" PLANS FOR NEW GUARD NOW MADE Officers Will Be Listed and: Organizations Formed Later in Year ■ fiP-® \ decided upon the | ■■HBBMKHHI ration and other j details of the military forces, plans . have been announced by Adjutant j General Frank D. Beary whereby of- I fleers desiring to serve in the or- j ganizationed militia can be listed. 4 This plan was decided upon at a j conference held by the Adjutant J General with Major General W. G. Price, Jr., commander of the new I Guard and Brigadier Generals G. C. Rlckards and E. C. Shannon. It is hoped that the division will! be ready for organization by Janu-• ary 1, 1920, and it is the belief of the officers that a large proporttfyi j of the officers who served with the I Keystone Division and with other I divisions made up of Pennsylvanians j in Europe will offer their services to gether with officers of the present! Reserve Militia. The general plan decided upon contemplates the tentative selection | of officers for various regimental and I company units and after this sched * ule is arranged to await authority from the militia .bureau to proceed with the recruiting of organizations, i General Beary says that officers 1 desiring to become connected with i the new Guard should send written j application to General Price at the] Squadron army, Thirty-second and l Lancaster avenue. Philadelphia, and j give short statements of their serv ice. Impressive Juggling Has Paralyzing End Washington, July 3.—The Post- I master General. Mr. Burleson, has brought about some very impressive I economic readjustments in the poul- ! try business, through his Juggling j of rural routes, telephone and tele- i graphic facilities, and other govern- j ment undertakings, according to a j letter received by Representative Gould, of New York, from one of ' his constituents. The letter is from a lady who has conducted a modest mail order poultry business for a number of years in the vicinity of Clyde. N. Y. Heretofore this has been her postal, telephone and ex press address, and the business thrived. But since Mr. Burleson's experiments commenced, she has had to notify her customers that all telephone calls to her must be sent through Seneca Falls; her post office' address, through a shifting of rural routes, has been changed to Water * 100, while her express package ad dress is Clyde. MRS. MATIDA D. TRACE Mrs. Matilda D. Traub, aged 77, died yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock at the home of her son, J. L. Traub, Camp Hill. Funeral services will be held to-morrow afternoon at 3 o'clock. Burial will be private in the Harrisburg Cemetery. Mrs. Traub is survived by three children, Mrs. A E. Olewine, Mrs. C. W. Hey and J. L. Traub. HEADS WORLD MOVEMENT Gettysburg, Pa.. July 3. The Rev. William R. Glen, pastor of the ' United Brethren Church, has been appointed by the general committee having in charge Fulton. Adams, Franklin and Cumberland counties in the interchurch world movement to be the head of the Adams county organization. MOSQUITO BITES KILL New York, July 3.—Mosquito bites, received seven days ago. caused the death of Genevieve Sara Bernstein. 50 years old. at Rockaway Beach yes terday. The wounds, on the left hand, resulted in blood poisoning. r WORST BETTER THAN EVER BEFORE * G. J. Worst, a real estate dealer, 6227 Limekiln pike, Philadelphia, said recently: "I suffered from gas tritis and. stomach trouble. There was bloating and distress, with pain at times. I heard of Tanlac through ! a friend. I followed his advice, and ! the gas fermentation stopped. My j appetite got better, and Tsleep more! restfully. There seems to be a per manency about ffty return to health, j I recommend Tanlac because it is a real tonic." The genuine J. I. Gore Co. Tanlac I is sold here by Kramer's and Steev- | er's and other leading druggists. j sppri K UiocolaTeTTav6rl ! j THURSDAY EVENING, /The Live Store" ' " >4/ways Reliable" / •* Store Open Saturday Night j / , Doutrichs "Big" Shirt Sale , "Saturday" "Saturday" "Saturday" My! What a "Shirt Sale" this will be—Harris- It's hard to realize that a single store could burg has never witnessed a "shirt sale" that will possibly have as many shirts as you will find compare to this "Live Store's" sale which begins Tomorrow here —We have been buying for the past six months. We have No wonder, the values we are offering in good quality shirts filled every inch of available space with shirts This has would make anybody talk. It's simply this: We bought such an enormous been lhe eason our shirt department has ever enjoyed- Now - ~ . . c . 1 . , c . , we are going to sell every shirt in our entire stock (except Manhattans) at quantity of .hirU that we fairly staggered the manufacturer, when we reduce<J prjce( _ Every man who reads thi , adv erti.ement should come placed our order. We bought sixteen thousand dollars worth of Silk Shirts Here and buy shirts freely at our July prices. Every who is inter alone at one time. It took us three days to select them. Can you imagine eß t e d in a "Husband," "Brother," "Son," or "Best Fellow" should insist what a great quantity of shirts this represents? to say nothing of the thou- that they either go to Doutrichs "Shirt Sale" themselves or send a represen sands of dozens Madras, Percale, Mercerized and Work Shirts of every tative to buy liberally from this magnificent collection of High Grade Shirts description that are here for you and your friends. at our attractive low prices. See Our SIO,OOO Window Display of 44 Silk Shirts" Every Shirt in Our Entire Stock Reduced (Except Manhattans) All $1,50 Shirts $1.19 fTjrZ Tj All $6.85 "Silk Shirts" sfi.ft9 All $2.00 Shirts $1 .S9 I Shi rts | All $7.85 "Silk Shirts" All $2.50 Shirts Sl.ftQ || <M jj AM $8.85 "Silk Shirts" $7. ft 9 AH $3.50 Shirts . $2 SQ Only Two to AM SIO.OO "Silk Shirts" $8.89 AH $5.00 Shirts $3.89 1 a Customer j All $12.00 "SHk Shirts" $9.89 will - All Men's and Boys' Night Shirts and;! ymffflMrß Pajamas Reduced \V' jj AH g.OO Pajamas $1.59 AH $1.50 Night Shirts .... $1.19 !| :: AH $2.50 Pajamas $1.89 /i'fvV/A 1 \l'.l 111*1 Wll HKSllfl AU $3.00 Pajamas $2.39. M 5200 N,ht Shn * t8 •••• SLS9 || 11 lll'lliSW When you come to Doutrichs " Shirt Sale" you are going to see some values that you never dreamed df you're going to see |||§|pßy | 'jM ly also that the people appreciate this "Live Store's" sales for you'll have | 1 1 Ifliy [[_ plenty of company Here with the people who will be at this sale and are anxious to save [HHflfiHn; money while they can get such high grade shirts at the savings represented with this I j %%% %%***%%%j "Kaynee" Blouses Chambray Shirts Sateen Shirts 79c 99c 99c ■BBIII. J \ '■ all o >CI • 1 ri t> I 1 All Straw Hats Reduced I All Hoys bhirts and blouses Reduced AH $3.00 STRAW HATS $2.39 I AH Men's and Boys' Suits Reduced 2SZfZ£z=% I —All $5.00 Straw Hats $3.89 I 304 Market Harrisburg, All $7.50 Straw Hats $5.89 I • -f •*: HARRISBTJRarfgfeto TEEEGKXPH JULY 3, 1919. 11
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