilege of cook ing their food, etc. Pleasant locality desired. Please spite most reasonable terms to Box K-8t73, care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FOR SALE POSSESSION SOON If you are looking for a nice, sub stantially built suburban home, wltii plenty of ground, fruit and garden, in spect the Bixler property, located on the northeast corner of Dickinson and Princeton avenue, Earligton, Camp Hill, Pa., two blocks from car line; single car fare from Harrisburg; 2V4- story frame detached dwelling, size 21x31; stone foundation;; Shingle foot; cemented cellar under entire house; all improvements; 3 large rooms and reception hall on tirst floor; (large kitchen); open stairway; 4 rooms and bath on second floor; un finished attic; good yellow pine floor ing; cypress finish; hot water heating system; front porch 9x31; plot of ground 120x120; granolithic walks; thade trees, garage for one car; two chicken houses which wil accommo date 500 chickens; 17 fruit trees (13 bearing the finest kind of fruit); va riety of grapes; 1,500 strawberry plants; good reason for selling; In spection by appointment only. PRICE \ KRV REASONABLE at $5,150. Bell C. O. BACKEN'STOSS. Bell 700 AGENT. 3077J HARRISBURG, PA. HOMES FOR SALE: POSSESSION AT ONCE 155 l'axton st.; frame: c rooms; price, $1,300. 153 Paxton st.; frame, 10 rooms; price, SI,BOO. 16th street. Hill, corner, 8 rooms, brick, imp., $5,000. 28st, Pen brook, corner. 10 rooms; 3- story frame. Eot 65x150, garage; all imp., $5,200. 2805 Canby st., imp.; drive alley; Penbrook, $2,500. S-room brick; lot 56x1 <0; Penbrook, j *''2 % -'story frame; Penbrook; imp., I $2 300. 2% -story, 29th st., Penbrook; all limp. $2,300. I Double U-room, brick. Fort Wash ington. steam heat; all improvements; 1 r it her side for $2,800. Call Bell 5246-W. C. Davies, Real Estate. 1519 State, cor. 16th street, Harrisburg. FOR SAEE Double 2 Ms -story frame dwelling, each side containing 1 rooms, bath, all improvements, combination range*, porches, cemented cellars, locate'; ! < ne-half square from ear I ne on 9th st.. Elkwood, elegunt condition. I os sosston soon. Price each. $3,000 $3.2c0 will buy a new -Ms-story I brick dwelling with 6 rooms, bath, reception hall and pantry, all modem improvements, lot 37x126, located or.e Huuare from car lino on Market Htree\ Klkwocd, (adjoining Now Cumber |,' J . Thlri nroportv i* well located and l cxcoptl onall y attractive at this figure. Possession on short notice. Bit IN TON-PACK BR COM PAN Y, AGENTS, Second and Walnut Streets. Kolt SAI'K —Home No. 1524 North I,'ich street, and houno No. • i toil street. Estate of John W. Hoover, i owner Apply Walter R. bohn. attorney om "OR. t'ommonwealth Trust Co.. Bell phone 334-J. DESIRABLE DERBY STREET PROPERTY FOR -"Vu ~~ BrUk house 7 rooms bath gas I electric light steam heat No. 2012 bury. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner , iliiitding ' I FOR SALE No. 409 South Thir teenth street —three-story brick 9 I rooms and bath—steam heat. Bell | Iteislty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 207 Harris street —brick house 9 rooms Oath oilier Improvements. Bell Realty Co., Bergncr Building- THRKB-HTORY BRICK HOUSE for sale- 8 rooms and bathf gas; electric light; steam heat; roof; 2104 Swaluru street. Ile.l Realty to.. Berg ner Rlrig. SCHUYLKILL Ht. 682—For sale, six rooms and bath! gas; electric light; steam heat. Hell Realty Co., Hergnor P.ldg. _______________ Uuiilluued la Nest Culumui REAL ESTATE FOR SALB | "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDERLIN." JEFFERSON ST., 2130 Three-story brick, nine rooms, all improvements, ce ment cellar, driveway in the rear. Can be bought same as rent. DERRY ST.. 2341 NEW. VACANT; three-story brick, six rooms, bath and attic, nice front and back porches, steam beat, gas and electricity, hardwood floors; right up-to- the minute. SWATARA ST., 1856—POS SESSION SOON ; three-story frame, eight rooms, bath, gas, front porch, driveway ih the rear; same as rent. LEMOYNE; Herman Ave., 289-291—Double frame; im provements, nice front porch, lot 150 feet deep back to a driveway; can sell as a whole or one-half, on our easy pay ment plan. STEELTON; S. Second St., 320—Three-story frame, im provements, one-half of a pair, nice roomy house; right price to quick buyer; same as rent. D. ASA SANDERLIN, Room l, SECURITY TRUST BLDG., 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390 DIAL 3573 HOUSES ON EASY TERMS Vacant 2-story rrlclt on Hill, imp. . Vacant 2*4-story brick on Hill, all imp . Vacant 2 *4-story frame on Hill, all imp. \ acant 3-story brick, uptown, all imp. 5-slory frame near Hill market, ail imp. Two 2 *4-story frames, S. 21st St., all imp. Stoic room property on Market st. Storeroom, corner brick, on Hill. 3-story brick, corner on Derry st. 2-story brick, on Crescent at., easy terms. 3-story brick on Swatara st. 2-story bricks on Isth and 16th sts. 2-stcry bricks on Catharine st. 3-story brick on Walnut St., Hill. ' 3-story frame and garage Park st. ! 2 *4-story single frame, in Lemoyne, all imp. Fine corner house in Enola, all j imp. 9-toon; house in New Cumberland,! imp. Cottage in Camp Hill, all imp. Fine home, I acre, near Camp Hill. Single corner, at Washington Hts. , Fine corner home in Penbrook. Corner 2*4-story frame, in Pleasant' View. One acre and double house at Pen brook. Apartments on Hill and uptown. Corner new brick, uptown, all imp. j Investment, three small houses in Steelton. Investment, three frame houses on corner Forrest st. Row of six 3-story bricks on Briggs street. Business place on Derry street near 19th st. 3-story brick, on Green street imp. Apartment house, uptown, one of the finest in the city; large lot to street in rear. I*4-story brick and 1-story frame at West Falrview in business section along State Highway. Suitable for store or business place; very cheap. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green St. | FOR SALE 14-room frame house, State street, West Fairview; 7 cent zone; trolley passes the door; large lot, 50x160 feet to drive alley; bath, water, gas. elec tricity; large garden and fruit; concrete wains; arte sian well 100 feet deep, pro ducing the best drinking water. The house has a front of 36 feet and can be made into a double house at little cost, and both sides could be rented for $25 per month. Price $4,500. Easy terms. See CHAS. DAVTES, Real Estate. 1649 State St., Harrlsburg. Bell 5246 W. 'll4B Derry ] 355 Howard. 11630 Derry. 'j™',"- ' 1-01 Derry. •l —• Ctn. i 156 Sylvan T. N. 6th. , 238 Crescent. -• ]1 N. 6th. 355 Hummel. 618 Seneca. 1"7 S 13th. 600 Woodbine. ' 918 N 18th. 62S Woodbine, i 58 N' 18th. 1724 N. 3d. 1 .'53 S. 18th. 2211 N. 4th. 1841 State Fenbrook. 1515 Slate. 2918 Boas. 72 N. 17th. -617 Boas. "8 S 19th. 236 Canby. 1439 Market. Progress. 1600 Market. Shell street. 70!) Benton. Now Cumberland 214 N. 14th. Eighth btreet. 1854 Swatara. \BK UH about new houses nearing completion, and ground to build in BO KOUa e H tIO BniaHTBILL & KLINE. bXphone* 307 Kunkel Bldg. HOMES FOR SALE 1912 N. 6th, brick $4,500 1512 Walnut st., brick 3,600 Penn st., brick ■•••• 3,00u Hummel St., Lemoyne 2,sou qmall amount of cash required. D A- 707 Kunke ' Kldg- Bell phone 589. FOR SALE—II 2-114 Washington st., 8 rooms ana bath; frame; tin roof; all convenience*, bargain. Apply 814 N. Third street. FOR SALE OK F.XCHANUE Houses of every description in all parts of city and suburban. Some on easy payment plan. Will take light touring car in t,adt " C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 560-J. FOR SALE Four-ztory brick bldg. suitable f or ! service station or garuge; elevator;: centrally located, near Second st. u. A. caley. 707 Kunkel Bldg. FOR SALE Threo-story brick i house, on Market street, east of 13th,' suitable for apartment or business. ' Price right. A. W. Swengel, 2131 N Second. ] FOR SALE—A good property on lJth neur Derry. fine for apartment or business A. W. Swengel. 2131 Notlh I Second. ! • BEAUTIFUL country home for sale, aside car line; electriu light, steam heal; lot 140x160; eusy terms, $3,200. Durand & Ferber, 107 Cbeat ! not street. tleatlaacd la Nesl t oluutut JULY 12, 1919. HEAL ESTATE FOR SALE VACANT HOUSES Two 214 end 3-story brick houses; all improvements; porches, drive alley. Also cor ner houses on Hill and up town. Will take auto in trade. I have several fine suburban homes for sale; brick, all Im provements, *4 acre each; steam heat, electric lights, hardwood floors, lota of fruit on Slate Road. Will take city property in trade. C. H. CORNER, 1722 Green Street, Harrlsburg, Pa. Bel) Phone E6O-J. Harris Street 630 Three-story brick. 9 rooms, all improvements, small amount down; balance same as rent; no questions as to race or nationality. D A. Sanderlin, 36 N. Third street, room 1. Security Trust Bldg. Bell 1390. Dial 3573. FOR SALE—lmmediate possession of a 10-room, single brick house, fur nished ot unfurnished, on Derry, room for garage. Call Dial 6236. FOR SALE—In Highspire. If you ere looking for a business that will net you $3,000 to $5,000 a year at a real down bargain, see me at once; property including residence, store room, ice cream parlor, large pool • room, only pool in town; reason for selling, would retire from business. W. J- Reeves, 224 Market St., High spire. Dial 9801 AN exceptional bargain in a fine home. This property is located 454 Elizabeth street, Highspire; single house, plot 150 foot front by 125 feet deep; improvements; most all kinds of fruit; chicken house and garage, 14x50. Will sell for SI,OOO less than what it is worth; reason for selling other business. W. W. Reeves, 224 Market street, Highspire. Dial 9801, i FOIt SALE —162 Cumberland Road, I Enola, 2*4 - story frame house, slate ! roof; all improvements, Including I steam heat; newly papered and paint ed inside. Price $2,650 Terms to suit uurchaser; now vacant, inquire 803 N. 16th street. Bell phone 3327-J. ' POSSESSION at once, Enola house; electric lights; hot and cold water; terms reasonable; sl,buo. Durand & Ferber. 107 Chestnut st. I FOR SALE —On easy terms, 2012 Ito 2018 Susquehanna street. Apply A. IP. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth. BUY YOUR lIOME on the rental) I payment plan Small cash or Libertv! I Bond first payment required, balance' as rent. We have houses in every j ! part of the city and suburbs. Apply ' IA, p. Doranz, 1225 North Sixth street. | FOR SALE THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE, I No. 1512 WALNUT STREET. Lot, 15 ft. 3 in by 90 ft COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANY. 222 Market Street FOR SALE —$98 buys a lot 20x125 near Progress, very close to ear line; I I level, smooth, clean. Address Box i T-S4S3, care Telegraph. Real Estate For Sale—Suburban FOR SALE—292-294 Second street, Highspire. A fine double house, all im provements, will sell single or double, if you are looking for p. bargain see this property before you buy. W. J. Reeves. 224 Market street, Highspire.! Dial 9801. My car is at your service. ! FOR SALE—Large suburban home 1 near Camp Hill, Vj acre land; all lm- | provements; fruit, chicken house, etc., will take city property in ex-1 change; easy terms. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street Bell Phone 560-J REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT—Small modern suburb an home; refined couple; possession August 1. J. D. Renninger, Scot land. Pa. FOR RENT —Three furnished rooms on second floor for light housekeep ing. with use of bath: no children; possession at once. Apply 1704 Green | street. REAL ESTATE WANTED ! WANTED —To buy or rent a store | suitable for women's ready to wear, centrally located. Address N. D. Tuck erman, 3049 Euclid ave., Philadelphia. WANTED "•O LEASE SEPT IST NICELY FURNISHED HOME OR APART MENT; 6 ROOMS AND UPWARD, BY RESPONSIBLE PARTY WITH PROPER REFERENCES. AD DRESS C. E. WHITE, 103 NORTH CAMERON ST. I HAVE BUYERS—List your prop erties with me. Chas. Adler, Real Es tate and Insurance. 1002 North Third Street. I want to rent a house in vicinity of North Second street, any time before l September 29. Bell 1581-11. Address j 1 723 Foster street, ] WANTED—Suburban house, west ! side of city preferred. Address D 8478 j cure Telegraph. j WANTED—To buy, small cigar and • candy store with or without soda 1 fountain, or tobacco and pool room, lln tow n within twenty-five mile j tad ins of llarrisburg. State present return on investment; reason for scll ; ing an.' best price for quick cash proposition. All replies eontldentiai. Address J-8474. cure Harrlsburg Tele graph . FARMS FARM SFO RSALE Price ] \ -acre near Harrlsburg $2,300 56$ acres. Dauphin co 1,600 ] S acres, Lebanon co 850 I 16 acres, Dauphin co 2,40 a 20 acres, Dauphin co. 2,800 30 acres. Dauphin co 3,000 38 ucrett. Dauphin co 1,650 i 39 acres. Leliano co 4,800 143 acres, York co 3,000 ] IS acres, Lebanon co 2,000 65 acres, Perry co 8,000 102 Hcres. Perry co 3,300 j 120 ai res. Perry co 6,500 | 121 aires. Dauphin co 8,500 | 128 acres, co 6,200 12*0 acres, Dauphin co 14,100 1432 acres. Perry co 16,u00 DURAND A- FEU HER. 107 Ohestnut ntreet. FARMS FOR SALE 103 acres, good buildings; fences; 'fruit; 5 miles northeast Llnglestowu This farm Is worth a "whole lot" morn ' money then we ask for it, $3,500. 60-icre farm bordering on the above faint. A REAL bargln for $3,500 Please look these farms over. C. R fare Care's Grocery, Ltnglestown, Pa. ! L ear from Square, Harrlsburg. FOR SALE —100-acre farm, also stock, If desired; possession Novem ber 1, two miles northeast of Hart is burg; further Information, apply 1700 N. Second st. ! lOaatlsHMl la Mast t olutaul j V FARMS WANTED—To buy a farm of 25 to 4040 acres. Address Box L-8471, care Telegraph. FARMS WANTED WANTED—A good farm with or without stock, not too far from :ity. Address A-8477 care Telegraph. WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale. C. C. Sheparo. Minneapolis. Minn. Ofllccs und Store Rooms for Rent FOR KENT— Desk room and office. Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney. 31 North Second street. Bell phone 307.1. FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS ■ ■ „ MOTORS FOR SALE We have the following motors we are offering for sale. We guarantee ! these motors to be in first-class con dition and can make immediate de livery. One y H. P. 220 V. 460 R. P M. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 380 R. p. M. One Vi H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P ML One U H. P. 115 V. 800 R. p' M. Ono U H. P. 220 V. 370 R. p M. One u H. P. 120 V. 275 R. p' m' One >4 H. P .120 V. 400 R. P m! THE TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg. Pa. TENTS FOR SALE OR RENT Regulation army tents, khaki 1 with ventilator top and pvra midlal style. 10x16 feet, with Pole. Five dollars per 12-ioot pole. Apply. BOWMAN & COMANT. Fourth Floor. FOR SALE Full size bed, mattress and spring, $18.50, if sold this week. Inquire, FORNALT'S. 1321 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE RIVER SAND Best in quality and price. At the river, Motor street, Highspire, Pa. Martin Construction & Supply Co. j FOR SALE —Baby carriage. Bloch white reed, wooden wheels; good as j new. 623 Emerald st;, or Bell 1072-R. I FOR SALE—AII kinds of building 'material, including beams, channel-, I rails, pipe, one hoisting engine and i motors. Apply Williams & Freedman, j Sixth, below Hoffman's Woods. FOR SALE —Three sewing ma chines, some used machines at a bar gain; two machines at $lO each. Joe Earhart. 2122 N. Sixth Street. FOR SALE —15-horsepower upright boiler, in very good condition. Apply | Compton's, 1006 N. Third street. BOOKS Bought ana sold; 20,000 new. old, rare, in stock. Aurand s. 925 North Third. Circulars free. FOR SALE Registered Chester white or O. T. C. pigs; blooded stock; also seed hog of same breed for serv ice; fee, $2 grade sow; pure breed $5. I reg. free. Earle Heiges, Shirc manstown, Pa. | FOR SALE —Globe-Wernlcke sec tional book cases, in quartered oak. 1 dark finish, $3.00. | Two Monarch typewriters and desk, filing cases, etc. All in excel lent grade and condition. Bankrupt Estate of Harry M. Bretz, Thomas C. McCarrell, Jr., Trustee, 222 Market street, Harrisburg, Penna. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON. 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER BOTH PHONES MORRIS SAYS save money buying i new and second-hand furniture here. ! High prices paid for furniture. Morris jschinertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4494. | WANTED—MISCELLANEOUS I WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition. Address Box S-4429, care Telegraph. stating price, when it can be seen. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN. CLOTHING, SHOES. FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG, PA. JUNK—We are In the market for all kinds of Junk. Call Bell 4974, or write L. Cohen & Co., York street and ■ Ash avenue. , MAX SMELTZ Second hand furnituro bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 10/IR. or drop a postal to Max ; Smoltz. 1020 Market street. Will call. City or country. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID for i Second-Hand Furniture. Prompt at , tentlon Newmark & Cown. 308 Broad street. Dial 4826. Bell 4706-R. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE CORNER BUSINESS PROPERTY Size of lot. 90x150 feet; size store. 20x55; size barn. 30x40, two-story; size garage, 28x30. Price for property. $2,800. Will sell established grocery, meat and vegetable business, including stock and fixtures, | etc., for $2,500. No better lo cation In West Falrvlew. CHARLES DAVIES. REAL ESTATE. 1549 STATE STREET. Bell 6216 W. FOR KALE—Wen established, good* paying, drugstore, with good fountain, bargain to quick buyer. Ad dress Box K-8491, care Telegraph. < FOR SALE—Restaurant and lunch room. complete and up-to-date, near Market atreet; prlca reasonable; in quite A. I'. Doranz, 1126 N. Sixth it ] Additional Classified Ads I | ■ Opposite Pago
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