ADVOCATE HOMES FOR TEACHERS Editor of Pennsylvania School Journal Makes Plea For Per manent Dwellings The editor of the Pennsylvania School Journal has prepared the following article under the head of "Homes for Teachers": "The parsonage is usualyy under the shadow of the church. The school manse, the Homo of the Teacher —almost as much needed as that of the preacher-—is coming soon in the better days ahead. Sen ator John G. Homsher. of Lancas ter county, has introduced 'in the Senate at Harrisburg, a bill provid ing that school districts of the fourth class may purchase or build dwelling houses for principals, teach ers and janitors, in cases where such dwellings are deemed neces sary by the board of directors. "The bill was introduced at the instance of certain school districts where the question of finding a dwelling has been a serious obstacle in the way of procuring such ser vices. In fact, in any townships and in the smaller boroughs, it has be come an increasingly difficult prop osition for unmarried teachers to find boarding places. Often a prin TR.ANG.r^" ' MINTS a sssr A delicious confection / that refreshens the mouth and leaves that mpBK deHghtful, lingering Jp^jk Carefully packed In tinfoil lined with'wax paper. Everywhere Easily carried in your pocket MM u Peppermints are^^k Everlastingly / rrom fhe finest"XXXX'^^ j pulverized sugar and (JOOQ. f mMi. pure super oil of >" t . v^esr A . •gMBBBMMBMMBMBB—B—MIIK^ I I STRAW-W-W-B'R'E-E-E-S! The hucksters are call- j ing. It's time to preserve! You will appreciate next winter every jar of syrup-y I berries, rich jam and sparkling jelly. The cost of your I sugar is a small part of the value of your preserves, but the importance of the right cane sugar is great. In all your preserving use Franklin Granulated Sugar I —protected from flies and dust in convenient sturdy car- I tons and strong cotton bags, with the accurate weight I clearly marked on each package. I SAVE THE FRUIT CROP I The Franklin Sugar Refining Company "A Franklin Cane Sugar for every use " Granulated, Dainty Lumps, Powdered, Confectioners, Brown I H 'MI FRANKLIN 188 HjlnP) CANE SUGARS I THURSDAY EVENING, clpal or teacher with a family can uot accept a position and find a com fortable homo within eaay distance of the school. Senator Honisher says that in such districts it has been observed that much of the general efficiency of the schools is dependent upon the principal and teachers residing or boarding in proximity to the school. The principals or teachers who merely pome on Monday niorn g from a point without the neigh borhood of. the school and leave i on Fridny evening, being thus re moved from the social life of the J community, cannot do their best work for the schools. In the case of janitors it is almost Imperative, j especially in high schools or con- : solldated schools, that the person I who attends to the school property should reside nearby, nnd if there , Is no dwelling available, there is ! nothing to be done but to buy or to j build. . " 'The Brown Mouse, a story by ; Herbert Quick, of an unusual school master, is worth reading for its suggestion to thoughtful people. Mr. ' Quick believes the largest single problem In American rural life is ' rural education, because it has to do with that third of our people who feed the other two-thirds. He tells here the story of a Lincoln-like farm hand, a genius in blue Joans, who upsets an lowa district, and in the end a whole countryside with a new kind of country school. "In Volume 17 of the Pennsyl- ; vania School Journal, July. 1868 j more than fifty years ago—Dr. | Thomas H. Burrows says in an ar ticle on this subject, "And, rising still higher, to the rural home of the married teacher, with all the moderate comforts, appliances and adjuncts of domestic life around— comfortably furnished home, good garden, cow and poultry, pigs in the pen and fruit on the trees —we find ' him in the position in life which , Providence intended, and to which j the common rights of society en ' title him. " 'Were we a millionaire such as I Glrard or Astor, and resolved to : dedicate our wealth so us to do most good to the work of the i schools, through the teachers, we would devote it to the establishment I of a comfortable permanent dwoll , ing house with sufficient garden I ground, in connection with every j common school In the State —there- j by both settling down and raising I up the Profession of Teaching.' "Senator Honisher has opened up what we think a great question. He ! points the way of progress in a dl- I rection in which peoplo have stead :ll y refused to look or go. Dr. Bur -1 rowes hud tho vision, and this Jour -1 nal lias repeatedly urged the homo Tor the teacher as a wise policy in progressive rural districts, in the hope of attracting and retaining more mnrried men of ability nnd scholarship in tjio profession. In the Stato of Washington, nnd per haps Oregon, something has been i done of late years In building such j homes. Let us have this good law j upon the statute book in Pennsyl vania." BXRIUSBTTRG llfljßlft TELEGRAPH MEDALS FOR WAR GARDEN WORK Women Were Among Those Who Have Been Honored by Commission Alnia, Mich., June 26. —In recog nition of work in encouraging food production during the war, the Na tional War Garden Commission has awarded a medal to Mrs. Francis King, of this city, the president of the Women's National FYtrm and Garden Association. The presenta tion was made by Charles laithrop Pack, president of the commission. A similar medal has been presented to the heads of the governments of the United Slntes, England, France, Belgium and Italy, and to the world leaders in food control. , The medal was designed with tho object of representing the country's military service and the support given to it by those who worked in their war gardens. On the obverse is tho flguro of a young woman over garden plants. In low relief are soldiers marching. Tho deco rative motive for the reverse is a basket hamper tilled with tho varied product of a war garden. Under the basket appear the words: "The seeds of victory insure the fruits of peace," a hoo and n rifle crossed and the dates IKI4-1918. Will Clean Wool Before Placing It on Market Calgary, Alta. ■ — Bheep raisers of southern Alberta flguro they throw away SIO,OOO a year in transporta tion charges on grease and dirt in wool shipments to easterly cities. With southern Alberta furnishing 3 5 per cent, of the wool handled an nually by the Canadian Co-operative Wool Growers, members of the Southern Alberta Wool Growers As sociation are planning to build a scouring plan* to place their pro duct on the market as clean wool. Southern Alberta raised 1,750,000 pounds of wool last year. All the scouring has been done in eastern cities and in the scouring process, the wool shrinks 55 per cent, on ar average. The western wool growers have been accustomed thus to pay about twice as much freight as would be necessary if the wool were secur ed before being shipped. Berlin Swindlers Reap a Fortune Berlin, June 26. Two clever swindlers took advantage of the procedure prevalent nowadays, by making a coup which resulted in netting them half million marks through advertisements. They in terested wealthy men in platinum which they produced In some under hand way and offered to sell it for cash which was to be delivered at a point not far from Berlin in a lone ly road. . The purchasers appeared in autos, delivered the currency and received the platinum, but on returning to tho city they were challenged by al leged soldiers. The car was searched as if for weapons and the platinum taken by accomplises of the swind lers. 4 M iddletown —J Christian Endeavorers Elect New Officers The Christian Endeavor Society of the First United Brethren Church elected the following officers: Presi dent, Harry McGill; vice-president. Miss Elsie Bachman; secretary, Miss Mary Myers; assistant secretary. Miss Permelia Rose; corresponding I secretary, U. N. Jackson; treasurer, E. E. Robinson; pianist. Miss Mil dred Parthemore; assistant pianist. Miss Pearl Schaeffer; librarian, Mar lin Brinser; chorister, E. E. Robin son; superintendent Junior Society, Miss Myrtle Bachman; assistant su perintendent, Miss Kathryn Shoop; chairman of committees, the Rev. A. E. G. Bossier, Mrs. John Robin son, Mrs. Harrison Heieey, Mrs. E. A. G. Bossier, Harry Detweiler, Mrs M. G. Bossier, Miss Kathryn Shoop, H. R. Bauder, Grant Auch. Clarence Philip, who spent the past year overseas, has resumed his position with the Pennsylvania Railroad Company, where he was employed before he was drafted into the service. Miss Minerva Peters, a Red Cross nurse, and who spent a year and a half overseas, but at present at one of the hospitals in the South for her health, is spending some time in town with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Peters, Water street! Miss Mildred Stoner, granddaugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Baum bach, of West Main street, had her tonsils and adenoids removed by Dr. Edwards, of the Aviation Hos pital, and Dr. O. M. Swartz, of town. William Stewart attended the Shannon-Mathias wedding held at Highspire yesterday afternoon. The Rosewood baseball team, of Harrisburg, will play the Middle town independent team on the fair grounds this evening in a twilight game at 6 o'clock. Miss Ethel Hendricks, of Royal ton, left yesterday for Chambers burg. where she will visit relatives for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shollenberg er will go to housekeeping in the home of the former's mother, in Hmaus street. Mr. Shellcnborger was recently mustered out of serv ice and secured a position in the office of tho local car plant. Mrs. 11. 11. Shellenberger, who spent tho past month in town, has returned to Cleveland, Ohio, where she will make her home with her daughter. Miss Ruth Geyer, who had been the guest of' Miss Georgina Yeat man, at New Hampshire, for the past two weeks, has returned home. Miss Gladys Fitzwater, of Devon Manor, is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hann, West Water street. The General Cigar Company, of New York City, has re-leased the three-story brick building, Wood and Wilson streets, which it used as a cigar factory for ten years, but shut down three years ago on account of labor shortage and will reopen it July 1 to manufacture cigars. Men were put to work yes terday morning to make all neces sary repairs. Mr. and Mrs. David Heigist and two daughters. Alice nnd Dora, who spent some time In town, returned to their home at Altoona. Miss Laura Hand has returned home from a week's visit to relatives at Washington, D. C. Miss Reba Mae Meinsler, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mein sler, of South Wood street, and James F. Thompson, of Steelton, were quietly united in marriage at the Methodist parsonage, in North Union street, Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock, by the Rev." James Cunning ham. The ring ceremony was used. They were unattended. Mrs. A. L. Miller, who had been a patient at tho St. Joseph's Hos pital for the past several' weeks, was discharged from that institu tion yesterday and will spend sev eral days at Lancaster with friends before returning home on Saturday. Miss Lucile King left yesterday for Pittsburgh, where she will visit her aunt, Mrs. Grant Shirk, for some time. Importation of Pearls From India Arrive in Paris Vow York. —The first importation of pearls from India since the out break of tho war has arrived in Paris. The pearls were of good quality but small size, but there was spirited competition among dealers to buy them nnd high prices were realized. The quality was not large nr.-d the gems were all disposed of two days after their arrival and could have been sold in an hour if the fncilites had been adequate. Many pearls are being bought .in Pnrls for German Jewelers by agents from neutral countries. Germany may be tottering or.* the brink of bankruptcy but its jewelers seem to have plenty of money to invest in pearls and diamonds. Many of these I gems are being sent to Germany from the Parisian market. All the denlers in Paris are lrr the mnrket to buy pearls and as the British government has now abolish -led the restrictions on cxportations ol pearls from India, fresh ship ments nro awaited eagerly. Amer ican dealers recently returned from Parts, say pearls are selling for the highest prices ever paid. All deal ers are willing to pay high prices because the demands for pearls are coming in from all countries in un precedented quantites and the mar ket can not be supplied. Foreign buyers are flocking to Paris from I every nation in Europe. Their firm, sure grip means safety. And yet, they don't "fight the road." (P Just the tires for our kind of roads. . There are four other United States Tires— every one of them a good tire. No matter what your individual needs may be, we can fill them. United States lines . are Good Tires We know United States Tires are good tires. That's why we sell them? M. Brenner & Son. 2p. Kessler Enola. ;. ' ' - 5 s 9f- ra^e „ S. Brubaker & Sons Grantham, Cadillac Hinton Co. West Shore Tire Repair Co. Lemoynflfc The Fishman Garage Co., Inc. W. I. Hoffman Lisburn. C. S. Gelsmger Paxtang Harrisburg. James F. Roddy West Fairview. B. F. Hoffman Garage, 7th & Camp St. West Shote Garage Wormleysburg. Keystone Sales Co. Hershey Garage Hershey. Geo. W. Myers C . B. Care Linglestown. Rex Garage & Supply Co. C. W. Fox Piketown. Harrisburg Harness & Saddlery Co. Rettberg Bros. Steelton. Keystone Vulcaiuzing Works. A. M. Schaffer Hanqverdale Union Degoiit, - . V - • '• -.lilrff. li ■ BUILDING going PLANS THROUGH / ' I" the f communities where the crying need of the thruiy multitude is being met with new homes, the ' question of cost of the heating appliance is being an- >' swered by Richardson & Boynton Co., America's oldest and largest manufacturers of furnaces, boilers, ranges, garage heaters and laundry tank heaters. W? SIX SYSTEMS OF HEATING w The system exactly suited to your needs is here. With a Richardson ' ▼ heating appliance we can show you the exact point where efficiency and economy, and cost of installation, and cost of upkeep, meet. It is important that you know the proportionate cost of heating to the entire cost of your residence. Our experience of over 82 years enables us to tell you this. Check in square. Mall S " > US for P articula ™ or fill in coupon for literature Richardson & Boynton Co. V /-A, 'L w -.' i " ISL ''"- y °' t fmchavd#m & llopton dSb. Address Established 1837 ■SfiEEI*MM 1332 A*ch Street, PWledelphU, P.. □ Laundry Tmkldeaters"''" 8 ew Yorll Boston Philadelphia Chicago Rochester Providence Newark JUNE 26, 1919. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers