Will of Mrs. Mary Horton Disposes of $50,000 Estate Sunliury, Pa.. July 10.—The will of Mrs. Mary Caroline Horton, who died at her home in Point township, near Northumberland, disposes of an estate worth $50,000, mostly in OUR GREATEST CLEAN SWEEP, FRIDAY BARGAIN DAY—TOMORROWf Store Opens onFriday at 9 A.M. Kt ik MC SEE OUR MEN 'S and boys' i; Che m FrM, .1 S.3OP. M. ""iffSSSffEgf* bj Brassieres IS O-N FItIDAY Sri /rf/vC® Bandeaux and Conflners; made of P' nk marqut #74 / 1 iHli'l sette in front or till MMInH II 111 in back fastening Jf'/Mlnil lllllfn m ° t ' e '. B ' * u "j t-ut; ' '*'"" !<,VCCP , ri< ' V Kaufman's 2nl PI. J % House Dresses ijs}| O.N FRIDAY y 100 percale _ IH gingham and Jpl sir! lawn house |[y dresses; good neatly trimmed; [|j^ t'lenn Mweep i Knnfm.il'. 2 n l ■ .. . 15 Spring Coats Jl ON FRIDAY nHCvSL 15 Spring Coats " -Y\ for women and |fORtE misses; made of ffMjt 3[ 111: A black and white MMnt li'm clieck cloth: good //f |; I Ullsft to 38 only. Were I Jhlil'm Clean Sweep Prlee If 111 $1.97 V- • Knufmnn'w 2nd Fl.__> 30 Summer Dresses I( "lean Swffp Price A Knufmnn'w 2nd Fl.. ✓ 50 Wash Skirts >V ON FRIDAY /fflSSjk 50 Wash Skirts aAjfjAS for women and flfccAqi misses; novelty J/JmIHIi (llna POCket '" an ' hU d" flnr m'u llSiln sizes to 30 waist luniimui ' rnn SWr ' P '* r ' CC V Kaufman's -nil Fl. - P. N. & Thomson's Corsets ON FRIDAY JI son's* Corsets, m made of coutil and boucle, in Mmj .itnm® white and pink; J|H|j|nk Clean Sweep Price Klijilj I j||!|!w|® $1.69 lllili V Kaufman's -ml Fl.. > W Children's Dresses ON FRIDAY Children's per i3| • q cale dresses; liN quality material nil '"i ncat ack an> ' /|/jmJj MIA 6 >' ars Bimit (3) uiiihl3 if i<an ,r,<r n I V. Kll llfill..n"n,| J m Gingham Petticoats g<j ON* FRIDAY F| Gingham Petti -1,3 coats, cut very iftl ]i |Sj| sectional flounce. j DJ medium and dark ffm'jj.i ijlmm plj hams, all lengths, /if m,':' ''A Clean Sweep I'rlcr hjj V k.nfm.n l . 2nd Fl - j|] Children's Gingham Dresses i Qirlu* Uinitham I K>l n/llflliS I llluS* '** llll QJ 'MUm $1.29 111 1 Kaufman's 'Jail Fl. Children's Gingham 1 Dresses Ureases; plaida. iy styles, well made, Jlw Ui ii|il full rut; sixes 3 MUWlj■fill 1 lsj t'lesa Sweep Vwivt-lililiitM i'i| N 49c • H V -Knulaisa's JuJ fc'l. _ THURSDAY EVENING, XLUUUSBtTIta &&SA* TECEGIOCPS JULY 10, 1919. gilt-edge securities. Dr. John Simp son, of Washington, D. C., is given ; approximately two-thirds of the property, while the rest goes to other ■ relatives. Mrs. Horton was a woman of the old school. She lived practi ' cally all of her life on the farm where she died and as long as able I maintained her coach and pair of i spanking bay horses. She never rode A Clean Sweep of Women's & Misses' Cotton & Silk DRESSES Women's up to $4.50 COTTON DRESSES <PO o*7 SALE PRICE <p£.o I Women's up to $5.50 COTTON DRESSES djo oy SALE PRICE £ST <PO.O I Women's up to $6.50 COTTON DRESSES SALE PRICE m* *P^ # ® ■ Women's up to $7.50 COTTON DRESSES (JC o*7 SALE PRICE M@r pD.O I Women's up to $8.50 SILK DRESSES 0"7 SALE PRICE *ST P^.Ol Made of Susquehanna Silk Poplin. Women's up to $lO SILK DRESSES tfi C 7 SALE PRICE $0.5/ Made of Taffeta and Crepe de Chine. Women's up to sls SILK DRESSES d*D on SALE PRICE Made of Taffeta and Satin. Women's up to $29.50 SILK DRESSES $1 AB7 SALE PRICE m* * 1 fl" Made of Taffeta, Satin and Printed Foulard. Kqnfmnn's Jnil Fl I JUST IN TIME FOR THE BIG CLEAN SWEEP SALE Another Big Purchase of 2210 Bungalow Aprons From the The Entire Purchase goes on sale Tomorrow, Fri day, and if you want to get your share you better be here when the store opens Friday Morning at 9 O'clock. The prices of these Aprons are posi tively LESS THAN COST OF MATERIAL ALONE. Lot A—1568 Jennings Mfg. Co. Aprons 'of these fine garments made of standard quality percales in light and dark pattern ging- hams in plain blue, pink, green, lavender poplins in plain white; A open front or back fastening W M styles; all have wide belts and M M pockets; cut very full and long with 2-inch hem; all mzc-> .16 to A •JE at 4t>. These aprons would ordi- W narily sell at $1.5,0, $1.75 and $2.00. On sale Friday at Lot 8—642 Jennings Mfg. Co. Aprons of these in extra size>. Made of fine percales, standard quality, light and dark pat terns; also in pink, blue, green and lavender solid color ginghams, I in good open front styles; these are f H * * made with belts and pockets; cut H 3ZZZZZZZL extra full and long; materials alone H ■ Z are worth today, more than the sale H - price; sizes 48 to 54; the aprons are actually worth $1.75 and $2.00. (>n Sale Friday at ■ ' • i -in-" " a.hMiwx'> 2nd Fi.'.i-i"i.ii I= =aaa^aai in an automobile, and.seldom left her home. Throneless Queen of France Liked to Smoke Cigars l*nri t —"1 once saw the Countess de Paris," writes a woman In an eve-I: nlng paper, a day or so after the recent death of the countess. "I was a little girl, but I have never for gotten It. It was at the station St. Germain-des-Fosses. "Look at that lady," my father said, "she might have been queen of France." "I looked and saw a lady wearing a widow's long veil and smoking an White Voile Waists ON FRIDAY White Voile Waists; beautiful rv styles with lace or embroidery Jf(|\v\ trimming; round square and V tjftEwSß neck models; mjlli |\i& with or without mm Hi. collars; all full - llHH'ol' illlfVim cut nnf i well ■ORI II ll mude: sizcs 36 to ////nlllSl lltill\ml|t''enn Sweep Price III! Hi 79c V Knafin.,.'. Ist Fl. Silk Waists ON FRIDAY „ Silk Waists: pretty styles; /WICvX made of Jap silk in white, flesh, glwßf&fli maize and black; plain tailored and ifMIM 11\® trimmed models; //P;J!MI dl l ® perfect titling; tlJmKll] Him sizes 36 to 46. mjjjlf |||]l| jjjillffl Clean Sweep Price yflAI 111(1 I jjlliffi $1.87 1 v KnufiiuiviN 1n( Fl. J r —-i Corset Covers II ON FRIDAY Fine Nainsook Corset Covers; JjjFTpmfS™ lace trimmed: full £l 11IIA cut: perfectly tIUH'W' I IlllM '. ade ' sizes 36 to fff/llilllil ill™ l ' onn P Price mm 39 c V Kiinfman'q 2nd Fl. J * Muslin Drawers ON FRID AY JB Muslin Drawers, /ficvjk good quality cam brie and muslin; embroidery trim- fiUfil, 9|||Ultm med; open or f|n| j, j^ 1 • x closed styles; all MiMj W]Jjll|ll Clean Sweep Prlcc^^^l Kaufman's 2nd Fl.. 48 Pairs Women's Pomps II ON FRIDAY > 8 Pairs Wo men's Pumps', white canvas; MMltl lllliE military heel; en- MlimWl 111111 l amel sole; worth Mllnlml Inlm '-■ fJ 'F sizes 3 t.i 6. jij!! I ,™ Clean Sweep Price ill! II SI.OO \ Kaufman's Ist Fl. 97 Pairs White Shoes Jl ON FRIDAY 97 Pairs White Shoes for chil- JllPl dren; button or 111IIA lace; white can llhiA vum; size S'/i to FHulls"' worth 10 1 3 - 00 - I l||Jllln|clcan Sweep Prlee Hi $1.35 \ -Kaufman's Ist Fl.. \ Leather Belts ON FRIDAY rj 216 Women's yFjk and Children's Imitation Patent rlr hTTa Leather Belts in EBBSSbSm black. red and fflmiji j lllttl white; 1H inches jinim wide; well made Mflffll Ll ijidl with good buckle. MJIjJI Ml ' [lHj,® Clean Sweep Prlee mffjil fl i' cul . Kaufman's Ist Fl.. ' \ > Women's Vests r ON FRIDAY D 350 Women's jFSI. Fine Ribbed Cot- J7'tx\\ ton Gauze Vests. gfiflLaj low cut and fcJ'cSjs3* sleeveless; can't mlm'l In ill® Slip shoulder if® 6 (|1 .straps; first qual ■////!!Bill ' r i'i ™ t lean Sweep Price Mff/lllMlh IIMiI Regular size. Will 14c NWHU3IIIUIim.* Kxtra size. 17c V Kuulmnn's Ist Fl.. J f Women's Silk Gloves ON FRIDAY U men's Fine Silk Gloves, ilouhln nflal linger tips; three fißWiifm rows emliroldery H|| nl on hacks, two- fjm J \\ \> X clasp, in white fill IJI nfu* Clean Seep I'rlee jlj, Pair. V Kaufinnn's Ist Fl. - J V, Bead Necklaces J ON FRIDAY Head Necklaces nk.lirF'iw fancy comhina- lion as . liuufaiaa's Jal Fl. - J y enormous cigar. On each side of her was a beautiful young girl, the Prin cess Isabel and Princess Louise of France, her daughters. The countess strode along the platform her long black veil floating behind her crepe bonnet and her cigar preceding her. "I could not imagine that my father was joking because of the respectful Silk Waists D ON FRIDAY jiV Crepe de Chine and Georgette fl/agj Wajsts; good Al i'l'nli'iiA quality; ncat ffWqfilll® styles, embroid mSß!fin lliljl ered; colors, flesh g/w/'in'l I' Hnd white; cut ml/HliWll M fu and well MUM j ill™ m, a d e; sizes 36 to fillll/llltlll i|il|ll|] , , co n Sweep Price mmu $2,65 V Kaufman's Ist Fl. -■ ' V Muslin Gowns ON FRIDAY *1 Muslin Gowns', /y&CvX pretty styles; made of nain sook; lace or em- /W fa ITia broidery trim- MM Kill lllilt med; full cut, m/kIIIIIiI MIA good length. /M/iBmI illm Clean Sweep Price Mfflnfjjsjjjj fqljlW $1.15 AW V Kaufman's 2nd Fl. -/ 8 Envelope Chemise ON FRIDAY Beautiful Kn velope Chemise, rajaaY lace or embroid- CK.t' rj ' trimmed back Ml) I l\M and front; made It Mß' U'l °f tine nainsook; Mlm w! J ' < Ut ' s ' ZCf! 38 itHlmlri I I liVrVl* ' <>nn ' wtr ' Price fflii 89c V Knufmnn's 2ntl V- J 100 Pairs Play Shoes ON FRIDAY Jv 100 Pairs Play Shoes for chil- gMfCAtE dren; brown, JjjjciQl Htm mahogany calf; MKIM IVhR worth to $1.50. l/M]KjJ HA Clean Sweep PriorffWiljWl | 84c illili Kaufman's Ist Fl.. 148 Pairs Women's Pumps & Oxfords ON FRIDAY „ 148 Pairs Wo- Jft men's Pumps and JfttSS\ Oxfords, black Z(x{jaX and brown kid g)lwßiA' and white nu- Jjk.lA um* buck; military and Ifflljl' Hl\\A Lmifs heels; sizes fraff jfllj l|uU|a Clean Sweep Price fljl In I il'm. \ $4.85 lllii V Kaufinnn's Ist Fl. 1 92 Pairs Women's Pumps & Oxfords >1 ON and nubuck, black and jwU 1 brown kid; miii- Iml ft 111 tary and Louis //fit Is- 66181 sil!e ' s 1,2 to r/lliSlMl l P lliAm "rao Sweep Price ffllttl $3.85 Kaufman's Ist Fl— Cotton Hose ON FRIDAY n 300 Pairs Wo- .ffV men's Cotton Jj\ Hose; double sole HHri and garter tops In white and Mikl black, 1m- MMIKj-f IffllS Clean Sweep Prlee g/i/mlflJ ttliHl i2fcc mm 3 Pair** fop 33c "ilmiMMlmumlli L K nilfninn'e J N | pi, J Fiber Silk Hose tON FRIDAY 250 Pairs AVo nien's Fiber Silk Hose, boot length, double sole and heel, garter tops, in white and black; slight Im- Clrau Sweep Price >. Ksnfninn's Ist Fl- - Women's Purses ON FRIDAY 150 Women's rs Purses, assorted, yPX of real leather /yfKVA back strap and rm Wirt 1 imitation patent tScSSeA leather, large size, mK,j. iliulk all with good IfHßll mill f raiues and well f/'fnijjj.t |]A made and some I iqi U have small nitrroraunl IP ||llntW Clean Sweep l*rl- (/i//u||jl |l j/wlVw 95c " ffllll[ * F L 1a 1. II fill 11 I Bit fr'l. . J Clark's Spool Cotton 11 ON FRIDAY ji )(||\ /a ril spools, fllflffifflwi™ " t n<l mlllH!airllilllut ~u " eep Price fl/Mlm I Wall at "** O"" ' tur V .asfu ;:q's Ist Fl. way the crowd of passengers made way for her, but my illusions of what a queen might be suffered a perma nent shock." This little story explains why eve n the countess and courtly Figaro, in chronicling the death of the countess, referred to her manners as "rude" and "virile." Broom Coupon for Friday 75c FIVE STRING I BROOMS FOR (No Other Purchase Required) Read This Carefully To the first 200 Women entering our store (to-morrow) Friday morn ing at A 9 o'clock, when wc open the doors, will be given ial&a a ticket entitling them to purchase one of these | ™ 75c five-string Brooms for 25^. /ll] l\il Only one to a customer none delivered and /M'f/il 111 none so ' f ' to children. M/flllil flil Remember, only 200 brooms to be sold, so be //IIIbiJIIIII 111 on ' lanc ' early, mimmllil BRING COUPON WITH YOU Bargain Basement Offers Special Values For Friday More Clean Sweep Specials Wash Goods at Friday Prices 1154 yards 649 yttr(ls of fine grade • Light Percale, _ p|lsse 1 ,e P e 36 inches wide 11(1 T* 1 • tor underwear, in good rem- 1/1/ fllf/l H OhflPC inches. nant lengths. TV llllC luUlll/d wide; white. Clean Sweep , , Price, yard, blue and > mk ' IQ_ 36-in. White Voiles Glenn Sweep yard, 11/ C 36-in. White Pajama Prio. Checks Frlc ®' 29 c Colored 36 " f "- White Plain > ard . varda 8 ~~ 3 4 0 4 "white India 917 yards inch dark-col: N.in- QA. f£ k ored Voiles, ook ~. , neat Georg- 27 " ,n - White Dimity F m W . e . ar ' 3 Z a.. Checks LALi wide : sood ette patterns. 36 _ ln . Plajn whi , e Mfll rem n a n.t Special yard, Percale length, yard, 29c I 25c Vacuum Sweepers National Motor Washer Vacuum Sweeoer and Cleaner ,ul,y three years; \acuum feweeper ana Cleaner makes washing easy, combined; fully guaranteed— wonderful value. Clean fcCS QQ (J* 1 O AO Sweep Price 9D.OV £ £ Q.TO Cobbler Sets ' G " p Shocmaking outfit Qft#* for J/OC 9x12 Imported Gruss Rugs, — new pat- <IQ QJ- Electric Irons t 01 """ guaranteed .. . . "I"" $2.95 O'Cedar Mop . ; Aluminum Tea Kettle mo P for Aluminum Tea OO AO ~ , Kettle w''** o Round Roaster /-i Aluminum Hound Roaster, water ulasses self busting. ** on Water Glasses; thin Hac h 5 1 •o*7 blown, 6 for OOC —— Dinner Set MusUn for 0 1" Set : , 42 . P ' e ? eß $5.95 1 yurd wlde a Yic J ars Mahogany Bed ■ OQ/ <^t- slze ' doz '' B ® ,; |lfllj'fT]j— ~~'j J ypi Pint size, doz., 98c j,|| ',W '|h Jar Caps, porcelain | I . , _ „ Mahogany wuuUeii bud, us illus- Jar Gums. do*.. 8c , rßte(l Hpc . CIOQC —— " cla , *14.33 v Night Sets Art giuhb Night Water 4a c Clothes Basket ( Sets. Spet lal .. ■ Round Chip Clothes Wash Boiler liUHkt '" ( for wc Galvanized Wash <t 1 QC Bread Box Holler*. fMfc * .!;punned liluc or White AO Acme Freezers ZZZ Ice Cream Freezers, two- CL quart size, QQ r Muslin Sheets euch OJ7*- 81x90, good, heavy — Hed Sheets P A .HO Bed Sheets 72x90 Muslin sheets, Qgr Toilet Paper good quality I 8 big rolls of Toilet Oe o Percales "" 1 Carpet Sweeper — Our own Brand < 'erpet Sweep- Toweling . fully guaranteed, <2 39 lltfft uooil grade brown 1 j r linen ttnlah Toweling for.. Long Cloth Laundry Soap 10-yard piece ot Knglieh * Cakes Kin pi re l.uun- OQ. I.him Cloth, *1 rje dry Soup, for OVK j f or *1.2/3 r ' ' '| 'Sa£J V REVISING THE REVENUES ' "The glasses are very small," ex claimed ono girl. "Yed>" replied the other. "The lux- I ury tax ought" to pay for the ice! cream soda and the rest of the money I | ought to go to the Government."— I I Washington Star. 5 _ Apply Vapoßub tk. ■ lightly —it soothes iflkt the tortured skin. /fflM J VICR'S VAPORUBsT i "YOUR BODYGUARD"-30'..6Q_*1v29 I; Silk Ribbon ffl; taffeta and warp ILjj * Clean Snccp rri< < V IvanfiiiiurM iNt yi. J M Silk Bags !§ Jrt ( OX I'IUUAY S| i in plain and |gj AR-yl moire, good metal |3| ljrj£iS*\ frames, fancy |J jl black, navy, taupe jjjjj j|| iin Sweep Price V Kmifiimn'. lnt I*l. Kjl Men's Sport Shirts 11 in nil si:-.c ~ [j jl t'lean Sweep Sale Mf/jjljmji [|! il|j n| $1.09 Villi I V Kaufman's Ist l-'l. J |||J Boy's Sport Shirts Si livery boy likes jjjjl mFTV rn* nler wear - They IS //iflh'/il I llil t,le new stripes Si ■Mn if' I lltM an( ' Plain colors. I'M lMfl Clean Sweep Sale S| Illiii 95c I V. Kmifmnn'. lit Kl. fj|| 153 Men's Union Suits [l| OX FRIDAY D Men's nainsook (loan Sneop Sale V Ivnnfman'w tut Fl. -J (IU 200 Men's Shirts U OX KIIIDAY |iy Men's Dress n|] tiljiASk Shirts, percale l[||| I. and madras, good ?S£ lam lIJ 11 summer patterns; pijl i/fla |1 |ll\V regular price, IIJ /iflß'l'l li\% " r '° and * 5 " IS till l ill if. llliwi Clean Sweep Sale |j|]J jililli $1.29 b c Kmifiinin' Iml Fl. J 150 Men's Bathing Suits || Men!h and boys' Ituthinit Suits one Nj ors; regular price, IEmI Ssl : $1.29 II I X. Kau f man's Ist Kl. J it'll Boy's Soft Collars 11 JB O.Y l it IDA Y /wli/aa ■' u a*| dozen SjJ jjjjj,£| V- •* n< ' p'* ,n H j lean Sweep Sale 1 k.ntm..'. |it Kl. > L 19 Ladies' Sweaters |j Clean Kmeep kale jjfjjwJß'} ||!!a IJ* $2.39 lllli&iM 1 V. kiufmai'i Ist Pi. njl | L Kulnm'. Ist
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers