STORE, C L° SES STORE CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX REI.L 1891—235 UNITED HARRISBURG, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1910. FOUNDED IS7I I "How Can IVe Helpfully j Serve YOU Todayf" That is the attitude of mind of the entire per sonnel of this store every morning; in refer ence to every person in this community. This store exists for Public SERVICE. It is filled with the things that people need or would enjoy having. It gathers them, displays them, sends them to your home —all at the fair * est prices. It also serves the industries of the Nation, be cause it is a national Distributor of manufactured products. So this store becomes the exposition, for this community, of the useful and desirable things made all over our country as well as things that come from abroad. Thus we aid universal prosperity, by our broad service in selling what the workers create, and we cater to your comfort and happiness by mak ing everything you desire easily available for you. "How can we helpfully SERVE YOU today?" Serviceable Oxfords For Women Moderately Priced Substantial and at the same time, trim and graceful are these oxfords ([ n w* which are splendid / wearing. The va riety of lasts will enable us to fit you comfortably. Con 7/jP s ' de Y* e st y le > y° ull be getting a brst class value. Women's Pumps * anc j Oxfords mod erately priced. Women's Black Kid Oxfords with military heels; $6.95 and $7.45. Women's Gun Metal Oxfords with military heels; $6.95 and $7.50 Women's Tan Calfskin Oxfords with military heels; $7.50 to $8.50 BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. Women's Knit Vests 35c, 3 For $l.OO A special purchase of a fine lot of women's light weight knit vests for this occasion; made low neck and bodices sleeveless, trimmed in white and pink; 35c or 3 for $l.OO BOWMAN'S—Mam Floor. Saturday Specials In Silks, Dress Goods, Wash Goods Silks —36 and 40-inch Foulards, medium and dark grounds with beautiful designs for smart apparel; yd., $1.89 36-inch Fancy Silks in an endless variety of plaids and stripes in fine color combinations; yd., $1.69 Dress Goods —54-inch All Wool Jersey, 10 good shades to select from; yd., $2.50 40-inch Silk and Wool crepes in a good line of colors; yd., $1.59 Wash Goods —3B and 40-inch Fancy Printed Voiles in a large assortment of neat styles; yd., 48c 42-inch Plain Voiles; good line of seasonable shades; yd., 48c 36-inch Repcords, Silk and Cotton in plain and fancy weaves; good color line; yd., 89c 32-inch Finest grade American and Foreign Ging hams; extensive line of smart plaids and stripes; also plain shades; yd., 59c BOW MAN'S—Main Floor. % ... i FRIDAY EVENING, Hahjubborg Us&i3sl TEUEGKXPH JUNE 20,1919. iM ci earance Prices | About 75 suits will be sold tomorrow at such sharp price re ductions that you will be glad to own one at the price. i Included are many of the season's most popular styles all J fL good desirable garments. Mostly serges but some checks, tweeds r}? <;• |Q and a num ber of excellent high class models in poiret twills and" I tricotines. [lf In Four Groups Tomorrow At , r \§ $l5 $2O $3O $5O X W BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. Men's Union Suits, 95c Children's Stamped Men's Cross Bar Nainsook union suits of a At- £1 fine quality; made full and strong; a full range CjjCj J|JCLidl /i.L of sizes; 95c BOWMAN'S—MAIN FLOOR. What is prettier than to see children dressed in something distinctive, garments that show Children's Pumps & Oxfords that gives the touch of difference. The art de- I partment has many suggestions for those who Children's Pumps and Oxfords in all leathers, have the time and inclination to do embroidery priced according to size. work. For tomorrow we suggest: We sell the genuine Ked tennis shoes, pumps and Children's stamped pique dresses in sizes 4 oxfords for women and children. and 6; $1.39 Imitation filet scarfs; 29c I BOWMAN'S —Main Floor. | You Will Lose The Beautiful Lines 1 I Of Your Figure Unless Nature I I Is Helped To Maintain Them | jgj Nature does very little of her own accord We have found the Redfern wonderfully unless wisely assisted. We see this illustrated adapted to the gentle art of figure-moulding. 11l every day in our fitting rooms in figures that They are so shaped that they will mould the 11$ have lost their lines through wearing the figure into the most graceful and lovely lines! |U S3 wrnnc E Y er y model 15 desl £ ned on a perfectly pro- kH sffl 8 ' portioned figure—so there is a style designed Ly Fortunately, the framework of your body for a figure of your type, one that'will in time II does not change. It is merely the unresisting mould your figure into the perfectly propor- 11 H| flesh that has assumed ugly contours. tioned lines on which the corset is designed. jig BOWMAN'S— Second Floor. (JJ h a mwHwunn n u ti a a u BTiwrinnrrnw if n"limiffilllffff \ ii ii r 11liliiiiiiiiMiiii Twenty-Five Per Cent Reduction. Hair Goods Clearance Continues Come in and select any hair piece from our regular stock and pay 25% less than the price it is marked. Our experts will see (£¥ooWfiiw that you get an exact match to your own hair. Special values in Switches at $2.25, $2.60 and $2.95 x V BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. A Special Demonstration Domestic Science Fireless Cook Stoves Monday, June 23d Miss May B. Alrich, from the Toledo Cooker Co., will be here Monday to demonstrate the ad vantages of this fireless cooker system, especially for summer days. Every housewife should be interested in this mod ern system of cookery that is economical and adds to the comfort of home. BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor s For Tn-niorrow 85c, $l.lB, $1.35 One 14-inch boot silk stocking (selected seconds) They have a flexible lisle top and lisle foot with re inforced toe and heel. Full fashioned, made from pure thread silk. Included in this sale are some whites in firsts, also 14-inch boot silk, 85c. One lot of white and black silk stockings with lisle top and foot, full fashioned with reinforced toe and heel, in black and white. Good seconds, very special at $l.lB. Another lot of silk stockings in black and white, medium in weight; also excellent seconds in full fashioned hosierv. Special in this sale, $1.35. "BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Dainty New Undermuslins What a wonderful assortment of these dainty new creations we have to present to you for selection ! Within it is arranged in separate groups, every little underneedful you could pos sibly possess a whim for. Plainly finished or elaborately trimmed styles in nightgowns, chemises, covers, drawers, pajamas, petticoats, etc. Dainty Silk Undergarments of ex quisite satin and crepe de chine. Envelope chemise in plain and trimmed, $2.98 to $10.98. Beautiful quality crepe de chine and satin gowns in plain and lace trimmed, $5.98 to $17.98. Silk Bloomers, plain and georgette trimmed, $2.98 to $6.98. Camisoles in flesh, white crepe de chine and wash satin. These camisoles come in a variety of styles, $1.25 to $3.98. We have a variety of charming and attractive boudoir caps; all colors and styles, 50c to $3.98. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Beads And Stamped Work And Beautiful Yarns We admire the col ors of the rainbow! things in our Art De green, yellow, orange |j|lj to red and many other '■ H-SBF shades. In chalk, Wtl glass, iridescent. The most complete assort ment of beads that can be found any where else m the city. If the particular bead you wish, can not be found in this department, we are confident you will not be able to find it in the city. Iridescent, glass, etc.; 15c to 69c bunch Large white chalk beads; 15c bottle Portiere beads in green, gold, blue and red; 19c and 25c bunch. Bead looms for making belts, necklaces, etc.; 75c Bead needles; lc and 2c Stamped center pieces, cushions, scarfs, luncheon sets, towels and many other articles in floral, butter fly, Oriental, etc., designs; 15c to $2.25 Embroidering cotton for completing the above in all shades in silk and mercerized. A full line of yarns in any desirable shade in Ger mantown, Knitting Worsted, Shetland, Zephyr and Silk Shetland, Vicune and Thistledown. A sport sweater is never out of the Summer girl's wardrobe; without it, the wardrobe is not complete. 40c to 65c ball. " BOWMAN'S—Second Float, / ? . 3
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