10 Union Labor Strangles Bolshevism "For the first time in many years the extreme waving in this coimtry or Canada confirms liis belief all that Bolsheviki, L W. W.'s or kindred gentry wilii radical groups wliich have always contributed the that "Union labor is in the hands of unscrupulous not he tolerated." most noise and a great deal of mischief, pitch their men whose political, social and economic principles or an en ligl lten i n g account of the latent phases J1 „ 1 TVT xr 1 j nr .i | „ T • im t , „ of the struggle in the labor world between radical-1 songs in a subdued key, according to the New York stand on all fours with those of Lemne and Trotzky, ism and conservatism you should read the leading . World correspondent at the American Federation the evidences of conservatism at the Convention are article in THE LITERARY DIGEST for June 21st. of Labor Convention at Atlantic City. many. For instance, the President of the Boiler- It presents the subject from all angles. Wlnle a Buffalo editor declares that every da\ makers and Iron Shipbuilders Union has sent out an Other important news-articles in this fine num-1 %ome new strike, or bomb explosion, or red-flag order to local unions which, he says, "serves notice on berare: How Hickson Heals By "Laying On of Hands" An Account of the Methods and Results of the English Christian Healer of Trinity Church, New York Republican Effort to Split the Treaty The Dutch View of Giving up the Kaiser Hog Island Vindicated The Senate's "Boost" for Ireland Where American Dead Are Buried in the Argonne The Suffragists' Last Campaign (With Map) Mr. Burleson Returns the Wires I Germany's Food Conditions Hans Dorten's Little Rhenish Republic British Praise for Sims Ominous Days in Italy Has Coal Any Bearing on Morals? Caves Lined With Red Ore America Now Makes Good Optical Glass Curbing a River With a Steel Skeleton Walt Whitman Lemordant, the Blinded Painter Speaking American in English Rome and Athens on Church Unity The Letts in the United States The Best of the Current Poetry Many Striking Illustrations, Including Humorous Cartoons y THE PEOPLE WHO READ "THE DIGEST" y The best test of any periodical is the class of its readers. Character in a pie who read THE LITERARY DIGEST. They are the best type. They magazine or a newspaper attracts men and women of standing and judg- buy Th 6 Digest because they know it is accurate, impartial, wholesome, ment as inevitably as a flower draws the bee, and for the same reason. It comprehensive and up-to-date, because they can take it home to their chil suits their taste. Glance around you in the train, on the street cars, in dren with confidence, and because it covers the world's news as no other hotel-lobbies, wherever your fellow-humans congregate, and note the peo- periodical does. Are you with them? B, June 21st Number on Sale Today—All News-dealers—lo Cents ® Thefiterdry Digest ® . If a news-dealer is inaccessible, send us \ M If yoa r news-dealer is sold out, he will $4.00 for a yearly subscription (52 num- accept your subscription at $4.00 per year ' bers) to commence with June 21st number. FUNK & WAGNALLS COMPANY (Publishers of the Famous NEW Standard Dictionary) NEW, YORK to commence with June 21st issue, u FRIDAY EVENING, HARJtISBTTRGtdSjS&t TEEEGHXPEC
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