CHILD BUREAUS TO BE CONTINUED Relief Work in Europe Will Not End, Hoover Cables New York, June 20.—Announce ment of the continuation of the ac tivity of the American Relief Ad ministration in Kurope in connec tion -with the work of child feeding after the conclusion of its gen eral relief program on June 30 was announced to-day by Edgar Rick ard. joint director of the American Relief Administration, upon cable advices from Mr. Hoover in Paris. The various foreign governments where such work is being carried on have been notified that America will not for the present terminate her support of the children's bu reaus. It is Mr. Hoover's present plan, according to his cable, for America to maintain representatives in each of the countries where child bu reaus are established, with a gener al director in Europe and a staff in the United States. The American Relief Administration will not in tervene locally in the work of the bureaus except as to advice and in spection, but will in all probability devote such funds as it has for dis posal to subsidizing national com mittees in the United States, to as uist in carrying on the work. The children's relief program of the American Relief Administration adopted last April covered Rouma nia, Czecho-Slovakia, Greater Si beria, Poland, Finland, Esthonia. Lithuania and Leattonia. In these countries approximately 600,000 children were supplied with one meal per day for three months un der the program. The total num ber of meals for the same period K amounted to 51,170,202. Orignially, the sum assigned to child relief { work was $2,000,000, but this has j since been raised by funds placed i in Mr. Hoover's hands here and abroad by various charitable or ganizations. School Teachers to Spread Doctrine of Anti-Bolshevism Now York. June 20.—As another step in its nation-wide educational | propaganda of Americanization to | counteract the growing influence in this country of the doctrines of disorganization and destruction, the National Security League announced to-dav that it has enlisted the heads of all teachers Normal Schools in 22 states for active work against Bolshevism. This effort of the Se curity League is based on the idea that the school teachers of the country, while intensely patriotic, are largely unqualified to answer the insidious arguments of present day radicals. The League has found this contention supported by many | of the leading educators of the | country and is exerting every ef- I fort to overcome this condition. The Normal School heads and | teachers whose co-operation has al ready been secured by the Security League, representing the leading | institutions for the training of | school teachers in all parts of the country, have promised to create special courses for the instruction of their teachers in sound pro- American arguments against Bol shevism. Starting with the Normal Schools in the 22 states already cov ered, the Security League hopes to be able to obtain similar action in every teachers training school in every state in the Union. Middletown Christian Bones Is Returned to Jail to Await Court Hearing | The members of the local school I Board met at the High school building last evening and made their I annual inspection of the various I buildings. Some repairs will be ! made. Arie Intveldt, who was stationed at the Aviation Depot, but recently mustered out of service and em- | ployed there, left on Wednesday for j his home at Prairie City, lowa. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bander and | son, Meetch Bauder, of Elizabeth viile, are spending some time in | town as the guests of the former's brother, Harry Bauder, and fam ily, of West Main street Mrs. John Siler and two daugh ters, left yesterday for Shippensburg, where they will visit relatives for two weeks. Morris Berman moved from the Antrim property in Ann street, to the Keener property in North Union street, which he recently purchased. Aaron Parson moved from the Roth property in North Spring street, to the Antrim property, Ann street, which he recently purchased. Mrs. Thomas Harinton, of Wil liamsport, is spending some time in town as the guest of her mother, Mrs. William M. Martin, Pine street. Christian Bones, colored, who was arrested by Chief of Police Charles Houser and Ward Constable W. C. Bailey, was given a hearing before Squire W. J. Kinnard on Wednes day evening and the evidence was sufficient to hold him for court. He is charged with burglary and lar ceny. Without bai) he was returned to the Harrisburg jail. Bones is charged with entering the store of P. W. Tritt,, twice, and the store of Mrs. George Etter, Wilson street, as both parties identified some of the goods belonging to them. The sale of the personal property ann reai estate of the late George Fisher held at her late home in East Main street, yesterday, was large ly attended and they brought large prices. The property was put up at 1 o'clock and was bought by Mr 3. a. Harry McKinloy, of East Water street, for $2,550. Robert Jackson and son, Robert, Jr., of Elyria, Ohio, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Albert Duncan, of town, for some time. Thomas Jordan, of the Soldiers' Home, Dayton, Ohio, is spending some time In town.- James A. McGulgan, who was a member of the Aviation Depot, re cently mustered out of service but still employed there, was united in marriage at Philadelphia to Miss Genevieve do Truck, of that city, and are on a wedding trip to Atlantic City. I. ...... -, w - . . -, . ,„ r .,. . FRIDAY EVENING, HAimiaBURCtrf^ftt^TEEEQK3EPH JUNE 20, 1919. Mrs. George Wentz, of Royalton. was given a hearing before Squire John Henry on Wednesday evening charged by Jerry Bailey with being a common scold. The Squire held Mrs. Wentz for court. Samuel Singer, of Steelton, has purchased the J. W. Fortney prop erty 153 North Catherine street, and will take possession as soon as the Fortney family vacate. COLORITE v *m -|- -m t ■ -w r a White House iir KENNEDY S ITOILET PAPER _ . _ . _ . _ - I Friday and Saturday Specials Tanlac ' ' 75c I Toilet Department SATURDAY Medicine Department I FACE POWDERS Dental Prearations CigEF Specials STANDARD PATENTS HAIRTONICS I GARDEN ALLAH FACE POWDER, PEBECO TOOTH PASTE 32c pa Smokers 7 lor 25c- 50 tor $1 68 PINKHAM'S COMPOUND ..... 78c HAY'S HAIR HEALTH 33c I AZUREA PACE POWDER ... SM7 7. £ 6 lor 25c ; 50 lor 52.00 £ £ "ZTa'pvok, "* Q FLORAMYE FACE POWDER, $1.17 PYRODENTA TOOTH PASTE, 23c Cinco 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 LIQUID ARVON 79c :■ LE-TREFLE FACE POWDER, $1.17 SENRECO TOOTH PASTE 21c Roig 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 PIERCE ' S DISCOVERY 75c WYETH'S SAGE AND SULPHUR, I DJER-KISS FACE POWDER .. 49c g g WHITE TOOTH PASTE .. 17c Counsellor 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 PIERCE'S FAV. PRESCRIPTION, 69c I MARY GARDEN FACE POWDER, GRAVES' TOOTH PASTE 15c New Bachelor . . 9 for 50c •50 for $2 59 75c 3AGO SAGE ANG SULPHUR .. 45c I MDM VENDOME FACE POWDER EUTHYMOL TOOT " PASTE ' 17c General Har,ran(, 9 tor 50c50 lor $2.59 NUJOL ' 902 37c GOLDMAN HAIR RESTORER. 98c I MDM. VENDOME FACE POWDER, LYQN . S TOOTH PASTE 16c Evan S(even NUJOL. 20 OZ 75c GOLDEN RUE HAIR TONIC .. 79c I FLORA SWEET FACE POWDER, He °" '...1...'.'.'.'.'.'. 9 lor 50cI 50 for USOLINE 35c PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC 98c 59c KALEPHENO TOOTH PASTE, i7c • * AMERICAN MINERAL OIL .... 55c AYER'S HAIR VIGOR. 85c I ELMO FACE POWDER ... 19c, 39c ARNICA TOOTH PASTE 16c Rose O Cuba 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 NERVINE 75c MRS. ALLEN'S HAIR RESTORER, I I L-AME (La May) FACE POWDER. PYORRHOCIDE POWDER ... 71c 44 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 Eg , HEART REMEDY 75c S l ' l9 I V 19c, 39c LYON'S TOOTH POWDER .. 16c Havana Ribbon 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 HEAKI REMEUY •••• ? 5c MONTGOMERY HAIR RESTORER I WOODBURY FACE POWDER, 18c SANITOL TOOTH POWDER .. 19c Knuirs Ambrosia 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 ?* ?* S Q Jin ' 79 < I VELASKA FACE POWDER ... 43c EUTHYMOL TOOTH POWDER, 1.7 c white Statue 9 for 50c; 50 for $2.59 9Bc GRAHAM ' S HAIR COLOR ' e 8 PETALAS FACE POWDER ... 53c GRAVES' TOOTH POWDER .. 17c RUSSEL S EMULSION 98c SLIS I GARDEN FRAGRANCE POWDER. KALEPHENO TOOTH POWDER. D ° n Abll ° 9 for 50c; 50c for $2.59 PASTOR KOENIG TONIC 79c Q-BAN RESTORER 45c | UAKIJU.IN fK/twiv 3Qc igc LaA finidad 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 SLOAN'S LINIMENT .. 19c, 39c, 79c HERPICIDE 43c, 79c I FIANCEE FACE POWDER .... 79c COLGATE TOOTH POWDER, Henrietta 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 BROMO SELTZER 73c WILD ROOT HAIR TONIC, 43c, 79c ■ WALTZ DREAM FACE POWDER, 15c, 25c Girard 3 for 25c; 50 for $3.95 ANGIER S EMULSION .... 43c, 83c DAMSCHINSKY DYE 39c, 53c I 79c CALOX TOOTH POWDER .. 17c Adlon 3f• 25 sn f 553 05 CREOTERPIN ( p INT) 83c BROWNETONE 27c, 89c I PUSSYWILLOW FACE POWDER, LISTERINE TOOTH POWDER, 19c weddine Veil 3 for 25c •5n for S3 05 WAMPOLE ' S GG D LIVER .... 60c WALNTITTA 39c 39c Am .J n GUDE'S PEPTOMANGAN 94c BUCKINGHAM'S DYE 53c I POMPEIAN FACE POWDER .. 39c P 3 lor 25c- 50 for $3 95 GLYC ° THVMOLINE ' "><=• 39c, 79c I LA BLACHE FACE POWDER, 42c Sanchcr & Haya 3 lor 25c, 50 lor $3.95 LISXERINE 18c 3?Ci 67c LYSOL 19c, 38c, 75c YYTTVFT , I\/TI7TVr , T , C WOODBURY'S SOAP iBc Household Necessities LAVORIS 19c, 38c, 75c Uli\ llvlli.iN la TOILET CREAMS RESINOL SOAP ISC 60c Writto p HEPATCT INE 73c ANALGIC BAUME < EEE NCH), 43C POSLAM SOAP, 2 for 37c „ ** ™ c, AT i J A NALGIC BALM (PARK-DAVIS), | L-AME (La May) CREAM 28c PALMER'S SKIN SOAP, 2 for .. 37c Malena Pills 12c JAD S SALTS 50c 43c I ARA-MARA CREAM 39c GERMICIDAL SOAP 17c 10c James' Headache Powders 5c ATWOOD'S BITTERS 18c K . Y. JELLY 17c I POND'S VANISHING CREAM, 30c COLGATE BIG BATH SOAP, 2 for 10c Sulphur Candles 5c CALIFORNIA SYRUP OF FIGS, 37c K ONDON'S CATARRH JELLY, 19c I POND'S COLD CREAM 30c 25c $1.50 Syrup of Hypophosphites 75c pE^LO^^S^YRUP^ FORKOLA 19c ' 59c I DE MERIDOR CREAM 31c COLGATE ELDER SOAP, 2 for 25c 30c Laxative Ouinine Tablet* 15r FtLLOWb bYRUP HYPO. ... $1.05 RES INOL OINTMENT 39c, 75c I STILLMAN'S FRECKLE CREAM, COLGATE PALM SOAP, 2 for 25c J k • f MUSTERINE 32c I 29c COLGATE ROUND SOAP, 3 for 25c 20c 2 °- Mule Team Borax ' lb l° c VICK'S SALVE 19c, 39c I OTHENE, DOUBLE STRENGTH, JERGEN'S GLYCERINE, 3 for .. 25c 15c Alpine Tea 7c pjT T C ATYTI TARTTTTQ MUSTEROLE 19c 39c c £ ■ ill - p — PILLS AND TABLETS ME nthol AT u„ ::::::::: ££ I KINTHO CREAM. . ' CASTILE SOAP, 3 for 25c 35c Molle Shaving Cream 17c PAPE'S DIAPEPSIN 30c SASSAFOLA 17c I ELMO CUCUMBER OKEAM .. joc pEAR g g OAp (unscented ) 14c 2 5c Swandown Face Powder 12c NUXATED IRON 63c CUTICURA OINTMENT ... 19c, 34c I ELCA \lfv E , A L'r'rm ' LIFE BU ° Y S ° AP ' 2 £ ° r 130 35c Magic Corn Remedy ...17c BLISS NATIVE HERBS POSLAM *'• I WOODBURY S FACE CREAM, 17c r nE WITT > S KIDNEY PILLS .. 32c I PALMOLIVE COLD CREAM .. 33c 10c Sulphur Cream Tartar Loz 5c BEECHAM ' S PILLS 17c I PALMOLIVE VANISHING ... 33c QWAATPOO 5C Llf<s Savcrs 3c DOAN'E KIDNEY PILLS 40c TJrkTV/TT? CTTT>DT TTTC I RIKER'S VIOLET CERATE ... 43c onA-UIUU oUAIo 35c Haarlem Oil Capsules 17c NATURE'S REMEDY, 17c, 34c, 67c xlvJlVlrj SUI £ LilliiO I CREAM26c CANTHROX 43c 75c Sage & Sulphur Hair Remedy i 37c BITRO-PHOSPHATES 73c GLYCERINE, 8-OZ 43c I SANITOL COLD CREAM 23c LIQUIFIED COCOANUT OIL .. 39c $l.OO Nux and Iron Tablets 49c WENDALL'S AMBITION PILLS, WATER GLASS, QUART 30c I SANITOL FACE CREAM _•••••• 23 c pA rK? R .g C Li <^iD U TAR IL 39c slo ° p eptonized Iron Tablets 49c __ ____. GLYC. ROSE WATER, 4-OZ. .. 19c I HUDNUT'S MARV. COLD CREAM, PACKERS LIQUID TAR 39c * PERUNA TABLETS 39c _ TOTTTr . u-o it $$ c.i I 39 c LIQUID PINE TAR 39c 10c Olive Tablets 5c MARMOLA TABLETS 39c "QUID VENEER 17c, 34c, 67c I HUDNUT'S COLD CREAM, tubes |YNOL SOAP . . .19c, 3Sc Glycerine Suppositories 17c OIL KOREIN CAPSULES 79c CARBONA 13 19 C ' 39° I HUDNUT'S ORIGINAL CERATE, FLUFF 21c M^en 4 5° PIERCES PRESCRIPTION ••• 39c LUX 2 PACKAGES .....20c 9 49c 10c Malena Salve 5c PI E RCE'S ANURIC 39c, 79c B ORAX SOAP CHIPS. 2 FOR .. 23c HUDNUT'S CREME VIOLET SEC., ————— 6c Luden s Cough Drops 1 3c ioo 5-GR. CASCARA TABLETS, 39c BORAX, 2 POUNDS 20c 48c twit T7" rp wAT'TrOC 25 ° Carter ' s Liver Pills 12c 100 5-GR. ASOFOETIDA 79c BORIC ACID, 8-OZ 13c lUI-LiLil WAJLiiilfo 30c Blaud's Iron Pills .. 17c ioo 5-GR. BAYER ASPIRIN TAB. 80c BLACK FLAG 13c, 21c PINAUD'S LILAC ?5c 75c Papain Comp. Tablets 37c 10 0 ALOPHEN PILLS 53c DIAMOND DYES, 3 FOR 25c TALCUM POWDERS FIANCEE $2.05 35c Peroxide of Hydrogen 17c 10 0 PEPTONIED IRON TABS., 79c DYOLA DYES, 3 FOR 25c AZUREA VEGETALE $1.19 25c Sassafola 12c i O O LAPACTIC 25c PUTNAM DYES, 3 FOR 25c MARY <^?l I SJL TALCUM "" FORMYF i!'?o 50c Milk of Ma g nesia 25c PIERCE'S PELLETS 17c STERNO HEAT, 3 FOR 25c TALCUM 19c FLORMYE TOILETTE".'.'.'.'.*.* SL9B 15c German's Roach Food 7c AWARDS' OLIVE TABLETS, 17c SOAP DYES 5c JOHNSON'S TALCUM 13c DJER-KISS VEGETALE $1.19 25c Foot Tablets 12c BELL-ANS 17c, 45c ABSORBENT COTTON, POUND, BUTTERFLY TALCUM 17c KITTY GORDON $1.19 50c Cocoanut Oil Shampoo 25c MILES' PAIN PILLS 21c, 79c 43c BABCOCK CORYLOPSIS TALCUM, MARY GARDEN $2.98 25c McNeil's Liver Pills 12c HAARLEM OIL CAPSULES . . 23c PEROXIDE, PINT 17c 14c MARY GARDEN $4.19 2 5c Lilly's Tooth Paste 12c SANI-FLUSH 19c BABCOCK CUT ROSE TALCUM, 14c 50c Lithia Tablets, 5 gr :5c CREOLIN (PINT) 69c 9!! 50c Hobson's Ointment -5c CONKEY'S LICE POWDER .... 19c LADY MARY TALCUM .'39 c Miscellaneous Items 50c Lilly's Tooth Paste 25c FOR MEN SULPHUR CANDLES, 6 FOR .. 25c I DJER-KISS TALCUM 29c 25c Babcock's Talcum Powder 12c ATTPrr . STonD r, T *nir<! 3Qr ————— HIGH JINKS TALCUM 59c MERCOLIZED WAX 63c 25c Writing Paper 12c 6 AUT ° STROF BEAUiii > Du 00° DELATONE 63c 25c Cucumber Cream 12c 00 GILETTE R A ZOR $6.79 T?OT? TUF RATtV HUBIGANT S TALCUM 83c E l RADO 37c, 69c 10c D & R Cold Cream 5c 55.00 GILLETTE RAZOR $3.75 TUK IUK dAdI - DE MERIDOR LIQUID POWDER * 9c t J r P t^c p cncils 5c 5 GILLETTE BLADES 39c HORLICK'S MALTED MILK, 37c 25c Albolene Cold Cream 12c 12 GILLETTE BLADES 79c 38c, 73c, $2.70 LIQUID AND DRY ORIENTAL CREAM $1.05 35c Slid lodine 23c $l.OO GEM RAZOR 79c BORDEN'S MALTED MILK, EPTOL 39c 15c Anolax 7c 7 GEM BLADES 39c 39c, 77c, $2.75 KUUItHiO ZINTONE 39c 30c Anolax 15c $lOO bvER-READY RAZOR .. 79c MELLEN'S FOOD-2 75c JARS, $1.05 AUBREY SISTERS' TINT 24c NEUROXINE 39c 25c Mosc l uitone J 2c 5 EVER-READY BLADES 27c NESTEL S FOOD .. 49c AND $2.49 DORIN LIQUID ROUGE 19c EGGOL 19c 25c Froscolone 12c 5 DURHAM BLADES 39c -ASTORIA 23c DORIN 1249 39c HENNA SAN 39c, 79c 25c Pinotol, 3 oz 12c 16 OZ. IMPORTED BAY RUM .. 83c IMPERIAL GRANIUM 85c MARY GARDEN ROUGE 43c USIT WRINKLE CHASER .... 35c 35c Corylopsis Talcum 17c PINAUD'S LILAC 75c JSKAY'S FOOD $2.79 Razor Blade Sharpeners 'WJF 1 *H W PINAUD'S ™ Kennedy Sells It Cheaper (for Gillette Blades) JL STAG s1 A 2 QO 1 TV/f ApL At Ct PINAUD'S HAIR TONIC (all blades) M. t'-t d. 1 IVvt LJ 8-OZ., 98c —15Vi-OZ., $1.68 ■M a. Mrs. William Hampton and daugh ter, Miss Ix>uise, of Pittsburgh, are visiting the former's mother, Mr*. J. W. ncwalt. North Union street, for some time. The Junior Red Cross, of town, are offering prizes to the children who kill the most flies and will pay Ave cents a pint and is in charge of Miss Annie Bletz. who will be at | the High school building every Thursday afternoon. Bayuk Bros., of Philadelphia, have purchased the three-story brick building in Water street, between Spring and Catherine streets, which was used at one time by the Rife Bros, for an office when they con ducted the tannery business in "town and later by Joseph Brandt for a laundry from Henry Rire, of Phila- delphia, who will turn same into a cigar factory. The sale was made through Reai Estate Agent John W. Metzgar. Sergeant Erwln S. Shiley, who served five years in the Fourth Field Artillery, was discharged at Camp Stanley and has again re-enlisted in the service for one more year, but at present is spending a month's furlough in town with his mother, who resides with her daughter, Mrs. Miller, Ann street. The automobile of Clayton Keefer, and one of the auto trucks of Whit man-Schwarz Co., of Harrisburg, collided at Wood and Market streets. Little damage was done to Kelfer's car. The truck had several rods knocked out of place and several springs broken. Neither of the oc cupants of the cars was Injured. t 4 I WR mil "DARIJMC- NOUXTKKT ROUGE. ISctm J <£%y ... klar J 7
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers