THE OLDEST QUEST By William T. Hills The International Sunday School Lesson for June 20 is u Quar terly Revew. HH Sailing the Red Sea, as I am while write, with the saw-tooth moun tains of the Sinai Peninsula at my hand, it is congenial to paas in tho recent Sunday school All of them represent quest after God, and God s j^Bown reach to man. They stand for spiritual dimension of the hu- soul. They arc as up-to-date Ss the latest agonized prayer ui a l-BBoung man seeking peace, and older ■hun the Journey of Abraham down ■Hnto this Egypt. At the "moment, I in the region whither troubled I^Kouls —Moses, Elijah, possibly Paul, countless anchorites have re- to get away from the world Hinrl close to the Eternal. I Back of all our day's upheavals unrest and turbulence, back of frantic search for new social political programs, lies the human quest for the peace of We want a condition that is than can be touched by bet flter wages, better housing, better and better political privi- Our desiresare many; our are one —a closer walk with Hod. The Old, Old Quest - I Travelers' work is likely to be and scrappy; this article, on the Red Sea, is being con- as I sit on the burning sands ■of the desert crossed by the weary of the Children of Israel. Back me lies the Sinai Range; directly front, is the palm-fringed quar- station of Tor, while across water rise the blue mountains Africa. Both views embody the I was treating when I laid my pen abyoard ship; the su ■prcmo quest after God himself. I Sinai stands for that truth. There drew near to a Chosen Peo- The exodus was more than a to a land: it was a search the one God. In the hearts of noblest of the leaders of the Is- burned the passion to know ■c.od and. to do his will. Their zeal ■was rewarded by the Ten Command- which are still the timeliest ail contributions to the better ■ment of relations between nations between individuals. Sinai is mountain of the search. I turn and look at the many long, buildings of the Tor quarantine glnring in the noon sun; they, too, embody the Quest aft- Brr God. For this largest quarantine in the world is maintained Bby the British government for the fi protection of pilgrims returning B from Mecca to Egypt. In normal times there are twenty thousand pil- B erims every year at Mecca. They ■ come from every quarter of the hab- Bitable globe. All arc more or less B definitely striving to make their B peace with God. Theirs is the old, B old quest. They seek after the Father above, if haplv they may find ■ him. Who shall say that the God ■ who spoke at Sinai does not also B speak to devout seekers at the neigli ■ boring mountains of Mecca? Back to the Book For three months, the thirty mil ■ lion Sunday school members of the ■ world have been studying fundamen ■ tal religious topics from the Bible. ■ They too have been followers of the fl A Cut Rate Medicine Stores \J L£x IVIV 300 Market St. 306 Broad St. SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY / Toilet Articles Patent Medicines CHOCOLATE I— * ——- __ __ Soaps Talcum Powders For the Baby CORDIAL Dental Preparations Patent Medicines Ointments t Woodbury's Soap 19c Mary Garden Talcum .. 45c Horlick's Malted Milk, $2.19 <OKa& CHERRIES Pebeco Tooth Paste .... 38c j Gude's Peptomangan ... 94c i Analgesic Baume (French), ■{ Resinol Soap 19c Mennen's Talcum 19c Mellin . s Food 54c ' Kolynos Tooth Paste ... 19c Listerine 17c, 36c, 66c 45c Cuticura Soap 19c butterfly talcum 19c Nestle , s Food 4Qc The most delicious ruby red Lyon|s Tooth Paste ..\ 16c Jad g j Analgesic Balm (Park-Davis) Hobson's Soap 22c Golgate s lalcum lbc Lyon's Tooth Powder ..16c n „ , 43c I Lava Soap 6c Azurea Talcum 36c 8 F ° od • • 55c luscious cherry from Sunny Pepsodent Tooth Paste, 37c Brom °- Sel t z 17c, 37c San Cura oint 21 . Q Packer's Tar Soap 18c Babcock's Corylopsis Tal- Castona, Fletcher 23c France , imprisoned in a wall of the finest ' Senreco Tooth Paste •• • 23c Quak " Hcrb Extr3Ct '' 69c Capsoline .... "'1../ 19c Poslam Soap 18c > ' • \ Arnica Tooth Soap .... 17c Sal Hepatica .. 18c, 37c, 73c vv T „ Castile Soap. 3 lor 25c Sqmbb s Talcum 16c shav ; Acce „ orie , chocolate you over ate. Now York and Peroxide Tooth Paste ... 21c i Swamp-Root 36c, 71c 19c I Johnson's Foot Soap ... 18c Pa m °j lve a cum 1 c . p ar j 8 confectioners ask $125 Der nound Forham's Tooth Paste, Pinkham's Compound ... 78c Kond °n Catarrh Jelly, Germicidal Soap 18c Talcum 30c $5.00 Gillette Razor .. $3.87 ; rechoneri ask >1.25 per pound ,' 9c> 37c p ierce . s Rtm J ts 77c 19c, 39c Rivens Talcum 19c s lo o Gem Razor 83c for goods of this quality. You may have Sanitol Tooth Paste 19c Limestone Phosphate ... 39c M "starine 19c, 37c Face Powders !^ elba 3! a ! cum 19c 6 Gillette Blades 45c them here this week at the Lilly's Tooth Paste, 19c, 38c Musterole 17c, 38c Vick's Salve 17c, 36c Mary Garden Face Powder, Mavis Talcum 18c pinaud , s LUac Vegetalj 79c Euthymol Tooth Paste, 16c American Mineral Oil .. 55c Musterole 19c, 39c 74c Jess Talcum 24c Mennen's Shaving Cream Special price of MC the full pound. Colgate's Tooth Paste, Lysol 18c, 37c Menthola turn ...... 17c, 32c Carmen Face Powder ... 36c ET,._ 0 ' j Large 42c 10c, 25c Glycothymoline 18c, 73c Sassafola ..v....* 15c ■ Pompeian Face Powd"! 38c Ingram . s Milk W eed Cream, DUrham DUpICX RaZ ° r ' 89c 7 7 S .°! ine OU 37c £uticura 19c. 34c Freeman's Face Powder, 19c 38c 77c ' 1 Pt. Best Witch Hazel, 38c , Hair Tonics California Syrup Figs ... 37c Poslam 43c Sanitol Face Powder ... 21c Elcaya Cream . 44c 1 Pt- I m P orte d Bay Rum, 89c • Oi • Nujol 77c Camphorole 21c Fiancee Face Powder ... 82c p omp eian Day Cream .7. 37c Styptic Pencils 5c I ICfSkY* IC Danderine .... 21c, 39c, 67c Fellows' Syrup Hypo ..$1.05 Freezone 26c/ Garden Fragrance Face Pompeian Massage Cream, i 6 Ever-Ready Blades ... 21c Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, Pierce's Anuric Tablets, 38c ~ ~~ — Mavis' Face Powder 7.7. 38c j p o mpeian Night Cream > u m l r Herpicide 42c 72c Rcsinol ° intment • • 37c, 73c Home Supplies / L-Ame (La May) Face Pompeian Wight Gream, Havana Tucks, 6 for .. 25c TV „ Fletcher's Castoria 23c _ . . .. D d in r 17. . 19c, 27c Pills and Tablets Parisian Sage 38c Stanolind 59c Boric Acid, 4oz 8c Face Powder,' 68c P ° nd * Vamshm & Cr 17 8 m Pape's Diapepsin 30c Kl " g ° SCar * 9 ** 5 ° C A y er ' s Hair Vi g or 79c Mulsified Cocoanut Oil 7". 38c Liquid Veneer ...** 18c, 37c La Blache Face Powder, 41c Oriental Cream . $1 09 DeWitt's Kidney Pills .. 66c Sweet Girls, 9 for 50c Canthrox 41c Bell-Ans 17c, 44c Olive Oil, 8 oz. 34c Swansdown Face Powder, 12c Mercolized Cream ...... 67c Beecham's Pills 16c La TiftonS, 9 for 7 50c Damschinsky's Hair Dye, 37c Merck's Sugar Milk .... 59c 2 oz. Aromatic Spts. Woodbury's Face Powder, Mum 18c Alonhen Pills 5V Nelson's Hair Dressing, 22c 100 Aspirin Tablets, Bayers, Ammonia 29c ~.n, . ij, p , ! 7c Sempre Giovine 37c o oan ' s Kidney Pills 42c EVCn Steven ' 9 * or 50c Hay's Hair Health, 33c, 66c * 89 c Essence Peppermint, 3 oz., Satin Skin Face Powder, 17c Creme De Meridor . . 18c, 37c D°an s Kidney Pills ... 42c Father John's 42c, 79c • 49c Melba Face Powder . <.. 39c Orchard Whit*. ?7<- Olive Tablets 16c Box 50 for $2 59 KT .. J T . j Melbaline Face Powder', 21c Sassafola f Pierce's Anuric . . 34c I iouid iinri Drv ' * 't>'iV'' 55° Cam P horated ° lI > 3 oz. . 21c Mellier's Violet Face Powder, 17C ; Pierce . s p ellet 3 7 !....! 16c Counsellor, 9 for 50c s Kidney PUls ..34c Sweet Spirits Nitre, 2 oz., 26c I 74c p. n , n „i„ H Tror, Rouges Tincture lodine, 2 oz. ... 29c ——— Candy Specials Na e tive S erb TaSets ' Gen>l Hartranft ' 9 for 30c p B]oom 3?c Sample Perfumes F. E. Cascara Sagarda Arc- Sample Sachets Lady Murial, Fresh and Pure 65c Roigs, 9 for 50c Dorin 1249 Rouge 37c lary Garden 25c mat,c 3 oa \ • y ••••••• 23c Mary Garden 10c • Assorted Chocolate, 1 lb., Nature's Remedy .. 17c, 66c „ Dorin 1249 Rouge 37c Mary Ua n Zsc Compound Licorice Powder. Djer-Kiss 10c 39c 100 5-Grain Cascara Tablets, ' 3 Hcnnettas 2Sc Fantasie Rouge 42c Love Me .25c xoz 8c Azurea 10c 1 lb. Lady Helen Cherries, 39c' 3 Mojas for 25c Rouge L Opera 41c Djer-Kiss 25c * Rochelle Salts, 1 oz. ...... 8c Garden Fragrance 10c 64c 100 5-Grain Asafetida Tab- , , r f Liquid Rose Rouge 21c Azurea 25c Epsom Salts, lb 8c Fiancee 10c 1 lb. Lady Helen Almonds, lets '. 79c 3 8 c Mary Garden Rouge ... 39c Houbigant's Ideal 25c Chalk and Orris Root, 2oz Ideal 10c 68c 100 5-Grain Aspirin 89c \ 3 Girards for 25c Melba Lip Stick 23c Fiancee 25c . ' 13c FRIDAY EVENING, lmwmmrrOT. 'im mm A PT* 1 JUNE 27, 1919. quest. Many have personally found God in this time. He has become to them "a living, bright reality." Whosoever goes with open mind and seeking heart to this Book of Books is sure to meet God therein. This, then, is the central thought of the day's lesson. God's way is shown by God's word. In the back of my Bible I find a clipping report ing an address of President "Wilson, delivered at Denver in 1911, which is more pertinent to this review than anything 1 could write. Nobody dreamed. backTtt 1911, that in less i than ten years the speaker would be 'the world's outstanding figure; and [that his ideals would be, reshaping the entire social order. What Makes America Groat "We do not Judge progress by ma terial standards. America is not ahead of the other nations of the world because she is rich. Nothing makes America great except her thoughts except her ideals; except her acceptance of those standards of Judgment which are written largely upon these pages of revelation. America has all along claimed the distinction of setting this example to the civilized world that men were to think of one another, that governments were to be set up for the service of the people, that men were to be Judged by these moral standards which pay no regard to ( rank or birth or conditions, but, which assess every man according to his single and individual value. This is the meaning of this charter of the human soul. This is the standard by which men and nations have more and more come to be udged. "That is the reason that the Bible has stood at the back of progress. That is the reason that reform has come not from the top but from the bottom. "A tree is not nourished by its bloom and by its fruit. It is nour ished by its roots, which are down deep in the common and hidden soil, and every process of purifica tion and rectification comes from the bottom—not from the top. It comes from the masses of struggling human beings. It comes from the instinctive efforts of millions of hu man hearts trying to beat their way up into the light and into the hope, of the future. Those are the sources of strength, and I pray God that these sources may never cease to be spiritualized by the immortal sub jections of these words of inspira tion of the Bible. If any statesman, sunk in practices which debase a na- j tion, will read this single book hej will go to his prayers abashed. A Scholar Upon Literature "Do you not realize that there is; a whole literature in the Bible. It is not one book, but a score of books. Do you realize what literature is? Literature is a revelation of the hu man spirit, and within the covers of this one book are prose and poetry, history and rhapsody, the sober nar ration of the ecstacy of human ex citement —things that ring in one's cars llke v songs. These deep sources, these wells of inspiration, must al-1 ways be our sources, these wells of j inspiration, must always be our sources of refreshment and of re-1 newal. Then no man can put un just power upon us. We shall live in that chartered liberty in which a man sees the things unseen, in which he knows that he is bound for a country in which there are no questions mooted any longer of right and wrong. "Can you imagine a man who did not believe these words, who did not believe In the future life, standing up and doing what has been the heart and center of liberty always— standing up before the king himself and saying: 'Sir, you have sinned and done wrong in the sight of God, and I am his messenger of Judgment to pronounce upon you the condem nation of Almighty God. You may silence me, you may send me to my reckoning with my Maker, but you cannot silence or reverse the Judg ment.' That is what a man feels whose faith is rooted in the Bible. The Book That Makes -Men Brave "The man whose faith is rooted in the Bible knows that reform cannot be stayed, that the linger of God which moves upon the face of the nations is against every man who plots the nation's downfall or the people's deceit; that these men are simply groping and staggering in their ignorance to a fearful day of Judgment; and that whether one generation witnesses it or not, the glad day of revelation and freedom will come in which men will sing by the host of the coming of the Lord in his glory. "America was born a Christian nation. America was born to exem plify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelations of Holy Scrip ture. I have a very simple thing to ask of you. 1 ask of every man and woman in this audience that from this night on they will realize that part of the destiny of America lies in their daily perusal of this great book of revelations that if they would see America free and pure, they will make their own spirits free and pure by this baptism of the Holy Scripture." •Hie International Sunday School I/osson for June 2 is a Quarterly Review. Itching, Scratching, Skin Diseases That Burn Like Flames of Fire Here Is a Sensible Treatment That Gets Prompt Results For real, downright, harassing, discomfort, very few disorders can approach so-called skin diseases, such as Eczema, Tetter, Boils, erup tions, scaly irritations and similar skin troubles, notwithstanding the lavish use of salves, lotions, washes, and other treatment applied exter nally to the irritated parts. No one ever heard of a person being afflicted with any form of skin diseases whose blood was in good condition. Therefore, it is but logical to conclude that the proper method of treatment for Soldier Candidates For Adams County Offices Gettysburg. Pa., June 27. —Anoth- er soldier returned from the great war overseas is a candidate for of fice in Adams county, J. HarryTrox ellf Jr., being an aspirant for county treasurer of the Democratic ticket. This makes four of the boys who saw active service trying for political office at the primaries to be held in September: John W. Hartman, of Gettysburg, for sheriff, and J. Ches ter Bell, of Straban township, for clerk of the courts, both on the Re publican ticket, and Horace E. Smiley, of Gettysburg, for register and recorded, and J. Derry Troxell, Jr., of Gettysburg, for county treas urer, both on the Democratic ticket. LITTLE GIRL INJURED Gettysburg, Pa., June 27.—Ruth Weaver, aged thirteen, a daughter of Calvin Weaver, of Arendtsville, had her collarbone fractured when the front and rear wheels of Abraham Trostle's steam threshing rig passed over her shoulder. Abraham Trostle was on his way to Andrew Kane's farm to hull crimson clover seed when several Arendtsville girls, in cluding the Weaver girl, ran to climb on the wagon. The girl miss her hold on the wagon, fell to the ground and was run over. Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator--Ad Operation Not Successful 16 years ago I was operated for appendicitis and later operated again for gall stones. Neither did me any good and I suffered all kinds of torture since. Five years ago I took Mayr's Wonderful Rem edy and have felt no symptoms or pain since. All stomach sufferers should take it." it is a simple, harmless preparation that removes the catarrhal mucous from the in testinal tract and allays the inflam mation which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ail ments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money re funded. H. C. Kennedy, Geo. A. Gorgas, Clark's 2 Drug Stores and druggists everywhere. pimples, blotches, sores, boils, rough, red and scaly skin, is to purify the blood and remove the tiny germs of pollution that break through and manifest their presence on the sur face of the skin. People in all parts of the countfy ha\ e written us how they wre completely rid of every trace of these disorders by the use of S. 8. S., the matchless, purely vegetable blood purifier. S. S. S. goes direct to the center of the blood supply, and purifies and cleanses it of every vestige of foreign matter, giving a clear and ruddy complexion that indicates perfect ilth. Write to day for free medical advice regard ing your case. Address Swift Spe cific Co., 443 Swift Laboratory, At lanta, Ga~ 1 'jfieHkel Poof Garden The Roof Garden of Hotel Pennsylvania is one of the good reasons why the Pennsylvania should be your New York Hotel. Its beauty and novelty, its comfort and modish ' gaiety, make it one of the most delightful of the city's approved—and favored—restaurants. Another feature of Hotel Pennsylvania which is attractive to the traveler who wants the best there is: two big bath establishments (one for men, one for women), each with its own swimming pooL Every bedroom has private bath, circulating I ice-water, bed-head reading lamp, full-length mirror, and many other unusual conveniences. The ingenious "Servidor" is built into each bedroom door. A morning paper is delivered free to every guest-room. \ Rooms for one person ere fo, #3.50, <4, £5, and #6; for two, $5, $6, \ and $7 (with twin-beds, £6, fy, and £8); parlor suites are £ll and up. \ Sutler operated —in connection t ttf HOTELS STATLER, Buffalo, \ Cleveland, Detroit and St. Louis. \ fibtolPmiis%?lmrna V Opposite Pennsylvania Terminal, New York Al ( 7 HOUGH Hotel Penn- fij w / sylvania ia the largest 'lift C v hotel in the world (2200 II ft room*, 2200 baths), its chief ft I ■ claim to diatinetion its char- (ft ft ■ acter. It was built, and is ft I operated, foe those discriminating ft travelers who want the beat that s r New York can provide. ■ 13
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers