Additional Classified Adsi on Opposite Page HAD JUNO AND MOVING ILL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONH CONRAD BROS.. 841 KELKER 3T. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 8618. HEAVY HAULING —Fully equipped or furniture, freight and piano raov ne No distance too far. Careful 1 river. Rain and duatproof body. J. Ij; Grubber's Truck Service Irwin Yungst. manager. Hershey. la. Bell ihono 16R8. MUSICAL AT J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE 15 South Market Square. THIS WEEK SIOO Klmberly Phonograph. Cabinet size, mahogany, playa all records. Price, SBO. sllO Cheney Phonograph. Cabinet size, fumed oak, very itttle used. Price, SBO. $135 Empire phonograph, pak case, used four niontns Trice. SBS. S4OO Haines Bros. Piano, ebony case, splendid tone. Price sl6o. $350 Bachman Piano, mahog any case; excellent tone. Price sllO. Winters Piano, mahogany, good as new in tone and finish. Price $240. Several good BS-note Players , at $365. $425 and $485. Any of the above Instruments are ready for delivery. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE Troup Building, SOUTH MARKET SQUARE VIOLINS, MANDOLINS. GUITARS. BANJOS Band and orchestra instru ments promptly and carefully repair ed.OYLEß'S, 14 South Fourth street. YOU have made tne visit to music houses for a special Columbia record, SoS have not found It. We have it. bpangler Music Rouse. 2112 Worth Sixth street. PIANOS SACRIFICED Closing hotel business July will sell cheap, lienue player piano and Wurlltzer electric piano. Derry Church Hotel, Hershey. Fa. FOR SALE—A large Edison ma chine. in first-class condition; has at tachment; plays all disc records; cheap to quick buyer; also 4b of the laiebt double-disc records; will ex change piano or organ, can have ma chine on trial before buying. Ad dress Box A 6754. care Telegraph. STORAGE STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Rates. THE mOHSPIKk^DISTILLERT jj Hlghspiro, Pa. - J : ' Phones: Bell! Steelton 168 Y, Dial: Steeltou 8438, STORAGE —419 Broad sU<set. house held goods, merchandise. Private rooms at reasonable rates. Also haul ing of all kinds. D, Cooper 4k Co. Both phones. STORAGE Private rooms for household goods la fireproof ware house. $3 per month and up. Lower storage rates In non-fireproof ware house. Harrlsburg Storage to. 437- 440 South Second atrecu STORAGE—In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, private rooms. Reasonable rates, r, G. Diener, 408 Market street. WHERE TO DINE .. Y A HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, *THE ROME OF SATISFACTION. UN'DERAAJCEItS SAMUEL S. FACKLER, FUNERAL DIRECTOR 1312 Derry sc BELL 1956. DIAL 2133. RUDOLPH K. SPICER, Funeral Director and Embalmer, 611 North Second Street. BELL. 262. DIAL 21*5. ; CEMETERY LOTS FOR SALE PROSPECT HILL CEMETERY Bcautituily situated on Market street east of Twenty-sixth, and on the north and east faces the new park way The prices of lots are moder ate. Miller Bros. Co.. Agents. CLEANERS AND DYERS We clean old clothes, make them Bf w All kind of repairing guaran teed" Goodman's. 13u6)4 North Sixth. Both phones; call and delivered. REMOVAL NOTICE MAX SMELTZ Removal from 1016 Market to 1020 Market. We have Bpecial removal prices. POUT/TRY AND SUPPLIES BABY CHICKS for sale. Apply at 1907 North Third. AUTOMOBILE* OVERLAND USED TRUCK DEPARTMENT Thoroughly overhauled used trucks ranging fr °™ ?"® t a tons They are offered at prioes representing a big saving over new car prices. 1-ton Republic —.chassis only. IV4-ton Koehler —chassis only. ltt-2-ton Pay Elder, worm drive —chassis only. 2-ton Garford with cab. With or without hand dump body. Time Payments THE OVERLAND HARRISBURG CO. Both Phones. 212-214 N. Second St. FOR SALE —• Two Ajax diamond fend tires, guaranteed 5,000 miles, size $7x4H. A big bargain for some body. Call first lloor, 1632 North Sixth Street. THURSDAY EVENING, AUTOMOBILE* FOR SALE 1918 Dodge Sedan, first-class mechanical condition; ne wlf painted; wire wheels. all good tires, one extra, at a bargain. See MR. CHURCH CADILLAC-IHNTON CO.. 311 South Cameron street SAXON SlX—Good as new Price reasonable. American Auto Co.. rear Front and Forster streets. FORD ROADSTER FORD DELIVERY FORD TON TRUCK SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR CO., 147-121 South Third St. RARGAlNS—lnternational one-iton • ruck used ten months, cheap. In ternational two-ton truck, used nine L,uch cheap; Ford delivery, panel body in* fine condition. I''ord l-ton unit * brand now. 