20 _ ORPHEUM ro-morrow matinee and night—Mar garet Anglin in "Billeted/* MAJESTIC High Class Vaudeville McWaters and Tyson, the well known imita tors: Chappelle and Stinette. black face entertainers; Mumford and Stanley in songs and comedy, the Whiteside Sisters in an artistic dance offering; Nathano Brothers, novelty roller skaters. Also second euisode of "The Tiger's Trail," featuring Ruth Roland. COLONIAI. THEATER l'o-day only—Bert Lytell in "Blackie's Redemption." Saturday—Norma Talmadge in "Chil dren in the House." VICTORIA THEATER To-day and to-morrow —Anita Stew art in "A Midnight Romance." Coming soon—Theda Bara in "Cleo patra." REGENT THEATER To-dav—Mary Pickford in "Captain Kidd. Jr." Saturday—Bryant Washburn In • Poor Boob" and "Fatty" Arbuckle in "Good Night Nurse." "Billeted" is a play in three acts artistically shaped as high comedy with touches of farce here and there and it concerns a Nlargarct Anglin charming wld o A who has been noti fied that two army officers are to be MAJESTIC Do you remember your roller skating ilays? See the Nathano Bros. Do some trieks you used to try. McWaters aiul Tyson Also Pre sent Their REVUE OF REVIEWS 3 Other Acts 3 Summerdale Park Dances Open Saturday Evening, May 17 Tues., Thurs. and Sat. Evenings Cars leave Market Square 7.45, 8.00, 8.15, 8.30 and 9.00. Saturday evenings also 9.15 and 9.30. Admission 10c and 60c VICTORIA Approximately 5000 People Saw MIDNIGHT ROMANCE Yesterday and the concensus of opinion was "an excellent pic ture," "Really the best I have ever seen." That means each one of that 5.000 will tell at least three friends about this show therefore 50 0 0 people will want to see Anita Stewart In this wonder picture today. Our Advice is Come early and get a seat. No Increase in Prices. COMING SOON* THEDA BARA "Cleopatra" WILM*£NTS A Vivid Story, of the Underworld is Told in BLACKIE'S REDEMPTION Featuring BERT LYTELL THIS SHOWS HERE TODAY ONLY A PICTURE YOU'LL ENJOY DON'T MISS IT The Actress Harrishurg Admires NORMA TALMADGE in "CHILDREN IN THE HOUSE" Come Early to Secure a Seat as There Will Be a Crowd to See This Production —————————— WIIKSaSNTS TOMORROW, MAT. and NIGHT The Most Distinguished American Actress MARGARET ANGLIN In Her Merry Love Comedy "BILLETED" C oa i„ Mat., 25C to S 1.50. LJCdIiJ Eve., to $2.00. FRIDAY EVENING, BJLRRIKBTTRO TrELEGitAI'H "WAY 16, T919. billeted with her. The meddling •]■- ter of the vicar ot the village dis covers that she (the widow) has been merely abandoned by her hugoana and therefore, naturally, le no nt per sor. to be entertaining lonely aoldlerß. The widow, however, refuses flatly'to be put aside by such suspicions. sne may have been abandoned oy one man. but this does not mean tnat she is an abandoned woman and sne prepares to prevent a threaienea scandal. To do this ®he ad r °H * manages to send to herself a tens gram from Africa announcing tn demise of her spouse. She nas no sooner done this than he diacoxer that the last officer to arrlxe isi ner husband himself. This leads toa series of highly amusing compltca tions which take the audience a-whiz zing through the whole three acts in a gale of laughter. -.. ti n is said the dialogue ularly brilliant while there are ample orportunities for much of the more exquisite characterizations for wwh Miss Anglin Is justly popular. doubtedly her numerous local admlr ers will be well pleased with this latest histronle achievement. Arthur McWaters and Grace Tyson ; the Majestic headliners the last hai iof this week, in a melange of spngs. dances and imitations, are lAt the • creating quite an lmpres -1 Majestic elon. Both are clever and yesterday's audience appre ciated their efforts. The act Is at tractively staged, and Miss Tyson, who io a striking blonde, looks pfous in the gowns she wears, ine Whitesiao Sisters dress charmingly and dar.ee gracefully, and altogether win their audience from the start. Mumfoid and Stanley are funmakers who keep things in a continual up roar all the time they are on the stage. Chappelle and Stinette, cle% **r [blackface entertainers, sing some songs and Inject some good comedy Into their act, while the Nathano [Brothers give an exhibition of artistic | roller skating. , The second enisode of "The Tiger s |Trail" with Ruth Roland, is also being I shown. i To-day is the final opportunity for Harrishurg followers of Mary Pick fc rd to see that delightful screen in her latest production. Plckford "Captuin Kidd, Jr.," whicn at Kegeiit played to capacity houses at the Regent theater yes terday and the day previous. picture shows Mary at her best, ana is a fascinating, beautiful story with a human interest vein and a touch or pure comedy that makes it unusually attractive, for simp'v to say that it * Mary Plckford's latest Artcraft re lease. is enough for movie fans. They'll be on hand to see It. Tomorrow only, Bryant wash burn. in the stellar role. It relates the adventures of a "Poor Boob whose unfailing succession of mis takes finally by a mistake again. it seems .turn out to his good. Ana in the making of these mistakes there is a wealth of clean. wholesome cornedv that should make this one ot the best bills the' Regent has shown Roscoe (Fatty) Arbuckle is an added attraction, in his side-splitting farce, "Good Night Nurse." •TWENTY YEARS." . , KIP .. THE JIDGE TO "Ill.Ax.Kirc Do you ever expect to he to twenty years in prison. t would have been equally the possibility after he turned straight At least he thought he ha 1 turned straight. This is how it all oC For re veara "Blaekie" bad beena master criminal. Y ou kno *J?-Black- I is ;Uv a „ im ic B tnVe% d Tt P Vb 0 e n Colonial theater or ,h„ last 'H'". K, em' ! nadrs , nm. U decide<r"o' , C o etra.pl.t Hot the noMce lie later learned wouldn i Fifth Annual May Hop Hershey Park Wednesday Eve.. Mny 21. 1010 BanJOHUVO Orchestra of lib*. Don't Miss Tbia Splendid Affair REGENT THEATER TODAY ONLY Positively l innl Showlnß Hurrlsburie s Beloved Star MARY PICKFORD in '•CAPTAIN KIDD, JR. * An Artcraft Picture i# Yah Haven't Gone Treasure Hunting With Mary. Don't Fall Vlao" Yod-V-VH Movlea You'll Like 'era! TOMOHIIOW ONLY BRYANT WASHBURN In n Paramount Picture ••POOH BOOB" He Makea n Million Mistaken to n Minute, hut They Send Him to Congress! and Added Attraction "Fatty" Arbuekle, In "Good Night Nurse" METHODISTS READY TO BEGIN DRIVE FOR BIG RECONSTRUCTION FUND Warren VanDyke and the Rev. E. R. Heckman Are Chosen Leaders of Campaign in Harrishurg District Haltimorc. May 16.—Methodist . ( churches are ready to celebrate the most eventful week In the history |of the church. Beginning next Sun day and continuing until May 25, 4,000,000 members of the church will join in rallies and other events that bring to a climax the Centen ary campaign, commemorative of the hundredth anniversary of Meth odist missions. The final week marks the culmi nation of campaigns along the line* of intercession. stewardship, life I service and tithing. Between May 18 and May 25, church organiza tions will make a drive to raise funds for world-wide relief work and educational endeavor. The churches in this area, com prising several states, are scheduled to contribute approximately $7,000,- 000 toward a fund of $105,000,000, which the entire church will raise, under the missionary Centenary sur vey to carry forward hundreds of humanitarian projects. I Suppers and other social gather ings are to feature the program in practically every church. Special Centenary meetings also are to be held. Minute men. recruited to carry the Centenary message will deliver speeches. Reports received at headquarters here from all parts of this terri tory, and other sections of the Washington area, comprising Mary land, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Dis trict of Columbia, Virginia and West Virginia, show that financial campaigners in every parish are ready to proceed with a rush In their canvasses of memberships. Elmore B. Jeffery. of Baltimore, area financial chairman, returning from a tour of the area to-day, said a preliminary canvass revealed that this area will go "over the top" by a good margin with its quota. "Hundreds of churches already have gone over," Mr. Jeffery said, "Hundreds of others are ready to mark up their totals as soon as the financial drive is formally launched ( Sunday. Districts which apparently , were weak because of local debts and improvements planned, will fur nish the surprise of the campaign I as scores of such churches already have their quotas pledged. We are I let him go straight—they kept con tinually hounding him acting on the old maxim, "There's always a lull be fore the storm." Then on the eve of Blackie's mar riage a murder was committed. The murderer had so cleverly covered his tiaclts that the police thought there was no mistake but what Blaekie had committed the crime, so Blaekie was arrestee! and taken to prison. Ho was sentenced to twenty years —then starts the story which makes , "Blackie's Redemption" the strong compelling picture it is. To-morrow Norma Talmadge, the film star every ; one knows, will be shown in "Children : in the House." i ENOHMOIS THRONGS } SEE "A MIDNIGHT ROMANCE" 1 An estimated crowd of 5,000 people < saw likeable Antta Stewart in "A j Midnight Romance" at the Victoria theater yesterday. In this picture ' this famous film star is at her best. The film is based on an incident which 1 occurs at a famous summer resort. ; Anita takes the role of Marie Alex- , ander, a ship-wrecked refugee whe ' obtains a job as a chamber maid in a fashionable hotel. At that hotel the ] Sloan family, well known both in so ciety and in the financial world are staying. Roger Sloan, the son, is cap tivated by Marie's actions. First he meets her on the beach. It is mid- ( night and there is a full moon. The waves kiss the shore —but then the , reality shatters as if a dream for ( his mystery girl runs away. He next meets lier at a fashionable ] dance at the hotel, where they dance s together most of the evening. He Pleads with her to learn her name. J This She refuses —but tears a portion ' from his handkerchief and tells him ( when he receives that back ne may t come apd see her. One day he re- ] ceives the corner of his handkerchief and he attends a fashionable recep- 1 t'on There he meets his moonlight [phantom. You think the whole story has been told in these paragraphs but it has in fact only merely been start- ' c j what follows makes "A Midnight < Romance" a picture every woman will enjov r.nd take great pride in. An- J other thing this picture was pro- < duccd bv women alone. The star is a 1 woman, the director not a director but ' a directoress and the author a woman hut if you have ever seen a more clever play conceived by men you've got to show us. DANCING FOR THE CAMERA Dancing for the camera is no sim ple matter, according to Marguerite de la Motte. the beautiful girl now supporting Bessie Barriscale in "Jos selyn's Wife." Marguerite has been dancing ever since she was seven years old. She creates her own dances and Is shown in a charming hunting scene pitter-pat skit in this picture. The difficulty about dancing for the screen she claims is that the dancer is confined to a very limited space. "Some people may be able to dance on a dollar," she says, "but the artistic dancer must have plenty of space." Y*or'VE SAID IT All actors and actresses have a scrap-book in which they try to keep all the clippings and pictures printed shout them. In this respect the beau tiful Anna Q. Nilsson, star of Metros "The Way of the Strong" is not un like her sister stars. "One can derive great pleasure, said Miss Nilsson. "from a scrap-book. 1 I know I dig mine out occasionally, i I have such fun. The styles change s6 in the pictures." "But a scrap-book, said her friend, "is so tiresome: the same thing each time you look at it." "Do you know." responded Anna, "that there is nothing except the old family album which will give you so many laughs as tho scrap-book." VICTORIA FORD TO RETI'RN According to statements made in T-os Angeles. Victoria Ford, wife of Tom Mix, will return to the screen, to take the role of leading lady In some of Tom's forthcoming produc tions. Before marriage, Mrs. Mix played opposite Tom Mix in a number of "pictures. OAKMAN MUSTERED OUT Wheeler Oakman, considered one of the lest looking and talented men who has appeared before the camera, is back from France. He was at tached to the 144 th Engineers. Metro has signed a long-time contract with him. He is to play a leading role in Metro's latest picture now being filmed, "Madelem of the Red Wood.s" MADGE EVANS PLAYED HOOKY" FROM SCHOOL Several days ago the cameramen were ordered to go to Madge Evans' ; private school and film her studying, ; without her knowledge of it. Madge, Iby the way, is one of the "Junior j stars." She is now about ten years j old. The cameramen went to school I —hid the machine behind large cur tains. oiled the mechanism so It wouldn't he noisy and then started cranking at a person they thought was Madge. They had filmed slightly more than 100 feet when the sup posed-to-be Madgo turned around and looked souarely at them. A few words of unchoice language filtered through the curtain and an excited camera men sppronched the school teacher with the question, "Where is Madge?" Receiving a negative snswer. the cam eraman dlsaopeored down the street, camera, on shoulder. There In front of n I.os Angeles theater he saw the little wcrld star looking at a poster of herself. What Mrs. Evans did to the young star has been censored LOCAL QUOTAS Central Pennsylvania confer ence quotas, announced to-day by Elmore B. Jeffery, financial campaign chairman, total $195,- 516, and arc made up as fol lows : Harrishurg district $137,738 Sunbury district 127,768 YVilliamspoi't district. . . 102,229 Altoona district 127,781 going over with a shout. In this greatest ot ail undertakings by the church." Representative men, both In the clergy and among the laymen, are leading the campaign. Names of the leaders announced to-day for the various districts are: Charles K. Abrahams. Baltimore, Md.; Frank V. Coggins, Roland Park, Md.; George W. Corner, Baltimore, Md.; John W. Sherwood, Baltimore, Md.; J. M. Patterson, Cumberland. Md.; E. S. Brashears, Washington, D. C. R. A. Zentmyer, Tyrone, Pa.; Warren VanDyke, Harrishurg, Pa.; S. W. Dickson. Berwick, Pa.; M. | B. Rich, Woolrioh, Pa.; Roy I. Ful ton, Clearfield. Pa.: Howard A. Bar rett, Alexandria, Va.; J. T. Stepney, Annapolis. Md. Dr. B. M. Rhetta, Baltimore, Md.; Freeman Lowry, Clarksburg, W. Va.: Dr. T. E. Jones, Washington, D. C.; Henry P. Cannon, Bridgeville. Del.; W. O. Hoffecker, Smyrna, Del.; Sen., Atwood Bennett, Salisbury, Md.; E. C. Hardesty. Wilmington, Del. The Rev. Don S Colt, Baltimore, Md.; the Rev. John T. Ensor, Govans, Md.; the Rev. William W. Barnes, Baltimore, Md.; the Rev. Benjamin Fi DeVries, Cumberland, Md.; the Rev. John R. Edwards, Washington, D. C.; the Rev. John Marshall, Washington, D. C. The Rev. Emory M. Stevens. Al toona, Pa.; the Rev. E. R. Heck man, Harrishurg; the Rev. J. E. Souser, Shamokin, Pa.; the Rev. H. L. Jacobs. Williamsport, Pa.; the Rev. E. J. Ruddock, Lynchburg, Va.; the Rev. Joseph H. Jenkins, Annapolis. Md.; the Rev. E. S. Wil liams, Baltimore, Aid. The Rev. S. H. Brown, Harpers' Ferry, W. Va.: the Rev. M. W. Clair, Washington, D. C.; the Rev. W. R. Mowbray. Dover, Delaware; the Rev. W. A. Wise. Smvrna, Del.; the Rev. Vaughan C. Collins, Salis bury, Md.; the Rev. Robert Watt, Wilmington, Del. TEACHERS RE-ELECTED Annville, Pa., May 17.—The Ann ville school board has re-elected the following teachers for the ensuing year: Principal, C. G. Dotter; in structors, Miss Louise Henry, Miss Addie Snyder, Miss Ruth Heffleman, Miss Daphne Graham and Miss Ada Bossard. The following grade teach ers have been re-elected: Eighth grade, Mrs. Albert Barnhart: seventh grade, Miss Anna Loos; sixth grade, Mrs. Victor Blouch; fifth grade, Miss Ruth Clendenin; fourth grade, Miss Ruth Whiskeyman; third grade. Miss Mary Landis. second grade, Miss Veronne Dodd; first grade, Miss Elizabeth Walter. VICTORY LOAN' DINNER Annville, Pa., May 16.—A dinner attended by about fifty men who as sisted in the Victory Loan campaign which put Annville and vicinity "over the top" was held in the Union Hose Company hall, in Railroad street. Alfred IC. Mills, chairman of the committee, acted as toastmas ter. Addresses were made by Judge C. V. Henry, Professor H. H. Shenk, the Rev. W. F. DeLong, Chaplain P! D. Witman and Dr. Harry Zimmer man. NEW P. A H. TRAIN A new train each way between Har rishurg and Allentown will he placj on the Philadelphia and Reading schedule, effective Sunday. The one train will leave here at 1 p. m. and the other will arrive here at 11:30 a. m. {T TO ENJOY LIFE 1j You must be able to take the food you fancy without discomfort —you can aid digestion and assimilation and I I 11 insure maximum nutrition by occasionally taking a JffS || dose of the famous family remedy, Beecham's Pills. ill ■\\ Under their safe, gentle, but powerful influence, you /If |l\ can shake off a host of troubles which tend to make /If ■\\ m^sera^^e * Dyspepsia, headaches, depression and /If m\\ want tone, to mention but a few, will disap- 111 I\\ pear; and you will be blessed by joys of solid robust 111 mil health. These wonderfully efficient pills are 111 ll\ the favorite medicine of thousands of families. JIB ll\ What Beecham's Pills have done for them they 118 VA can do for you. After taking a few doses 11/ ljA you will have every reason to congratulate 11/ VA yourself on your progress. You may look 11/ VA forward to renewed good health, and 11/ VA to the happiness which attends a life 11/ free from all dyspeptic ailments. 11/ There is no need to deny yourself /// your favorite dishes they will /// At all VA. not inconvenience you if you /U DM* , ' ** V\ M m /MM •oatu.to-w.mtn 10c, 25c. F /MM mr,-with rverj box. BEECHAM'S PIUj OF IK THE WORLD" RETURNED SOLDIERS ARE SEEKING THE OPEN AIR BY DESIRE TO RETURN TO FARM Many Inquire Into the Government's Plan For Providing Land; Question Up to Congress Washington, May 16.—With an ever-increasing flood of men return ing home from the war to take up anew the tasks of civil life, many of them with greatly changed ideas of life and ambitions and in a quan dary as to just what to do. are appealing to tho Department of the Interior for information as to the intentions of the government in its proposed plan of providing farms for soldiers. Such a deluge of requests has been received from the men who wore the uniform as to emphasize the lesson of all other wars that the service men, because of army l life, with its openness and activity, largely seek out-of-doors vocations. The Interior Department has al ready explained to more than 40,- 000 men that the development of its plans rests solely with Congress. It : is expected that early In the extra ] session which convenes May 19, there will be introduced bills cov ering the farms-for-soldiers plan. Development l'lnn Briefly the department is saying that, if such legislation is passed, work will begin at once in the de velopment of co-operative farm set tlements for soldiers and sailors in nearly all of tho States. In prac tically every State in the Union there are large areas of land suit- i able for this purpose. There is dry | land in the West that noeds water, j which can be provided by building i dams and canals. In the East are j large areas of cut-over or logged-oft timber, lunds from which it will bo necessary to blow the stumps and clear oft" the underbrush. In tho South Is a large amount of cut-over land and swamp land which riiust be drained. Many of the soldiers have asked if it will be possible for them to obtain a job near their homes by draining, clearing, irrigating and improving these lands. That again i depends upon the action .of Con- j gress in providing the money for i construction. The plans propose that j these settlements ho scattered all i over the country, so that it would I he possible for every honorably dis charged soldier or sailor or marine | to work near his old home. These j would he work of all kinds in con- j nection with these settlements, lrom > the highest technical and clerical | positions to that of laborer. i The plan involves "the new farm , idea" in that there will be built what are known as community set tlements, each containing a number of farm homes, so that the men will have ne&r neighbors, good roads over which to bring their produce to town, and a market for the sale ol the produce within a short distance of the farm home. Efforts will he] made to overcome the handicaps of farm life that are driving tho peo- ] pie to the cities—the lack of society in the country, the distance between j farm homes, tho remoteness from j tho post otflcc and the newspaper, the desire for better school facili- ] ties for the children. Under the new j way there will be the farm village, , the' settlement of farmers around a i center which is their home, in which can be gathered most of the advan tages of the city—the good school, the church, the moving picture, the well-outfltted store, and these, with | good roads, the rural express, the | telephone, the automobile and the] post office will make life on then farm a thing of far different mean- | ing from the isolated life it has] been. _ May Select a Farm After these service men have built the dams and canals, or clear- , ed the cut-over land of stumps, or ! built the ditches to drain the swamp : lands; after they have helped to I erect houses and barns, built fences, | constructed roads and laid out town I sites, built creameries, canneries,] warehouses and schools, after they] have in fact reclaimed the land, the ] government intends to allow the I men to pick out one of these farms. M The plan provides that these farms! and homes shall he paid for in small j payments over a long term of years. It is expected that the men will be I able to pay the first small payment] out of the wages received from the i government in helping to build these I settlements. The balance can be > paid from the proceeds from the j sale* of crops. It is planned that the govern- j ment will also furnish the new ] farmers with the necessary stock i and farm implements, these to be | paid for in small payments spread over several years. These farms will contain from forty to eighty acres for general farming purposes, from eighty to one hundred and sixty acres for live stock purposes, from fifteen to twenty acres for fruit farms and from live to twenty acres for truck farms. Competent instructors In farm practice will be stationed on each project to teach the men how to make a success of farming. This will make it possible for men who know nothing about farming to make a success of these farms. The plan is to be open to every man who lias worn Uncle Sam's uniform in the great war. Oil Stove Causes Burning of "Fisherman's Cottage" Annvtllc, Pa., May 16.—While two young men, Baltz and Bigler, of Ann ville, were painting a boat at the water works dam on Monday eve ning they lighted an oil stove and one of the burners overflowed, set ting the whole stove afire. The flames reached the "Fisherman's Cottage" and the building was soon in flames and burned to the ground The cottage was the most beautiful in that section and the loss was con siderable. CLASS CONFIRMED Bishop James Henry Darlington confirmed twenty adults in a service at the Huntingdon Reformatory this week. The service was the first in the history of the Institution. The New STRAWS are ready for men who seek the best and yet practice strict economy by making sure that their dollars get the ful lest value. All the new and ex clusive styles of Sennits Split Straws and fancy Braids and Genu ine Panamas, $2 to $lO POULTON 5 North Third St. t Oldest Resident of Linglestown Is Dead Private funeral services for Mrs. Annie Mader, oldest resident of Linglestown. will be held at the home of her daughter. Mrs. George It. Moyer Monday afternoon. Further services will be held at the Church of God at 2:15 o'clock, liurial will be made in the Willow Grove Cemetery. Mrs. Mader. who was aged 83 years and J months, died yesterday. Slio was widely knoVvii and had many , rriends who mourn her loss. She was | a member of the Church of GM for many years, and was actively Identi fied with its activities for the entire term of her membership. The Rev, | Mr. Bartel. of York, will conduct the j funeral services. Ho was pastor at ATLANTIC ig— iPOLARXNEI THE largest users of motor oils put their lubricating problems up to us. We like it. Our large staff of experts is always ready and anxious to solve lubricat ing troubles. This service is offered to you. Stop at any Atlantic Service Station or garage that sells Atlantic Light, Medium, Heavy and Polarine. The trouble will be found and the right remedy suggested without charge. ■ ATLANTIC 1 gj| MOTOR OILS (8* mggjf Keep Upkeep Down Igjgjp I Classy j I m Clothes | f )l\ Are Half the Battle 1 f WjT 'aJ / ' W\ Our quality suits, beau- £ k v-l tifully tailored to your in- ■ ( fum V j j dividual measure from our J C exclusive line of Spring I I a ? d Summer Woolens, I £* ve a man distinction, m l If/If M* I mark him out from the J i //1 4% I common, read y-m ade, 5 ' I! I everybody's-w ear i n g-it I I / Commands Respect | J&l / Your entire satisfaction is £ - I here assured, otherwise you I will not be asked to accept the £ yffp garments. J A Perfect Fit and | 1 We make and de- Faultless Tailoring ( sign every style that o . , C the tailoring craft Mrictly Guaranteed J can produce. _ , v L _ ~ .Just drop in, gentl-men, any- J < Conservative Lng- time and examine carefully our K | lish or Waist Line magnificent line of woolens. £ Come, you are welcome, you # I will not be asked to buy. £ I Men's and Young Mens Suitings $ E Values $30.00 to $37.50 § I Measure F* $22.50 to $28.50 I High Grade Suitings { Values $42.50 to $50.00 / f / : Metufe For $32.50 to $38.50 j ! Superfine Highest Grade Suitings I , Values $55.00 to $65.00 ( ItZt llr $42.50 to $47.50 I Standard Woolen Co. I Harrisburg's Oldest Popular Priced Tailors # 103 North Second Street—2 Doors Above Walnut St J Ixarrisburg, Pa. Alexander Agar, Mgr.' I LIBERTY BONDS OR PARTLY PAID S LIBERTY BONDS CASHED | ' NOTE I We exhibit the largest selection of BLUE and BLACK £ SERGES in the State, ranging in price from $22.50 up to S $47.50. Come in and see for yourself. £ HAVE YOUR Lawn Mowers Sharpened AT THE FEDERAL MACHINE SHOP Court and Cranberry Sts. Linglestown twenty five yearn ago. Mrs. Mader was the widow of Moses Mader. She Is iurvived by two daughters, Mrs. George It. Moyer and Mrs. Hnmmelbnuglj. of Wormieysburs, and a son, William Mader. of Johns town. Funeral Services at Home For John McKay Funeral services for Representative John McKay. Republican member of the House from Luzerne county, will if be held at his residence. 73 Hughes \ street. Luzerne, wlih the Rev. W. J. Day officiating. Burial will be made n the Lvergreen Cemetery. Mr. Mc- Kay died yesterday in his apartment, 340 .South Sixteenth street. He was aged 6 1 years and had many friends there.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers