20 i IF YOU'VE DECIDED 10 BUY A EOME, STUDY THE Mil ESTATE ADS | £S3CTgs3ig&S4gg^gCTg^^^3raa^CT3roß3gs^g&sßaßll LOST AND FOUND -S,O REWARD for return or infor mation leading to recovery of bicycle, named Kami, colored green; taken ti on front of Utley's Flower Shop. on morning of June 2.1. LOST —Diamond ring, at Fourth and Mac-lay streets on Wednesday alter-, noon, liberal reward if returned to i 2044 North Fourth street. j LOST Will the person who found a email gold class pin, witn letters H. H. 5.—1918 on it and initials M. B. engraved on back, which was lost at the Tech High commencement dance at Willa-Villa. Please turn to the Telegraph Oftice and receive reward? I INSTRUCTIONS INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in Gregg Shortluinu. Typewriting, English, Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Antninc lie etc. DAY AND NIGHT st ROOD OPF.N ALI. V BAH. Lnter at any time.: Bell 12C. Dial 401 ti. i BUCKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 12 1 Market St. cnus. 1,. Bee Kb t . ttttl' \\ AN 1 I D—MAI L , V.' 4XTKD —Insurance men to solicit [ for industrial lire insurance in Harris- . burg and Steelton, either full Urn*' [ side line, first class contract and op pc-rtunity 101 adtancement.il .an easily make 5.1' per week. AppD . Managers Office Boom, a, - Norm, tectum street. ____—. j WANTI-77--Fi. st class I SSSSs 2t North Second St ' WANTED Experienced planing | null men. one I'Hniiu.ng on b c 11 chl^O ne to oper- | atp moulding iiucmiie. Com- : open shop -to uoume Auu toua nieicial cash A DOOL DO, Falls, Pa. 1 TWO FINK OPKNINGS IN BANKING INsiIIU TION A local bank requires the services of a l'uk keepei, who can also as sist in the general cleri cal work ot the bank. Also a young man who is willing to begin at the bottom and learn the business. An excellent op portunity for a Hign school or Tech graduate. permanent positions and good wages to light parties. . , Address in confidence, for interview. CASHIKK. P. O. BOX 16<, HAKRISBURG. t A. -WANTED Night porter; good Apply at Alva Restaurant, 13 South E ourth street. | WANTED Expert automobile re P ai none but experienced need apPD- F'KDERICKS GARAGE. 1807-09 N. Seventh St. UNSKILLED MEN FOR PRODUCTION WORK Ages 18 to *5 Weight 140 lbs. or more IN GOOD PHYSICAL CONDITION Good Living Wages Paid While Learning Steady Work Assured Apply in Person or Communicate with Factory Employment Office . THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY Ak'c.i. Ob o ' SHOEMAKER wanted at once j steady job and good wages the year I round Married man preferred. *\ rite or call Shoe Hospital, Sunbury. Fa. 1 12V|> North Third st. j SALESMEN— Big money in the sale of Oil Leases issued by the State of . Texas. Special contract open for Dis- | trict Manager. Only men with un blemished sales record and gilt-edge references need apply- Stateiana! Lease Association. 6b? Mat-bridge Jfidg.* New York, N. Y. * WANTED Bright boy over 16 years of j age to rufi errands and make 1 himself generally useful in I large office. Good wages and I excellent chances for advance ment Apply GENERAL OFFICE, CENTRAL IRON & STEEL CO. WANTED Men to learn to repair auto mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application \t once. Fuil course, SSC. Call, or write, 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or TRAINING QUARTERS, 260 South Front Street. Steelton, Pa. " THE GLOBE requires the services of an experienced window trimmer and cai'd writer, and will give pref- | erence to a returned soldier boy. Ap- , ply Mr. H. A. Plank. Asst. Mgr., The | Globe, 222-324 Market street. Harris- | burg. | (Continued fu Svxt Column) 1 - \j You Should Buy This Home No. 1611 N. Second St. STEAM HEAT GAS & ELECTRIC LIGHT HARDWOOD FLOORS 2 BATHS & LARGE PORCHES are some of the good features of this desirable Second Street prop erty we are offering for sale at a price two-thirds less than you could build a house of this kind at the present time. Miller Brothers & Co. LOCUST AND COUNT NTS. HEAL ESTATE INSURANCE SURETY BONDS Members Hint. Real Estate Board V. ) \ \ FRIDAY EVENING, 1 HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH JUNE 27, 1919. HELP WANTED —SLYLK —| WANTED SHOE TAMPERS JOHN STROOTMAN SHOE CO., I BUFFALO. N. Y. CARPENTERS ALL AROUND MACHINISTS GENERAL REPAIRMEN PIPEFITTERS AND BHEETMETAL WORKERS SPECIAL OPPORTUNITY to earn rates in accordance 1 with your ability. Steady i work assured. No labor trou ble. Bonus paid on second and third shifts. 1 Apply in person or communi cate " with Factory Employ ment Office, THE GOODYEAR TIRE &. RUBBER COMPANY AKRON, OHIO HELP \\ AN a ED—FEMALE AN experienced milliner wanted at j I once. Appij Miss Neile H. Heplord, I ! 304 North Second street. j ! WANTED—White or colored laun-j dress, three days each week. Call 1 | Bell 4639-K, Camp Hill. - |. WANTED—White girl or woman ; for general housework; no washing; 1 good wages; apply about 7.30 p. m., .250 Ncrlh Third street. WANTED—MiddIe aged white wom an for general housework; no wash- Tig. Apply, 2127 North Fourth street. WANTED At once, experienced ' I housekeeper. Apply 321 Walnut St. . ! WANTED ! ! ! FITTING ROOM OPERATORS I If you are a reliable and ex- j porieneed vamper, edge j stitcher or lining maker and 1 want steady work at good pay in a factory which oper ates 43 hours a week and • tnes to be fair to its woik ers, we have a good place for I you. Jf you do net take any pride in either yourself or your work, do not answer this advertisement. Ask the man 01 woman who now j works tor us whether or not this is a good place to earn a living? in answering this advertise ment in person or by letter j apply to R. E. CAHILL, GenT. Mgr.. HARRISBURG SHOE MFG. CO.. 1408 VERNON ST. WANTED SEVERAL A-l SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS FOR SAMPLE WORK The work is pleasant, and good wages BLOUGH MANUFACTURING CO., Inc., Reiiy and Fulton Streets WANTED j FIFTY EXPERIENCED OPERATORS ON POWER SEWING MACHINES 30 PER CENT. WEEKLY I I RON US ON ALL EARNINGS | J 10 PER CENT. EXTRA BONUS ON I j EARNINGS EVERY SIX MONTHS 1 IDEAL WORK UNDER IDEAL CONDITIONS IN AN IDEAL PLANT ! JENNINGS MANUFACTURING CO. [2012 N. 4TH ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. j ! ! WANTED Operators wanted on plain j i sewing machines; also a few I j union special and over-lock op- I erators. Bonus paid every week ) | and learners paid lime work. ] Apply HARRISBURG APPAREL CO., Sixth and Herr Streets. I City Star Laundry Building, Third Floor. ' ___ j WANTED Girl or middle-aged I ! woman for general housework. Apply j 234 \\ Oodbine WOMAN or girl wanted for general ! housework to go out to the country. | (Apply to Louis, 414 North Third I street. ; WANTED—A young lady to play ' piano and sell music. Must be able I to take full charge •of department. ! Salary sls per week to start, beady i wink and good chance for promotion, 1 Address Box W-iOBO, care Telegraph. Delaware Hospital Training School' I for Nurses —Young women ot unusual' , intelligence, culture and high ideais' are sought as this school is desirous! II t graduating nurses of unusuailv I 1 high pio-essional standing. Two years cf high school is an entrance r- I Iquirememnt. For information write' j Delaware Hospital, Wilmington, Dei. ; WANTED—White girl for general I housewolk. No laundry; good home no children. Inquire 2214 North Second' j street. ! WANTED Experienced dining-' room girl witn clean nablts. Apply!,, person. Manhattan Restaurant. 317; Market st. j | WOMEN ATTENDANTS Wanted I in Department for Women, Norris- ] ■ town State Hospital, Pa. Minimum : | monthly wage S3O, steadily Increased, ' j Includes full maintenance, comfort- j able Nurses' Home. Vacation employ- 1 ; merit for students and teachers. Write I I Dr. Jessie M. Peterson. ; HELP WANTED—.MuIe and Female 1 WANTED Extra salespeople for ; Saturdays. Books Shoe Store, 217 I Market street. WANTED—MiddIe aged man and iwlfe to take charge of a small place, man must have knowledge of farming. Wife to take charge of the house, fam ily of three adults. A peimanent place and good home to right party. Apply to Frank Bowman, P. (J. Box 348, Har -1 risburg, Fa. AGENTS WANTED , > AGENTS wanted for Dauphin, i Cumberland. Perry and Lebanon coun ties, to sell an article everybody uses, j P. O. Box 32, Highspire Pa. SITUATION'S WANTED —MALE i FIRST-CLASS pastry baker desires position hotel or restaurant. Apply I 341 Kelly street. Phone 2481-M. BOY 15. wants work of any kind; delivery preferred. Can ride bicycle. 1 Call at 1412 Williams street. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires position; capable of taking charge of any set of books. Can give refer ences. Address Box K-6763, care of Telegraph. YOUNG man, 24 years old, wishes position on a tarni in vicinity of Har risburg. Address U-7078, care Tele graph. WANTED—A job as boiler fireman or refrigeration engineer, by a mail who has had experience. Address Box B-9564, care Telegraph. TWO paperhangeis and painters want a long contract. Box K-7081, care of Telegraph. WANTED—Work as bellboy in ho tel, by boy 14 years of age. Write or call 623 Boas street, 01 Dial phone 4477. EX-OFFICER U. S. Army seeks po- I sition 111 Hai risburg or vicinity. At ; present office muiiager New York cor poration but desires to locate 111 Pennsylvania. Excellent references. | Address Efficient, care Telegraph. SITUATIONS WANTED—FemaIe PRACTICAL nurse desires nursing lor caring lor an invalid, and assisi Jwlth lignt duties about house. Ad- I dress I.i.x X7IS4 care Telegraph. i YOUNG girl, 12 years old. would like sonic place to work for her board, j Address Box B 7083. care Telegraph. j WANTED—Companion—A college , girl desires a position _for the sum mer. Address Box D-7U79, care of Telegraph. I A WHITE woman would like posi- | tion as assistant matron 111 an insti- I tution; preferably children; have bad a year's experience. Address S., care j Telegraph office. I YOUNG colored girl wishes light | housework. Apply 1322 North Front j I street. ROOMS FOR RENT i FOR RENT —One large furnished ! front room: all conveniences; good lo cation. Apply T North Thirteenth! , street. I 1 FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms ' 1 for rent, all conveniences. Apply S. i Freedman, 1529 North Third street. | FOR RENT Two unfurnished ; rooms; light and heat,_ with use of j bath and phone. Bell 1504-M. TWO nicely furnished rooms on j I second tloor; bay window; for two I persons; also one third tloor front! room suitable for two persons, ail j conveniences; use of phone and bath. I Inquire 111 Evergreen street. Bell 1 4900-K. j FOR RENT Furnished front room, suitable for one or two gentlemen, $22.5u per month. Inquire 609 North Front st. , TWO bright front room apart ments, of two looms each, furnished complete for light housekeeping. Bell 2985-R. 424 South Seventeenth. NICELY furnished rooms; all con veniences. 222 North Third street- Apply at 9 North Front strest. Dial 5775. FOR KENT Two unfurnished rooms on third floor; also one sec ond floor back room; no light house keeping or no children; ail conveni ences. Inquire 2352 North bixih street. j FOR RENT —F'urnishea room on sec ond floor: all conveniences; hot water. Bell phone 466-R. FOR KENT Two unfurnished ! rooms on second floor; all conveni- 1 ence. Apply 14-1 Hunt street, or call I | Bell 44U9-J. I | Nicely turnished. clean, cool rooms, : ! $2.50 per week and up, 143 South ! I Third street. | FOR RENT —Two or three rooms ! for light housekeeping; references I required. Apply 39 North Seventeenth I street. I F'OR RENT —One furnished room for two gentlemen or two unfurnish ed rooms lor light housekeeping. Ap ply 1126 North Sixth street. NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM For gentlemen only. Dial 499 U. or 912 Xcrtli Third street- ! FOR RENT —Large douole room on ' first floor, suitable lor two or lour 1 gentlemen; all conveniences. Apply I 'a' 9 North Fifth stro loin doors | from Market street. Dial 6920. APAKT.Mi.XIa FOR KENT SECOND floor apartment in residen- I tial section, 3 rooms unturnishcd, I light and heat furnished—newly I papered and painted; sl7 per month.' I Address M 2981 care Telegraph. FOR RENT —Large apartment, two] j bay windows; very good location, no I children. Apply 2iu North street. APARTMENT F'OR RENT—IIO N. I Second street; 4 rooms and private bath; third story front; unfurnished; first class condition; hot running water all the year; city steam lieat; ! $45 per month. Apply L. Minter, flrst I floor same building. Both phones. Foil RENT —Three-room apart ment, furnished, at 1008 North Sixth street, also two-room apartment, 628 | Forster street. For information call 1 Bell phone 4832. i AT 100 South Thirteenth street; ! first floor, 7 rooms and laundry, ele -1 n-antlv furnished, equipped with hard wood ' floors, gas and electricity, pri vate porch and entrance. Apply at ; 100 South Thirteenth street. COTTAGE FOR RENT FOR KENT F'urnished cottage i along Swatara creek, Hunimelstown; bathroom and electric lights; two ■ blocks from trolley, or one block from 1 railroad station. Bell 23. Apply C. B. I Walmer, Hunimelstown, Pa. I REAL ESTATE FOR SALE i FOR SALE —On account of other ! business 1 will sell at once my 7- 100111 2-story corner brick house; all improvements; nice front porch, back 1 vard and a tine view over the city ' and Capitol Park. No. 115 Royal Ter ! race one-half cash and balance on tirst mortgage. Ed. C. Markley, 1319 j Perry street. ! FOR SALE —No. 1434 Regina street: ' laige house, easily remodeled for I business; lot 25x130; stable on rear. ' Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FACTORY SITE FOR SALE 90x100 feet on North Cameron street. One of the best sites in the city of sold at once. C. H. CORDER. 1722 Green street. Bell 560-J. (Continued In Next Column) I ' ' 1 iS ANY GOOD-VALUE REAL ES- ijj .TO lA I E may be sold if it is well adver- M TO tised. You must FIND THE MAN |^J jgj WHO WANTS IT. He is to be found hi' —no doubt about that. But you must yW make it your business to find him v*jt| conducting that business through the TO'- classified columns in a persistent way. pis ! y® m ! 1 ||' 'm <&> i|y I, ffi . KE.U tSIATJt FOR SALE I''OK SALE No. -07 Harris street —brick house 9 rooms bath other improvements. Bell Iteuily Co., | Bergner Building. i FOlt SALE—SIS N. SIXTEENTH I ST.. DESIRABLE STUCCO HOUSE' 8 ROOMS, T1 EE BATH AND LAUN DRY; SOUTHERN EXPOSURE' DRIVE ALLEI IN REAR. APPLY ON j PREMISES. EMERALD STREET Modern j homes, built in pairs, with large j | porch fronts, six rooms and bath, steam heat, electric light and gas j ' range. A most inviting location. ! Price, for quick sale, much below i j present cost. Inquire 909 North Sec- 1 | end street, or Bell phone 48S-J. I I FOR SALE No. 409 South Thir- I teentli street —three-story brick 9 | rooms and bath—steam" heat. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. HARRISBURG'S ' REAL ESTATE BUREAU CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. 331 MARKET STREET. I | i PAXTANG RESIDENCE FOR SALE? ' All most modern conveniences and j price leasonable. Bell Realty I j Bergner Building. | 1606 Susquehanna street, now vacant, 3-story brick; 6 room house; improvements. 114S Deny street; 3-story brick and frame; rear drive alley; front porch. Price re duced till July 1. A 3-story brick house along Reckville line, and several other good suburban homes for sale. ROUGH. BRIGHTBILL & KLINE, 307 Kunkel Bldg. See our list before you buy and ask for one of our free fly swatters. FOR SALE—S2,2SO will purchase a small bungalow with five rooms lot 1 30x125. Bell Realty Co.. Bergner j Building. FOR SALE —2 44-story frame j dwelling located in Market street. Camp Hill, containing 9 rooms and bath, hardwood • floors, lot 60x175, tine shade. and shrubbery, complete gar- I age. Possession can be had on two weeks' notice. This property is exceptionally well located and in excellent condition. FOR SALE—Brick garage, built on lot 50x150, located in Camp Hill, equipped with wa ter. electric light and heat. Part of building is a 2-story brick 40x40, balance one story concrete 50x5u. Storage rooms for 20 cars. This prop erty is well located for auto mobile repair and accessory business. FOR SALE—2'4-story frame dwelling. 8 rooms, bath, ce j men ted cellar, lot 65x120. containing all modern im | provements, including steam j heat, located on Oyster Point Ave., Camp Hill. Price, $3,500 BRINTON-PACKER CO., Agents Second and Walnut Streets DESIRABLE DERRY STREET PROPERTY FOR SALE Brick house 1 rooms bath g as electric light steam heat _ No 1-012 Derry. Bell Realty Co., Bergner I Building. VACANT HOUSES Two 244 and 3-story brick houses; all improvements; porches, drive alley. Also cor ner houses on Hill and up town. Will take auto in trade. 1 have several fine suburban homes (or sale; brick, all lm i provements. 44 acre each; steam heat, electric lights, hardwood floors, lota of truit on State Road. Will take city " property in trade. C. H. CORDIiR. 17 22 Green Street. Harrisburg. Pa- Bell Phone 660-J. FOR SALE—In settling an estate a desirable residence In Ureen street; immediate possession. Apply Box ■ o 6757. care Teelgraph. FOR SALE On easy terms. 2012 ' to 2016 Susquehanna street. Apply A. p. botuiu, 1325 North Sixth. WEST SHORE LOTS 4 lots together along river front. Fine site for Eunga low. Easy terms. Small amount down. Monthly pay ment plan. C. H. CORDER 1722 Green Street. Bell phone 66uJ. (CcetiDued In Next Column) i i HEAL ESTATE F'.IK SALE ji BUY YOUR HOME on the rental . payment plan Small cash or Liberty j Bond lirst payment required, balance j as rent. YY'e have houses in every | part of the city and suburbs. Apply j • IA. P. Dorunz, 1 225 North Sixth street.! POSSESSION SOON . 1635 Swatara St., flame $2,500 1 1631 Swatara St.. frame 2,500 i , , 412 Hummel St. brick 2.000 I'■ L>. A. CA LEY. ij 707 Kunkel B'.dg. ! i S Bell 589. 11 ! FOR SALE—-Double brick house S i i rooms, all conveniences, located along j trolley line. Price $6,200. Double i frame house, 8 rooms, all convent- J ences, large lot and barn. $6,500. Ap- i ' ply New Cumberland 11. E. Co. j E'ORSTLR ST.—6o9—3-story brick ! dwelling. 3 rooms and bath, furnace gas and electric; good location for s renting rooms; will sell at a bargain I- Apply LEHMAN & KLINGEMAN, Patriot Building I A BARGAIN In real estate; 2 44-1 story double frame house, with im- ! provements. locuted at 493-495 Sec- I ond street, Highspire. This is a fine! property. Will sell single or double. \\. J. Reeves, 224 Market street. I Highspire, Pa. Dial 9801. My car is ' at your service. I ? ~,A N exertional bargain in a fine , Lm". 1 ,I hls Property is located 454 i | Elizabeth street. Highspire; single ! j house, plot laO loot tiont by 125 feet! 2? n . ,pi sr' e u m * nt ." : m " st ail k ' n| ' s !* ?7 rruit. chicken house and garage ' what i, sell for SI,OOO less than I £ '*• w °rth; reason for selling!' other business. \V. w. Reeves, 224 1 Market street. Highspire. Dial 9801.!! AT 207 Abulation street. West Fair- I house with of " double frame 1 house with , rooms and bath, with 1 side yard in lawn of 73 feet suitable ! 1 '°r Bt °r e or any kind of business; 13 truit trees; car stops at door one " square from river; is vacant now Inquire at above address. ! hon°s R Kight attractive frame i houses. 244-story, 8 rooms and bath modern improvements; desirable lo- : wn 0 "; n a e ,2 ' s " u ' Easy terms or will consider unimproved property in l exchange for part. Address Box ] J-6<48, care of Telegraph. ENOLA.—-Home for sale; 6 rooms coiner house, in good condition; eiec-' VovSo P hot ?" d COld water; lot 50x60. Price, $1,600. Durand & ' E erber, lCi Chestnut Bt. HOUSES ON EASY TERMS imp a,U 2-story brick on Hill all iriip aCa ' U 2^"storv bl 'ick on Hill, all imp atant 2% " story frame on Hill, ail imp 1 ' 1 " 1 2-storj* brick, up town, ail inip aCant 3 " story frame, up town, all iinp" 8t ° ry frame near Hnl market, ail Two 2 44-story frames, S. 21st st all imp. ' 1 Store room property on Market st Store loom, corner brick, on Hill. M-fctory brick, corner on Derry st. 2-story brick on Crescent st., easy terms. 3-story brick on Swatara r.t 2-stcry bricks on 15th and 16th sts. i .-story bricks on Catherine st. 3-story briclc on Walnut st.. Hill. , 3-story frame and garage on Park ' street. 3-story brick, driye alley, Regina f street. 244 single frame in Eemoyne, all ' ' Imp. Fine corner home in Enola, all imp ' 9-room house in New Cumberland . imp. Cottage in Camp Hill, all imp. Fine home. 1 acre, near Camp Hill. ! Single corner at YVashington I , Heights. Fine corner home in Penbrook. j Corner 244-story frame in Pleasant ' View. 1-acre and double house at Pen-i brook. Apartments on Hill and up town. 1 Corner new brick up town, all imp. l Investment, three small houses in' Steeßon. Investment, three frame houses, m | corner Forest street. Row of six 3-story bricks on Briggs street. Business place on Derry street, near 19th street. 3-story brick on Green street, imp. Apartment house up town, one ofj the finest in the city, large lot to street in the rear. c. H. CORDER. 1722 Green St. Bell 566-.! j ■ [ VACANT POSSESSION AT ONCE 2-story brick, steam heat, electric ! and gas lights, porch, bay windows, j ' side entrance, drive alley; 44 block to all-night car service (on Hill). | 2 44-story brick, all improvements, ! porches, side entrance, drive alley, iarge yard, slate roof (vacant), easy i ; terms, pay as rent (on Hill). 2-story brick, porch, all improve- | ments. corner, easy terms. Small ! amount down (on Hjll). Several fine homes up town; all Improvements. Several fine suburban homes; all improvements. Several small farms. 6 to 30 acres each, within 5 miles of city. C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 560-J. ] JUST DANIEL E. LUCAS Real Estate and Insdrance. 303 Lewis St. THAT'S ALL (Continued In Next Column) j] > - -J-.-~.:i—y.v- ..y'—'/, / ',..///_m. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE | I RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY 100S North Second Street. Rut. 24x125 to wide alley; it large rooms and bath; line yard; room for two garages; side and rear entrances. Im mediate possession, Fur par ticulars call at the premises after 5 o'clock, or Address S. 7582. Care of Telegraph. FOR SALE THKEE-STOKY BRICK HOUSE, No. 1512 WALNUT STREET, COMMONWEALTH TRUST COM PANY. 222 Market Street Real Estate For Sale—Suburban FOR SALE—Large suburban home ntar Camp Hill. Vj acre land; all im provements; fruit, chicken house, etc., will take city property in ex change; easy terms. U. 11. CORDER, 1722 Green Street. Bell Phone 560-J REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT—Small house, furnish ed or u'Furnished. Call Dial phone 4 743, between 3 to I A. M. FOR RENT—Carlisle, Pa., 10-room [frame house, with all modern im provements, 123 S. College street' [ best residence location in Carlisle. ln ; quire of C. M. Liggett, lu Court House avenue, Carlisle, l'a. FOR RENT— Second story of Kel ker Street Markethouse, Fourth and I Kelker streets, suitable for manufac turing purposes or general storage. I—Room1 —Room 34x34. | I—Room 40x30. I 2 —Office rooms. I I—Hall, 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant. Apply Harrisburg Auto Co., Fourth and Kelker streets. REAL ESTATE WANTED A high class residence with good sixed lot or rental property, or vacant ground in city or suburbs. I offer as part pay u large high powered, high class touring car as good as new, would also make a tine truck. Give full desciiption, location and price. B-7052, care Telegraph. I HAVE READY BUYERS for farm, city and cuburban properties. My laige clientage enables me to secure ready buyers for any Hind of Real Estate you may have to offer. A. P. DORANZ, 1225 North Sixth St. Bell 271 J. Dial 3943 WANTED TO EXCHANGE Two lots of ground at Camp Hill, 60x120. Will exchange them for a good sec ond-hand automobile. Call Bell 1897-J. WANTED—Nine or 10-room house by August 1; steam heat and elec tricity: in central location; rent not to exceed $45 per month. Address B. L. M., care Telegraph. REAL ESTATE WANTED —A su- I burban home of not less than ten I rooms, about 80x150 lot, one fare. ! zone, In a desirable location; give all particulars as to improvements, cash. I Address J. C. D., care Telegraph. READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? BELL AND DIAL PHONES. CHAS. ADLI3R, 1002 N. THIRD St. FARMS FARMS FOR SALE 6-acre farm near New Cumberland. 1 10-acre farm near Progress, i 16-acre (arm near Progress. 1 io-acre tarm near Enola. ' 30-acre farm near Rockville. | 4U-acr farm, S. New Cumberland. ; 75-acre farm at New Cumberland. ; 122-acre farm near Lewisberry. I 135-acre larin near Lewisberry. ! lou-acre farm near Halifax. C. H. CORDER. I 17"2 Green Street. Harrisburg. Pa Bell Phone 560-J. 20-aere farm, good house; newly papered, good barn and all outbutld lings; running water; 1 cream sepa j rator. 1 Milburn wagon, market wag on, spring harrow, cultivator, plow, sleigh and corn scorer, $2,700 ! 39-aore farm along State road; I 'good house and barn; summer kitch en, butcher shop, wagon shed, large ; orchard, running water, sand and .black loam soil, price $4,600. Duraud i & Ferber, 107 Chestnut street. I 4S-acie farm, some wood and pas-1 i ture land, good house and barn; level soil; running water; $2,000; half cash necessary Inquire, Durand & Ferber, 1 107 Chestnut street. I i FARMS FARMS FARMS 1 have several fine farms, 3 to < 5 miles from Harrisburg; I ! good buildings, good water, I ■ lots of lruit; 1 mile to trolley and State road; 6, 10, 16 and 30-acre farms; practically I level. Southern exposure. | C. H. CORDER, 1722 Green Street, HARRISBURG. Bell Phone 560-J, j FOR SALE —One of the largest and i best grain, dairy or stock farms, con taining 252t0 acres, all in a high state of cultivation, situated in the cele brated Buffalo Valley, Union County, 2ti miles S. W. of Lewisburg, Pa., with two (2) railroads, schools and university. All necessary buildings, exceptionally heavy frame and ma fonary, buildings centrally located, an abundance of excellent water, three (3) large springs and well, all never falling, running spring water at barn. Turtle cieek through the farm, good neighborhood, good roads, all kinds of; fruit. For price and terms, call on or address, A. W. Wolfe. Lewisburg, Pa. FOR SALE—9S acres black slate! and limestone soil with 16 acres of mountain lana; good timber; build-1 ing in good shape; good bearing or chard; north of Hoguestown; priced right for selling; F. S. Mumma & SON, Mcchanicsburg, Pa. FARMS WANTED WANTED —To lease a small farm, with an option on buying. Address Box G-6764, Telegraph Office. Offices and Store Rooms for Rent FOR RENT— Desk room and off ice. j Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney, 311 North Second street. Bell phone 307J, | FOR SALE—MISCELLANEOUS , FOR SALL—Second-hand ladies' wheel; In good condition. Inquire 1226 North Third street. MOTORS FOR SALE We have the following motors we are ottering for sale. We guarantee tnese motors to be in first-class con dition and can make immediate de livery. One Ms H. P. 220 V. 450 R. P. M. One u 11. P. 220 V. 280 R. P. M. One '( H. P. 220 V. 800 R. P. M. One U H. P. Ifs V. SOO R. P. M. One L H. P. 220 V. 370 R. P. M. One U H. P. 120 V. 275 R. P. M. One > 4 H. P .120 V. 400 R. P. M. THF TELEGRAPH PRINTING CO. Printing Binding Designing Photo-Engraving Die Stamping Plate Printing Harrisburg. Pa. FOR SALE—Aluminum Hammond multiplex typewriter, with case, abso lutely new, price $05.00. Address Box R-7075, care Telegraph. PUBLIC SALE of entire lot of ! household furniture at the residence 25 Balm street, Saturday .June 30, at 1,30 p. m. C. Fry, auctioneer BARGAIN ONE OAK CHIFFIONER ONE OAK DRESSER. Iron bed spring: combination mattress, rocker chair, val ued at $107; sale price $79. FORNW ALT'S, 1321 North Sixth Street. FOR SALE —Antique library table and chest of drawers. Call between 6 and 8 P. M., at 1417 Market street, second floor apartment. FOR SALE—Some practically new furnitu-e for sale reasonable. Cull 1247 Kittatinny street. Phone 1790-M. FOP. SALE—Globe-Wernicke sec tional book oases, in quartered oak, dark finish, $3.00. Two Monarch typewriters and desk, filing cases, etc. All in excel lent grade and condition. Bankrupt Estate of Harry M. Bretz, Thomas C. McCarrell, Jr., Trustee, 222 Market street, Harrisburg, Penna. FOR SALE —— Channels, beams, angle, pipe all denominations, and rails, all sizes. Apply Williams & Freedman, Tenth below Mulberry street, or Sixth above Division street. FOR SALE—Iron fence, 40 ft., 3 ft. high, excellent condition. Apply 100 S. Thirteenth St. FOR SALE—One single wagon, in good condition. Kingan Provision Co., 421 South Second street. MORRIS SAYfa save money buying new and second-hand turniture here. High prices paid tor furniture. Morris Schinertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4494. BOOKS Bought and sold; 20,000 new, old, rare, in stock. Aurand's, 935 North Third. Circulars free. FOR SALE—Practically new white, round leed baby carriage; standard make; reversible top; little used; will sell cheap. Call Saturday, SO7 North Sixth street, or Bell phone 4283-K. TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR CASH ALL MAKES RENTED EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, 205 LOCUST STREET. OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. WANTm)—justELLANEOVS WANTED A girl's second-hand bicycle. Must be in good condition. Address Box S-4429, care Telegraph, stating price, when it can be seen. WANTED—Second-hand bathtub; must be in good condition. Address J. C. Roth, fcteelton. Pa. JUNK—We are in the market for all kinds of junk. Call Bell 4974, or write L. Cohen & Co., York street and Ash avenue. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID tor Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad street. Dial 4826. Bell 4705 R. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES. FURNITURE. BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. MAX SMELTZ Second haMd furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 107IR, or drop a postal to Max hineltz 1016 Market street. Will call, city or couDtry. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES GET THE BEST—ORDER NOW 30 Per Cent. Oft For 30 Days : HISTORY OF THE GREAT WAR , Giving the stirring events from the I assassination of the Crown Prince of Austria to the crushing of Autocracy. 1 An account of the Causes with a pre- I war history of Belgium. France and , I Serbia. Otficial photographs. PRICE $3.7 5 1 ! Universal Service Association, Grand ■ I Avenue Temple Bldg.. Kansas City. I Mo. " WOULD YOU RISK $2 PER WEEK FOR 50 WEEKS TO MAKE THOU SANDS? A WORKING MAN'S COMPANY. By paying $2 per week for 50 weeks we will offer you something great. Most people spend more for drink, tooacco. etc., but object to spending a few dollars for their future wel fare. Particulars 7024 Jenkins Atcade. Pittsburgh. Pa. BUSINESS PERSONALS OXY- ACETYLENE WELDING Any metal welded. Work guaran teed. Carbon lemoved by oxygen. Capitol City Welding Co.. 1538 Logan street, Bell 4396 J. "pAPERHANGING AND PAINTING First-class work. Chilcoat Bros., '| 1622 N. Fourth St. DIAMONDS bought for cash—P. U. CAPLAN CO., 206 Market street. A. LANE New and secoud-liand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. 1022 Mai kel street. Bell 4730-J. CRATED for shipping. J. A. Bishop. 17 30 Logan street. QUININE —Look out for that grippe ! feeling, likely to catch you this I cha tigeuble Weathel. OUR LAXATIVE j PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave it off |it taken ID time. Gloss Drug Stoie. I 119 Market street. ! RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED I Single edge, 2&c doz.; double edge, 35c j rioz.; razors, 25c. Gorg&s Drag Store. i WANTED TO PURCHASE l WANTED—To purchase a live business, manufacturing preferied. 1 Give lull details first letter. Address O 6750. MONEY TO LOAN WE LEND MONEY In compliance with Act of June 4, 1919. to individu ul* ir. utcu ol itaU> tiittU, &llU til lUttUj a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrowers convenience, uositßely lowest lates in city. VKNNBYI.VA.NIA INVESTMENT CO. 122 Walnut Street. (Continued In Sett Column) J 1 MONEY TO LOAN MONEY FOR NECESSITIES If employed and Housekeeping, ou legal rute money service on loan ■ from $lO to S3OO. payable In week, or utontbly instalments is worth in . vestigating. If you are in need v . funds and without bank ciedit. i CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO. 204 Chestnut Si. FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. IC GREENAWALT. JR. 130 Walnut St. Harrisburg. Fa. ■ Bell Phone 618 J. W ANTED 57,000.00 on secon i mortgage SIB,OOO farm at $0,074 in terest lor 4Mi years; can furnish bes . references; must act quickly. Ad f j dress Box C 4986. care Telegraph. t HAULING AND MOVING HAULING—LocaI or long distance pianos and safes a specialty. Becl Bros., successors to O. H. Beck. Cal at 1419 Vernon street. Bell 2SII-J., o Ober's Delivery. HICKS Local and long-distanc hauling and storage. 424 Reily. Bolt phones. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving Prompt service. Ernest Corbiu, 66< ' Calder street. Both phones. Bel ; 3636-J. Dial 3683. FOR HIRE—Two ton auto truck Apply 11U8 South Ninth street. Bel - pouue 2455 R. 1 AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving & apt, - cialty. Rates reasonable. Prompt sar - vice. Call Bell 623-J. AUTO HAULING Local or long 1 distance. Furniture and piano moving . a. specialty. Blue Line Transfer, 91 t Capital street. Both phones. t I _ | WE Move Anything. Anywhere Any time. Price reasonable. Diu !; I 4990. Dayton Cycle Co.. 912 Noitl j j Third street. v i MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. - " Auto hauling, furniture and oianos a specialty. General hauling. 1501 IJ I North Fifth street. Dial 4166, Bel] j 1144 W. ; | ALL KINDS OF HAULING . j AND MOVING DONE ' CONRAD BROS. 341 KELKER ST. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. 1 ■ i, HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped for furniture, freight and piano mov - irg. No distance too far. Careful e driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. 1 E. Gruber's Truck Service. Irwin IjAungst, Manager, Hershey, Pa. Bell 1 I phone 15R6. " MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE 15 South Market Squaro. THIS WEEK SIOO Klmberly Phonograph. Cabinet size, mahogany, plays all records. Price. SBO. sllO Cheney Phonograph. Cabinet size, fumed oak, very itttle used. Price, SBO. $135 Empire phonograph, oak case, used four months. Price, SBS. S4OO Haines Bros. Piano, ebony case. splendid tone. s Price $155. $350 Bachman Piano, mahog r any case; excellent tone. Price $l7O. ;1 Winters Piano, mahogany, good as new in tone and r finish. Price $240. J Several good BS-note Players at $365, $425 and $485. Any of the above instruments are ready for delivery. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building, 16 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE n i X TALKING MACHINES promptly and • carefully repaired by an expert ouiy. OYLER'S. 14 South F'ourth street. YOU have made tne visit to muslo bouses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have ir. opangler Music House. 2112 North Sixth street. t PIANOS SACRIFICED Closing r hotel bus'nets July will sell cheap, Heppe piayer pumo and Wurlitzer q electric piano. Derry Church Hotel, Hershey, Pa. d STORAGE v " STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Rates. THE HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY g CO.. LTD. Highspire, Fa. Phones Bell: Steelton 169Y Dial: Steelton 9439 i ■ - STORAGE —419 Broad street, house ' hold goods, merchandise. Private 1 rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul • ing of all kinds. D. Cooper & Co. _ Roth phones. STORAGE Private rooms tor . household goods in fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower e storage rates in non-fireproof ware . house. Harrisburg Storage Co., 437- 415 South Second street. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 108 Market. Household goods in clean. ' private rooms, rieascnable rates. P. , G Diener. 408 Market street. f WHERE TO DINE ALVA HOTEL' AND RESTAURANT, . THE HOME OF SATISFACTION. UNDERTAKERS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry St. s BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. . RUDOLPH K. SPICER Funeral Director and Embalmer. 511 North Second Street, i BELL 252 DIAL 2145 • Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers