ROLLER TO WRESTLE DRAAK HERE; OZAR AND GARDNER IN GREAT GRAPPLE TONIGHT West End Ball Club Has All-Star Cast The West End baseball club which 'lias furnished baseball to fans of this city for the last ten years, will open their Saturday game season" this Coming Saturday, when they will meet the Methodist Boys' club, of this city. This is the same club that applied for admission to the twi light league and perhaps would now be members of that strong organiza tion but for the fact tha the Motive Tower had the proposition under consideration at that time. It is generally understood that should there at atny time in the fu ture be an opening the Boys' Club I will have the first chance for the I franchise. Manager Flickinger has ] gathered together a strong bunch of talent and says he will give the West End some chance for their opening game. He has been follow ing the West End play in their twi light games to get a line on them. The West End team is going a fast clip in this league, and their roster shows some of the best players in the county. Amongst those available for Saturday games as well as twilight, are as follows: Conklin, youngster of 17 years, is catching in big league style, and after seeing this boy handle "Kid" Stucker's delivery Monday evening, when the "Kid" was at his best, the fans are satisfied the boy is a comer. Stucker, who has Been service with Connie Mack, and the last two years with Newport, of the Dauphin l Perry League will have the following pitchers, all stars in amateur baseball world following his exampld: "Lefty" Challanger, just returned from the base hospital at Carlisle, where he was recovering from injuries received in France, "Lefty" being a West End favorite before leaving for the battlefield. "Dode" Finnen, who was with the Harrisburg Tri-State team in the days of professional ball here. "Dode" is known for his speed and should be a star in the evening games. John Jones, now at Villanova College, will be home shortly and take his turn on the mound, while the club has the signature of George Levan, the iron man of the Hill l.eague to a contract. He will not be available for all games, but when George does work he will be able to bring home many victories. First base is covered by "Dusty" Motter, a West End idol. "Dusty" has played this sack for Duncannon for several seasons. Motter is known for his clouting. Second sack will have that all around athlete "Ike" McCord, who has seen service in the Southern League for the last several seasons, and will make the fans in this town think of big circus stunts when the season gets under way. At short stop is the captain of the club, "Bill" Kuker. "Bill" covers this field like "Rabbit" Manville. and if he could hit as well as he fields, he would not be with this club. But most likely making his living with the big leagues, although he does some hit ting here. Third base is covered by Harry Kline, he having developed Into a reliable third sacker, working for the noT77a/ J&flTs Lift CfeKtte Ri II II [i lIJ Filing Cabinets ' i| I Every Conceivable kind of cabl- i C 3 | 9 net for any business. J - *="* IS All sizes—all styles either sing- I j Bv *-■ B ly or In combination. ■ ■ Our representative will call at I g3 H your request to explain and sug- { H gest the proper filing system for j *=• your business. • Cotterel I J 9 N. MARKET SQUARE I , II Mild and Pleasant, with that satisfying depend ability is the way smokers describe KING OSCAR CIGARS Right now is the time to take advantage of this opportunity. JOHN C. HERMAN & CO. Harrisburg, Pa. 7c at your dealer THURSDAY EVENING, team had all the time left field Is covered by "Peck" McKeever, while young in years, is a landmark at this position. Nothing gets away from "Peck. Center field is filled by "Tim," a brother of "Bill" Euker, and this boy is built for speed. When hit in this garden the pill is bound to be caught by this speed boy. In right field Eubick, former captain of the New Cumberland champs, fciakes sensational plays, as well as being a clean-up hitter. The rest of the team and those in reserve lire "Benny" Williams, former Gettys burg star, "Bill" Hylan, a youngster, and a son of old "Pat." the motor cycle "cop." Mackert, a third base man from the Dauphin-Perry League is fast rounding into form, while "Scotty" Knight, an old and reliable West End player, is filling in as utility player, he having recently re turned from two years' service on the battlefield in France. "Snowball" Winters has written friends that he expects to be home soon, and this means much strength to the pitching corps. Harry Bell, last years's cap tain and second sacker is also ex pected home hourly, he having ar rived on this side. Pat Regan, tne big all-around star wijl soon be available for work, he at present, being alloted to work away from home. The manager is now complet ing his Saturday schedule and would like to hear from all managers of first class clubs desiring games. It is expected that within a few weeks bleachers will be placed in position for the fans. Saturday gimes will start at 3.45 o'clock with "At" Baxter umpiring. The management takes this means of thanking those who have contribu ted to the club, and assure them a go- d brand of ball all season. East End Wants Game For Saturday The fast East End Club intended to play Hershey on Saturday, but the Hersheyites canceled, and now East End will take on any first class club at home or away. The headquarters are at Royal Fire Company house. BASEBALL RESULTS AMERICAN LEAGUE NATIONAL LEAGUE Yesterday's Results New York, 3; Chicago, 2. Brooklyn 7; Cincinnati, 0. Pittsburgh, 8; Philadelphia, 3. Boston, 4; St. Louis, 2. Standing of tlie Clubs W. L. Pet. Brooklyn 11 3 .846 New York 10 4 .714 Cincinnati ll 6 .64" Chicago 9 8 .529 Pittsburgh 7 8 .466 Phillies 5 7 .416 St Louis 3 14 .176 Boston 2 10 .166 Schedule For To-day St. Louis at Boston. Chicago at New York. Cincinnati at Brooklyn. Pittsburgh at Philadelphia. Yesterday's Results Cleveland, 11; Washington, 2. New York, li Detroit 0. Chicago, 1; Boston, 0. St Louis, 11; Philadelphia, 0. Standing or the Clubs W. L. Pet Chicago 13 4 .765 New York 7 4 .636 Cleveland 10 6 .625 Boston 7 5 .583 Wastington 6 7 .461 St. Louis 5 10 .'333 Detroit 5 11 .312 Athletics 3 9 .250 Schedule For To-day Boston at Chicago. Philadelphia at St. Louis. New York at Detroit. Washington at Cleveland. SNOODLES By Hungferord Tommy Draak Will Wrestle Dr. Roller Here On May 20 Local wrestling fans who have been anxiously waiting for the re turn of the ancient sport to Harris burg, have been joyously stirred up by the announcement that Dr. Roller the famous physician wrestler, will again be seen in action at the Chest nut street auditorium on next Tues day night, when he meets Tom Draak, the champion heavyweight of the Netherlands, in a match that will go two falls out of three to a finish. What makes Tuesday's match one of real interest is the fact that this will be the second meeting of Roller and Draak. The last meeting of this pair took place In the New York tournament and after two hours of the most sensational wrestling seen in the big tourney the match was called a draw by the referee. Draak has repeatedly challenged Roller for a return match since that meeting and it was finally brought about by the efforts of the local promoter. Tuesday's match will go to a finish two falls out of three, and should develope into the most sensational "Buck" Ramsey Figures Largely in Victory of Motive Power Team More than 2,500 fans saw Motive Power nose out Commonwealth at Fourth and, Seneca last evening by 5-4. It looked as if Commonwealth- would come through with the fleet-footed Gerdes on second base and Wright stone sent to bat for a clean-up wallop. But owing to the cleverness of "Buck" Ramsey he was allowed to walk and Elsenberger did not have the punch. Fields' catching was high class and he is better even than when he starred In local high school arenas. Harle's and Wrlghtstone's fielding and hitting were swell. Ramsey and Washinger each had speed and control. Hocker, Brown and Howe showed their ability to hit.. The score: Motive Power R. H. O. A. E. Hocker, If 0 2 0 0 0 McCurdy, lb, .... 0 0 6 2 0 Weaver, 3b 1 1 l o o Brown, cf 2 2 1 0 0 Howe, c 2 3.7 1 0 Harle, 2b 0 1 2 1 0 Welcomer, ss 0 0 2 1 1 Finnen, rf 0 0 0 0 0 Ramsey, p 0 0 2 4 0 Totals, 5 9 21 9 1 Commonwealth R. H. O. A. E. Gerdes, ss 0 1 2 2 0 Hinkle, 3b 1 1 0 0 1 Wrightstone, lb, .. 0 3 6 0 0 •Elsenberger, .... 0 0 0 0 0 Klugh, rf, 0 0 1 1 0 W. Smith, cf, .... 1 0 2 0 0 Steward, 2b, ..1 1 1 1 0 Fields, c, 1 2 6 2 0 Kohlman. If 0 0 0 0 0 Washlnger, p 0 0 0 2 0 Totals. 4 8 18 8 1 Commonwealth, #lllO 1 o—4 Motive Power, 0 2 0 0 0 3 o—s Two base hit, Howe. 2; three base hit. Wrightstone and Fields; home run Fields; sacrifice hits. Steward and Hinkle. Struck out by Ramsey, 6; by Washlnger, 7. Base on balls, by Ram sey. 2 ; by Washlnger, 0. Hit by pitcher, Smith and Weaver. Stolen bases, Brown. Howe, Hinkle Steward, Whlght stone 2, Gerdes. Passed balls, Howe. Time. 1.30. Umpires, Baxter and Wil liamson. Shindler Wins Battle For West End Juniors LEAGUE STANDING W. L. Pet. East End Jrs 4 2 .666 Swatara 4 3 .671 Algonquins 2 3 .200 West End, Jrs 1 3 .125 The West End Juniors entered the City Junior League with a victory over Swatara, 11 to 7, which tumbled Swatara back to second place again. Shlndler's pitching, and hitting featured. The East End Juniors again took the lead, when they defeated the Al gonquins I to 1, In their game at Nineteenth and Greenwood streets, Btrlne'a big drive In the third, with a runner on base, also featured. This evening's schedule brings to gether Swatara and West End Jun iors, Blath and Divisions streets, and Hast End Juniors with Algonquins, Ozar-Gardner Tonight Two of tho finest specimens of physloal development ever Been hero will bo matched te-nlght at tho Or. phaum theater when Jack Oaar and Oarrel "Ptnkey" Qardner, grapple for title In the best two out ef three, Tho publto to familiar with dlmen. siono and other partioulara of these two welt.matohed athletee, Oaar waa a State pelleeman for Big months and gave satisfaction in the line but found he had little time to train, so went back to tho rugged eport in whfeh ho has beep a champion for years, Hie weight compelled birr\ to get out of the middleweight glass and bp is ambitious new tt niept the HAJUUHBUnG TELEGHXra mat contest ever seen in these parts. Draak, who Is one of the greatest of all the European heavyweights, is in the prime of his career. The Bel gian who tips the scales at 218 pounds will have little, if any ad vantage in weight over Roller, and realizing that ho is up against a man with more science, Draak will play a cautious game. The bout here Tuesday night is under the management of Promoter Bauman, who staged the Lewis- Roller match here some time ago and the fans are assured of a good night's entertainment of good clean caliber. It required no little effort to bring the Draak-Roller match to Harrisburg. Draak, who has been anxious for the chance of meeting Roller in a finish bout .has Just re turned from a western trip where he met and defeated some of the best heavyweights on the Pacific const. Tickets for Tuesday's bout will he placed on sale to-morrow at the Schenk and Tittle sporting goods store and at Harry's cigar store. at Nineteenth and Greenwood. The scores: WEST END JUNIORS AB. R. H. O. A. E. Fries, s.s 0 2 0 0 1 0 Shindler, p 4 1 1 1 0 0 Hylon, 2b 3 3 1 2 1 0 Whichello, r.f 3 0 0 0 0 0 Aucker, l.f 31 0 0 0 0 0 Gell'bg. b , 4 1 0 0 0 0 McCarthy, c.f 1 1 o 1 0 0 Simmons, lb 0 1 0 0 0 0 Schubarger, c. 1 2 011 1 0 Total 17 11 2 15 3 0 SWATARA AB. R. H. O. A. E. Hoover. 2b. 2 1 0 1 0 0 Nye, lb 1 2 0 4 0 0 Layton, e, 3 1 1 4 1 0 Shover, s.s. 3 0 1 1 2 0 Lennlken, p .3 0 0 2 1 0 Kirk, 3b .. 2 0 0 0 1 0 Rheam, r.f. 2 1 0 1 0 0 Luntz, l.f. 2 1 1 1 0 0 Switzer, c.f. ....... 110100 Total West End Jrs. Swatara ....19 7 3 15 6 0 2 0 0 6 3—ll 3013 o—7 Two-base hits, Shindler, Shover; 3-base hit, Shindler: double plays, Swatara 1, Hoover to Nye; struck out, by Shindler 11; by Lennlken, 4; base on balls, oft Shindler, 5; off Len nlken, 13; left on base, West End, 5: Swatara, 3; Stolen bases, Hoover, Nye, Layton ( Shover, Luntz, McCar thy, Gellby, Whichello, Hylan, Fries; passed balls, Layton, 3; Shubarger, 3; wild pitches, Lenniken. 2; innings Pitched, by Lenniken, 5; by Shindler, 5. Time, 1.32. Umpire, Hoffman. ALGONQUINS AB. R. H. O. A. E. Himes, c.f 4 0 0 0 0 Bowman, 3b 3 0 2 3 1 0 Reel, 2 0 2 2 0 0 Lutz, s.s 3 0 1 2 0 2 Stoner, 2b 4 0 0 2 1 0 Black, r.f 3 0 0 2 0 0 Gutshall, lb 3 1 0 0 0 0 Winks, 1.1 2 0 0 0 0 0 Zimmerman, c. .... 4 0 1 4 1 0 Totals 23 1 6 15 3 2 EASt END JUNIORS AB. R. H. O. A. E. Strine, lb 3 0 3 4 0 0 Snyder, b 4 0 1 0 1 0 Cover, r.f 3 10 10 0 Heagy, l.f 3 110 0 0 Stouter, c 3 1 1 8 0 0 Fleisher, c.f. 3 0 1 0 0 0 Shaeffer, s.s. 3 0 1 0 1 1 Harper., 2b 4 0 0 1 0 0 Books, p 4 0 1 1 1 0 Totals 25 3 9 15 3 1 Algonquins 0 1 0 0 o—l East End Juniors 1 0 1 1 o—3 Two-base hits, Stouter. Strine, Bow man, Gutshall, Lutz; sacrifice hits. Books; double plays. Harper to Strine; struck out. Books, 8: Reel, 6; base on balls. Books, 4; Reel, 3; left on bases, Algonquins, 5; East End Juniors, 4; hit by pitcher. Reel, Bow man; stolen bases. Strine, Books, Stouter, Lutz, Gutshall, Himes; passed balls. Stouter, 3; Zimmerman. 3; innings pitched by Reel, 6; by Book, 5. Time, 1.15. Umpire, Peach. Sunday Sports in Fair mount Approved By Associated Press Philadelphia, May 15. Sunday sports in Falrmount Tark, Philadel phia's 3,500-acre playground, receiv ed official sanction yesterday at a meeting of the commissioners having charge of the park, a resolution "that the chief engineer be Instructed to permit the orderly playing of all outdoor games In the nark on Bun day" was adopted unanimously. tap netohera and ha will challenge Holler or Draak when they wreatle here neat week, Many claim that Gardner la the cleverest wrestler In the arena to day, He, too, la a oellege man and has been compared to Sandow for physical perfection, Two 15-mlnute preliminary matohea will be run through with before the star event ef tho evening. Ernest Lehmer, Har rinj>urg, will tackle a Lebanon High school athlete named Troutman. and the other match will be a sel-ta be tween two Lebanon lada, Nag la and "Hert" Miller, The first bout will be -9.19 ©'eieeh, Mercersburg in Baseball and Track Events at State Keep Tech Busy Athletics at Tech High School will get another boost this weekend when the baseball team will go to Mer cersburg Acadeipy to oppose the team representing that school," while the track team goes to State College to compete in the annual Inter-scho lastic meet held under the auspices of State College. i In regard to the track meet, Tech has queered that meet for the last five years. If State were wise that institution would send Tech an in vitation to remain away. Just as soon as Tech enters, the other State High schools drop out. It has been so long since any other high school has won, that one's memory must return to the winning track teams up at Central that romped home with the cups and whatnot prior to the SIX-CYLINDER TECH Isaac Cown. If, after hearing the orchestra, the piano solos; If after the drama, and the displays In the shops you still long for more, and want to go to the "movies" save yourself that "Two bits." All that is necessary is to have one of the ushers take you to the third floor where there will be an "honcst-to goodness' movie by the members of the History Club. They will dem onstrate how a movie may be made educational. Last year Tech did not have an "open night" because of the condi tions incidental to the war. The de Dives,Pomeroy & Stewart Clothes Styles For Men & Young * Men T hat A re an Tliere are no false notes in these cloth- ing styles-—they are in perfect harmony fy Jflm ({jm Wffiji with what men and young men want. iff- ' ' fffljm It is a delight to have these suits to j iffy 'W f ff show - it is a joy to examine them a / y \jj J//! -M'W ■'§/ pleasure to tell you about their fine points 1(1 \ —and a satisfaction to sell them. J, 7 |l/ \ There are styles for men and young men —many waist-line styles, double- Ml I / /j^tgEyaK breasted styles and the conservative // j business styles always desired. In the fabrics there is a variety of new A' patterns in plain and fancy weaves, and \f Mm Wkm we know that better qualities of hand- iiitw ® tailored suits, better styles, better models Ji |^|| are not to be found at any price—the ' iT I 18, clothes will bear out this statement. |; : |f || jp|lyf Suits at $25, $3O and $35 I'l IJT j|r Qrey and mixed cassimeres, blue serges, flannels |1 11 ||| J' . The newest waist-seagi models, with slashed The new double-link button models. Smart one-button suits with quarter-silk or satin lining, Rives, Pamaroy & Stewart, Second Floor, Rear. time Tech entered the field of sports. It is a foregone conclusion that Tech will win the meet. Last week and at Swarthmore. Tech had to enter the Academy class. When the local lads led by Captain Beck are placed In the high school class there is nothing to It. Going up the team will go by auto. Coming home, the team says that the rise will be made by train, as the autos will have to be used to convoy homo the banners, cups, and medals. Coach Albright Is grooming his baseball players for their biggest contest of the season. If Tech can trim Mercersburg, they will have won a great triumph. Chances are that George Germcr will pitch, with Fortna and Lingle In reserve. The ! regular squad will make the trip. mand this year was so great that Dr. Charles B. Fager, Jr., consented to again throw open the doors of the school and show the public just how verstaile the Maroon lads are. His tory wiil repeat itself, and the entire city Is expected to be present at the "open house" Friday night. If you want to see the Technical High school student at his best, visit that institution Friday night between the hours of 7.3 0 and 10 when every wheel In the school will be humming. It Is one time in the year when fond fathers and mothers may see just what Tech is doing for their boys MAY 15, 1919. other than making athletes of them. Every shop in the school will be a veritable hive of industry, where the students will display the work that they have done during the vnar in woodworking, tlnsmithlng machine practice, blacksmithing and foundry work. The laboratories-—both the chemical and physical—will bo filled with upper classmen performing ex. periments. In the various classrooms will be displays by members of the clubs that were Instituted at the school this year. In the auditorium there When Considering Buying a Bicycle SEE US FIRST! Exclusive agency for: Dayton, Miami. Victor, Autocide, West minster, Boy Scout ami Red Bird bicycles. Wc liavc the size and style you want. A written guarantee iiith every wheel. Wc trade in your old wheel for a new one. Dependable sundries at low prices. The Largest Stock of Bicycles in the City Cohen's Sporting Goods Store 431 Market St. Wholesale and Retail At Subway will be musical numbers by the or chestra led by Professor George W. Updcgrove with Henry Shope as the student leader. Julian DeGray of the Freshman class will play several piano solos. He is one of the most talented of the younger musicians of the city. Then to Yap the climax, the Dra matic club, under the direction of Prof. Samuel Wilson will put on "The Last Rehearsal." Participating in this sketch will be Warren Cless, Fred Ilamel, William Kennedy, Hy jnan Cramer. Warren Harder and 15
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