Mercantile Appraisers' List Of Harrisburg and Boroughs and Townships of Dauphin County For Licenses Due May 1, 1919 Mercantile Appraisers List of Har rlsburg and boroughs and townships of Dauphin County for license due May 1. 1919: FIRST WARD American Stores Co., 615 Race, gro £'• tSIlSfn" I' w" ?0°0 Ck Ra K c r e? C g e ?ocerles. ® Front groceries Bamford, Mrs. R. C.. 611 Race, milk- BaUeuT* John A., 713 S. Front, gro- Ca C |fl! e vincent, 1405 S. Cameron, Ice Cob'urn?' Mrs. Harry, 911 Hemlock, Co K n r ne C r e . r Geo. W.. 720 Race, cigars. Farter? Annie. 707 S. Front, groceries. Frazler, C. E.. 1301 S. 12th. cigars. Frazler C. E.. 1301 S. 12th. pool, tlermer. M.. 1027 Cameron, mdse. Gordon, J. A.. 1276 Cameron, gro - Hker? H. A. 104 Tuscarora. gro- Hlrtley? Wm, 837 a 10th. confectlon- Hammer. Wm. K.. Race and Indian. HarriVburg Rendering & p O Box 980, Harrisburg. hides. Haas H W. e59 Race, cigars. Horvitz? J, '1146 S. Cameron, grocer *.* Tteint Frederick L., 625 Race, cigars. Coleman? J R.? 1058 S. Cameron, pro ,iones e 'N. M.. 167 Paxton. mdse. sr. {^rstv. 7 . ssssshrasrsu „ - McCreath Bros., 567 Race, coai *e Maley?Mrs. Wm. H.. 818 S. Cameron, MlchloviU** Co.. Paxton St. P. R. R. 1 Peluso, James. Mrs. 913 S. Front, gro * Pe?"o. S jame. Mrs, 913 S. Front, res- PaVl?" 11 !!.. 621 Race, drugs. , Refchart, J. A.. 714 Race, meat and gSl'. Camero g n?gr r o y : * Samptno. P.. 1003 Hannah bpagnola, Joseph, 143 Hannan, gru Sh C e e es[ey, Daniel. 901 S. 9th. real cs - M^rioU 8 an 9rt ah 'g P r°o 0 c , ery * S pagno C l igar j Boseph. 8 oseph. 143 Hannah. Ice * S teS. a ?lu C n a Ua dy k. 1919 Seameran. **' Wagenhima. Henry, 1123 S. 9th, Weisman. T. A.. 509 Race, tobacco. •< Welfrmh w. 8.. 1049 S. 9th. Btocerles. Wagner! Elmer, Cloverly larrns, mdse. SECOND WARD Anderson. C. R, 150 i Derry. confec- T Atti°cka y 'A. T„ 1251 Derry, optical At tick*!' John, 14215% C C"'M Bros. & WntttaKer •• a S. 2nd, plumbing supp. ' Bernstein. Mrs. J.. 433 Crescent, gro- Rrelner* J.. 563 S. 10th. meat, lower. H.' H.. 1247 Mulberry, gro ,, Ra C con? D. Co.. 341 S. Cameron, whole- Brenne C r? n Mrt-' B„ 500 S ' 13th ' * ro ' Bran r n? S j. M„ 223 South, groceries. Evans-Burtnett Co.. 218 S. -nd. whole ' Ca'soer R. C.. 14th and Derry. pool. Casper R. C., 14th and Derry. cigars. ' Cimino. Angelo. 304 S. 2nd, groceries, cooper A. L.. 1129 Mulberry, cigars. ' Cushman, R. C.. 206 S. 13th. plumbing , I-can, P J. W.. 1255 Mulberry, meat. , Donawitz, S„ 416 S. Cameron, candy. Dill. Irwin W., 1132 Mulberry, whole- , W„ 1132 Mulberry, auto- , Doanwitz, S., 404 S. 11th, i y Demy, Michael, 310 S. -nd. groeery. Excelsior Auto Co., 11th and Mul- J berry, auto supp. Enders, H. L.. 239 S. Cameron, auto Funk P Co.. 435 S. 14th. confectionery. Fisher. C. W., 1500 Berryhill. gro d- and Auto Co.. Harris burg, automobiles. Givler. H. F... 337 S. 13th. meat. Gardners. G. P.. 1231 Swatara. gro- 202 S. 13th. confectionery. Goho, R. M.. 1307 Derry, shoes. Gangi, C., 202 S. 13th. wholesale. Guiles, Christie, 215 Humrtel. mdse. " Gernert. Wm. A.. 1741 Market, gro- GiPie'rt. Henry A Sons. 400 S. 2nd. hardware. Gilbert, Henry & Sons. 400 S. 2nd, wholesale hardware. Hughes, T. 0.. 347 S. 13th, wholesale Harrisburg Lumber Co., 17 Naudaln, lumber. Hess E. s.. 1259 Derry. restaurant. Hess, E. S.. 1259 Derry, cigars and to bacco. ' Heisler, M. L, 405 S. 13th, real estate. Hudson Sales Agency, 1137 Mulberry, Holbert, Jacob C., 425 S. 14th, mdse. 1' Hoffman, Wm. H., 1531 Derry. gen. Hershey Creamery Co., 401 S. Camer on, wholesale ice cream. International Rubber Co., 1423 Derry, r tire and auto supp. Jones Wm. K„ 204 S. 13th, real estate. Kline, Mrs. W. E.. 1317 Swatara, res taurant. r" Kel lam, Mrs. A. C., 1546 Swatara, gro '■ Klelhman, A., 601 Hunter, groceries. Krantzman, A., 243 S. Cameron, gro p* ceries. „ „ . . Kingan Provls. Co., 425 So. 2nd, wholesale produce.. Keil. C. 11.. 235 Crescent, mdse. * Kltzmiller, Frank K., 1325% Derry. Lehrman, R., 300 8. 2nd, groceries, IT: eat. Lutz. R. L. Est., 10th and Mulberry, building supp. Landis. E. D„ 1439 Derry, fruit. Lutz, E., 337 S. Cameron, gas and ac cessorles. Llppert. w. A., 448 S. Cameron, pool. " Llppert, w. A., 448 S. Cameron, , cigars, candy. Lanais, Joseph, 18th and Derry, coal. Leldtch, P. G, Front and Vine, drugs. * Miller, S. E.. 1637 Swatara, groceries. *'l' Mehring, E. T., 1515 Derry, groceries, Mahik, Vendel, 532 S. Cameron, mdse. Myers. H. D„ 17th and Swatara, shoes. „ Mengle, H.. 1409 Derry, cigars. F' Meyers Accessory House, Cameron and Mulberry, auto supp. wholesale. Meyers Accessory Houie, Cameron and Mulberry, auto supplies. Miller, J. W. & Co., 1319 Derry, ■? pianos. J- Mercurlo. 9., 123 Washington, whols sale grocery. Mercurlo, S.. 123 Washington, gro * * carles. Ntseiey, C. M.. 41S 9. 17th St.. milk. Olevlne. 8.. 1436 Swatara, groceries. Polen, Carl E. 429 9. 15th, wall pa per. Penn Shoe Co.. 1311 Derry, wholesale shoes. Paxton Flour & Feed Co., 445 9. Ind, flour and feed. I Paxton Flour & Feed Co., 445 8. 2nd, wholesale. Pollock, Daniel. 1306 Derry, grooerlee. [ Ruder, Jacob, 1139 Swatara, groceries. . Rhoads, H. K., 1601 Swatara, meat. | Rudy, Joseph A., 1701 Derry, milk, I • 8L Clair, C. E.. 239 8. Cameron, auto B supplies. W , Stevenson, Alonso, 113 S. 2nd, polish. J Sllberman Bros, 446 S. 2nd, whole % , sale metal, , Snyder. H. I*. I#l B. 14th, meat. *: Ptrock, A, Bli 8. 15th, groceries, Bebaeffer, E. K, 438 S. 10th, groceries, u. Shields, J, D- 224 8. 2nd. patent ™ in*dl/ilnP i Smith & Keefer, 40 9. Cameron. wholesale cigars. Sullivan. P. T, 236 S. 2nd, cigars. Spungin, S„ 330 S. Cameron, whole sale mdse. Thompson, W. C„ 1245 Klttatlnny. groceries. Tolhelm, H. A, 214 Prune, harness supplies. Vlvark. John, 332 S. Second, fruit. Wilson & Co, 420 S. Second, meat. Wolf, C. R, 226 Hummel, Ice cream. Wooley, Marquart, 360 Crescent, gro ceries. Wooden Paint & Roofing Co, 10th and Kittitany, wholesale paint. York Corrugating Co, 429 S. Second, Zelders. Elm'er, 1316 Swatara, gro ceries. Zeigler & Hayes, 222 Hummel, stoves. THIRD WARD Army & Navy Shoe Store, 38 N. Court, shoes, Atlantic Refining Co, Harrisburg, gas and oil. Aronson & Freidman, 311 Walnut, millinery. Academy Billiard Parlor, 833 Market. cigars. Academy Billiard Parlor, 333 Market, pool. Astrlcli, 308 Market, ladles' clothing. Askin & Marine Co, 36 N. Second, merchandise. American Store Co, 19 N. Third, gro ceries. Arrison, 422 Market, pawn broker. Acme Tea Co, 101 S. Second, grocer ies. Buzaar Ladles', 12 S. Fourth, mer chandise. Brenner, J. H, 6 S. Fourth, merchan dise. Bossiff, Valley. 313 Market, cigars. Belsinger, J. S, 39 N. Third, optical goods. Bria. Frank. 128% Chestnut, cigars. Black's Art Store, 117 Market, art store. Bierbower, E„ 120 S. Court, produce. Bair, C. E. & Son, 24 N. Fourth, cigars. Book's Shoe Co, 217 Market, shoes. Boher, J. H. Est, 209 Market, drugs. Bogar. Geo. W, 14 N. Second, sporting goods. Boas. C. R„ 28 N. Second, jewelry. Baum, Lewis, 30 N. Fourth, clothing. Bashore, John W„ 230 Mulberry, mer chandise. Bolton House, Second & Market, Bloom, rS B, 19 N. Third, merchandise. Bates & Co, 110 Market, wholesale fruit. Bell Realty Co, 208 Bergner Bldg, real estate. _ _ , , Backenstoss Bros, 15 N. Second, real Bouquet Shop. 313 Walnut, flowers. Bender, Fred, 26 S. Third, barber sup- C. & Son, 24 N. Fourth, whole sale cigars. Belehas Co, 305 Market, pool. Blumenstine, E, 14 a Court, electri cal contractor. _ . „ Butterworth, J. & M. S., Bolton Hotel, Bowunan & Co, 314 Market, general merchandise. Bretz Bros, 211 Chestnut, hardware. Burns & Co, 28 S. Second, merchan dise. , , Corbin & Greshaem, 9 S. Third, res taurant. . . . Caley, D. A., 707 Kunkel Bldg, real estate. Clark. Nelson J, 300 Market, drugs. Chianos Bros, 26 N. Second, whole sale clothing. .. . Claster Joseph, 14 N. Fourth, watches. Crego, C. J, 15 N. Third, shoes. Carlton Hotel. 217 Market, cigars. Cohen. H. M. & Co, 117 S. Third, auto supplies. _ , Caloric Furnace Co, 32 N. Court, fur naces. _ . Court Dairy Lunch, Strawberry & Court, restaurant. Comello, Joe, 144 S. Third, fruit. Capital Optical Co., 25 S. Third, wholeaale. Chestnut St. Motor Co., 211 Chestnut, auto supplies. Cunningham, W. P, 219 Walnut, res taurant. , Casino Co., Court & Strawberry, pool. Casino Co, Court & Strawberry, cigars. City Garage, 116 Strawberry, auto supplies. _ , Coliviras, Geo. J. & Co., 307 Market, restaurant. Collins Co, 34 N. Second, merchan- Claney.'L. G, 17 N. Market Square, wholesale. Central Book Store, 329 Market, sta tionery- . „ Clancy. L. G, 17 N. Market Square, merchandise. 20th Century Shoe Store, 3 S. Second, Cap h lan! P. H. Co, 206 Market. Jewelry. Chandler Bros, 3 N. Market Square, broker.- . _ Carl, Robert. 14 N. Market Square, real estate. . _ Cotterell, D. W, 9 N. Market Square, stationery. Cloos Co, N. Third, clothing. Claster. H. C, 302 Market, jewelry. Central Construction Co, 229 Walnut, wholesale. Davies, Chas, 204 Calder, real estate. Durand, John A. & Co., 107 Chestnut, real estate. Dogostino. G, 118 S. Second, shoes. Davis. Sallie, 329 Cherry, restaurant. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart, Fourth & Market, restaurant. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Fourth & Market, wholesale. Dives, Pomeroy & Stewart. Fourth & Market, general store. David, Sallie, 329 Cherry, merchan- Doutrich & Co, 304 Market, gentle men's clothing. Davenport Lunch, 325 Market, cigars. Davenport Lunch, 325 Market, res taurant. Doehne, Geo, 20 S. Dewberry, cigars. Dooley & Co, 215 Chestnut, mer chandise. . Domestic Kitchen, 211 Wal nut, restaurant. Deft. Devices Co, 28 S Fourth, elec trical supplies. Devine & Yungel Shoe Co, 202 Mar- Ebner, Geo. T, 2 N. Court, ofllce sup plies. Elias, H. C, 17 S. Water, candy. Etter, Geo. 703 Kunkel Bldg, real estate. _ Forney's Drug Store, 31 N. Second, drugs. Front & Market Motor Supply, 109 Market, wholesale auto supplies. Factory Outlet Shoe Co, 16 N. Fourth, Shoes. Flshmnn's Garage Co, Fourth and Chestnut, auto supplies. Flsk Rubber Co, 19 S. Third, whole salt. Flsk Rubber Co., 19 S. Third, auto supplies. Fitzgerald, S. W, 44 S. Third, real estate. Fatrlamb. R„ 210 Market, merchan dise. Fatrlamb, R. 4k Co, 208 Market, mer chandise. Feeser, J. F, 104 S. Third, wholesale. Freidman, Samuel, 217 Pefter, real Fair Tire and Rubber Co, 817 Harris burg, tires. Freidman and Co, 86 S. 4th, whole sale. Freldberg, N, 126 S. Second, wholesale candy. Forry. W. L, 87 N. Third, gents' sloth ing. Gorgas. Geo. A, Third and Walnut, merchandise. Gorgas, Geo, A, 16 N, Third, drugs, confectionery. George, Athens, 228 Market, moving pictures. Gable, H. A, 117 8. Second, hardware. Gohl's Paint & Supply Co, 310 Straw berry, paints. Gatelv & Fitzgerald Supply, 11, S. Second, house furnishings. Galdlno, E, 1388 S. Third, wholesale grocery, Galdlno, E. 138 8. Third, groceries. Gross, E. Z, 119 Market, wholesale drugs, Gross, E. Z, 119 Market, drugs. Gable, H. A, 117 8: Second,' wholesale hardware. Goldstine, Eli, 16 N. Fourth, mer chandise. Golden Seal Drug Store, II S. Second, drugs, candy. Golden Seal Drug Store, 11 $. Second, wholesale. Gardner & Baptlstl Co, Third and Chestnut, wholesale fruit. Gomary Schwartz Motor Co, 116 Mar ket. auto supplies. , Gecko Co, 225 Market, wholesale. Goldsmith, Jas, 6% N. Market, furni ture. Harrisburg Brokerage Co, 18 S. Sec ond, broker. . Harris Restaurant, Third and Mul berry, cigars. Herman John C. & Co, 18 N. Market Square, wholesale. Harris Restaurant. Third and Mul berry, restaurant. Hoffman, Percy, 32 F. Fourth, sta tionery. Harrisburg News Agency, 108 Cheat nut, newspapers. Harrisburg Hardware Co.. 5 N. Sec ond, hardware. _ _ Harrisburg Banana & Fruit Co, 105 S. 2nd, wholesale fruit. Harrisburg Banana & Fruit Co, 105 S. Second, fruit. Hershey. D. U„ 327 Market, cigars. Harry. Fred B„ 17 N. Third, hats and furs. Hursh, D. F„ 123 S. Third, cigars. Hoover E. G, 23 N. Third, jewelry. j Harrisburg Typewriter & Supply Co, 40 N. Court, typewriters. Harris House, 20 N. Third, cigars. Harris House, 20 N. Third, restaurant. Horting & Mingle, 309 Market, res taurant. Horting & Mingle. 309 Market, cigars. , Holman. Haeseler & Co, 228 Market, merchandise. Harrisburg Storage Battery Co, 38 South Fourth, storage batteries. Himes, G. W, 10 N. Second, mer chandise. Harrisburg Gas Co, 14 S. Market Square, gas fixtures. Harrisburg Light & Power Co, 22 N. Second, supplies. Hersh, Jay N, 218 Cherry, cigars. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Co, 32 N. Second, harnesses. Harrisburg Harness & Supply Co, 82 N. Second, wholesale. Holmes Seed Co, 106 S. Second, wholesale plants. Holmes Seed Co, 106 S. Second, plants. Hench & Wilson, 23 S. Third, whole sale. House of Flowers, 321 Walnut, flow ers. Harrisburg News Agency, 108 Chest nut, wholesale papers. Harry, G, Third and Walnut, cigars. Harrisburg Electric & Supply Co, 24 S. Second, electrical supplies. Harrisburg Electric & Supply Co, 24 S. Second, wholesale. Harrisburg Film Co, 322 Chestnut, films. Harrisburg Auto A Tire Repair Co, 131 S. Third, merchandise. Ibach Optical Co, 207 Walnut, glasses. Imperial Tea Co, 213 Chestnut, gro ceries. Johnston Paper Co, 19 S. Second, wholesale paper. Koch. Chas. C„ 35 N. Second, cigars. Kresge, S. S. Co, 326 Market, mer chandise. Kebocfy P. H, 111 Market, auto sup pi iesv Kafz, Max, 1010 Market, merchandise. Katz, Meyers. 510 Market, clothing. Keystone Sales Co, 108 Market, auto supplies. Kneisley, W. N„ Market and Second, cigars. Kelley, James A, 231 Strawberry. merchandise. Kennedy's Drug Store, 30 S. Third, wholesale drugs. Keith's, Geo. E. Co, 226 Market, mer chandise. Kuhn, Sol & Co, Market street and Market Square, carpets. Kuhn Clothing Co, 6 N. Second, cloth ing. Kaufman's Underselling Store, 8 S. Market Square, clothing. Kuhn Clothing Co, 6 N. Second, wholesale clothing. Rough, Brightbill & Kline. 807 Kun kel Bldg, real estate. Kamskey, Lewis, 26 N. Third, Jewelry. Kamskcy, Lewis, 26 N. Third, whole sale. Kaida, K„ 225 Market, restaurant. Kushel & Kushel, 30 S. Fourth, cloth ing. Kusnltt, A, 205 Wlalnut, rubber goods. Kennedy, H. C, 221 Market, drugs. Kochenhour, Geo. W, 230 Market, merchandise. Kelley, John, 3 N. Third, shoes. Kamskey, Lewis. 26 N. Third. Jewelry. Kreidler Bros, 100 N. Second, gro- Leib, Frank R. & Son, 18 N. Third, real estate. Livingston's, 9 S. Market Square, general merchandise. Lochiel Hotel, Third and Market, cigars. Lock. Mike, 312 Cherry, groceries. I.enard, Walter, 321 Market, pool. McFall & Son. 300 Market, clothing. Miller & Foose, 311 Market, mer chandise. Moltan, Lewis, 622 North, restaurant. Moore, C. H, 125 Chestnut, cigars. Morrison Paper & Supply Co, 116 S. Second, paper and twine. Morrison Paper & Supply Co, 116 S. Second, wholesale paper. Moog Bros, 13 S. Third, shoes. Magnelli. P. O, 112 S. Second, whole sale merchandise. Magnelli. P. O, 112 S. Second, mer chandise. Manhattan Restaurant Co, 317 Mar ket. cigars. I Manhattan Restaurant Co, 817 Mar ket, restaurant. Metropolitan Hotel, 832 Market, cigars. Muller, XL L, 325 Walnut, merchan dise. Moeller, C. A, 35 S. Second, drugs. Marks A Sons, Fourth and Market, merchandise. Messersmith, Harvey J, 212 Market. shoes and clothing. Miller A Kades, 7 N. Market furni ture. Megaro, S, Second and Market cigars and fruit Montgomery, J. B, Third and Chest nut. coal and wood. Martz Bros, 21 S. Third, merchandise. Neidig Bros, 21 S. Second, electrical supplies. Nachrnan, Joseph, 320 Market cloth ing. National Cash Register Co, 105 Mar ket cash registers. Ottls Elevator Co, 28 S. Third, ele vators. Oyler, P. M, 14 S. Fourth, musical In struments. Orr, John C, 222 Market real estate. Oyster, N. K, 308 Chestnut real es tate. Pomeroy, S. S, 5 S. Second, grocery. ■ Palaee Confectionery, 225 Market confectionery. Plack, W, 33 S. Second, Jewelry. Pound. Wm. R. P, 207 Market sta tionery. Parks, W. F. A Son, 213 Chestnut 1 restaurant Perrin, W. J, 809 Blackberry, cigars. Poulton, Chas. W, 5 N. Third, oloth- Ing. Packard Motor Car Co, 101 Market automobiles. Penn Harris, Third and Walnut res taurant. Quality Clothing Shop, 214 Market clothing. Reltter, Max, 18 N. Fourth, Jewelry. Rettter, Max A Co, 18 N, Fourth, pawnbroker. Rodney C. B, 84 N, Third, shoes. Royal Typewriter Co, 19 N, Third, typewriters, Rothert Co, 312 Market house fur lshlngs. Robinson Woman's Shop, -20 N. Fourth, clothing. Rubin A Rubin, 320 Market eptlcal goods. Russ A Windsor, 19 N, Markut, whole sale fish. Roberts A Meek, 115 Market, whole sale stationery, Rohrer, J. F. A Son, 4 N. Third, real estate. Rodenhaver, J, W, 217 Market cigars. Ross, J. A, Second and Walnut con fectionery. Ross Millinery Co, 268 Market milli nery. Russ A Windsor, 19 Market Square, fish and oysters. Russ, John, Strawberry, cigars, Remington Typewriter Co, 119 Wal nut. typewriters. Rife Hotel, Walnut and Third, cigars. Singer Sewing Machine Co, Harris burg, sewing machines. Schmidt, Chas L, 313 Market, florist Shepart A Myers, 333 Market mer chandise and shoes. Stern. Walter L, 209 Walnut, shoes. Soutter, John C, 215 ' Market, dry goods. Sawyer, Frank, Market Square, mer- I chandise. Stulle. Stanko, Fourth and Mulberry, pool. Sax. M- A_ Second an* Walnut cigars. /£> HXRRISBURG TBLEGKXPH MAY 1919. Shenk & Tittle, 20S Market, eportingr goods. Stulie, Stanko, Fourth and Mulberry, cigars. Streff, Chas. M.. 24 N. Second, pianos. Speece, S. S., 202 Chestnut, florist. Strouse, Wm. A Co., 310 Market, cloth ing. Slabach, E., 226 Chestnut, meat pro duce. Schlelsner, Wm. B. Stores, Harrls burg, 32 N. Third, general store. Sible, Geo. H. Jr., 337 Market and Bolton Hotel, cigara State Capital Hotel, 215 Walnut, cigars. Strouse, Ben., 322 Market, clothing. Sigler, C. M. Inc., 30 N. Second, musi cal instruments. Shearer, J. L., 204 Market, merchan dise. Smith A Farrel, 214 Chestnut, cigara Salerno, V. F.. 11 S. Third, merchan dise. Silvestre, Petro, 148 S. Third, gro ] ceries. Senate Hotel, 2 N. Second, cigars. Senate Hotel. 2 N. Second, restaurant. Slarpanos. Lewis, 221 Market, pool. Stauffer 'Restaurant, 4 N. Court, cigars. Sohland A Sanderline, 36 N. Third, Stauffer Restaurant, 4 N. Court, res taurant. Seiber, Frederick, 113 Market, auto supplies. Schleisner, W. 8., N. Third, clothing. Snyder, Chas. H„ 207 Chestnut, cigars. Sweetland Confectionery Co., 331 Market, confectionery. Sterling Auto Tire Repair Co., 109 S. Second, auto tires. TamBul Tea Co., 42 N. Third, tea and coffee. Towsen, C. W., 34 S. Second, butterine. Troup, J. H., 15 S. Market Square, pianos. Tromblno Bros., 4 S. Fourth, confec tionery. Two-in-One Store, Third and Chest nut, groceries. Tunis, Wm. S.. 8 N. Third, stationery. Troup Bros., 317 Chestnut, pianos. Underwood Typewriter Co., 208 Dau phin Bldg., typewriters. Union Clothing Co., 10 S. Second, clothing. United Hat Store, 300 Market, hats. United Cigar Store, 22 N. Third, cigars. United Cigar Store, 201 Market, cigars. Vanderloo, Peter, 27 S. Third, real estate. Vogt, Guy S., 17 N. Market Square, meat. Wilson A Co., 420 S. Second, whole sale. Williams Motor Co., 231 N. Second, wholesale. Williams Motor Co., 231 N. Second, auto supplies. Wilmer & Vincent, Third and Market, moving pictures. Wilmer A Vincent, 323 Walnut, pub lie amusement. Watson A Cooper, 14 Third. mer chandise. Walmer, N. A., 24 S. Third, leather goods. Wieseman, W. A.. 83 S. Second, gro- Walzer, Mrs. E., 27 S. Second, milli nery. Wonder Store Co., 211 Market, mer chandise. Wengert. W. A., 107 Market, tires. Walker, W. A H., 114 S. Second, mer chandise. Wilson's Confectionery Store, 4 N. Third, confectionery. Weber's Beauty Shop, 9 N. Third, mer chandise. Yohn, E. W., 8 N. Market, pianos. Young. A. C., 34 S. Second, real estate. Zeigler, D. M., 110 S. Second, shades. Zeeh, Geo. 8., 28 S. River, auto sup plies. Zacharias, H. C., Market Square, real estate. Duncan, May L, 84 N. Third, hair tonic. Crispen Motor Car Co., 101 Market, automobiles. Dundorlt Bros., 106 8. Fourth, whole sale. Cullmerry, G. L. 222 Market. real estate. Gekas, Wm., 44 N. Third, merchandise. Galdinos. D. A Son, 101 S. Third, con fectionery. Germer, Susan, 217 Chestnut, res taurant. Columbus Hotel, Third A Walnut, cigars. Sweetland Confectionery. 331 Market, confectionery. Sweetland Confectionery, 331 Market, restaurant. FOURTH WARD American Radiator Co., 110 N. Second, wholesale radiators. Art A Gift Shop, 105 N. Second, art shop. Armour, J. C., 186 State, medicine store. Ash, F. 8.. 222 Locust, real estate. Armenio, John, 500 N. Third, confec tionery. • Armenio. John, Third and State, con fectionery. Brinton Packer Co., Second and Wal nut, real estate. Brown, Peter, 800 N. Third, shoes. Plake Shop, 225 N. Second, decorator. | Barns, Geo. M., 421 N. Second, gro- Balsley, Geo., 220 N. Second, groceries. Cohn, Ida, James and Forster, gro ceries. By rem. Samuel, 701% N. Third, cigars. Carroll, W. IX. 516 N. Second, gro- Carr's Garage, Brlggs and Bartlne, auto supplies. Donaldson Paper Co., 113 N. Second, wholsale paper. Early, J. B. A Son, 104 N. Second, shoes. Ensmlnger, J. T. Jr., 620 N. Second, drugs. French Shop, 208 N. Third, ladles' merchandise. Firestone Tire & Rubber Co., 210 N. Second, tires. Firestone Tire A Rubber Co., 210 N. Second, wholesale tires. Focht, M. A., 272 North, real estate. Fager A Son, 213 N, Second, hard ware and stoves. Gove. Ellanore, 226 N. Third, mllll- Gerstner, Richard, 218 Looust, furs. Grand Union Tea Co., 208 N. Second, wholesale tea. Grand Union Tea Co., 208 N. Second, tea and coffee. Gault, Harry, 236 North, groceries. Harris, J. P. A Sons, 221 North, mer chandise. Harrisburg Overland Co., 114 N. Sec ond, automobiles. Harrisburg Overland Co., 214 N. Seo ond, wholesale. Isuacman, Harry, 811 N, Second, gro ceries. Klompus, Bam., Second and Walnut, news stand. Kelm, Bertha I„ 804 N. Third, florist Keeney's Flower Shop, 814 N. Third, florist. Keefe, Maud B-, 107 N, Becond, un derwear. Kendal Optical Co„ 828 N. Third, op tical goods. Kolbenschlag, 808 N, Third, millinery. Labelle Shop. 813 Locust, millinery. Lett, James, ill N, Second, wholesale photo supplies, t Lett, James, 111 N, Second, photo supplies, McGlll, P. P., 258 North, real estate. Marianne Kinder Markt 220 Locust toys, Monroe Calculating Co., 206 Locust calculating machines. Mullen, Lewis, 717 N. Third,i groceries. Maglaughlin, J. J., 400 N. Second, wall paper. Mather, E. & Co., 204 Walnut, hard- Miller *Bros. A Co., 213 Locust real estate. Mader, Ruth M., 706 N. Third, florist Nunnemacher, A. W., 701 N. Third, drugs. Nunnemacher, A, W., 701 N. Third, wholesale drugs. Pink Millinery Co., 304 N. Becond, millinery. _ , „ . Pennsylvania Realty Imp. Co., 133 Locust, real estate. Publishing House, United Evangelical Church. Third and Reily, stationery. Poorman, Bessie E., 222 Locust, gloves. Peters, M. C, 620 Third, groceries. Parthemore, L. H., 712 N. Third, planoß and organs. Richer, I. S.. 817 N. Third. Jewelry. Regal Umbrella Co., Second and Wal nut, umbrellas. Rochefeller, T. 8., 202 North, real estate. Rutherford. S. 8.. 218 N. Second, con fectionery. Reiley, Howard, 212 N. Third, stock broker. Saltzgiver's Art Store, 223 N. Second, picture frames. Mary Elizabeth Shop, 109 N. Second, merchandise. Slough, C. A., Brlggs and Bartlne, automobiles. Sachs, Mary, 210 N. Third, ladles' wear. Tillotson, Geo. P., 205 Locust type writers and supplies. Taylor, M. C., 11l South, real estate. Thompson, James V.. 208 South, gro cery. Walker, D. F„ 409 N. Second, confec tionery. Wilmer A Vincent, 208 Locust public amusement. Wengert, Daniel, 800 Sixth, merchan dise. Witmer, Bair & Witmer, 202 Walnut merchandise. Wilhelm, S. H. A Co., Second and State, merchandise. Wolfley, C. N., 226 S. Second, flsh and oysters. Wolfe's Corset Shop, 224 N. Second, corsets. Opperman, C. J., 227 N. Second, mer chandise. Harrisburg News Co., 518 N. Second, news dealer. Wagner A Brown, 810 N. Third, auto mobile supplies. FIFTH WARD Adler, Chas., 1002 N. Third, real es tate. Abramson, 1., 1128 N. Sixth, gro- Acme Tea Co., 1001 N. Third, gro ceries. Boak, C. L, 229 Broad, merchandise. Bodmer, I. C., 307 Cumberland, mer chandise. Bierley, Samuel, 319 Broad, groceries. Brown & Co., 1219 N. Third, furni ture. Betty Lend Shop, 1208% N. Third, millinery. Broude, P., 1007 Capital, wholesale confectionery. Clary, D. Z., 1103 N. Third, cigars. Clary, D. Z., 1103 N. Third, pool. Cleckner A Burke, 1226 N. Third, hardware. Coliviras, Geo. J., 305 Broad, whole sale. Levin, Cohn & Bro., 1004 N. Sixth, merchandise. Garonzik, D., 1105 N. Third, merchan dise. Consylman A Co., 1117 N. Third, clothing. Cooper, D. & Co., 419 Broad, junk. Central Cafe, 1107 N. Third, restaur ant. Chandler, M., 448 Cumberland, mer chandise. Caton, T. J., 1204 N. Third, shoes. Crans, Walter B„ 1125 N. Third, cigars and tobacco. Dintaman, A. P., 1114 N. Front boats and supplies. Dapp A Son, 271 Broad, real estate. Denby Sales Corporation, 1205 Capital, Denby Sales Corporation, 1205 Capital, wholesale. Evans, W. H., 269 Sassafras, produce. Excelsior CycTe Co., 1009 N. Third, motorcycle supplies. Ensminger, John, Third and Cumber land, second hand furniture. Engle, A. S„ 1021 Green, groceries. Formosa Tea Co., 1208 N. Third, gro ceries. Fleiechmann Co., 1008 N. Third, yeast. Fisher Bros., 1001 Capital, stoves. Fisher A Cleckner, 1125 N. Third, shoes. Garner, A., 1121 Third, merchandise. Graboloff. S., 1025 N. Third, mer chandise. Gekas, D. N„ Third and Herr, mer chandise. Grove, M. M., 453 Broad, cigars. Gannan, A., 923 N. Third, fruit Hawk, Mrs. S. A., 1129 Capital, pro duce. Heagy. Harvey, 1200 N. Third, motor cycles. Harrisburg News Co., 518 N. Second, news dealer. Hutman Geo. A., 1013 N. Third, Jew elry. Hoopes, J. 8.. 1021 N. Third, cigars. Harrisburg Grocery Co., 323 N. Broad, wholesale grocery. Kramer, Ira M., 400 Cumberland, gro- Klem'ens, A., 1019 N. Third, merchan dise. Kramzadorf, W., 1605 N. Sixth, sec ond hand furniture. Koons, H. C., 269 Cumberland, mer chandise. ... „ . , Knighton & Co.. 311 Verbeke. mer chandise. . „ Handler, 8.. 1212 N. Third, furniture. Kramer, Chas. F., 1225 N. Third, Kimnvet. Wm., 1101 N. Second, gro- LoT iC C 8 - E., 1100 N. Sixth, groceries. Levy Bros., 439 Broad, fruit Levy Bros., 439 Broad, wholesale McCarrel, Jas., 935 N. Third, cigars. Morgenthaler, John L., 937 N. Third, cigars. _ Marzoft, W. M., 449 Broad, produce. Mourer. A.. 400 Forster, cigars. Millelsen, Frank, 1011 Third, coal and wood. _ .... _ Meyers Motor Sales Co., 1210 Penn, auto supplies. Matter, D. S„ 1015 N. Second, patent medicine. . Orcutt, T. H.. 267 Cumberland, real Palmer? Mrs. L. 416 Forster, merchan dise. Patton, Wallle E., 234 Broad, mer chandise. Peoples Tea Co., 131 Verbeke, tea and coffee. Polleck's Store, Green and Forster, groceries. Potts, George C.. 1100 N. Third, drugs. | Rldenouer, F. E„ 1221 N. Third, florist Rifkins, S.. 407 Broad, 2d-hand cloth ing. Ryder Hardware Store. 1218 N. Third, hardware. Royal Theater. 1206 N. Third, moving pictures. Relter Bros., 1003 N. Third, electrical supplies. Stauffer's Muslo Store. 1213 N. Third, musical Instruments, Smallwood, Thos. W., 433 Herr, whole sale flour. Schiffman .A. ,1210 N. Sixth, merchan dise. Swarger, E. D., 803 Broad, drugs, notions, Selss, Frank F. 327 Verbeke. cigars. Simonettl, J., 401 Broad, cigars. Slmonetti, L., 901 N. Third, flbh, pro duce. Swiler J, H. ( 431 Broad, groceries. Steekley. M, & Son.. 1220 N. Third, shoes, Senseman, A. J., 1206 N, Third, dry goods. Scutotta, Tony, 1016 N, Third, con fectionery, Shulman, D.. 826 N. Sixth, groceries, meat. Smith A Shapiro, 1310 N. Sixth, gro- ' eery. Shultz, J. M., 1005 N. Third, restaurant Seibel's Garage, 801 Cumberland, auto supplies. Smith, J. Park, 1800 N. Second, mer chandise. Takehita, M„ 1208 N. Third, merchan dise. Tack, A. B. Est., 1216 N. Third, wall paper. Woman's Exchange, 1014 N. Third, women's wear. White, A. J., 313 Broad, c'gars. Wilson, J. W., 901 N. Third, meat grocery. Willis, Latimer, 1209 N. Third, sta tionery, books. Yingst. John. 1132 N. Front furniture, carpets. Zimmerman, Bessie, 1223 N. Third, stationery. BITTH WARD Anderson, J. F, I 860 New Fourth, cigars, stationary. Arson. Joe. 1421 N Fourth, grocer. Acme Tea Co., 309 Rroad. groceries. Bentley. Geo. R„ 1417 Lawton. mer chandise. Burns, Harry, 1416 Main, pool. Blum, Jscob, 1237 Williams, Junk. Bogar Hardware Co., 1216 N. Third, hardware. Brenner, Nathan. 1315 N. Third, Jew elry and clothing. Brenner. Nathan, 1315 N. Third, real estate. Belton, Allen, 1400 Marlon, cigars, tobacco. „ k > Baturln, Rebecca, 1400 N. Sixteenth, groceries. Bennett. W. W., 302 Broad, pool. Burrs, Harry, 1416 Marian, cigars. Bennett, W. W.. 302 Broad, cigars. Cleckner A Burke, 1226 N. Third hardware. Clompus, B. H„ 416 Calder, grocery. Cartwrlght, Wm. A.. 1323 Third, ice cream. Cohen, Frank, 324 Reily, second-hand furniture. Cohen, N„ 314 Calder, second-hand furniture. Crozier, Sarah R., 1303 N. Third, ci gars. Clark, Nelson J., 306 Broad, drugs. Cohen, D„ 507 Calder, Junk. Dinger, Chas. H.. 1414 Susquehanna, merchandise. Dravenstat, E. C.. 318% Reily, cigars, tobacco. David, D. W„ 1305 N. Sixth, cigars, novelties. Eckinger, H. F„ 300 Broad, cigars. Ettinger, C. H.. 1342 Penn, groceries. Etter, Sam'l S., 1400 N. Third, gro- Engbert, A. R., 1518% Sixth, gro ceries. Faunce, L A., 1314 N. Third, Jewelry. Fortenbaugh, J. S., 1406 N. Third, wall paper. Frick, C. A., 428 Reily, groceries. Fine, Mrs. R.. 320 Reily, groceries. Fetrow, Decorative Shop, 312 Reily, wall paper. Great A. A P. Tea Co.. 1308 N. Third, tea and coffee. Great A. A P. Tea Co., 1308 N. Third, wholesale. Goldstein, Jennie. 326 Reily, second hand merchandise. ■ George Drug Store, 1306 Third, drugs. Goldstein, Eli. 1300 N. Sixth, general merchandise. Goodrich, B. F., 1412 N. Third, tires. Gensslichter, J. J., 266 Broad, gro ceries. Garonzik, H/irry, Calder and Marlon. second-hand furniture. Gardner, Samuel, 1311 N. Third, flsh and oysters. Gardner, Samuel, 1311 N. Third, wholesale produce. Goldstein Eli, 1304 N. Sixth, confec tionery. Gregg. Jason C.. 1320 N. Third, cigars. Gerbcr, A.. 1427 N. Sixth, furniture. Gates, Linden, 1402 N. Sixth, flsh, oysters. Hay, John K., 1402 Third, merchan dise. Hoover Furniture Co., 1417 N. Sec ond, furniture. Harrow, A. A.. 400 Reily, groceries. Holstein, H. 0., 314 Broad, cigars. Haines, Mahlon, 402 Broad, shoes. Horner, Alfred, 316 Broad, clothing. Jnrdon & Yates, 1419 Wyeth, oil. Karmatz A Geller, 320 Broad, whole sale confectionery. ICrefncr, J. H„ 339 Reily, cigars, to bacco. Klitch, Wm. A., 418% Reily. hard ware. Kapphan, Mrs. Rose, 324 Rroad, cigars. Kramtzman, Harry. 431 Howard. Junk. Kramer, C. D., 1429 Third, cigars, candy. Klawansky, S„ 331 Calder. second hand furniture. King, J. T.. 316 Reily. Ice. Kranzdorf. W.. 1321 N. Fourth, Junk. Lowe, S. D„ 1418 N. Sixth, stoves. Lewis, Daniel, 23 S. Water, produce. Logam, Wm. N.. 1422 N. Sixth, mer chandise. Lescure, J. W.. 1310 Green, tobacco, cigars. McFadden. J. C„ 265 Reily, merchan- McA S ltster, Jas. C.. 1336 N. Second, oysters. Morris, J. W„ 1344 Liberty, merchan dise. Morritt, E. T.. Reily A Susquehanna, produce. Miller, J. H„ 1336 N. Sixth, groceries. Mayer, Mrs. E. S., 304 Broad, confec tionery. Nelt, Mrs. M. C.. 1328 N. Second, gro ceries. _ .. Nennecke, John A., 1339 Calder and James, grocery. New York Quick Lunch, 332 Broad, restaurant. Nurick, C„ 1532 Fulton St., Groceries. Newmark & Cown, 308 Broad, second hand furniture. Patton, W. E., 234 Broad, candy. Porcky, Lewis. 321 Calder, Junk. Peoples Furnishing Co., 330 Broad, clothing. „ Paxton Flour A Feed Co., 445 S. Sec ond, flour and feed. Pomeroy. S. S„ 1437 N. Second, mer chandise. ... . , Plack F. T.. 1326 N. Sixth, Jewelry. Robinson & Co.. 1300 N. Third, depart ment store. Reamer, W. A. A Son, 1605 N. Sixth, wall paper. Russ, Mary, 1421 N. Second, fruit and Redman, Andrew, 1607 N. Third, auto and supplies. Rhoads. David, 1401 N. Second, gro ceries. _ . Rappaport, Joe.. 329 Calder, groceries. Relth, Carl, 1415 N. Third. ciB Square Deal Auto Supply, 1408 N. Third, autfo supplies. Shomberger, 338 Broad, stoves. Seifert, M. K., 213 Broad, merchan- Swtler C. D., 1810 N. Sixth, cigars. Sebold', H. C.. 1316 N. Third, hard ware. Smith, Chas. H.. 1313 N. Second, mer ! chandise. Smith, L. W.. 1302 N. Second, cigars. Smith Claude J.. 322 Broad, groceries. Smith. Mary T„ 1301 N. Third, con fectionery. Selsam, John T„ 400 Verbeke. gro ceries. Spurrier, S. C.. 1334 N. Sixth, pool. Tuck, Jacob, 621 Herr, Junk. Stewart, Frank H„ 1512 N. Fourth, cigars, stationery, Thorley, T, A., JO4 Broad, drurs. Tripner, John H„ 318 Broad, groceries. United States Tiro Co., 1790 Broadway, N. York, tires, tubes. Vaughin, P. H., 1432 N, Third, plumber, Wagner A Smith, 1304 N. Third, gro ceries. i Weaver, Geo.. 501 Caldbr, merchan dise. Weiss, H. A 8., pure food, Harrisburg, pure foods. Weiss, H. A 8. Pure Food, 180 Awl, groceries. Whitcomb, Wilson, 830 Reily, atove second-hand, Wohlfarth, John L.. 823 Reily, cigars. Williams, B. G.. 1421 N, Third, con fectionery, Yingst Electrical Co., 1483 N. Third, electrical supplies. Blum, Philip. Cowden, Junk, Spurrier, S. C.. 1334 N. Sixth, cigars. SEVENTH WARH Adlestine, Henry, 1403 N. Sixth, Jew elry. Acme Tea Co., 1541 N. Sixth, groceries. Arndt, L, 1925 N. Seventh, cigars, to bacco. Abram, J., 629 Herr, millinery. Acme Grocer, 1318 N. Seventh, mer chandise. Abraraa A Son, 833 N. Seventh, whole sale Junk. Abrams & Son. 832 N. Seventh, Junk. Asure, Edwin, 1951 N. Sixth, cigars. Asure, Edwin, 1911 N. Sixth, pool. Arch. Rebecca, 1001 Cowden, grocery. Arnold. Calvin, 601 Sixth, candy, drugs. Abramson, A., 1006 N. Seventh, Junk. Abramson, A., 1006 N. Seventh, whole sale Junk. Abramson. 1., 629 Herr. Junk. Brain, John, 1825 George. Junk. Boyer, W. F.. 1821 N. Twelfth, pro duce, Junk. Baer, L A., 621 Hamilton, grocery. Barney Leader, 1406 N. Sixth, Junk hand furniture.' Barney Leader, 140S N. Sixth, Jupk Bomberger, Miss, 1945 N. Sixth, mil linery. Blister, Hymen, 628 Cumberland, junk. Boyer, J. F., 410 Muencb, produce. Barroh. BenJ, 1413 Wallace, Junk. Bechtel, Mrs. G., Eighteenth and Herr, 1 grocery. 1 Braconey, H. J.. 1001 N. Sixth, gro eery, meat. ' Barboloff, J- 1025 N. Seventh, roar- , chandise. Brenner M. ft Son. 648 Muench, mer- < Brenner, M. ft Son, 623 Herr, mer- > chandise. Baker, X. O. P., 1319 Sixth, musical instruments. Brenner & Gross, 1307 N. Seventh, pool. Burns Bros., 1507 N. Sixth, tires, ac cessories. Botts, M. L- 1649 N. Sixth, dry goods. Brenner & Gross, 1300 N. Seventh, tobacco. Bates, E. J., Jr.. 2210 Sixth, whole sale meats. Bates. E. J., Jr., 2210 Sixth, meat, Cohen, S„ 921 N. Sixth, cigars. Cumming, C. E., 946 N. Seventh, Cowden & Co., Ninth and Cumberland, wholesale pipes. Cowden & Co.. Ninth and Cumberland, pipes, building material. Cohen, Max & Co.. Seventh and Kel ker, Junk. Cohen, Max & Son Co., Seventh and Kelker, wholesale junk. Cohen. A. S.. 627 Herr, grocery. Cramer. Miss Annie, 620 Cumberland, grocery. Chiara, Jos. ft Son, 1014 N. Seventh, confectionery. Coleman, T. Est., 644 Broad, cigars. Coleman, T. Est.. 644 Broad, restau rant. Chiara, Jos. & Son. 1227 N. Sixth, mer chandise. Clers, R. C.. 1925 N. Sixth, merchan dise. Carmes, Mrs. Anna, 1733 N. Fifth, produce. Cohen, L. & Co.. Zork and Ash, Junk. Cohn. A., 633 Herr, shoes. Cohen, Eewis, 1009 Cowden, second hand shoes. Cirilio C., 1629 N. Sixth, rubbers, shoes. Coleman, Peter, 1304 N. Seventh, Coleman, Peter, 1304 N. Seventh, res taurant. Disanto, Giovanni, 1114 N. Seventh, Drum, B. B„ 1803 N. Sixth, grocery, meat. Darchoff, M., 1200 N. Cameron, gro cery. Doranz. A. R„ 1225 N. Sixth, real estate. Dare, Alice, 647 Broad, restaurant. Difalag, G. R.. 1719 N. Seventh, cigars, candy. Elder, T. B„ 2011 N. Seventh, cigars, tobacco. Etter, Calvin ft Son, 917 Cowden. gro cery. Fornwald, M. A.. 1321 N. Sixth, furni ture. Fritz, John, 1822 N. Twelfth, Junk. Fritz, John. 1721 N. Twelfth, Junk. Funk, N. W., 1237 N. Cameron. Junk. Fritz, Jos., 1709 N. Twelfth, Junk. Foster, E.. 1126 N. Cameron, grocery. Fetterhoff, Mrs. C.. 1815 N. Cameron, pfrocory, meat . Federick's Garage, 1807 N. Seventh, auto supplies. Garland, S. H„ 2000 N. Fifth, mer chandise. Grunden, P. E„ 933 N. Sixth, drugs. Garland, J. K.. 1839 Sixth, drugs. Gerber, M., 1201 Wallace, grocery. Gerber, M., 1201 Wallace, junk. Gable. John ,1711 N. Twelfth, pro duce, junk. Gordon, Aaron, 1243 N. Cameron, gen eral stor<^ Gold, S.. 1223 N. Sixth, merchandise. Garkin, Joe, 611 Calder, grocery. Greenawalt, C. W., 2001 N. Sixth, grocery. Huntzman, F. A., 660 Briggs, lumber. Herman, H. G.. Chestnut Street Mar ket, merchandise. Hamburger, H., 1217 N. Sixth, second hand stoves. Hamilton, Robert E., 1237 N. Seventh. Harris, S. H„ 1913 N. Sixth, grocery. Harris, S. R.. 1929 N. Sixth, grocery. Herr. Mrs. E. C.. 801 N. Eighteenth, produce. Hoffman, Mrs. S. S., 1912 N. Seventh, merchandise. Harrisburg Abbatolr, 1318 N. Seventh, meat. Hamburger, H., 1217 N. Sixth, Junk. Harwitz, David J.. 1201 Cumberland, grocery. Htiwes, Miss Core, 1213 N. Sixth, millinery. Hess, Jacob, 1409 Wallace, grocery. Hess, Jacob, 1409 Wallace, junk. Isaacman, B. H., 1100 N. Seventh, grocery. Jackson House, 1300 N. Seventh, cigars Kapleowitz, T.. 660 Broad, second-hand furnltu re. Kapleowitz. 1., 660 Broad, Junk, Keystone Iron & Metal Co., Broad and Currant. Junk. Katz, L.. 1100 Herr. groceries. Kobler, George. 1232 N. Sixth, etgars. Karmetz, M.. Herr ft Cameron, cloth ing. Katzen, Jacob, 1018 N. Seventh, seo ond-hand furniture. Katz, Max., 649 Cumberland, cloth ing. Koons, Joseph, 649 Boyd, Junk. Kannev, Wm., 1104 Cowden, junk, Eong, H. H„ 1827 N. Seventh, grocery. Eincoln Realty Co.. 1129 N. Seventh. real estate. Elst. Morris, 604 Herr, Junk. Levinson, W„ 2301 N. Sixth, res taurant. Eevl, Harry, 1208 Wallace, grocery. Levin, Abaham, 612 Boas, junk. McNeal, Jess., 657 Broad, pool. Miclowitz, Israel, 629 Boas, pool. Miclowitz, Israel. 629 Boas, cigars, candy, Miller, Simon E., 1001 N. Sixth, gro ceries, meat, Mathews, Thos. R., 1209 N. Seventh, restaurant, Mlchelwitz, Joe., 602 Boas, Junk. Marshall, W, E., 629 Boas, drugs. Macaver, Theo., 1123 Cameron, pool. Morrison, Fannie, 1415 Wallace, gen eral store. Macaver, Theo., 1123 N. Cameron, cigars. Moses, 8., 1827 N. Sixth., grocery, meat. Meyerovltz, A., 623 Relly, merchan dise. Markel, Lee, 1317 N. Sixth, wall paper. Mazzy, Mary, 622 Boas, groceries. Martin, S. K., 625 Roily, cigars, to- Moses, W. S., 664 Broad, fish. Moses, J. 8.. 652 Cumberland, auc tioneer. Mlnsky, S- 637 Herr, groceries. Marcus, Meyer, 2030 N. Seventh, gro ceries, meat. Mathews ,H. S., 1215 N. Seventh, pool. Marcus, Samuel ,1211 N. Sixth, hard ware. Moeslein. F., 1235 N. Sixth, cigars. Mattis, O. S., 1301 N. Sixth, cigars. Miclowitz, Israel, 629 Boas., restau rant. National Iron ft Metal Co., 941 N. Seventh, Junk. • Olphin. Frank, 1815 N. Twelfth, pro duce. Orstln, Wolfe, 1127 Cameron, cloth ing. Olewlne, B- 1829 N. Fifth, merchan dise. Princess Theatre, Sixth and Cumber land, moving pictures. Parson, H. E., 1104 N. Seventh, drugs. Philips. Wm.. 649 Broad, restaurant. Palm, C. W., 1213 N. Sixth, Junk. Phillips, Wflliam, 649 Broad, cigars. Press, Max.. 622 Herr, merchandise. Press, Max., 622 Herr, Junk. Pemonitz, Sowa., 1018 Herr, cigars, tobacco. Phillips, William, 1105 N. Seventh, restaurant. Rhoads, J. E.. Cowden ft Forster, lime, cement. Rhoads, J. E., Cowden and Forster, wholesale. Rtnehart, Harmon, 1822 George, mer cha&dUa, N. Rohr, Fred., 1118 Florence, Jun2 Reichert, Lena D., 1318 N. Sixth, mr ; chandise. Rhoads A. ft Son, 1647 N .Sixth, mers i chandise, 4 Royster, Anna, 1219 N. Seventh, res* taurant. Shulman, D., 628 Forster, merchasa dlse. Sertzeff, D„ 1303 N. Sixth, electrtcal supplies. Shutt, Martin, 1719 N. Twelfth, Junn. Smith, Harry E., 1859 N. Twelfth, junk. Southern Motor Car Co.. 1108 N. Sixth wholesale auto's. Smith, James H., 1217 N. Tenth, Junk, Shein, Max., 1200 N. Seventh, grocery, Staley, Robert M„ 1417 N. Sixth drugs. Spurrier, S. C., 1409 N. Sixth, cigars. Spurrier, S. C„ 1409 N. Sixth, restaur-, ant. Shift. 8., Sixth and Cumberland, mov, ing pictures. Shaak, A.. 1238 N. Seventh, elgara Shaak, A., 1238 N. Seventh, restau rant. Swavely, Mrs. Geo. W.. 818 Cumber land, meat, groceries. Sheldon Cafe. 1028 Herr, pool. Sheldon Cafe ,1028 Herr, restaurant, Strickler, Joseph S.. Broad St Mar ket, merchandise. Sherman, David, 652 Peffer, grocery, Shellehamer, H. 8., 2029 N. Cameron groceries. Scott, Chas. E.. 662 Broad, pool. Snyder, Miss M. E„ 1302 W. Seventh cigars, candy. Snyder, Miss M. E., 1302 N. Seventh. restaurant. Scattergood ft Stephens, 1803 N. 7th. wholesale sugar. Seogers, G. A., 613 Maclay, cigars to bacco. Solomon, 1106 N. 7th, shoes. Sheldon, John, 1028 Herr, pool. Sheldon, John, 1028 Herr, restaurant Seitzeff, D.. 1303 N. Sixth, electrtcal supplies. Solomon. S., 1407 N. Sixth, shoes. Smith. Henry, Apple ft Cumberland. meat. Sprinkles Cycle ft Auto Supplies, 81* N. Fourth, supplies. Selfon, A, 1339 Fulton. Junk.> Thompson, W. S., 2027 N. 6th, drugs. Taylor, A. L., 601 Cumberland, cigars. Thomas, John, 627 Forster, grocery, Toomey, W. A., 1600 N. Seventh, ci gars, candy. Taylor, D. T., 670 Calder, groceries. Tuch. M„ 1201 N. Seventh, clothing. United Ice & Coal Co.. Cowden and Forster, ice and coaL Veanor, A, 627 Cumberland, gro ceries. Wilbauch, Lawrence, 848 N. Seventh, cigars. Weaver, J. a, 1607 N. Sixth, gro ceries. Wabborn, Aaron. 638 Verbeke, grei ceries. Weiss, E. W_ 1221 N. Sixth, mdse. Wolfson, Katie. 1135 Wallace, mdse. Wentzel, David. 1700 N. Sixth, gro cery. Washington, W. H., 1130 Cumberland. groceries. Weinstraub, J.. 636 Herr, shoes. Yoder, M. L.. 621 Harris, grooertea. Zulius, Peter, 1025 Herr, peanut stand. Zedrlck's Beauty Store, ISO* K. Sixth. mdse. Dickinson, John, 1233 Monroe, Junk, Baker, Thos. W., 1341 N. Cameron. junk. Goldberg, Abe, (21 Relly, }—w Gottlelb, John. 1114 Cowdew Jnih EIGHTH WARD. American Rag ft Metal Oft. (TV Briggs, -wholesale Junk. American Rag & Metal Oa, 678 Briggs, Junk. Asemowitz, Lewis, 117 Balm, mer chandise. Acme Tea Co- 1749 Walnut, gre cerles. Abrams & Son, Seventh and Forster, Junk. Bossier, W. F- 1142 State, heating contractor. Burris Lunch ft Confect- 101 Cowden, restaurant. Burris Lunch ft Confect, 103 Cowden, cigars, candy. Corpman. W. S- Sixteenth and Him, pictures and awnlnga Cohen, Meyer, 530 North, tobaooo, candy. Cooper, J ft Son. Eleventh and Chris tian. wholesale Junk, Dellart, Crafton, 1643 Apricot, oon fectionery. Eureka, Coal Wagon COL, (II North, .coal. Furl, Grover C- (31 North, gaa and oil. Fink, K. 0.. 1300 Whlnut, merchan dise. Gran, Mra R, M- 1(04 Walnut, mer chandise. Great China ft Japan Tea Co. 711 N, Sixth, tea and coffee, Hanchman, F. H., 660 Briggs, mer chandise, Hurwitz, Max- 600 North, grooerlee, Hendricks, Chaa., 12.61 Juniper, bar rels. Hetrick, J, L, 805 N. Eighteenth, gro ceries, meat, Harrisburg Rag ft Metal Co. 206 N, Tenth, Junk, Hetrick, Samuel, 800 N, Eighteenth, groceries. Ignatz, Furber, 642 North, cigars, Knupp, H. J., 1723 Elm, meat, Kambertz, Mary S- 124 Linden, ci gars, candy, > King, Jos., 1840 Logan, produoe, Koplovitz, H- 121 Summit, Junk, Kienle, Geo. J- 1300 State, groceries, Linn, Chas., Sixth and Walnut, con fectionery, Lovitz, Kop- 121 N. Summit, Junk, Molten, Lewis, 623 North, etgars, to- Miller, J, B. t 1258 Walnut, eystera, fruit. Moore, Q. S., 823 N. Tenth, produce, Moore, G, 8., 223 N. Tenth, wholesale, Moore, J. H., 216 N, Tenth, produoe, Morrison, J. H- 1241 Liberty, pro duce. Miller, Henry, 1256 Walnut, grocer ies. Moore, John H., 816 N. Tenth, mer chandise. Mullen, John Y. 137 N, Thirteenth, wall paper, Polleck's Store, 1517 State, greeer ies. Raub, D. W- Sixteenth and Libertyy grocery. Roberts, Hugh, 1211 Walnut, mer chandise. Rosen, James, 606 N. Cameron, mer chandise. Rhoads, J. 8., Cowden and Forstery supplles. Snow Katie, 1160 Miller, merchan dise. Shark, Geo. F., 817 Bast, groceries, Steever, W. F., 1324 Walnut, drugs. Swift ft Co., Seventh and North, sale meat. Seidler, F. H., 1501 State, groceries. Thomas, John, 627 Foster, restau rant. Thomas, John, 627 Foster, cigars. Toomey', F. E., 721 Cowden. groceries, Zandel, L. J, 780 N. Seventh, gro ceries. Forney Bros. Shoe Co- (11 Nerth, wholesale shoes. NINTH WARD American Seeding Corp- 121 WalnoV seeds. Acri Hotel, Fourth and *♦> gars. Adlestein, Samuel, 1103 Berry, el gars, candy. Ashby,' C. W- 111 Walnut, reetanrant, Acrl, M., 33 S. Fourth, cigars. Alltto, G., 1238 Market, confeotleo ary, fruit Althohse, K. J- 1276 Market, dregSL candy. ' ' I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers