8 BOY SCOUTS TO OPEN SUMMER CAMP IN JUNE Great Year of Activity Ahead For the Big Organi zation That the coming year will bring Doy Scout activities in the city to the highest pbint was assured last night at a reception given eight newly-appointed deputy commis sioners when plans for the summer campaign were mapped out. The lirst annual camp for Scouts will open the middle of June and continue until September 1, it was announced. Mount Holly Springs Park has been leased for the camp and arrangements have been com pleted to care for hundreds of boys during the summer. City troops probably will go to the camp in a body, but boys who want to spend any part or the whole of the sum mer can be accommodated. The last week of the summer will be devoted to a camp for men Interested in the scout movement. Every outdoor ac tivity will be fostered at the camp. Commissions for the new deputy commissioners were issued following the conference with Commissioner William H. German and Scout Ex ecutive J. Fredrik Virgin. The commissioners were enthused at the possibilities of the work and the manner in which the boys of the city are responding. Announcement was made that the Scouts will have a division and band in the Flag Day parade to be held next month under the auspices of the Elks. Scouts also will take part in the Memorial Day parade. The following deputy commission ers were named: Group 1. John S. Spicer: Troop 15, Sixth Street United Brethren: Troop 21, Division Street Chapel; Troop 22, Shiloh Lutheran; Troop 29, St. Paul's Episcopal; Troop 3V St. Matthew's Lutheran. Group 2, Frank C. Foose: Troop 7, Harris Street Evangelical; Troop 18, Covenant Presbyterian; Troop 20, Fifth Street Methodist; Troop 24, Augsburg Lutheran. Group 3. Dr. John H. Fager: Troop 13, Pine Street Presbyterian; Troop 2, Young Men's Hebrew Asso ciation; Troop 10, Second Reformed; Troop 27, Westminster Presbyter- lan. Group 4, Dr. M. V. Hazen: Troop 5, Mersiah Lutheran; Troop 11, Mar- I ket Square Presbyterian; Troop 16, j Bethlehem Lutheran; Troop 19, j Grace Methodist. Group E, John F. O'Neill: Troop 1, Salem Reformed; Troop 14, Zion j Lutheran; Troop 25, Paxton Pres bvterian; Jroop 28, Epworth Metho dist. Group 6, R. 11. Lyons: Troop 6, Olivet Presbyterian; Troop 8, Christ i Lutheran; Troop 25, Stevens Memor- j ial Method's'.; Troop 32, Industrial | Home. Group 7, E. Fred Rowc: Troop 4, j Immanuel Presbyterian; Troop 12, j Memorial Lutheran; Troop 17, Pen brook Community Troop; Troop SO, Market Street Baptist; Troop S3, Bellevue Park Association. Group 8, Professor John P. Scott: Troop 9, Capital Street Presbyterian; Troop S3, Wesley Union A. If. E. BRIEFS FROM THE 1 BIG NEWSEVENTS By Associated Bras Washington—Decision of the War Department auditor in disallowing a claim of $28,618 by the State of Massachusetts for expenses incurred in the mobilization of the National Guard for Mexican border service in 1916, has been affirmed by Comp troller of the Treasury W r arwick. Mount Clemens. Mich. Judge Tucker's court to-day was again turned into a rendezvous for former j soldiers, called on behalf of Henry I Ford to refute certain phases of the | alleged libel uttered against him in | the Chicago Daily Tribune. June 23, 1916. Washington—Rapid completion of ! the Navy's 1916 building program! was urged by the general board to- I day in a communication presented to | the House Naval Committee by Sec- ! retary Daniels. New Haven. Conn. —The riot which 1 kept this city in an uproar most of j last night was attributed to-day by ! Mayor Fitzgerald to Bolsheviki ele- j ments which had taken advantage of \ a minor clash between discharged \ service men and Yale undergradu ates. This view was shared by the Yale students' council. Paris —A request by German-Aus- j tria that the faculties of medicine of ; various Spanish universities send de- ! legates to report the effects of fam-: ine due to the Allied blockade has met mainly with a negative response. I HARRY G. FETROW DIES Progress. Pa.. May 28.—Harry G. j Fetrow. aged 64 years, died at his ' home here yesterday after an illness ! of several weeks. He was employed j at the Bethlehem Steel Works, at Steelton. He is survived by his wife, , two sons, George Fetrow, a motor- j cycle officer on the Harrisburg po- | lice force, and Harry G. Fetrow, Jr., ; of Progress, and two daughters. Pearl E. Fetrow. and Katie M. Fet row, at home. Funeral services will be held on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. The Rev. Mr. Keefer, of the Oberlin United Brethren Church, and the Rev. J. A. Keiper, a former ' pastor of the church, will officiate. GIRL'S LEG BROKEN Mary Ronney, 7-year-old daughter of George Ronney, 1105 North Cam eron street, is in the Harrisburg Hos pital with what may he a fractured left leg. It is said the child was knocked down and run over by d wagon. Free Demonstration in Own Home kTry the Eden Washer for one week, JSr at our expense. Pay us only $5.00 as 'B&EW* the initial payment if you decide to buy. Phone Bell 4000; Dial 2182. Harrisburg Light & Power Co. yBSShnj 22 North Second Street, Harrisburg. fachine Or Mr. Kane at the Steelton Office. Phone—Steelton 121 Bell WEDNESDAY EVENING, Pennsylvania at the Front The One Hundred and Eleventh Infantry, Twenty-eighth Division, coming out of the line after being relieved. The Red Cross and Salvation Army huts in the background are distributing food. This photograph was taken on October 19. 1918, and is supplied by the United States Recruiting Service. Copies may be had on application to Colonel Kemper, 325 Market street. LISBON SLOW IN i NEWS OF PLANE (Continued From First Page) ington time) ended at 4.01 p. m.j (Washington time). Resumption of the flight with! Plymouth, Eng., as the finish was; expected to-day if weather conditions; permitted and It was found the| steady driving of yesterday had left, the engines in good shape. Comman-j der Aibert C. Read and his five! companions were reported to be in excellent physical condition despite' the strain they have been under con-j tinuously for more than two weeks, i Crew Is Decorated I/Ondon. May 28.—The crew of; the American seaplane NC-4, which j made the first trans-Atlantic aerial j passage, landing at Lisbon last even- | ing from the Azores, has been deco- J rated with the Grand Cross of the, Order of the Tower and Sword, says| a message to the Wireless Press} from Lisbon. The decoration was! presented by the Portuguese foreign! minister. The Order of the Tower and Sword was founded in 1808 in Brazil by the Regent who afterwards became King John VI of Portugal as a revival of the Order of the Sword founded by Alfonso V In 1459. It was again re modeled in 1832. It is a general or der of military and civil merit and has five classes. Badge 5-Pointed Star The badge is a flve-pointed star in white on the center of which is imposed a sword surrounded by a I laurel wreath and words signifying merit, valor and loyalty. A laurel ' wreath connects the points of the star and at the top is a tower in gold. The ribbon is blue. FLOWER BOXES AS MEMORIALS TO DEAD [Continued from First Page.] committee of arrangements to-day. "The boxes will be unveiled at the conclusion of the address. They have been erected at the expense of the Rotary Club of Harrisburg and will be maintained during the sum mer under contract with the Berry hill Nursery Company. It is plan ned to have them renewed next year. Friends and relatives of soldiers, sailors and marines who died in the service are invited to be present, to gether with the veterans of the war with Germany and other wars. The Rotarians will assemble at 5.15 at the center of the bridge at the place where the Cameron street approach joins the bridge proper, where the exercises will be held. "The club's idea in having the boxes placed was to provide a fitting Memorial Day testimonial of Har risburg's appreciation of the sacri fice the men made who died in the war, and to have a material memor ial especially for those who lie buried in France where their graves can not be marked on Decoration Day either by the customary flag or flowers. The public is invited to the ceremony. There will be community singing and other music. The exercises were arranged for Memorial Day eve so as not to interfere in any way with the customary services and observ ances of the Grand Army on Memor ial Day. SMITH BILL PASSES Senator Smith's bill creating a Bureau of Rehabilitation in the De partment of Dabor and Industry was passed finally this morning. The bill aims to do for State workingmen who may be injured, that which the federal government is doing for the boys injured on the battlefields of Europe, by directing them in some new and adaptable line of industry. lVOl'LI) INCREASE SAI,ARIES A bill increasing the salaries of the two Deputy Superintendents of Public Instruction to $7,500 and $6,- 000. respectively, was presented this morning by Senator Crow, Fayette. Senator Hackett, Northampton, pre | sented a measure making it a mis , demeanor to sell to minors under | sixteen years of age any fireworks containing any explosive mixture. ROME BITTER MAO; MOBS FIGHT FOB IT IJ]I Associated Press. Rome, May 28.—Octoganarians of both sexes participate every day in Rome in spirited melees for fresh butter. The fights oc cur at 6 o'clock each morning and 7 each evening. Butter is so scarce in Rome that when any is put on sale at a creamery the place is stormed by buyers. Aged men and women, girls, boys, persons of all ages, engage in a scramble for it. Women have part of their cloth ing torn off and scream from pain in the pressure of the mob. They emerge with disheveled hair and raging countenances, tirey mad at the roughness of the others. If a woman is successful she re ceives two ounces of butter for which she pays thirty cents. 29,000,000 TONS OF COAL IN UPPER END (Continued From First Pago) tons of marketable product. It was explained that the company had dis covered several new pockets of coal since then that can be mined. Mr. Sekol fixed the amount of coal as yet unmined as 65,000,000 tons. Of this figured that 60 per cent, could be taken out and of that of this 60 per cent, only 75 per cent, would be placed on the market, leav ing the final total of 29,000,000 tone which he gave as his revised figure. Mr. Sekol has spent two weeks on [ the coal properties, studying acre : age and tonnage. He will occupy the coming week figuring on costs of production, all factors considered, and the price which the company gets on the open market, in an ef fort to find the actual valuations of the company's holdings. , It was said to-day that the com ! missioners and the company are get ting nearer to an agreement then at first appeared possible. Next week's hearing, like that of to*lay, will be in the form of a court with the commissioners sitting as judges and hearing both sides. COUNCILMENSERVE 4 YEARS UNDER NEW ACT (Continued l-'rom First Page) property owners; allows bonds to be issued by annual or Serial plans; au thorizes care of shade trees; provides that members, officers, etc., of Health Boards may be named by Council; fixes term of city clerk and solicitor at four years; specifies number of votes needed to pass an ordinance; regu lates power of Mayor in veto; elimi nates requirement for a report by the Mayor in January: authorizes Coun cil and the Mayor to name emergency policemen; allows Mayor to suspend policemen upon complaint, pending hearing and action by City Council; authorizes superintendent of ac counts to name a deputy and to ad minister oaths; enlarges power of city controller and regulates vacan cies; provides authority to regulate : smoke and to establish milk depots; J establishes pensions for men in city service for twenty years and who have reached the age of 70; enlarges ! authority in regard to markets, re- I moval of ashes, garbage, etc.; au j thorizes building and maintenance of | boat houses; bath houses, docks, etc., I and widening streams; changes time j for which committment may be made ; from thirty to ninety days and en ! larges city control of police together j with numerous other changes. OPPOSE HOUSE BILL Dr. E. M. S. McKee, president of ; Altoona Real Tstate Board was in ! Harrisburg yesterday and appeared 1 with a numbter of other real estate | men of Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, : before the Judiciary General Com mittee during the afternoon. They opposed the passage of House Bill 250, which bears on the real estate question. % HAJRRJ6BTTRG TELEGRXPH LONG SESSION IS CRITICISED [Continued from First Page.] that the general bill could be passed as quickly as the emergency meas ure. The Philadelphia charter bill, which was reported front the House Munici pal Corporation Committc yesterday, with amendments, was sent back to the committee "for amendment" as soon as passed on first reading; in the House to-day. Mr. Glass, Phila delphia, made the motion, which was not objected to. Protests Heard Protests against the progress of legislation in the General Assembly and demands for development of a legislative program to be carried out as rapidly as possible were voiced in the House to-day by several mem bers. The speakers declared that their hopes of the "short business session" based on inaugural and oth er speeches had disappeared, and charges that bills were being need lessly held up were made. Mr. Sliowalter, Union, rising to a question of personal privilege, said the Legislature had been "marking time" for five months. "We have passed an amount of very minor leg islation and ench bill has cost the State about $335. We were told there would be a short business session. We have been patiently waiting for a legislative program. We are not Informed as to what Is to come," said he. The Union county member said that the Governor and Speaker had both advocated short sessions and that if there is a program now is the time to bring It out. He said that the members of the House were willing to work, but were all at sea, without information when adjournment will come, anxious to cooperate with the Senate, but not enjoying the con dence of the Upper House. "Members are expressing much dissatisfaction. Let's Ket down to business. Let the committees report out the important legislation and let the rag time bills die. Let us get down to work and stop wasting time and funds," he concluded. Mr. Wallace, Lawrence, said he was a long way from home and believed the time had come when the Senate should take the House into its con fidence. The House, he declared was being laughed at by citizens, and while he did not advocate reprisals "unless necessary," he asserted he felt that the House should, be sup ported in its efforts to accomplish something. Both Messrs. Showalter and Wal lace said they appreciated the work of Speaker Spangler and upheld his insistence on a business program. Mr. Dunn. Philadelphia, said less work had been done than he had kr.own in years, and feared more de lay, with June 26 looming up as the date of final adjournment. Chairman Ramsey, of the Rules Committee, said that the House had kept up with the work outlined for it and had promptly disposed of busi ness handed to it. While there had been hopes for adjournment in the middle of May, it had been impossi ble he felt that adjournment could still be worked out June 19. Mr. Wallace said that he realized that important legislation affecting cities and counties was pending, but that the time to act upon it is at hand. The Lawrence member said that in a short time revenue, appro priation and Senate bills would have right of way in the House. Third Term For Wilson Hinges on League Fate, Party Chairman Thinks By Associated Press. Chicago, May 28. President Wil son's candidacy for a third term will be determined largely by the fate of the League of Nations, in the opinion of Homer S. Cummings, chairman of the Democratic National Committee, who came to Chicago to-day to pre side at a two days" session of that body. "While I have no information re garding President Wilson's intentions about becoming a candidate for a third term, X believe that the ques tion largely rests on the fate of the League of Nations," said Chairman Cummings. "If the league of Na tions should by any chance be defeat ed, and this to mind is unthinkable, the pressure brought to bear on the President to run again would be very great, and I feel certain that he would bo re-elected. If the League of Nations Is successful, I do not think the pressure would be nearly as great." Jews Voice Appeal to America to Succor By Associated Press. Cincinnati. 0., May 28.—Atroci ties committed upon jews in Poland were denounced in a resolution adopted by the Mizrachl organiza tion of America at the last session of its convention here yesterday. The resolution "calls upon the con science of the free American peo ple and its Congress to exercise the power and Influence of our govern ment and of public opinion to save our brethren from the Impending | fate of annihilation." MEET HERE TO I DISCUSS NEW | CONSTITUTION Changes in Basic Law of the Commonwealth Are Proposed Citizens from all'sections of Penn- j syivania are meeting this afternoon j ir.* the Penn-Harris Hotel for tho I purpose of forming the "People's Association of Pennsylvania," a non partisan organization, which aims to promote a revision of the State Con stitution. A formal dinner will be held at 6.45 o'clock at which time action will be taker.- on the business of tho afternoon. Prominent speakers will be in attendance at this session, in cluding William Draper Lewis, of Philadelphia; A. Leo Weil, president of the Pittsburgh Voter's League: John A. Phillips, vice-president State Federation of Labor; Gifford Pinchot, William T. Creasy, of the Pennsylvania Grange; George F. Foss, general secretary of the Penn sylvania State Chamber of Com |merce, and Mrs. Edward W. Bid die, past president of the State Fede ration of Pennsylvania Women. Plans for the organization of such an association" were made following the introduction in the Senate of the bill establishing a commission to study the subject of constitutional revision. The association proposes to unite forces working for good government in Pennsylvania, in permanent or ganization in every county of the State; to collect and disseminate in formation regarding our present system of State, county and local government so that needs car. l be presented to the Legislature and the proposed constitutional convention; to investigate and spread informa tion coneernir.-g progressive methods in use in other States in order that the people may judge as to whether or not they should be adopted in Pennsylvania. The purpose of to-day's meeting is to make an effort to unite all ele ments which favor constitutional re vision in an organization to co-ope rate with the Governor's Commis sion. The People's Association will be the clearing house through which various bodies will come together for discussion of desirable constitutional changes. County committees are formed over the State to study local needs and find out what the 'people want in a new constitution. The aims of the organization, as stated in the call for the meeting reads: "The coming constitutional con vention will recognize, among other facts, that the laws and procedures governing our State and counties are u past generation, and contain de fects lliat ear," l>e remedied only through changes in fundamental law. But unless we begin at once to arouso interest in the affairs of local government, there is grave probability that the work of the con vention will prove barren or that the people will be unready to accept the new proposals at the polls." MITCHELL FALLS VICTIM TO "DOPE" [Continued from First Page.] and Monday. The two Mitchells, herself and Alverda Williams, color, ed, participated, she said. The Wil liams woman was arrested later with Abbie Smith. She is held by the po lice until the result of the post mortem on Mitchell's body is de termined. Released From Jail Mitchell and his wife had been released from the Dauphin county jail on Sunday morning after com pleting a thirty-day sentence on a disorderly practice conviction. Short ly after their release they went to the Smith woman's rooms. The "dope" party started almost imme diately. Riberal quantities of codtne, mor phine and heroin were used. Mitchell used all three of the drugs freely, it is said, and it is believed that the drugs were the cause of his col'apse. Since he had been in jail for thirty days, it is not believed he had re ceived any drugs during that time. There is a possibility that the drug got into an artery. Hold For Disorder Mitchell and his wife had been ar rested shortly after the robbery of the drug store of John K. Garland, Sixth and Muench streets, on a charge of having been implicated. At the trial, insufficient evidence was produced to convict them, but thev were sentenced on the disord erly practice count. Investigations following Mitchell's death revealed several of the bottles taken from the Garland store, po lice say. Mitchell is also said to have confessed to rqbbing the store, fol lowing his discharge from jail on Sunday. The Mitchells are said to have been married for ten years, part of which time they lived at Stcelton. His wife had been a confirmed ad dict for years and following his re turn here, he acquired the habit, police say. Taken in Raid The Mitchel's and the Smith girl were taken in the raid in which leaders in the city "dope" traffic were arrested several months ago. All served as witnesses at the hear ings In which seven of the ringi leaders were held for court. WHITE OXFORDS | - ;g|p| APAIH of White Oxfords J for Summer, of course! /K Tou'il need a pair of I 9w9 Jr7\ White Oxfords or Pumps for I lit /J \ Decoration Day—and we will be r<S I glad to provide you with a pair 1 II J that is Just Right and Comfort- '*- <■ ■ fET yyfftu if Military and Louis heels, In poplin, canvas and buokskin. $1.98 to $7.00 GOHO'S SHOE STORE 1307 DERRY STREET Open Evenings. Bell Phono 2386-R Huns Seek Blockade Damages By Associated Press Versailles, May 2 B.—The German peace delegation here, it was learned to-day, will present a counterclaim of 12,850,000,000 marks for damage from the Alhnd blockade, as an offset to the reparation demands of the Allied powers. Paris, riay 28.—The German counterproposals to the Allied peace terms, the Petit Parislen says, will not bo made public untii the Allied answer has been sent the Germans. Ixtndon, May 28.—A Russian wireless message to-day denies the report that explosions had occurred in Petrograd, due to its approach ing evacuation. The dispatch declares there is no intention of aban doning the city and that reinforcements already sent to the Gatchina front, south of Petrograd. arc succeeding in driving back the enemy. SALVATION ARMY FUND CLIMBS Over $15,000 Reported to Gen eral Committee; $5,000 From Doughnuts At noon to-dny the executive com mittee of the Salvation Army Home Service local campaign announced that there was slightly over $15,000 in the hands of the treasurer. J. William Bowman, who, however, will be on the Job to receive con tributions until the end of the week I and even after. In order to accom modate many who are just getting in touch with their offerings, the headquarters at Gilbert's former store in Market street will be kept open until Saturday night and here may be directed checks or cash. Captain E. J. Stackpole, Jr., chair man, explained for the information of all contributors that it has been impossible to give the full list, or even a partial list, because of the great number, and he asks that no one feel slightfed at not being men tioned in the co-operation which has resulted in raising a fine sum for permanent establishment of a Salvation Army home here. The doughnuts brought in over $5,000 alone, and the town of Her shey to-day sent a hurry call for the local Salvation Army to prepare a great quantity to be soldi at Her shey on Decoration Day. Mrs. Cap tain Neilson and her energetic help ers. who won a SSO Liberty Bond for turning in the greatest quantity, re sponded merrily that Hershey would get its doughnuts in time. The workers have not ceased their efforts yet and will be busy the rest of the week, but the executive com mittee feels satisfied that it made good on the decision arrived at dur ing the Saturday luncheon to gather in $15,000 by Wednesday (to-day) noon. Lebanon county rang up head quarters to say that the campaign, as it was here, felt a handicap in bad weather, but that the county would come across with about $6.- 000. The Elks and a number of fraternal organization were very helpful, the Elks starting things off with a check for $250. Gabriel Moyer is Lebanon county chairman, and he explained that doughnuts wore not much in demand over there, so the bulk of the funds will come in through a canvass and from industries. Perry county had not made its report up to noon to day. Hardscrabble Verdicts Expected Late Today A verdict was expected during the afternoon session of court in the case brought bv the city against the heirs of David K. Sees, who now own the property at 1117 North Front street, which the city claims will be increas ed in value by reason of the proposed Hsrdscrabble improvement. The amount of the increase in value, as estimated by witnesses for the city follows: George E. Etter, 8567: William Jennings, $867: Herman P. Miller, $1,067; Charles Adler, s>67; Edward Moeslein, $693; C. L. Boak, '"*lt was announced to-day to City Solicitor John E. Fox and to the Court that the third case on the list involving a property owned by Mrs. Mary Baker, has been discontinued, as she does not intend to continue the appeal, attorneys announced The next case to be called will involve proceedings to assess benefits against the property at 1121 North Front Slr \>sterday a verdict was returned by a Jurv awarding the city SI,BOO in the action against John T. Ensminger Sr.. owner of the properties at 11' and 1113 North Front atreet. Republicans Push Plan to Dig Into the War Department Cost Washington, May 28.—Plans of the Republican leaders of the House for investigations of war expendi tures of the War Department, took definite form to-day when Repre sentative Graham, of llinols, pro posed a resolution providing for ap pointment by the Speaker of a spe cial committee of fifteen members to conduct such an inquiry. Imme diate consideration will be asked. DANIISfi H. WINGEABD Daniel H. Wingeard. aged 46 years, died Tuesday at the Harrisburg Hos pital. Services will be held Saturday afternoon, at 1:30 o'clock, and will be In charge of the Rev- A .M. Stamets, pastor of Augsburg Rutheran Church. Burial will be made in Harrisburg Cemetery. The survivors are a widow, Josephine Wingeard; two brothers, David Wingeard and George Wingeard, and three sisters, Mrs. Clara Hose, Mrs. Nellie Dinger and Miss Amelia Wingeard. Mr. Wingeard was for many years a machinist, employed at the Foundry and Machine Works, and was a mem ber of the Reily Hose Fire Company. MAY 28, 1919. 316 TH INFANTRY NEARING HOME Famous Regiment of Liberty Division on the High Seas Hundreds of Harrlsburg men are nearing home port to-day and will soon go Into demobilization camps to return home within a short time. Men of this territory are included on most of the eight transports that are scheduled to land to-day and to morrow at various ports. The Three Hundred Sixteenth Reg iment of Infantry, made up almost altogether of Pennsylvanians, and Including scores of draftees from this county is of primary concern to the people of this section. The unit is aboard three transports which will land to-day and to-morrow. The Texan and the Kroonland, which are scheduled to land to-day at Philadelphia and New York, re spectively, and the Antigone, which is scheduled to land to-morrow at Newport News. Va., are carrying men of the unit. Many men of this section are in cluded in the Three Hundred Fourth Engineers, a great part of which is aboard the Kroonland. Transports scheduled to land to day are the Texan, Shoshone and Kroonland. Those to land to-morrow are the Santa Rosa, Aeolus, Raysan der, Antigone and Minnesotan. A parade of the men in Philadel phia is now virtually assured. The Pennsylvanians are being sent to a large extent to Camp Dix for demobi lization, and this is expected to prove a great aid to those arranging for the celebration in the Quaker City. No date has been set for the event, although it is understood that the pa rade will not interfere with the dis charge of the men. The Seventy-ninth Division, dub bed the Lorraine Cross Division, con tains a larger number of men from this section than any other division, even than the renowned Keystone division. It is made up largely of draftees from Pennsylvania, Dela ware, Maryland and New Jersey. There are, however, a large number of volunteers and specially inducted men in the unit. Specials for Decoration Day Our assortment of Summer Skirts is such that you can not fail to please yourself. They include the finest gabar dines—ratine crepe de chine—georgette crepe, etc., all are the latest styles and marked at very low prices. We in vite your inspection. New Cotton Waists for Memorial Day; a dozen new} styles to select from; specially priced at $1.95 ind $2.95 \ / / A New Georgette and Crepe de Chine Dresses in white, flesh and the darker shades; just received these new dresses; are all that is new and dainty and are ful values; specially priced at $19.50 nd $25.00 i / C ~\ Many new Cotton Dresses are being shown and they include the newest ginghams, voiles, linencs, organdies, etc.; all are very good models and are marked at prices > that arc much lower than you will buy them elsewhere. ( Priced at $4.95, $5.95 and up \ / rJfARMSBURGJk* A Bargain 1917 Packard Twin Six Good as new —run less than 5,000 miles —never off paved streets —good reasons for selling. Address, telephone or call at Business Office—Harrisburg Telegraph Bell Telephone 4100 Dial 2135 POLAND IN FEAR OF GERMAN MOVE AGAINST PEOPLE Padcrewski at Paris Says Teu tons May Strike in Sev eral Places By Associated Press. Paris, May 28.—Fears of a Gor man attack upon Poland were ex pressed to-day by Ignaco Jan Pa dcrewski, the Polish premier, who arrived in Paris for Warsaw last night. He said the Germans were active In a preparatory way and might strike in several places. The reports programs in Po land were denied by the premier. He declared such reports were purely German propaganda. With regard to the Ukrainian situation, the premier asserted that the recent fighting was brought on by the Ukrainians who signed the ar mistice on May 11 ar.yl then attack ed the Poles at two places on May 12, forcing the Polish troops to de fend themselves. Man Who Ordered Death of Harrisburg Youth Is Leading New Army By Associated Press. Washington, May 28.—The Nlca raguan Legation in a statement is sued to-day charged that Costa Ri can troops mobilized on the border of Nicaragua were commanded by Julian Irias, who as premier of Nica ragua, under President Zelaya, or dered the execution of two American citizens. Cannon and Groce, without trial more than a decade ago. The statement reiterates the contention of Nicaragua that no assistance has been given the Costa Ricarr revolu tionaries. Leßoy Cannon was a Harrisburg boy, his father operating a meat market in the city for many years. Recently the United States govern ment secured a settlement from Nicaragua for the youth's death. Democrats Begin Task of Mapping 1920 Campaign ChlrnKo. May 28. The Democratic National Committee began a two days' session here to-day at which plans of organization for the cam paign of 1920 were to be mapped out Homer S. Cummings, of Connecti cut, chairman of the National Com mittee, who was expected here yes terday to hold preliminary conference" with members of the National Com mittee, did not arrive until to-day. Every state was represented at tht meeting .cither by a member of the committee or by proxy. Aftr the close of the meeting here Chajrmnn Cummings will begin a twr months' tour of the West. P. H. SIPK DIES P. H. Sipe, aged 72 years, bettei known as Captain Sipe, died at his home, Laplata, Md. He was known in Harrisburg and vicinity. Burial was made in Mt. Rut Cemetery, neat Laplata. Md.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers