2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PA. AND CITY'S SUBURBS Landis Company Employes N to Resume Work Tomorrow Waynesboro, Pa., May 21. Employes of the Landis Machine Com pany, who have been away from work for the past several weeks, have ar rived at an amicable seftlement of their differences with the company and will jbeturn to work to-morrow morning. A > "final decision in the matter was arrived at a meeting of the shop committee and officials of the labor organization. F. F. Unger. of the department of me diation of the State Department of La bor and Industry at Harrisburg, was in town Monday and gave the assistance of his department to both the men and the company in reaching an agreement whereby the men will resume work. WHISLER FAMILY REUNION' York Haven. Pa., May 21.—A re union was held on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. I>. Whisler. A re union dinner was served. These were present: Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Whisler. Mr. and Mrs. John M. Ensminger and two children. Harrisburg: Mr. and Mrs. Amos Bortner, of Glen Rock; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Whisler and daughters. Evelyn and Lucille. Mount Wolf; Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Whisler and children. Vinardia. Miriam and John, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Malehorn. FIRST CONTRIBUTION So 01) Lowistowii. Pa., May 21. — Mifflin county's Salvation Army Home Serv ice Fund Campaign was opened up yesterday morning by a nice gift as a starter. One man contributed S.>oo and requested that the contribution be contributed as from a friend* ■without any name attached. Sol diers home from the front have only praise for the work of this or ganization and will help boom the campaign. ■SALVATION ARMY CANVASS Columbia, Pa., May 21.—The Sal vation Army Home Service drive is going on with good success. With Mrs. Carrie W. Rasbridge. as chair man. the same women who solicited for the Victory Loan Drive, are mak ing the canvass. A feature of the drive will he the sale of doughnuts, a favorite luxury for the boys when overseas, and some of these will be disposed of by returned soldiers on the street corners, the men having volunteered to perform that service to help increase the fund. REQUEST TO VETERANS Waynesboro. Pa.. May 21. Commander H. S. Rider, of John E. Wal ker Post. G. A. R.. has issued a spe cial request to all soldiers who have re turned home from the recent war and all veterans of the Spanish-American War to join with the Post on Sunday evening and go to the Lutheran Church, where they will he addressed by Dr. J. 11. Francis. MRS. 11. AV. JACOBS DIES Waynesboro. Pa., May 21. Mrs. Louisa Catherine Jacobs, wife of D. W. Jacobs, died yesterday at her home here, death being due to the re sults of a paralytic stroke. Her hus band and a brother, McClellan Snider, Altenwald, survive. GRADUATES AS NURSE Waynesboro. Pa., May 21. Miss Gail Bonebrake, oldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred S. Bonebrake. this city, graduated as a trained nurse from the Union Protestant Hospital, Baltimore, after a three-year course. She stood second in her class. V The more you Whistle for ' the more you want it For Sale Everywhere Distributor fflfSta WHISTLE BOTTLING CO. 1901-3 North Sixth Street HARRISBURG, PA. Bc ' l pho,,c 83fl ° I>ial 2287 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIH^ Sterling Electric Washing Machine With Swinging Reversible Wringer THE ONLY MACHINE THAT DOES IT LIKE HAND Extra ° sc^ lla b tin § Detachable Washer Cedar Tub No Pegs Demonstration at Store or in your own home without Obligation Sold in Harrisburg exclusively by [Open Every I TOOVFg) 23 W. Main Evening Fl VV '" |\ St., Carlisle J A A FURNITURE CO. JA ml 1415-19 N. Second St. WEDNESDAY EVENING, Maytown Alumni Journal Mailed to 250 Members Maytown, Pa., May 21 —Yesterday the 1919 Maytown High School alumni journal was mailed to the 250 members of this association. The banquet of the association and meeting will be held on Saturday evening and considerable im portant business is to be transacted. The journal is full of interesting data | from the origin of the association to t e present time. The class day exercises of the Maytown High School will lie '' e '" on Thursday evening and on Friday evening the commencement event will take place. Dr. Klein, of Lancaster, will he the orator. A class of twelve will be graduated. AIRS. ANNA VOGICL DIES Marietta, Pa., May 21.—Mrs. Anna Margaret Vogel .aged 73 years, widow of John Vogel. died at the home of her daughter. Mrs. Peter Ensminger, in West Front street, yesterday morning. She suffered a stroke of paralysis two weoks ago. and prior to that time was enjoying good health. She was the mother of ten children, nine of whom survive, as follows: Catharine, wife of Peter Ensminger. Marietta: Mary, wife of John Cramer, Mount Joy; George, Columbia : Anna, wife of Fran cis Marion .Philadelphia: David. Enola; Harmon, in the United States Army, in France, and Edward, in the United States Marine service. OUTING ON DUFF'S ISLAND Gohlsboro. Pa., May 21.- —A party of 300 members and guests of the lo'k Manufacturers' Association and the York Traffic Club held a joint outing on Sunday on Duffys Island. Every line of industry was represented. The party was conveyed on a large barge from York Haven to the island. The City band enlivened the occasion with music. One of the many features of the outing was a ball game between the Traffic Club and the Manufacturers' Associa tion, the former winning. 2,(M)0 AT LOVE FEAST York Springs. Pa., May 21.—Two thousand persons on Sunday attended the annual love feast of the Church of Brethren, held at Mummert's Meeting House, near East Berlin. Communion was celebrated at the evening service. The sermons of the day were delivered by the Rev. Ralph Schlesser, of Eliza bethtown; the Rev. George Weaver, Lancaster; the Rev. Albert Hollinger, Gettysburg, and the Rev. D. L. Little, Hanover. MEMORIAL FOR SOLDIERS Mount Wolf, Pa.. May 21.—One thousand persons on Sunday attended the memorial services held at Vuiekel s Church for Charles Witmer and Wil liam Beck, and afterwards witnessed the decoration of the soldiers' graves in the church cemetery. A half hour's concert by the Zion's View band pre faced the service. Addresses were de livered hv the Rev. Dr. W. H. Fcld n tan and the Rev. Dr. Adam Stumpf. of York. The York Cadets came here for the service. Taps was sounded by Bugler Keppler. while the Cadets tired a salute. COL. SHANNON DIRECTOR Columbia, Pa/f May .21. —Colonel E. C. Shannon, former commander of the One Hundred and Eleventh Infantry, was to-day chosen as a director of the First Columbia Na tional Bank to fill the vacancy caus ed by the death of the late Daniel H. Detwiler, father of Major W. San derson Detwiler, who is himself a direcor and vice-president of the same bank. WEST SHORE NEWS Personal and Social Items of Towns on West Shore Mr. and Mrs. William Peipper, of Carlisle, Mrs. Merritt Pottelper and son Merritt Potteiger. Jr.. Miss Pessie Ksh leman and Frank Potteiger, of New Kingston, were entertained on Sunday by Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shover, at their home at Shiremanstown. Le Roy Bates, of Shiremanstown, is home from a visit at Mount Joy and Lancaster. Misses Kaska and HRttie Moyer, of Larrisburg, spent Sunday with Miss Dorothy Diller at Shiremanstown. Mrs. Frank Wharton, of Wellsville, N. J., is the guest of Mrs. Orrell D. Klink at her Front street residence, Shiremanstown. Miss Mary Anderson. Hiss Ruth An derson and Bruce Anderson, of Bow mansdalc, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wentz at Shiremanstown. Mrs. Warie Miller, son Howard and daughter Mary Miller, of Shiremans town. are home after spending the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nelson and other friends at Reavertown. Mrs. Sara Sheets, of Shiremanstown spent Tuesday in Harrisburg. Miss Helen Spahr. of New Cumber land. spent Sunday with her aunt Mrs. John Wolfe at Shiremanstown. Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Atticks. of Shiremanstown. motored to Dillsburg recently where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Israel Heikes. Mrs. D. W. Wonderly. daughters. Dorothy and Kathryn Wonderly. of Highspire. Edward, Clyde and Claire Smyser, of Good Hope, were entertained Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Smyser. at Shiremanstown. Lawrence Zimmerman and lister Naugle. of Harrisburg. visited at the home of the former's uncle at Shire manstown on Sunday. Miss Alice Snyder, a member of the Junior Class of the High School, had an operation for an abscess in her ear yes terday She' is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Snyder of Third street. The pupils of the Sixth Grade school taught by Miss McCachram. took a hike on Monday. , Mrs. Ida Ruby. sons. Guerney and Blythe. of Water street, New Cumber land. attended the seventy-fifth birth da v anniversary of Mrs. Ruby's mother in-law at Wrtghtsvllle on Monday even- Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Bohr. Mrs. H. F. Kohr. Mrs. R. R. Rclff. Lloyd Re. of New Cumberland, motored to Wells ville Sunday afternoon. (MT\l\s XAMKD I'OK I>RI\E Enola. Pa.. May 21 .—Plans were laid at a luncheon at the P. R. • Y M C A. last evening when Sam uel G. Hepford, general secretary, and the following captains in the Salvation Army drive to be started here on Friday, were appointed. Mrs. P. R. Bingman. Mrs. H. G. Hassler, Mrs. Charles Miller, Mrs. William L. Fisher. Mrs. Howard R. Wagner, Mrs. Christian ! . Kautz. Mrs. Harry Smith and J. • cel lar. PLAN SOLDIERS' RECEPTION New Cumberland. May Committees of the secret orders met in the council chamber last evening to make plans for a home cominK celebration for ihe local soldier boys. It is expected this celebration will take place in the early fall, when all of the soldiers are at home. ATTEND CONVENTION | Enola. Pa... May 21.— 1 Mrs John j F. OruVer and Mrs. C. F.Kautz a ( tended the convention t Carlisle to- ( day of the Reformed Church. Suburban Notes MKRCEKSniRfi Naomi Downin. of Hershey. Pa., is visiting friends here. Mr= Harry C. Stenger is spending several days at Harrisburg this week ; visiting Mrs. Klmer Powell. Clayton Keller, of Chambersburg, is; engaged in building the addition to. South cottage at the Mercersburg Acad- , '"Mrs. .Tames A .Mayo, of Baltimore i Md„ is visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs Truman E. Tell, near V pton. Pa., j a suburb of this place. ; The Ladies' Reading Club met this week at the home of Miss Elizabeth ( 1 "liss Vera Shaffer has accepted a po- ! sition as office manager of the Thomas Printing House, which company pub- , lishes the Mercersburg Journal. j The little daughter of Harvey Hel- . man. of West California street. was taken to the Chambersburg Hospital for an operation. MOUNT WOliP Miss Ruth Mower, of Harrisburf?,! was entertained on Sunday at the i home of Mrs. Margaret Rodes. j M C Reillv, of Portland. Ore., and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fetrow. ofj York were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William D.j Linebaugh. I J. F. Buser left last night for. Johnstown, where she will attend the annual convention of the grand i lodge of Odd Fellows. He will rcpre- , sent Mount Wolf lodge No. 1196. Postmaster and Mrs. Charles M. | Hummer snd son, Charles. Jr., spenti Sunday with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Hummer, at Dover. Samuel Welty, of Harrisburg. spent several days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Everhart. C. K. .Anderson and Maurice Oil-! Bert, cf Chicago, spent a day with ] friends in Mount Wolf. The Mioses Laura and Miriam' Bailey spent Sunday at York, where! they were guests of Mr. nnd Mrs.. J. B. Malehorn. YORK HAVEN Walter Cassel. of New Brunswick,; X. J.. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Cassel. Lester Kauffman, of Philadelphia, returned to the Quaker City, after a stay with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Oren dorf. Mrs. Wilbur Willis and daughter, Pehrl. of Ooldsboro, spent a few days with the former's parents, Mr. and j Mrs. I. W. Wolf. The sum of $23.60 was realized by j the York Haven ballclub by n dance ;held Saturday niglit in the Pythian park pavilion. S. A. Hummer was taken suddenly ill on Sunday evening and is now confined to bed. He is threatened with appendicitis. John Rodes. of Harrisburg: Mrs. Amanda Leader and Jacob Rodes. of Saginaw, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Clemens. Mr. and Mrs. Milton YeHcr, of Harrisburg. were guests of Mr. nnd Mr=. Cornelius MeGrendv. on Sunday. George Smith, of Baltimore, was entertained on Sunday at the home of Mrt. Phoebe Melhom. BLAJtRISBURG TELEGRAPH Birthday Party in Honor of West Fairview Teacher west Fail-View, Pa., May 21. A surprise party was held at the West Fairview Hotel in honor of Miss Ruth Sensony. principal of the West Fairview schools. The party was given by her pupils of the High School. An enjoy able evening was spent in dancing and games, after which refreshments were | served to: Miss Ruth Senseny. Miss Masie Foulk, Miss Mac Shaffer. Miss Esther Banks. Miss Pauline Wilbur, Miss Kdith Slerer. Miss Marlon Stewart, Miss Marion Matter, Miss Carolyn Beck, Miss lvatherine Fisher. Miss Mabel Keef- i er. Miss Francis Miller. Miss Sophia j Curry, Robert Ruse. Richard Cornatlon. i Clarence Diets, James Nelson. Harold , Knford. Raymond Stewart. John Pone-1 smith. John Rilley. Albert Curry. Stanley i Davison. Albert Kissinger. Edward Da- | vis. Mr. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. Butcher i and Mr. and Mrs. Foreman. Enola Church Is Over Top in Centenary Campaign Knola. Pa.. May 21.—While the drive for $105,000,000 in the Cen tenary campaign of the Methodist Episcopal Church did not officially begin until Sunday. May IS. the Enola Church, of which the Rev. E. M. Aller is pastor, went over the i top on the Thursday preceding with I $l5O to spare. This church was ap portioned $1,458 per year, but sl,-• 00 has already been subscribed and | the work is not completed. The Rev. Mr. Aller and his people are being congratulated on being the first congregation in the Harrisburg district to go over the top. INVITED TO MEETING Now Cumberland. Pa., May 21. On Monday evening the committee re cently appointed to consider taking part in the historical celebration at Carlisle July 3 and 4, held a meeting and an other will be held on Thursday evening at the Woolen Mill ollice. to which all New Cumberland citizens are invited. CH 14 TO MEET The T. W. B. Club will meet at the home of Miss Mabel Tritt on Friday evening. SEW FOR FRENCH BABIES Dauphin, Pa.. May 21. —The Mite Society of the Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Bertha Hawthorne. After the husines meet ing the women sewed for the little French babies. Refreshments were served to: Mrs. Freeman C. Ger berich, Mrs. Albert Poffenberger, of New York; Mrs. William Eytcr, Mrs. Harry Reed, Mrs. Alice B. Hess, Miss Margaret Brooks, Miss Anna R. Mil ler, Miss Elizabeh Poffenberger, Miss Kathrvn Utt, Misses. Dorothy and May Kline, Miss Kathryn Baugh ncr, Miss Sarah Margaret Haw thorne. the Rev. Robert Ramsey, Douglass Ramsey, Russel Reed and Mrs. Bertha Hawthorne. BODIES ADR RECOVERED Lewlstown, Pa., May 21. —At 7 o'clock yesterday morning the last of the bodies of seven men 'drowned In the Juniata river at Hawstone on Saturday, May 10, was recovered near Bocust Runs, below Mexico, when that of Chester R. Roore was found floating on the stream. The bodv slipped through the wire net ting at Mifflintown and motorboats sent in search found it later. Mr. Moore was aged about 30 years and was a resident of Claysburg. where h° held the position of construction fireman of the Standard Refractories Company. He leaves a wife, but no children. WOMAN COMMITS SCICTRE Waynesboro, Pa., May 21. Mrs. Mary S. Rantz, committed suicide at her home in Rantz, in the Blue Ridge mountains, east of town, by shooting herself in the back part of the head. Her son. Howard, left early in the morn ing to go to work about a mile distant and did not get home till 9 in the even ing. when he found her lying on the floor dead. TWO-HEADED DUCK Waynesboro, Pa., May 21. A two-headed duckling, preserved in al cohol. is on exhibition in the show win dow of a local drugstore. The two dis tinct heads are perfectly formed and the remaining portion of the body is the same as the customary duck shortly after it has been hatched. The curios ity was found by Mrs. H. R. Shindle rteeker, near Pen Mar. CASTLE TO ATTEND CHURCH Mount Wolf. Pa., May 21.—Emigs ville Castle, Ancient Knights of Mystic : Chain, will attend devine services next j Sunday night at 7.30 o'clock at the Union Church at Emigsville, near here. I -phe sermon will he delivered by the Rev. George A. Rivingston, Rutheran ; pastor. KOC H-HC yi/I'RY WEDDING York Haven. Pa.. May 21.—Ser ! geant William C. Koch, lately returned ; from overseas, and Miss Elva E. Holtry were married Saturday evening by the 1 Rev. ,T. H. Schmitt at the home of the I bridgegroom's brother, Grover C. Koch. HELMETS' FOR BOND BUYERS York Haven, Pa., May 21.—Five ! German helmets have been received by | .T. E. Whisler, chairman of the Eleventh i Victory Roan district. Bond buyers who ' hold coupons have a chance to get one | of these helmets when the'drawing takes , place to-morrow night. ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED Columbia, Pa., May 21. Mrs. ; Mary E. Smith, widow of Captain ! Murtin H. Smith, who died in service | during the Spanish-American War,, announces the engagement of her j daughter, Miss Gertrude E. Smith, i to Nathaniel Hathaway,_ Jr., of Ger ! mantown. Makes Feller Feei as thoudh He'd i had something POST i TOASTIES Young Ball Payer Hurt in Collision on Field Columbia, Pa., May 21.—William Divit, a young electrical worker, was rendered unconscious and suffered concussion of the brain by being run into by another young man in a ball game last evening, both having run to catch a fly which had been batted to the Held. Divit also sustained se vere cuts about his lips and was taken to the Columbia Hospital,, where he laid for several hours be fore being restored. The other hoy was cut in the eye and fainted when he collided with his companion. MISSION SOCIETY FORMED Dauphin. Pa., May 21.—Mrs. J. A. Eaton, representing the Philadel phia Methodist Episcopal Conference Woman's Home Missionary Society made an address on Sunday evening jat the Heckton Methodist Episco [ pal Church. Special music was rcn- Idered hy the Misses Lillian Straw land Morrow and Mrs. Miller. Se | lections were also rendered by the j choir. A Woman's Homo Missionary Society was organized with eighteen members and the following officers: President, Miss Harrie Adams; cor responding secretary, Miss Margaret Reams', treasurer, Mrs. C. H. Fitting; first vice-president, Mrs. A. C. Roudy; recording secretary, Mrs. B. R. Barnhart. REFORMED CLASSIS MEETS Gettysburg, Pa., May 21. The thirty-seventh annual meeting of the Gettysburg Classes of the Reformed Church is being held in St. John's Re formed Church at McKnightstown. about six miles from here, and the business j of the "Great Forward Movement" now I being launched by the Reformed Church I will occupy a good part of the time of the persons in attendance. |!|^ ill | lliiiijili• Bfi" You have doubtless what n * States Tires represent in the minds of motorists here and ' :y --where. The idea back ci Ux-.^ed 91 States Tires —to build good 111 tires—the best tires that 1 can e built, is appealing to r (\|R IhW )) rapidly growing numbers. We can provide you with United States Tires to Jfe' meet—and meet exactly— your individual needs. United States Tires < are Good Tire' / We know United States Tires aipe good tires. That's why we sell them. Black's Garage F. S. Brubaker & Sons Grantham. Cadillac Hinton Co. West Shore Tire Repair Co. Lemoyne. The Fishman Garage Co., Inc. W. I. Hoffman Lisburn. C. S. Gelsinger Paxtang Harrisburg. James F. Roddy West Fairview. B. F. Hoffman Garage, 7th & Camp St. ' West Shore Garage Wormleysburg. Keystone Sales Co. lershey Garage Hershey. Geo. W. Myers. C. B. Care Linglestown. Rex Garage & Supply Co. C. W. Fox Piketown. Harrisburg Harness & Saddlery Co. Rettberg Bros. Steelton. J. P. Kessler - Enola .. A. M. Schaffer Hanoverdale Union Deposit, Work of Tearing Down Camp Colt Is Delayed Gettysburg, Pa.. May 21. Work of tearing down Camp Colt, which was to have started yesterday, has been delayed. It Is necessary that all material sold, lumber in the build ings, pipes, conduits and other equip ment must be checked up and the fig ures sent to the War Department, and it 1s this work that has not been com pleted and is holding up the real work of tearing down. It is expected that work will begin next and it will take at least three months to remove all the materials from the ground and restore the place to its pre-war condi tion. Rowis Brothers, of Hock Island, Illinois, the purchasers of the camp, admit their proposition with Camp Colt to be a lssing one. Their bid of SIB,OOO was $12,000 above the next highest bid. 6 BELL-ANS* Sure Relief RELL-ANS UP FOR INDJCEISTtO:* ' MAY 21, 1919, 'A. j|L~ Sure , JBSp That's what our stylish clothes are making. | Never in our long experience have we had such a wonderful selection of men's, women's H and children's wearing apparel from which | to choose. Our dignified charge account 1 plan is just the very thing that is making | (thousands of customers for us. People realize | what a blessing it is to be able to come into | this modern establishment and get up-to-date, g stylish clothing by paying for it in convenient 1 weekly or monthly amounts. We sell you | what you want —when you want it on your [a own terms. I 38 PS. 2nd St., Cor. Walnut' I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers