6 Paxton Church Picnic Tomorrow in the Grove The annual picnic of the congre gation of old Paxton Church will be held in the church grove to-mor row, all day long, with a program of entertainment that promises much enjoyment. There will be games, contests, sports of all kinds and the famous dinner and supper for which the housewives of the church are fa mous. On the general committee are: Miss Eva Kunkel. Miss Isa bella P. Kutherford, Mrs. Robert Orayblll and Ruth Hosier, chairman of the amusement committee. Mr. and Mrs. Clement Kelly, of Philadelphia, are visiting Mrs Kel lv's Darents. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Goshorn. 1510 Berry hill street, for a few days. Wedding Flowers Plant Decorations If It has to do with Flowers or anything the* "grows," consult us— THE BERRYHILL Locust Street at Second Dr. H. C. Spragg Dentist Has reopened offices at 321 Market Street Second Floor . Pinner Wednesday Bvealng July II Stouffer's Restaurant 4 I*. Court St. 5 to 7.30 50C Chicken Macaroni Soup C'rfnmrd Chicken—Brended Vent Cutlet llamburß Steak. Tomntord— RooKt Reef ( Manhed or lla*h Homed Potatoes Stfued Onion* Baked Bean* j Salad Ire Cream, Pie or Pudding I Coffee, Tea or Cocoa I- - J I naaaaaa jl> v C X Y ifh Married ifep Man l Should Help Wilh 1 The Wahin£ -> Vou would then know what a j hard worker your wife has been. SET HER FREE The V oss Electric Will do it and save money. TEN KINDS EASY PAYMENTS Neidig Bros. 21 South Second Street Thursday * o After noon for Your o ?; Week End Trip ? • 0 IP hat a change the automobile has effect- n 0 ed in the vacation habits of Americans. a A So many people who used to close up the ! 1 house for the summer and go to a summer • • resort now keep the house o/)en and gain . ; their needed change through week end v trips in the car. And after all there are 0 • 0 home comforts that can not be secured at () Q any summer place. j Q • • w Remember: during the summer my shop ■ ; 0 will be open Thursday afternoons but 1 J 0 closed Saturday afternoons. Pick up d 0 what you need here Thursday and if any 0 a alterations are needed there'll be time to (j 1 make them before you start on your week fl • end trip. X * ' A | ■ j jftortk yfa/J&tet tf}p 2t9 A /? STORE OPEN r ALL DAY THURSDAY. X A 7 1 WEDNESDAY EVENING, INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS 'MOORHEAD PICNIC HELD IN HERSHEY | Lots of Out-of-Door Events | Planned For Saturday's Big Outing in the Park j| f Han . tip.% • SpL Br 4. iSSr A mgr i/ B MISS FLORENCE SPRINGER The Moorhead Knitting Company's annual picnic will be held at Her shey Park on Saturday, July 12th. The picnickers will be taken to and from the park in automobiles and trucks leaving Market Square at 8.30 o'clock in the morning. The committee in charge of ar rangements has provided a program consisting of contests both for the male and female employes and in vitations have been extended to families and friends of all em- Many Attractive GINGHAM DRESSES I Trimmed in Various Styles Sizes 2 to 6 and 6 to 14 Specially Priced for the week ' Dainty, beautiful, cool Voile and Organdie Summer Dresses j Mary Elizabeth Shop 109 N. Second St. ployes. so a large attendance is look ed for. Every detail has been care fully worked out to make this the most successful outing that the Moorhead employes have ever had. There will be something doing from the time the crowd arrives at the park until they depart late in the evening. The committee in charge of ar rangements includes Miss Florence Springer in charge of the welfare work, a graduate nurse of the Har risburg Hospital; G. W. Deiker, Rus sell Jones, Merle Sanders, Miss Sarah Stewart, Mrs. Grace Sheesley, Miss Lillian Goodyear, Miss Margaret Farmer, Hayes Greene, John Earloy, Roy Bushman and Harvey Shade. Mrs. Florence Ackley-Ley, direct ress of the Moorhead Choral Society, will be in charge of the community singring, a feature of the picnic this year. Industrial Clubs Meet With School Council The members of the Industrial Clubs of the Y. W. C. A. who are at- the industrial council at Camp Nepahwin, near Conton, Brad ford county, are expected home Sat urday. The party comprises Misa Lois Scott, leader of the delega tion; Miss Irene Fetrow, Miss Anna Wipperman, Miss Emma Staleman, Miss Elizabeth Hartman, Miss Ruth Arnold, Miss Esther Sandor, Misa Adelaide Lusk, Mrs. Ralph Miller, Miss Helen Forsythe, Miss Amelia Jamison, Miss Helen Rittor and Miss Esther Gardner. The High School Council will be held for one week starting July 16. Those from the local Y. W. C. A. who are delegates, are Miss Dorothy Hause, Miss Lu ella Penlz, Miss Naomi Miekle, Miss Lillian Kaster, Miss Ethel Hoover, Miss Helen Meyers, Miss Isabell Smith, Miss Eloise Peake and Miss Eleanor Klem. HOUSEPARTY AT JUNIATA BRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Yaple enter tained a houseparty at their summer home. "Never Inn," Juniata Bridge. The guests were: The Misses Mary Reese, Anna Reese, Theresa Knoble, Mildred Hartzel, Jean Keiffer, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Yaple. Mrs. Eliza beth Keiffer, Mrs. Ritter, Harry Hoffman, Charles Grouh, Ted Cole man, Dwight Gregory, Ralph Steele, Jack Steele, Lieutenant Thomas Major and Marshal Kelly. SWIMMING PARTY Miss Jeanette Backus was guest of honor of a swimming party given at Hershey by Miss Marion Strouse, Second and Hamilton streets. The party motored to the resort and and comprised Miss Jeannette Clas ter, Miss Helen Kelley, Miss Kath erine Kelley, Miss Lenore Rosen thal, Miss Mary Kinzer, Miss Lillian Kamsky, Miss Claudine Melville, Miss Ijackus and Miss Strouse. Charles J. Wood, Jr., 2018 North Third street, was a j-ecent guest of relatives in Catonsville, Md. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Hayes and small daughter, Barbara Hayes, of Ardmore, spent yesterday with their aunt, Mrs. Charles F. Etter of Pine Mrs. John S. Boas of 124 Walnut street is leaving for Pittsburgh to morrow for a visit with her daugh ter, Mrs. J. Hervey Witmer. Miss Marian B. C. Watts who is in the Y. M. C. A. work in New York City, spent a brief holiday at Cape May. Miss Mary Sliker of Calder street is home after visiting Mrs. Henry Geisel, Jr., at The Morrell, Wild wood, N. J. Mr. and Mrs. Emerson Waltham, of Cambridge, Mass., are stopping for a few days with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick J. Deano of Market street. Herbert Young and his brother, James C. Young, went home to Pittsburgh this morning after a week's visit with their relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Casper B. Wright of Green street. Miss Anna M. Walzer, a teacher of the city schools, residing at 1803 North Second street, is attending the sessions of the summer school at Columbia University, New York. Mrs. Heber Harris Thompson and small son of Pottsville, arrived to day to visit her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Cherrick Westbrook at Mel rose. Dr. Jerome Marshall has returned home to Wilkes-Barre after attend ing a houseparty at the Stamm home, Thirteenth and Reese streets. Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. Hetrick, of Oneida, N. Y., are visiting their re latives, Mr. and Mrs. Owen K. Jack son of North Third street. Miss Mary Ruth Fisher, of the Home Economic Department, Dau phin County Farm Bureau has gone to Twin Falls, Idaho to spend the summer with relatives. Miss Katharine Middleton is at her home in Camp Hill, after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. John E. Edwards, at I'ort Deposit. Md. Miss Lydia Kunkel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Kunkel, who are spending the summer at their Goldsboro country place, is in the city for u little visit with Miss Wini fred Meyers, 213 North Front street. The Rev. Dr. William J. Lockhart pastor of the First Baptist church, with Mrs. Lockhart, left to-day for an outing at Peru, Vt., stopping in New York on the way. Mr. and Mrs. Caleb Langley and Iheir daughters, the Misses Lillle and Marie Langley, of South Bend, Ind.. arrived in the city looking up old friends for the vek. Dr. and Mrs. H. F. Gross, 1500 North Second street, have opened their summer cottage at Speeceville. Their daughter Miss Mae Gross, who has attended I'enn Hail, Chambers burg, for the past year. Is with them. Miss Fisher Taylor, of Washing ton, D. C„ is spending several week's vacation with Miss Elinor Jones, 358 South Thirteenth street. Mrs. Laura W. Snyder, of 320 Chestnut street, has us her guest her brother. George E. Dodson, of Alix, Arkansas. "~*%si3TORK (An announcement under this headtn • must be accompanied bp name to ateure accuracy.) Mr. and Mrs. H. H. McLees an nounce the birth of a daughter, Louise McLees, Saturday, July s', 1919. Mrs. McLees wus formerly Miss Dorothea Shelly of 226 Pel Tor street. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Miller, 302 North Third street, announce' tlie birth, of u son, William Fertlg Mil ler, Monday, June 30. 1919. Mrs. Miller was Miss Mary Oneida Fer tig ,of Duuphin. prior lo her mar riage. Mr. and Mrs. Olurence W. Miller, 1506 State street, announce the birth of a son, Saturday, July 5, 191 V. Mrs. Miller will be remem bered us Miss Hess Heffel. Mr. and Mrs. Jaines Yocum, of Cleveland, Ohio, announces the birth of a son, July 1. 1919. Mrs. Yocum wus formerly Miss May Hoopcs, of this e.itv EUUIRSWURG tfljjaV TEUEGICEFH COURT-COMMINGS WEDDING IN N. Y. Popular Trained Nurse Mar ries Young Businessman on National Holiday jappr * jib MRS. JACK C. COURT Announcement is made of the marriage of Miss Charlotte Marie Cotnmings of New York City, a for mer Harrisburger to Jack Cameron Court, of Brooklyn, on Friday af ternoon, July 4 at 2 o'clock at the residence of the bridegroom's uncle and aunt, Captain and Mrs. James W. Hartley, Eastern Parkway, Brook lyn. The ceremony, which was per formed by Rev. Leroy L. Daniel, for merly of this city, now pastor of the VVyckoff Heights Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, was witnessed by eighteen guests. Miss Helen Hay den, Brooklyn, played the wedding music, using the Lohengrin "Bridal Chorus" as a processional. The bride wore a simple frock of flesh Georgette crepe over satin and lace, with headings in white, and the designer, Ray Weinn, of New York, had added two handsomely beaded poinsettias in natural color ings; one at the waistline, the other at the right of the skirt, with beau tiful effect. Her picture hat of Georgette and satin was adorned with French flowers and she carried sweetheart roses, sweetpeas and fern, tied with chiffon. The matron of honor, Mrs. Hazel Dildine, of Philadelphia, wore a charming costume of tan Georgette crepe with black headings and hat to harmonize. Sidney Court, late of the Naval Aviation Corps, was best man for his brother. After congratulations and best wishes were showered on the young couple a buffet luncheon was served with pink roses in the decorations. For the Western wedding Journey, the bride wore a sports suit of field-mouse cloth with French bon net of straw, trimmed in ostrich, tiny roses and forget-me-nots. They will be "at home' after August 1 in the Sybil Apartments, One Hundred and Twelfth street, near Central Park, West, New York City. Reception Held Here Mrs. Court, a most attractive girl with a host of friends, is the daugh ter of Charles B. Commings, 14 North Fourth street, and a granddaughter of the late Attorney John L. Butler, statistician for the State Department of Labor and Industry for many years. She is a graduate of the Training School for Nurses of the Harrisburg Hospital and of the Elizabeth Magee Hospital. Pittsburg, where she specialized. As a nurse, she has been much in demand both in this city and New York, where she did private work in hospitals there and at Dr. Marvel's Sanato rium. Atlantic City. Mrs. Court also is gifted in music and dancing along artistic lines. Mr. Court, a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Court. Halleck avenue, ..Brook lyn, is of English ancestry, with fa mous war records for many of the men of the family. He served in the 105 th Field Artillery, 27th Division, of New York, for two years, part of that time In France as ma chine gun corporal. While attend ing St. John's College of Brooklyn, he wts known as an all-scholastic footbali and basketball player, mak ing some enviable records. He Is now connected with Graham, Hlnk ley & Co., exporters and Importers of New York. Spending a few days In this city, after being entertained in Reading by A. B. Commings and family, Mr and Mrs. Court were given an in formal dinner and reception Mon day evening at the residence of Mr and Mrs. Francis Emm Commings i The Thor Electric Washer' I cylinder type machine, regular price $125.00; to make room will sell for 9115.00. This is the best type of washer made.' EASY TERMS. Dauphin Electrical Supplies Co. ' L 434 Market Street This Store Closes 6 P. M. Saturdays. ■ i yir* — Vjp*" m | 4 the bride's grandparents. Covers were laid for fourteen and the .ap pointments were of green and white. The centerpiece of the table was of fern, feverfew and candytuft in a tall crystal vase with red, white and blue ribbons and small silk American flags giving a touch of color and patriotism. Vases of snapdragon and fern graced the ends of the table and the walls were hung with Amerl- I can flags. Guests attended the wed ding events from Denver, Col., Phila delphia, New York, Altoona. Car lisle, Lemoyne and this city. Be fore leaving for the West, Mr. and Mrs. Court had several small par ties given for them, including a supper at the Penn-Harris. Messiah S. S. Picnic at Boiling Springs The Messiah Lutheran Sunday school will hold its annual picnic to-morrow at Boiling Springs. The cars will leave Market Square at 9 o'clock and a few automobiles at about the same time. An extensive program has been planned and a large crowd is expected. Twenty five games have been scheduled, among them being a baseball game between the married men and the single men; a tug-of-war, in which the entire school will take part; a tame boxing match between the two fattest men at the picnic, refcrced by Harry Dill, chairman of the pic nic committee; quoits, and sports for the women and girls. Prizes will be awarded the winners. One hun dred soldiers from the Carlislo Base Hospital have been invited. The Judges for the women's events are the Rev. Henry W. A. Hanson, Prof. Brehm and A. G. Murray . The judges for the men are Mrs. Hanson, Mrs. Malcolm Fry and Mrs. Wesley Elmer. On committees are Mrs. John F. Dapp, chairman of girls' sports; Harry Dill and Stanley Backenstoss, committee of arrangements. Mr. Backenstoss will lead the commun ity singing. Mrs. J. W. Yeakie and daughter, Rosalie, of this city, and Miss Sadie B. Springer, of Bushnell, 111., are motoring to Philadelphia, and At lantic City for a little trip. Miss Goldie Roth, 1931 Green street, has left on a.extended trip to Baltimore. Washington and York. Mr. and Mrs. J. Eisenberg have returned from their wedding trip and will be at home to their friends at '1931 Green street. Nathan Roth. 1931 Green street, is spending the week in Atlantic City. Mrs. Lydia Wilbert. 520 South Thirteenth street, has returned after a visit with friends in Halifax. Mrs. Albert T. Eberbacli and daughter, Edith of 20 North Nine teenth street, are spending the month of July visiting Mrs. Eber j bach's sister, Mrs. Jos. Schiller at her cottage on De Lancey Place, Ocean City, N. J. Mrs. John A. Boyle and small daughter, Marianna Gamble Boyle, of Philadelphia, are the guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Haifleigh. Mrs. Boyle is a former resident of this city, being formerly Miss Mary Gamble. Discontinue Camp Meade as Demobilization Center Coming as a natural result of the decrease in the number of men re turning from overseas, many camps at which demobilizing has been ef fected arc to be no longer demobili zation conters. Colonel J. B. Kem per, the Army Recruiting Officer for this district says that it has been decided to discontinue the use of Camps Meade, Custer, Bowie, Funs ton and Jackson, and Fort Ogle thorpe, as deniobilifiation centers, After July 10 no more troops will be sent to these camps for discharge. The use of Camp Upton as a de barkation camp will be discontinued after July 15, and the use of Bos ton, Massachusetts, and Charleston, South Carolina, as ports of debarka tion, will be discontinued after July 15. Due to the discontinuance of the use of these camps, after July 10 men from overseas enroute for points in Northern Texas will be sent to Camp Pike for discharge; men for points in the northern and southern peninsula of Michigan will be sent to Camps Grant and Sher man; men for Kansas will be sent to Camp Dodge; men for Tennes see, South Carolina and Florida will be sent to Camp Gordon; men land ing at Newport News and bound for points in Maryland, Delware and the District of Columbia, and men landing in New York for Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia and the Dis trict of Columbia will be sent to Camp Lee and Dix. Come On In the Water j Is Fine Shower ami a Swim In the Pool For the Summer Months, 50c WOMEN'S DAY—Mondays, 10 A. M. to 0 I*. M. Open All Night For Men PENN-HARRIS TURKISH BATHS Russ Building Famous Old Indian Is Honored by Y. M. C. A. CHIEF SHIKELLIMY Camp Shlkelllmy, the Y. M. C. A. camp for boys which opens its new sito ut Big Pond the 23d of July, is named after the Indian chief who figured so lurgely in curly Pennsyl vania history. In 1739 a meeting was held at between delegates from Pennsylvania, Virginia and Mary land with a large number of In dians to consider the signing of the Treaty of Lancaster, as it was called, which had to do with the payment of claims which the Indians had on some land. After several days of parleying, the Indians were urged to sign the treaty, which gave them a certain number of pounds in return for their land. Shikelltmy, who had been a great friend to Conrad Weiser, the interpreter, refused to sign, as he felt that the considera tion was not sufficiently large and that the Indians were too much un der the Influence of the liquor which had been given them to reason rightly. By Weiser's diplomatic skill, however, the Oneida chief was in duced to sign. The drinking fountain erected op posite the Dauphin County Histori cal Society In Front street, just be low the Market street bridge, is ded icated to Conrad Weiser and Shikellimy and Bears an inscription telling of their friendship. IX THIS COUNTRY Corp. Barry W. Blosser of the 146 th Co., T. C., A. E. F., has noti fied his parents of his arrival from France on the Louisville. Corp. Blosser is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln Blosser, of 1610 North Third street, and was formerly con nected with the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad. SENATE HOTEL Under personal supervision of Fred B. Aldlngor, furnishes a most excellent Table d'Hote Luncheon Daily 11.30 to 2.30 —At 75 Cents— Also a la Carte bill of everything In the market deliciously prepared Cliickcn and Warfle Dinner livery Thursday | Important Announcement | | To All Music Lovers 1 P Price Readjustment of If M M I Victor Red Seal Records 1 J Beginning Thursday, July 10 || Present and prospective owners of Victrolas and music lovers in general will be greatly interested and delighted in the announcement Hfg of the Victor Talking Machine Co. relative to a general readjustment 111 of the prices of all Red Seal Records at $2.00 and over. s|g This wonderful proposition has been under advisement for some time because of the desire to bring the incomparable higher-priced HP records, reproducing the wonderful art of the world's leading singers ||| and master musicians, within the reach of everybody. ysp To show how the new plan lowers the cost of the Red Seal Rec- UAU ords at $2.00 and over, the following are listed as representative of M the thousands of records available: 111 Old New $£ |K. Price Price 87070 —"For You Alone.," Caruso $2.00 SI.OO ww 87221—"The Rosary," Schumann-Heink, 2.00 1.00 88065—" Good-Bye," Melba 3.00 1.50 88327—"Carmen, Toreador Song," Amato, 3.00 1.50 ||> 89060 —"Trovatore, Home to Our Mountains," W Schumann-Heink and Caruso 4.00 2.00 assa JyHj 96201 —"Lucia Sextet," Tetrazzini, Caruso, Amato-Journet, Jacoby, Bada, 7.00 3.50 | C. M. SIGLER, Inc. |f <||> 'Where Good Service Is a Habit" ||P JULY 9, 1919. GUESTS ENTERTAINED Miss Betty Parks, of El Paso, Texas, and Miss Elizabeth Bokeen, of Tyrone, are house guests of Miss Eleanor Copelln, Fourteenth and Verbeko streets. Miss Copelin will entertain ut a luncheon Saturday at the Penn-Harrls. WEEKEND MOTOR TRIP Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Burtnett, Miss Florence Burtnett, Dr. A. L. Bishop and family, of Philadelphia, Mrs. Ellen V. Bishop, Miss Harrison, Clarence B. Bishop, E. Hudson Bucher have returned after a motor trip to Landisville. D. S. SOCIETY MEETS The D. S. Society of the Class of Central High School of 'lB, held a meeting Monday evening, July 7, at the home of Miss Frances Hause, Bellevue. A pleasant evening was spent at dancing. Eater refresh i ments were served. , Visiting the Shops Wi'h Adele BY ADELE Of course ono must spend money —it is the only logical thing to do. But the difficulty lies in mastering the art of spending wisely: Now that the war is past we are begin ning to ponder over the matter of retouching our homes in the way of framed pictures, candlesticks and mirrors. And since, houses must wear their costumes much more steadily than their owners, the mat ter is a serious one. But a visit to the Saltzgiver's, 223 North Second street, will help solve all questions that may arise. For instance, Mr. Saltzgiver just received a new lot of beautiful Muxtield Parish pictures including "Cleopatra," "Dinky Bird," and the "Garden of Allah" and "Arabian Night" series, any of which would prove a rare addition to a home. An electric vacuum cleaner! What a thing of magic to the weary housewife! The relief it brings front the back-breaking method of sweeping with a broom far exceeds its value in mere dollars and cents, arfd the speed and thoroughness with which it cleans is truly re markable. In a short time all dust has disappeared within its yawning mouth and the wife and mother is free to go about her other duties, fresh and untired as though she had not just completed what, in times gone by, hail proved a most exhausting task. Don't be a slave to tyrant broom. Visit the Dauphin Electric Supply Co., 43 4 Market street, the home of everything elec tric, purchase one of their excellent cleaners, and enjoy life as you should. What woman does not revel in filmy negligee and cool, silken nightrobes? How many feminine hearts can resist the temptation to possess dainty apparel worn only in the seclusion of the boudoir? None, I dare say. And who can blame them when such confections are placed before her view as that on which my eyes so recently feast ed at the Cloos shop? It is a sleep ing robe, a perfect dream, of flesh colored georgette crepe, tiny rose buds, ribbons of delicate blue and orchid hues, and filmiest of lace. Mere suggestions of sleeves lead one to believe that a second thought had cut them short. All in all, the ef fect is ravishing and the entire gar ment seems to say, "Pass me- by— -4t you can." DR. CHAS. REEL, Dentist, Has Returned to His Office, 1119 N. Third * JOIN THE ANTLERS LEADS ALL OTHERS— None Better Embodies ull tliat Is desirable In Fraternal Organizations Get Acquainted with Its Objects Headquarters, Harrlsburg Range lUII >A North Sixth St. Bell Phone 1213R W. S. DICKERSON, SR., National Organizer JACOB BIXLER, City Organizer Is there anything in this old world more attractive than tho adorable expressions that pass so fleetingly over baby's face? And do you know of a single other thing that you wish so much to retain as an accurate memory of those cun ning glances? Itoshon, the Market street photographer, can make your dreams materialize and give you a permanent, photographic record that will not only prove to be your own most cherished possession, but one that baby himself can look at, in after years, with great pleasure. Mr. Roshon has studied the difficult art of photographing infants and small children and has mastered it to such an unusual degree that tho likenesses he produces are veritable masterpieces of accuracy. Speaking of crowds, have you seen those that are constantly col lating" before the Doutrich store? Kver since the opening of the mam moth silk shirt sale, on Saturday morning, record breaking throngs have been pouring through the doorway of the establishment. Out side, passersby stop to gaze in amazement at the scene presented within, wondering whether it is real or just a dream conjured by a fev ered imagination. Shirts, shirts everywhere, and all of finest silk. And the astounding rapidity with which they arc disappearing is al most incredible. Every man grasp ing the full significance of the op portunity is eager to take advan tage of it. As a result, Doutrichs is the mecca toward which hundreds of shopping pilgrims unceasingly wend their way. This is the season when we de light in hastening away to the mountains or shore. And those of us who summer by the sea know that half the charm of our outing lies in the hours spent in the beach. If we are young, particularly if we arc very, very young, we know be yond a doubt that nothing can com pare with the pure, unadulterated joy of building castles in the sand. But everv builder must have his tools, and the Marianne Toy Shop, Docust street, is ready to supply tlio kiddles with the necessary equip ment Buckets, spades, sand trays, molds, and cloth animals that will stand when stuffed with sand, a i there waiting to enrich the vacation joys of the children.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers