Additional Gassified Ads, ** on Opposite Paga AUTOMOBILES MODEL I 5-passenger Overland; new paint; low top and tires in first , class condiion. Sible's Garage, 3ul j Cumberland.! Overland ioupe, Model 79. line run nlng car. electrically equipped. A 1 bargain. I Buick Six louring, new tires, power ful car. At a bargain price. 1914 Stuw roadster, electric lights, very poweriil and speedy. A good ba rkiain. Buick l-t<|s truck. A 1 shape, quiet motor, electnc lighted, will be sold at ! a low figure! 1917 \ tin tell very, good tires, very ' reasonable. | CHELSEA U.UTO WRECKING CO, i A. SchiSman Manager, 22424-26 North Cameron St. u ; J 7" BARGAIN! —International one-ton truck, used! ten months, cheap; In j ternational Jwo-lon truck, used nine v.' months, cheip; Ford delivery, panel body in lint condition. Ford 1-ton unit.' brand ;new. Cadillac delivery, a closed body. l Denby 2 %-ton. Bower % dump body, in tine condition; Denby . Acme 3%-toi, witn Woous steel dump body, used sjx months; Denby 3-ton, with Woods dump body. Denby Sales Corporation, 1205 Capital street. FOR SALE— Willys-Knight 7-pass- I enger touring car. 1917 model sB-4; six tires, tUico new and two U. S. , Cord. Call Steelton 182-J. FOR SALE HUPMOBILE, 1916 model, newly painted, new top, good tires, guaranteed to be in A 1 coudl- I ; tion. F'ederiok's Garage, 1807-09 North Seventh street. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Fire, Tublic Liability, Theft and Collision. Phone and representative will call Cuss, svdter, luos Norm # Third St. FOR SALE —Six cylinder Paige; I linwood model; must be sold at once. Big bargain. Call John H. Gates Coal Co, loth St. below Market. Bell phone : 3704. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918, O. K„ 3025; Overland touring, 1916, O. K, 3530; two 1915 Haricy motorcycles with sidecars, cheap, square deal. HURST Dial 36-C. Liuglestown, Fa. OLD ACTUS Wanted; useu, wrecked or oldlimers, any condition, see me belore sac rificing eisu here. Chelsea Auto / Wrecking. A. bchiftman, 22. 24. 26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. FOR SALE l9lB Ford roadster; good condition. Apply a% City Gnr age, 116-il# Strawberry, corner River street. FOR SALE Stuccoaker Touring; 1918 eight-cylinder Oldsmobile Tour ing; Reo Touring car, overland Coun try Club; Jelteries Touring car Au drew Redmond, Third aud Reilly streets. * WANTED • All kin&s or used auto ' tires. We pay highest cash prices. No Junk. H. Esterbrook, 912 North Third street Dial 499u MAGNETOS All types; 4 and 6 Bosch high tension, Klsman. Dixie, Splitdorf, Mea, Kemy and different makes of coils carburetors, etc. A Sehiffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. TRUCK FOR SALE Large sized- 5-ton truck, with Dump body for sale. Big Bargain to quick . buyer. For particulars call at the ! % Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron street. VELIE 1917—Completely overhaul ed; repainted and new tires; guaran teed. % REO roadster, 2 passenger; good T tires: price, S4OO. VELIE 1918—Used as demonstra tor. Carrying new car guarantee. REX GARAGE & SUPPLY' CO., 1917 North Third Street. MAXWELI. model D. A.; 5-passen ger touring; good running condition; Just the thing for speedster or truck; but body, upholstering and top in line shape; bargain at 3200. Inquire at 1828 Fark street. CHEVROLET Touring, 1918; dem, rims; speedometer; dash light; O. i K.; 8690; Would taae good 17 Ford touring as part pay ment. S. R. HORST Lii glestown, Fa. Dial Fhoue. \ WM. PENN GARAGE '24-6 Muench strefet Limousines for funeral parties and balls; careful drivers; open day and night Bell 4564. v KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO. ht All sorts of auto tops and cushion J work done by experts; also repair work. Reasonable rates, 72-78 South Cameron street. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re quired by specialist. Also fenders, lamps, ets. Best service in town. Har risburg Auto Radiator Works. 3us North Third street. INSURANCE It isn't a nice thing to say. But it is a fact that SIOO will buy you more care and attention when you are laid up than 100 friends will give you. The time to insure against sickness or accident, is right now. J. SCHOOLNIK 21 Spooner Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. * I'AINTLNO -JOSEPH A. GIRL* 1913 Rhoads ave nue, Practical Painter. Estimates cheerfully given. Bell phone 386. MOTORCYCLES >..*> D itlCYCli,* FOR SALE—Harley Davidson mo torcycle with sidecar. Apply 501 Muench street. ONE 1917 Harley Davidson with sidecar for sale. Call Bell 454-W. between 13 and 6 P. M. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED DORY SHANER * WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST lndian Motorcycle, 1917 Model, 7- m horsepower with sidecar, first class ™ condition. Call Bell Phone 4817 after WANTED TO HIRE WANTED—To hire five-ton dump trucks for contract work; must be in good condition. Write Box 11, Mt. Gretna. Pa. AUTOS FOR HIKE . , AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE Will take you to any part of city or nearby country. Call at 1837 Spencer street or Dial 5937. ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto im pairing by an expert Road jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 37 North Cameron street CHAS. S. JOHNSON, 19 Jonestown Road, with B. C. Murray Auto Spring a specialty and general auto *Tepairing. Dial 3304, night phone Bell 1050-J THURSDAY EVENIIS' i. ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS ' DREADNAUGHT 5.000-MILE TIRES 30x3 Ribbed Tread 313.88 30x3% " " 17.10 32x3% " " 20.63 31x4 " 2 2 *- 28 32x4 " 26.82 33x4 " " 27.60 34x4 " 2 28 - 43 35x4% " " 28.82 36x4% 40.32 30x3 Vacuum Tread 15.53 30x3% 2 " iff! 22x3% " 22.43 31x4 " " 28.61 £2X4 " 2 2914 33x4 " " 80.60 34x4 " 2LBB 35x4 * " - #6x4% 64.07 DAYTON CYCLE CO, •12 N. Third ht. Dial 4990. IF THE MOTOR COUGHS or hesitates, if it does not pick up the instant you step on the accelerator, if you have to shift to low to make ordjnary hills, your car needs a Ray field Car buretor. Agency FEDERICKS GARAGE, 1807-09 N. Seventh Street. Harley Davidson, electric and side car 3250 Indian, 1916, 3 speed 185, Indian, 2 speed electric ....... 125 Harley Davidson, one speed ... 7 5 Thor, one speed \ 65 Big bargains to quick buyers. DAYTON CYCLE CO., Dial 4990 912 N. Third St. PUBLIC SALE FOR SALE—At Camp Colt. Gettys burg, pa., 2,50u,000 ft. of very nno lumber; 250.000 gal. water tanks; 2 deep well pumps; 2 12-horse power gasoline enginqs; 150 galvanized sinks; 6x9 light sash; 400 Joors; 150 screen .doors; screen wire in 50 ft. rolls. All prices quoted f. o. b. Gettys burg. Party on ground at all times to show the material LEGAL NollCfcA NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals are invited lor the following, first general contracting for the erection of public school building, second contracts for heat ing same, third contracts for plumbing same, fourth contracts for wiring same; plans and specifications lor said work may be seen at the of fice of the Secretary of the School Board, West Fairview, Fa, or Charles Howard Lloyd, architect. Telegraph Building, Federal Square. Harrisuurg. Fa. All bids must be in the hands of the Secretary of School Board on or before 8 F. M, July 7, 1919. (.Signed! FRED G. SEIBEL, ■ Secretary. NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received for printing, printing and binding the an nual reports, blank books, lighting the city offices and fire enginehouses with gas, and advertising. In compliance with the provisions of the Act of Assembly for the incorpo ration and government of cities of the third class approved the 27th day of June. 1913. Article 4. Section 5, the undersigned hereby invites sealed pro posals to furnish all the printing, printing and binding of the annual re ports and blank books for the use of the departments of the City of Har risburg. as per schedule. Copies of the schedule can be obtained at the office of the City Clerk. Bids will be received for lighting the city offices and the fire engine houses with gas. Also bids will be received for the official advertising of the City of Harrisburg. Persons bidding on' the advertising will be required to bid so much oft' the maximum price, which is fixed at 12c per line for the first in sertion and 10c per line for every ad ditionar insertion thereafter. All of the above bids will be for the year lrom the first Monday of July, 1919, to the first Monday of July, 1920. All persons bidding on the above are required to securely envelope, seal and address in the left hand corner of the envelope "Proposals for lighting, etc." or whatever they may be bidding for, and address to the ufidersigned Presi dent of the City Council and delivered to the City Clerk on or before 13 o'clock noon Monday, July 7th, 1919. The said bids to be opened by the City Council at its meeting held Tuesday morning, July Sth, 1919. Each bid to be accompanied by a i bond or certified check in the sum of two hundred dollars for the faithful performance of the contract if award ed, to be approved by the City Solicit or. Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. No bid will be received or consid ered by the City Council that have not been tiled with the City Clerk on or before 12 o'clock noon, Monday, July 7ih. 1919 D. L KEISTER, President of City Council. Office of the City Clerk, June 27th, 1919. NOTICE is hereby given that appli cation has been made to The Public Service Commission of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania under the provisions of the Public Service Com pany Law by Cumberland Valley Tele phone Company of Pennsylvania for a certificate of Public Convenience, evi dencing the Commission's requisite approval of the acquisition of a con trolling interest in the capital stock of the Tri-County Telephone Com pany. A public hearing on this ap plication will be held in the rooms of the Crfhimission at Harrisburg, on the 17th day of July, 1919, at 9.30 a. m.. when and wljere all persons In interest may appear and be heard, if they so desire. O. K. KINES. Secretary, Cumberland Valley Telephone Com pany of Pennsylvania. " AUDITOR'S NOTICE F.state of Sarah L. Bigler and Estate of Casper S. Bigler, both late of the City of Harrisburg, deceased. Notice is hereby given that-the un dersigned, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County Auditor to distribute the balance in the hands of the Harrisburg Trust Company, trus tee under the will of Casper S. Bigler and executor and trustee under the will of Sarah I* Bigler, shown by its second account confirmed absolutelv by said Court on .Tune 23, 1919, will sit for the purpose of his appointment in Room 408. Commonwealth Trust building, 222 Market street. Harris burg, Pennsylvania on Friday, July 11. 1919. at 10 a. m., when all persons interested may apnear and be heard. M. W. JACOBS. JR.. Auditor. NOTICE Letters of Administra tion Testamentary on the Esttae of Margaret Bievcr, late of Harrisburg Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned re siding in Harrisburg. Pa., all persons Indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement JOHN E. GIPPLE, Administrator 1251 Market Street NOTICE Letters of Adminisfa tion Testamentary on the Estate of Mary E. Dull, late of Harrisburg, Pa. Dauphin County, Pa., deceased, hav ing been granted to the undersigned residing in Harrisburg. Pa., all per sons indebted to said Estate are re quested to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them for settlement. JOHN E. GIPPLE. Administrator 1251 Market Street. NOTICE. —Letters of administra tion on the estate of Theodore B Klein, late of Harrisburg, Pennsyl vania, Dauphin county, Pa„ deceased having been granted to the under signed residing in said city, all per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment and those having claims will present them for settlement. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., Administrator 222 Market Street Harrisburg, p^ MARKETS^ NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 Norjth Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut street Philadelphia, 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations; Open Noon Allis Chalmers 45 44% Amer. Beet Sugar 89% 89% American Can 61% 61% Am. Car and Fndry C 0... 80% 80% Amer. Loco 93% 93% Amer. Smelting 84% 85% American Sugar 138 138% Anaconda 73% 74% Atchison 101 102% Baldwin Locomotive ....112% 110% Baltimore and Ohio 43% 43% Bethlehem Steel, B 89% 93% Butte Copper 32% 34 California Petrpleum ... 38% 38% LEGAL NOTICES My wire, Esther S Collins, having left my bed and board without Just cause, I hereby notify all persons not to harbor nor trust her on my account as I will not pay any debts contracted by her. Signed. Parker S. Collins. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that in pur suance to the Act of May 23. 1887, en titled "An Act to make the carrying on of the business of DetcctiVe with out license a misdemeanor and to reg ulate the licensing and powers of De tectives," application will be made by the undersigned to the Court of Quar ter Sessions of Dauphin County on the 14th day of July, 1919, for a license to conduct the business of a Detective in the City of Harrisburg, Pa. WILLIS L HOWELL. In the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Dauphin, September Term, 1919, No. 5. To James Montgomery or his legal representatives or whoever may be the holder or holders of the mort gage hereinafter mentioned. Tako notice that on June 9, 1919, Athens George presented his petition averring he is the owner of all that certain lot of ground situate In the City of Harrisburg. Dauphin County, Pa., bounded and described as follows, to wit: Bounded by Market street on the northwest by lot No. 153. on the south west by Blackberry alley, on the south east; and by lot No. 155 on the north east. being 52% feet in front on Mar ket street and extending back to Blackberry alley aforesaid 210 feet, the same being marked and known on the general plan of Harrisburg with the No 154. That an unsatisfied mortgage upon said premises remains of record in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Dauphin County given by Moses Mc- Lean. Esq., to .Tames Montgomery dated June Ist. 1816. for six years, recorded in said office in Mortgage Book "G." No. 1. page 136. for $1,900.00, and that the period of twen ty-one years has elapsed since the principal of said mortgage became due and payable, and no payment has been made within said period of either principal or interest, and praying for satisfaction thereof. Whereupon said court ordered that notice of said facts be served by the Sheriff of Dauphin County on the said James Montgomerv or his legal rep resentatives, or whoever may be the known holder or holders of said mort gage if to be found in said county, and having known residence, and if not. then to give pubic noticel by ad vertisement requiring them to appear in said court or September 22. 19X9, to answer said petition and to show cause why the proper decree should not be granted, and said mortgage satisfied of record. W. W. CALDWELL Sheriff. W. JUSTIN CARTER. Attorney for Petitioner. Harrisburg. July 3d. 1919. NOTICE— testamentary on the statee of James Dougherty, late of the borough of Steelton, Dauphin rountv. Pa., dereased, having bfen granted to the undersigned, all per sons Indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement to JOHN W. DOUGHERTY, CATHARINE A. DOUGHERTY, Executors. Or to H. L. Dress, Atty., .Steelton. Pa. CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Gover nor of Pennsylvania, July sth, 1919, under the Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for the incorpora tion and regulation of certain corpor ations," approved April 29th, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the char ter of an intended corporation, to be called the Riverside Garage and Sup ply Company, the character and object of" which is the buying, selling, leas ing, hiring, storing, and repairing of automobiles and motor vehicles, and the sale of their parts, gasoline, oils, grease, supplies and automobile ac cessories of every description, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges of said Act of Assembly and the supplements thereto. FOX & GEYER, Solicitors. NOTICE is hereby given that Let ters Testamentary upon the Estate of Emanuel W. Lehman, late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Penn sylvania. deceased, have been granted to the undersigned. All persons In debted to the said Estate are request ed to make payment, and all persons having claims or demands against the said Estate will make same known without delay. ELIZABETH EMMA LEHMAN, IKVIN L. LEHMAN, Executors, 1416 Derry St., Harrisburg, Pa, H. D. Jones, Attorney, 104 Locust St., H.arrisburg, Pa. NOTICE is hereby given that the School District of the Borough of Paxtang, Pa., will receive sealed bids or proposals for the sale of thirty one onej*housand-dollar bonds bear ing interest at 4V4 per cent, free of tax. Bids must be in the hands of the secretary at Paxtang not later than 12 o'clock noon, July 12, 1919. A certified check in the amount of $2 - 000 must accompany each bid. Bids will be opened at the school building in said district at 8 o'clock P. m.. July 12, 1919, and sale awarded to the highest and most responsible bid- W. C. SOURBER, Secretary, NOTICE Letters of Administra tion Testamentary on the Estate of Harry H. Cleland. late of Harrisburg Dauphin County. Pa., deceased, having been granted to the undersigned re siding in Harrisburg Pa., all persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. JOHN E. GIPPLE. Administrator 1251 Market Street. NOTJCE Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Charles E. Emerick, M. D.. late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County Pennsylvania, deceased. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against said estate will present them for payment to MARY A. EMERICK, Administratrix 2156 N. sth St., Harrisburg f> a Or Stroup A Fox, Attorneys, Russ Rldg., Harrisburg, P a . NOTlCE—Tetters of Administration c. t. a., In the Estate of Margaret j' Stacknole, late of Harrisburg, Dau phin County. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned: all persons owing the said Estate will please make set tlement at once, and those having [claims will present them without de aly to HARRISBURG TRUST COMPANY Administrator, r. t a' 16 South Second Street HaxrlaJt-jr* Pa. \ MQt TELEGRAPH Canadian Pacific ..157% 158 Central Leather 110 110% Chesapeake and Ohio ... 64% 64% Chi.. Mil. and St. Paul.. 43 43% Chi.. R. I. and Pacific 28 28 Chlno Con. Copper 47% 47% Col. Fuel and Iron 50% "51 Corn Products 89 91% Crucible Steel 105 106% Erie 17% 17% General Ell ctrie .165% 165% General Motors .'..235% 238 Goodrich. B. F 82% 82% Great North. Pfd. 96% 95% Great North. Ore. subs ..46% 46% Inspiration Copper 66 66% Interboro-Met 7% 7% Int. Nickel 32% 32% 'lnt. Paper ~... 66 66% Xennecott .....40% 40% Kansas City Southern .. 22 22 Lackawanna Steel 87% 87% Lehigh Valley 50% 51% Maxwell Motors 49% 49% Merc. Mar Ctfa 55 54% Merc. Mar Ctfs Pfd. ...118% 118% Mex. Petroleum 186% 186% Miami Copper 28% 28% Midvale Steel 62% 53% Missouri Pacific 34% 34 N. Y. Central 80% 81 N. Y„ N. H. and H 32 31% N. Y., Ont. and West. 22% 22% Nevada Copper 19% 19% Norfolk and West 106% 106% Northern Pacific ....... 96% 96 Pittsburgh Coal 68% 68% 1 Penna. R. R 45% 45% Railway Steel Spg 93% 93 Ray Con. Copper 24% 24% Reading 88% 89% > Republic Iron and Steel. 94% 96% Southern Pacific 107 107% Southern Ry 29% 29 % Sinclar Oil and R 65% 64% Studebaker 106% 107 Union Pacific ....133 134 U. S. I. Alcohol 143% 14^ [U. S. Rubber 133% 136% TJ. S. Steel 110% 111% Utah Copper 90% 90% Virglnia-Caro. Chem. ... 83% 83% Westinghouse Mfg 58 57% Willys-Overland 35% 35% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Philadelphia, July 3.—Corn higher; yellow as to grade and location, $1.32 @1.94. Oats—Higher. No. 1 white, 80 H@ 81e; No. 2, 80@Sl%c; No. 79@79%c. Butter —Lower; western creamery, extra. 51c; nearby prints, fancy, 68 @ fiOe. Lire Poultry—Lower; chickens not leghorns, 40@52c; leghorns, 38@42c. Cheese—Higher; New York and Wisconsin, full milk, 31%@3131c. Potatoes lrregular; North and South Carolina, No. 1, $5@6.25; No. 2, S2W3; Lastern shore No. 1, SS.SOW 6.50; No 2, $2.50@325; new Norfolk No. 1. $5.25@6; No. 2. $2@2.50. Kggs—Firm; nearby firsts, $15.00 per case; do. current receipts, $14.40; western extra firsts, $15.00; western firsts, $14.40; fancy selected packed. 57®59c per dozen. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET Chicago, July 3. —Hogs—Receipts, 22,000; better grades unevenly, 10 to 25c higher; top, $22.25; bulk, $21.25 @22; heavy weight, $21.40@22.10; me dium weight, $21.30 W 22.20; light weight, $21.40@22.25; light light, S2O @21.85; heavy packing sows, smooth, $20.55(8>21.25; packing sows, rough, $19.75(8'20. 50; pigs, $15.50@20. Cattle —Receipts, 5,000; strong; beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $15@16: medium and good, $13(915.15; common, $11.25 Hi 13; light weight, good and choice, $13.75® 15.25; common and medium. $ 1 ft® 12 .7 5: butcher cattle, heifers. $7.50® 13.75; cows, $7 .25® 12.75; ean ners and cutters, $6@7.25; veal calves light and handy weight, $17.25® 18.25; feeder steers, $9.25 @12.75; stackers steers, sS@l2. Sheep—Receipts, 10,000; strong. Lamhs 84 pounnds down, $15.50® 17.75; culls and common s9@ls; yearling wethers, $10.50@14; ewes, medium, good and choice, s7@9; culls and common, $3@6.50. Girl Partly Identifies Man as Murderer By Associated Press. Wilkos-Harre. Pa., July 3.—An ar rest which may clear up the mur der of Peter Varantas at Sans Soucl Park late Tuesday night was made last evening. The suspect, Harry Jacobs, 41, Inman Patch, a settle ment near the scene of the murder, was partially identified by Mitfi Winifred Conahan who was with the murdered man. At 9 o'clock last night the tragedy was re-enacted at the scene, of the murder. Miss Conahan was taken to the place and Jacobs was forced to walk over the path taken by the murderer. As he emerged from the clump of bushes he repeated the remark made by the murderer: "I don't want you, X want the girl." Miss Conahan in great agitation declared that the tone of Jacobs voice was the same as that of the murderer and that he had the same build and the same shuffling walk. Say Ex-Crown Prince Paid Visit to Potsdam _By Associated Press. Paris, July 3.—Dispatches received at Geneva, regarding the former German Crown Prince, whose re ported escape into Germany was de nied. state that the interned Prince made a flying visit to Potsdam and teturned to Holland. These reports, from Constance and Munich, said the former Crown Prince crossed the Dutch frontier in an automobile and visited his family in Potsdam. Bergner Budding -> — — 3 Investments of Special Merit It is naturally confusing for the average investor to select among the great number of listed and un listed stocks and bonds the securities that are the most appropriate to buy and hold. We have chosen for special consideration sev eral investments which we regard as having the quali ties of security, and offer as liberal a return as can be obtained conservatively. For Information send for Circular No. RM-30 A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Inveatment Securities 115 S. 44k St., Philadelphia New York, Chicago, Boston lialtlmore, Buffalo. Seranton LEE A. LACBE.YSTEIN Meprescatutlve 2208 N. 3rd SI.. Ifarrlaburff Phone 4770-It. " 1 Tiffany Blake Tells Why He Approved the Ford Editorial By Associated Press. Mornt Clemens, Mich., July 3. Tiffany Blake, testifying yesterday in the Henry Ford-Chicago Tribune libel suit, recited reasons why he, as head of the editorial department of the Tribune, gave approval to the editorial headed "Ford is An An archist," on whicfu the million-dol lar litigation is founded. Mr. Blake was asked to state why he approved the characterization of the manu facturer as "an anarchist." "Because." said the witness, "at the time when the United States was in grave danger, he advocated the destruction of our Army and Navy, because he said he didn't be lieve in patriotism; because, with Commonwealth of Pennsylvania—Treasury Department • Statement of the Amounts in the Several Funds at close of Business June 30, 1919. Statement of the Amounts In tho several Funds at Close of Business June SO, 1919. GENERAL FUND Annvllle National Bank. _ AnnvlUe 810,000 00 Allentown National Bank. _ Allentown 5.000 00 Allentown Trust Co., Al- ' lentown 6.000 00 Athens National Bank, „ Athens 8,000 00 Aldine Trust Co., Phtla dclphia 10,000 00 American Bank, Phlla dclphia 30,000 00 Anthracite Trust Com- no pany, Scranton 10,000 00 American National Bank, . ~ Wavnesburg 15,000 uo Ardmore National Bank, ft . Ardmore s'ooo 5 ' 000 uu Berwick Saving and Trust - Berwick s'ooo 5 ' 000 uo Bolivar National Bank, ... Bolivar 4 - 000 B B?a d d°dock TrU,t ..... C °": 15,000 4'o "'ilfSA Tr . U ". t ... C °-: ".000 00 Brookvilie Title A Trust 00 Co., Brookville 4 ' ooo " Butler County National ... .. Bank. Butler 15 ' 000 00 Burgettstown National Rank, Burgettstown .. 35.000 uo Bank of Donora, Donora, 10,000 oo Bank of Commerce, Phil- nnn adelphia, 20,000 iv Bank of East FaUs, Phil- nft adelphia 4 - 000 ou Bank of North America. Philadelphia 10,000 bj Bank of-South Williams- ,„ ftn n oo port. Williamsport, 30- 000 uo C "caru'le "???". . Bank : IMOO 00 Ca Hsle° rr ""' C . U '' Ckr " 11.0°° 00 Ca neg.e , ° C °". C "~ 145.000 00 Citizens Trust Company of Cannonsburg. Can nonsburg B'ooo 8 ' 000 uu Clearfield National Bank. Clearfield 5 - 000 u0 Clearneld Trust Company. Clearfield 5 - 000 uo Citizens Trust Company. 00 Clarion •••• 1 National Bank. Clymcr ••••• •; • ' Colonial National Bank. Connellsville ............. '-500 ClUzens State Bank of CiUz ens "nAn k! K Free 1 and. MOO 00 Ca iarr?sburg ™MOO 00 C Msb T u r 60.000 00 Commercial Trust Com pany. Harrisburg .... • s ' ooo 00 Citizens National Bank. OQO c# Indiana Clinton County Trust Co.. M Lock Haven, ... • • ••• •• ' 1 Ciiy Bank of McKeesport. 00 McKeesport •• •• • Chartlers Truat Coin 10 00 0 00 pany. McKees Rocks.. • Charter National B *ok* 12,600 00 Citizens National Bank. G o g 0 g Myersdale ...... Central National Bank. Flo 0# Mount Union, Citizens Banking Com 10 000 co pany. Oil City. ••••••• Central National B . 00 Philadelphia ... .. •• •; C( Co ™ b ph 11 ade* phla * • ■ • • 00 Gon 11 nental lfiqultablG C Title * Trust Company. 0 ofl Philadelphia .•••• • • • • • Commonwealth Trust C .. © 00 Pittsburgh, ••••••• "L* County Savings Ban*. gQ oo() 0# Co S unt a y tC Truit Company. g oflo o# Somerset ... •••• • • • • Company. Unlotown _. 8,000 (0 Cone wago Trust 4 000 t , # CiuEm National Bank. Central N'ilonai ° Bank* 3,000 09 York ••••'• -• "... 25.000 00 KUfewn. isooooo CiUzeTs'°Wional Bank. g co Hr®usi c °z : 3o ' oo ° oo 7M °° °° Deposit National Ba 00 D B o V nk? Phutde"h C ia 20.000 00 E Trust'co.. PHt'sburSEh j. 15.000 00 JJnange National Bank. rsrmers National Bank. 4<OOQ og Farmers Trust Co., Car- 20 000 00 Fj^l e A ' Trust ># Q0 FreepoVt Bank/ BYeeport 5,000 00 Free pu' v National Fayette F u"no r ver 6,000 00 Trust Company, Farmers * IU . • 8.000 00 '■••• % r Er ftui!sss3 ..... IWH M p,cposit National. rank Pittsburgh 40,000 00 Fanners A Miners Trust Co Punxsutawney .... 4,000 00 , •„T-tners & Merchants National Bank, Red Lion 16,000 00 Fanners National Bank. "somerset 16.000 00 Farmers Trust Company. t:. a i o College 4,000 CO Farmers A Merchants National Bank, Tyrone. 4,000 00 Favette Title & Trust Co Unloutown 60,000 00 Farmer* A Mechanics * rJußt Co.. West Cbes ,er 36,000 00 First National Bank, Ashley 6,000 00 snai National Bank, Addlsuo ;■••••;• 8,000 00 First N a t I ° I Bank. Bedford ;••••••• 16,000 00 First Na 11 on a-4 Bank. Berwick •••••••• 8,000 CO Firat National Bank. Beaver Falls .......... 10,000 Oo First National Bank. BlalrsvlUe ............ 10,000 00 First National Bank, Canton ...... •"•••• 12,000 00 0..-g t National Bank. Charleroi 15,000 00 First National Bank, Clarion 15,000 00 First National Bank, Carnegie •;• 80,000 00 First Nations! Bank, Carrolltown .......... 18.000 00 *irst National Bank, Clifton Heights ....... 16,000 00 First National Bank, Cresson 10,000 00 First National Bank, pushore ••••"•• WJIL" B'ooo 8 ' 000 °0 First National Bank, Ebensburg, ........... 80,000 06 First National Bank al Salisbury. Elk Lick,. 13,000 00 the world in flames, he opposed pre paredness; because he said the flag ! should be pulled down, and because ho said soldiers wore murderers." Senator Edge Explains His League of Nations Bill By Associa t Press. Washington, July 3.—Referring to charges made in the Senate Monday by Senator Borah, Republican, of Idaho that New Yirk bankers, backing the league of Nations, were seeking to have Congress underwrite an in ternational corporation to finance purchase of American products abroad, Senator Edge, Republican, of New York Isued a statement last night declaring the bill he has prepared on that subject has no relation to tho league plan. "We are seeking the best methods. First National Bank. Franklin 15,000 00 First Mati on a K Bank, Glen Campbell 20,000 CO First National Bank, Greensburg, 100,000 00 First National Bank, Harrisburg 28.000 00 First National Bank, Intercourse 6,000 00 First National Bank, Johnstown 20,000 00 First National Bank. Lebanon 8,000 00 First National Bank, Marysvtlle .4,000 00 First National Bank, McKeesport 15,000 00 First National Bank, Meshoppen 15,000 00 First National Bank, Mifflintown 10,000 00 First National Bank, Montoursville .... vt"... 5,000 00 First National Bank. New Freedom 5,000 00 First National Bank. New Kensington 8,000 00 First National Bank. Nanticoke 20,000 t0 First National Bank. Olyphant 8,000 00 First National Bank, Pitcairn 5,000 00 First National Bank, Pittston 60,000 00 First National Bank. Plymouth 50,000 00 First National Bank. Portage 8,000 00 First National Bank. Sayre 8,000 00 First National Bank, Somerfield B.OOC CO First National Bank. Rpanglcr 8,000 00 First National Bank, fcpring Grove 8,000 00 First National Bank, Rimeisburg 5,000 00 First National Bank. Trafford City 10,000 00 First National Bank. Tyrone 10,000 00 First National Bank. Wellsboro 50,000 00 First National Bank. Williamsport 20,000 00 First National Bank. York 30,000 00 First National Bank, Confluence 10,000 00 First National Bank, Dunbar 10,000 00 First National Bank. Washington 15,000 00 First National Bank, Martlnsburg 6,000 00 First National Bank, New Wilmington 5,000 00 First National Bank, Ambler 10,000 00 Guaranty Safe Deposit & Trust Co., Butler 15,000 00 Glen Rock State Bank. Glen Rock 4,000 00 Guarantee Trust & Safe Deposit Co., Philadel phia 10,000 00 Hamburg Savings Bank, Hamburg 8,000 CO Homer City National Bank, Homer City .... 15,000 00 Hanover Bank of Wllkes- Barre, AVilkes-Barre .. 10,000 00 Heights Deposit Bank, Wilkes-Barre 16,500 00 Industrial National Bank, West York 3,000 00 Jenkintown National Bank, Jenkintown 10,000 00 Juniata Valley National Bank, Mifflintown 8,000 00 Kane Trust & Savings Co., Kane 25,000 00 Kennetl Trust Co., Ken nett Square 10,000 00 Keystone National Bank, Pittsburgh 5,000 00 Keystone Bank. Scran ton 10,000 00 Liberty Discount'and Sav ings Bunk, Carbondale. 15,000 00 Lincoln Deposit & Trust Co., Altoona 25,000 00 Latrobe Trust Company, Latrobe 16,000 CO Lebanon County Trust Co., Lebanon 8,000 00 Llttlestown Savings In- stitution, Littlestown .. 8.000 00 Luzerne National Bank, Luzerne 8,000 00 Lyndora National Bank, Lyndora 10,000 00 Logan Trust Company, Philadelphia 15,000 00 Liberty National Bank. Pittsburgh 10,000 00 Lincoln Trust Company. Scrantbn 15,000 00 Luzerne County National Bank, Wilkea-Barre ... 16,000 00 Lycoming National Bank, Williamsport 5,000 00 Marine National Bank, lirie 35,000 00 Mechanics Trust Com pany, Harrtsburg 60,000 Co Merchants National Bank, Uarrisburg 60,000 00 Marlon Center National Bank. Marion Center... 8,000 00 Madera National Bank. Madera 20,000 00 Miners Deposit Bank, Ly kens 16,000 00 McKeesport Title & Trust Co., McKeesport 40,000 00 Metropolitan National Bank, Pittsburgh 25,000 00 Miners Saving Bank, Pittston 81,000 00 Middle City Bank, Phila delphia 80,000 00 Mercnunis National Bank, Pottsvllle 30,000 00 McDowell National Bank. Sharon ■ ■ 16,000 CO Miners Bank, Wllkes- Barre *6,000 CO Market Street National Bank. Shamokin 10,000 00 Miners National Bank, Blossburg 5,000 00 National Bank ot Coatea x vllle, Coatesvllle 8,000 00 National Bank of Mal vern, Malvern 12,000 CO Nanticokr National Bank. Nantlcoke 10,000 00 National Bank ot Qer mantown, Philadelphia. 16,000 00 North Scrantou Bank. Scranton 20,000 00 National Bank ot Fay ette County, Uniontown 80,000 00 Northern Central Trust Co., Williamsport 50,000 00 North Penn Bank, Phila delphia 20,000 00 Ninth National Bank, Philadelphia 20.000 00 North Philadelphia Trust Company, Philadelphia. 10,000 00 Oil City Trust Company, Oil City .••••••;• 60.000 00 PMlaon National naok, Berlin 12.000 00 Pennsylvania Nation al Bank, Chester as.nnn on Peoples Bank, Carnegie.. 10,000 00 Peoples National Bank. Last Braay 16,0uu oo Peoples Bank, Hanover.. 6.000 00 peoples National Bank, Lebanon ..... ......... oo Peoples Bank, McKees port, 60,000 00 Peoples National Bank, MlCTlln 4,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Monessen 12,000 00 Peoples National Bank. Mount Pleasant 12,000 00 Provident Trust Com- j pany, Pittsburgh 30,000 o Palmyra Bank, Palmyra.. 10,000 00 . runs. Company lor In- 1 suranee on Lives and Orantlng Annul ties, Philadelphia 40,000 00 Pin.xsulaa ney National Bank. Punzsutawney.. 10,000 00 Plymouth National Bank, Plymouth 35,000 00 Peoples State Bank ot Red JULY 3, 1919. said Mr. Edge, "to preclude govern ment Investment, government parti cipation, government underwriting, government guarantee or government contrel yet at the same time to make Aadltln* Special ■aveitlgatlMS iwosstlsg Systems lastalM H. E. SCHRIVER Public Accountant & Auditor •S-M Union Trust Co, BMf, Bell Pkm ISIS Harrisburg. Pa. DUSSfSSSSPO M HARRIBBfc STENCIL WORKS 11 I lI3OLOCUSTBI.HARRIBtfB.PA.iI Lion, Red Lion 8,000 00 Peoples Saving and Dime Bank, Scranton 108,000 00 Pine Brook Bank, Scran ton 12,000 00 Peoples Bank, Steelton... 30,000 00 peoples .National Bank. Stewartstown 15,000 00 Pittsburgh Trust Com pany, Pittsburgh 110,000 00 Peoples Trust Co., Wyo mlsslng 16,000 00 Peoples National Bank, Latrobc 10,000 00 Peoples National Bank, - Edwardsville 5,000 CO X'eoples Bank of Oxford. Oxford 10,000 00 Pittsburgh State Bank, Pittsburgh 5,000 00 Reading National Bank, Reading 36,000 00 Rural Valley National Bank, Rural Valley .... 8,000 00 Real Estate and Trust Co., Washington 12,000 00 Second National Bank, Altoona 10,000 00 State Bank of Elizabeth. Elizabeth 2.000 00 Security Trust Co., Har risburg 16,000 00 Standing Stone National Bank, Huntingdon .... 10,000 00 Second National Bank, . Meyersdaie 16,tH>0 00 Safe Deposit and Trust Co. of Lawrence County, New Castle ... 16,000 00 South Philadelphia State Bank. Philadelphia 8,000 00 Scottdale Trust Co.. Scott dale 85,000 00 South Side Bank. Scran ton 8,000 00 Snow Shoe Bank, Snow Shoe 5,000 00 Strouosburg National Bank, Stroudsburg .... 25,000 00 Swarthmore National . Bank, Swarthmore.. . 16,000 00 Susquehanna Trust and Safe Deposit Co.. WU liamsport i 20,000 00 Security Title & Trust Company, York 20,000 00 South war k National Bank. Philadelphia ... 20,000 06 Sons of Itiily State Bank, Philadelphia 5,000 00 Third National Bank, Philadelphia 20,000 00 Tenth National Bank, Philadelphia 10,000 00 Tower City National Bank, Tower City 4,000 00 Taeony Trust Company, Philadelphia 25,000 00 Union National Bank, Conne.Msville 22,500 00 Union Banking & Trust Company, Dußois 15,000 00 Union National Bank, Johnstown 20,000 00 United Slates National Bank. Johnstown 10,000 00 Union National Bank, Mo- Keesport 16,000 00 Union National Bank. Minersvllle 17,000 00 Union Bank of Nanty Glo, Nanty Glo 8,000 00 Union Trust Company of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh. 30,000 00 Union Deposit & Trust Co., Waynesburg 16,000 00 Wayne County Savings Bank, Honesdale 15,000 00 Wayne Junction Trust Co.. Philadelphia 16,000 00 Washington Trust Com pany, Pittsburgh 150,000 00 West Side Bank, Scran ton 20,000 00 Wilbur. E.,P, Trust Co.. „ AAAA „ South Bethlehem 150,000 00 Warren Savings Bank, Warren 40,000 00 West Branch National Bank, Williamsport ... 16,000 00 Washington Trust Co., Washington 100,000 00 Western National Bank, York 10,000 00 West Side Bank, West Plttston 8,000 00 Yough Trust Co., Con nellsvllle 40,000 00 York Trust Co., York,... 25,000 00 Colonial Trust Co., Pitts burgh 404,263 24 Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg 120,024 81 Corn Exchange National Bank, Philadelphia .... 3,599 82 Diamond National Bank, Pittsburgh 1,093 05 Harrisburg Trust Com pany, Harrisburg 1,025 66 Mellon National Bank, Pittsburgh 1,077 53 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia .... 19,223 05 Cash on hand 202,826 94 • _____— Total Amount In Gen eral l-'und 35,897,133 07 SINKING FUND Anthracite Trust Com pany, Scranton 350,000 00 Bradfoid National Bank. Bradford 15,000 00 Commercial National Bank, Bradford 15,000 ('0 Commercial Trust Com pany, Harrisburg .... 3,000 00 Commonwealth Trust Co, Harrisburg 66,820 26 Colonial National Bank. Connellsville 25,001 00 Farmers & Traders Na tional Bank, Westfleld 10,000 00 Fayette City National Bank. Fayette City.... 20,000 00 First National Bank. Galeton 6.000 00 First National Bank, Knoxville 5.000 00 First National Bank, Mansfield 10,000 00 First National Bank, Patton 15,000 00 First National Bank, Susquehanna 30,090 90 Mechanics Trust Co.. Har risburg 15,000 00 McKean County Trust Co., Bradford 1.4,000 CO Monongahela Nation al Bank. Brownsville.. 30,000 00 Punxsutawney National Bank. Punxsutawney.. 30,000 00 Somerset Trust Company, Somerset 23,000 00 South Side Trust Co, Pittsburgh 20,000 00 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia ... 87,500 00 Tioga County Savings St Trust Co, Wellsboro.. 15,000 00 Union Trust Co. of Penn- , ■ylvania. Harrisburg . 86,000 00 Union National Bank. Scranton 25,000 00 Total Amount In Sink ing Fund 3658,320 26 MOTOR FUND Bank of Commerce. Phil adelphia 6,000 00 Camp Curtin Trust Co, Harrisburg 5,000 00 County Sitvlngs Bank, Scranton 50,000 00 Citizens National Bank, Washington 70,000 00 Citizens National Bank, Tunkhannock 00 Citizens National Bank, Middletown 10,000 00 Delaware County National Bank. Chester 26,000 00 Drovers and Merchants National Bank, Phila delphia 15,000 00 Dime Deposit Bank, Wtlkes-Barre 30,000 00 Dlllsburg National Bank, DUlsburg 10,000 00 Farmers Trust Co, Car lisle 30,000 00 Fayette City National Bank, Fayette City .... 10,000 00 .Farmers and Mechanic# 15 It a plan of such real intrinsic value that the government will be glad to lend Its moral support." For Sale Vacant S-story brick dwelling bouse—B rooms, hath, hot and cold water, furnace, heat; all liedmoms are private; good construc tion; location central; 209 Caldcr St. M. A. Fought 272 North St. Trust Co, West Chester 20,000 CO Farmers Deposit Bank, Cresson .7,500 00 First National Bank, Cherry Tree 30,000 00 First National Bank, Harrisburg 30,000 00 First National Bank. Montrose 5,000 90 F w ßt Rational Bank. New Kensington 6,000 00 * 'J!*' National Bank. Bellweod 8.000 00 First National Bank, V i™° n " nd oaJi 25,000 it i National Bank. V^:f ht - V ' 110 . 10.000 09 Keystone Bank, Harrls . b " r s- 10,000 CO Latrobe Trust Company, M i^l tro . be 30,000 00 Mechanics Trust Co, Harrisburg 60,000 00 Minors National Bank, Klossburg 10,000 00 Nazareth National Bank, . Nazareth 2,500 00 Netionul Bank of Fay ette County. Union- / town -.... 20.000 00 North Penn Bank, Phlla mi m 35,000 0# oi ' City Trust Co, Oil ~,t-'ty is.OOO oo Olyphant Bank, Olyphant 4,000 00 Pennsylvania National bank. Chester 11,500 00 Peoples baling* and Dime • Scranton 30,000 00 Peoples National Bank, t>l. art u tow J? MOO 00 ' mil i* Trust Co, ~ 30,000 00 Potter Title and Trust Co, Pittsburgh 20,000 00 Penbrook National Bank, nia en , fc . rook ™ 10.000 00 Red Lion First National cJ "Onk. Red Lion 10,000 00 National Kt?. a „ K S T arth . mor ® MOO 00 State Bank of Dravoa ,, b . b rr. Dravosburg 10.000 00 n?. n . Saving# Bank. Pittsburgh 25.000 00 v acy National Bank. Chambersburg 20.000 00 Wyoming Valley Trust Co, Wilkes-Barre 45,000 00 lough Trust Co, Connela _,vl'lo V 10,000 00 i Diamond National Bankl •Pittsburgh 61,766 91 Harrisburg Trust Co, Harrisburg 78,763 *2 Quaker City National Bank, Philadelphia .... 24,493'5S Total Amount in Motor Pund 3987,521 58 GAME PROTECTION AND PROP An OATION FUND American National Bank, Ebensburg 330,000 00 Cambria Title Savings A Trust Co, Ebensburg.. 25,000 00 Franklin Trust Company. Philadelphia k oon on F, £5 t . Na .. t . ,onal 6 000 00 Blalrsv'lle . 65.000 00 Union Trust Co. of Penn- V By i Va wn J Ur £' abu . r *„ • * 19.000 00 P. Wilbur Trust Co.* _ '.""th Bethlehem ..... "60.000 00 Colonial Trust Co.. Pttts burgh 286 08 Total Amount In Game Protection and Prop agation Fund 3194.286 06 FUND FOR PAYMENT OF BOUNTIES Bedford County Trust Co, Bedford 323.000 00 Dime Rank. Plttston ... 35,000 09 First National Bank. * O0 ' uw ua Somerset 25 000 00 National Bank of Coatee ville. Coatesvllle 25 008 o# Peoples Union Saving# Bank, Plttston u 000 nn Third' National Bank. Philadelphia 50.000 0# Providence Bank. Scran- ""• uuu F *?" t' * National"' 'Bank. M, ° oo 00 Dl'a mond & National Bank! s '°° o °° Pittsburgh 10 720 48 Total Amount In Fund for Payment of Boun t,es 3250,720 46 INSURANCE FUND Union Trust Co. of Penn sylvania, Harrisburg .. 330 000 oa Mechanics Trust Co, Har- * tfu ' ooo 00 risburg 25 000 no Commonwealth Trust Co., ' 0 Harrisburg 222,765 91 Total Amount In Inaur-' " ' " ance Fund 3277,765 91. STATE SCHOOL FUND Commonwealth Trust Co., Harrisburg 395,459 49 Total Amount In State " " School Fund 395.459 09, BANKING DEPARTMENT FUND Quaker City National. Bank, Philadelphia 386,245 06 1 Total amount '.n Banking Department Fund ... 386,245 06 PRISON LABOR MANUFACTURING Commonwealth Trust Co, Hnrrlsburg 378,018 87 Total Amount in Prison I#abor Manufacturing: Fund 378,018 87 STATE BOND ROAD FUND Diamond National Bank* Pittsburgh 3240,000 09 Total amount in State Eond Road Fund.... 8240,000 00 FEDERAL APPROPRIATION FOR i VOCATIONAL EDUCATION Commonwealth Trust Co, Co?onfal b Trust Co!,* Pitts- ,32 ' 059 09 1 Q u'a'k'e r" city * 'National M ' l9 ° 54 ! Bank, Philadelphia .... 17,903 62 ■' Total Amount In Fed eral Appropriation... 8143,153 6 FISH PROPAGATION FUND Harrisburg Trust Com pany. Harrisburg 312,262 so. Total Amount In Fish Propagation Fund .. 812 26" 80' The above statement includes the i names of all Banks, Corporations and Firms with whom the money# of said funds are deposited. Bonds are held by the State for tro safe keeping of the same. Interest at the rate of 2 per centum is received by the State on such de posits. State of Pennsylvania, City ©f rleburg—it. * or H " r - Peraonally appeared before m. Charles A. Snyder, Auditor OensrAi* • Harmon M. Kepbart. State Treaaur-- who being duly sworn aooordina . law, salth that the foregoing 2Li ment la true and correct to the hilS of his knowledge and belief, 1 Sworn and subscribed uefore m„ .his 2d day of July, 1919. * CHARLES A. SNYDER. HARMON M. U KEP^AR-f* 1 " State Treasurer Published In pursuance of the nro vlslons of Section 11. Act of Feb™l try 17. 1906, Harrisburg, Pi. . CHARLES A. SNYDER. [ Auditor General, jj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers