STORE CLOSES /Qj~% <TJ~9 Vt'TH JIT-fom STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX HEM, 1W1—3830 UNITED HARRIS BURG, THURSDAY, JUNE 28, 1010. ~~ FOUNDED ISTI These Friday Bargains Offer Many Thrift Opportunities Short Lengths of Calico | ~ ; Huck Towels Face Cloths Waists Voile Smocks Clean up of short Summer Vests Bleached and hem- Honey comb face Georgette and crepe tS' vode smoc^s ,in lengths of calico, dress x\ niPf i- o-nnH nv; ia, xr •t> de chine waists, round white and colors; slip gingham, percales out- at LfL. s\ A women's light r ' • l co s. ri. argains, collar, squared and col- ove . l s and coat st y|s s . ■teg tickings, cretonne. m \ W, weight fine cotton rib- Bargains, each, larless styles. All the variety of colors. Fn. awning stripes. Fri. IIPINA "\WM bed vests, well made, 6 for 25c dainty shades for sum- Bargains, Bargains, WL •* VA/j well fitting garments; Bow M AN-s_secon Floor mer wear. Fri. Bargains, $2.29 1/r\£CTD O • W made low neck, BOWMAN'S-Second Floor ©9 OQ BOWMAN'S—Third Floor *" VA Off Reg. Price £WTV ♦ £>? r© s sleeveless, white only; . $2.98 BOWMAN's —second Floor sizes 36 and 38. Fri. l£—s . Summer Sweaters MHI Bargains, Turkish Towels NeAv lot of waists to Bleached Muslin -.q Good weight dress sell at SI.OO. In white Light weight wool n • 1 o 1 Af Martex Turkish tow- shields- excellent oual- and com hination, also sweaters for summer; rrr p e "• 1 r.;n. ™. Www: ™fui n lengths! Ie s" Silk GIOVCS, 95c Pair Children's Union Suits Fn. Bargains, each, Bargains, faney Fn. Bar qualities. Fri. Bargains, Gloves nf drm silk, carefully finished and well fit- A fine light weight 39c 3 Pairs, 49c ' fl 00 " ' $3.95 yd-. tintr Double fino-er tins two clasn 5 rows embroid- cotton children s waist # BOWMAN'S— Third Floor , _ , , 1U) ' ' f 1 \ f Al'l union suit, sleeveless, BOWMAN'S—Second Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor i. Yin ered backs and Paris point backs of fine Milanese , , . . . 9 ___ _ : silk. The best known makes in the world —Kayser, ,^l, iee v e . n *V, ' s, . zes - ° Bowua.vs_s.cone n.o. Vanity Fair and Mohawk. 12 ' Fn.Barga.ns, Tl„,. Vrtll TKn *■ Bleached Sheetin" Gray, tan, champagne, brown, black, white, Mas- 85c 1 1, V C IvJ Li OCCII lIIC ICITIO [llll2 tic, white with black, black with white and others BOWMAN'S- m fi flrJ2njh3H ifiSifite' Pies, Bread, Biscuits, Cakes And JB standard make. Fri. # exceptional lot of Bargains, yd., Cretonne Men s Handkerchiefs men's silk lisle seconds; D a_ TT7 T* 1 1 larl rri black, white, cordovan. 1V.03.5t VjUICKCII 1 D3t W OTP R3KpH 59c 36-inch light and dark Men's 20-inch hand- Fri. Bargains, pair, AHO.L CIC JJd^CU . _ heavy cretonne in good kerchiefs in soft white ~ 3 t: r JJ.zZ™ In The Fireless Cookstove? jgWg n o ß d^sin beS will U wear BOWMAN s-Founh F.oor Children's Socks If not, just stop for a moment as you pass Bowman's window and see how it is possible to have the most Avell and launder easy. Voile Curtains A fine assortment ° roasts or °ther dishes, either baked, stewed or boiled without any chance of burning, Fri. Bargains, each. Men's good size hand- of children's summer no matter how long you stay away. The Domestic Science Fireless Cook Stove does it and saves fuel, food. Embroidered voile kerchiefs in plain white, j socks of fine lisle in time and labor. $1.89 curtains; 2V> vds. long khaki, white with col- plain colors; white, Mice Af. ai • u n iji i_ i , . . in white and ecru. Fri. ored*borders. Fri. Bar- sky blue, Cadet blue s Alnc n will gladly show you how to cook or bake your favorite recipes, or hers. BOWMAN'S-Second Floor Bargains, pair, gains, and black, and tan; BOWMAN's —Fifth Floor. sizes 5 to 6 1 />. Fri. Marquisette $1.98 4 for 25c Bargains, BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. - ~T) _ 1 " | so-inch Marquise.te ———— 29c Dabv Carnages and in white and Ecru. Fri. DrCSSCS bowmaits— Mam Floor. / si 49c Cotton voile dresses of gingham, both figured I Children s Stockings wKKH Strollers and plain voiles. Cool summery dresses, just Children's fine ribbed BOWMAN S— Fourth Floor the thing for summer picnics. Friday Bargains, mercerized lisle stock- 11 v rn ings of an exceptional A largre showin ? of Reed Pullman carriages and Reed Dress Goods value in black only. strollers, finished natural White enamel, Old Ivorv, Coral BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Light Weight with rein- T^V 36-inch Fancy Mohair forced heel and toe. Fri. ' rench Cray and Brown. \US stjipe. Fri. Bargains, : UUter Suiting Scotch Madras Bargains, -fUn, ' 9Q ( , Selection of all the attractive shapes and styles in bod- -—„„ 79c 36-inch Scotch Mad- . BOW MAN's-Mai„ Floor ie s, Gondolas, shell and wood panel sides. / / 36-inch Palm Beach skirts, boys' suits, etc. new patterns. Fri. Bar- Fiber Silk Stockings f , M(l CA _ A dkr% . / Suiting. Fri. Bargains, | Fri. Bargains, yd., gains, yd., ~/ Carriages priced: <9c and. sl.lO BOWMAN'S—second Floor BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor leSS ; luster of silk with 1 <m I-r _ .... cotton top and foot. Fri. Strollers priced: $12.75, $10.95, $18.50, $19.75, $26.00 light colored Lace Net Dress fastener Bargains, and $29.50. i'd., " ' 30-inch Lace Net for The r ° und J e d / e 45c BOWMAN'S Fifth Fl oor. englass doors with lace bronze spring dress fas- BOWMAN'S— Main Fior*- 36-inch Black Vene- Frf yd" ecru ' Damask Select A Dutch Kitchenet | The Bowman Refrigerator tian and Satin Cambric 49c Cotton Damask table \r |r % . i pi 1 for bathing suits. Fri. BOWMVNS— Fourth Floor BOWMANS— Main Floor. pattern cloths, hemmed POT I OUT ivltCllCri V>IUD Bargains, yd., u 221 an( j rea d v for use; size . ~~~ High And Low White Shoes Zt Fri ' Bargai,,s ' BOWMANS-Main Floor - $1.29 & work a pleasure. All Belding Hall Not- ror Vt omen i\.nd v_>oilclren bowman*s—second ncor , f ni ° de L °f aseme stoie Lined, fyy . y ~T 7" White Footwear! What White Lawn a. shown on our sales floor Seeger Siphon Tie/rig- ' j p ■ Short ends from neater in summertime? To fj l and a large warehouse n TT r, . ft /.II "I our own stocks which get away from the usual Assorted all good stock insures you a &tors, Lientury M hite T 1 ill Therefore, a "vci^ Ct lnd the^eas^n'permu" Sves Fri ' prompt delivery. Enamel "Refrigerators jj ■ means a choice silk: that touch of difference HT S i- Hn\\ The Bowman AA _.. il SSiT—J-J most all weaves are which every good dresser IDC fl 1 1 A B P Inn SI.UU UcllverS 3. Wfl to be found in one desires. We have a splendid JgjfJl BOWMAN-S-SCOI.<i Floor 111 Delivers i Dutch Kitch Dl' * 4 length or another; 2 assortment of the most de- w j delivers a Dutch Kitch- Refrigerator tO to 6 yards enough for pendable makes in white Wash Goods enet on a small pay- liftf a \vaist, skirt or dress. shoes for women and chil- ment, balance on con- Your Home hri. Bargains, yd., dren. 36-inch Wash suit- venien wee y pay- Balance Convenient Weekly Payments. Select AT Infants' white buckskin /' ings; numerous weaves fall in thu T7.irn.'hirA i c *u your refrigerator now. Call in the furniture depart pumps. in the season's best col- Ca " in 1 "e burmture Department, learn pf the ment We have a size d j your par- Infants' white buckskin I ors'; yd., ™ a >l ' Kitchenet, not found tkular requiremen ts. ' P button shoes other kitchen cabinets. BOWMAN-s— Fifth Floor. Printed Silks Infants' white canvas but- I 4oC I ——— 34-inch White Ground IO K, ... . ... ~ , 30-inch Printed Or- Porch S\vin9"s and I .awn Printed Silks, such fav- Infants white buckskm lade shoes. gandies muslin; neat J , 'h 3 allU dW " ored weaves as Shan- f Children s, misses and growing girls' pumps, ox- printings, small effects. ■ i P^s. tung, Tussah and Silk fords and shoes in white canvas and white Nubuck; Fri. Bargains, yd., HeilCheS \ |! X / Canvas. The stripes and priced according to size, $3.00 to $6.95. 1 z' C\ j r i | figures conform with W omen's white canvas oxfords, $6.50. 29c c,..: j i / H cr=- 111 II II tr=y ' i \ present high class fab- Women's white nubuck oxfords, $7.00. . . , fi P ~ G . <t2°oc tc W ' (A 81 11 \\[ I 1111 111 rics for sport suits or White canvas lace shoes, $7.00. Remnants of all sorts ains and fixtures for hanging; $2.50, $3.95, $4.75 and (1 fa AiAIUIUIUMIUAfL v skirts. Fri. Bargains. White nubuck lace shoes, $8.45. of fine Wash Goods in $5-98. YYtYitTil iJIIjS y d - Either high or low heels. multitudes of useful Folding Lawn Benches, finished natural and green; SlJiuJ | - ■ i ] 00 White kidskin lace shoes, hand turned soles and lengths at specially in- 98 c , $1.98 $2 98 and $4 75 IP * Louis XV. heels, $12.00. teresting prices. k f* .OM M.\N'S—Main Floor , BOWMAN S—Main Floor. ( BOWMAN'S—Main Floor BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. THURSDAY EVENING, fiJLKRISBTTRG TELEGJOPa JUNE 26, 1919. 3
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