YANKEE TROUPE CLEANUP AGAIN Gets Big Approval at the Or pheum Theater Last Night The Twenty-eighth Division the atrical troupe "went over the top" again at the Orpheum Theater last night, and when the curtain dropped at the end of the performance there was an air of certainty in the audi ence that the Yankees can entertain just as well as they can fight. This j interesting group of entertainers, all j men masked as women, will appear j again to-night. The forest stage setting which was used all the time during the four j months' tour in France was ob- 1 tained in Briey from a theater which J had been used by the Germans, and ( the foundation of material on which' the painting was done was made of. twisted paper instead of burlap,' showing the scarcity of cloth goods j and at the same time the ingenuity) of our late foe. This setting along; with the piano, which was taken from the Crown Prince's dugout at Mont Sec. was carried from place to | place in Army trucks and it waS| necessary for the members of the troupe to do their own bagage hus- ; tling. During their four months of real barnstorming they played two fe-1 turn engagements at Neufchateau which was the headquarters for the j advance section of the S. O. S. They i then went to Vitell, a famous French; summer resort, where there are j many natural springs, large, beautl- | ful hotels and gaming establish ments; while there they played inj the Casino, where it is said Gaby Deslys danced for King Manuel. In | Nancy, which is considered by most i of the French as a small Paris, the show played one night in the large operahouse and two nights in the Y. W. C. A hotel. In Toul they played three nights in the Comedie Theater to packed houses, and at Chaumont, where they put on one performance for A. E. F. Headquarters, their show was pro nounced the best in France. At the American embarkation center in Be Mans the show played for two weeks and shortly before leaving France they played a full week at St. N&- zaire in the large Salvation Army Auditorium, which seated 2,500 per sons. Commencement Week at I Lock Haven Normal School Ixx'k Haven, Fa, June 14.—Com mencement week at the Central State | Normal school at Lock Haven will! begin June 20, when the junior) oratorical contest will be held in the ] chapel. On Juno 21 the ntusie de partment will have its graduating ] exercises in the chapel at 8.15 o'clock] and Sunday afternoon, Juno 22, the] baccalaureate sermon will be deliv-1 ered to the graduating class at 3 j o'clock, by the Rev. Wilmot D. J Gateson, rector of Trinity Episcopal! church, Williamsport. At 6.30 o'clock| Sunday evening the vesper service) will be held. Monday afternoon the field sports] will be held on the athletic field and ; tennis courts at 2 o'clock, that even- i ing the senior class play will be!' •- given in 4j)c elmfolt • " ®* A \Y. Grant Gli'Jabefs, 'dedn of they school of education, University of, Pittsburgh, will deliver the com- j mencemcnt address to the graduating ! class Wednesday morning, June 25. Class and alumni day will occur June 24. The senior class exercises will be held in the chapel at 9.30 o'clock in the morning. At 1 o'clock the class ivy will be planted on the campus. From 2 o'clock until 4 o'clock the various reunions of the' classes will be held in the different] rooms of the school. Principal and Mrs. Charles Lose) will tender a reception at their home ' t othe alumni at 4 o'clock. At 6 o'clock a business meeting of the! Alumni will be held in the school i chapel. Weather permitting at 6.30 ! o'clock a pageant of thq various) c'asses will be held on the campus.' The banquet which will begin at 7.30 i o'clock, will be held in the school ! diningroom. Immediately after the: Alumni promenade will be held in j the gymnasir n. The Alumni officers are: President.! Principal Charles S. Davis, Steelton; 1 vice-president, Ives L. Harvey, Belle-) fonte; treasurer. Principal George; A. Mincemoyer. Renovo: secretary.; Miss Edna D. Rich. Lock Haven. | There is also an alumni association | executive committee, consisting of; George A. Mincemoyer, Renovo: j Miss Mattie Collins, of the Normal j Fchool; Miss Estella Wagner and C.I E. Donahue, of Lock Haven, and I H. A. Sterner, Williamsport. TNJrRED MAX IMPROVING Marietta. Pa, June 14.—Leonard ] R. Carroll, of Marietta, who was 1 severely hurt fifteen weeks ago at j the Marietta storage yards, and has j Since been confined to the Columbia Hospital, is now able to walk with the aid of orutehes. He expects to j come to Marietta within a short I time. The Automobile Club of America and the Pratt Institute of Brooklyn tested the Esta Water Auxiliator and both these famous testing labratories reported in favor of the Esta Water Auxiliator. Esta Water Auxiliator is one of the best and most economical automobile appliances on the market. It keeps your car free from carbon; gives it increased power and speed and adds miles to the amount of gasoline used. Call at our store and see it or write for booklet. W. R. MOHNEY & SON EASTERN PEN!*. DISTRIBUTORS I KIO X. THIRD ST. H VRRISBL'RG J \Y'• can pivo cxcliiKhe territory to live dealer* nnd lucent* In Union, Snyder, •luuhitn, Mlfllln, Perry. Cumberland. AIIXIIIIM, Vortliumberlnnd, ! Dauphin, 1 ark. I.ebunon, lam-nater RIHI other Eiutrrn I'ciinNyhunlu i SATURDAY "EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH DIRECTORY Of Leading Automobile and Accessory Firms of Harrisburg, Pa. Arrccnnr Wmicec Brown Motor Car Co., J- I* Wicbley, Myers Motor Sales Co., Accessory nouses. "Norwalk* -Franklin- "Nash" . M. Brenner ft Sons Motor Co. 810 N. Third St. 4th and Chestnut Sts. 12 io p e nn St 1702 Third St Conover Motor Co., Motor C ar Andrew Redmond, Black's Oarage, "Case," "Elcar," "White," „ "Vim" 205 & 17th St "Hupmoblle." _ .. 231 N- Second St. Third & Reily Sts. Front-Market Motor Supply Co. 1334 Howard St Radiator Repairing Rex Garage & Supply Co., 109 Market St (Wholesale) Drlscoll Auto Co, Auto Radiator Co., "Velie" P. H. Keboch, "Chevrolet," 123 S. Cameron St 1917 N. Third St 111 Market St uth & Mu iberry Sts. Truck Dealers Williams Motor Co., m°Market e Bt °' C ' M "kS" & SOna M ° tor C °" "*°Tn. Second St E Walnut 'st 121 s - Th,rd st - Thlrd & Hamilton. Sunshine Garage, Sterling Auto Tire Co.. Dauphin Motor Cur Co., 1 " C °" 2* N. Cameron St., 107 s - Second St "Oakland," Third St Selden Truck Distributors, Square Deal Auto Supply Co, 11 s. Third St Crisnen Motor Car Co "Selden" 1214 Third St. Fishman Motor Co, "International" 1017-25 Market St. Standard Auto Supply Co, "Paige" 102 Market RL . „ . 113 Market St 110 Chestnut St Conover Motor Co Repair Stations Myers Accessory House, „ „ , „ , „ „ otor co " ... llth and Mulberry St Gomery-Schwarts Motor Co, White Bill's Garage. "Hudson," "Essex" 1334 Howard St. 1801 Susquehanna St Auto Painting 1 16 Market St Chestnut St. Hardware and Motor Federick's Garage, Harrisburg Auto Co, Truck Co, Rayfield Carburetors, C ' "T c , i "Reo" "Giant" 1808 N. 7th St 1137 Mulberry bt- Fourth & KelketSts. 211 Chestnut St and Chelsea Auto Wrecking Co, Aiitnmnkilr 'srhnrilg Hagerling Motor Co, 17th and Chestnut Streets. 24 N. llth St. AUtomODlie ocnoois. "Premier," "Pilot," "Saxon" Denby Sales Corp. Rettbcrg Bros. Auto TransportaUon School. H35 Mulberry St. "Denby" Steelton. 260 S. Front St, Steelton. Keystone Motor Car Co, „ , "M Capital St M. L. Cole. Batterv Dealers "Peerless," "Dodge," i U V?. N. Cameron St tsatrery ueaiers "Chalmers." "Chevrolet" West Shore Auto Co, Diamond Grid Battery Co, 57 S. Cameron St L lU lr- & Mul £? r, 7 Sts ' Wormleysburg, Pa. St Keystone Sales Co, ' ' Tires and Vulcanizing Excelsior Auto Co, "Exido" Kirk'&Ochs, ' • Flshmtn Harrisburg Auto Co, llth and Mulberry Sts. ,^ m . an "Firestone" Electra Garage, "Gould" ft 4th & Kelker. Evergreen and Thompson. o Thfrf st tj= i ? Fourth St- Black's Garage, Front-Market Motor Supply Co, U1 S. Thi d St Harrisburg Auto Co, Vulcanizing. "Willard," 109 Market St Miller Auto Co, Reo, Duplex, Hurlburt Dauphin Tire Service Co, Frank C. Seiber, "U. S. L." "Maxwell." "Oldsmobile" and 4th & kelker Sts. 206 North Second St River Ave. and Faxton. "Haynes." Harrisburg Welding & Machine Kevston© Sales Co, The Fishman Garage Co, Inc. 68 S. Cameron St A 108 Market St "Eveready," 4th and Chestnut Monn Bros, Ar ™' eae , Square Deal Auto Supply Co, . . "Crow-Elkhart" 92 =. Cameron St 1210 N Third S't Curtain and Top Repairing 13th & Thompson. Hager ing Motor Car Co, Firestone Tire and Rubber Co. C A Fair M. L. Mumma, Kelly-Springfield Wholesale. 1127 Miilhcrrv St "Studebaker" 1135 Mulberry St P H Keboch, 1181 Mulberry St. Third and Reily. Gomery-Schwartz Motor Co, * n j Market gt Electrical Equipment Myers Motor Sales Co, "Stewart" 210 N Second st- Arthur P. Myers, "Nash' 116 Marl f et _ Myers Accessory House, 109 Market St (Second Floor.) 1210 Penn St. Keystone Motor Car Co, mh & Mu i berry . flarap-ps Overland-Harrisburg Co, "Dodge," "G MC" R , r p e fv er Cam,™ st "■.•SiSSS "OS s 17th St 212 s<?cond St. ,Vii a ■' • Lemoyne, Pa. It 0 "' M ° tor C °- Pa "Packard° tor °" C °" Sts. and C ° ' Harrisburg Auto Co, 101 -Market St ISI1 S1 „ S £ U °\ Third Street "Too g Second St. 16 e t r h y and a wlmut Third and Reily Sts. 212 N. Second St Vulcanizing. The Fishman Garage Co, Inc., R " G? rag ®, & f upply Co " "Parkard" 131 S ' Third St Co, J St St tlniUd States Tire and Rubber p 1917 St " J " Stephens "six" Co, Passenger Cars Chester Taylor & Co, 38 &• Cameron St m 7 x. Third St American Auto Co, "Standard Eight" Monn Bros, Ward's Garage, "American Six" 17th and Derry Streets. "Day-Elder, "Sanford,' isth and chestnut Sts. Front and Forster Sts. 3rd & Cumberland Sts. 13th & Thompson. TTc#.d Care and Parts M. Brenner & Sons Motor Co, George P. Zee-k, M. L. Mumma, usec * CaPS an ° " „ „ "Briscoe" "Kissell" "Buick" "Stiidebaker," "Brockway" Chelsea Auto Wrecking Co, TOlrd &11 amH ton Sts, 25 S. River Ave. Third & Reily. I 24 N. Cameron .St. Entertain at Dinner at Paxtang Park Mr. and Mrs. William Parks, of Kelker street, gave a dinner Thurs day at Paxtang Park to the follow ing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schlayer, Mr. and Mrs. T. Shaffer, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Carter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Albright, Mr. and Mrs. Swovelin, Mr. and Mrs. Handshoe, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. Lutz, Mrs. ,Be£R,3Ji'- Sinfpsoh, Private Dexter G. Sheraw, Private Edward Hofficher, Frank Sullivan, Jay Lutz, Forrest Phileppela, Harry Rice, Harry Swol evin, "Bobbie" Schlayer, Mary Thomas, Esther Beck; Margaret Scott, Bessie Sullivan, Agn&s Cul hane, Gertrude Culhane. Geraldine Albright. Marie Parks, Theresa Parks, Helene Carter, Mary Eliza beth Schlayer, Miriam Flickinger, Mrs. Elizabeth K. Sullivan. TAX RATE 12 MILLS Y'ork Haven, Pa, June 14. Teachers were elected for the 1919- 20 term, their salaries in-creased 15.38 per cent, and the tax rate fixed at 12 mills, by the York Haven school board, at a special and busy session on Thursday night. The teachers elected are: Robert A. Shupp, Newberrytown, principal; Miss H. Mabel Hane. Sunbury; Miss Rosa Lentz, York Haven. Miss Ar give Warren, Goldsboro, grade teach ers. Wyatt Stroman was elected janitor ar.-d truant officer. An eight month term was fixed, to open on Tuesday, September 2. Supplies were purchased for the approaching term. New text books were adopted. S lot FOR BOY' SCOUTS Y'ork Haven, Pa, June 14.—The sum of $4 54 has been subscribed by the officials and employes of the York Haven Paper Company to the Boy Scout campaign, it was an nounced yesterday, after a canvass of that plan* had been completed. A similar drive is being made by the York Haven Water and Power Com pany and the McGready and Krout Coal Dredging firm, while a house to-house canvass is being made in the borough. Chairman J. E. Shearer is elated with the results attained here thus far. More sur prising results are expected by the time the campaign TO MOTORIZE APPARATUS York Haven, Pa, June 14.—1t has been definitely decided to motorize the fire apparatus of Susquehanna Fire Company, of York Haven. This action was taken at a recent and joint meeting of the borough coun cil and fire company. H. W. Stokes, Philadelphia, president of the Y'ork Haven Paper Company, was present at the meeting. An Army truck will likely be purchased. Mr. Stokes will communicate with the government in an effort to buy one. CHILDREN'S DAY PROGRAM NewvllU', Pa, June 14.—GlUlUren's Day services will be held at the Church of God to-morrow morning at 10 o'clock and at the Presbyterian Church in the morning.—Charles L. Grimm has been appointed Justice of the Peace to fill the vacancy caused by the death of George P. James.— Dr. and Mrs. F. W. McLaughlin and daughter, of Norristown, weje guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. Lynn Elliott on Wednesday and Thursday. BIBLE CLASS AT GETZ HOME MeehnnicMhnrg, Fa, June 14—About fiftey members and friends of the All at Work Bible class of the Church of God Sunday School, were enter tained at the home of Mrs. Ira Getz, east of town, in Hampden township, on Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Morris K. Sultzaberger, of West Main street, is teacher of the class. Refresh ments were served by the hostess. BROOKLYN MINISTER TO PREACH Mcchnnlcsliurg, Pa, June 14. To morrow the pulpit of the Methodist Episcopal Church will be occupied by the Rev. Dr. Frederick F. Shan non, of Brooklyn Heights. N. Y. In the evening the service will be held at 8 o'clock. The real pleasures of motoring lies in the condition of your tires In starting on a tour, practically the only worry to mar your pleasure is the thought that you may have tire trou ble. But this isn't necessary if your tires have been repaired properly and are guaranteed to be in good running condi tion.. In our repair department, we endeavor to do the best quality work that expert repairmen and best qualities of material can do. Our specialties are I Repairing Retreading Vulcanizing Retreading is one of our specialties. We have the com < plete equipment to retread any size tire and can guarantee | complete satisfaction. Inquire about our reasonable price. TIRE EQUIPMENT AND ACCESSORIES i GOODYEAR, GOODRICH, FIRESTONE TIRES OUR MOTTO: "Complete Tire Service," "Complete Tire Satisfaction" ■ Dauphin Tire Service Co. ! 206 X. SECOXD ST. 1 I Pa. -ii mi ■ m 'vmtum if,,, if. TOgEorocPH: COW A LESCEXTS ENTERTAINED Slcchanicsbnrg, Pa, June 14.—Con valescent soldiers were delightfully entertained yesterday afternoon on the lawn at the home of J. Will Brandt, South Market street. They were brought from the General Army Hospital, No. 31 Carlisle, in ambu lances and enjoyed the hospitality of the people and the outing. Auto Battery Service Incomparable a When you have any Ja M Battery Troubles just call B j Bell 2677 or Dial 4870. I We are Battery Specialists I with an efficient service, in- B stantly. helpfully at your com- M mand. Our charge for caring for ■ your battery is nominal. Our B expert advice is yours for the B asking. fl We sell the GOULD Storage B Battery' with the Dreadnaught E Super-hard Plates. The Battery B you should use. Ask about it. Electric Gar? 2 e GERHART & YOUNG I Evergreen & Thompson Sts. Both Phones. "Bill's" Garage 1801 Susquehanna St. NOW OPEN ! Ford Car Repairing a Specialty ALL WORK GUARANTEED I i Luxury Without Extravagance THOUGH the Paige Essex is a large car, it is also an economical car—a thoroughly practical vehicle for the man who wishes to avoid excessive "upkeep" without sacrificing luxurious comfort and a vast range of power. I In brief it offers every advantage of the very high priced, high powered touring car—and none of the disadvantages. It is a superb motor car— an artistic achievement and a mechanical masterpiece. New Series Linwood "Six-39" Five-Passenger $1555 New Series Essex "Six-55" Seven-Passenger $2060 F. O. B. Detroit M PAIGE-PETROIT MOTOR CAR COMPANY. DETROIT. MICHIGAN Fishman Motors Company § Bell EDWARD FISHMAN, Mgr. Dial jE '£% 2789-R. 110 South Fourth St., Cor. Chestnut, Harrisburg, Pa. 6240 f/ffSi 'Jrm A Liberal Dealem Proposition for Mifflin, Perry, Juniata and Cumber land Counties t FIREMEN'S MEMORIAL SERVICE Sunbury, Pa., June 14. —Sunbury Volunteer Firemen's Association held Its annual memorial services for de parted members with a parade In which more than 1,500 men took part. There were three bands oi' music. A gold starred Hag with a star for every dead member this year, was a feature. A rose was pinned to each star. Major General Charles M. Y ou can safely rely on j | * the judgment of scores of the world's leading busi ness men to justify your selection of a Garford. * I ''Users Know" The Overland-llarrisburg Co j 212-214 NORTH SECOND STREET I______ YORK DR.WCHt Open livening* NEWPORT BRANCH! 128-130 West Market St. Hell -1370. Opposite P. R. It. Station ll] ) "JUKE 14, 1919. Clement, former commander of the 28 th Division, was the speaker. TOBACCO CROPS SOIiD Marietta, Pa.. Juno 14.—The 1918 crop of tobacco is moving fast and within a few days the majority of farmers will have disposed of thotr crops. The prices obtained were low compared with last year. There is more corn and potatoes being planted, which will reduce the aero- 11 age of tobacco to * least -erne fourth. SGHOOIi Oft OT7FCTQ Marietta, Pa., June 14.—Th school of Miss Addle Btauller Jour neyed to Chlckles Park and held an outing, which was highly enjoyed by all. Twelve comprised the party. -Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator—Ad
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