■ STORE SO >* STOEE . CLOSES SATURDAYS M T V CLOSES SATURDAYS . - JvMM/fISM/JfrkS AT six . BF.V.L IMI—UNITED . HtBRHTOBfc TIESDiy. JTSE 10, 1010. FOODED 1871 ANNIVERSARY SALE^||| vffi OSt °f ese re ew JHr That Have Not Been Advertised Before TOK Wf wytWrfxr J ust §^ ance over t^ie man y new articles of merchandise we announce for to-morrow's selling at Anniversary reductions. It is, indeed, \i3£f%r a pleasure to be able to present such values, and the way the public responds is evidence conclusive that the values we have announced ~g4(\wfßi- are a PP reci ated. A walk through the store yesterday, mingling with the throng of prudent buyers and observing how the active sales " * orce were wor^in 8 to t^ie utmost capacity to supply the demands, and a glance at the sales figures at the end of the day, which told of the fWlMi\ substantial increases over last year's sales —this proved without a shadow of doubt that the values given in the past created confidence in ' ' the anouncements of other sales. Even though comparative prices were not used, customers recognized the merit of the merchandise and the remarkable price reductions. — WASH GOODS DRESS GOODS Cherry Stoner . -- ffdp the Y Plisse Crepe Ottoman Cords and Satin Faced wcii known enterprise make. NOtC 171 Because 15,000 men in uniform have u 48th Anniversary Sale — tati'acU" a social and m "'" SrA n dv™ s a™y o saii! r 2 U ytrTs Henriettas bowman's BaaemcL of Saturday Because 10,129 men in uniform took BOWMAN s Main Floor. \FilldoW FloWd" Box • • t f oweu hower baths ' with free soap and Colored Suitings and Skirtings f a^r" c^^i? n e h nf n lSs dress ° r suiting 1 Night CloSlTlg °Because 24500 sheets of writing paper 36-inch; such as gabardines, Shantungs or 48th Anniversary Sale, yard $2.48 Made of metal; 48 inches long with irriga- was furnished free to men in uniform and beach cloth BOWMAN's —Main Floor. tion tray which keeps the soil 111 condition. \\ e are pleased that a majority of the free envelopes. Anniversary Sale, yard 48£ . . 48tb Anniversary Sale $2.48 merchants of Harrisburg at a meeting last j Because 3.099 men in uniform used cots BOWMAN'S Main Floor. Military Clotll BOWMAN'S—Basement evening voted in favor of closing their I set in gymnasium for the sum of twenty- _ , , ± • stores Saturdays at six. We hope the five cents per night, and 510 used the cots Fllie Linen FllUSll SuitUlff Window SorPPll movement will'become general. | free of charge who had no money. —S? 56-inch; khaki shade; just 100 yards left, nniuuu UUIUV< There is no consistent reason why i I hese are only a few of the many rea- * *> ct y° ur share early. workers in stores should be expected to ! sons why you should do what you can to "ic 1 > a \erv s oo nis i a g 48th Anniversary Sale, yard $1.48 Adjustable kind; 30 inches high, extending work longer hours than those employed in 1 help the Y who is constantly helping the best colors; tan, copen and rose. BOWMAN' s—Main Floor. from 23 to 37 inches in width. other vocations Employes in factories others. 48th Anniversary Sale, yard 48<* 48th Anniversary Sale 78* office andXfbranchS o"S ———— l ——————-~' Fine French Serge BOWMAN'S—Basement. dustry. Mostly all enjoy eight hours' work fandr* Pnli<iVi BOWMAN s—Main Floor. and Saturday afternoon holidays. This tAdiiuu onvci i UIISII _ _ . _ !>♦ eives amule" time for shoonine durimr V ~ ~ " TTTT7 BoildoirCaDS 48-inch; in white with silk embroidered rui daylight hours and the public will eladlv The finest quality silver polish known spe- 1_ border; the chic skirting for sports wear. cooperate as it does not wish to impose "j nlaterW^Jrp 1 " rut rriass ami china Will not u f i A • • 48tb Anniversary Sale, yard $5.48 Galvanized watering pot; 4-qt. capacity. unnecessary hardships on store workers, j plated ware, cut glass and china. Will not Prettv assortment of boudoir caps in crepe ,.. c,d H 1 if the mprehmts will but amnno injure the most delicate surfaces, safe, always de c hi n 'e and satin* a few in georgette; all BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale 48? if the merchants will but cooperate among J. .. J , " IU •' jew m aw BOWMAN'S— Basement themselves and practice as they vote, the 48th Anni^ao v | 1 ie. i 3 i iars as* ' I \%TT 1 D J BOWMAN'S —Second Floor. . —. 1 Oriental Lace Flouncings inches ' with glass cov " SILKS SuVe n he br htd n s. me,a ' tCar the .. . 2 ' V 48th Anniversary S„e 88* White Brocade Sport Satill 48th Anniversary Sale 48? mi '"i 7 ? ' beautlful P atterns - BOWMAN s-Main Floor, BOWMAN- Wa.emt. " BOWMAN'S-Basement. These laces make lovely gowns. Plain or Printed Ruff-a-Nuff 48,h An " iversary Sak ' yard 9148 Women s Lightweight Union Xable Damask n,at dcsigns tor skir,ings: lim BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. 48t h Anniversary Sale, yard $2.4J ,S; ot'of frstso^rb^rnumbt'rs. 11 Matting RugS Suite Me izcd table da k . 58 inchcs wide in " 48th Anniversary Sale, yard $3.48 a sl\c s Jar a d^ patternS 4B <J Printed Pongee aild Shantung! BOWMAN'S Main Floor. In stenciled or woven p att crns, best quality . C o^ oll " n . ion S " ltS W ' th ba " d at . tOP ! Slee , Ve " ' BOWMAN S-Se'cond FlVon 1 ~ frptnniiP Japan matting. less,, lace trimmed pants; extraordinary value. 32 and 34-inch; white and tan grounds. All ' 48th Anniversary Sale, 6xß ft. 8-in., $1.48 48th Anniversary Sale 48£ Panov Wliito Paliarilinp P urc silks witb P rintecl figure and stripes foi • ,r- 4. r i a i i 48th Anniversary Sale, 9xß ft. 8-in., $2.48 BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. J?allLy vv lIIIC VFa.lJaru.lllC suits or skirts; yards enough for a skirt 36-inch Cretonne in medium and dark colors. TY, . . e i r. nA o - .o astb •> AS .q,i A-nivprcarv Sale vard 4.5/* 48th Anniversary Sale, 9xll ft. 8-in., $4.48 t 48th Anniveisary Sale, yard $2.45 BOWMAN's —Fourth Floor! • BOWMANS-Fourth Floor. Infants' Ribbed Stockings A new arrival of high grade fancy white BOWMAN'S Main Floor. /->. 1 si gabardine skirtings; all first quality material, Tlnnl-ilf FnrhlrfT' Couch Covers Japan and China Matting infa^' whit. Hbbi iwe .toddng.; n. s3^d rd ! n *?:. b, ! r R ' Washable couch covers; .plain center with quality lisle and fine rib, 4 to 6j/$. BOWMAN'S- second Floor. 2-qt. double cooker or rice boiler, made oi fancy border, full size. In green, brown or red patterns; 36 inches 48th Anniversary Sale, 2 for 48£ heavy gauge aluminum. 48th Anniversary Sale $1.48 wide. BOWMAN's-Main Floor. CrorllPt Cottoil 48th Anniversary Sale $1.28 BOWMAN'S-Fourth Floor. 4gth Anniversary Sale, yard UtTOCliei cotton BOWMAN'S —Basement. * Curtains and Material — Juteßugs couingbcrn*, American Maid and Jap Lawn Mower Madras door curtains in four colors with CreX RugS With beautiful stenciled patterns. tobS." 0 "' ' Vl " tC ' COlorS ' >aFdb Very high grade, 16-inch size, ball bear*,/' Va lsth%nn;v>rrvr Q a , P iis 4 f tb Anniversary Sale, 9x9 ft. ... $7.48 4gth Anniversary Sa le, 6 for 48£ with 10/ 2 -inch drive wheel. S, .XT ? f y •• V 84.48 48th Anniversary Sale, 8.3x10.6 ft., $7.48 BOWMAN's —Main Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale $10.48 hilct Net curtains in neat figures with fancy In bruwn, or green patterns. 48th Anniversary Sale, 9x12 ft. ... $8.48 BOWMANs-Baaement. borders in white, ivory and ecru. 48th Anniversary Sale, 27x54 inches, $1.48 B nwMAvs-F„rth fi™ i i s-Baaement. 48th Anniversary Sale, pair $2.48 48th Anniversary Sale, 36x72 inches, $2.48 GfllcltCS Glotll NllfSCrV Rcfl'i26l*3.tOl BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. _ _ J P • _ _ _ BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. I 3TD6t jW66D6FS Mercerized Voile " " Light patterns in stripes; 27 inches, cut Oak Japanned, galvanized lining filled witl Wool and Fiber Camet * he P icce - m ' ner u al wo ?}> separate ice and provisiot White mercerized voile; 40 inches wide in Oak or metal cases, nickel trimmings; good 48th Anniversary Sale, iy 2 yards ... 48< chamber with nickel plated spigot. an excellent quality. bristled brushes. BOWMAN'S— second Floor. 4oth Anniversary Sale $5.48 48th Anniversary Sale, vard 35£ • Brown and green patterns; 22 and 27 inches 48th Anniversary Sale $1.48 * BOWMANS— Basement. 'tlSh* s* 48* Cheese Cloth Crochet Bedspreads . . „ .. , ■ , .. . bowman's Fourth F,.„. New Voile Waists , ySLris blMchcd chetse cloth . 36 inches Hemmed crochet bedspreads, double be'd anc\ whrie skirting in various patterns. 4 TT . Line of new voile waists just unpacked. wide for duster and window cloths. size. .1 , n 11 sa e ' J ar d .. . Children S Hats All sizes, all styles, cool, collarless and the 48th Anniversary Sale 48£ 48th Anniversary Sale, each $2.48 BOWMAN S-Second Floor. dajnty BOWMAN'S-Second Floor. BOWMAN S-Second B'loor. Challis Fine milan with bands, bow and streamers tucks and lace trimmings. j > of wide ribbon. Fancy braids with facings 48th Anniversary Sale $2.48 Unbleached Sheeting 36 inches wide; Persian designs— cut from of georgette and silk trimmed in small flowers Another line of voiles, organdies and dim- L- \ piece. and ribbons. ities; cluster of tucks, frills, lace and embroid- /jr J 48th Anniversary Sale, 3 yds 48< 48th Anniversary Sale $1.48 ery trimmed. 2 % yards wide, best make; cut from the J BOWMAN's —second Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale $1.48 piece. Perfect goods. / // BOWMAN's —second Floor. ' 48th Anniversary Sale, yard 55<J yC • „1 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. 3 J v / /// uress Lringnam Boys Blouses bowman s—second Floor. New line of patterns in dress gingham; plaid, light and dark patterns. Cut from the Boys light stripe percale blouses, blue, —" O P ' C< 4 C "i \ c • A A i o i chambray and khaki with attached collar; White and colors in middy, Russian and , , Pnmnc at API 811 l ya r ds 48 <* also khaki sport blouse; 6to 14 years. Norfolk st , sli htl soile d from handling; 9„ el . lul ? ld ba ? fram^ s , m whte and steeI '_ a UUmpS Special at Anniversary Sale 48<J 2 to 8 years 48th Anniversary Sale, each 48£ Pnatd Panpcaiul Unlmanc BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale $2.48 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Four of this season ' s best selling UiUaiu., Uidpeb dnu uoimans , \ BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. , . pumps reduced specially for the Anni ... TV , n 1 , Enilaren S llana bags Handkerchiefs, 4 for 48c versary Sale, taken from regular stock Velours Duevetyne Bolivia, Crystal 2_ Venise Bands ' in Field Mouse, Pearl Gray, Black Kid- Cloth, Silvertone, Poulette, Satins and CI11&C JJdilLia Blac k Suede with tontnie hand Merges in navy, tan. brown, copcn, pekin, A sample line in velvet, silk and leather. All Beautiful white mull handkerchiefs in turned soles and covered Louis' XV ji and and black. Lightweight summery colors. Assorted styles, all fitted with mirrors. In all widths in cream on i y> A big assort . -fancy prints; lavender, rose, blue pink, tan, hecls Brooklyn made pumps of high '! -mcnis. . In two price lots. ment of patterns green; in rings, stripes and assorted patterns; crade Sale $37.48 48th Anniversary Sale, special 48<* 48th Anniv er & ary Sale, yard 48* fast colors; wash beautifully. Anniversary Sale $ 3.48 BOWMAN'S Third Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale, special 98£ 4fcth Anniversary Sale, 4 for 48£ BOWMAN'S Main Floor. ' BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. BOWMAN'S-Main Floor, BOWMAN'S—Main Flooe# 1 1 • I TUESDAY EVENING, . •* BURIUBBUHO 8455& TEXEGRJLFH JUNE 10, 1919. 3
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