COSTS $15,000 FOR ROLL CALL Railway Clerks Take Y oie on Seating of Strike Leader By Associated Press. Cincinnati, May 15—It is pspma' that It post 516,000 lor the rq)| pall o£ thp delegates of the nattonaj ctmyeifc il?f 8f Brptherhpo(| fjj jiadway pierhs yesterday ybei) a yqtj? taften TO fhp 'gpestlon pf the sea tip y g| p. F. Jackson as a delegate from a 'Nashville, Tenn., lodge. Th<j roll call took sever} frpurs and pve minutes. It was Jacksoq )ed Whea Backing tfae Soidisr Bays When the history of the war has bpejrt w'ritten, the Work <ha lbi Woweij tat Irome wh) Jifrptrss itself Upon thik nation as ftavy pow reaJtze. Literally, mjjlfottls hi women left theii homes and too* Off war ac tivities into which Vompn paU'PeVe'r before been 1 called, druj mpnymor? Ot home devdle'd long hours at vvvrk Jn Vnitfiiig and prepttOS;? Mfgl.ay dressings for the boys Oyfr* there. Some may have Wthfßed 'fix lire ex pense of health ana arp fiow aVxfe.rlpjß from headaches, backache, drafefeinS" 1 - down pains or sohne lt shbuld he reinemhrfed thai by din 1-. Plnkhanrt's Vegetable pompoMm! for more thaii forty years) htm Jlt'TO re storing shch women td pesTthf and strength, and is now redognmtcr its a standard remedy. SAND ' For contracting pur poses. We will de liver good River Sand to any point in Har risburg and suburbs. Builders' requirements promptly supplied. Phone our main office. United Ice & Coal Co. Porster & Cowdfen fits. INTT^^ FOP J OW COST HAULING "Shlremnnstown, Pa., April 28, 1019. International Hunt Co.. • Hurrlsburg, Pa. Gentlemen! I" view of the faet thnt yonr Ih'TERNATIONAI, Trnek has heron:-.- sueli an eeononile, efflelent and absolutely essential asset to nty cool I ialr.r., I wish to express my appreciation of jonr truck anil am g oil to say thnt I um more than a sntlsfted owner. Since I bate purchased the trnek I find thnt my operating expenses have be itrcnll} reduced from thnt of the tenm, and the simple con struct' I Iml operation of the I\TUItNATIONAI. makes It very easy to In- let the most Inexperienced person to handle and tnke enre of It. Sit the pre-war days of conduetlng business I found tlint It was nlisr iely necessary for me to own u truck and nfter Investigating the .rlotls trucks I selected nn International. I wish to state that my trt - lias been In operation every day since the day I purchased It, w h was about a year ago, making more, 'quicker nnd chenprr deliv er! s than I had ever anticipated. Very trnly vonrs, FRANK EBKIII.Y," Conl, Flour nnd Feed Denier. Another man will talk In next week's Issue, Crispen Motor Car Co. 103 Market St., Harrisburg, Pa. Service Station, 27 N. Cameron St. 12 Famous Nature Remedies All Combined in This Safe System Purifier and Tonic Natonex Contains the Most Highly Prized of Nature's Wonderful Products to Cleanse and Invigorate the Entire System For Good Digestion and Assimilation, More Strength and Nerve Force No more indigestion, acid stom ach, billiousness, splitting head aches, nausea, sleeplessness and nerve strain; no more weak, easily upset digestive system, with chronic constipation and the misery this condition brings. Instead, good digestion and assim ilation of nourishing food, purer blood, restful sleep, real nerve vigor and bodily strength. No more pilte, tablets, castor oil or strong mineral waters to over strain the vital organs. Instead, regular, natural habits that keep the system cleansed and vigorous. No more fermented food waste clogging the intestines and spread ing poison toxins through the sys tem. This is the purpose of Natonex, the new system purifier, tonic and builder, that the twelve most highly prized Nature products known in every home and depended upon for generations. You do not have to be convinced that Natonex will be good for you. You know the fine old Natonex Nature remedies too well to question their merit. This pure, natural tonic is the achievement of a chemist who deter mined to combine Into one medicine the best of Nature's gifts to purify and invigorate the stomach, jiver, kidneys and intestines, jn prder thai there pould be a safe, Inexpensive treatment, for every household. THURSDAY EVENING, the strike on the Nashville, Chatta nooga and St. Louis Railroad and which was declared illegal by Grand President J. J. Forrester. The tellers, sworn to secrecy, had not I completed the tabulation of the vote of ficially late last night. However, dele gates who kept a tab say there is no 1 doubt but that Jackson will be seated by a considerable majority. It was noticed that most of the dele gates who voted against seating Jack son nnd in that manner voting to up l hold Forrester were from the east. Dunne Is Silent on Lloyd George Decision 7 London, May 15. Edward F. ? | Dunne, one of the members of the dele , | gatlon sent by Irish Societies in the j United States to Europe, still declined | | to-day to comment on the report that David Lloyd George, the British prime minister, had decided not to see the Americans or to admit that he had re s ceived any such advices. Mr. Dunne £ and Mr. Ryan will remain In London for j two or three days. They say emphati i cally that they will make no effort to ' have a conference with the British gov [ ernment. | WILL PREACH ON SUNDAY Blain, Pa., May 15.—Arrangements r have been made for the Rev. Harry [ C. Kleckner, of LoysviUe, to preach t on Sunday morning, at 10.30 o'clock in the Zion's Lutheran church here, r and at New Germantown in the - Lutheran church .at 2.30 o'clock 1 P. M. i OPEN-HOUSE MEETING ri Columbia, Pa., May 15.-—Mrs. H. ||| M. North, Jr., chairman of Columbia i Chapter of the Red Cross, addressed i the members and families of the 1 Girls' Patriotic League at an opcn j house meeting Tuesday night in their I ■ newly-furnished rooms. Last night I the rooms were opened to the public. . H Heal Skin Diseases j 1 =9 ! : It is unnecessary for you to suffer j with eczema, blotches,ringworm ( rashes and similar skin troubles. Zemo, ob tained at any drug store for 35c, or ! $l.OO for extra large bottle, and prompt ly applied will usually give instant relief i from itching torture. It cleanses and soothes the skin and heals quickly and II effectively most skin diseases. Zemo is a wonderful, penetrating, 1 disappearing liquid and is soothing to I the most delicate skin. It is not greasy, | is easily applied and costs little. Get ' it today and save all further distress. The E. W. Rose Co., Cleveland, O Natonex is not a secret patent medicine. Kvery Natonex product is not only told, but is fully explained, so that every one understands why it cleanses, purities and builds up. These are the famous Nature remedies that are now combined in one medicine, not to relieve one or gan only, but to act throughout the digestive tract for general relief. Gentian Hoot, the pure tonic to invigorate digestion, increase the force of the flood circulation and create a healthy, normal appetite. Juniper Berries, to cleanse the kidneys and bladder. Dandelion Root, Nature's safe, gentle tonic to invigorate a sluggish, torpid liver and increase the secre tion of purifying bile. Sarsaparilla Root, the vegetable blood tonic known the world over. Prickly Ash Bark, the safe, herbal tonic for bodily strength and for a languid, run-down system. Valerian Root, to tone the nerves an.d reduce the restlessness , and sleeplessness of indigestion sufferers. Rhubarb Root, to invigorate the large intestine (colon) and dislodge the waste matter that causes acute constipation. Jamaica Ginger, to warm the stomach,\ increase the flow of vital digestive juices and nourish the stomach blood supply. Peruvian Bark, to subdue feverish conditions. Pennsylvania at the Front F I X • / * v * 3|SSr The grave of Eleutenant Colonel James & Shannon, Infantry, U. S. A., died of wounds October 7, 1918. The inscription on the grave is "Killed while serving- with his assignment In his Division." This picture was produced by the Signal Corps of the United Stats Army, and if interested in obtaining copies, apply to the U. S. Army Recruiting Officer, 325 Market street, this city. Many Harrisburgers Miss Parade When Peerless Is Held Up Off U. S. Coast Many Harrisburg men are not par ticipating in the parade of the Key stone Division in Philadelphia to-day because of the late arrival of the transports which have carried them from France. The Harrisburg men f the old Governor's Troop, now included large ly in the One Hundred and Eighth Field Artillery, which unit is aboard the Peerless, are not expected to reach Philadelphia until to-morrow. They have been delayed several days by bad weather. Some few Harris burg men aboard the Calamares, which landed in New York yesterday, arc not believed to be in line. Advices last night were to the ef fect that the Peenless would not roach Delaware Breakwater until early to-morrow morning. The wel come-home committee was advised of this, and the police boats and river beats thnt will carry relatives down the river to meet the ship were or dered for 8 o'clock to-morrow morn ing. The Peerless has aboard the One Hundred and Eighth Field Artillery, exclusive of the Supply Company and Battery C, the One Hundred and Eighth Machine Gun Battalion and Company M, of the One Hundred and Tenth Infantry. The Calamares arrived In New York yesterday afternoon. The troops were taken to Camp Merritt to be pre pared for demobilization. It was an nounced by Adjutant General Beary that they were taken there to go through the delouslng proees* insist ed upon by the War Department. H.e said Cnmp Merritt had been selected in the hope that the mc.V might get through In time for the parade. The Calamares brought in twenty offieers nnd 493 men of thd'One Hun dred and Seventh Machine Gun Bat- TALK" With False Teeth? CERTAINLY-READ ON- Loose, wabbly, ill-fitting false teeth can be made tight and tortures of sore gums banished by the use of Dr. Wernet's Powder for False Teeth. Keeps them firm. Prevents sore gums. Not a dentifrice. This powder makes the plate fit snug and firm instantly,- Gives relief from the worries of loose, dropping teeth. Relieves soreness, heals and hardens the gums, sweetens the breath, protects health against germs that lurk in ill-kept dental plates, brings comfort to the sufferer from teeth troubles. Guaranteed by Wernet Dental Mfg. Co., 116 Beek man St., N. Y. Two sizes. At drug and department stores. lanseed, to relieve congestion throughout the digestive tract. Cascara Bark, the great intestinal tonic, to relieve constipa tion and restore a tonic condition to the bowels. Bicarbonate of Soda, to purify and sweeten acid stomach, check nausea, food fermentation and the distress of gas and bloating. This splendid Natonex formula won immediate confidence. Who does not know these safe Nature remedies? They are so well known and so long proved that every one has faith at once in Na tonex. Natonex Nature products show just how this remedy was com pounded to purify the whole ali mentary tract, so that Nature may respond to such purification by creating good digestion, more strength, purer blood and real nerve vigor, Just as the cleansing of a wound gives Nature the chance to begin the wonderful healing process. Now, every weak, ailing, nervous, run-down man and woman here can learn all about Natonex, for Natonex is to be especially introduced and explained here by a representative of the Natonex laboratories. Natonex is to be'introduced at the G. A. Gorgas drug store, lfi North Third street, starting Saturday morning, and any one con actually try Natonex absolutely free. , HJLRRISBT7RG Sg&fc&l TELEGTtXPHC tallon, and four officers and 327 men of the One Hundred and Eighth Field Artillery The machine gun units were fleld and staff, headquarters, medical and ordnance detachments and companies. The supply covpaftv and Battery O of the One Hundred and Eighth Field Artillery were the other units. Suburban Notes HALIFAX The Halifax High School baseball team will play at Palmyra on Satur day afternoon. David S. Sweigard will represent the local lodge of Odd Fellows at the Grand Dodge sessions to bo held at Johnstown next week. The old home celebration commit tee which is making arrangements to hold a big celebration in Septem ber for the returning soldier hoys, will hold a carnival on July 4th, in stead of Memorial Day as previously advertised. Mrs. C. A. Pike, Mrs. Vincent Fet terhoff, Misses Caroline Richter, Car rie Hoppenhaffer and Mary Biever are at Schuylkill Haven attending the sessions of the Woman's Mission ary Society of the United Brethren Church. A Pig Club will shortly be formed here under auspices of the Dauphin County Farm Bureau. The Rev. Dr. S. G. Yohe, of Harris burg, will preach in the Mataraoras Church of God on Sunday evening for the pastor, tho Rev. E. F. Sipo. At Bit ('Kits It IRti Captain Garry C. Myers, of United States Medical Corps, located at the Carlisle Army Hospital, Is spending a ten-day leave of absence with his brother F. Martin Myers. Mrs. Daniel Bear is visiting Iter sister Miss Mary Ford at Philadel phia, Harry Yoagle of Sylvan, was a visitor here on Tuesday. Mrs. Frederick F. Unger has re turned to her home at Harrlsburg, after spending some time with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. H, Fallon. W, H, Spongier, and Harry B. Krebs were at Chambersburg on i Tuesday, Mrs, Charles Hunter Bradley nnd ! son Charles Hunter Bradley, Jr., who [ have spent the winter with Mrs. i Bradley's parents, Dr. and Mrs, Da vid F, Unger, have returned to their home at Buffalo, Mont, Mrs, Bradley was nocompanled by her sister. Miss Sophie Unger, who will spend the j summer with her. MF.UCKRSRUIUJ Corportil J, Clifford Wllklns, son of James P, Wtlklns, who Is serving an enlistment with Company L, Twenty-first Infantry at San Diego, California, is spending a short fur lough with relatives here, The Rev, L, E, Wilson is a visitor at Philadelphia during the celebra tion in honor of the Twenty-eighth Division, Sheriff Enos H. Horst end several i friends from Chambersburg were visitors here this week. Mr, and Mrs, William H, Smith, of Mercerslturg and their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, O, F, Ditts, of Clearspring, Md,, motored to Washington where they spent Beveral days this week, Sergeant John W. Laokhove, of i Columbus, Ohio, is visiting relatives 1 here. Misses Annie Curley and Maye McEldowney and Mrs. J. L. Garland, 'are delegates at the Kpworth League Convention at Waynesboro. Fifteen members of Marshall Lodge No, 233, I. O. O. F., motored to Wawnesboro on Tuesday even ing with a class of six candidates who received the second degree in the hall of the Waynesboro "lodge. LIVERPOOL Mrs. John S. Trimmer, of Harris burg is visiting relatives in town. Mrs. Ada Brosius and son Paul, of Dalmatia ure spending some time here with her father, II E. Bair. E. Ellesniere Brink is spending the week tvith relatives in Harrisburg. Miss Alive Freed spent last week with relatives in Harrisburg. Peiihen Rheaffer visited his brother in Bucks Vailev. Mrs. Oscar Keim, of Middietown, spent several days with her aunt. Miss Clara Williamson. Mrs. J. Park Holmnn was a recent visitor with relatives at Lemoync. William Bomig. who lr emploved In Hnrribure\ i<> visiting his mother. Mrs. Rebecca Ronvg. D. B. Coleman, of Gettysburg, and Miss Blanche Deardon. of Ortona. snout the week here with Mr. and Mrs Jaeoh Bta'lev. Mrs. Howard Reicherbaqeh pnd daughter Gladys, of MiUersbtire. visited her rijrents. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Freed, th's week. jnOTinif.ia ovfnnr,Kn Jvfl&c f J. M. Mcr?nrrrll * ino f? <\o f°r n '•?t brongbt h*- T o^/l . A>~o n ~* ♦v.n .T T) 7T ow r-c;f a */% rnnMon wn" rdo wboo *Vin cr\r"'<* + Ofl fVtnlr ovf 'Vrtri*. TV" "Mil hr ~"<tnmpd to- TV ?m-V n mJo T?of >/x "* T' Qf" *r vn OonriTA M ifrtpf-Jflrl 'Hpf ♦Vtrv ()pfpndn* to 1 *rK of th<> rrronrid b<* fo<nrod H flp Vp r * of hJj* *'Ard o* tb*. *-ear of a duelling l In Emerald •traot. • Major General Muir Is Lionized at Dinner Given in His Honor Major General Charles H. Mu'r, commander of the Iron Division, was given a dinner at the Bellevue-Strat ford last night, as a token of appre ciation from the folks at home to the man who led their hoys over there. The ballroom of the Beilevue-Strat ford, resplendent with the flags of all the Allies p'ertopped with the great red keystone, was the scene of tho great dinner. Amid it nil sat "Uncle Charlie," ealm and retiring, w.iliing only to speak of his division and not himself. The dinner was presided over by Mayer Thomas B. Smith. He. in turn, introduced Governor William C. Sproul, of Pennsylvania, who paid u glowing tribute to the great com mander Amid a hurricane of cheers, with the immense audience of distin guished guests beside themselves with enthusiasm, the general arose and modestly told the story of his division. "It is a far cry," he began, "from fighting on the battlefields of France to receiving this testimonial in Phlla.- delphia, but I feel I owe it to my boys to tell you what splendid fighters they mode. In thinking over the Twenty-eighth Division I know tivv they owe much to the stock from which tlie.y came. To the women who remained behind T say 'All Hail.'" The General revolved a great, glist ening medal. It is a round medal, -backed;.by the color of (lie Allies. On one side there Is a huge kevstone with the Inscription. "World War 1*77-1919." On the other side the in scription reads: "Presented by a grateful Commonwealth to Major General Mul.r for gallant services— Mfv IP, 1919." Governor Sprnnl „t the conclusion CT-.V 10 dinner hailed Brigadier General William J. Price, Jr.. as the next commander of the National Guard of I Pennsylvania. OIIARDSMRN TR AISEn Tribute to the Twenty-eighth Di vision as fighters, was paid by mnnv men of the 9,900 veterans of tno Thirty-second Division, who passed through Hairlshurg last evening to n western camp for discharge. The division Is made up of former Na tional Guardsmen from Wisconsin nnn Michigan. Those* veterans, who saw some of the hardest fighting In I ranee, were furnished with coffee, doughnuts and sandwiches from the Cross chapter of thp American Red NEW YORK HARRISBURG READING LANCASTER (ftp (Hlaas (Ho " Harrisburg's Smartest Specialty PERN-HARMS HOTEL BUILDING i . J The Season's Most Remarkable Sale of Coats,' Dolmans and Frocks Taken From Our Regular Stock For Friday and Saturday These beautiful garments are reduced because size and color assortments are incom plete and to clear certain styles in order to keep our stocks new and fresh at all times and to make room for incoming late Spring and Summer styles. Below you will find lots divided as follows. We never carry any merchandise from season to season: LOT. 1 DOLMANS of Bolivia; crystal cord LOT 2—DRESSES of men's wear serge and and Evora cloth, all fancy silk lined; colors are Jersey cloth, in Pckin, taupe, tan and navy; sizes Pekin; taupe, gray and reindeer; sizes 16 to 40. 16 to 38. Former prices, $27.50 to $39.75. Former prices, $65.00 to $85.00. Sale Price $50.00 $10.50 / LOT 3—DOLMANS of Velour de Laine and LOT 4—DRESSES of taffeta, crepe dc chine and silvertone —all fancy silk lined ; colors are taupe, georgette —colors are Pekin, navy, tan, taupe and Pekin, henna, rookie; sizes 16 to 40. Former prices, brown; sizes 18 to 40. Former prices, $29.75 to $39.75 to $55.00. $47.50. Sale Price $35.00 Sale Price $22.50 No Exaggeration of Former Values. Our Advertisements Are Always Truest to the Word SHIPBUILDER HEADS C. OF C. Homer Ferguson Is Elected President of National Organization By Associated Press. Washington, May 15— H. L. Fer guson, of Newport News, Va„ president and general manager of the Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Com pany, has been elected president of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. This announcement was made at the offices of the chamber here as the result of a mail vote of the organiza tion's board of directors. Mr. Ferguson succeeds as president, Harry A. Wheeler, of Chicago, who de clined re-election after serving two sepa rate terms. A. C. Bedford, of New York, was elect ed vice-president for the Eastern dis trict, and A. B. Farquhar, of York, Pa., was one of the honorary vice-presidents chosen. Among the members elected to the executive committee were W. L. Clause, of Pittsburgh, and James R. Mac Coll, j of Pnwtucket, R. I. Eight in Graduating Class at New Bloomfield New Bloomfield, Pa.. May 15. The ninth annual commencement exercises of the New Bloomfield High school will be held in the Perry county courthouse this evening. Eight students will be graduated. They are Miss Esther Brunner, Miss Clara Keller, Miss Jcanettc I.upfcr, Miss Qlive Meek, Miss Catherine Tressler, Miss Mary Weise, Lynn Dromgold and Archie Stewart. Each will participate in the exercises. The baccalaureate sermon was de livered to the class in the Reformed church by the pastor, the Rev. J. Thomas Fox, who is also principal of the High school. ORRAM7.B CAMERA CLUB A camera club is now in process of formation at the Central Y. M. C. A. and boy members of the association will be admitted as members. It is i possible, said A. H. Dinsmore, boys' work secretary, that the membership I will be divided into two classes for | younger and older boy members. FAMi CAUSES DEATn Columliia, Pa.. May 15. Mrs. STRENGTHENS KIDNEYS PURIFIES BLOOD Ton ran't expect weak kidneys to alter the acids and poisons out of your sjstem unless they are given a little help Don't allow them to become diseased when a little attention now will pre vent it. Don't try to cheat nature. As soon as you rommence to have backaches, feel nervous and tired. GET | BUSY. These are usually warning] that your kidneys are not working properly. Do not delay a minute. Go after the cause of your ailments or you may find yourself in the grip of an incurable dis ease. GOLD MEDAL Haarlem Oil cap sules will give almost immediate relief from kidney troubles. GOI.D MED AL Haarlem Oil Capsules will do the work. They are the pure original Haarlem Oil Capsules imported direct from the laboratories in Haarlem, Hol land. Ask your druggist for GOLD MEDAL and accept no substitutes. Look for the name GOLD MEDAL on every box. Three sizes, sealed packages. Money refunded if they do not Quickly heD you. Porch Swings Complete Special This Week $1.98 to $7.98 A. GERBER FL'IIMTIRE C. 1427 N. Third St. MAY 15, 1919. Elizabeth Davis, ■•widow of Hugh Davis, died at her home Tuesday from the effects of a fall the even- □ 1 Some people are under the impression that it is necessary to plank down $2O, $3O, or $4O for a new Spring outfit. Not so here, because . our \ Pay As You Earn Plan makes it convenient for you to get a new suit, coat or dress or whatever you may need in the line of wearing apparel and pay for it in con venient weekly or monthly amounts. Our Easy Payment Plan is the ideal arrangement. It is pleasing everybody. All the new styles are here and would advise you to choose your outfit NOW. Come in, you need no one to introduce you. 36 N.2nd. St., Cor. Walnut I UJBJiKvUi.'r'q—tw i MI LULU mnwww——a——an—^i There Should Be A Good Refrigerator in Every Home, /.. ji-rasß. U Food is the greatest 1// LA . thing in the world • Vi , I. r j 111 i' i| I —f the most necessary to human existence, Buy J that much-needed > re frigerator here at'this dependable store. We have them from $l6 U P to $lO5. The large I size has 200 lb. ice ca \\ N| AA-kP a city, all steel,, one- \j piece porcelain lined. i Ice chest $l2 up to s24. See our large 1 1 I ' stock of porch ham mocks in gray duck or khaki, $lB up to $35, Porch, swings, $5.00 to $6.75. Good clean wood. FACKLER'S 1312 Derry Street STORE CLOSES 5.30 I'. M.. SATURDAYS, 9 P. M. We arc heartily in accord with the closing of our store on Saturday at 6 P. M. ing before. She was born in Wales. was 82 years old and had resided In Columbia since 1869. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers