STORE gg% ~&f STORE **v*rr . closes ™ ays AJXKPffl&ttd — AT^r AYS s&¥&* BEI.L IMI-3S* liriTED HARHISBI RG, MOJTOAY, JDSK 9, 1910. FOI'NDEU 1871 ... ||ff4Btli ANNIVERSARY SALE^Sfe Although the first three days of the sale surpassed the records of preceding Anniversary Sales we bought in ample quan- V\ ftlSm tities to supply this week's demands. Everyone who has profited by this great annual event at Bowman's store expects great aHPL WBBBP values in quantities sufficient to meet the demand of the eight days. And, as we make due allowance for the percentage of nhHESI'' jS§P/^ J WSKL increase expected, you may rest assured that, even though you were unable to be here the first three days, you can find un- J&ShL excelled values hi the various departments. And new bargain supplies are introduced daily to take the place of those that have A laßpF been sold. A careful reading of the items below will readily convince you that many of them ai*e as low in price as they can be IK bought for to-day in the wholesale market, and some even lower in price. For this reason we reserve the privilege of re striding the quantities, providing there should be any attempt to purchase more than individual requirements seem to ' warrant. Georgette Crepe, $1.24 Tea Kettle Cotton Combination Mattress Black Chiffon Taffeta Chemise and Bloomers 36 inches wide* every desirable shade; Nickel plated tea kettle; small size, suitable A well made nicely filled mattress in one or 36-inch; an extra soft and lustrous finish. ~ ' ~ : ' ' InnnHer<s hem.tif,illv ' for oil or S as stove - two P art s- All sizes; good ticking. We will 48th Anniversary Sale, yard 81.48 , r , e P e Ch . ,ne and satm envelo P e chemise jtSfi, A n ni,r.r™ varri 81 24 48th Anniversary Sale 48* sell one only of these mattresses to a custo- | BOWMAN's —Main Floor. | anc * bloomers in many pretty models. 1 ""'BOWMAN s—Main Floor BOWMAN S Basement mcr. o • TVT i • Now is the time to buy your undergarments . ~7 . _ _ 48th Anniversary Sale 86-48 Saill-NapklllS for summer and vacation time. Children S Dresses 1 raveling Bag BOWMAN'S—Fifth Floor. Satin chemise in a number of pretty models - J uno '^ or . n ? Sani-napkins for women made of with lace trimmings; also tailored styles. Plain chambray dresses in blue, pink and Traveling bag; 18-inch size, with brass lock r s4cr ''j zec l absorbent cotton. 48th Anniversary Sale 82.48 green high waist line, flat white collar and and catches. Folding all wood camp stool with slat seat; cuff., two pockets trimmed in white finished 48th Anniversary bale 8*.48 natura i | nish . Size of top. 15 inches by 15 BOWMAN s-Ma,„ Moor. trimmed with georgette insets, ribbon Straps. with hand stitching in contrasting colors, 2 BOWMAN S Basement. inches; stands 15 inches high. ' Sailltarv Rplt 48th Anniversary Sale 83.18 48th Anniversary Sale 81-48 7 BOWMAN S— Fifth Floor. . 7" : - Sa tn bloomers in flesh, finished with plain BOWMANS— second Floor. ( - hemstitched, lace and georgette ruffles. Ton fnriPt • u° yS K 1 S ?.° rt bl ? use ® and . blouscs Special Demonstration tons, no metal, no buckles; comfortable and 48th Anniversary Sale 82.48 ildaslic lop VJOISCI with attached collars; sizes 6 to 14 years. ' practical in white and pink. " T - 48th Anniversary Sale 48*. , M n . , , . 48th Anniversary Sale, each 480 BOW MAN second Floor. A dainty little pink brocade corset, elastic BOWMANS— second Floor. lNapailCe DlltCil JVltClieUCt BOWMANS— Main Floor. Fliilrli-fn'c top. lightweight; good for summer wear; ex- Patent Fnlnnial Pnmnc * TT , VAUlUieil S 30CK.S cellent quality. ; a tell L 48th Anniversary Sale 81-48 ... , „ , , r , . . " Clean, white maple interior in base, white . bi.drens socks in white lisle and whitfc BOWMAN'S Second Floor. omen . Patent eather Colonial pumps enamc , jnterior .£ uppcr cupboard One-piece A full line of voile smocks in all wanted WI S tOpS: SIZ " to 6^t lo ' , -ith ham turned so es anc co\ere .ou s back, closed between 1 ase and upper cupboard. shades with smart belts and pockets. An as- j 4Stb Anniversary Sale ... 2 pairs for 48* ° 4R '. , . <- , , ner : al 7 is Tapered legs with ferile on bottom. Large sortment of fancy embroidered and also BOWMAN 's-second Floor. . .. . ... '. T , -.. ' a "\*t i.'i rV. Linden wood kneading board, odorless and smocking. p l • \CT • 36 inches wide; good quality; neat and at- Women s Patent leather oxfords with high tastc ie S s. Block for food chopper. Sanitary 48th Anniversary Sale 81.48 Fiepe de Chllie WaiStS tractive patterns welt soles and covered Louis X\ heels_ and easily cleaned. Ventilating, non-rusting riooV.'' * * ; 48th Anniversary Sa e, vds 8 • 1 - 11 ar - a ' p a -•••?- metal bread box riding on carrier. Selected Qflil D n ; C'll P*l Crepe de chine in a collarless, round neck T urlif' Rihliprl Vpt>i * a ° °° r exterior. Hinges allowing doors full OUU x 311S ollK. ClO\eS style with cluster of fine tucks down front, I\IJJ IV b<. Vnoliotto Purcoc I swing. Rounded corners and edges. Easv to "7 ~ a ' so st >'l e s with small collar, button trimmed x . , ~ " ; ; " , JJiaGiv dtuctic i UIBCB keep clean. * . Silk gloves are now a prize —we have beq;i in white and flesh; all sizes. Light weight cotton, low neck, sleeveless - BOWMAN'S— Fifth Floor. fortunate in securing 300 pair white, gray, 48th Anniversary Sale 82.48 and trimmed. Extraordinary value. One lot of black Vachette purses with top RlonL Mooealino champagne and black. These gloves are made BOWMANS— Third iioor. 48th Anniversary Sale, special 2 for 48<? strap and extra pocket for bills. Exceptionally DlaCli. IVlCafedlXlie by one of the largest silk glove manufacturer T* BOWMAN S— Main Floor. good gize and bned w j tb { ancy silk, fitted with . ; 77~~ " in the world. Perfect fitting, double finger Cottee FerCOlatOF Blapk" Srarf, I mirror; also an assortment of dull leather in ~,." inc anot her highly favored number, tips, every one has name on clasp. Everv 1 ' black and colors. brilliant hnish. size to 8, in every color; some have slight . Made of aluminum, square shape with ebon --> ■ i r>i,, o u 48th Anniversary Sale 98£ 48th Anniversary Sale, yard 84-48 imperfections. ized handle. and" satin linin\ 5 ' c - , BOWMAN S— Main Floor. w^Nt-— Mam l ioor. Anniversary Sale, pair 48£ 48th Anniversary Sale 84.98 48th Anniversary Sale 88.48 WnniPn's T .Wlitwpicrlit PantQ Flaill SIIKS BOWMANS-Mam Floor. BOWMANS Basement . 72-inch black velvet scarf with silk fringe. WOmeil S LlglllWeigfll raillS Haii. Rinl. oo XVT- I 48th Anniversary Sale 88.48 "77 7~77 "7 " . 36-inch; in many good colors, also black, Xiair mUSIICs WinaSOl' Kettle BOWMAN's —Third Floor. omen s lightweight cotton pants, trimmed. assorted weaves, such as taffeta, messaline and . . ! ~" , -~*j— 0 These are seconds, very good ones. Full sa ti ns . No full assortment in either, but good , , s ° od . ba,r l bru f h m ebony and mahogany 6-qt. capacity, made of aluminumwith Drass Bugs range of sizes. selection combined. backs; white bristle. A good brush to take cover. This is a popular size. Made in Japan in green, blue, brown or red BOWMANS Main Floor. BOWMANS —Main Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale 48£ BOWMAN'S Basement 7&th Angary Sale. 6 X 9 ft ?4.48 Women's Lisle Stockings Silk and Cotton Tussah Lawn Mower 48th Anniversary Sale, 6x12 ft 48th Anniversary Sale, 9x12 ft 87.48 t A , n,ce ! ot ° f . won ] en s . f " ll f , fasbl l °" ed ' nchdark g rouds Wlth contrasting color stockings in black only, with flexible top and dots for dress or waist. Filet laces in white only; 4to 8 inches wide; of blade steel- ndiiisHhle for UiJrU Taiiestrv Rue's reinforced heel and toe. , 48th Anniversary Sale, vard 48£ used for underw ear, camisoles, combinations, wass ' t> or L_ : 48th Anniversary Sale, pair, BOWMAN'S Main Floor. etc * 48t h Anniversary Sale 85-48 Seamless wool faced tapestry rugs in floral, BOWMANS— Main noor. FillC Pl'illtcd Madras 1 nniversar y a ' e 5 yards, BOWMAN'S Basement. all over and conventional patterns. T inon Fraclv BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale, 9x12 ft. ... 848.48 32-inch; cloth known as 100 square for VdlisC JVlcdallioilS DlllllCl* oot Congoleum Rugs Wc bave . sec " red a qv antit >- °i all Ja?sts S ° r " a,StS ' alS ° mC " S ShirtS and b ° y S Wh't ~i n T c • Madc of fine quality porcelain neat gold p linen Crash subject to slight imperfections u hite and cream excellent values. Suit- HUP hnrHfr ftn LL im • g • In brown and green patterns. in the shape of occasional small hook holes, 1 * ab ' e for insets in waists ' cami soles, dresses, tion includi 3 nca " t f a tters "fidbre^Tand 48th Anniversary Sale, 4j< ft. x 4J4 ft.. I caused by the hooks penetrating the bales etc butter plates 84.48 w hen the Crash is in transit. GrOS de Londre 48th Anniv R e " a, "y Sale ' 40 medallions, This toweling has only to be seen and ex- BOWMANS— Main l-ioor. BOWMANS Basement Axminster Rugs amined to be appreciated at the exceptional 36-inch plain and brocade gros de londre, F, ir r t / aemcn " 2_ 48th Anniversary Sale price, yard ... One-half silk, choice line of colorings. x lcccft Jardinieres Mottled rugs in brown, green, blue or red. 17 _ wn •. -tj i 48th Anniversary Sale, yard SB£ T . ~ , , 48th Anniversary Sale, 27x54 inches, 82.48 FailCy White Voiles BOWMAN s—Main Floor. - nprk-n.Wr*' whirh' r"n . Made of P otter y. 8 inches across top; beau- BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor. -pjl • j of • . • 7°" nec Kpieces wnicn call oe worn open or tifullv embossed in different rnlnr blenH^ 15 of excellent quality. All new and cut off the Plaid SklftlllgS closed to form the new choker effect. 48th Anniversary Sale 48<^ Porcll Cushions piece. This includes striped, checked and Anniversary Sale 849.48 BOWMANS Basement fancy patterns. 54-inch; also Shepherd checks, light and BOWMAN'S— Third Floor. CUshi ° nS madC ° f Cre '° nneS ' StVerll Sale, ,-ard^....... 48* Sale, yard ?2.48 Warp Print RibboilS Toilet Paper 48th Anmversary Sale.^ 488 BrOWll Turkish Towels . °°" ' loor ' _ A || | ieht sha des aro print ribbons: 4to 6 Rcd Cr ° ss toilet P a P er l I'undreds of our Curtain Materials Martex splendid towels for mechanics . 4g t h Anniversary Sale 2 yards, 48<* 48th Anniversary Sale 5 rolls, 48£ and railroad men. 40-inch; good line of street colors for suit BOWMANS— Main Floor. BOWMANS Basement. 10 vards Madras, enough for two windows 7r"j . i, n ? ner f ai Yi a u e ' , eac ] u " 48f or dress> \ p. p] wl in beautiful patterns.T o u u k t . owels ' bl^ a f hcd he ™" ed ', 48th Anniversary Sale, yard 82.48 Good Quality Sheets Ut Waie 48th Anniversary Sale 83.4S 48th ."TT bal u 4 lor BOWMAN'S-Main Floor. v J - 5 yards Curtain Muslin in neat and elab- SfrAnniversarv sX ± vnrrU Hiirlilv Finidl Safari • Sheets ', Blx ? 9 ' made J ° f f good quality sheet- These pieces are semi-cut, yet rich in de orate oatterns with eoose neck brass rod. 7r. b _...7 } ' 48<> J4lgiliy T lniSU sateen ,n g; no dressing, noted for their wearing and sign and luster. Ihe assortment comprises, 48th Anniversary Sale 81 48 .<?, J • cras ~ , J - _ "7 7 Cf. '< ni . f ' 7 rrc V. itb oViVt i 1(1 Anniversary ..ale, yard 17£ 36-inch; a very fine grade for skirts or lin- 48th Anniversary Sale, each 81-48 bow ls and plate, celery trays, fruit bowls, etc. 3-it. oak pole tor doors with sockets and 10 BOWMAN's-second Floor. ings; also used for bathing suits. BOWMAN's-second Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale 81-48 n. rmgs : . . c . , tt i ~W7~ • 17 48th Anniversary Sale, yard 68£ BOWMANS Basement. 48th Anniversary Sale 48< Hand Knittlllff YarilS BOWMAN S-Mam Floor. Cretonnes t-. wr Hemstitched voile curtains in white, ivory 2 p ,1 T 1 TT Jl/Xpr6SS WagOnS and 7. cru . ; yards, handsomely embroklercd. Full weight skeins in khaki, gray or natural. vrCOrgCtlC 311(1 J_iogllOril DatS 36-inch cretonnes cut from the piece. Floral * 48th Anniversary Sale, pair 82.48 This is a splendid weight all worsted varn 77 ! ! """i" designs. Teddy Express wagons, well known to BOWMANS l ourth Hoor. an( j at tb j g p r j cc j t j s ver y muc h to be de- These are the newest and the most desired 48th Anniversary Sale 2j4 yards, 48£ Harrisburg youngsters for its durability. ClntliPd Rfldtpf sired for sweaters, hose or other knitted summer hats, they are large and medium BOWMAN'S— second Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale 85.48 Volumes xxasivcL nrtirle* br,m leghorns with georgette over the brim, /-,j BOWMANS Baeement. ....... , . . " 48th Anniversary Sale skein 48<* some hve the crowns softened with georgette, Oval W.llow Uothcs Basket, good stae 48,h * S * others have taffeta crow, and hriS ol leg- . ; O'Cedar MopS v.\ving to the scarcity of willow this will . on r< • horn, all neatly trimmed with narrow ribbons, 36 inches wide just the thing for dusters =— •■urely be appreciated. Women S Boot Silk Stockings wheat and flowers. • and window cloths. Genuine O'Cedar chemically treated floe* '.Bth Anniversary Sale 81-48 D_ 48th Anniversary Sale 85.48 48th Anniversary Sale 9 yards, 48£ mop. now MAN s Basement. Women's full fashioned boot silk stockings BOWMAN-S Third Floor. BOWMAN's-second Floor. 48th Anniversary Sale 48* Window Screens with lisle top and foot; white, pearl gray, n r p BfiPS "R pr l Rl ail L-^t e BOWMANS Basement. suede and brown. These stockings are first ITXCoaCo UCU. XJldllKcls n < 11 • ,-i Adjustable kind —22 inches hi eh extend- grade. All sizes, but not every size in every ... . .. . ~ "T , , , T., ~. , . aprillKUllg L.3nS , nrr in width fr ~i ?i 11 hi"i cxtenci color. ktgured and plain voile, lawn and gingham The very kind for summer outings; size 2 . . \ 48th S-rie ° nicies. Anniversary Sale 2 nairs 81 48 dresses; cool and attractive; sizes 16 to 44. 60x76 In tan. Galvanized watering pot; 6-qt. capacity, 48,11 s BMement *** ZZkL 48,h Sale, pair *2.48 48th Anniversary Sale 1.. „ P ... 88*. a * loor * BOWMAN S—Third Floor, BOWMAN'S-=Second Floor, COWMAN'S Basement, MONDAY EVENING, HAJUUBBURQ TELEGRAPH JUNE 9, 1919. 3
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