'Cadillac delivery, closed body. Denby 2Vs-ton. Power durno body, in fine condition; Denby ?*™ton. with stake body, like new; Acme 3V4-ton, with Woods steel dump bSay used six months; Denby 3-ton. | with' Woods steel dump body. Denby Sales Corporation. 1205 Capital sliet-U COME to Federick's Garage and grab a real bargain IVt tons Garford truck. Must bo sold. 1807 North Seventh. CHEVROLET Sedan. 1918, in good mechanical condition; new Urea, bi ble s garage. 301 Cumberland street. FOR SALE Ford roadster for sale cheap; in good condition. 1 nee $290. Inquire 53 i Race street. FOR SALE—Five-passenger. Chev olet. cheap; in good condition. In quire 802 Molin street, Steelton. fa. AUTOMOBILE PAINTING , AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING SUSQUEHANNA MOTOR CO.. 117-121 south Third St. FOR SALE IiUPMOBILE. 1916 model, newly painted, new top, good tires, guaranteed to be ill A 1 condi tion. Federick's Garage, 1801-U9 North Seventh street- CADILLAC. 1912 FOR SALE—Good condition. Price reasonable- bibie s Garage. 301 Cumberland. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Fire Public Liability, Theft and Collision. Phone and representative wiu eaih Chas. Adier, luu2 Nortu Third Su 1916 Ford touring ear in excellent shape. 1917 Ford teuring. good tires. Overland Coupe, Aloael 79, nne run ning car, electrically equipped. A bargain. Bulck Six touring, new tires, power ful ear. At a bargaiu price. 4914 Stutz roadster, electric lights, very powerful and speedy. A gouu bargain. 1916 Reo touring, fine running mo tor, very good buy. Buick 1-ton truck. A 1 shape, quiet motor, electric lighted, will be sold at u low figure. 1917 Vim delivery, good tires, very reasonable. CHELSEA AUTO WRECKING CO., A. Schiffman Manager, 22-24-26 North Cameron St. FOR SALE —Ford touring car, in excellent condition; terms cash. In quire at 1217 North Second street after 5 p. m. FOR SALE 1914 Buick touring car; A-l condition; cheap. Inquire 117 Royal Terrace. CHEVROLET roadster, 1918, O. K.. $525; Overland touring. 1916, O. K., $530; t\do 1915 Hariey motorcycles with sidecars, cheap. Square deal. HORST Dial 36-C. Linglestown, Pa. OLD AUTOS Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtlmer* in any vendition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto Wrecking. A. Subiffmau, 22. 24, 24 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. NATIONAL, 1917 —In splendid con dition; a big bargain; cord tires all v round. 11UP, 1916 —In splendid condition; must be sold quickly. VELIE, 1911 —Carrying a new car guarantee; tires in splendid condition. VELIE —2-ton truck; extra long wheel base; Continental motor; a bar- S Th CROW ELKHART; 4-passenger roadster; good paint and tires, and in first-class condition REX GARAGE AND SUPPLY CO., 1917 North Third. CHEVROLET, 1917; model 490 road ster, in very good condition. Price, $375. Inquire jt. M. Firestone. 1137 Mulberry St- FOR SALE l9lB Ford roadster; good condition. Apply at City Gar age, 116-118 Strawberry, corner River street- j FOR SALE eeven-passenger Packard Twin "Six," 1917 model. Good as new. Traveled only 6.000 miles. Address E, 7#B, Cars of Telegraph i FOR SALE Studebaker Touring; 1918 eight-cylinder Oldsmobilo Tour-, lug Reo Touring car; Overlund Coun try Club. JofferTes Touring car, An drew Redmond. Third and Belli, st reets. WANTED All kinds of used auto tires. We pay highest cash pricos. No Junk. H. Esterbrook, BX2 North Third street. Dlai 4990. 1917 FORD ROADSTER. 1916 Ford Touring, 1916 Oldsmobile, 6-cyllnder; Chalmers, 5-passenger. Bargain. East End Garage, in Rear of Thirteenth j und Walnut. Inquire Hummer, AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New five and seven-passenger cars lor business or pleasure at all hours. BELL 2360. DIAL 4814 MAGNETOS All urpes; and f Bosch high tension. Elsman, Dixie, bolitdorf. Mea, Remy and different makes of coils, caiburetora, etc. A. Sclilftman, 22-24-26 Norm Cameron street. Bell 3683, JEFFERY, 1916, 4 cyl. 7-pass., new ly painted, mechanically perfect; deal with owner, leaving city. Phone 488-J. C. B. Behney, 809 Nortli Second street. TRUCK FOR SALE Largo sized 6-tou truck, with Dump body tor sale. Big targaiu to qui.ut buyer. For paitieulais call at the Sunshine Garage, 27 Norm Cameiou street. KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO All sorts of auto lops und curnlon work dene by experts; aluo ipair ivork. Reasonable rules. 32-76 South Cameron street. WM. PENN GARAGE 624-6 Muench street. Limousines for tuneral parties and bails; careful :rivers; open day ana nlghu Boil 4664. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired ty specialists. Also tenders, it.mos, ell. Ives I service In town, Har rlsburg Auto Kudialvr YVOrgs. Sua Ninth Third aueeL INSURANCE It isn't a nice thing to say. But it is a fact that SIOO will buy you more care and attention when you are laid up than 100 friends will give you. The time to insure against sickness or accident, is right now. J. SCHOOLNIK 21 Spooner Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. PAINTING JOSEPH A. GILL, 1913 Rhoads ave nue. Practical Palmer. Estimates cheerfully given. Belt phone 388. MOTORCYCLES Mil) ItICYCHub FOR SALE Three speed Harley- D&vidson, with side ear; practically new tires; s2bo. Inquire 203 Nectarine street. BICYCLE REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ALL WORK GUARANTEED, DORY SHANER WITH ANDREW REDMOND „6u7 NORTH THIRD ST. Indian Motorcycle, 1917 Model. 7- horsepower with sidecar, first class condition. Call Bell Phone 4317 alter 6 p. 111. AUTO WANTED WANTED —To buy, a Ford roadster; must be in good condition. Address Box L-6758 care Telegraph. ACCESSOUU-JS AND REPAIRS SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re puiriug by an expert. Road Jobs a specialty. Chuiges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 27 Nurtn Cameron street. IF MOTOR COUGHS or hesitat—s, it it does not pick up the you step on the accelerator, if you have to shift to low to make ordinary hills, your car needs Rayneid Car buretor. Agency FEDERICK'S GARAGE, 1807-09 N. Seventh Street, CHAS. S. JOHNSON, 19 Jonestown Road, with B- C. Murray Auto Spring Welding a specialty annd general auto repairing. Dial 3304, n.ght phone Bell 1060-J. Hariey Davidson, electric and side car $250 Indian, 1916, 3 speed 185 Indian, 2 speed electric 126 Hariey Davidson, one speed ... 75 Thor, one speed 65 Big bargains to quick buyers. DAYTON CYCLE CO., Dial 4990 912 N. Third St. AUTOB FOR HIKE AUTOMOBILE FOR HIRE Will take you to any part of city or nearby country. Call at 1837 Speitcer street, or Dial 6937. NOTICE WANTED —All union painters to at tend special meeting on June 27, at 221 Market street. LEGAL NOTICES AUDITOR'S NOTICE Estate of Sarah L. Bigler and Estate of Casper S. Bigler, both late of the City of Harrlsburg, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned, appointed by the Orphans' CAurt of Dauphin County Auditor to distribute the balance in the hands of the Harrlsburg Trust Company, trus tee under the will of Casper S. Bigler and executor and trustee under the will of Sarah L Bigler, shown by its second account confirmed absolutely by said Court oil June 23, 1919, will sit for the purpose of his appointment in Room 408, Commonwealth Trust building. 222 Market street, Harris burg. Pennsylvania on Friday. July 11. 1919. at 10 a. m., when all persons interested may appear and be heard. M. W. JACOBS. JR., Auditor. June 18th, 1919. HARRISBURG LIGHT / AND POWER COMPANY Harrlsburg, Pa. The Board of Directors have declar ed a regular quarterly dividend of one and one-half per cent. (1%) on the preferred stock of this company, pay able June 30th, 1919, to stockholders of record June 18th, 1919. H. W7 STONE, Treasurer. TO BONDHOLDERS OF PENNSYLVA NIA MILK PRODUCTS COMPANY We hereby notify holders of bonds Sol 5. 103. 44. 178, 228, 270. 279. 3 i>2. 3->l 351. 377, 387, 39S and 410 to pre terit them to the Union Trust Com pany of Pennsylvania for payment ou or before July 1, 1919, as Interest will cease on that data. (Signed) PENNA. MILK PRODUCTS CO. w NOTICE. —Letters of administra tion ou the estate of Theodore B. Klein, late of Harrisburg, Pennsyl vania. Dauphin county. Pa-, deceased, having been granted to the under signed residing in said city, all per sons indebted to said estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims will present them for settlement. COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO.. Administrator, 222 Market Street., Harrisburg. Pa. NOTICE' is hereby given that the School District of the Borough of Paxtang, Pa., will receive sealed bids or proposals for the sale of thirty one one-thousand-dollar bonds bear ing interest at 4% per cent., free of tax. Bids must be in the hands of the secretary at Paxtang not later than 12 o'clock noon, July 12. 1919. A certified check in the amount of $2,- 000 must accompany each bid. Bids will be opened at the school building in said district at 8 o'clock P. M., July 12, 1919, and sale awarded to the highest and most responsible bid- W. C. SOURBER, Secretary. CHARTER NOTICE Notice is hereby given that an ap plication will be made to the Gover nor of Pennsylvania. July sth, 1919, under the Act of Assembly entitled "An Act to provide for the incorpora tion and regulation of certain corpor ations." approved April 29th, 1874, and the supplements thereto, for the char ter of an intended corporation, to be called the Riverside Garage and Sup ply Company, the character and object of which is the buying, selling, leas ing, hiring, storing, and repairing of automobiles and motor vehicles, and the sale of their parts, gasoline, oils, grease,, supplies and automobile ac cessories of every description, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits, and privileges of said Act of Assembly and the supplements thereto. FOX & GEYER, Solicitors. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Sealed proposals are invited for the following, first general contracting for the erection of public school building, second contracts for heat ing same, third contracts for plumbing same, fourth contracts for wiring same; plans and specifications for said work may be seen at the of fice of the Secretary of the School Board, West Fairview, Pa., or Charles Howard Lloyd, architect. Telegraph Building. Federal Square. Harrisburg, Pa. All bids must he in the hands of the Secretary of School Board on or before 8 P. M., July 7. 1919. (Signed) FRED O. SEIBEL, Secretary. ' NOTICE Notice is herebj* given that in pur suance to the Act of May 23. 1887, en titled "An Act to make the carrying on of the business of Detective with out license R misdemeanor nnd to reg ulate the licensing and powers of De tectives." application will he made by the undersigned to the Court of Quar ter Sessions of Dauphin County on the 14th day of July. 1019, for a license to conduct the business of a Deteetlvo In tho City of Harrlehursr, Pa. WILLIS L. HOWELL. PEABRXSBTJRG TELEGRAPH A GENERAL'S MESS TABLE UNDER FIRE, 28 TH DIVISION ii • tpj >> #sf-- 7b I \#!0. '' : ' '' '■ •■•. .' ' '' •>•.: 'x. MARKETS 1 Baltimore and Ohio Skips Dividends; Drops 3 Points New York, June 26, Wall Street — A three-point drop in Baltimore and Ohio common, due to the suspension of dividends in connection with the road's new bond issue and an ad vance of 2 1-2 points in General Mo tors, were the chief features at tlia irregular opening of to-day's stock market. Gains extending from frac tions to one point were made by U. S. Rubber, California Packing, United Cigars, American Car and Mexican Petroleum, these being off set, however, by similar recessions in Studebaker, Royal Dutch and Beet Sugar. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg; 336 Chestnut street, Philadelphia, 34 Pine street. New York furnish the following quotations; Open Close Allis Chalmers ........ 41 41 Amer. Beet Sugar 85% 85% American Can 56 56% Am. Car and Fndry C 0...109% 110% Amer. Loco 84% 85 Amer. Smelting 82% 82% American Sugar 132% 133 Anaconda 72% 73% Atchison 100% 100% Baldwin Loco. 102% 103% Baltimore and Ohio 46% 45% Bethlehem Steel, B 86 86% Butte Copper 28% 28% California Petroleum ... 34 34 Canadian Pacific 161% 161 Central Leather 101% 103% Chesapeake and 0hi0... 65 65 Chi., Mil and St. Paul .. 41% 41% Chi., R. I. and Pacific... 27% 27% Chino Con. Copper 46% 46 Corn Products 77% 77% Crucible Steel 91 91% Erie 17% 17% General Electric 164% 164% General Motors 233% 233% Goodrich, B. F 78% 78% Great. North. Pfd 97% 97 Great North. Ore, subs.. 45 45% Inspiration Copper 60% 60% Interboro-Met 7% 7% Int. Nickel 32% 33% Int. Paper 56% 57% Kennecott 39% 39% Lehigh Valley 53% 53% Maxwell Motors 46% 46% Merc. Mar Ctfs 61% 51% Merc. Mar Ctfs., Pfd. 116% 117% Mex. Petroleum 181% 182% Midvale Steel 51 50% Missouri Pacific 32% 32% Northern Pacific 97% 97% Pittsburgh Coal 62% 63 Penna. R. R 45% 45% Ray Con. Copper 24% 24 Reading 87% 87% Southern Pacific 106% 106% Southern Ry 29% 29% Sinclair Oil and R 61% 61% Studebaker 101% 103% U. S. I. Alcohol 150 150 U. S. Rubber 128 128% U. S. Steel 106% 106% U. S. Steel, Pfd 116 116 Utah Copper 88 89% Vir.-Caro. Chem 81% 80% Westinghouse Mfg 56% 56% Willys-Overland 35 34% PHILADELPHIA PRODUCE Phlliiiiolpbin, June 26.—Bran lower; soft winter spot in 100 pound sacks, $42©143 per ton; spring, $40®42. Live poultry firm; fowls, $37@38. Potatoes—Easier; North and South Carolina No. 1, $3@4.25; No. 2. $1.75 @2.25; Eastern Shore, No. 1, s4®s; No. 2, $2.25@2.50; Norfolk No. 1, $3.76®54.25; No. 2, $1.50@2. Oats—Steady; No. 2 white, 80%® 81c; No. 3, white. 79@79%c. Butter Lower; western creamery, extra 63% c; nearby prints, fancy. 61 @'6 3c. Cheese - Higher; New York and Wisconsin full milk, 31@31%c. Eggs Steady; nearby firsts per case, sls; current receipts, $14.40; LEGAL NOTICES NOTICE Notice Is hereby given that Letters of Administration have been granted to the undersigned on the estate of Charles E. Emerick, M. D.. late of the City of Harrisburg, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, deceased. All persons in debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment and those having claims against said eatate will present them for nayment to ' MARY A. EMERICK. Administratrix. 2156 N. sth St.. Harrisburg, Pa. Or Stpoup & Fox, Attorneys, Russ Bldg., Harrisburg, Pa. NOTlCE—Letters of Administration, c. t. a., in the Estate of Margaret J. Staeknole, late of Harrisburg, Dau phin County. Pa., having been granted to the undersigned; all persons owing the said Estate will please make set tlement nt once, and those having e'nlms will present them without de- U HARRIS BURG TFITTST COMPANY. Administrator, r. t. a. 10 South Second Street, i v- Harrlibur*. Pa. western extra firsts, sls; western firsts, $14.40; fancy selected packed, 57 its9c per dozen. Dressed Poultry Lower; fowls freeh killed, choice to fancy, 35@36c; small size, 30 @3 4c; roosters, 22c; spring ducks. Long Island. 36c; broil ers, nearby, 62 ©bee; western choke, 48 52c. Flour Dull and weak; winter straight western, $11.25©11.4U; do. nearby, slo.7soll.2S;'Kansas straight sll.sUs]i 12.25; do. short patent, $12.00 © 12.50; spring short patent, sl2.oos|! 12.50; spring patent. $11.5u©12.2i; spring hrst clear, $9.75© 10.25. Tallow —Firm; prime city loose, 13Vic; do. special loose, 14c; prime country, 12% c; edible in tierces, 23 ©24 c. Hay—Lower; timothy No. 1, $40.00© 11.00; No. 2, $38.00©39.00; No. 3, $35.00 © 36.00. Clover mixed light, $38.00@39.00; No. 1. do., $35.50@36; No. 2, $33.00® 34.00. Bran —Steady; soft winter spot, $43 ©44 per ton; spring bran $42@43. CHICAGO CATTLE MARKET Chicago, June 26.—Hogs—Receipts 35,000; steady. Early top $21.30; bulk, s2o© 21; heavy weight, $20.40® 20.90; medium weight, $20@21; light weight. $20.25® 21.10; light lights, $18.50® 2055; heavy packing sows, smooth, $1965© 2015; packing sows, rough. $18.76® 19.50; pigs. $17.25@18.50. Cattle —Receipts. 12,000; beef steers, steady to strong Butcher stock and feeders steady, calves steady to 25c higher. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime. $14.40© 15.50; medium and good, $12.40© 14.50; common, $10.75® 12 .50; light weight, good and choice, $13.25® 15.25; common and medium. slo® 12 35; butcher cattle heifers, $7.75® 13.25; cows. $7.50@12.25; eanners and cutters, $6 .25@7.50; veal calves, light arid handy weight, $17@18.50. feeder steers, $9.25@12.75; stockcr steers, $S @l2. Sheep—Receipts 10,000; fat classes strong, others steady. Top lambs. $17.50; iambs 84 pounds down. sls® 17.50; cull sand common, $8®14.50; yearling weathers, $10.25® 13.50; ewes medium, good and choice, $6.25@8.„5; culls and common, $2.50Z5.75; breed ing ewes, $7@13.50. CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE chengo, June 26.—Board of Trade closing: Corn —Sept. 175%; Dec. 153%. Oats —Sept. 69%; Dec. 70%. Pork —July 51.25; Sept. 49.35. Lard—July. 34.35; Sept. 34.17. Rbs—July, 27.85; Sept. 28. CARRIED A PISTOL William Brown wijl be given a hearing in police court during the afternoon on the charge of carrying concealed deadly weapons. He is said to have had a loaded revolver at the time he was taken into cus tody. UKRAINE BREAKS ARMISTICE By Associated Press. Paris, June 26.—The armistice en tered into Beveral days ago by the Poles and Ukrainians has been brok en by an advance of the Ukrainian forces according to information re ceived to-day. MARRIAGE LICENSES Robert E. Strieker. Womelsdorf, I and Mina C. Hurley, McCrey. Charles H. Ditzel and Helen Marie Rahn, Harrisburg. Jacob D. Good, and Jessie M. Long. New Market. John W. Spitler and Anna P. Blair, Harrisburg. Norman W. Kines, Duncannon, and Ida J. Zorger, Harrisburg. Harry H.< Hollinger, Greencastle, and Mabel S. Arnold. Harrisburg. Adelbert Adams, Pleasantville. N. J., and Martha L. Zimmerman, Hall fax. Daily Dot Puzzle Hi !? •' 2 ? ,4 i '7 • IO 99 • 16 ?• *3 '9 . • ' 2o 15 8* .25 * .21 r i ,s is.' 11 . * rf t 3 V 1 33 3b * • 38- # 53 ,3 4- 32 * . 4< • *4o 4* 57 *42 55 . 49 55 43 praw froni cue to two and co on to the end. Pharmacists to Hold State Convention Here The activities of the Convention Bureau established at the offices of the Harrisburg Chamber of Com merce as a result of the efforts of the convention committee of the i chammer, are proving productive of good results. Word was received this morning that the State Pharma ceutical Association at its conven tion at Buena Vista Springs, decided upon Harrisburg as the convention city for June, 19 20, as a result of the invitation extended by the chamber. An attendance of 300 delegates is expected at the sessions next year, and the Penn-Harris Hotel likely will be the headquarters of the convention. The invitation to come to Harrisburg was addressed to W. R. Landis, of Philadelphia, chairman of the Time and Place Committee of the association, last week, with the result that it was accepted. The convention commit tee has been active in extending as sistance to conventions which have met here during the year, in some I instances furnishing programs of their activities, to be used as souve nir booklets after the sessions. GROENER WANTS TO REIT By Associated Press. Berlin, June 26. —General Groener who succeeded Field Marshal Von Hindenburg as German chief of staff, has tendered his resignation to Pres ident Ebert, but has agreed to re main at his post until the situation in the eastern provinces becomes sta bilized. FURNACE BLOWS OUT When a gas furnace blew out at the establishment of the Pintsch Gas Company, Second and Vine streets. I this morning, a fire alarm was turned in by persons who saw the flames. Several Are companies answered the alarm, but were not needed. There was no damage. HOLD BLOCK FESTIVAL Wild Rose Troop No. 5, Girl Scouts, of Fifth Street Methodist Episcopal Church, will hold a block festival this evening at Fifth and Granite streets. If the weather is unfavorable for an out of-doors event the' church basement will be used. GOVERNOR APPOINTS JUDGE Governor Sproul to-day appointed Joseph McCullen, a former Phila delphia judge, to succeed the late Judge Carr. Investments of Special Merit It is naturally confusing for the average investor to select among the great number of listed and un listed stocks and bonds the securities that are the most appropriate to buy and hold. We have chosen for special consideration sev eral investments which we regard as having the quali ties of security, and offer as liberal a return as can be obtained conservatively. For information send for Circular No. RM-50 A. B. Leach & Co., Inc. Investment Securities 115 S. 4th St., Philadelphia New York, Chicago, Boston Baltimore, Buffalo, Scrnnton LEE A. I.AUBKNSTEIN Representative 2208 N. 3rd St., Hnrrtsbnrg Phone 4776-R. B=saaaJ I SALT ! CREEK j PRODUCERS This great Oil Producer and | market leader is stated to have nearly 100 producing wells cap ; ped awaiting passage of the Oil Leasing Bill. Our latest Wyoming Oil Re : sume. Letter No. 2, fully describes ; this company. Also gives latest | information regarding the OIL LEASING BILL j now before Congress, together ! with an up-to-date map of the j Wyoming oil dtstric-ta and latest reliable data concerning I Merrltt Commonwealth Elk Hasln Boston-Wyoming I Midwest Ret Mldwrest Oil | Northwest ' Omnr Glt-nrock Allen Copies Free Upon Bequest HouiAjroAßZDrrTto -212 N. Third St., Harrisburg llMiect Private Wires Connecting I Nen^Yol^^^^^^^^^Phlldelphlj JUNE 26, 1919. WHISTLES AND BELLS TO TELL WAR'S END [Continued from First Pigf.] Boy Scout troops. Commissioner W H. German announced. The route will be from Third and State streets, where the line will form, to North, to Sixth, to Forster, to Second, to Market, to Fourth, to State. After the parade, a big bonfire will be started near Fourth and State streets, at the rear of the State Capitol, Men from tho Army Recruiting Station will assist Mr, German in arranging the parade and bonfire. Burleson Declines to Advise Wire Companies to Take Strikers Back By Associated Press. Washington, June 26.—Postmastei Gor.eral Burleson to-day told a com j mittee of the American Federatior | of Labor that he would not direct the telegraph companies to re-em ploy persons who went on strike, at ho considered they had left theii work in violation of the rules laid down by the Government's wire con trol board and the war labor board Army Officer Killed When Auto Goes Wild Philadelphia, June 26. lJeute nant Colonel John Handy Hall was killed In an automobile accident near Devon, Pa., early to-day. He was second in command of the One Hun dred and Eighth Field Artillery, whjch recently returned from service abroad, n assistant United States district at :orney in this city and was 46 years >ld. Colonel Hall was returning from a Sinner at the Pickering Hunt Club, near Valley Forge, given to him and members of the University Club who Save come home from service abroad. The driver, blinded by the head lights of an approaching car, ran his machine Into a ditch. Major M. J. Pickering, graduate manager of ath letics at the University of Pennsylvania, was hurt. GERMAN RAID STRIKE FAILS By Associated Press. Berlin, Juqe 26.—Up until 4 o'clock this afternoon the strike of railroad workers failed to show signs of spreading. The Federation of Railworkers, the membership of which is 400,000, is opposing the strike and has called upon the workers not to permit themselves to be "misled by political agitators or guilty of plunging the country into economic chaos." LIFE UNDERWRITERS TO ATTEND DINNER Members of the Central Pennsyl vania Association of Life Under writers will meet and dine to-night at Penn-Harrts Hotel. The meeting is called for 6.30 and the dinner will take place one hour later. The ripcakers will include Thomas B. Donaldson, State Insurance Commis sioner, and Charles iW. Scovel, of Pittsburgh. HARTLEY WOLLE Notice has been received here of the death of Hartley Wolle at Detroit on Saturday. He was a brother of Mrs. L. W. Jenkins and Dr. J. Fred Wolle and an uncle of Captain Robert D. Jenkins. Funeral services were held at Bethlehem yesterday. MORE MONEY FOR SHIPS Washington, June 26.—1n report ing the sundry civil appropriation bill to-day the Senate appropriations committee increased the shipping board's shipbuilding program from $276,000,000 to $491,000,000. POLICE HOLD WOMAN Luella Fortney is being held by Harrisburg police for safekeeping. She was taken into custody last evening at Fourth and Market streets. She is believed to be de mented. NOTICE TO BONDHOLDERS 1 NOTICE is hereby given to the holders of the following Improvement • Bonds, issued by the City of Harrlsburg, Pa., that the same will be redeemed . at the office of the City Treasurer, on July 1, 1919, at which time interest on all said bonds will cease: No. Amount Street Cllsl 100 Boas Street. 0343 100 Front Street C 1152 100 Boas Street C 344 100 Front Street C 1153 100 Boas Street C 345 100 Front Street C 1164 100 Boas Street C 424 100 Harris Street CIIB6 100 Park Street C 434 100 Front Street C 1167 100 Park Street C 435 100 Front Street. C 1159 100 Fifteenth Street C 436 100 Front Street *OIIBO 100 Ella Alley. •C 458 100 Hamilton Street. Cllß3 100 Forster Street e *C459 100 Hamilton Street. C 1195 100 Thirteenth Street X C 460 100 Hamilton Street. C 1196 100 Thirteenth Street . C 461 100 Hamilton Street. CI2OO 100 Howard Street 1 C 462 100 Hamilton Street Cl3Ol 100 Howard Street Csltr 100 Clinton Street. C 1202 100 Howard Street e Csll 100 Clinton Street. Cl2lO 100 Atlas Alley, t C 512 100 Clinton Street Cl2ll 100 Atlas Alley. A C 547 100 Chestnut Street. C 1212 100 Holly Street C 548 100 Chestnut Street. C 1213 100 Holly Street r C 549 100 Chestnut Street. C 1223 100 Catherine Street C 603 100 Fifteenth Street C 1263 100 Logan Street e C 604 100 Fifteenth Street C 1261 100 Mulberry Street CtilG 100 Forrest Street. C 1282 100 Mulberry Street I C 617 100 Forrest Street. V C 1264 100 F'ourth Street 8 C 662 100 Walnut Street. C 1265 100 Fourth Street e C 663 100 Walnut Street. C 1266 100 Fourth Street C66S 100 Calder Street C 1271 100 Maclay Street C 687 100 Reservoir Street C 1272 100 Maclay Street C 707 100 Herr Street C 1284 100 Helen Street C7OB 100 Herr Street C 1285 100 Helen Street C 709 100 Herr Street. C 1286 100 Helen Street C7lO 100 Herr Street C 1297 100 Primroae Street C7ll 100 Herr Street C 1298 100 Primrose Street C 744 100 Kelker Street C 1302 100 Wengert Alley. C 745 100 Kelker Street. C 1303 100 Wengert Alley. C 750 100 Logan Street. 'C1304 100 Emerald Street C 778 100 Moore Street. C 1305 100 Emerald Street a C 784 100 Harris Street Cl3ll 100 Market Street C 785 100 Harris Street C 1314 100 Ethel Street C 786 100 Harris Street C 1316 100 Nineteenth Street " CBl4 100 Verbeke Street Clßl7 100 Nineteenth Street CB3O 100 Fourteenth Street. Cl3lß 100 Nineteenth Street. CB3l 100 Fourteenth Street C 1320 100 Nineteenth Street CB3O 100 Granite Street. C 1321 100 Nineteenth Street. C 837 100 Granite Street C 1322 100 Nineteenth Street CB3B 100 Granite Street C 1323 100 Howard Alley. C 843 100 Delaware Street. C 1324 100 Howard Alley. C 844 100 Delaware Street C 1350 100 Zarker Street ICS 4 6 100 Cumin Street e 1351 100 Zarker Street C 847 100 Curtin Street C 1368 100 Hillside Road. CB4B 100 Curtin Street. CI 369 100 Hillside Road. ' - C 864 100 Cowden Street C 1370 100 Hillside Road. CS6S 100 Cowden Street C 1371 100 Hillside Road. CBBO 100 PefTer Street. C 1372 100 Hillside Road. CBBI 100 Fetter Street C 1373 100 Holly Street C 904 100 Drummond Street C 1374 100 Holly Street C 905 100 Drummond Street C 1375 100 Holly Street C 906 100 Drummond Street C 1376 100 Holly Street C 933 100 Forrest Street C 942 100 Wallace Street CCS2O 200 Fulton Street C 943 100 Wallace Street CCS3O 200 Calder Street C 914 100 Wallace Street CC625 200 Verbeke Street CO7I 100 Park Street CC7I9 200 Woodbine Street C 972 100 Park Street CC72O 200 Woodbine Street Co7t> 100 Woodbine Street CC793 200 Prune Street COB 6 100 Christian Street *CC799 200 Shrub Street CHB7 100 Christian Street CCBI3 200 Fifteenth Street ClOlO 100 Twelfth Street ♦CCB2I 200 Linden Street ClOll 100 Twelfth Street. CCB3O 200 Green Street C 1029 100 Daisy Street CCB4O 200 Penn Street CIO3O 100 Daisy Street. CCB4I 200 Penn Street ClO3l 100 Daisy Street CCB42 200 Penn Street ClO4l 100 Juniper street 0 CCB9O 200 Market Street C 1042 100 Juniper Street. CCB9I 200 Market Street C 1062 100 Whitehall Street. CCB9S 200 Derry Street C 1063 100 Whitehall StroeL CCB96 200 Derry Street C 1064 100 Whitehall Street CC9O3 , 200 Twenty-Ftret Street ClOiS 100 Seneca Street CC9I6 ' 200 Cumberland Street C 1079 100 Senecu Street . ClObQ 100 Seneca Street DtIO 500 Balm Street Ciiol 100 Front Street fD756 500 Maclay Btreet CllO2 100 J ront Street L,77j 600 Market Street J CI 103 100 Front Street &128 iuo P?SSe St'rUt STREET GRADING BONDS C 1129 100 Prune Street 108 100 Emerald Street Cll3O 100 Prune Street. 163 100 Twenty • Seventh Cll3l 100 1 rune Street. Street C 1142 100 Summit Street 170 100 Summit Street 3 ci 143 100 Summit Street 171 100 Summit Street •Called January 1, 1919, at which time interest ceaaed. J 1 Called January l, 1916, at which time Intcreat ceased. {Called January 1, 1916, at which time intereat ceaaed. < C. E. WEBER. Harriaburg, Pa.. June 20, lllh .City Treeaurei 17 Santa Barbara Arrives; Large Crowd Welcomes By Associated Press. Philadelphia. June 26. —The trans port Santa Barbara, with 31 officers and 1,645 men abroad, docked here to-day. A large crowd welcomed the returning soldiers. On the Santa Barbara are the 165 th Provisional 23rd Sales Commissary unit, 316 th Field Remount squad, 3rd Clothing squad, 341 st Butchery Company, 64th Camp Hospital; First Camp Hospital, 16th Veterinary Hospital; 51st Sanitary Squadron, 21st Military Police, 251 st Military Police, 364 th Aero Squadron, 636 th Aero Squadron, 88th Aero Squadron and 86th En gineers. II Book- j I Binding /T\HICRE la no need !► that you lose vain- JI ] I : able literature be- t [ i > cause time haa dealt 5 ]. harshly with your treae- ; | II ure books. Likewise, X ?'ou may have your col- ][. ection of magazines or i • ! i papers bound into one, '! ]; two, or as many vol- < [ , i umes as you like by ] , 1 1 bringing them to our i bindery. Or you may ], ' [ have the worn covers of £ i > your gift-books rebound S ]! so as to be as good as j > new. We do all manner J £ of binding and do It £ | right. Let ys help yon. S | The Telegraph Printing Co. £ t Printing. Binding. De- £ signing. Photo Kngrajv- x 9 i ing. Die Stamping. Plate £ i Printing :: :: S J 21S Federal Harrffcburg, Pa. £ Bergner Building Oil Resume Gives latest information regard ing the OIL LEASING BILL now before Congress, together with an up-to-date map of the Wyoming oil districts. famAKD&Rmrafo. Land Title Bldg., Phila. Direct Private Wlrea Connecting I New York Harrlabnrg I UU SEALS ABTENCILSr.L II HARRIBB\3STENCILWORKB |1 I 113QLQGU3T 8L HARRIBBfe.PA. U / 1 _— ~ Aaditlng Special lavcstigatleaa Accounting Systems laatalled H. E. SCHRIVER Public Accountant & Auditor n-44 Union Trust Co- Bldg- Bell Phone 1013 Harrlaburg. Pa. L.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers