18 TUESDAY EVENING, RABJEUBBURaTELEGRAPH MAY 20, 1919. j If Yon lave a Bniling Lot to Sell, Fat Yog Mar to y Classified CotomiE jj ScatDs ATIUKS Henry Atticks. aged 79 icaru. died May 19. 1919. , Rclativci, and friend* are invited to attend tlie funeral Wednesday alt eriK-on. at 3 o'clock, from the resi dence ,1:21 North Second street. Interment, Dlllsburg. l'a. tIIAMKKOY On May 19, 1919, at Ol'.zvllle. N. Y„ William 1-. Cham eroy. aged 22 years, 1 months anil days. . , Vune: al on Thursday aftermvn. at ; o'clock, from the residence ot his mother, Mrs. Charles D. ,(S 7-arkei street. Relatives anil friends are invited to attend wl ont further notice. llody can u eti on Wednesday evenm Ruiik.. 1 in Shoop'a Church Ceme tery. K tMiICI. Mrs. Elizabeth Crf'" j f<unkel, widow of John C. K unk. . ; 17 South Front street, entered into: rust May 19, 1919. The funeral services at the abme address. Thursday afternoon, a .L " o'clock. The interment, In the Har rtaburg Cemetery. w'H h p prisate PATTIShX Rachael A - „ p ?"J. B ° n ' aged 73 years, died May li. 1919. relatives and friends are■ in\ ' ,ed attend funeral services W edneaday afternoon, at 1:31) o cioi'k. JronUM late residence. Main /Vioi-rwlViiig grcas. Interment, Bast Harrlsbuig Cemetery. - CARD Of THANKS CARD OF THANKS | MRP. JOHN 11. , Ml neteh-' I ; AMiiiY desire to thank tru . netg,*' bora and friends for lh jV^ lr kll I And sympathy during their leceni ( bereavement, and for the bea floral tributes. ] LOST AND FOUND ; T.OPT Eyeglasses, shell rims and ln ease. May 19 Reward it ] returned to 11043 North fruurtn. . LOST Lady's wristwatch, on black ribbon, between Boas ana Briggs on Third street. Reward it returned to North Third- LOST—Two 31 U Kelly Springfield tires between Eighteenth and North and Seventeenth and Mulberry ef \f j T lease return to Black's Garage, -0 , South Seventeenth street. j LOST Puppy collie dog. about j eight weeks old. Reward if returned; to 21 South Front street. | LOST Diamond btooche. Valu- j able to owner as Christmas girt. Re ward if returned to 1300 pwataiai street after 6 P. M. LOST Gold pin. blue marked Kansas R. N. Back , j ed Ethel K. Tomminson. Hewaiu. Bell phone 941 R. LOST A man's p'oeketbooU. con- | tnining *l7 and some Re- ( ward if returned to lit' 6 1 enn .tie ( INSTRUCTIONS INDIVIDUAL PROMOTION in L Shorthand. Typewriting. Enfllsh. bookkeeping. Penmanship. Arlthmo tic, etc. DAY AND NIGHT SCHOOL OPEN ALL YEAR. Enter any time. Bell 125, Dial 4016. „ m TFrP BECKLEY'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 121 Market St. Chas. R. Beckley HELP WANTED —MALE I I UNSKILLED MEN FOR PRODUCTION WORK, Ages 18 to 45. IN COOD PHYSICAL CONDITION. j Wages and Working Conditions Right. Apply in Person or Communicate with Factory Employment Office, ■•'HE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY, WANTED Men to leaiu to tcpair aiitu mobiles and aeroplanes. Make application ut once. run course. SSC. Call, or write. 25 N. CAMERON STREET. Or TRAINING QUARTERS, 2Cu Soutli Front Street, Steelton. Pa. WANTED Automobile salesman, one familiar with wholesale and re tail. Liberal contract for live wire. : American Auto Co., Rear of b ront and | l'orstcr streets. I WANTED Stenographer, male, statu age, salary expected, experience.! past employment. Address Box b, ■ t>7o3. WANTED —Experienced man for] handling dynamite opening streets at Fcrdix. Also laboring man. white, for | clearing land. Apply to °or Perdix j Land Office, or A. C. Young, o4 North Second street. WILL pay salary and expenses to j lecal man of good standing, with bank , reference and wide acquaintance in county and surrounding territory. | Good clean reputation more desirable] than salesmanship. Must be witling to dc as diiccted and faithful worker. You must name salary desired anil hank reference. Give full detai/3 in] first letter. W. M. llodges, :]l4 Pru dential Building. Buffalo, N. i. GOVERNMENT needs 4,000 clerki for Census. $H>O month. Examina tions soon. Age requirements. 18 or For free particulars, write Raymond Terry (.former Civil Service Examiner). 518 Continental Bldg., Washington. BARBER WANTED Must oe first-class. $20.00 and commission. Apply F. Hoover. Third and Muenc* streets. * (Continued In Next Column) — ALL COME TO US The Buyer end Seller The Landlord and Tenant Fair treatment for all is why they come, and that is why we do the business. What Can We Do For You? A Trial Will Show Our Worth Miller Bros. & Co. Dealers in Real Estate Insnrance Surety Hands Locust & Court Sts. Member' lIOx. Heal Estate Hoard I -■*" - - - HELP WANTED—MALE HXGH SCHOOL BOY WANTED to work evenings. Also two hoys. with good bicycles, about two hours each day. PHOTO ART SHOP, 1219 M.'iike l Street. I __ ! DISTRICT MANAGER and local rep j resentative wanted to represent Old ! Eine Pennsylvania Insurance Co. Our new policy covers every form of disability by Sickness or Accident. Natural and Accidental Death. All oc cupations, both sexes. Low monthly or weekly Premiums. Large indemni ties. Splendid opportunity for right than. Part time men also considered. Permanent income. National Relief Assurance Co., 108 South Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa. SALESMAN Large manufactur ers of product used in every business and home. Imperative necessity to every business. General agent want ed for Harrisburg. $5,000 yearly, in creasing under ten-year contract. I Must have sufficient money to finance I orders up to $5OO. Address Treas ; uier," Room 906, 1482 Broadway. New York City. ! SOLICITORS WANTED Harris j burg and adjoining Towns. Good Commissions. Selling Sick. Accident and Death Benefits. Apply by letter. Dauphin Beneficial Association, Union j Trust Building, Harrisburg, Pa. | WANTED Two first-class paint ers for automobile finishing. Call at, lor addiess, stating experience, etc.. Overland-Harrisburg Co., Twenty sixth and Derry streets. WANTED. BARBER, AT ONCE : Bolton House Barber Shop. 25 North ; Second street. HELP WANTED— FEMALE WANTED AT ONCE . EXPERIENCED and INEXPERIENCED SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Regular work and good wages. In experienced operators are paid by the day while learning. A bonus is paid j to all operators every pay day. BLOUGPI MANUFACTURING CO., Keiiy and l- ullon sts "AN IDEAL OCCUPATION FOR YOUNG WOMEN" Several young women are needed at once to fill vacancies in our operating force. Apply to Miss Kline, Operators' Em ployment Department, JuS Walnut street. I THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNSYLVANIA I SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS WANTED Girls who can sew on family I machines can easily learn to operate and earn good money. 20 per cent, bonus paid. Call j HARRISBURG APPAREL CO., Third Floor, City Star Laundry Building. WANTED Weavers and Warpers; also some learners. Apply SILK MILL, i Cor. North and Second Sts. STENOGRAPHER A young lady, who has had good business training and who can take dictation rapidly | and transcribe accurately. An excel lent opportunity for a person of quali i tications. of experience and education with a good company to work for. A job you can live. Address D., 6711, ' care of Telegraph. PEACE WORK AT WAR PAY Knit urgently needed socks tor us on Auto Knitters Experience unneces sary. Full particulars, 3c stamp. Department 146. Auto Knitter Co., 821 Jefferson street. Buffalo. N. Y. WANTED Maid for general housework. Small family and good ] wages. Call Bell phone 1581R or 1723 j Forster street. WANTED Colored woman as chambermaid, reference required. Ap ply Plaza Hotel. I WANTED—A woman of ability) clerical and good appearance to take I charge of retail business, experience ; not necessary. Address Box V, 7588. | Care Telegraph. | WANTED—Experienced salesladies. Apply S. W. Woolworth Co.. 401 Mar j ket street. j WANTED Girls to work in | Bindery. Apply Mr. Fisher, The 1 Bindery, The Telegraph Printing Co., I Harrisburg, Pa. WANTED Competent woman to j take charge of home in small, private family. Reference required. Call 121 ! Market street for interview. SITUATIONS WASTED MALE WANTED Man wishes work as chauffeur; can furnish reference; has had lour years' experience.- Address James Scroggin, Penbrook, Pa. SITUATIONS WANTED —female WANTED Experienced, reliable woman wants day's work. 1512 Wal lace street. WANTED Young woman would like work by the day; can furnisn reference. Address Box D., 6709, care ! of Telegraph. I MIDDLE-AGED lady wishes posi tion as housekeeper in apartment or | small house. Address Box 11, 6704, Care Telegraph. I YOUNG woman with clerical and selling experience in speciality shop will be open for a permanent position June 1. Ten years with present firm Best reference. Address Box L 4280, Care Telegraph. WANTED Young woman desires | typewriting or clerical work. Ad dress Box K, 6806, care of Telegraph. I WANTED Colored woman wants ! general housework by the week in Camp Hill. Call, or address, 432 Herr ' street. ! WANTED Woman wouldilike po sition as housekeeper. Can furnish reference,! Address Box W, 6805, care ,ol Telegraph. j WANTED Young woman wishes to keep house for a widower; can fur -1 nifh best of reference. Address H.. 7 299. cere of Telegraph. lu Next Colutu., | HELP WANTED—MaIe and Female 1 DEPARTMENT OF INTERIOR/ WASHINGTON, D. C., May 15, 1919. .Help Wanted: Male and Female. Place of Employment; Saint Eliza beths Hospital, Washington, D. C. This is u Government institution es tablished for the treatment of sol diers, sailors and marines suffering from mental diseases incurred in the tervlee of their country. At the pres ent time this hospital is caring for | approximately 3,800 patients and is performing a very Important service in the restoration of the nation's dis abled lighting forces. NATURE AND ADVANTAGES OF EMPLOYMENT OFFERED: There are a large num ber of vacancies in the Ward and Nursing Service of the hospital. Pre vious experience is not necessary. AU applicants accepted for this service .are given the opportunity of enrolling I in the Training School maintained by | the hospital. This school presents a two years' course in connection with the regular duties of the employee J! anil is free of charge to those de i siring to enroll. Successful comple -1 tlon of the course entitles the student • to a diploma. SALARIES AND PEII - QUISITES: All employees of this ser vice are furnished free of charge their ' board, lodging, laundry and in ease of 1 sickness medical attention for a res ; sellable period. The salaries range J from $32.50 to $82.50 per month, the 1 lower salary adjustments being based on previous experience and higher positions being filled by promotion ' from the ranks of those enrolled in : the Training School. Those whose service prove satisfactory are prom ised a salary increase effective July ' 1. 1919. REQUIREMENTS: Appli ; cants must be in sound physical con dition. not less than sixteen years of /age, and if possible should submit j photograph with application. Appli . cation F0rm1.059 may be obtained from the Superintendent. Saint Eiiza . ! 1-eths Hospital, Washington, D. C„ or The Secretary of Fourth Civil Service 1 District. Washington. D. C., and there • i after should be promptly filed with l | either of the above named parties. S. !G. Hopkins. Assistant Secretary. ROOMS FOR RENT ■ j FOR KENT Six rooms, , or unfurnished, to respectable colored family. Call Bell phone 456J or Dial j -phone 6035. , I ' TWO communicating, unfurnished ' rooms, gas and water, second floor, : j $lO.OO per month in advance. Near ! Sixth unci Keily. 1321 North Sixth | street. | FOR RENT Furnished room on | second floor, centrally located; all conveniences and use of phone. Ap | ply 512 North Second street. I 209 BOAS STREET Furnished 'suite, living room, bedroom, bath. Bell j phone. FOR RENT—I3I Herr street. Pleas ent front furnished bedroom. j FOR RENT—Pleasant front rooms, | furnished. No objection to man and Uvife. Roomers only, single men pre ! icrred. Bath, electric light, phone. | Reasonable rates weekly. State I -treet, corner Sixteenth. I FOR RENT Two large, well-fur. nisheci rooms in a new house; one on second tloor front, immediate posses sion; third floor front possession June] 1; all conveniences; use of phone. Bell | 4575J or 1173 Market street. FOR liilNT Two furnished rooms' | on third floor, for light housekeeping; ! ! use of phone and bath; no children. ! I Apply at 1606 North Third street. j FOR RENT Two unfurnished ; rooms, or three, if desirable: gas, ! electric; use of bath and Bell phone. | Apply 1305 South Cameron street, i Eell phone 693 J. j FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOP. i RENT Apply at 90 Disbrow street, j i ROOM FOR RENT No. 110 North ' 'Second St. One large room—first-] 'class central furnished or unfur nished second floor bath hot I water steam heat. Apply L. Minter, j : same address. ! FOR RENT Furnished rooms for light housekeeping; all con- j veniences; steam heat; use of ba-lij and phone. Apply at Side Entrance at 1814 Green street. j A LARGE, COOL well-furnished j room, twin beds, suitable for married ) couple or two gentlemen. Use of tele phone. Three minutes' walk from I Capitol. 719 North Sixth street. FOR RENT Two or three fur- I nished rooms for light housekeeping; ] all conveniences. Call, after 6 P. M., I'at 1609 Derry street. ' FOR RENT Large, unfurnished livingroom. first floor front, suitable i for suite of rooms, modern convenl ' fences. Inquire Dayton Cycle Co., 912 /North Third street. Dial 4990. NICELY-FURNISHED BEDROOM— ' For gentlemen only. Dial 4990, or 912 ' North Third street. FOR RENT Furnished rooms, • $2.50 per week and up; warm room.-; ■ running hot and cold water; light housekeeping and private bath. Wil j eon Apartments. 143 South Third. || APARTMENTS FOR RENT i FOR RENT First floor apart ijment, furnished complete for taouse ■ ' keeping. Three minutes' walk to Capitoi. Inquire 719 North Sixth I street. WANTED TO KENT ' | WANTED, TO BUY OR RENT 7 .i to 9-rocm house between Maclay and "I Seneta Front and Third. Address P. ;|O. Box 355, Harrisburg. Pa. „| REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 1 ' ' - I RESIDENCE OR INVESTMENT PROPERTY ' | 1008 North Second Street. Lot, 24x125 to wide alley; 9 large rooms and bath; fine yard; room for two garages; " ! side and rear entrances. Im s I mediate possession. For par j ticulars call at the premises s after 5 o'clock, or •' Address -I S„ 7582, 0 Care of Telegraph. 1 B 1 HAVE READY BUYERS for farm, city and suburban properties. My " large clientage enables me to secure - readv buyers for any kind of Real r ; Estate you may '--goffer. 1225 North Sixth St. i Bell 271J- Dial 3943. P FOR SALE IN HIGHSPIRE—Brick a bungalow, all improvements. Will i sell ft r $l,OOO less than what it is ', l-eallj worth If sold at once. Party leav .lg town. Apply W. J. Reeves, - 224 Market street, Highsplre, Pa. Dia; s phone 9801. i*. $5,100 WILL BUY 1803-5-7 Susque - hanna street; 3-story frame houses, s eight rooms and bath and other lm a : orovements. In good condition. p ay r I etirht per cent. net. will sell sepa i rately at $1,900 apiece. O. W. Kehi, - j 204 Chestnut street. i i POSSESSION SOON ! 2429 N. Sixth St.. brick $5,700 400 Muench St., brick 2,800 414 Muench St., brick 2.000 s 412 Hummfi SB. brick 2 >31J0 707 Ku'nkel Bldg., Bell 589. <Continued In Next Column) 1 e ; i i 8 o jffl m '![ m buying and selling real ® ESTATE is a business in which a sur- P/ ffi prising number of people, aside from Ty the regular real estate brokers and agents, engage —with profit. Your 3% /JgJ real estate for sale ad will be read by Ma buyers who are thoroughly posted on fey) Mi values. If your offer is an attractive Cm 'jljj one it will find takers quickly. TO ;j| H HEAL ESTATE FOK SALE FOR SALE ! Whitehall St. (facing Reservoir Park). I'ine 12-room home, which owner, with small family, desires to trade on smaller property. What is your Proposition? Muench St.. No. 630. What Is your offer? 3-story brick. Peffcr St., No. 341. Fine 3-st. brick. N. Sixth. No. 1613. Fine investment, i with rear driveway. i N. Sixth. No. 3358. Nice suburban I i home. IN. Second, No. 1412. Physician's resi | dence and oftice soon to be vacated. N. Fifteenth St., No. 909. Beautiful ] home with large plot. : Kensington St., Nos. 2014-16. Price is very low. Emerald St., No. 626. Nice 3-story brick with, vacant plot alongside. Boyd St.. No. 631. COLORED PEO PLE can buy this with a couple hundred dollars. SUBURBAN White Hill. Two 216-story bricks, with rear driveway. Around $5,000 for both. jHighspire, Cor. Eshelman and Hatn aker Sts. Fine 3-story pressed I brick residence, steam heat, gas and electiieity. Plot, 64x120, 30 fruit | trees, 30 rose bushes, hedge work, etc. Large chickenhouse. Reason-1 able price. I Camp Hill. N. Bowman Ave. 2-story j frame semi-bungalow. I BACKENRTOSS REALTY COMPANY, J (formerly Backenstoss Bros.), 331 Market Street. I I "IF IT'S REAL ESTATE. SEE SANDKKLIN." LOOK AT THIS FIRST j Wiconisco St., 625 three-story brick, 9 rooms, all im ! provements; same as rent; $3O per j month, without any down pay- I nient. Agate St., 2542 Vacant; two -1 story brick, 7 rooms, all improve ments; same as rent; $-o P er | month. Mahantongo St., 620 vacant 3-story brick, 9 rooms, all im provements, nice front porch and 1 back yard. Very well built, j Right price to quick buyer, same | as rent. I Jefferson St.. 2130 three story brick, 9 rooms, all improve ments, newly papered through out, a cement cellar, driveway in the rear; same as rent. Harris St., 630 three-story brick and frame, 9 rooms, all Im provements; right price to quick buyer; same as rent. Muench St., 616 three-story brick 9 rooms; a very good home for the money; same as rent. Berryhlll St., 1609 three-story brick. 9 rooms, all modern im provements, front porch and nice back yard, driveway in the rear; in a very good location; same as rent. Camp Hill a 6-room bunga low; vacant; about two years old, all improvements; can be bought for less than it cost to build it, same as rent. >1 D ASA SANDERLIN. 1 ROOM 1. SECURITY TRUST BLDG . 36 NORTH THIRD ST. BELL 1390. DIAL 30,3. i ~ FOR SALE 15" Linden street three-story ' frame eight rooms, water in kitchen—sloo.oo cash, balance as rent. tail cherrv street —two-and-one-half- itorv frame, seven rooms, bath and electric lights $2,000.00. C. SYLVESTER JACKSON. 21 N- Fifteenth Street. Bell Phon*. COTTAGE HlL*a, STEELTON, PA. For sale, two new houses, one six-room brick, electric liahts, bath and cellar; lot, 40X160. $3,450. One 7-room frame, electric lights, bath and cellar; fruit trees; lot, 100x177, $3,100. DURAND & FERBEB, 107 Chestnut Street. FOR SALE Cn.miehanna Street, 1723 Frame 1 dwelling 6 rooms, bath, newly painted; new roof, nicely papered ! switara Street, 2106 Brick dwell l 8 rooms, bath, steam heat. Maciav°Street, 636 New up-to-date dwelling 7 rooms, bath, steam heat lot to 20 foot alley. $4,500. nJIZ , street 2342 A fine nome, 9 t rooms bath and steam heat $4,800. 1 ,-HAtT ADLKK. 1002 North Third at. 1 e. or SALE —On easy terms. 2012 • in 901 ft susQuehanna street. Apply A. 1 P Doranz. 1325 North Sixth. *•> 200 WILL PURCHASE No. 809 ' Tr.mes street. 3-story brick, s rooms, ■ imnrovtments, cemented cellar. Terms • cTsh Apply C. E. Miller. 212 Chest [ nut street. FOR SALE 1815 North Second street Open view over river. A fine, medium-priced home in good location. Immediate possession. A. W. > Real Estate. 2131 North Sec >'mTd street. Bell phone 2575 J. I FOR SALE —13 lots at Paxtang; bungalow sites, situated on Park Te.-- lace. Bargain to quick buyer. Apply at 103 Paxtang avenue. < Continued In Nest Column.) REAL ESTATE FOR SALE JUST DANIEL E. LUCAS Real Estate and Insurance, 303 Lewis St. THAT'S ALL FOR SALE 1416 North Thirl street, a vacant house, corner, 3-storv 8 rooms and bath. Just been ove hauled. Will make a splendid busi" ness place or residence. Will sell >,r $4,200. Apply 1427 North Third street, or M. A. Fought, 272 North (Street, or Bell phone 3286. ln FOR SALE I THREE-STORY BRICK HOUSE ! No. 1512 WALNUT STREET Lot, 15 ft. 3 in. bv 90 ft ' TRUST COM -222 Market Street FOR SALE An empty, brick porch front house, with all improve ments and long lot to drive alley; 10 minutes' walk to center of city. Easy terms. A. W. Swengel, Real Estate 2131 North Second. BUY YOUR HOME on our rental pavment plan. Small cash or Liberty Bond first payment required, balance as rent. We have houses in every part of the city and suburbs. Apply A. P. Doranz. 1225 North Sixth street. FOR SALE 745 Girard street, frame, 7 rooms and bath; heat; elec tric light; vacant. Price. $2,150. D. IA Caiey, 707 Kunkel Building. Bell 555. FOR SALE Possession of brick house, with six rooms and bath will be given May 20; price. $2,700. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE—I73I Carnation street; brick house, seven rooms and bath, gas, furnace; price reasonable. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. VACANT HOUSE FOR SALE No. 184 6 Chestnut street; nine rooms and bath, gas, electric light, steam heat: price and particulars from Bull Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE No. 927 North Sixth street 9 rooms bath gas furnace lot, 20x100 paved street on rear, Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. FOR SALE 2121 Sixth street; brick house, nine rooms, bath, gus, furnace; offered at reasonable price. Bell Realty Co., Bergner Building. Real Estate For Sale—Suburban HUMM ELSTOWN 8-rcom house, lot, 65x110, good location, $2,600. One large double house in Rressler; barn and workshop; all kinds of fruit; lot, 150x152. Price. $5,000. Also many other city and suburban properties. Call 107 CHESTNUT STREET. FOR SALE 10-rooin suburban home, located at Paxtang, in excellent condition, large lawn, garden, garage, greenhouse and chicken house. In quire of Bell phone 181911. REAL ESTATE—For Sale or Rent FOR SALE OR FOR RENT 209 South Front street; eleven rooms and bath; delightfully located. Inquire of Harrisburg Trust Company, 16 South Second street. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT FOR RENT Large furnished dwelling, con taining all modern improvements, 114-aere of lawn, tine shade, large garage, located at Mount Holly | Springs. For Rent Two furnished houses for the summer located at Camp Hill. BKINTON-PACKER CO., AGENTS. Second and Walnut Sts. FOR RENT Second story of Kel ker Street Markethouse, Fourth and lvellter streets, suitable for manufac turing purposes cr general storage. I—Room 34x34. I—Room 40x30. 2—Office rooms. I—Hall, 50x10. Alterations made to suit tenant. Apply Harrisburg Auto Co.. Fourth and Kelker streets. FURNISHED COTTAGE at Wil liams Grove, with electricity and Dial phone, 3 large rooms and screened-in porch. Apply 1208 Chestnut street. Bell• phone 624. REAL ESTATE WANTED WE HAVE READY CASH BUYERS for improved real estate. Let us know what you have to offer. LINCOLN REALTY CO., 1129 Seventh Street. WANTED, TO BUY, One or two-story bungalow, anywhere near Harrisburg. with plenty of ground. We want to purchase one. BACKENSTOSS REALTY CO. (formerly Backenstoss Bros.), 331 Market Street. $lO.OO REWARD for information that will lead to renting of house in desirable location. Hill preferred. Ad dress Box W 7586. Care Telegraph. WANTED —For the summer, small furnished house or apartment in city or nearby suburb. Family of three, girl thirteen Address R. L French, 2303 Hotter street. WANTED. TO RENT House „r apartment of about 6 rooms. Three in family. No children. Will pay $23 to $35 per month. References if re quired. Address Box S, 6807, care of Telegraph. (Continued In Next Column) i r | HEAL ESTATE WANTED I | READY CASH FOR CITY PROPERTY i! WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER? I I BELL AND DIAL PHONES, I , CHAS. ADLEIt, 1002 N. THIRD ST. | Offices and Storerooms For Rent SEVERAL v ROOMS I I FOR II |l RENT in Schleisner Building. Suit i j able for offices, business or lodge meetings. Inquire at SCHLEISNER'S 28-30 N. THIRD ST. ) j FOR RENT Desk room and office. > Inquire Fred C. Miller, Attorney, 31 . North Second street. Bell phone 307 J. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Large cabinet gas range and porcelain refrigerator. Price reasonable. Inquire nil North Second street. FOR SALE Household goods. In- I quire 1238 street. ; KOH SALE A large Tuec elec tric vacuum cleaner. Suitable for ' a large residence or public building, j Apply 1727 State street. City. 1 FOR SALE New camera, 5x7 and outfit. Very reasonable. L., 6705, core of Telegraph. FOLDING BED Fine condition. Cost ssu. First $lO takes it. 1321 I North Sixth street. • ! FOR SALE—Green enameled b6d r.nd small parlor table, in good con dition. Call Bell phone 4335 M. : FOR SALE—4OO pairs of shoes, Sun ' day and working shoes. A bargain to ' a quick buyer. Inquire 502-504 Meyers ■ stieet, Steelton, Pa. 1 FOR SALE One 12-ft. wall case; I cne 10-ft. plateglass floor case, and ' cne Toledo computing scales. Apply • at 1 704 North Sixth street, between ' i 5 and 7 o'clock P. M. • | BELOW COST! Carpets, Furniture, ' i Linoleums, Mattings, Rugs, Stoves, . | Musical Instruments, Pianos, Organs, ■! Bicycles, Tires, Guns. Unfinished • ; Launch, $35. Platform wagon, $l5. II Ylngst, Front and Cumberland. ■ I FOR SALE Cross cut bolting :'saw: dimension stock saw; automatic I | handle lathe; bevel siding and re- I rawing machine; flooring and matcher; flooring borer; three back I knife machines; pulleys; hangers; L' belting. Send for list. Low prices, II Ulster Lumber Company, Livingston • [Manor, N. Y. I BOOKS uougnt and sold; 20,000 j new. old, rare, in stock. Aurand's, . 925 North Third. Circulars free. ;! FOR SALE One kitchen range I (coal), with water back; one gas I range, 4 burners, oven and broiler; one gas hot water heater; one solid i! walnut Newel post (ornamental) and ■ frail. Apply No. 123 Pine street. i FOR SALE One steam radiator, ;C8 sq ft.; one steam radiator. 4214 ft.; ■ 25 section indirect radiators (steam) ; I each 12 sq. ft; 9 hot air registers. Ap , j ply No 123 Pine street. i FOR SALE Gloucester couch •' swing. Has folding legs, so It may be used as cot. Fine condition. Call 413 M Bell. I NATIONAL CASH REGISTER I Four drawers, tlnest condition. Mve separate total counters, detail sales (strip and Check issuing feature. A ! beauty and like new. See it and you will buy it. Russell Sales Company, I Lancaster, Fa. I MORRIS SAYS save money buying new and second-hand furniture here. I High prices paid for furniture. Morris . | Schmertz, 1018 Market. Bell 4085R l TYPEWRITERS BOUGHT FOR , CASH ALL MAKES RENTED ? I EXCHANGED GEO. P. TILLOTSON, ' I 205 LOCUST STREET, OPPOSITE ORPHEUM THEATER. BOTH PHONES. . WANTED —MISCELLANEOUS WANTED, > 1 TO BUY, r i WARDROBE. Must be in good condition. Address BOX A. 7185, Care of Telegraph. HIGHEST CASH PRICES FAID tor Second-hand Furniture. Prompt at tention Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad street. Dial 4826, Bell 4705 R. WE PAY 3c a lb. for rags. 30c a 100 for papers, 60c for old books. We buy all kinds of junk and pay the ■ highest cash prices. L. Cohen Sc Co. . Bell 4974. BELL PHONE 3370-J S. RIFKIN, CLOTHING, SHOES, FURNITURE!. BOUGHT AND SOLD. HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID. 407 BROAD ST.. HARRISBURG. PA. WANTED An upright boiler, 8 or 10-horse-power. Must be in good condition. No Junk. Address B. J. Campbell. 1000 Paxton street, or 236 I South Second street. MAX SMELTZ Second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest cash prices paid. Call Bell 107111. or drop a postal to Max Smoltz 1016 Market street. Will call, city or country. WANTED TO BUY NATIONAL CASH REGISTERS -- Working order or not. Send full par ticulars. Will buy anywhere. Russell Sales Company, Lancaster, Pa. FAKMS 514.. ACRE FARM. 6-room house and "barn, one horse, two shoats, chickens and implements, $1,700. Easy terms. $7OO down. 25 ACRES Good buildings, level soil; with crops, $2,000; without crops, $1,700. 26 ACRES Buildings good as new, sand loam soli, 2 horses. 4 cows, 3 hogs, 80 chickens, all implements, $3,000; without stock and implemeuU, $2,200. - DURAND & FERBKR, 107 Chestnut 1 FOR SALE Farm, 39 acres—high - slate of cultivation one minute walk from trolley one fare from - M'Thanicsburg 1,500 asparagus I get,, 150 Just bearing peach and • apple. Buildings In line condition. , Excellent proposition. F. S. Mummu [ & Son. Mechanlcsburg, Pa. - FOR SALE, CHEAP, AT ONCE A r 47-acre farm. Cash, $1,250. 7-room s house and outbuildings, spring water i! close to house; about 800 fruit trees; -1 30 acres clear, balance in timber; ■ I about IV4 miles from Dauphin, Pa. j Inquire M. C. Taylor, 111 South street. (Continued In Next ColuinnJ | FARMS r. V 4 ACRES. $1,700; $7OO down. 25 acres, $1,700; with crops, $2,000. 38 acres, $1,700; $7OO down. 4 3 acres, $:!,000. i 00 acres, $3,800; $l,OOO down. 260 teres, $ll,OOO. 453 acres. $16,000. 27-acre farm, 11-room house, bank barn, pasture and woodland, along piked road, 1 tnlle from Palmyra, $2,SO<.. Call 107 CHESTNUT STREET. FAINTING I, JOSEPH A. GlLd-i, 1913 Rhoads avo-|, nue. Practical I'ainter. Estimates I, cheerfully given. Bell phone 386. AUCTIONEERS EVENTUALLY, WHY NOT NOW? AUCTIONEER HITE—Bell 1875 J. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES FOR SALE A local truck distributing Arm, distributors for a promi nent and nationally advertised truck—one of the best on the market—desires to sell the en tire or part interest of their business, which includes agency for truck, large garage, sales room and service station. Pres ent owner's health keeps him 4 from pushing business. Large number of trucks sold in this i city since January I—prospects for 50 more for this year. Large territory. Big advertising cam paign now running. A splendid business 1 opportunity for a live wire. Will stand close investi gation. For further particulars r address BOX D, 7567. j Care of Telegraph. i | GROCERY STORE Uptown, including building, i stock and fixtures, all new stock, doing good business. Reasons for selling. Inquire C. H. Corder, 1722 Green street. Bell 560 J. i r i FOR SALE HARDWARE STORE j Large, new stock, fine fix tures. Good location. An exceptional bargain. Cheap rent. I J. E. DARE. j 209 and 211 Chestnut St. ' ! FOR SALE Long-established. ' Hardware, Plumbing. Tinning. Heai- I ing and Builders' Supplies business. Illness compels quick sale. Unusual 1 opportunity. C. H. MacConnell. JI Owner, Nicholson, Pa. • i THE owner of vacant land well lo- Icated in the Tenth Ward, would like 'I to get in touch with ' a reliable '! builder to develop the property and j :j share the profits. Address E.. 3211, j j j care of Telegraph. j 1 ji: EX ALL DRUG STORE FOR SALE i in a Pennsylvania town. .Will bear • inspection. Address Rexall, care of j : i Telegraph. j I j VERY DESIRABLE HOTEL PROPO- i ' ' SITION FOR SALE Good corner Ipropoitv desirable location op-| II portunity for capable man. Only ex -1! per ion oerl mon need apply. Bell Kealty , I ; Co., liergner Building. BUSINESS PERSONALS 5 $ 1 HARRISBURG'S - REAL ESTATE BUREAU \ CONSULT US. BACKENSTOSS REALTY i CO. 331 MARKET STREET. HARDWOOD FLOORS LAID AND FINISHED, OLD FLOORS CLEANED. Consult the man who knows how. G. M. SLOUGH, Bell Phone 3783 J. i - HEMSTITCHING. MRS. SNYDER, ; ; 1465 MARKET STREET. 1 ; . I PEOPLE WON'T KNOCK, , !IF 1 REPAIR YOUR J DOOR BELL. j.; LECTRICIAN—BeII 1875 J. "! V\ANTED —To make and repair -lull kinds of Human Hair goods iwies Toupees, Switches, etc. Will call 'Write 127 North Eighth street, I Lebanon, Pa. I PAPERHANGING First-class j work. J- E. Chilcoat, 1622 North . Fourth street. ?! DIAMONDS bought for cash—-P. H. ! CAPLAN CO.. 206 Market street. BUSINESS PERSONAM i MACHINE SHOP Small machine I'worK or. Steam Engines, Pumps. Mill ti Machinery. Experimenting and < ! Model Making. 1704 Fulton street. UPHOLSTERING Of the best - kind. Work guaranteed. We call and deliver. 308 Broad street. Dial phone 4826. Bell phone 4705 R. - RAZOR BLADES SHARPENED - Single edge, 25c do*.; double edge, 35c 1 dozT; razors, 25c. Gorgas Drug Store. . ~A. LANE New and second-hand furniture bought and sold. Highest prices paid. - h)22 Market street. Bell 4730-J. 6 OXY-ACETYLENE WELDING i' Any metal welded. Work guaran ' teed Carbon removed by oxygen. 1 Capitol City Welding Co., 1638 Logau i t street, Bell 4396 J. FURNITURE CRATED for shipping. J. A. Bishop. 1736 Logan street. '* INVENTORS FINANCED Patents '• Automobiles, Motorcycles Bought, Sold Exchanged. Cash or commission. " Simon Horst. Llnglestown. Pa. 1 ] QUININE —Look out for that grippe L' feeling. likely to catch you this ! changeable weather. OUR LAXATIVE , PHOSPHO-QUININE will stave It off "' If taken In time. Gross Drug Stoie, 'll9 Market street. I ROOKING ? IT PAYS AND WHY? r Because It stays longer • then any other paint, A- docs : what it'should do better. • I,et ine paint your roof. AUCTIONEER HITE —Bell 1875J, ■ {Continued In Next Column) { FINANCIAL STOCKS AND BONDS. LOCAL SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. J. K. GREENAWALT, JR.. 120 Walnut St., Harrisburg, Pa. Bell Phone 618 J. STOCK BROKERS _ l have Gilt Fdge Texas Oil Proposition. Drilling now. Rig people, behind it. Will go over quick. Write or wire me. B. F. Jacobs, fiscal agent, Adolphus Hotel ! Building. 1317 r 19 Commerce street, Dallas, Texas. MONEY To LOAN MONEY If you are pressed for reaiff cash to meet any emergency, call to see us. We lend money in compliance with the laws of the State. EMPLOYES' LOAN SOCIETY. ROOM 206 BERGNER BLDG., THIRD AND MARKET STREETS LICENSED AND BONDED BY STATE MONEY FOR NISCESSJ TIES If employed and housekeeping. oa iegal rate money servile on loans from $l5 to $3OO, payable In weekly or monthly Instalments la worth in vestigating, if you are in ueed of funds and without bank credit. CO-OPERATIVE LOAN AND INVESTMENT CO, 204 Chestnut St. WE LEND MONEY in compliance with Act of June 17, 1915, to individu als ir. need of ready cash; small loans a specialty, business confidential, pay ments to suit borrower's convenience, positively lowest rates in city. PENNSYLVANIA INVESTMENT CO.. 132 Walnut Street. HAULING AND MOVING I AUTO HAULING Local or long distance. Furniture and piano moving a specialty. Blue Line Transfer. 917 Capital street. Both phones. HICKS Local and long-distance hauling and storage. 424 Kelly. Both phones. MANHATTAN TRANSFER CO. Auto hauling, furniture and pianos a specialty. General hauling. 243 Hamilton street. Dial 4166. Bell 1144 W. HAULING—LocaI or Long-distance. Pianos and safes a specialty. Beck Bros., successors to O. H. Beck. Call at 1419 Vernon street. Bell phone 2811 J. LOCAL AND LONG-DISTANCE HAULING Furniture moving. Prompt service. Ernest Corbin, 656 Calder street. Both phones. Bell 3636-J. Dial 3683. AUTO HAULING Local and long distance. Furniture moving a spe ] cialty. Rates reasonable. Proiuot ser vice. Call Bell 633-J. WE Move Anything. Anywhere, Any time. Price reasonable. Dial <990. Dayton Cycle Co., 912 North ■ Third street. ] HEAVY HAULING—FuIIy equipped I for furniture, freight and piano mov ing. No distance too far. Careful j driver. Rain and dustproof body. J. lE. Grubber's Truck Service. Irwin I Aungst, manager, Hershey, Fa. Bell i Phone 25R6. FOR HIRE—Two ton auto truck. Apply 1108 South Ninth street. Bell phone 2455 R. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND MOVING DONE CONRAD BROS., 341 KELKER 3T. BELL PHONE 623 W. DIAL PHONE 3518. • I DRESSMAKING WANTED—PIain sewing and mend ing. Apply at 50 North Thirteenth street, first floor. MUSICAIi J. 11. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE. . Troup Building, 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. EARGAINS THIS WEEK. $450 Hardman Upright Piano, line ebony case, good tone, rebuilt ac tion; price ....$l5O $350 Whitney Upright Piano, oak case, like new, splendid tone; price $lB5 $4OO Merrill Upright, mahogany, guar anteed like new, late design: price $3OO $450 Sterling Upright, mahogany, will be like new when ready; see at once; price $250 $5OO I'layer-Piano, 88-note, mahoganyj 24 rolls free; price $375 $650 Victor 88-Note Player, mahoganvj guaranteed like new; price... ,s4Ba Any of the above instruments ready for delivery this week. J. H. TROUP MUSIC HOUSE, Troup Building, 15 SOUTH MARKET SQUARE. YOU have made the visit to music houses, for a special Columbia record, you have not found it. We have it. Spangler Music House, 2112 North Sixth street TALKING MACHINES promptly and carefully repaired by an expert only. OYLER'S. 14 South Fourth street FOR SALE Mahogany piano, practically new. Will sell very cheap for cash. Address S., 7498, care of Telegraph. STORAGE \ STORAGE Carload Storage at Low Ratea. THE HIGHSPIRE DISTILLERY CO. LTD. Klghaplre. Pa- Phones: Bell: Steelton 169 Y. Dial: Steelton s43s. STORAGE —In brick building, rear 408 Market. Household goods in clean, grivate rooms. Reasonable ratea. I*. . Diener. 408 Market street i ' Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers