8 Announce Patronesses For the Academy Dance '- The list of patronesses for the Harrisburg Academy Commencement dance to be given at the Colonial Country Club, Wednesday evening, June 4, was announced as follows: Mrs. J. Howell Hawkins, Mrs. George Xunkel, Mrs. Arthur J. Kunkel, Mrs. William P. Starkey, Mrs. Arthur D. Bacon, Mrs. Arthur E. Brown, Mrs. Bwlght M. Ludington, Mrs. Howard M. Blngaman, Mrs. H. R. Omwake. Mrs. B. Tripp, Mrs. F. L. Mor gan thaler and Mrs. O. P. Beckley. WED AT PARSONAGE The marriage of Miss Irene May •tta Maslmer and John Howard Flor atead, both of York was solemnized Thursday, at high noon, at the par sonage of the Reformed Salem Church, the Rev. Ellis N. Kremer of ficiating. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John E. Mosimer. GI'EST FROM NEW ENGLAND Miss Stanleyette Wooledgc, of Greenwich.Conn., is spending several days in this city as the guest of' Mr. and Mrs. George W. Hauck, 221 Em erald street. She will leave for Bal timore to-morrow to attend the com mencement exercises at Goucher Col lege, where she graduated several years ago. Mrs. D. B. Moist, and daughters, "Will spend the weekend with rela tives in Sunbury. Miss Marjorie E. Bolles, head of the Physical Department of the Y. "W. C. A. left for her home in Wil totaham. Mass. Window Boxesj We supply the boxes, ? plants and attend to all de- | tails—or if you have the • boxes we will All them. See Our Benutiful Display of t : lrn and Pottery t ; THE BERRYHILL I Locust Street at Second. J i The Most Complete Laundry Ever Offered the Buyer. Complete In Every Detail. ELECTRIC CLOTHES WASHERS of every description. See Our Large Display. Easy Payments. NEIDIG BROS. LTD. 21 South Second St. Prize Winning Advertisements on Store Service First Prize. Second Prize. Store Service Concerning Service and Mary Sachs Most ad-writers would invert the This store may be truthfully called above, putting Mary Sachs first the store of individuality. Whep or then Store Service. Not so here be- dering stock. Ido not merely order cause personal acquaintance with one lot of this, or one lot of that, hit ... <T . . , , or miss. Instead, everything is or- Miss Sachs has shown me that dercd under personal supervision Store Service is her hobby. In fact, and, as I choose, I have before me, Store Service and Mary Sachs aie in mental review, my various cus synonymous. . tomers and their likes and dislikes, and selections are made accord- It is the personal touch entering ~ . . Ihe stock of this store docs not in o ever >' transa ction, that creates c , ude thos^bizarre , flashy models, the foundation of this unique store Q f which the wearer soon wearies service. Mary Sachs' Shop caters and which become shabby in a com to its customers' every wish. An paratively short time, but rather, intelligent sales force is here to look consists of garments whose quiet after the customers'interests. That's J'' e egance gives the , ~ owner a sense of being well-dressed Store Service in a nut shell—satis- • f or atl y occasion. factory alterations and prompt de- Folks who like to feel that their in liveries are only a part of the scheme di vidual tastes are being catered to, for better store service and if you u " a PP r eciate that feature of my don't get it from Mary Sachs it is • „ . , . . , b J . Lome in—not only to buy—but to because the rush of business she is acquaint yourself, by personal in doing taxes the facilities—the will spcction, of the wonderful value, to and ability are there! you, of a store conducted along these lines. Yours for service, Submitted by Mary Sachs. ~ . Submitted by Mrs. M. Lee Goldsmith, G T \\T Jk' C. M,SS 1 • M - J°CS. 243 \\ oodbine St., 107 Brickchurch Road. Harrisburg, Pa. _ Enola, Pa. no This Store Closes Satur \ X. clays at 6 O'clock P. M. f / ./' ' 1 FRIDAY EVENING, EAIUUBBUEO UPUMIL TELEGRAPH MAY 30,191 V. INTERESTING PERSONAL NEWS Frank A. McCarrell in Final Spring Recital To-morrow afternoon, at 4 o'clock, the Sixth and final recital of the Spring Organ Recitals will be given in Zion Lutheran Church, by Frank A. McCarrell, organist of the Pine Street Presbyterian Church, assisted by Mrs. James G. Sanders, contralto soloist of that church. The program will be as follows: Prelude and Fugue in F sharp minor—Brosig; Choral prelude, "Be hold the Saviour Comes." and "Fugue in G major"—Bach;song for contral to, "Pity, O Saviour," Stradella; Nuptial March, Canzona, Finale in E flat —Guilmant. Choir rehearsal at the Zion Luth eran Church will be held to-morrow evening at 8 o'clock. Wedding Announcements Are of Interest Here Cards have been received here an nouncing the marriage of Miss Hazel May Lockard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James S. Lockard, of Indi ana stieet, Punxsutawney, to Henry Wilson Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Clay Brown, of that city. The ceremony took place at the bride's home with the Rev. 8. S. Clark, postor of the First Baptist Church, of Punxsutawney, officiating, and was attended by many friends of tiie young people. The decorations and the gowns wer.e elaborate and the leception one of the most beautiful ever held in the city. Mr. Brown is known here as a grandson of Judge Henry Wilson, his mother being Mrs. Adda Wilson Brown, who frequently visited here during the residence of her sister, the late Mrs David McCormick. He served as an ambulance driver in France he tore the I'nlled States entered the war, and afterward was a sergeant at Fort Oglethorpe. MISS DBCEVEE IX NEW KIRK Miss Alice Marie Decevee, 1503 North Second street, left to-day for New York to take several lessons from Ernest Hutcheson, one of the foremost pianists of the day. While gone she will attend the fiftieth re union of the Ossining School of which she is an aluinna. Miss Lena Garfinkle Entertains at Home Miss Lena Garfinkle, 1219 North Second street, whose engagement was recently announced to John Els onberg of this city, entertained at her home on Wednesday evening. Among those present were Mrs. Ber nard Handler, Mrs. A. Katzman, Mrs. Annie Roth, Mrs. Lewis Mathias, Mis s Goldie Katzman, Miss Goldle Roth, Miss Lillie Itoth, Miss Tina Garfinkle, Miss Sadie Bell Baltimore, of Dur yea; Adolph Katzman, Lewis Nath ans, John Eisenberg, and Dr. and Mrs. B. M. Garfinkle. Miss Garfinkle was a former resi dent of Philadelphia, but has made her home with her brother. Dr. B. M. Garfinkle since last summer. Her marriage to Mr. Eisenberg will be an early June event. Miss Fleurie Leaves For Neb. to Wed Alten Walker Miss Margaret Fleurie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Fleurie, of New Cumberland, left yesterday for Omaha, Neb., where she will wed Alten Walker, of that city. The wedding will be the culmination of an Army romance, Miss Fleurie first meeting her fiance while he was sta tioned at the Army Reserve Depot, at Marsh Run. He received his dis charge about a month ago and re turned to his western home to pre pare for the coming of his bride-to be. Dogwood Girl Scouts Holding Military Drill Dogwood Troop, No. 2 of Girl Scouts, Miss Almeda Herman acting captain, will hold a military drill Monday evening, June 2 at 2025 North Front street. This will be most interesting and afterward there will be dancing and refreshments as extras. The money will go toward toward the support of a French or phan. C. KARL STEM ART PROMOTED Word has been received in this city of the promotion of C. Earl Stewart, of Jacksonville, Fla., for merly of this place, to Works Man ager of the Merrill-Stevens Ship Building Corporation, of Jackson ville, one of the largest industrial plants of the South. Mr. Stewart was at one time connected with the Steellon plant of the Bethlehem Steel Company, and later with the Sparrows Point shipyards of the same company. HETI RNS FROM PHILADELPHIA Miss Nellie McCoy has returned to her home ut Camp Hill after spend ing two weeks as the. guest of her brother, Jesse McCoy, 1321 Broad street. Philadelphia. IT PAYS To set high-grade glasses. Cheap glasses are not a saving in the long run. Our service " ill please you. Consult Us. (RaMsinhenbaclt&lhmse OPTOMETRISTS &OPTICIANS N0.22 N. AI2 ST. HARRIS BURG. PA. "Where CJlas are Made Right" D.A.R. COMPLETES 25 YEARS' WORK Patriotic Women Gather in Annual Meeting; Enjoy Re ports, Music, Reading, Tea "I believe in the United States of America as a government of the people, by> the people, for the peo ple; whose just powers are derived from the consent of the governed; a democracy in a republic; a sov ereign nation among many sovereign states; a perfect union one and in separable; established upon those principles of freedom, equality, Jus tice and humanity for which Amer ican patrons sacrificed their lives and fortunes. I, therefore, believe it is my duty to my country to love it, to support its constitution, to obey its laws, to respect Its flag and to defend it against all enemies." "This is the American's Creed," said Mrs. John A. Sherger yesterday afternoon in her report of the 'Na tional D. A. n. Congress before the twenty-llfth annual meeting of Har risburg chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution. The creed was formulated by Tyler Page, of Maryland, a direct descendant of President Tyler, and won for its writer a thousand dollar prize offer ed some time ago by a Baltimore paper. This creed was read in unison at the opening session of the twenty eighth Continental Congress, led by the author. Mrs. Sherger told of the wonder ful war work done by this large body of patriotic women all over the country, and of their civic, educa tional and social interests in the states represented. Mrs. Sherger was a delegate from Harrisburg chapter and Mrs. Samuel Z. Sliope the regent's alternate. Interesting Program The meeting in the assembly room of the Civic Club was called to or der by the regent. Miss Cora Lee Snyder, and after singing "The Red, White and Blue," with Mrs. A. Boyd Hamilton at the piano, the ritual was repeated. Miss Caroline Pear son, first vice-regent, gave a beauti ful memorial to Mrs. Elizabeth Crain Kunkel, third vice-regent, whose death occurred last week on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the chapter. Mrs. Kunkel was first vice regent and a charter member of the chapter at its organization, and the first meeting was held at her house. Miss Pearson spoke of Mrs. Kunkol's interest in all chapter matters and her generous response for contribu tions to the Paxton churchyard gateway, the proudest work of the Harrisburg chapter. Mrs. Anna Hamilton Wood, the historian, read an original "Me morial Day" poem, and Mrs. Sam uel F. Dunkle. assistant treasurer, read Mrs. R. K. Spicer's report of the finances of the chapter, showing that after an unsual record of war contributions and entertaining the Pennsylvania State conference, the treasury has a balance of $238.39. Mrs. S. J. M. McCarrell, the regis trar. reported a present membership of 123, with one death and one transfer during the year. Four of the charter members are living and during twenty-five years there has been a record of 208 members. Mrs. Mary Boyer McCrea in her admirable account of the year's work, gave high lights, including a meeting and reception at the Execu tive Mansion with Mrs. Martin G. Brumbaugh, hostess; the presenta tion of prizes in gold to three senior girls of the Central High school, who wrote the best essays on a given patriotic subject: a talk on the Mountaineers of the South by Miss Glenn Gottsehall, after which the chapter made contributions of $75 to three southern schools where the descendants of Revolu tionary soldiers are being educated, and the never-to-be-forgotten en tertainment of the twenty-second Pennsylvania State conference in January 1 at the Penn-Harris. In closing Mrs. McCrea said: "Nev er have the Daughters of the Amer ican Revolution seemed more worthy of their ancestral blood than in these trying war times. Tirelessly and without thought of self they have labored and to-day have their re ward—Victory and the sunshine of peace. Bravely we look forward to the future as did our ancestors whose example has been an inspira tion to the soldiers. Let us be glad that we have been able to do our bit individually and as a part of this great body of patriotic women, the Daughters of the American Revolution." Presentation of Gift Miss Pearson, for Miss Mabel Car leton, of Rye, N. V., a non-resident member and daughter of the late General Carleton. U. S. Army, pre sented the chapter with a memorial to her father and mother, the latter a member of the Pollock family of this city, in a beautifully framed copy of her father's letter to the Centenary committee of the Star Spangled Banner, setting forth his labors in securing the playing of this song as a National anthem by the United States Army. The large audience thoroughly cn j joyed violin numbers played by John I Whitman of Middletown, a violist of ability, whose beautiful tone and sympathetic interpretation won him I many new friends. Miss Betty Croll was at the piano. Miss Helen G. Alleman, children's librarian of the Harrisburg Public Library told with much feeling that exquisite story of the recent war written by Mary Shipman Raymond Andrews, "The Three Things," show ing that pride of birth, religious dif ferences and race prejudice are all wiped out by the common cause which makes men one. Officers Art; Elected Mrs. William Jennings, president of the sister patriotic society, the National War Aid, presided during the annual election announced by Mrs. Harry F. Hench for the tellers including Mrs. George W. Bauder and Mrs. Frederick L. Morgenthuler. The Regent. Miss Cora Lee Snyder and the recording secretary. Mrs. Mary Boyer McCrea, were elected to these offices for the fifth time. The full list of officers of Harrisburg chapter Includes: Honorary Re gents, Mrs. Robert A. Lamberton. Mrs. Levi B. Alricks; Regent, Miss Cora Lee Snyder, vice Regents. Miss Caroline Parson, Mrs. Henry Mc- Cormick, Miss Margaret Rutherford, Mrs. George Preston Mains, Mrs. Charles A. Kunkel: Registrar, Mrs. S. J. M. McCarrell, assistant,i Miss Ellen K. McCulloch. corresponding secretary, Mrs! C. M. Rhodes: re cording secretary, Mrs. Mary B. "c- Crea; x treasurer, Mrs. Rudolph IC. Spicer; assistant treasurer, Mrs. Samuel F. Dunkle; prize committee, Mrs. Joseph A. Thompson, Mrs. Charles. B. Fager, Mrs. Frank See bold; governing board. Mrs. William Elder Bailey, Mrs. Keats Peay, Miss Grace McClintock, Mrs. Frederick Herman Marsh. Membership com mittee, Mrs. Edward Z. Gross, Mrs. Harry C. Hons, Mrs. John Fox JVetss , music committee, Mrs. A. Boyd Jam ilton, Mrs. Guert W. Ensign, Mrs. Harry F. Beck, Mrs. William R. Denehe.v, In the lounge and on the porch the members and guests enjofied cakes and fruit-punch with Mrs. James I. Chamberlin and -.lrs. George Preston Mains, hostesses, as sisted by the younger matrons of the chapter. Garden flowers In large baskets and vases graced the rooms, with flags both large and small. Mrs. Benjamin E. Long, and son Benjamin, of Landisville. are the guests of Mrs. Nicholas, 216 Herr street. MN uiinouncemcHt under CAM heading mutt be accompanied bp name to ateur* accuracy. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Gill, 1913 Rhoads street, announce the birth of twins, Anna May Gill and Glenn Guyer Gill, Monday, May 26, 1919. Mr. and Mrs. Victor D. Brady, 1217 Derry street, announce the birth of a son, Russel David Brady, Wednes day. May 28, 1919. U. S. Army Wants Band Men For Posts Abroad 001. James B. Kemper, in charge of the Harrisburg recruiting district, with stations at Allentown, Altoona, Chambersburg, Johnstown, Lancas ter, Lebanon, Pottsville, Reading, York and Harrisburg, has received word from the War Department to use every efTort to enlist musicians for bands in the Canal Zone at Panama, Hawaii, Philippines and China. In the Canal Zone musicians of all kind are required for the sth band, Coast Artillery; the I6th band. Coast Artillery, and for the 334 Infantry band. Vacancies are in the 9th band, at Fort Mills, the Philippines. The 15th Infantry band, stationed at Tien Tsin, China, needs musicians. The 13th band, Coast Artillery, and 17th Cavalry band, at Honolulu wants musicians. The enlistment period is three years for this foreign service. Sev eral vacancies in the non-commis sioned grades exist, and opportunity for promotion is offered. Visitors Entertained by Kiwanis Club at Lunch Returned members of the Gover nor's Trcop, of the old Pennsylvania National Guard, and other men in uniform, gave a military touch to Ihe noonday luncheon of the Kiwanis Club yesterday at thp Penn-Harria Hotel. The men were the guests of William Strouse. J. Q. Rutherfoid won the attendance prize, an order on Fred Harry for a hat, given by Lieu tenant Frank Fahnestock. Charles K. Boas, crai booster of the day, spoke on the mining and manufacture of bil ver. The three members of the club who were in attendance at the national convention at Birmingham, Ala., gave an interesting report of their trip. The delegates were L. F. Neefe, vice president; C. C. Merrill and H. Lutz, Jr. Al. K. Thomas, president, pre sided. BOILED DOWN Not long ago the editor of an English paper ordered a story of a certain length, but when the story arrived he discovered that the au thor had written several hundred words too many. The paper was already late in go ing to press, so there was no alter native—the story must be to fit the allotted space. Therefor* the last few paragraphs were cut down to a single sentence. It read thus: "The earl took a Scotch highball, his hat, his departure, no notice of his pursuers, a revolver out of his hip pocket, and finally, his life." — Journal of the American Medical Association. Dinner Friday Evening, Mny 30 Stouffer's Restaurant 4 Si. Court St. 3 to 7.30 50< Clam Chowder Fried Hnlibut—linked Beef Hauli Creamed Chicken—Roant Beef Mashed or l.yonnalar Potatoes Stewed Tomatoes—Lima Bean* — Cream Sinn- Ice Cream, Pie or Pudding Coffee, Ten or Cocoa Candy Is a Food Just a word to keep you in mind of Mess im e r's u homemade canay for your trip on IvA /.-J this week - end. For being away "4 without Messi- /4s. \ mer's homemade A chocolates and bonbons is like being without a , fffrx-. home. Take along rf tfLJM*. a box of our de- —S-C/ licious homemade assorted candies, or if you prefer, salted nuts. We have the most de licious salted peanuts and almonds you ever tasted. They're our own salting; a trial will convince you of this fact. Our specials for this week end: Tuttl Frutti Dips; assorted fruit and nuts ground line and covered with a rich coating of chocolate. Special •• • •• •• • -'f®' "*• Cream Cocoanut Loaf; a delicious cream combined with cocoanut and covered with chocolate. Special. 30c 111. Chocolate Cocoanut Fudge; the good old-fashioned fudge combin ed with cocoanut. Special. 49c lb. MESSIMER'S The House of Homemade Candies Third Street at. Brigs* Bostonian Shoes for Men Buy good shoes while you are at it. Cheapest in the long run. Bostonians always tit and hold their shape. AA to EE for the young and older men. Priced, $6"" slo.°° PAUL'S - 11N. Fourth Street Major Frank Broderick Resigns Hospital Post Carlisle, May 22.—Major Frank Broderick, chief of the surgical staff at the local Government hospital No. 31, and one of the most popular offi cers connected with the institution, has been discharged from the serv ice. Major Broderick, a skilled surgeon and head of the Bergen Sanitarium, at Jersey City, N. J., came to the Carlisle hospital after a service of twenty years in the National Guard of New Jersey. For many years regimental sur geon of the 4th New Jersey Infan try, and later surgeon-general of that State, tho outbreak of the world war called Major Broderick to General Hospital No. 19, at Otten, N. C., where he headed the surgical forces of that institution. Major Broderick arrived In Carlisle on February 20. Lieutenant A. D. L. Bell, X-Kay specialist, has also been released from the service. City Grays Appear in New Uniforms The City Grays appeared in the pa rade to-day, wearing their new uni forms. This is the first time in many years (I at this organization has worn a uniform in parade. This organiza tion. one of the oldest military bodies in the State, includes members who belonged to the First City Zouaves, and have been prominent in every military company representing Har risburg ever since. The City Grays attracted much attention to-day and had a large representation in line. 10,000 Pounds of Good Coffee Owing to a lucky purchase we are still able to sell you this fine grade at thirty-five cents. Other grades at 40c and 45c a pound. Try our Heal Jumbo Peanuts roasted fresh daily Imperial Tea Co. 213 Chestnut St Witmer, Bair & Witmer Walnut, near Second Desirable Merchandise is always in demand —Qual- ity, materials and fine workmanship are always appreciat ed—An exceptional showing of "Summer Wear" in Dresses of all kinds, Cotton and Novelty Silk Top Skirts— Sport Suits, Capes, and Coats —Organdy, French Voile and Georgette Blouses. White and Flesh Georgette Navy Blue Challie Dress, small pin Dresses, tucked and beaded models; dot, trimmed in white organdy col sizes 16 to 44 $21.50, $25.00, lar and flare cuff. Very new and $27.50, $32.50, $37.50, $49.50 very chic— s3l.so. to $59.75. White and Pink Organdy Dresses, oile Dresses are here in a pto trimmed with ruffles and pleatings fusion of colors, styles and patterns $17.75 to $26.75. $6.50 to $25.00. Now is the time to select a Dark Silk or Georgette Dress, which will be indispensable for the summer vacation. Silks, $15.75 and upwards; Geoig cttes, $22.50 to $85.00. Exclusive Evening Gown of Dove Original Model of Black Brocaded gray taffeta; size 18, $87.50; reduced Crepe de Chine; size 38, $95; reduced to $59.50. to $69.50. Check Taffeta Dress, misses' mod- Hague Blue '1 affeta Dress, with all el, trimmed in small ruffles; size 18, the newest features of the coming $69.50; reduced to $49.50. season, $95, reduced to $69.50. Special showing in Tailored New models in Batiste and 1' rench Blouses in colors or white; organdy Voile, plain or lace trimmed — $2.9.> collar and cuffs — $1.95. to $5.50. Crepe de Chine and Georgette Novelty Georgettes in all new Blouse, plain or beaded in flesh and shades, beaded or plain, from $4.95 white; $4.95 values — $3.95. to $14.95. Heather Tyrol and Plain Jersey Suits Ideal for summer wear as jackets can be worn separately—made in seven different mixtures and eleven plain colors—a range of ten clever styles— s27.so, $28.50, $29.50, $31.50, $32.50, $35.00. 4* WITMER, BAIR & WITMER JAW IS BROKEN Matthew Donahue, 1208 Bartine street, ie in the Harrisburg Hospital with what may be a fractured jaw, suffered when struck by a bar while working in a Pennsylvania Railroad roundhouse as a machinist. He has sevens contusions of the eye and tace. HARRY G. FETTROW Funeral services will be held to morrow afternoon, at 2 o'clock, from his late home for Harry G. Fettrow, of Penbrook. Short services will be Saturday Big Bargain —1 lb. Beans. a-v-, 1 Pitg. Cornstarch. JL I 1 Pound Baking Soda. 1 Pkg. Minute Tapioca. | 111 ft 1 Pound Baking Powder. I _1 11 V 1 Sink Dishpan. "'"r v v 1 Bread Knife. 10 lbs. Granulated Sugar 9oc with every pound Coffee at 35c and above Harrisburg Popular Coffee House Grand Union Tea Store 208 North Second Street SPECIAL SALE SATURDAY OF ULi -i_ Children's Tan Russia B Calf Scuffer Shoes \ Made like cut, with heavy stitch- down welted sole. Double stitched """""v 5 BUTTON OR LACE .—-ess—*] REAL $3 QUALITY SPECIAL PRICES— IIIIIIHlljt; /< fj Sizes 5 to 8 . . $1.98 Sizes Sy 2 to 11 . .... $2.45 held at the house at that time, after which further services will be held in the Oberlln United Brethren Church. The Rev. Mr. Keefer, pastor of the Oberlin Church, will officiate, assisted by the Rev. J. A. Kelper, of Allen town Burial will be made in the Oberlin Cemetery. MARKETS OPEN WITH FLOWERS Flowers, which were scarce yester day. cruld be had to-day. The Ver beke Street Market was open last evening and this morning. More flowers were offered for sale than at uny time in several years.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers