THE STORE THAT CLOSES JTVTIIB V THE STORE THAT CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX SATURDAYS AT SIX BHI.I. lilM—3tSo6 PHITED These Are the Days It's a Joy to "Keep Store!" The whole building is radiant with the mer chandise. It is inspiring to have such fascinating goods to show our customers, and it is constantly stimulating to see the enthusiasm of our friends when they come to the store and look over the colorful Dress Goods and Silks, the new Cotton Goods, the Ready-to-W ear Gar ments, and all the new housekeeping things that prom ise to add so much beauty and comfort to the home. We trust that it will prove as interesting and enjoy able to you to see and select from this inspiring mer chandise as it has been for us to gather and present it for your enjoyment and service. Saturday Specials | In Silks, Was Goods and Woolens Silks—36-inch fancy silks such as Chiffon, Taffeta, Satins and Louisines, plaids and Stripes for Suits, Dress or Skirt. ?1.69 yd. 36 and 40-inch Foulards. Good assortment of best selling colors. Plenty black grounds. 51.89 yd. 32-inch Sport Silks. White or tan grounds with colored figures and stripes for suits or skirt. $1.39 yd. Wash Goods—32-inch Finest American and Imported ging hams in an extensive range of smart styles to suit all tastes. 45c. 59c, Ssc yd. 38 and 40-inch Printed Voiles of beautiful sheer quality with exquisite designs and colorings. 55c yd. 44-inch Plain Voiles; extra fine grade. Complete line of colors. 48c yd. 30-inch Costume Crepe; white grounds with neat floral de signs. Specially suitable for house dresses or children's wear. 39c yd. Woolen Goods—s4-inch Covert doth. Two good shades of tan for capes, suits or skirts. $25?5 yd 40-inch Bengaline Suitings. Heavy weight for Suits, coats or skirts; 52.95 vd. 40-inch Wool Back Charmeuse. Fine satin finish. Excel lent weiring qualities. $2.95 yd. 54-inch all wool serge. Fine grade for capes, suits or dresses. $2.75 yd. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Women's Walking Pumps and Oxfords ' For women who insist upon smartness in their footwear. These shoes have the slender trimness that is so important today, when the narrow skirt calls attention to the feet. Gun Metal Calfskin Pumps; $6.95. Brown Calfskin Pumps; $7.50. Black Kidskin Oxfords; $6.95. Gun Metal Calfskin; $7.50. Brown Calfskin; $7.45 to $8.50. All with light welted soles and leather military heels Children's Shoes Pumps and oxfords, in gun metal calfskin, patent leathei\ brown calfskin, white canvas and white Nu-buck. Priced according to size; $3.00 to $6.00. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. To Wear a Red fern— To wear a Redfern means the lines • of fashion are also the lines of freedom —freedom through the pliant support \ Wt that a Redfern gives. It is a quality model —high class — the one corset that we have greatest / U jtfl \ confidence in. f* \ We daily demonstrate in our fitting . / room the advantages of Redfern mod \ \ \il e * s - Wm would be surprised to know \ \ \ how many women pass out of our \\JegM 'A I fitting rooms with better figures than \\ they entered with. li W' I n To be sure, we occasionally give a jIjUBI I | fitting to a woman whose figure has ijlmji j been neglected for so long a period j ; i m:j jlj I that it requires gentle treatment to UffPjt fit Ji V.ll bring the lines back or to make it pos /T'TMC/V/ sible to take on at once the lines of the mIHEp/lMy new corset but it is rare and in time, a very short time, such figures . are greatly improved. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. , ft FRIDAY EVENING, HAJUUSBTJRO TSSIL TELEGKXPH MAY 16, 1919. HARHISBiritO, FRIDAY, MAY lU, 11)10. BI Women's Capes and Dolmans | At $21.75 % I/f 11( | \ If you haven't yet completed your wardrobe with one of these I IJ \1 \ i new wraps, we would suggest this group for your considera ~ ' 7 * Gj3 I \l \ \ \ tion. A whole season's wear is still before you. Many of the -#i/ 1 I I\b jjjj /I\ " 1 \ wraps are completely lined, others have half lining. Il J I 'T ffl fH \\ • \\. / Navy blue serge cape with gray tricolette collar. Yoke back N 11 I \ Ma \\\ \L/ nicely shirred, button and braid trimmed; lined part way. [ / / / I IP \a j \ \ / Blue serge cape, Dolman effect with pointed yoke, pleated [ / // j m V\i\ /I j back, button and braid trimmed; lined throughout. N / // J / fp © \ \ I L-/ Dark blue cape, Dolman effect with three rows of braid, collar I j l/ l I of \A crosses in front and fastens in back, lined throughout. L. /v / Si gjfcgjgjft Dark blue with plum taffeta lining shirred at neck. Coat wL / effect in front with belt. ffl j 111 ' Navy blue cape lined with silk Scotch Plaid. Collar of plaid, Araf S |P matching the lining. IP " BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. /J Ol) Vocalion Records Women's Underwear When in Bowman's Store just take a trip to the Vocalion nn : nn _.,; f •.. ... , . .'. , Parlors on the Fifth Floor Front and hear a few of the Mid- "° n Sl "! "' th to P a " d cotto " the Month Vocalion Records. "The Latest Hits." P , Sllade and whlte - An attractive garment of light weight 12120 Mammy O' Mine—(Samuel Ash) • and ff ood fitting. $2.50. ■ I'll Be Back In the Springtime Moflie ✓>!•# 12121 Eyes—(Arthur Burns) Children s Underwear When Cherry Blossoms Fall i * 12122 prenchie. Come to \ ankee Land A fi" e cotton union suit of light weight, sleeveless, knee Golden Wedding Jubilee —(Kautiitan Brothers) length An m • 12123 Turkestan-(Male Quartet) g ' An ldc ?Uarment for present season. AH sizes; 75c. Lullaby Blues —(Male Quartet) BOWMAN'S— Main Floor. 12124—Shake. Rattle and Roll—(Novelty Five) •—^^ Idol—(Introd; In Sudan) ~ . . Ul -' 5 Kor P Sir ,he "' arm Saturday is kiddies Day 12126 Arabian Nights—(Aeolian Orchestra) '• a Conictei In the Toy flTTf 2 * MrJlar Rll\7C Well made roller skate, fitted with cast wheels, with L/Ullul heel straps of black webbing. SI.OO. _ a handsome naturally wave switch mount- Ball f car i ( n S Roller Skates, bright finished; first qual tv, , , - lty steel, self contained steel rolls; $2.7 a. cd on three short stents. A switch which H a ll Bearing skates, nickel plated and buffed; will may be coiled or twisted, or braided into stand severe use; $3.25. irL any desirable mode. A sw itch which Kiddie Kar; the real outdoor pleasure car for children. fx usually sells for considerably more. s*'2;? tc ! s^-50. Jtrl *./ . Kiddie Kar Trailer to attach behind the Kar. If you I NATURALLV WAV Y HAIR i have a Kiddie Kar by all means get the trailer. $1.25. • SWITCHES onlv ONE DOLLAR. ! Doll carriages in reed; front $2.98 to $6.75. BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. | BOWMAN'S—Basement. g The 1000 Hat || _ Continue Tomorrow HTff / Store closes Saturday at six, and considering the demand for fl & W\ * these extraordinary values we suggest that you conic as early in vB the day as possible to avoid disappointment.. Hats that include the \ £ very newest in summer millinery. * Trimmed Hats Banded Hats Untrimmed Hats $2 and $3 . at $2.50 at $2.98 At these prices you may select Banded sailors in various shapes Styles that comprise large droop lovely flower covered affairs'- in a and colors. Excellent for sport wear ing brint hats in paste 1 ' shades of wide range of styles. and splendid values. pink, lavender, orchid and black. Trimrnttd Hats The Finer Hats at $5.50 at $7.95 —, . . , a . , , In this group are white, light blue, orchid, pink, dark The very newest in navy taffeta, large drooping mi- bluC( Geor b ge tte and black taffetas, with facings in differ lans with Georgette facings, leghorns with taffeta crown, ent colors and bead, flowers and embroidery trimmed. A and Georgette top brims, in various authoritative styles. remarkable special at $7.95. • BOWMAN'S—Third Floor. FOUNDED UTI Dainty Frocks, Bonnets and Hats For Girls Dresses 2t06, in plain and col- k ored voiles, hairline checks and white voiles trimmed in pink and blue. High waist lines, t frills on neck and sleeves and \d/iftf'kiii AmSmtwN cunning .little sashes, $2.95, J.'f i- W■ W VllM $3.50, $3.95 and' $4.50. jj. . ■ • '.Jtf 1 \ Sun bonnets in plain pink / • J*]..' \\\ and blue chambray and small /. • | j|^ check ginghams, edged with - /.V C~~~I2ZIZI gnfo frilling bow in back, 35c. f / /W / ifIIML Wash hats in white and col- I Jul L FVißf ored pique. Roll and droop v pf/ d-/ brims. Some embroidered with KjU /] J § small designs in colors, $1.25, U \ $1.50, $1.95. V * BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Beads For Trimming Bead trimming is in vogue. In the art section you will fine! beads for every conceivable purpose, trimming, dresses, bags, i girdles or hats. Satin, chalk, glass, steel, jet, Chinese, cats eye, wood—and in a large assortment of colors —white, black, gold, various shades of blue, green, yellow, orange, coral, pur ple, brown, variegated, silver, opal. Fine cut beads in pink, rose, red and tans, lc to 75c. BOWMAN'S—Second Floor. Clocked Hosiery ^ en X That always smart stocking for the low shoe season. Black with white hand embroidered clocks, white with black clocks. Made from a fine gauge silk. A full fashioned stocking with silk top and silk foot. Priced at $4.00. Children's Stockings The big variety of children's stockings and SOCKS tm>iv shopping easy. We feature a quality ribbed stocking that gives excellent wear. 55c and 65c. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Lace For Summer Wear ; The handsome hangings of Winter must be laid away fof the Summer, and the dainty, airy sorts must be provided—to give the home that tasteful finish, without halting the free passage of air through the house. Here are exactly the sorts that the well-informed house keeper is thinking about—and quite inexpensive, too. Scotch Madras in White and Ecru; 36 to 46 in. wide in beautiful designs. 45c to 69c yd. White and Ecru Marquisette; 36 to 50 inches wide. Very good quality. 29c to 59c yd. White and Ecru voile. Clear even weave. 36 to 48 in. wide 35c to 59c yd. Cretonne in light, medium and dark colorings for every purpose. All new designs. 50c to $1.89 .yd Scrim and Marquisette curtains. Some p'lain hemstitched, others with lace and insertion White and Ecru. $1.39 to $6.50 pair. Filet net and Quaker Craft lace curtains; some in dainty designs, others more elaborate. A large assortment. $2.50 to $12.50 pair. To Make Her More Beautiful— Miladi Has This NECKWEAR Just wonderful, how the new Spring ' Neckwear transforms the wearer, as well as her suit or gown. Sometimes it flows down over the , revers of the jacket, in delightful cas- /MSSgP y cades. Sometimes it takes the form afIHL \ of handsome sheer vestees for sum- [IH mer. Sometimes it takes the form of / J collars and cuffs. Made of satins, bro- uH\ I j cades, organdies, Georgette, with shir- \ / */ ring and laces. \a\ j Too varied to describe—too new to explain. But very delightful to see and select from. , Marabou Capes of natural and V/ ** black, $6.50 to $25.00. Coat Collars in pique, poplin, Bengaline, etc., white, pongee, striped, etc., 50c to $2.50 each. Beautiful lingerie vestees in sheer materials, lace trimmed and shirred. $3.50 to $5.50 each. Net fichus add charm to any dress, 50c to $2.50 each, BOWMAN'S—Main Floor, "J t .im I 3
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