Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 29, 1919, Page 5, Image 5

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rt.'nfavorable Weather Prob
able Cause of Reed's
By Associated Press.
Brest, May 29.—The United States j
I Naval seaplane NC-4 will probably!
istart from Lisbon to-morrow, weatb- j
per permitting, Lieut. Commander A. j
!C. Read, in charge of the craft wish- |
'ing to reach England on Memorial J
!Day, according to a wireless mes- 1
sage picked up here by the U. S. S. '
George Washington from the U. S.
Avoid Indigestion, Sour \cltl Siomnrh,
tlenrthurn, Gaa on Stontneh, Ktr. )
indigestion and practically nil forms
.o" stomach trouble, say medical au-1
thorities, are due nine times out of j
Tp-n to an excess of hydrochloric acid j
jin the stomach. Chronic "acid
istomach" is extremely dangerous and
sufferers should do either one of two
Either they can go on a limited and
pcften disagreeable diet, avoiding foods
that disagree with them, that irritate,
Khe stomach and lead to excess acid j
secretion or they can eat as they i
please in reason and make it a prac- j
lice to counteract the effect of the |
harmful acid and prevent the forma-j
t ion of gas, sourness or premature;
fermentation by the use of a little Bi- j
rurated Magnesia at their meals.
There is probably no better, safer or;
more reliable stomach antiacid than ;
I'.isuratcd Magnesia and it is widely j
used for this purpose. It has no j
direct action on the stomach and is I
not a digestant. But a teaspoonful of j
the powder or a couple of-flv'e grain j
tablets taken in a little water with j
the food will neutralize the excess
acidity which may be present and pre
vent its further formation. This re- i
moves the whole cause of the trouble!
and the meal digests naturally and !
healthfully without need of pepsin I
pills or artificial digestants.
Get a few ounces of Bisurated Mag
nesia from any reliable druggist. Ask'
for either powder or tablets. It never ,
comes as a liquid, milk or citrate and j
in the bisurated form is not a laxa- !
tive. Try this plan and eat what you I
want at your next meal and see If this
hn't the best advice you ever had on I
"what to eat." —Geo. A. Gorgas. I
Buy Tires of Known Quality
The steady usefulness of your
car depends on good tires. Econ
omy depends on good tires.
United States Tires are good
tires. That's why we handle them.
Take no chances with unknown
quality. Buy United States Tires,
—for their proved dependability,
—for their oft demonstrated
We can provide you with United
States Tires to meet your needs
# exactly.
United States Tires
are Good Tires
We know United States Tires are good tires. That's why we sell them.
Black's Garage K. s. Brubakcr & Sons—Grantham.
Cadillac Hln ton Co. West Shore Tire Repair Co.—liemoync.
The Fishman Garage Co., Inc. W. I. Hoffman—Usburn.
C. S. Gelstnger—l'nxtang—Hurrishurg. .(nines I'. Roddy—West Kairview.
B. F. Huffman Crrage, 7ih and Camp Sts. West Sliore GaAge—Wormleysburg.
Keystone Sales Co. Herahcv Garage—Hcrshey.
Geo. W. Myers. c> B . Cnre—Ungicstown.
Rex Garage Supnly Co. 0. W. Fox—Plkctown.
Harrisburg Harness A Saddlery Co. Rett burg Bros.—Steel too.
S. Rochester, which is lying in the
roads at Lisbon.
Plymouth, England, May 29.—1t!
was announced here last night that l
the British air mintstry is planning!
to give the United States naval sea
plane NC-4 and its crew a great;
Three flying boats, in addition to
two airplanes, will go out to escort
the Americans to the Royal Air force (
mooring station in the Cattewater, j
the mouth of the Plymouth river.
The Americans will be guest of *
honor at the Royal Air force station
probably on the day following their,
Washington, May 29. —The Ameri
can naval seaplane NC-4 will not
start to-day on the final lap of the
flight from Rockaway Beach. Long >
Island, to Plymouth. England, the'
Navy Department was informed in a
dispatcli from Lisbon, England,
where Lieutenant Commander A. C. j
Read and his crew of the NC-4 are !
awaiting favorable conditions for re- i
sumption of the overseas flight.
The dispatch, which was filed at
9.10 o'clock last night, Lisbon time,
and was received by cable, did not
explain the reason which impelled
Commander Read to postpone begin- i
ning the last leg of the flight. The I
message merely said:
"NC-4 will not start to-morrow."
Previous dispatches yesterday had '
brought the announcement that the .
American seaplane would resume it* !
flight this morning, in the absence j
of more definite information, naval !
officers were inclined to believe that :
unfavorable weather conditions had
developed over the 775-mile route to
Plymouth, the real end of the trans- i
Atlantic flight.
Communication with Lisbon, both j
by cable and through the American !
wireless station near Brest, is sub- j
ject to considerable delay.
Jewish Congregations
Protest Atrocities
Jewish congregations of Kesher |
Israel and Chisuk Kmuna are to-day j
observing a day of fasting and pray- |
er. Prayers will be offered for their j
massacreed people of Poland, Uk- j
raine and Roumania, and that the:
Allies use their influence in putting
to an end the atrocities that have;
been recently perpetrated.
Services will be held at the syna- i
gogues at 5 o'clock. Prominent
speakers will be present and will ex
plain the sufferings to which their
nations have been subjected through j
the cruelties of foreign nations. I
By Associated Press.
Brest, May 29. —American sol
diers who escaped from the blows
of Mars but who fell before the
darts of* Cupid and married
French girls are permitted by
Uncle Sam to bring home their
brides at the expense of the Gov
Recently there appeared at the
troop movement office a burly
sergeant, accompanied by a wom
an bearing a babe in arms, three
other anxious-looking women
and another elderly woman. An
old man also belonged '.o the
They were, respectively, the
wife, baby, sisters-in-law, moth
er-in-law and father-in-law of the
sergeant. He wants them .to re
turn to America with him.
"You win," said the desk offi
cer. "You must have been the
greatest soldier of them all; you
certainly have nerve."
Willard, Weighing
Pounds, Plans to Get Down
to Hard Training For Bout
Toledo, 0., May 29. —Jess Willard,
the heavyweight champion, will ar
rive in Toledo Saturday night and
will settle down to training Sunday
for his championship contest with
Jack Dempsey here July 4. it was
announced by Ray O. Archer, busi
ness representative of the champion,
upon his arrival from Ixis' Angeles
The champion left Los Angeles
with Jack Sempel. one of his spar
ring partners, yesterday, and plans
four weeks of intensive training. Ar
cher said. He said the title holder
tipped the scales at 25814 pounds
five days ago, which is a half a pound
below the weight he made for his
fight with Frank Moran in Mlew
York in 1916, his last match.
Willard expects to have sparring
■partners in camp by Monday. They
will include Sempel. Tim O'Neil, a
light heavyweight of Chicago; and
another heavyweight.
Brest, May 2 9.—A1l the troops of
the Eighty-first (Wildcatl Division are
now homeward bound. The last con
tingents sailed this morning on the
steamers Von Steuben and Finisterre.
New Records For Retirement
to Come During June
and July
During June and July the Tennsyl
: vania Railroad will break all records
| for retiring veteran employes. Between
J New York and Pittsburgh it is esti
] mated that between 100 and 200 men
j will be placed on the pension list. The
i Middle and Philadelphia divisions will
report a big list.
! To date fifty men who have reached
| the age limit. 70 years, are on the list
)to take up the simple life. At Altoona
|33 shopmen are scheduled for retire
| nffent and along the division between
Altoona and Harrisburg 12 men in the
j train service will retire.
July a Rig Month
I With the close of May, Saturday, ten
] men will join the honor roll, seven of
whom are Altoona residents. The
I largest list will be announced for re
j tirement on July 1." At Altoona 25
! employes will retire, breaking all pre-
I vious records for one month since the
! pension system was started,
j Harrisburg will figure in the July
i retirements. One passenger engineman
J who has served the company for nearly
j 48 years will be added to the pension
list. He holds an interesting record.
' having hauled more special trains than
I any engineer on the division.
Railroad Notes
i Middle division passenger men are
I showing activity in municipal work.
'At Duncannon Frank Cook, now bur
j gees, is looking after road improve-
I ments and watching auto speeders. Ira
' B. Bixler, conductor, is a Camp Hill
| councilman and keeping a close eye on
j speeders.
Railroad employes who had a day
off to-day observed Ascension Day like
the farmers. They went fishing.
The Philadelphia and Reading Rail
road will run excursions from many
points to Gettysburg to-morrow.
Applications for position as engine
men on trains No. 10 and 93 on the
Reading are being received. The suc
cessful applicant will move to Allen
The Reading Railroad Y. M. C. A.,
at Reading, added 700 new members
last week in their drive. At a recep
tion to the new members announcement
was made that a campaign for the
erection of a new building would start
in the near future.
The Reading is storing 900 steel
coal cars near Sunbury. They were
built by the American Steel and Iron
Company for abroad and will be held
pending instructions for their distri
bution by the Federal director.
Reading Railroad florists are beau
tifying the lawns along the main line.
Members of the Friendship and Co
operative Club are planning a big
June meeting.
Nelson Anthony, employed in the i
baggage department at the Pennsyl- !
vania Railroad Station, has returned
from a ten days' vacation.
Penrose Commencement
Speaker at State College
State College, Pa.. May 29.—Unit
ed States Senator Boise Penrose will
be the commencement speaker at
the Pennsylvania State College this
year. He will' deliver his address to
the graduating class of 1919 in the
Schwab Auditorium on June 11.
Casale, French Airman ,
Ascends 31,000 Feet
By Associated Press.
Pnrls, May 29.—Adjutant Casale. a
French aviator, to-day in a flight
for altitude, ascended 31,000 feet.
This constitutes a world's record.
The former altitude record of 30,-
500 feet was made by Captain Lang,
of the British army in January.
Argo-Phoephale contains phos
phates such as physicians all over the
world are prescribing to-build up all
run-down, anamic conditions and
changing thin, enemlc women with
toneless tissues, flabby flesh into the
most beautiful, rosy-cneeked and
plump, round formed women imagin
NOTICE:—Dr. Frederick Jacobson
says: Argo-Phosphate builds up all
run-down conditions in a few days
wonderfully. Dispensed by Gorgas,
the druggist.
"Neutrone Prescription 99" removes
the poisonous accumulations that lodge
in the blood.
After one week's use you will be
looking at other sufferers instead of
being an object of misery and pity. i
Your Joints and muscles will be
loose and limbered up, all aches • and
misery will be gone, you will feel like
As soon as you take "Neutrone Pre-
I scrlptjon 99" you can feel the pain and
misery leaving and comfort and happi
ness coming in. Go to your druggist
today and get a 50c or SI.OO bottle, then
1 enjoy life, feel like doing things again.
Mail orders filled on SI.OO size.
George A. Gorgas. the Druggist,
and leading Druggists everywhere.
Ribbed Non-Skid
Guaranteed 5,000
Special "Imperial 30x3 sll .CO'
Call on phone for prices.
40 N. 10th St., Harrisburg, Pa.
j Friendship and Co-operative
Men Defer Special Session
Due to the short time given the com
mittee to prepare there will be no spe
cial meeting to-night of the Friendship
and Co-operatiVe Club. The next meet
ing will be held at. Eagles' Hall, Sixth
and Cumberland streets. Thursday
night. June 26. At this meeting plans
! for launching the State-wide movement
for the organization of co-operative
clubs will be taken up. Speakers will
be present from Philadelphia, Altoona
\ and Pittsburgh.
Local Railroad "Y" to
Hold Round-up Session
j The round-up session of the Army
and Navy teams of the P. R. R. Y. M.
jC. A., scheduled for to-morrow night,
i has been cnanged to Monday night.
Many of the tenmworkers and officials
I of the local Railroad "Y" will partici-
I pate in to-morrow's Memorial Day
| exercises and some will he out of the
| city.
The winning team, the Army, Charles
'S. Sollers. commander, will be given
a banquet at which the losing team,
the Navy. G. A. Geisel, Admiral, will
he the hosts. Addresses will be made
by Lieutenant Horace Geisel and offi
cials of the "Y."
Standing of the Crews
Philadelphia Division. The 121
| crew to go first after 1 o'clock: 102,
j 115. 116, 127, 114. 118. 123, 109, 126.
Engineers for 127.
Firemen for 115, 127.
Conductors for 109, 121. 127.
Brakemen for 107. 121, 126.
Engineers up: Evans, Gemmill,
Baldwin. Smith, Simons, Brodhecker,
Firemen up: Wittel, R. L. Good,
Shank, Whay, Varner, Utley, Wood,
Stitzel, Newcomer, G. J. Kimmich.
Fenstcrmacher, Kintz, Barclay, Kir
choff, Shettel, S. Fry, Northcutt.
Conductors tip: Stark,' Rife, Pe
Brakemen up: J. W. Smith, W. W.
Craver, Hackman, Zimmerman, Cross,
E. L. Craver, Christ, Garlin, Hughes,
Mongan. Beard, Xeidinger, Lcsher.
Pcff, Dare, Minnichan.
Middle Division. The 31 crew to
go first after 2.15 o'clock: 29. 32, 25.
Engineers wanted for 32, 25.
Firemen wanted for 29.
Flagmen wanted for 32.
Brakemen wanted for 32.
Brakemen for 29.
Engineers up: Blizzard, Burris,
Peightal. Asper, Corder, Bomberger,
Rathefone, Bowers, Tettermer.
Firemen up: Kowatch. Evens, Bick
ert, Kennedy, Alcorn, Radle, Linsen
baugh, Kepner, Schmidt, Keiter, Mel
linger, Arnold.
Brakemen up: Corl, Dare, Lentz,
Shade, I'redix, G. W. Peckard, Lantz,
Dennis. Clouser, C. F. Beers. Fisher.
Roushe, Homminger, Woodward, Ar
ter. H. C. Johnson, Clemm.
Yard Hoard. Engineers wanted
for IC, 2. 15C, 35C.
Firemen wanted for IC, 6C, 10C, 1,
15C, 30C.
Engineers up: Starner, Leiby, Ful
ton, Runkle, Seiber, Clelland.
Firemen up: Bryan, Whichello,
Sourbeer, E. Kruger, Mensch, Mell,
Knfile, W. C. Kruger, Henderson,
Philadelphia Division. The 204
crew first to go after 1.46 o'clock:
210, 223, 244, 206, 241, 219, 247, 245,
228, 209. 242, 250.
Engineers for 210, 220. 247. 241.
Firemen for 206, 220, 223, 244, 247.
Conductors for 204, 209, 260.
Flagmen for 228.
Brakemen for 204, 244, 206, 241, 250.
Conductors up: Bryson, Miller,
Gemperllng, Shirk, Cullen.
Brakemen up: Rcissinger, Delling
er, Davis, Rudisill, Eshleman. Gave
rich. Kinnqrd, Freedman. . Renshaw.
Harmon. Home, G. H. Smith, Singer,
Simpson, Miller.
Middle Division. The 101 crew to
go first after 3 o'clock: 115, 16, 110,
34, 114, 120, 121, 103.
Engineers for 101, 110.
Firemen for 110, 120, 121.
Conductors for 115.
Flagmen for 103.
Brakemen for 110, 121.
Yard Crews. —Engineers up: Myers,
Geib, Curtis, Hinkle, Hill. Boyer.
Firemep up: Albright, Wolf, O. J.
Wagner, Milliken, McConnell, Taylor,
Holmes, Haubaker, Hutchison, Y'etter,
Swigart, Coldven, Kennedy. Sadler,
Engineers for change crew No. 2.
Firemen for 137, Ist 104, 2nd 104,
change crew No. 2, 118.
Middle 111 vision. —Engineers up: A.
C. Allen. B. H. Alexander, H. F. Gron
inger, L. H. Ricedorf, W. C. Black, H.
J. Johnson, W. H. Turbett, C. D. Hol
Engineers wanted for none.
Firemen up: G. L. Huggins, Roy
Herr, G. B. Huss, W. W. Beacham, R.
M. Lyter, E. E. Koller, H. A. Schrau
der. S. H. Wright.
Firemen wanted for 25, 35. 11, 37, 3,
601, M-27.
Philadelphia Division. — Engineers
up: E. C. Snow, C. H. Seitz, V. C. Gib
bons, B. A. Kennedy, J. C. Davis, H.
Smeltzer, C. R. Osmond, M. Pleam.
Engineers wanted for 22, 32.
Firemen up: J. S. Frankford, P. W.
Johnson, J. N. Shindler, H. Stoner, M.
C. Shaffner, H. Myers., F. H. Young,
J. M. White.
Firemen wanted for 98. 32, 34.
The 64 crew to go first after 12.15
o'clock: 69, 57, 66, 67, 5, 60, 71, 55,
68 and 61.
Engineers for 66.
Firemen for 57. 64.
Conductors for 5.
Flagmen for 5.
Brakemen fo r 5, 60, 67, 69, 72.
Engineers up: Hoffman, Dillow,
Barnhart, Middaugh, Fleagle, Wyre,
Jones, Clouser. Grimes.
Firemen up: Eslinger, Kochenour,
Heckman. Nogglc, Deardorf, Schutz.
Gates, Estcrline, Vogclsong, Eisley,
Saul, Orndorf, Hoover.
Conductors up: Eshleman. Smith,
Flagmen up: Koons. Spangler,
Mumma. Llneweaver, Potteiger, Sour
beer, Watson, Zlnk, Stahl, Wampler.
Brakemen up, none.
Democrats Discuss 1920
Campaign Plans in Chicago
Chlengo, May 29.—Members of the
Democratic National Committee held
a conference to-day with women as
sociate members at which plans for
the 1920 campaign were discussed.
At a later meeting campaign plans
were to be discussed with State
chairmen, and at this meeting it was
expected A. Mitchell Palmer, United
State Attorney General, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, assistant secretary of the
Navy, and Joseph R. Tumulty, sec
retary to President Wilson, would be
present. They left Washington for
Chicago yesterday to attend the clos
ing sessions of the committee and
also the banquet to be given this eve
ning at which Mr. Palmer and Mr.
Roosevelt are to be the principal
Reward Fund Provided For
Conviction of Those Who
Send Bombs
Governor Sproul lias signed the
Davis joint resolution muking avail
able $5,000 for rewards for arrest
and conviction of persons' sending
infernal machines or threatening let
ters through the mails. The reso
lution was presented soon after the
discovery in New York of bombs
addressed to prominent persons
throughout the coup-try.
The Governor also announced ap
! proval of a number of bills and will
! determine upon about a score of oth
| ers now in his hands,
j Among the bills approved was
| the Dawson House bill amending the
; sinking fund act so that it shall con
| sist of proceeds of sale of public
works, income from or proceeds of
;sale of slock owned by the State and
I appropriations and accumulations.
, The road bond sinking fund will be a
separate proposition.
Other bills approved were:
Providing for return of money
contributed for an armory by any
city or county when the armory is
Providing for gravestones for sol
diers, sailors and marines clyir.-g
while in service to be paid for by
the county where they die or have
a legal residence.
Fixing salaries of court stenog
raphers at not less than $1,500 a
year, the sums to be designated by
the court.
Authorizing transfer by township
poor districts of funds for which
there is no prospective use to towr.--
ship school boards upon consent of
Appropriating $77,000 to meet de
ficiencies in the Hoard of Public
Grounds and Buildings.
Providing that school districts
shall provide pupils at special
schools for tubercular children with
food, clothing and transportation'.
Extending act requiring toilet fa
cilities in foundries to rolling and
other mills.
Allowing assistant county school
superintendents SSOO a year for ex
Allowing sheriffs and deputies $3
per day for attendance on court for
execution of orders.
Amending school code so that dis
tricts may purchase property in ad
joining districts to facilitate attend
ance at school.
Requirir.-g aldermen and other
magistrates to investigate cases of
assault and battery before binding
defendants over for trial at court
and authorizing discharge of such
cases and fixing the costs.
Tnko Horsforil's Add Phosphate
In water, taken before retiring, in
sures restful sleep. Try it.
Hundreds of Cases Here Says Dentist
Don't Have Your Teeth Pulled.
Mnke Diseased Gums Hrnlthy
and Teeth Tight With This
Sew Prescription—
Instant Belief
A prominent New York Dentist re
cently discovered a new prescription
—Epithol—which is so successful in
the treatment of Pyorrhoea and Ftiggs
Disease that it is sold here in Harris
burg by H. C. Kennedy, Geo. A. Gor
ges and other leading druggists on an
absolute guarantee to refund money
if in any case it fails to correct the
If your teeth are loosening or If
your gums are receding and are sore
or tender. intiamed or bleeding,
spongy or flabby, or if they discharge
pus, get an ounce of Epithol today if
possible and start using it right away.
It seems to work like magic. Teeth
tighten and the gums grow sound and
healthy and the bleeding pus dis
charge soon stops.
Fred Chapman says: "My teeth be
came very sore and loose, pus formed
around the roots and gave me a se
vere case of stomach trouble. My
physician urged me to have my teeth
extracted. A dentist recommended
Epithol, and after a short time my
teeth became tight and my gums re
stored to a healthy condition. I rec
ommend Epithol to any one suffering
from Pyorrhoea."
Everyone knows that the men
and women of America are losing
their hair.
The prevalence of seborrhea (the
dandruff disease) is appalling. But
just as science proved that dand
ruff was due to bacilli, science now
offers the remedy.
It is FAMO.
FAMO destroys the dandruff ba
cilli and stops the scborrhean ex
cretion. It stops all itching of the
It penetrates the scalp and unless
the hair roots are entirely dead, it ]
encourages and stimulates the |
growth of new hair.
The ingredients of FAMO have 1
never before been used in the treat
ment of the scalp. But they arc
well known to medical science.
Three years were spent in per
fecting FAMO in one of the great
pharmaceutical laboratories of De
FAMO makes the hair and scat,
healthy. It nourishes the hair in
a wonderful way and makes it lus
trous and fluffy.
FAMO comes in two sizes—33
tents and a big bottle at sl. Your
money back if you are not satisfied.
Seborrhea is the medical name for e
norbidla increased /tore from the sebaceous
ylonds of the scalp. The seharrhean excre
tion forms is scaler or. /lakes and is con■
tnenly knr-a'i as daidm f,
Mfd. by The Famo C->, Detroit, Mich
Droll Keller,
C. M. Forney,
Sp<c- *
increases strength of delicate, nervous I
run-down people In two weeks' time in I
many instances Used and highly en- I
dorsed by former United States Senators I
•nd Members of Congress, well-known I
phjsiclanssndf ormerj'u F ic ii e.l, h offi j
MAY 29, 1919
Independence Day Parade
Called OH at Request of
City's Returned Soldiers
Arrangements for the Fourth of
July parade of returned service men,
which was planned by the Harrisburg
Chamber of Commerce as a mark of
honor to the veterans of the Harrls
hurg district, have been called off and
the event will not be held. It has been
decided at a meeting of the executive
committee In charge.
Instead .the Fourth of July will be
featured by ppenair concerts ,to bo
held through the city, financed and
arranged by the Chamber of Com
This decision was reached in re
sponse to the wishes of the men them
selves. Information derived from con
versations with numerous soldiers,
sailors and mnrines, who have returned
to their homes, has demonstrated that
these men do not wish to take part In
a parade on the national holiday.
Store Closed 1
All Day Tomorrow, Friday |j
Decoration Day!
[Take Notice |
A Big Sale §
Of Women's and Misses' Jj
1 AND |
[Jj Comprising j|j
Ijust 135 Capes!
|j Will Be Held at Kaufman's ||
|On Saturday!
j|| This is the result of a IS
| Special Purchase I
and our price will be m
|| for actual $ 15.00, $ 18.00 and $20.00 values
hj The materials are men's wear serge, all ||j
jjj wool poplin, gabardine and velour. The Jfe*
g colors are black, navy, tan, Pekin, plum,
[jy shepherd checks and tweed mixtures. J|j
W See Capes Now on Display in Our j®
II Window |jj
Lawn Mowers Sharpened
Court and Cranberry Sts.
_____—_ ,
For Itching Eczema,
Old Sores and Piles
"I guarantee my ointment," says
Peterson of Buffalo, "to cure eczema;
to stop the itching at once and any
reliable druggist will cheerfully re
fund your • money if PETERSON S
OINTMENT doesn't do everything 1
say it will do."
William A. Carley, of Franklin.
N. Y., is surely a wise man. He
writes: "I used PETERSON'S OINT
MENT' on a little boy suffering ter
ribly with eczema. It did the work."
Then there is Alex. Louttel, a brave
fireman of Buffalo, who is glad to
write as follows: "I had an old sore
on riiy leg for many years. The best
doctors failed. PETERSON'S OINT
MENT entirely healed the sore quick
ly." And from over In Canada comes
a letter from A. Blockeby. stating:
"The best thing 1 ever hit for itch
ing piles is PETERSON'S OINT- •
RIENT." A big box for 35 cents.