Telephone Service From Key West to Havana Coming Soon San Juan, Porto Rico, July 8. —- Direct telephone service between Key West nnd Havana will be a Store Opens Wednesday at 9 A. M. and Closes at 5.30 P. M. !=sss97c ESgiJ - KAU FMAN'S s ™EL7 4c I in a model for the slender and average figure; M M flh V A W Y ' Women's "KaySer" Silk Lisle Union hi medium host; well boned; guaranteed OTirustabte; v K I I jA A I AA■ fl fl B ■ A Jfl B fl ~ Suits; sleeveless, low CUt, shoulder !S fitted with four hose supporters; sizes H—' I I I — 1 straps, knee and ankle length. These Mp ... . I - A I ■■ HA ■hdH M Mh m ~ r are "seconds" of this well-known make §j Only a limited number to f\fl _ I A I AIA fl B Albh B °f underwear and imperfections are sell at this j / A 8 flgk A M mm Afll JHA A. BW AHi hard to find. Regular and a few extra m ===== K Al.'r-nAX'S Sfrond Floor — ' RAtPXAVS lHrmt Ploor More Merchandise At Clean Sweep Prices For the 2nd Day Of This Big Sale! IRROOM COUPON More Of Those Wash and Silk Dresses 3 More Lots Of WAISTS 11 i JZZfZtL In The Clean Sweep Sale For Wednesday T 8 X Six Ers Of Broom Selling Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Women's and Mists' <*l i rfl iSi9to 12 in the Morning— I? Dresses Dresses Dresses §A pr p ... c K™iL JEI -5; Mm Wm 8 11 A 2to sin the Afternoon *>• a— M§M JsS 8 jSj) WW.fUliililUH ' ' 3n,c , rlrc <MBmP.A fu " CU G perfectly made; fJ7 r sizes 36 Q7/. ' liy READ THIS CAREFULLY IJUS ft sizes 36 to 4 6 ' c to46„ 'C f0 nil Sold only to customers buying $2.00 worth of merchan- l-'vl * <t Q7 N N / \ 1 X 7 ft dise or more. None sold to children. None delivered, and ' *P J.O 4 •V • P/■ *° 4 jil SL Georffette & Creue de Chene A"| i 1 -o—— N „ % :i)' Li= O L t= -g®; Waists-Clean Sweep Price,s^.B7 1 iilij f Oeorp-ette and Crepe de Chine Waists; hand- m—mmammmm Jj||| jmmmmm—mmmmmmmm—m^mmmK^^mmm^mmmmmm^mmam^mmm^m* j / /titans 4 wme models embroidered with beads and silk; m ■ l[U - also omo new frilled models; shown in white, V^P r~ r r?\ nams, beautiful Cotton Voiles, mEAeBA . . .. L 'Jj . Jt T O lir 9 Q ~\lf' 9 C'nghams; a vast assort- , ight and dark grounds; a num- est colors ln " Bht nnd dark AWh runt rzos '" a e ' " r ° Se ' " I H 111 \nOther Lot OI WOlTiellS & IVIISSeS /* ment of P re y colorings: all her of pretty styles; sizes 16 to grounds; the newest 191# sum- )h\\ ji s§j ~ smart models; sizes 16 to 44. 44. mer models; sisses 16 to 44, Js V -====== KAt FMAN'S First Floor S Piimnc anrl Ovfftl*Hc! Women s and Misses AM 07 Women's and Misses' <r*% C 7 c,xira Special Sxtra Special ffl I rumps anu . UXAU U DRESSES DRESSES *W * Clean Sweep Item Clean Sweep Item § For Second Day of Clean Sweep Sale C i..„ ...„ m, - f r J2r&&n"} M £!X !7;S. s *„'*. p ;!,r.r l n„ ig for Wednesday or Wednesday |i gs , „ - _ T _ , Summer Cotton Voile Dresses, newest colors; and combinations in medium and dark shades; .. . , WfiniOll'c Jpr Phil Qi| ff OmeH S Oxiords Lot Ot Women S newest designs; only the best models; sizes 16 many are silk trimmed; newest models; sizes 16 Ullldrens Ulllvll SOL M and Pumps Oxfords Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses'' Women's and Misses' Women's and Misses' Gauze Shirts dren S Bathing Iw™ $1.95 Clean s4> 85 SILK POPLIN SILK DRESSES SILK & SATIN $20.00 to $29.50 s^m-? jssk ™ 1 laTe CP 1 =l a r p DRESSES DRESSES SILK DRESSES I | jmE); sPhf, "■"• a ~* s -" p s *' ,Pr ""' 0,.„ "qjYT 07 10c Each |7q°"' | | /i 7 sfi7 to 07 $14.87 -J&hz2~- 1 H d. a... p,, CT . , „ . p0.04 SO.O I p r sr.TroSuX"ifx = = J 1 i Women's Oxfords na Silk Poplin In a y splendld as- Taffetas, Crepe de Chine and Ta f 'and' Sa t'n PmiTny' liT com hi- are °made° r wHh '"ceSn ®tt a e ck s ie B e°ve e I Extra Special || || Extra Special l| fi j ?fj r T styles, the colors are com bi n ations of Taffeta and Geor- nations with Georgette; a vast as- some ar beautifully embroidered; CJ , y-,. C *. Lsl M ,/TL and Pumps tcr-N gSa^ , T.Sf p .l.V,r,'. T .r'' •• Clean Sweep Item Clean Sweep Item § •s L tor Wednesday tor Wednesday Is 1V I Ife S3JS JjljV Women's and Misses' Tub Skirts, 97c 2 Lots of Women's & Misses' Capes Boys' & Girls' Children's |inl |A a l e •••• | White and Colors. Clean Sweep Sale Price The materials are Men's Wear Serges, Poplins and Tweeds. . Body WftlStS M hi W./( |jNr berve? n brown kid. also white 'MKSI V\J B Women's White Gabardine Women's White Gabardine Regular XlflOO Rewulnr <519 Boys' and Girls' Cambric A nl liN rw \ X canvas with Douis. military ReCT ,i a r 01 OT Tub Skirts Regular 0O Q*7 regular JIU.UU KegUiar S>IZ.DO Body vVaists Hest auailtv ADFOIIS il \1 \®J an l a uba , n n n hee,s '.Tl/ ls /\ H $1.37 , $2.87 Women s and Misses Capes Women s and Misses Capes materials—reinforced and taped ch'uron's Buni o w ,. r . 9S P] \S IM son's sample 'shoes; siica Vto r7 \J sizes only * and extra sizes .. . * Sale Price Sale Price Boys" d s'ly'le 'n'ad" 1 " w1t > h <l hose Made of fine percales insight h S V tn^B; "widths' 1 (T'and* I / Women', White Gabardine Women's White Gabardine supporter,-sixes 3to 14 years. H HI Sweep Sale Price 3J V Tub Skirts. Regular Tub Skirts. Regular s3 # g7 X / Sk|-| X / Apr —sizes 210 1 t years. Kjl sizes only * and extra sizes .... * ®r * *T • 4DC 49c i |*j - Kaufman s—s c , on,l Floor. . lianfmnn's—Second -Fioor. Djj lilij Three Lots Of WOIDCn SHosiery Extra Special Extra Special Extra Special Extra Special C p j. m At Clean Sweep Prices, Wednesday Clean Sweep Item Clean Sweep Item Clean Sweep Item Clean Sweep Item O Weep Men S OllltS # TT • 0F e<^nes^ay for Wednesday f° r Wednesday f or Wednesday Entire Stock Involved in this Sale !U I Hosiery Hosiery Hosiery House Dresses Girls' Dresses Girls' Dresses Dianers MEN'S fcg , MEN'S 1 l|| srb Tb 5-1 Ift Tl Adjustable House Dresses Girls' and Children's Dresses ** IfI P CI 3 \L IS -4 F&,- 19/ U I • 1 " Slip on and off like a coat— Girls* and Children's Fine —Pretty styles—made of Amos- „„ _ o , C f>* OTTTZTIn I'M Irl I X Li* It ' v most economical garmenU made in plaids and plain colors—best checks and plaids; also white Diapers Cut 27x27 packed xJL kj .VsC!? L tJ U 8 kN nil - batiste with neat chambray one dozen to a package ail i,V2k *■ S;jJ Kil Women's Lisle <T ™" ,B . sn * neatly trimmed —sizes 36 to 48. brays—sizes 2 to 14 years. collars and cuffs full cut perfect—per dozen, IS! I SHi-Ms; SHa <m OQ fl oq . i T $7 95 /\vU7>, 1 I ssir""" si.d 97C AT * /l\iM\ at SQ- 9S i Si 10r pnir I 2 pair for Hse >l.lO patr Rmifrim'.—Second moor. Kaufman's—First FWr. Kanfmnn'w—Seeond Floor. Kaufman's—Second Floor. /A\ I '*j/ A \ '== [l] " " _ _~~ _ ■ Every Men's and / I.< oV \ Mfl hh y—y—y—y—^^^^^. Voung Men's Suit I rjn |LVU \ ' Every and D? J 1 in stock marked to llf w; \J. \ i Voung Men's Suit In tSij 1 1 , Sweep Specials in the Bargain Basement For J I^3, \ 1 \U pi?%| | I 1! c, f ßugs At Clean Sweep Prices (l I- ' 1 co a rd Cd and W plug*! ' I „ • om P lete J^ th Room M.e, 9x13 feet. Wool Kibne Rugs, good pattern, $.05 | MFIVN '/I \ X/IFTNT'C H I <d_ Special, ma \ Ml I Bargain AtllAVlX hajldle - Extra Room size, 9x12 feet, Japanese Grass Rugs. New deesigns, $9.95 i ITxJ_JI 1 O II JI IVI 11/INI kTI I I*' tQ QC $1.39 \ Ml > ® <A? |\^> special. Imported Japanese Matting Rugs, 9x11.8. Special $4.95 , \ II 'J 11,11 I —j dIJ.JJ Ms ■" ' ' p*4f Ha " Runners, made of Japanese Grass, size 27 in. xl 2 ft. $2.05 CT I I /II OT I il OTiIKS PRYFR i—TrTr Galvanized $1.85 59c I P.i ®^ lab l ji IJI. I L/ J. J. II I . Tapestry Brussels Rugs, 9x12 ft. good variety of designs, each, I / J I fF" 'm| cii- teHtmifflll swings -• I HA i | UTt Cia, f JE ll' : Iffi Reduced num Tea KeU 1 High grade Axminster Rugs, 9x12 ft., new rich patterns, $59.95 I \ |l AT 1 M jy ' I I Matting Oak Porch gauge, spe- 1 Cocoa Door Mats I I Linoleums I{ I I Every Men's and Pfl fiT ' I A yard Clothe, Suit Cases. Well made and Swings, complete with chains. + nAO At Big Savings Big variety of new patterns 1 Voung Men's Suit In Yo >"- cht>lce ot J v SOT!-?. sl - 95 *-. tjoc $2 - 48 ,„v 98c sxjnr.... 59c \ as pictured nOW WVtVI/ . .■.•.•.•.••••• • Fine Printed Linoleums I Price, $14.05. T , s*p p r w, fia.os, Si 1 I3\ lronln 'f ——-S $5.95 kind, Qj g\r 18x30 $1 69 KOOd patterns - 98c I """" M r„7„p.t now M.yo A * * Boys' Norfolk Suits at Clean Sweep Prices I 1 sn) ■',. $6.95 kind, 4f f ..,..$2,39 mgrn $1.48 . , ¥ m.Ui. 48c \*j $1.48 — W ' W pl °" 98c 1 L- 1 1 .a T Z V 'K,„ B 7„'' &\ $C.95 I — tured, extra strong I marked up to $7.96 > tl- — marked to $9.95 > fl l S? 1 ■ _______ l Clean Sweep Price... I 1 Clean Swoon Price... 1 w 1 Wash Goods, White Fabrics, Domestics, Table Damask, Towels and Sheets In the 7to 17 Ycar * 7,0 17 Yrmr * ' (^l ean inch Muslin Pillow Cases Fancy Colored Voiles; OQ- fine grade Mercerized ./ I 'co-rrulla*" Brownie Boyn Kail ijl . —good quality for hard 2Qf* beautiful patterns, yd Table Damask, 64-inch \ 2. 4 and Years For bo y® 2 • 3 • 4 Sizes 3to 8 Years ?Si wear. Special , , . , wide yard . uHC m dHk Made of Blue an< l 5 years. Five The colors are hll o.i h.,„. osr i>io(S.u27r p c a i,.. 8 24 c vsjr p .*n , .o.a s £..''''six- 1 iR ixH,uet soilTwlvl j;."; i*,'; ??•. -"!.•. I , T U rk,.i,To-,..,...... 25c wia . 8r ,.,„. ~r , ... 24c v.,,.., .u .ooa 29c IN rt kßKt I •*— -- SET p SS,T a s.,. c v„*o; ■ I Hemmed Crochet Bed Spread, Apron Gingham; staple quality Mercerized White Poplin; beau- 1 I \ **" ~ ■! Qft. nfi- 01 an IS # full size. 0 1 QQ in Blue and White IQ. tiful quality. Of\ i M iIB A Mi 01/ C t>9C 3*4.UU M \ Special J* I, UO checks. AOC Y'ard OjfC VI g | ||f Jj fjMLA j La—NNaaaaaa* i|J TUESDAY EVENING, taiuuSßtntG JULY 8, 1919. reality by December; according to Colonel Sosthencs Behn, who an nounces that the submarine tele phone cable connecting the main land and Cuba which \vae planned before the war will be laid within the next few months, At present the most prominent American and English engineers are working oil the scheme, according to Colonel Behn and the laying of the cable will be commenced this summer. The submarine telephone from Cuba to Key West, according to Colonel Behn, Is but the first leg of a cable telephone system which In lime will connect all of greater Antilles, Red Cross Mission to Take Supplies to Cossack Soldiers Wt. Naxalrc. July B. —A Red Cross mission to take 8,000 tons of cloth ing, food and medical supplies to the Cossack soldiers and civilians of the Kuban district of Russia, on the eastern coast of the Black Sea, will soon leave here headed by Major Robert Davis of New York city, and Captain Henry Adams of Boston. The expedition has an army field hospital of 600 beds and several soup kitchens. These supplies will bo landed at Novorissisk on tho Black Sea. 300 Bolsheviks are Captured and Shot Toklo, July 8. A despatch from Harbin states that 300 Bolsheviki were captured near Irkutsk lately, and shot to death. It is declared that there are about 4,000 Bolsheviki west of Irkutsk ln the direction of Krasnoyarsk. WHK.Y SAVAGERY WAS CRUSHED Savagery in North America was shattered by Sullivan's expedition against tho Indians ln the Finger Lakes Region of Central New York In 1799. t A Throm u^ Ur * g*a<nw. JTS fSSUL, qn Umu. Co. DtEt.B-30 3*. UmirMi 5
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers