16 NEW BURGESS OUTLINES PLANS Franklin E. Cook Says Gambling and Auto Speed ing Must Stop Duncannon. May 20.—Franklin E. Cook, recently named burgess; of this borough by the Perry county court, to-day issued a statement "to tho citizens and taxpayers of Dun cannon," in which he outlines the policies for his administration. Gambling and auto speeding in the borough must stop, the burgess de clares, and warns owners of dogs to acquaint themselves with the laws governing these animals. The statement or the burgess follows in part: "Being made the chief executive iititwin I.nut Time Today nt the Theater CONSTANCE TALMADGE "The Veiled Adventure" In this play Constance is Ger aldinr—she falls in love with j Reggie. One night slie finds a woman's veil in his pocket. Then the fun starts. TOMORROW & THURSDAY EARIjE t„ "THE WII.I.IAMS USURPER" ! REGENT THEATER j TODAY AM) TOMORROW I,nut Two Times ELSIE FERGUSON "THE MARRIAGE PRICE" j Where n marriage for money rc- KiiltM in mi uitiiNUiil ending Also ii Cheater Comedy "Sally'* Blighted Career" Double Attraction Till RSI)AY AM) FRIDAY WALLACE REID "ALIAS, MIKE MORAN" Every girl Mho I* "waiting" nlioiild *rc till* picture . Almo What you've lcei waiting for The lli*torie MOTION PICTIRK OF HARRISBI'RG'S WELCOME HOME to her lieroe* of the 2Ktli Dlvlaion. Tlii* III>* wan taken exclusively for j the Regent Management Thief Gets $600,000! WIIEX MR. EOURFLUSHER SELLS THE TRI-BLADE SAFETY RAZOR COMPANY TO EDWARD P. WELSTOX, PRESIDENT OF THE COMPLEX RAZOR COMPANY! THIS OCCURS IN Help! Help! Police! But that is only one of the many incidents which makes this Picture, Featuring George Walsh THE HAIR-RAISING EXPLOITS OF A BEARDLESS YOUTH THRILLS GALORE! COMEDY PLUS!! Darius death defying leap from a water tower onto the top of a moving train. It's REAL. No faking about it. STANLEY'S VICTORIA EXTRA SPECIAL SUPER-PICTURE FIRST TIME IX HARRISBCRG AT REGULAR MOVIE PRICES. rriFUTi A "O A¥? A The celebrated star of A. M.R tui M-J I\. /V X\ i\ emotional pliotodrama. In the Rig Fox Production of CLEOPATRA SATURDAY NOTICE: —The Victoria Theater is now one of the chain of Stanley Motion Picture Theaters, operated in conjunction wltli the Stanley, Palace, Arcadia ami Victoria Theaters of Philadelphia. This insures the best pictures on the market for the Victoria. 432 Market Street License No. <i -35305 Specials For Wednesday, May 21 Individual, Sirloin, Porterhouse Steaks, lb. 32c Choice Veal Chops, lb 30c Sliced Liver, 3 lbs., 15c; lb 6c Frankfurters, Smoked or Fresh Saus age, lb 22c Boiling Beef, lb 20c Choice Chuck Roast, lb. 22c Compound Used as Lard, lb. 27c Small Fresh Hearts, lb 12^e B. B. Special or Lincoln, Butterine (2-lb. rolls) 54c Baked Beans, large cans lie Markets in 65 Cities of 14 States Main Office, Chicago Packing Plant, Peoria, 111. All Meat Government Inspected. All Goods Purchased Guaranteed or Money Refunded TUESDAY EVB*ING, HAJtRISBUTIG MAY 20, 1919. of this borough, under no strings or obligation to any man or men, I am in a position to deal justice as justice should be dealt. Along the lines of moral improvement. I firm ly believe that the gambling being practiced in our borough is serious ly affecting our younger generation. This evil shall receive proper at tention in due time and at all possible, it will be eradicated. Our children come in contact with enough unavoidable gambling in life without receiving instruction by watching games in our borough. The desecration of the Sabbath by gambling positively will be stopped and if necessary the offenders brought to juctlce. "Another evil requiring attention is that of auto speeding. Council has passed ordinances restricting the speed of motor vehicles to fifteen miles per hour, to which has been given wide publicity in the way of sign and speed boards. My best ef forts will be directed in an endeav or to enforce this law, regardless of person or car. In conclusion, 1 wish to speak of the dog nuestton that has lately come under much discus sion. It is quite needless to go into details as to the many ways dogs have become a nuisance in this community, but I wish to say that all owners of dogs should familiar ize themselves on the State and borough laws as applying to dogs, for the law will surely be enforced in every instance. I may also add that if no other good comes from mv above declarations, all offenders will help enrich our treasury for all justifiable fines will be lmposed by me in the discharge of the duties ln cumbent upon the office. wnmrorT FOR THE BLUES Hrar UNA CLAYTON & CO. 'Keep Smilin' A Novelty You'll I.lke —Other Keith Acts—A Including THE THREE MARTINS In Song, Dnnof unit Clever Plnno Playing VICTORIA I.nst Chance Here to Sec HOUSE PETERS in "The Forfeit" \ Western Drnrnn thnt tells n Story you will llk t ltlcniV TOMORROW AND THURSDAY HELP! HELP! POLICE With GEORGE WALSH COMIMi Kill. A SAT. CLEOPATRA This Picture wn. booked before but was not shown owing to tb influcnr.a ban. p, MAJESTIC ■trv, ss Vau deville—Una Clayton written by herself. nfhLJ . J > ee P Smilin'." and four other standard Keith acts. Tr rtv C 9 L °NIAL THEATER VofilT" A°i Istance Talmadge In "Tho Ti.l.Saj Adventure"—Wednesday and Earle Williams in "The P^ 1 —Friday and Saturday, torn Moore in "One of the Finest." VICTORIA THEATER T< Vl?"~JS°" se Peters in "The For feit —Wednesday and Thursday, WaUh in "Help! Help! Po rJPt ~7 rlda >' and Saturday, Theda .Bara in "Cleopatra." REGEJtT To-day and To-morrow—Elsie Fergu son in "The Marriage Price." Also welcome home to the Keystone Di vision. Have you troubles of your own that make it hard to smile and think that .... things will come Clever 'Riddles'* out right soon for nt Majestic you? Una Clayton is sending out a message of good cheer in her latest success. "Keep Smilin' " at the Majes tic the early half of this week. You cant help but look at things difTer c2 . y i a ter wltn essing this little com edy-drama. Other splendid attractions on the bill are the Three Mai tins who offer a singing, dancing and comedy act ,that ' s out °' ordinary; Mason and Gwynne. clever blackface enter tainers; an excellent act presented by six children who introduce some song and dance specialties, and inject a lot of good comedy, and Bender and Mee ban, novelty acrobats. You surely knew that Oeraldine and Reggie were engaged or rather they soon expect to YY omen Talk be. Well, did Mrs. About Reggie and Jones tell you what Geraldine happened the other r , night. She didn't. Why I wonder how that comes. Well, anyhow, Geggie came In the other night and stayed as long as he usual ly does, but when he got his coat to go home, Geraldine found some wo man s veil in his pocket—no I didn't see it only—Geraldine's mother told me. Geraldine, of course, started to cry, but before she had a chance ta ask him to explain he ran out of the house. Now I understand from Mrs. Smith that lie Is in some city. Geraldine said she expected a let ter from him but she didn't care when he comes home now cause vou know there is someone else going there now. And do you know Mrs. Smith also sold this all happened in a pic ture which is showing at the Colonial Theater. I must hurry though be cause it only shows there to-dav. To-morrow and Thursdav " Earle Williams will be shown in "The Usurper." To-day is the last chance Harris burg movie patrons have to see House Peters in a I.nst showing of real western photo "Thc Forfeit" nt play, "The Forfeit." the Y'letorln This picture played to large audiences yesterday and will in all probability do the same to-day. To-morrow and Thursday comes the picture which is so funny it will drive tn blues skeenteen miles from Har risburg. George Walsh, who is an exceptional star at anytime, takes the leading role in this picture, "Help! Help! Police." He attempts to save a girl's life, while she is lying unconscious in a burning building. He manages to get her out of the building only to be arrested on a charge of abduction. In fact George Is arrested seven times in this picture, but In the end he wins what he Is after. It Is a most extra ordinary picture which everyone will delight In seeing. There Is love, thrills, romance and oddles of other things in this film. As the daughter of wealthy parents who suddenly lose all their posses sions, throwing the Elsie Ferguson hitherto pampered Pleases nt Regent girl on her own re sources as far as earning a livelihood Is concerned, El sie Ferguson, America's well known stage and screen star, pleased large audiences at the Regent Theater in her latest Artcraft release, "The Marriage Price." Miss Ferguson plays a difficult role and one which Is a most important element In the solution of the age old hut In this picture novelty treated question presented by a marriage for money. She marries a millionaire, and exehanges rags for riches, but the price she pays Is decidedly not what you or the girl herself would expect. A truly humorous comedy, "Film Follies," a ripping, bubbling two-reel Chester production, affords excellent chance for a number of good, heart laughs. Unusual and extraordinary Interest has been aroused over the announce ment of the coming exhibition at the Regent, of the exclusive motion pic tures of Harrishurg's great welcome to her heroes of the famous Iron (Keystone) Division. This film will be shown Thursday. Friday and Saturday at the Regent, and is an unusual opportunity of see ing via the motion picture route, your own picture and that of many of your friends. Welcome Prohibition of Public Dancing in German Towns Berlin, May 20.—Police President Ernst's prohibition of public danc ing in Berlin has been welcomed by the great mass of citizens, whose Indignation has been aroused not only by the great number of balls held nightly, but also by their char acter. One such ball, held recently, was a beauty competition. The dance fever has been raging in Berlin since the war-time prohibition against public dances was with drawn. r - AUTO PICNIC How About It? Auto excursion to Gettysburg, Saturday, Mny -1. leaving 12.30s round trip, <12.75, Including touring the battlefields. Reserve sent early. Phone HERMON. Hell 2055-R. S f Fifth Annual May Hop Wednesday Eve.. Mny 21, 1910 Uanjosaxo Orchestrp of libs. Hershey Park Don't Miss Thla Splendid Affair I FRIDAY Big Sale of Aprons Surplus Stock of JENNINGS MFG. CO. Harrisburg, Pa. Buy Made-In-Harrisburg Aprons Full Particulars Announced Iditcr. Mercantile Appraisers' List Of Harrisburg and Boroughs and Townships of Dauphin County For Licenses Due May 1, 1919 [Continued from Page 13.] Lehrman, S., 863 S. Front, groceries. Lesanec, Lewis. 638 S. Second, meat. Leone. Ralph. 389 S. Front, restau rant. Leone. Ralph, 389 S. Front, cigars, candy. Lipsitz, 1., 473 Myers, merchandise. Lichtenstine, Jas., 7 S. Front, Jew elry. Lehman, A. J., 37 S. Front, merchan dise. Lipshitz. Sam., 651 S. Fourth. Junk. Linta. Yanctive, 062 S. Fourth, cof fee house. Lipsheetz, Morris, 769 S. Fourth, gro ceries. Lipshitz, N., 632 S. Fourth, groceries. Leone. Max., 506 S. Third, groceries. Lehman, Lewis, Second and Chestnut, merchandise. Malegoft, Tony, 203 Francis, pool. Miller, Jas. G„ 341 S. Second, real es tate. Martin Bros., 424 Molvn, meat. Maurus, Abe, 327 Francis, general store. Maginnis, A. F., 15 N. Front, merchan dise. Maucus, L, 259 Christian, groceries. Morris, Jacob, 450 Mohn, groceries. Milke, Dan, 413 Main, produce. Marsico, Jas., 361 S. Front, groceries. Muff Bros., 244 S. Front, auto sup plies. Margin, Stogan, 719 S. Second, cigars, tobacco. Margin, Slogan, 719 S. Second, pool. Martz, W. K., 86 N. Front, drugs. Marsico, Frank, 121 S. Front, flah and oysters. Morris, Howard F., 878 S. Front, ci gars. Mars, Ada, 38 S. Front, millinery. Malegoft, Tony, 203 Francis, cigars, tobacco. Mangolis, Nathan, 274 Frederick, gro ceries. Morrison, D„ 4 S. Front, shoes. Mumma, Mark, Steelton, real estate. McCurdy, J. A., 9 N. Front, merchan dise. McNear, B. F., Jr., 301 Main and Con ostoga, groceries. Newbaun, Gustave, 393 S. Front, pool. Newark Shoe Store, 36 N. Front, shoes. Newhaun, Gustave, 393 S. Front, ci gars, tobacco. Newkam Bros., 403 S. Front, hard ware. Napoli, August, 311 S. Third, ice cream. Nauss, Geo. R., 48 N. Front, art store. Overcash, Michael, 243 Main, cigars. Ortli, John G., 11 S. Front, confec tionery. Poor. J. L., 147 N. Front, drugs. Pereff, N., & Co., 401 Myers, pool. Prowell, T., 355 S. Front, drugs. Pisarov, John, 17 Hoffer, pool. Prowler, Ben, 227 Christian, junk. Pesut, Geco. 857 S. Front, pool. Pesut, Geco. 857 S. Front, cigars, to bacco. Pisarov, John, 17 Hoffer, ice cream. Peters, H. L., 189 S. Front, drugs. PolakofT, A.. 121 S. Front, optician. Polston, Lloyd, 120 Adam, pool. Poloff, Geo., 263 Franklin, pool. Poloff, Geo., 263 Franklin, soft drinks. Popi, Marki, 485 Myers, pool. Popi, Marki, 455 Myers, cigars. Pollar, John, 48S Mohn, cigars. Pastatak, Samuel, 626 S. Fourth, pool. Pastatak, Samuel, 626 S. Fourth, ci gars. Pereff, M., & Co., 401 Myers, cigars. Palace Theater, 190 N. Front, public amusement. Podnar, John 220 Main, pool. Podnar, John 220 Main, cigars. Rettberg Bros., 450 N. Front, mer chandise. Ross, C. R., N. Front, gas and oil. Richards & Brashears, 23 S. Front, cigars, tobacco. Roden Grocery Store, Harrisburg and Ridge, groceries. Restak, Louis, 244 Main, groceries. Romanic, Jacob, 332 1-2 Third, cigars. Reehling Bros., 302 Myers, general store. Romanic, Jacob, 332 1-2 Third, pool. Rakic, Luke. 227 Christian, cigars. Ream, John H.. 663 N. Front, wall paper. _ _ Richards & Brashears, 23 S. Front, Rosenberg, I. N.. 192 N. Front, cloth ing. Raskenskey. F., 102 N. Front, cloth ing. Restak, 1., 663 S. Second, pool. Rohrer, Landis, 35 S. Second, confec tionery. _ Romberger, E., 311 Bessemer, gro- RobiiWoseph, 357 S. Front, clothing. Rittner Bros., Conestoga and Main, cigars, tobacco. Rittner Bros., Conestoga and Main, Sukish, Geo.. 451 S. Front, cigars. Styanoft, Dimo. 503 Franklin, ice cream. ' _ _ Steetlon Store Co.. Front and Locust, groceries. „ Smith, John A., 655 N. Second, gro ceries. Stine, S. T.. 130 S. Front milk. Sastar M. A., 626 S. Third, merchan- Sharosky, Mt, 149 S. Front, clothing. Silver, Joe, 755 S. Third, general store. , Starastinc, ~ 696 S. Third, general 654 S. Fourth, merchandise. Sharosky, M„ 635 S Third, meat. Spooner, A.. 512 S. Third, produce. Schmidt, Geo. A.. Steelton, stoves. Silver, Joe, 755 S. Third, merchandise. Svetariott, Ordan, 419 Main, pool. Svetanott. Ordan, 419 Main, cigars. Szabo, Paul, 412 Mohn, merchandise. Slovinac, J., 233 Main, meat. Smith David, 143 Main, groceries. Sharavsky. Jennie. 202 Frederick, merchandise. I Shelly J. P.. 165 N. Front, restaurant. Shelly.'J. P.. 165 N. Front, cigars. Shelly. J. P-. 185 N. Front, pool. Stevenson, Chas. 0., 215 N. 1' ront, cl- Shannon, M. K.. 30 S. Front, flowers. Shelley. Kirk, 135 S. Front, cigars. Shelley, Kirk, 135 S. Front, pool. Sultzaberger, D. 0., 13 Conestoga, Strand Theater, 17 Pine, public amuse- Standard Theater, 17 Pine, public amusement. Steelton News Agency, 152 N. Front, neWs dealer. Stevenson, Chas. 0., 215 N. Front, Snroviers, G., 629 S. Second, groceries. Singer D., 317 S. Front, furniture. Solomon, M.. & Son, 177 S. Front. Sherman.* S., 41? S. Front, candy. Steelton Store Co., Front and Locust, wholesale merchandise. Steelton Store Co., Front and Locust, groceries. _ Steelton Store Co., Front and Locust, groceries. , _ Steelton Store Co., Front and Locust, groceries. TeDerson, S., 369 S. Front, groceries. Taleff & Todaff, 401 Myers, pool. Taleff & Todaff, 401 Myers, cigars. Tomaslc, Cilika, 241 Frederick, meat. Talef, Mick, 51 N. Front, pool. Talef Mick, 51 N Front, cigars. United Ice & Coal Co., Cowden and foster, ice, coal. Ulrih. Geo. M., 158 S. Front, auto sup- Verbas, Katie, 538 Third, groceries. Vetek Jos., 429 Mohn, pool. Vetek Jos., 429 Mohn, cigars. Vtlcoff Geo.. 257 Franklin, cigars. Vasaloft, Peter, 420 Main, groceries, watts Bessie. 472 Myers, restaurant. William, W. A.. 164 N. Front, pool. Whltebread. W. H., 159 N. Front, sta- WilSt C Sons, 60 S. Front, furniture. William w. A., 164 N. Front, cigars. Wool worth. F. W.. 21 N. Front, mer- Yoselwitzf Theo., 868 S. Second, mer- Yo°ung, d C. e j.. 203 S. Second, muiohan- Yoncheff. Lubomir. 196 S. Front, cl- Yencheff, Lubomir. 196 S. Front, pool. Voffee M.. 170 N. Front, furniture, fanch'uleff, Tony. 448 Myers, cigars. Vanchuleff, Tony. 448 Myers, pool. Yetter Leßoy, 307 Myers, restaurant. Yetter! Leßoy, 307 Myers, cigars, Yo C vaniv'ick. V.. 608 S. Third, station- Zelgler. Paul, 358 N. Front, drugs. Zimmerman, A. K., 15 S. Second, mer- Zlmmerman, Philip A.. 405 S. Front, merchandise. Zoll. Martin. N. Second, real estate. Low, Preston, Main and Francis, ci gars. I'NIOM'OWN HO ROUGH Bingaman, John T., plumbing shop. Buftington, Elmer M., auto supplies. Bohner, Mrs. David L., groceries. Bohner, Wm. H.. mdse. Boyer, Levi & Son. flour and feed. Geianier, E. K., gen. store. Koppenhaver, C. M., gen. mdse. Latsha, J. J., mdse. Noblet, Chas. M., restaurant. Noblet, Chas. M., cigars, candy. Runk, Harry, hardware. Snyder, Thomas, hardware. Snyder, Lydia A., millinery. Spotts, Daniel, mdse. Troutman, Elmer, produce. Wiest, S. F„ meat. Weaver, Geo., produce. WILI.IAMSTOWN BOROUGH Adams. A. E„ auto supplies. Adams, C. M., plumber. Adams, "Clayton F., cigars, candy. Adams, Clayton F., pool. Adams, Ii„ groceries. Bordner, Wm. C., groceries. Blanning Hardware Co., hardware. Huggy, M. E., gen. store. Blanning, J. Roy, stationery. Berry, Edward, art store. Condell, John, cigars, tobacco. Condell, John, pool. Chester, Mrs. R. A., gen. store. Cooper, M. H., jeweler. Durbin, J. W. & Son, gen. store Devichocib, John, cigars. Darby, J. A., cigars. Day, R. W., gen. store. Edwards, Mrs. Harriet, cigars. Eby, A. N., jeweler. Fowler, John J., mdse. Fickinger, S. F„ wholesale flour. Ficklnger, S. F., feed and coal. Fitzpatrick, Mrs. Ella, millinery. Griffiths, John, cigars. Geißt, John, cigars. Griffiths, W. J., mdse. Donley, Cyrus, moving pictures. Hughes W. D., cigars, groceries. Hines, Mrs. Maggie, cigars, groceries. Hall, Wm., cigars. Hancock, R. J., clothing. Hoffman, M. M., mdse. Harner, R. J., drugs. Hummel, Mrs. C. E., mdse. Kelly, William, cigars, groceries. Kelly, William, pool. Klinger, H. C., confectionery. Kingston, S., shoes. Klinger, H. C., wholesale confection ery. Keen, Wm. D„ groceries. Lester, Joseph, musical instruments. McAuliff, D. J., groceries. Maiden, Albert, cigars, candy. Mitchell, Peter, cigars. Meehan, Michael, drugs. Moyer, Arthur, groceries. Miller, L. & Son, meat. Miller, H. E., fruit and groceries.- Miller, H. E., wholesale fruit. Moyer, John, ice cream. Morris, Miss Lizzie, mdse. Nash, C., gen. store. Newton. James, groceries. New Era Cash Store, gen. store. Pahairo, Chas., cigars. Pritchard, Florence, millinery. Rank, Edgar D., supplies. Ralph, Allen, cigars. Row, Ed. S., hardware. Roberts, Mary, cigars, candy. Row, W. 0., meat. Stokes, Wm. G., wholesale cigars. Shammo, Aaron, pool. Shammo, Aaron, cigars, candy. Susquehanna Collieries Co., coal. Selfridge, R. J., stationery. m Thompson. J. C., gen. store. Thomas, David J., gen. store. Thompson, D. I-., clothing. Williams, B. W., pool. Williams, B. W., cigars. Williams, B. W., restaurant. Wren, Mrs. G. R., cigars, candy. Walkinshaw, A., gen. store. Walkinshaw, Claude, pool. Walkinshaw, Claude, cigars, candy. Williamstown Co-Operative Store, gen. store. Walkinshaw, M., novelties. Whittle, Mrs. Joseph, gen. store. Williams, William C., groceries. Williams Valley Amusement Co., mov ing pictures. Zimmerman, J. F., cigars. Welsh, R. T., cigars, candy. Welsh, R. T., pool. Budd, William, confectionery. Fry, Samuel, cigars. Riever, Abe, dry goods. Riever, Abe, junk. Snyder, John N., autos and supplies. MISCELLANEOUS Burkhart, N. J.. Newville, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, produce. Barnum, David A., New Cumberland, Broad St. Market. Harrisburg, pro duce. _ Beckley, Mrs. W. H., New Cumber land, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, produce. _ _ Baker, C. M., Mechanicsburg, R. D. No. 1, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Bomberger, H. K., Palmyra, meat. Cromer, J. W., Dillsburg. Broad St. Market. Harrisburg. produce. Danner, J. L.. Siddonsburg, it. D. No. 1, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, produce. Drawbaugh, C. C„ Dover, Broad St. Market. Harrisburg produce. Erford. C. H., Camp Hill. Broad St. Market, Harrisburg. milk and pro duce. Eichelberger, G. V., Camp Hill, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Emig, L. G., Wellsville, R. D. No. 2, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, pro duce. Eshenbaugh, Emma, Shermanstown, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, pro duce. Eichelberger, Chas.. New Cumberland, No. 1, Broad St. Market. Harrisburg, meat. Freysinger, Calvin, Siddonsburg, R. D. No. 1, Broad St. Market, Harris burg. produce. Goodhart, 0., New Kingston, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, produce. Grosz, Edw. ,Camp Hill, R. D., Broad St. Market. Harrisburg, produce. Gruber, N. J., Palmyra, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Garland, M. H., West Fairview, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, produce. Casswint, Calvin C., Dillsburg, Hill Market, produce. Hoover, F. 8., New Cumberland, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Hess. Stewart. Dillsburg, R. D. No. 2, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, pro duce. Harro, D. A., Mechanicsburg, R. D. No. 3, Hill Market, meat. Ktmmel. W. J., Mechanicsburg, egg produce. Krater, L. H., New Cumberland, R. D. No. 1, produce. Landis, Mrs. S. A.. Allen, meat. Logan, Smith A., Boiling Springs, produce. Leach, Jacob S., Siddonsburg, Hill Market, meat. McGuire, Minnie C., Mechanicsburg, R. D. No. 4, produce. Miller, Chas. S., New Cumberland, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Messinger, C. F., Mechanicsburg, R. D. 6, Broad St. Market, Hbg., meat. Mohlar, C. E., Shepharusiown, Cum berland Co., meat. Nelson, Geo., Dillsburg, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg. meat. Runk, H. J-. Rossviiie, produce. Rudy, Wm. A-. New Cumberland, R. D. No. 1, Broad St Market, Harris , burg, meat Ritter, Benj., Mechanicsburg, R. D. No. 1, produce. ' Smith, L. 8., Lewisberry, York Co., meat. Sidle, S. T. Siddonsburg. Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, produce. Shaffer, Chas. W., Shiremanstown, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Simmons,. F. S., Lemoyne, Broad St. Market, Hbg., meat. Shetter, T. F., Camp Hill, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Shambrook, John, Bowmansdale, pro duce. Snavely, J. U., Palrtiyra, R. D. No. 2. Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, meat. Shettel, Mrs. Catharine, Mechanics burg, R. D. No. 1, Broad St. Market, Harrisburg, produce. Shaffer, H. E., Shermanstown, meat. Wagner, David, Palmyra, meat. Weaver, H., Lebanon. Hill Market, meat. Williams, Mrs. John. Dillsburg, R. D No. 3, Hill Market, produce. Yost. T. A., Etters, Broad St. Market Harrisburg, produce. CONEWAGO TOWNSHIP Buck, Wm. G., Middletown R. D. 2 confectionery. Eshelman, J. S„ Bachmansvllle, ma chinery. i Foltz, J. Ezra. Deodate, produce. Foltz, C. M., Deodate, produce. McCorkle, J. L., Bachmanavliie, gen eral store. a r I Nye. D. H„ Bachmansvllle, auto sup plies. Shenk, Jacob N., Ellzabethtown R. 4, autos. Tschudy, I. S., Bachmansvllle, Sad . dler. . DERRY TOWNSHIP Brownstone Store Co., WaltonvLle. general store. Buchignani, A., Swatara Station, ci gars. Brendllnger, Wallace W., Hershey, ci gars. Bilotta, Frank, Hershey, grocery. Bonfanti, Frank, Hershey, grocery. Balsbaugh, S. S., Swatara Station, merchandise. Curry, Conrad K., Swatara Station, general store. Curry J. 8., Est., Swatara Station. flour and feed. Curry J. 8., Est., Swatara Station, wholesale. Erb, I. C., Hershey R D 2, general store. Frombaluti, 0., Swatara Station, mer chandise. Frombaluti, 0., Swatara Station, pool. Gruber, Ed., Hershey, jewelry and ci gars. Gingrich, Clem, Palmyra, meat. Hess, J. C., Hershey, auctioneer. Hess, J. C.. Hershey, auto supplies. Hershey Chocolate Co., Hershey, ci gars. Hershey Chocolate Co., Hershey, res taurant. Hershey Department Store, Hershey, wholesale. Hershey Department Store, Hershey, general merchandise. Hershey Men's Club, Hershey, mer chandise. Hershey Men's Club, Hershey, res taurant. Hershey Park Restaurant. Hershey, restaurant. Hershey Chocolate Co., Hershey, amusement. Hershey Chocolate Co., Hershey. pool. Hershey, A. E., Hershey, feed. Hitz, Cyrus, Hummelstown R 2, mer chandise. Manarl, Antonia, Swatara Station, groceries. Miller, J. H„ Palmyra, grocery. Moyer, John C„ Hershey, restaurant. Moyer, John C„ Hershey, grocery. Patrick, Robt., Hershey, merchan-, dise. Shaffer, H. 8.. Hershey R. D. 2, sad dler. Truffarell, Thomas, Swatara Station, grocery. Viele, Oresta, Hershey, grocery. Vavone, Dominlck, Hershey R. D. 1, grocery. Witman, F. S., Swatara Station, gen eral store. Weltmer. Ulrich, Hershey, produce. Wagner, Harry S„ Palmyra, autos. Yingst, Geo. W., Hershey, general store. Ziolti. Zoraide. Swatara Station, gen eral store. EAST HANOVER TOWNSHIP Boyer. H. A., West Hanover, furni ture. Brennerman, J. H., Schellsville, ci gars. Boyer, John A„ West Hanover, gen eral store. Ca.xsel, J. H„ Grantville. who'tsale. Gerberich, H. A., Grantville, auction eer. Hess, Bros., Grantville, furniture. Hummer, G. J., Linglestown, R J, meat. Hess, Wm., Hershey, R. D. 1, meat. Hawkins, A. H„ West Hanover, mer chandise. Kuntz, John H., West Hanover, gen eral store. Lingel, John 8., Harrisburg, R. D. 4, feed. Lingle, Thos. M„ Grantville, pump. Loudermilch, W. J., Hershey R. D. 1, meat. Laudermllch, S. G., Hershey, R. D. 1, groceries. Lingle, 1. D„ Granttrllle, cigars. Rhoades, E. N., Grantville, R. D. 1, merchandise. Runkel, Irvin, Linglestown, feed and flour. „ Shenk, John H., Linglestown. R 1. fertilizer. , , Shertzer, W. 8., Grantville. general store. Shertzer, B. F., Grantville, harness supplies. "Walmer, A. J., Grantville, auto sup plies. HALIFAX TOWNSHIP Bower. Samuel M., Halifax, R. D. 1, Bowman, Cornelius, Powells \ alley, general store. Glace, Chas., Powells Valley, general Meredith, D. F„ Powells Valley, gen eral store. , Meredith, J. E.. Powells Valley, can dy. Rutter, H. W.. Halifax. R. D. 2, pro- Serncsak, Martin. Powells Valley. flour and feed. Wolfgang, F. E., Powells Valley, pro- WoVfgang. F. E., Powells Valley, wholesale. JACKSON TOWNSHIP Batdorf. Henry F., Fisherville, mer- Bowerman, C. M., Fisherville. gro- Endersf'c. C., Enders, general store. Enders, Thos. F.. Halifax, R. D. 1, FUe°o! C M., Fisherville. general store. Helt. Ira M., Enders, produce. Herman J. M., Halifax R. D„ feed. Helt, John W., Fisherville, imple- Jamea!"Abraham, Detrich. merchan- Katzmiller. Harry C., Enders. gas and Koons, Galen. Fisheiwille, cigars. Wise, W. R-, Halifax, R. D. 1, merchan- Zearing. Samuel, Fisherville, cigars. LONDERRY TOWNSHIP Aldinger John 8., Ellzabethtown. Middletown. R. D. 2. B r<t a A. dl :, Middletown. R. D. 1. Ba°rnhart. Abraham. Middletown, R. Ba?nharL iB Abraham, Middletown, R. 1) 2 restaurant. Ebersole, S. S„ Middletown, R. D. 2. EiHorfburger, Mrs. Jacob. Middletown. R D 1. grocery. _ _ . Gingrich, H. F„ Middletown, R. D. 2, LeXr/Adi!" Middletown. R. D. 1. Mumma, Millard, Elizabethtown, gas Ruttf Ed.', Middletown, wile fence. I.YKENS TOWNSHIP W. E., Lykens, produce, nnniels' Simon, Gratz, R. D., produce. Gundermam Frank. Gratz. R. D„ pro- HarHs' John E„ Gratz. R. D. produce. Rtegel', "acob D . Gnatz, R. D.. pro- Riegek Isaac M., Gratz Star Route. nieg°el U John. Gratz, R. D.. Produce, gmtnkey J. F. M.. Gratz. merchandise. I Henry Gratz, R. D., produce. M Albert Graiz. R. D., milk. Troutman, James, Elizabethvllle. R. Klock^erTC.f Berrysburg, produce. LOWER PAXTON TOWNSHIP Cassel. Jonas D. Linglestown, mer- Ca C re an c l Linglestown, real estate Care! C. 8., Linglestown, general Drawbaugh, D. W„ Harrisburg. R. D. Da N vU, Geo Harrisburg. R. D. No. Horst! S. R-. Linglestown, automo- Koons! Will. Linglestown. merchan- David. Linglestown, cigars. S i, Linglestown. cigars, linker I Linglestown. restaurant. MUel! Fleck P., Unglestown, mer- Mix h e a i nd Flec k P-. Linglestown, pool. MUeb Fleck P.. Linglestown. restau ■ Ramsey. Thos.. Linglestown, mer chandlse. , Rudy. D. K., Harrlsburg R. D. No. 4, merchandise. Stuckey. Isaac A., Linglestown, pro duce. Sheesley, B. F„ Hill Station R. D. No. 4, flour and feed. Seltzer, Elias, Harrisburg R. D. No. 4, general store. Sheesley, B. F., Hill Station R. D. No. 4. wholesale. Unger, Geo. A., Harrlsburg R. D. No. 3. meat. Wagner, T. D„ Linglestown, hard ware MIDDLE PAXTON TOWNSHIP Colver, Win. H., Speecevllle, general store. Chubb. Chas., Harrlsburg R. D. No. 2, cigars. Eslinger, Grace, Dauphin R. D. No. 1, meat. Fertig, Chas., Dauphin, cement. Kitting, M. C., Harrisburg R. D. No. 2, general store. Horst, L. P., Jr., Harrisburg R. D. No. 2, meat. Hoover, Chas. 0.. Linglestown R. D. No. 2, merchandise. Manning, C. H„ Dauphin R. D. No. 1, cigars. Minnich, John, Speeceville, cigars. Swergart Michael, Linglestown R. D. No. 2, merchandise. Straw, Isaac, Harrisburg R. D. No. 2, produce. Strieker, H. E.. Dauphin R. D. No. 1. meat. Wade, C. R., Linglestown R. D, No. 2, produce. Wengel, Geo., Plketown, merchan dise. Wert, Wm. W., Dauphin R. D. No. 1. confectionery. Shoop, J. L., Dauphin R. F. D. No. 1, produce. Emerlch, Levi F., Hummelstown. meat. Fackler, John H., Hummelstown R. D. No. 2, general store. Fausnacht, John, Union Deposit, meat. Fasnacht, Uriah, Union Deposit, meat. Hetrick, D. A., Union Deposit, meat. Hammaker, A., Union Deposit, gas and oil. Isenhour, Israel, Union Deposit, hard ware. Kaylor, Harry, Union Deposit, cigars. Peiffer, H. P., Union Deposit, general store. Rapp, Ella J., Union Deposit, general store. Shakespeare, H. A., Hershey R. D. No. 1, produce. Stuckey, Joseph, Hershey R. D. No. I, meat. Shakespeare, Wm., Hershey R. D. No. 1 1. general store. Wagner, Clayton, Hershey R. D. No. 1, meat. Landis, C. H., Union Deposit, meat. SWATARA TOWNSHIP Bonny Meade Farms, Harrisburg R. D. No. 1, feed. Bishop. W. J., Oberlin, milk. Bomgardner Bros., Harrisburg R. D. No. 1, meat. Dunn, Thos., Oberlin, cigars. Hess, Sam'l, Harrisburg R. D„ meat. Hickman, L. L., Oberlin, groceries. Hoitzman, John E., Hummelstown, groceries. Kramer, R. S., Rutherford Heights, groceries. Kline, Jacob K., Enhaut, grocery. Kline, Jacob K., Enhaut, restaurant. Kempf, P. L., Steelton, groceries. Kuse, Henry. Rutherford, candy. Llngle, J. H., Oberlin, ice cream. Long, Mrs. B. M., Rutherford Heights, store. Loyd, John, Middletown R. D. 3, mer chandise. Peck, J. H., Oberlin. cigars. Paul, Elmer 0., Enhaut, groceries. Peck, J. H., Oberlin, pool. Rupp, F. C„ Harrisburg R. D., mer chandise. Stengler, C. A.. Oberlin. general store. Shupp, Earl, Enhaut. groceries. Shultz, R. A.. Bressler, merchandise. Solomon, 1., Steelton, general store. Sternberger, Geo. W., Enhaut. mer chandise. Stauffer, H. S.. Oberlin, meat. Szwerre, Deheodor, Enhaut, produce. Singer, Geo. W., Oberlin, meat. Wolf, Eva. Enhaut, ice cream. Wigand, Henry, Steelton. groceries. Waidley, Annie H., Enhaut, merchan dise. Weiszling, Conrad, Steelton, grocer- Y. M. C. A. —P. & R. R.. Rutherford rt. D. No. 1, pool. SUSQUEHANNA TOWNSHIP Bates, R. E„ Harrlsburg R. D. No. 2, prodtlce. _ „ Boasinger, Fred. Harrisburg R. D. No. 2, cigars. _ Cover, M. V., Harrisburg. 1929 Boas, meat. _ _ __ Creamer, F. W„ Harrisburg R. D. No. 3, merchandise. Cramer, Chas. N„ Harrisburg R. D. No. 2, produce. Crone, W. J. & Co., 3350 N. Sixth, Har rlsburg, coal. . Dehart, Ed., Rutherford, merchandise. Dry. Paul, Progress, meat. Enders, Amos E„ Harrisburg R. D. No. 5. produce. Good, O. E., Progress, merchandise. Gruber, S„ Harrisburg R. D. No. 2, produce. . . Garman. Mrs. Mary. Harrisburg R. D. No. 2. produce. Horst, Levi P., Jr., Maclay Street, No. 2, Harrisburg, meat. Hoover C. K., Fort Hunter, pool. Hoover, C. K., Fort Nunter, restau- Hoover. C. E., Fort Hunter, cigars. Hockcr. L A., Harrisburg R. D. No. 3, milk. . , „ _ Hoitzman. H. 8., Harrisburg R. D. No. Horstfck! Ud. M„ 1902 State, Harrls burg, cigars. Ilarlacher, A. 8.. Progress, cigars. Horstick, Ed. M.. 190: estate, Harris burg, pool. Harlacher, J. A., Progress, cigars. Harlacher, J. A., Progress, restaurant, Harlacher, J. A.. Progress, pool. Hoover, J. C. & H„ Fort Hunter, gen. Harrof J. M., Maclay St.. R. D. No. 2. Hepp ford!'D. G„ Harrisburg, R. D. No. 3 produce. Heppford, W. L.. Harrisburg, H. D. No. 2, produce. Houser, G. W.. Harrisburg, R. D. No. Kramer B R. S„ Rutherford, mdse. , Knowles, Frank 3., Lucknow, R. D. No. 2, junk. _ Kramer, Calvin A., Progress, meat KUngder, 6 C. W., Harrlsburg. R. D. No. 3, produce. Koons. Irvin, Penbrook, mdse. Lentz, David V. M.. Penbrook, gro ceries. .... . Leese O. 8.. Linglestown, mdse. Longenecker, Mrs. D. R., Progress, produce. Loser. H. A.. Progress, gen. store. Lontz. Clara A., Harrisburg, R. D. No 3, produce. Memlnger, J. F.. Lucknow groceries. Miller. F., 1904 State, Harrisburg, sren. store. Matzlnger. W. J., Harrisburg. R. D. No. 2, produce. Miller, J. H.. 1830 North, Harrlsburg. Magaris, L.. 1922 Walnut, Harrisburg, Maiming, H. C., Progress, milk. Miller Mri. W. H.. Harrlsburg, R. D. No. '2, gen. store. McNeal, E. R.. 2128 Boas, Harrlsburg, McHargue. D. B. A„ Harrlsburg, R. D. No. 2, mdse. Nlssley. Simon S., Harrlsburg, R. D. No. 2, mdse. Orr, L. G., 201T Forster, Harrlsburg, Owens, er Mrs. Minnie, Harrlsburg, R. D No. 4, gen. store. Pax'ton Flour & Feed Co., Harrls burg. flour and f%ed. Runkei. c. E.. 1924 State, Harrls burg. groceries. Rudy, Wm. H., Progress, meat Rudy Wm. W„ Jr., Progress, meat. Koden Grocery, Harrlsburg, R. D. No. 4 sen. store. Relchert, H. L.. Harrlsburg. R. D. No. 2, produce. Stouffer, J. W„ Harrlsburg, R. D. No. gponenberger. Frederick, Harrlsburg, H. D„ produce, Btahler. H. M.. Fort Hunter, pool. Stahler, H. M.. Fort Hunter, cigars, * . * . Lk-. .V v. • - • i Sh No P '3. H i a n r e r a y t. A " Ha "'>urg. R. I* Shertzer, Alex., Penbrook, produce. produce!" Harrlsbur *. ■ - No. St duce. MrB ' Lewls> Harrlsburg, pro, Sturtevant, LL, Lucknow, milk. . Sponsler, Jacob. Lucknow, produce. , feme tzer, J. p.. Progress, milk. Smeltzer, Sam']., Progress, milk. ce'Vy' Sebastl n. Progress. gro4 SW r?s n bu^ S m?s a e! ie * 1260 S ' gi^TcerUs's!''' State " Harrlsburg, "'groceries? " 1901 B ° as ' Harrlsb urg, Tl No. 8 '3,^cigars? 1 ' Harrlaba 'K. H. Umberger, Harry, 2507 As-ate Wo nsburg, produce. A Kate. Har, W !. VO p d rodu. m '' Maclay St " *• D - No, Z 'brook™coff/e. S "' 2704 Banka - ZC nsbuV g Mr g S en J - Bt^r 3 e ol *°ter. Har, W ce a r V i C e r ,: A - Hunter, gro, n „ Up PER PAXTOX TOWNSHIP t*mdie ' Muir burg 1 R. D. No, B °blntlr' twiiu.' 1I * r,bUr *' *• B. N* 2 Mulabu '. *- b. R. B. A "' Mlll#r l>tirg. milk. Baa and oit iillerabur *' *• B. No. Freeborn. M. E , Faxton. mdsa. Ken. sto l r e . MUl *"burg. R. D. No. J, He i? n NTi r : POUl'2y P - M 1 R. H D. n N n o Ke i' H „ MiU.rsburg. R. _ _ • cattle and poultry, m'dsei J " M| llersburg, r. D . No- Hummel, C. C„ Millersburg, mdse. tallow." 7 ' E " Millersb urg. hides and E " Millerb urg, r. U ; E " Millersburg. R. cen . C " Millersburg, R. D. No. 1. 2"!' Ztucl: MlUersburg, R. D. N No n * 2 : r p r Millersburg. R. o. R'omr 7, C " Nel '° n - Paiton . ®d-e- No be 2?mds B e'° S - Millersburg. R. n. St No er 2° a milk. W - Millersburg, R. D. S T C g r en. A s d t a o n r , e Mill " ab K. R. D. No. 2, produce. 1 ®a.ver, A. M., Millersburg. R. D T,.\ 0 ' 1. produce. pridu aC e° b ' M'Uereburg, R. n. No. 1. W Noy e i: p'roduce MlUersburg. R. D . r k SMr^SS,IES?-- H du d c" an: G -° Michael. Loyal ton. pro, A. D., Loyalton. mdse. E m°dse c - c - Aimeb "°K: rsnu 1, Sl A - §' a "^ U mdse m<U '- j Clayton, Loyalton elwara i Snyder, H. H., Loyalton, gen stor, I femeltz, John E., Loyalton milk. Swab Nathaniel E. wholesale meat. "woetnviiia, Smeltz, Harvey E.. Lovaltnn Swab, Isaiah, Eiizabethvilie. produce. & Son ' MlUersburg, R jx No. 2, flour and feed. m 3s < ey man ' ° SCar ' Fll^obethvilia, Zerbe. Jonathan. Loyalton. cigars. . WAYNE TOWNSHIP Dimpsey, Austin, Halifax, R. D No. J. groceries. Jury, J. E„ Halifax. R. D. No 3 • groceries. °" 3 * K who r iesa a ie 0n M " Hallfax - R - • No. 3. K mds r e Aar ° n M " Halifax. R. D. No. 3. Strieker, Mary. Enterline, gen. store. a i W ? S , T lIANOVEIt TOWNSHIP Ashenfclter, Rebecca. Linglestown. Ru..'k t w "i Can( J y and cigars. Buck. J. W„ Linglestown, It. D Nrc 1. meat and produce. Fox, Geo. W„ Piketown, gen. store Iless, 11. M., l.inglestown, R. d No L meat. "• •*-. Koons, John F„ Hershey, R. D No 1 gas and oil. ' • Massimer, B. F„ Hummelstown R D No. 2, mdse. "- Perkey, John E. # Harrisburg It. n No. 4, meat. Schaffner, A. M., Hummelstown, R. D. No. 2, gen. store. Schubauer, J. C„ Linglestown. R. D No. 1, groceries. A,, W| COMSCO TOWNSHIP Allinger, Mrs. Wm., Wiconisco ice cream. ' c " Batdorf, Mrs. A. M.. Wiconisco. shoes. • Beadle, John M„ Wiconisco, cigars and candy. Batdorf, John H„ Wiconisco, sta, tionery. ' Deitrich, W. W„ Wiconisco, pool. neriVi l' Y' Vcn W'conisco, groceries. Dodu, A. A., Wiconisco, groceries Esterline, J. It., Wiconisco, flour and feed. Hardman, Aaron H., Wiconisco, milk and ice cream. Fritz, Julius, Wiconisco, restaurant. Fetterhoft, Edward, Wiconisco, candy and cigars. Forman Bros., Wiconisco, clothing Fritz, Julius, Wiconisco, cigars. Harman, Edward, Wiconisco, hard-* ware. Kissinger, W. H. & Co., Wiconisco, gen. mdse. Keen Bros., Wiconisco, mdse. Kelley, William, AViconlsco, groi ceries. Koppenhaver & Son. Lykens, meat. Long. J. J., Wiconisco, groceries. Mucher, John J., Wiconisco, shoes. Miller, John H., Lykens, candy and groceries. Miller, Samuel Est., Wiconisco, gen. store. Miller, Adam, Wiconisco, mdse. Mucher, Geo. M., Wiconisco, mdse, j Murphy, John J., Wiconisco, cigars. / Pontius, J. H., Wiconisco, cigars. P Prout, J. S., Wiconisco, drugs. Rowe, Geo. W., Wiconisco, dry gooiUfc Row, J. Allen, Wiconisco, pool. Row, J. Allen, Wiconisco, cigars. t Seifert, Leland, Wiconisco, cigars. Susquehanna Collieries Co., Lykaiub supplies. Shadle, Wm. L.. Wiconisco, Welker, B. J„ Wiconisco, cigars. JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP Bordner, Jacob. Carsonvllle. mdsa, i REED TOWNSHIP ' Lukens, Mrs. Mary, Duncannon, R. XL No. 4, groceries. MIFFLIN TOWNSHIP Berrysburg Roller Mill, Berrysburfc mdse. Kebaugh, J. Mark, EllzabethvUls, R, D.. meat. Mlnnich.'H. E„ Berrysburg. prodnca. Romberger, H. H„ Berrysburg, Star Route, meat. Romberger, Mrs. H. A., Millersburg, R. D. No. 1, gen. store. For the purpose of hearing appeals, and to correct any errors In appraise ments, the County Treasurer and John N. Snydas. Mercantile Ap praiser, will be at'the County Treas urer's office, Harrlsburg May 20, I#lA from 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. JOHN N. SNYDER. Mercantile Appraiser, WUUamstown, Pa. *(ay 1. 191#,
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