iFINE BOXING BOUTS AT STEELTON TONIGHT; KLEIN CHOCOLATE BALL TEAM JOLTS QUAKERS Naudain Team "Faided" From the City Juniors; St. Mary's Joins Standing of the Teams W. L. Pet. Eaat End 15 6 .7116 Swatara 12 8 .600 Peerless 4 9 -307 St. Mary's 4 11 .266 After playing two games on Sat urday afternoon, writes the corre spondent, the Naudain team faided from the City Junior League on ac count of Swatara team signing up "Red" Foland, Galahad's backstop, and not giving them a fair deal, at Seventeenth and Chestnut streets. After Swatara had taken the first game, 4 to 3, the dmpute came in the second game when the Swataras | put Foland In as a backstop and a row started when "Andy" Botts called a man out at second, who ap peared to be safe. After the game the Naudain man agement refused to play any more ■contests in the City Junior League. The St Mary's Juniors, of Steelton, Wrightstone Wins in C. 1. and S. League Against Open Hearth Standing of Teams W. L. Pot. ! Mill No. 1 3 1 .750 General Office .... 2 2 .500 Open Hearth 2 3 ,40Q Mill No. 2 1 2 .333 Schedule for this woek —We_d- j nesday, Mill No. 1 vs. Mill No. ' 2; Saturday, Mill No. 1 vs. Gen ' eral Office. I Open Hearth could not overhaul i the General Office team on Satur : day, Wrightstone being on the 'job ; with all kinds of stuff sufficient to • keep the Open Hearth raps to a l puny 3, of which Catcher Yost mad 9 a brace himself. With the score handcuffed, General Office had ad vantage of some sweet pitching, too, • by O'Connell, and a couple timely RESORTS BOILING SPRINGS, PA. BOILING SPRINGS, PA. ALLEN HOUSE Now Open For Summer Boarder* AT ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. > $2.50 op Daily. $14.00 nnWkly. Am. Plan ELBERON & Pi reproof A iincx. Tenneanee Av. nr. Keach. Cap. 400. Central; open Burroundinxs; opp. Catho lic and Protestant Churches. Private Batha. RUNNING WATER IN ALL ROOMS Excellent table; fresh vegetable. Window! screened. White service. Booklet. R. B. IDDY.M. D. NOTED TOR IT'3 T-/A P t-C MILLERSIT^ANNEX | "fL.ISN.GEORGIA AVE.ATLCfTY.N.J. ' Scrupulously clean, electric lighted i throughout. White service. Hot and cold water baths. $2.00 up daily. sl2 up weekly. Estab. 40 years. Emerson ; Crouthamel, Mgr. THE WILTSHIRE, Virginia ave. and Beach. Ocean 'view. Capacity 350. Private baths, i running water in rooms, elevator, etc. . Amer. plan, special weekly rates. (Booklet. SAMUEL ELLIS. Hotel Sheldon. Amr. plan. Daily rates Rooms, with run. water, $3 to $3.50. Pvt. baths, $4 to $6. Elev. Booklet. D. J. WOODS, Ownershiii-Munngem'l. CHESTER HOUSE, 15 & 17 S. Georgia Ave., nr. Beach. Two sqs. from Reading Sta. $1.50 to 2 dly; $9 to 10 wky. Mrs. T. Dickerson WILD WOOD, N. J. WILDWOOD ft] / BY-THE-SEA ffl J'and WILDWOOD CREST ■ I IC > Spend your vaca- H L KB - tion, week-end or I fewftw a " summer here. 1 / where you will It Wffi |. find splendid sea UkIEM I bathing, excellent i ~ fishing and refined [ "'/ rjflMril 'i" amusements. Five t~jf' mile boardwalk f J SOr.flqM ' lined with fine L J Bh °P s an< l piers service. Kast 'rains on both VEI "7 ' Pennsylvania and V 7 J 'ke Reading rall roads. W~W Excellent hotels S2^SBr* —= ' at reasonable prices. Cottages. bungalows and ~-ag~ apartments for rent, furnished, at moderate rates for the season. For full particulars and beautifully illustrated folder write today to W . COCRTKIGHT SMITH, || Secretary- Ronrd of Trade, II Wild wood. X. J. Wildwood Manor £. ap v 4otf; whole block; ocean front; fresh and salt water in baths; run. water; hot and cold, in bedrooms, elec. elev.; tennis courts, etc. Opens June 27. Mrs. Wm. R. Lester. Mgr. We Make Monuments to meet any taste and to fit prac tically any purse. And we give the most exacting care to all or ders, be they for simple head stones or the most ornate me morials. It will be no trouble to submit designs and estimates. Cemetery Lettering I. B. Dickinson Granite, Marble, Bronze and Tile 505-13 N. THIRTEENTH ST., Harrisburg, Fa. Bell 4773-R Dial 4201 / MONDAY EVENING, will replace the defunct Naudain and take part in their first game on Wednesday with the East End Jrs. All Saturday afternoon games have been rearranged and no City Junior League contests will bo play ed out on that date unless a post poned game is arranged to be played off. Managers of the teams in the league have been putting up a kick on. account of not being able to play on this date owing to the fact that nine players can rarely get together because of working hours on Satur day afternoon. This evening the East End team will play Peerless a postponed game. Saturday's scores: First Game — B - H. E - Naudain 200000 I—3 5 3 Swatara 010010 2—4 8 2 Batteries—Shearer and Young; Kurtz and Brady. Second Game— R- H. E. Naudain ..,.00010011 o—3 7 0 Swatara ....00000100 o—l 7 0 Batteries —Sheare and Young; Layton and Foland. blows in the sixth session brought in the necessary run and cne more than was needed. The way it hap pened: GENERAL OFFICE R. H. O. A. E. Koontz, c 0 1 7 0 0 Stltelcr, If 0 1 3 0 0 Stauffor, 2b 0 0 3 0 0 Pieztch, ss 0 0 0 0 0 Sheesley, 3b 0 1 2 4 0 Hall, lb 1 0 4 0 0 Zerby, of 1 1 0 0 ® Hare, rf 1 1 2 0 0 Wrightstone, p... 1 0 0 1 0 Total 4 521 5 0 OPEN HEARTH R. H. O. A E. Ohellew. If 0 0 0 ® ® Baine, ef 0 1 0 0 0 Essig. 11) 0 0 6 0 0 McQuadc,, ss 1 0 5 1 0 O'Oonnell, p 0 0 ® 2 0 Longfelt, rf 0 0 0 0 0 M. Murphy, 2b .. . 0 0 0 2 0 Yost, c 0 2 7 3 0 Winn. 3b 1 Total 2 3 18 10 0 Open Hearth 1001 10 0 2 General Office 000022 x 4 Sacrifice hit—Baine. Double plays —Open Health. 1 (O'Connell to Tost, to Essig). Struck out —By Wrightstone. 5; bv O'Connell, 5. Rase on balls—By Wrightstone, 5; bv O'Conenll. 3. Hit by pitcher — Stauffor. Stolen bases —Hall, Zerby, Stauffer. Chellew. Eesig, Longfelt, McQuadc, 2. Umpire—Edgar Barn ford. Paris to Celebrate Independence Day of United States By Associated Press. Paris, June 23.—0n the initiative of the government there will be i monster demonstrations is Paris July 4 in honor of the anniversary of the Independence of the United States. General Pershing will be re ceived by the municipality. Presi dent Poincare will review a parade of American troops in the Place De La Concorde. Promises Fat Purse to Sammy Schiff if He Fights Gilley Tonight Max "Waxman, manager of Young Gilly writes to-day on the eve of this fighter's appearance at Barrett's Steelton show, from his home in Baltimore as follows: To the Telegraph sports editor "Please explain to Harrisburg and Steelton that Young Mahoreey was compelled to break his agree ment to meet Sammy Schiff be cause he was seriouly hurt in his bout with Joe Marks. When this happened I immediately be gun action to get Young Gilley to take his place, and the public knows now that Schiff refused to meet him. Why? Had Gilley been a set-up Schiff would have taken - him on, but he knew that Gilley had a reputation. Now if this is not the case I promise that Gilley, win or lose with Tim Droney, will take Sammy Schiff on in the same ring, Monday night; and if he does not stop him 1 will hand Schiff my part of the original purse. Young Gilley won - the southern lightweight championship from Kid Whit ten in a twenty round battle staged in Baltimore two years ago. Since then he has met and knocked out Buck Tay lor, Jack Kantrow. He also holds referee decisions over Lee Finirer an, Frankie Olsen, Danny Ridge, fifteen round draw. Ridge has met and held his own with Bon nie Leonard, Freddie Welch ar. - d others. Gilley also fought a draw with Jimmie McCabe, who just beat Jack Britton. Less Than lc a Glass Delicious Home-Made Root Beer—and Easy to Make Quantities of sparkling, delicious home-made root beer always on hand! Cool glasses ot tizzy, snappy root beer —and as much as you want! Doesn't that sound good? And the best part of it, is you can have this delicious root beer right at home —and all the time. All you need is a 25c bottle ot Hires Household Ex tract. sugar, and a yeast cake. It's easy to make —the directions are clear, and behold, you have 40 pints or 80 glasses of Bparkling, wholesome j root beer at a cost of less than lc a glass! You can drink just as much of It as you want, too, for Hires House hold Extract is pure. It is made from the juices of pure bark, berries, roots and herbs —16 in all, including win tergreen, sarsaparilla, birch bark, and pipsissewa. When you buy Hires Household Extract you know that it is pure, and that it does not contain substitutes, nor artificial flavors. A cool, refreshing glass when you ai*e tired and feeling sort of "low," wholesome, delicious glasses for the children when they come home, a sparkling, tempting glass when com pany comes—you can have home made root beer all the time, for every occasion. Get out all those old bottles which have been collecting down the cel lar If you haven t good strong corks for them, you can buy some Hires specially designea air-tight bottle stoppers from the same grocer from whom you buy your bottle of Hires Household Extract. SNOODLES -> -> -> -> -> By Hangerford. I —J___ STEEL COMPANY'S FAST BRIDGE DEPT. TEAM r Manager Sam Curran, whom every body about Steelton and the outside world has heard of, keeps the Beth lehem Steel Company on the map in its Bridge Department with a jazz team of ballplayers who might show the best of them some stunts. This rattling fast club exhibits upon Cot tage Hill and the only sour feature of the demonstration Is that so few citizens patronize, although they came last year by thousands to see ball of no better caliber. Steelton should wake up and give its pat ronage. Look how Harrisburg turns MONARCHSLOSE TO WEST END Tiin Euker Stealing Home Took Life From the Colored Team; 'Twas Great Game A steam home by Tim Euker on Sat urday when West End whitewashed the Colored Monarclis in an exhibition game occurred in the fifth frame and so "took the life out" of Monarchs, that although they put up n splendid ex hibition all the way through they could not score nnd tho battle ended 4-0. It was an uncommon encounter and a huge arena of fans certainly saw great sport. Strieker's good arm held the dark foe to six hits, but the veteran Jordan was Just as good. Carpenter at short was greased lightning, his fielding being of the big league brand, and the Banks was surely on the map. An odd coinci dence was to see "Pop" Banks at first base and his eldest son. C. Ranks, back of the bat. In the ninth another Banks was called into pinch hit, so it appears the Monarchs certainly hank on this family, to help. The one-run which upset the Mon arclis came in the fifth. After who batted for McKcever, filed out to left field. T. Euker lilt to right field for a single. Knight hit to Cnrpenter, who fumbled, permitting Knight to reach first base safely. On a fielder's choice knocked by Strieker, Knight was thrown out at second, hut the West Knd twlr ler succeeded in getting safely on first. Strieker stole second, and while the Monarch's pitcher was winding up to make his delivery. T. Euker stole home and was called safe after the catcher had dropped the ball. During an argu ment by Carpenter. Strieker attempted to steal second, but was caught for the third out. Summary: Monarchs 00000000 o—o West End 00001 1 1 1 x—4 Errors: West End. Bell, 1; JIV. Eu ker, 1. Monarchs, C. Banks, 1 ; Carpen ter. 2 ; Ross, 1. Two-base hit, Lebnn. Three base hits, Ross. Palmer. Sacrifice hits. Manning, Davis. Rell. Struck out, by Jordan, 3 ; by Strieker, 9. Base on balls, off Jor dan. 0 : off Strieker. 3. lveft on bases, West End, 3: Monarchs. 10, Hit by pitcher, W. Euker. Stolen bases. Car penter. W. Euker, Bell. Strieker. Pass ed balls. C. Banks. Time. 1.40. Um pire, Jackson. Scorer, McCahan. Great Game on Hill Thursday When League Stages Klein Players On Thursday night the Klein Chocolate Company will be seen in action on Allison Hill and a big night is expected. Several wheelbarrow loads of delicious chocolate will be on hand for sale at reduced rates, the same to be purchased by the fans and the receipts to go for more ' grandstand construction. Tho Klein players aim to lend a hand to the Hill League In this way. To-night's battle is between St. Mary's and Reading. Time, 6.30. I HAMHHBURG TE£BGH3DPBE out to see the West End and Allison Hill games. The Steelton company officials are not agitated by this lack of atten dance, and like game men, are going right along giving financial aid to the league. Over at the Central Iron and Steel League,' Mr. Irons and other men at the head, do the same thing, they give the men opportunity even to play while in work hours, If there be a short, period when this can be done. A ripping game is played at that pretty diamond, which sets in greenery and overlooks the river. "Kid" Williams at Ring Tonight in Barrett's Show at Steelton * . | " - t y :: ' V ' G -■ e JQL m JBhHHhs ipi 1 fl HHp f? 't, I '<-A "KID" WILLIAMS Quartet Hall, Front and Washing ton streets, in Steelton, will bo the scene of more real fighting to-night than has ever been the luck of the local fans to witness in one ring hereabouts, promises Joe Barrett, the veteran promoter, who recently fought a draw with the jinx. To help his old manager overthrow this jinx. Kid Williams, the Baltimore tiger, ex-bantamweight champion of the world, assures Barrett he will positively be on hand to-night to advise Young Gilly, of Baltimore, the southern lightweight champion, in his ten-round battle with Tim Droney, the fighting harp of Lan caster. Barrett says every man on his card will positively appear, as he has selected none but those who have been known to fulfill their contract. There will be no substi tutes this time, he pledges. "Kid" Williams, a protege of Bar rett's, was a dethroned hut not de feated champion, In his twenty These sort of activities show that an industrial concern has the snow off its feet and a real desire to make the workers happy. The players reading from left to right in the picture are: Bottom row, Diffenderfer, Smith, Varnicle, J. Sostar, M. Sostar, Weiriclf, Hahn; middle row, Manager Curran, Super intendent Myers of the Bridge De partment; top row, Harder, Captain Boyd, Hoffman, Umpire Newbaker, Bulger, Selfon, Whittle, Pitcher "Dan" Taylor was not present when this picture was taken. round bout with Pete Herman, the present champion, in New Orleans, Herman's home town. Since then Williams beat Herman in a no-de c:sion six-round bout in Philadel phia. During the war, the "Kid" taught boxing to the soldiers and is now in perfect condition. Baltimore promoters aro bending every effort to bring Herman and Williams to gether, for the Baltimore tiger is keen to regain his lost crown. Wil liams will announce from the ring to-night just how his future is mapped out. " a suitable opponent can be securcu, Williams informed Barrett that he would appear before his club on very reasonable terms, as it was Barrett's start that car ried him to the top of his class. Gilly and Droney are the two best lightweights that have ever op posed each other in the same ring here. They have years of experi ence, cleverness, aro game and ag gressive, a team that should furnish action from the first bell. Barrett Tom Draak Writes For Harrisburg to Stage Him Again With Roller Tom Draak, the big good-na tured wrestling champion of the Netherlands and Belgium who won on falls from Dr. Roller here recently bsjng much abused for alleged taking advantage of the canny physician In grapling in stantly after they had Invaded the ropes, writes a letter from his home in Hoboken, N. J. to the Telegraph sports editor to-day as follows; "I have just returned from the West and find the clip pings describing my match with Dr. Roller and It hurts me to think that Harrisburg feels this way about it. I certainly am not sat isfied with what happened, nor with Doctor Roller, for he pro mised me that very night a return match, and I have heard nothing from him. I think I should have that and appear as a guarantee to the fans of Harrisburg that I am just as clean as Roller. He is recognized as an American, but I can prove that I am the same, and could show that I have done my duty during the war more than Roller, having been pre sented a gold medal for all the things I did. My western record will show all about that and now that I am in the east again I would like to wrestle Roller for a return at Harrisburg under any conditions he desires. 1 am ready for him any time." is elated over the match. Gilly and Young Bulldog Sllar, of York, the One Hundred and Twelfth Infantry representative of the Twen ty-eighth Division, have been in Steelton' under Barrett's care train ing since Saturday, and wound up their training last evening and are in great condition. Silar is matched in the other star bout on the card with Frankie Erne, of Lancaster, who is known by every local sport as a past master of boxing, but,the ag gressive Silar, who is touted as a second Terry McGovern, is confident that the pace he sets will be too fast for Erne. Droney and Erne will motor to Steelton about noontime o-day with their manager, Charlie Rieker, the Lancaster brewer. Two other bouts will complete the bill. Paul Wag ner, the York youngsters, who re cently knocked out Lew Mutzell, of Lancaster, will meet Billy Morton, Harrisburg's reliable lightweight. Morton recently knocked out Ralph Leedy, of this city, and is expeced to overcome Wagner's cleverness with his punch. The opener will be between Young Wampler, another York boy, who served with Silar overseas, and Wal ter Kuhnert, a real Steelton scrap per, who works in the machine of the Bethlehem Steel Works. Barrett says the hall where he now holds forth is twice as large as his former arena, and practically open air. No buildings surround it, and windows encircle the entire building. Seats are on sale at Fair lamb's, Florence House and Baldwin Hotel, in Steelton. Barrett would like Sammy Schiff to come to the fight to-night to have the local boxer sign articles to meet the winner of the Gillv and Droney match. Either bov will make 133 pounds the real lightweight limit for Schiff. Steel ton will be Silar and Gilly's future home. Strawberry Shortcake At Davenport's If Strawberry short cake at Davenport's is a revelation in the art of cake making. It is a delicious, re-, freshing dessert or afternoon lunch and is made in the same way as you have it at home. C| Rich, delicious, satisfying straw berry shortcake lav ishly covered with whipped cream, pro fusely strewn with large, juicy, York county strawberries. <5 A generous por tion at Davenport's, 15c gjj 111 l&rket St.. Architects of Appetites SUNK 24,1919. YANKEE BOXERS FIGHT THIS WEEK Australians Expected to Show Quality at Tuesday's Big Games Abroad By Associated Press. Faris, June 23.—Duke Mullins, who fitted Jack Johnson for his fight with Tommy Burns, is training the Australian boxers who have entered the interallied games, which begin on June 24. He has some likely heavyweights with him, among them being Captain*tlordon Coghill, cham pion officer boxer in the British army; Harold, the amateur champion of the National Club of London in 1910, and who fought Eddie Mc- Gority in Australia in 1914 and Les Darcy. In the bantam weight box ers' list there are Digger Evans, Corporal Fred Hallam, winner of the British military medal for gallantry in action, and others, and Lieut. Matty Smith, a native of America, will lead the lightweight division. The Australian wrestlers are head ed by Billy Miske, heavyweight champion of Australia and Alfred I Taylor, British representative at the Olympic games at Stockholm, will compete as a lightweight. In the opinion of the Australian boxers, the American expeditionary force boxing rules which will govern the interallied contests, will do much HARVESTING MACHINERY Mowers, Binders, Hay Rakes, Hay Loaders, Corn Binders, Tractors, Quality Seeds Every kind of Modern Farm Machinery and Equipment. We have furnished entire equipments to those just start ing farming. We are prepared to furnish you anything you want for your farm. Make Schell's Seed Store your dependable headquarters. Right prices, quick delivery, pleasing intelligent service, for square satisfaction in everything, very liberal terms. If you have a used machine you wish to trade in on a new one see us about it. Plows, Disc Harrows, Manure Spreaders, Cultivators, Grain Drills, Ensilage Cutters and Shredders, Silos, Wagons, Dairy Equipment, Milking Machines, Separa tors, etc. WALTER S.SCHELL Quality Seeds They Grow Better—They Yield Better 1307-1309 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG Both Phones Say KING OSCAR to your dealer and pass him 7c, and then he will give you your money's worth of real smoke comfort. John C, Herman & Co, Harrisburg, Pa. To-day Try One j = HAVE YOUR LAWN MOWER PUT IN FIRST CLASS SHAPE Hedge Clippers—Grass Shears—Sides and Edge Tools Sharpened All Kinds of Machinery Repaired FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP Court and Cranberry Streets A r . ' ■ ... J 11 to increase the popularity of tin boxing game. Mullins said to-day: "Two-minute rounds, having the referee in the ring, and the elim ination of the kidney punch, are forward steps in boxing. We have done our fighting under straight Marquis of Queensbury rules and have long been of the opinion that they need changing. Three-minute rounds permit and encourage stall ing." Australian and American training methods are identical. They Include road work in the morning and gym exercises, medicine ball, bag punch ing, rope skipping, shadow boxing and sparring in the afternoon. The Belgian entries to the games will comprise the sdccer team which won the triangular football cham pionship from France and England. Belgium will be particularly strong in the fencing bout with a team headed by Anspach, winner of the sword contest* in the Olympic games of 1912; Bennet, amateur champion of Belgium in 1914 and Lieut. Ochs, winner of the famous match at Barcelona in 1914. Father and Two Children Burned to Death in Home By Associated Press. Pittsburgh, June 23.—George M. Staub, Sr., aged 45, and his two children, George, aged 7, and Agnes, aged 4, were burned to death when their home in St. Clair township, near here, was destroyed by fire yes terday. Miss Carrie Staub, aged 39, sister of George Staub, was burned seriously.
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