feKI.I. 1001—2SS0 UNITED * Friday Bath Seat Oak stained, adjustable and rubber covered ends to prevent scratching bath tub. Friday Bargains, 59c !Broom Made of good quality corn, 4 sewed. Friday Bar gains, 35c Lamp Shades Large size on wire frames, slightly soiLed. Friday Bargains, $1.50, $2 and $3 Salt Box Made of pottery with gilt stripe and lettering with wood cover. Friday Bar gains, 49c Roll Trays Made of stained willow with cretonne center cov ered with glass. Friday Bargains, $1.25 Traveling Bag Black Spanish leather, covered frame traveling bag; brass locks and catches. 18 inches high. Friday Bar gains, $6.50 Weeder Long handle. Does away with stooping. It sure gets them out, especially dande lion. Friday Bargains, 15c BOWMAN'S —Basement Sttecial Sale Ol 1000 Trimmed Hats pg Remarkable Reductions On New * JpqL And Desirable Millinery 1 Divided into several groups and the values are extraordinary. A variety of styles and colors I s will make selection easy. * Trimmed Hats Trimmed Hats Banded Hats Untrimmed Hats tat $2.00 at $3.00 at $2.50 at $2.98 fTTfll A clearance of about 100 hats at A large selection is offered at £ la . rgc assort ™ ent of banded Just the wanted styles of large rlP* sailors in various shapes and colors. drooping brim hats in pastel shades i this low price. All were much this price. All good desirable styles These are excellent hats for sport of pink, lavender, orchid and black, more. j n t jj e assortment wear and excellent values at this in hair tuscan and hemp. Ideal T\p] 1, price. Summer hats. * l\ I lf < Trimmed Hats 150 Of The Better Hats \'J } & at $5.50 at $7.95 \ . At this price are offered some of the most wonderful values in all the These are the kinds of hats that usually sell for about double this price, very newest styles, such as navy blue taffeta, large drooping milans, with Everything that is new is included in this assortment, georgette facings, leghorns with taffeta crown, and georgette top brims, Come expecting to see some of the newest and best hats you have ever trimmed in a dozen different styles. had the pleasure of buying and at the price of cheaper hats. '-*1 ■■ ' " - " - " • ' / ■£.. 4 & OH ml - Jfei B te - My. % I ••ft; 7 - ■ THURSDAY EVENING, THE STORE THAT CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX Bargains A Clothes Line Good quality; 50 ft. hanks. Friday Bargains, 45c Plant Box Made of wood, painted green, 14 inches square for large plants. Friday Bar gains, 65c BOWMAN'S— basemen i Domestics Fancy Art ticking; featherproof; 31 inches wide, good patterns. Friday Bar gains, yard, 39c Unbleached sheeting, 36 inches wide. Cut from the piece. Good quality. Fri day Bargains, yard, 16c Galatea cloth in light pat terns for rompers and rough wear. Friday Bargains, yard, 20c Apron gingham in light and dark blues. Cut from the piece. Friday Bargains, yard, 12i/ 2 c Dress ginghams in plain colors, 32 inches wide, made by the Lancaster mills in light and dark blue, pink, green, and 3 shades of tan. Friday Bargains, yard, 27c Calicoes in ginghams, ef fect of light patterns. Fri day Bargains, yard, 121/jc BOWMAN'S—Second Floor Draperies Remnants of cretonne and curtain material in useful lengths. Friday Bargains. One-Half Price 52-inch Rep in old blue, very heavy. Friday Bar gains, yard, 89c Fancy Scrim in white and ivory grounds with colored borders and figures. Friday Bargains, yard, 25c White curtain voile in white and Ivory; 36 inches wide. Friday Bargains, yard, 29c Plain Marquisette in rose, and blue. 36 inches wide. Friday Bargains, yard, 39c 50-inch Marquisette in white and ecru. A good one. Friday Bargains, yard, 49c BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor ICorsets Flesh elastic top corsets in front and back lace, me dium long free hip, strong hose supporters; sizes 20 to 28. Good value. Friday Bargains, $1.50 : Elastic top corsets in at tractive novelty cloth, a very fine quality. Sizes 20 to 26. Friday Bargains, $2.50 BOWMAN'S—Second Floor HARIUSBURG TELEGRAPH JSmmwmM HARRISBURG, THURSUAY, MAY 15, 1010. Weekly Event Of Special Silks Remnants of Fancy Silks, Foulards, Crepes, Taffetas, and Satins. All ends from our most active stocks. They represent all the choice sellers, that is the reason the bolts dwindled to short ends so quickly. Friday Bargain, yard, $1.45 40-inch Crepe de Chine; a good sturdy quality with a meteor finish. Full range of evening and street shades. Plenty of white, pink and black. Friday Bargain, yard, $1.69 36-inch Black chiffon taf feta and messaline. Two of our most popular numbers. Friday Bargains, yard, $1.59 BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Notions Collingbourne's Jap Silk Cordonnet silk finish merc eriaed crochet cotton. 200 yards to ball; white, ecru and colors. Friday Bar gains, 3 balls 25c American Maid Cordonnet. Made from select long staple Sea Island cotton. 200 yards to ball in white, ecru and colors. Friday Bargains, 3 balls 25c Solvos Sanitary aprons made of good quality Water proof cambric. Friday Bar gains, each, 39c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Wash Goods 36-inch plain colored Gabardines, Shantungs and Beach suitings. Friday Bar gains, yard, 48c 36-inch Silk and cotton plaids in good range of col orings. Friday Bargains, yard, 39c 36-inch Ulster linen finish suitings in rose, Copen and tan. Friday Bargains, yard, 39c 36-inch Printed voiles. Over 300 designs and color ings to select from. Friday Bargains, yard, i 55c 27-inch Lingerie Crepe in pink, tea rose, and blue. Fri day Bargains, yard, 25c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Middies A few very good values in middies and smocks in all white and white with con trasting collars and cuffs; rose, and blue smocks of novelty stripes in all sizes. Friday Bargains, 98c Waists Tub silk waists in stripes. An assortment of broken sizes; high and low necks. Friday Bargains, $2.39 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor Good assortment of waists in voile, batiste, or gandy, striped and check novelties. All sizes and styles. Friday Bargains, $l.OO BOWMAN'S—Aisle—Main Floor. White Goods White fancy Rep skirting, 36 inches wide. Friday Bar gains, yard, i 29c All linen Damask; 58 inches wide. Limited quan tity while the lot lasts. Fri day Bargains, yard, $1.25 Lunch cloths; size 45x45. Hemmed and ready for use. Friday Bargains, each, 98c Turkish towels, bleached and hemmed. Good size, ex ceptional value. Friday Bargains, each, 25c BOWMAN'S —Second Floor Shoes Women's Patent leather Colonial pumps now that most popular model with hand turned soles and Louis XV heels with buckle to match. Friday Bargains, $8.25 Women's patent leather Oxfords with light welt soles and Louis XV heels. Friday Bargains, $8.25 These two models were priced a good deal higher and are taken from our reg ular stock. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Dresses Small lot of all wool serge dresses, navy and black, braid trimmed, sizes 14 to 40. Friday Bargain, $11.95 BOWMAN'S—Third Floor MAY 15, 1919. THE STORE THAT CLOSES SATURDAYS AT SIX Dress Goods 40-inch Fancy Plaid Skirt ings. Good range of pat terns. Friday Bargains, yard, $1.39 44-inch Shepherd Check with overplaid ground of black and white. Friday Bargains, yard, 79c 54-inch Military Suiting; khaki shade. Friday Bar gains, yard, $1.59 All remnants plain and fancy fabrics, 20% reduc tion from ticket price which makes a second reduction. BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Hosiery Women's lisle hosiery of black, white, brown. A broken lot. Well made of good fabrics. Friday Bar gains, 23c Underwear • Women's fine cotton rib bed union suits, low neck, sleeveless, knee length. Fri day Bargains, 59c BOWMAN'S—Main Floor. Capes One lot of Capes of men's wear serge, in navy blue, bound with silk braid and having silk vestees. A remarkable value for a stylish, serv iceable cape. Friday Bargain. $lO.OO BOWMAN'S—Third Floor FOUNDED IHTI V alues Velvet Ruga Seamless wool velvet rugs in floral and all over pat terns, 9x12 ft. Friday Bar-1 gains, $27.50 Neenah Rugs Made of heavy fiber, waterproof and color fast borders on ends; 27x54 inches. Friday Bargains, ' $1.39 36x72 inches. Frb&y Bargains, $2.49 Matting Rugs Extra quality, Japanese matting rugs, stencilled pat terns. Friday Bargains, 6x9 ft. $1.95. 9x9 ft. $2.95. 9x12 ft. $4.95. Velvet Carpets In hall and stair patterns; suitable for hall runners or rooms. Friday Bargains, yard, $1.25 Tapestry Rugs Made of printed jute car pets, mitered corners. Small all-over patterns in green or red. 9x12 ft. Friday Bar gains, $12.98 Linoleum New Process linoleum in useful lengths in wood and Mosaic patterns. Two yards wide. Friday Bar gains, sq. yard, 33c BOWMAN'S—Fourth Floor 3
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