W r "' r " THURSDAY EVENING, ' - SSBs TELEGRXPH JULY 10,1919. - V 2 Two Sons Stricken With Appendicitis in Two Weeks Milton, Pa., July 10.—To have two sons taken ill of appendicitis within two weeks was the experience of Mr. ilhnd Mrs. Charles H. Neuhard, of Milton, the former a clerk in the I 28-30-32 North Third Street || Our Mid-Summer Semi-Annual Clearance Sale I I Starts Tomorrow Morning at 9 O'clock . ■ I HI § Involving All Broken Lines Reduced to Quick Selling Prices f 1 The Opportunity You Have Awaited is Yours Tomorrow Morning I Real Value, Costs, Selling Price—All Have Been Ignored \ Ej HB Our Policy is "Clear All Stocks in Season." The Savings Are Large and the merchandise from Our Own High Class Lines v Big Bp Tomorrow we start the most important Semi-Annual Clelar- merchandise of the Schleisner standard at big reductions. Of the complete list of special offers. We have not reserved any of ance Sale of our season's merchandising program. We have gone course, as you well know, every reduction is genuine and represents these lots, nor have we considered the actual values. The main over our entire stock with the view of culling out all broken lines, a considerable mark-down from the regular price. You are well purpose of this sale is to reduce stocks quickly in one large active odd lots and ones and twos of a garment. We do this in season acquainted with the quality of merchandise this establishment car- sale and we believe you will be quick to realize this opportunity, when you have use of the garments rather than at the final end of ries and therefore you will understand that it is imperative that The sale starts promptly tomorrow morning, the earlier you come the season because we feel that you appreciate buying high class you come early in order to participate in the sale and select from the better for you. . ' B — — ———— . - : ;5 , RlnnSP Short Clearance Very-Special Millinery Clearance Very Special IV/I T IVJ 1 mouse bnop Wash Dresses only 47 Hats in the Let 12 Wash Dresses JVIII.JN 1 Lot of White Washable Voile Blouses, G Sailorß and Trim f formerly $1.45 Clearance Pric. med Hals various desirable C,,// * 7Qp $8.95 to $12.50. Clearance colors and models, formerly so ld at $12.50 to $18.75. I c . T, . priced up to $10.50. Clear- ™ c i r • ,( rc-urui ou „C Sale Price, ance Sale Price, Clearance Sale Price, Note: We start the clearance of men', suits I 1 Lot of Silk Khaki Shirts, were $6.95. d? J7 (PO*CO QA along with our Semi-Annual Clearance Sale Clearance Price, I Oc7 •€/throughout the store and urge men to buy at GP7 a——OnCC tO BCCUre theSe large SavingS. tp-L.yD Our entire line of men's 1 Lot of Georgette 1 Lot of Crepe de (//irri aD( * young men ' B spring suits Blouses in dark col- Chine Blouses in flesh VC/ U IJ CO L (JL L j mi /n / ors, Were $6.95. and white, were $9.95. \ Ift 1 C LCCLrCLTiCC Clearance wO Clearance (TO £2Q 1 ''tlot o f crep= de Pri •• Clearance of Suits and Wash Dresses wlS,b e „ n " * Chine Blouses and 1 Lot of High-class First come, first served. Satin Shirts, were Smocks, formerly _ $7.95 and $8.50. up to $7.00. Clear- A lot of 25 Women's and Misses' SUITS in sizes up to 421/2 Men S $25.00 Suits, T7 £7 A PHce a " CC $4.49 Price'.. 51.95 ' _ former prices were up as high as $65.00. _ Clearance Price .. tf> -L I. DU p ' Choice — — Choice " " A lot of 30 DRESSES in white and flesh georgette and crepe Clearance Price . The Clearance Sale Of de chine, soiled from display; sizes 16 to 46. Former prices were?/fa Bj fllf Men's $35.00 Suits, § Underwear & Hosiery | k $32.5010149.75. VI k clearance Price I 1 Lot of Envelope Lot of $1.25 Silk *' • Men S $40.00 Suits, L A "t y an voU°r a a n™e° leS - Qrl" A ° f 20 DRESSES in dark georgettes and indestructible T Clearance Price . tiste and nainsook; Price voiles; former prices were $39.75 to $52.50. Men's $45.00 Suits, 017 PTA Clearance 111 ' Lot of SL7S . and . Clearance Price . .*pO 1 .OU g Price &OC NOTE: The above are remarkable values because the styles and materials and workmanship Men's SSO 00 Suits d* AOIT A 1 Lot of Envelope Price .. " jje the very finest and the reductions are exceptionally large. Clearance Price £b4ZjOU Chemise, batiste and Lot of $2.25 and nainsook, formerly up $2.50 Silk Camisoles. q r— Men's $55.00 Suits, C? /| C 7 A A s "°' 1 1 on Pn a " ce $1 -89 Silk Skirts Silk Coats Capes Silk Suits Clearance Price tp4O.UU Price.. Lot of $5.95 Crepe Dr^[ &£ ."t' l3s Bit S°lr c!J' '3 Men's $60.00 Suits, <1? CT AA A Tt i f 0 "!f ' 5 Ch CWne E rT IOPC ' a 4 dT n ch'nc. sa and line d throaghout; silk lined throughout; gjj and Moire Slk Clearance Price . .tPSU.UU Fiber Silk Hosiery, Chemise. C lear- satin, newest models; Ido'cn ym" Up tu formerly priced, $49.50 onlv- formerly nriced excellent quality, ance <f O"7 Q formerly priced up to $49.50. Clearance and $55.00. Clearance $79 50 to SB9 50 Chnr 5565 00 Slllts ffa 1~ 1* f\ S\ white and colors, for- Price.. $16.95/ (flea rakce Sale Pnce, Sale Price, anceslle Price Men S SUItS, S?KPv(|A 1 s '"°- 50 $35.00 I Wso t Lot of $2.50 and ance CO fiQ T ~7 r — tweeds, cassimeres and cheviots. $2.75 Wash Satin En- Price • Very Special Very Special Very Special Very Special These are the finest suits in Harrisburg ne°trance C V? if * n/ L<st ° f 2 i 5 5 Lincn Ridin S: Hab " 6 Khaki and Li "en 4 Gray Mohair Auto 4 Khaki gabardine without exception. Prp r j r 95 c Bloomerß - its that were $22.50 to Farmerette Costumes Dusters, formerly Camping Skirts that ,C V', U( „r PricV 51.35 8.50 p CU.r.nc. lis! T." slo.>. C.r.nc. S.l. . were ,5.50. C M r.nc. IMwUWOijL Lot of $4.50 Crepe * r,ce • • Sale Price, |, rice p r j ce> Sale Price, tIWUfIAARWvV!- de Chine Envelope Lot of $10.90 Crepe en* t~ r\r\ mr Chemise. Clear- de Chin eGo w n515.00 $5.00 $5.00 ' $3.50 ance £2Q Clearance it£2 £Tf\ t Price .. Price .. ALL SALES FINAL—NO C. O. D/S—NO RESERVATIONS. Bfef ftnnrirvlr iiMirfrm lifli li Hi 1 in lillAlfinllllrtm r■' r |, "nl''nrHlll'm m ill I 1' , jiif' II) ifffllilil, ti;;jiiiirtilii l |' ;1 / l il ll iiiiiliiiiiiiii l 1 ii !! 'ri *, Northumberland County Commis sioners' office, at Sunbury. Cyrus Neuhard was first stricken and oper ated upon at the George P. Geislnger Memorial Hospital, at Danville. Pranklin C. Neuhard was the second victim, and he was also operated upon at this institution. Both are expected to recover. Seven years ago the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Neu- hard died following an operation ' for the same affliction. < Sunbury Lockyp Without ] Occupant For Ten Days ! Sunbury, Pa., July 10.—With the 1 first week of prohibition passed there ' was not an arrest In Sunbury for drunkenness, according to Police Chief Smith. The record is all the more remarkable, he says, when it is considered that the week included a holiday. ■ During the week ending June 30, the last "wet" week there were four teen arrests listed by the police on "drunk and disorderly" charges. Other petty charges have disap peared from the police blotter with the passing of booze. A nice, newly painted lockup has had no occupants for ten days. MINISTER GOES TO SCRANTON Dunvillc, Pa., July 10.—The Rev. Dr. A. F. Dreishbach, for more than seven years pastor of the Straw berry Ridge Reformed charge, has resigned to accept a call to the Scranton Reformed church. He will assume his new duties on September 1. He came here from Weehauken, N. J., and has been a hard worker for the church. ENROLL FOR SUMMER SCHOOL Gettysburg, Pa., July 10.—A num ber of the Gettysburg school teachers are taking advantage of the recent action of the school board that gives them almost half of the necessary expense incurred while attending a summer school and have enrolled as I students in some Institution. —————————. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers