MONGOLIA IS IN PORT WITH BOYS OF CITY ABROAD Brings 4,100 For mer National Guard Officers and Men From France tty Associated Press. New York, May 9.—Moro than 4,100 former National Guard offi cers and men of Pennsylvania, com prising now tho Twenty-eighth Di vision, arrived here to-day on the steamship Mongolia from St. Naz aire, which brought altogether 4.605 troops. The Pennsylvania units in cluded tho Fifty-third Field Artil lery Brigade headquarters, ten offi cers and fifty-five men. with their commander, Brigadier General Wil liam G. Price. These headquarters soldiers go to Camp Dix. Other State Units Other Pennsylvania units were the One Hundred and Seventh Field Artillery's field and staff headquar ters. First and Second Battalion headquarters, Supply and Headquar ters Companies, Sanitary and Veteri nary and Ordnance detachments and Batteries A to F, inclusive, totaling thirty-three officers and 1,511 men, for Camps Upton, Dix, Gordon, Sherman, Taylor, Grant and Dodge: the One Hundred and Ninth Field Artillery's headquarters, field and staff: headquarters of the First and Second Battalions, Supply and Headquarters Companies, Sanitary and Veterinary and Ordnance de tachments and Batteries A to F in clusive, totaling thirty-eight officers and 1,568 men, for Camps Dix, Gordon, Grant, Upton, Sherman, Dodge, Devens and Pike; the One Hundred and Third Sanitary Train's headquarters, Ambulance Section headquarters, Medical Sanitary Train, Ambulance Companies 109 to 112, inclusive; headquarters of the Field Hospital Section and Field Hospitals 109 to 112. inclusive, to taling seventeen officers and 855 men. for Camps Dix. Sherman and Bowie: a detachment of nine offi cers and ten men of the One Hun dred and Third Engineers for Camp Upton and a detachment of three officers and four men of the Twen ty-eighth headquarters. Many Harrisburg men are includ ed in the contingent of returned Keystone Division men who arrived at the port of New York this morn ing on the Mongolia, carrying the One Hundred and Seventh Field Ar tillery, the One Hundred and Ninth Field Artillery, the One Hundred and Third Sanitary Train, Brigadier General William G. Price and his staff. More than 150 other Harris burg men were included among the men who landed on the Liberator at Philadelphia yesterday. 130 Go to Camp I)i.\ Tho 150 men who arrived on the Liberator are now at Camp Dix. After they have gone through sani tary regulations, they will be per- i niittcd to come homo for a forty-! eight-hour furlough, after which' they will return to Camp Dix to participate in the great divisional parade of the Keystone Division. Xo moro units of the division are to be discharged until after the parade, which is scheduled to be held on 1 Thursday, May 15. It will contain the division complete, with the ex-' ception of the Fifty-sixth Infantry Bridage, including the Harrisburg men of the One Hundred and Twelfth, who have already been dis charged. Captain George P. Drake, supply officer of the One Hundred and Third Ammunition Train, arrived in this city to spend a short furlough. He spent the night at his home at 2218 North Fifth street. lie left this morning for camp. Governor's Troop Expected Monday The Governor's Troop of the old Pennsylvania National Guard is ex pected to arrive home in plenty of .time for the great divisional parade. Originally scheduled to arrive at Philadelphia on May 15, it is now expected that it will arrive three days ahead of schedule, next Mon day, on the Peerless. In addition, the Peerless carries the One Hun dred and Eighth Machine Gun Bat- Are You AwaiiSmj The Great Crisis? if So, Do Not Alloy/ too Tirr.o to Pan With Nature Unaided. BPI Women who give nature a helping hand during tho period of erpeet!iry find that when the time arrlvel for bbv' coming it Is approached and parre-t with lr finitely less pain and danger. Thousands of won.? i for oyer half a cen tury have learned teat in the timo-honorcd preparation. Mother's Friend, they have a grateful, relaxing, penetrating remedy, tha • of which makes it possible for them to go through childbirth without the usual nausea, nervousness, bearingHiowa and stretching pains, and that through its use ♦he hours at tho crisis arc fc-ver and of much less pain and danger. Mother's Friend penetrates the mtiscles, rendering them pliant and aasily governed by the demands of nature. They relax gently and bring happy days and calm, rest ful nights. As tho result the crisis Is passed with greater emso nnu in less time, tho i raasts ere kept in good condition and tho rkln Is made and kept 6oft and free from blemishes. Writotothe Bradfield Regulator Company, Dept. P. Lamar Building, Atlanta, Georgia, fir their Motherhood Bock, and obtain a bottle of Mother's Friend from your drug gist today and thoroughly fortify youretl' fur tho rurr 1 ~♦, *s nanw would only 1 Ae. •' feel weak, run-down, tired • out—when they arc pale, ner ■ •* vous and haggard—there are thoit- • ■ W * sands who might readily build up \ W V • their red corpuscles, bccofne rosy- • 1 j • cheeked, strong ami lfeaithy and • I I I be much more attractive In every ! | I J way. When the iron goes from the J I a • blood of women, the he-abb y glow • 1 Is of youth leaves their* tin and their *■ X \ charm and vivacity rfqoart. A two • A XI weeks course of inflated Iron ,* MX 1 , Satisfaction guaranteed or ffQH FRIDAY EVENING, . HAEIIISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 9, 1919. talion and Company M of tho One Hundred and Tenth Infantry. The Edgar Luckenbach is due to arrive in Philadelphia on Monday with part of the One Hundred and Tenth Infantry and Company M of the One Hundred and Ninth Infan try. The Santa Oliva, with the re mainder of the One Hundred and |More Canceled Orders, More Surplus Stocks in Time For Saturday's Selling! I And Now to Eclipse Ail Selling Records Saturday a BABY WEEK 1 Q 4 Second Large Purchase from Harrisburg Shoe Manufacuring Co. finer in a ntnrrlri\r 0 jlj r Never in the history of our store have we held such a shoe sale. We be- / r- V\] (illlr tl(l\ jSj k eve t^lere are more people interested and talking about this shoe sale than / | W 17/ / Af TCmifmnn'<i [| / any ever held in Harrisburg. Hundreds and hundreds of women are being A * i\<UijiHUl S m || L supplied with Summer footwear here at savings which are extremely large. 'W|ti VV EVERY parent will be interested Ij © \ >> >w Children are being supplied with footwear at prices which are the lowest t/Ik Lin this unique event which be- H Hj \ since the war began. We have every reason to believe that Saturday's selling comes a part of the big sale which j|| k )\\ \ will break all records. We advise you to make your shoe purchases early in \ I t 1S no . w In P ro B ress - To make il *** V x- .L- \ I °%/l I \ especial attractive we have planned nil !si ) 1 // \ ast s P ecla ' offers to create en- liy m LOT NO. 1 LOT NO. 2 LOT NO. 3 LOT 4 LOT 5 ,\ 1 / 111 V th . usiasm in this department. You Sj] k Harrisburg Shoe Manu- Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. u c , XT I /V^ W1 " ma f i y thir >g s for bal) Y this !c i i Harrisburg Shoe Manufacturing Co.'s Pumps, Harrisburg Shoe Manu- Co.'s Misses' Shoes. Ox- Harrisburg Shoe Mfg. N | / Summer, chief among which will nl facturing Co.'s Women's Oxfords and Canvas Lace facturing Co.'s Women's fords and Ankle Strap Co.'s Children's Shoes, Ox- be the proper apparel. This is your || [II Oxfords and Pumps; val- Bo P ts ' valued to $ 4 - 50 - Sa,e Pumps and Oxfords; val- Pumps—Values to $4.00. for ds and Ankle Starps. opportunity—and baby's, too. || ft! ues to $3.50. Sale price, pnce ' ues to $5.50. Sale price, Sale price, Values to $3.00. Sale price, short 39 cs2 to 95 140,1 star B'rdseyc $2 25 h? |U % Dresses.... Diapers, 24x24 v |y fS * HA Ai\ 9Q KQ 79c-$2.95 $2.75 | s $ m &Q I •"!/ o J-9 * F * I #O5/ 39c-98c K ';;r ,l,crcU 29c iij || m / . m Stands 24c to 69c 79c-$1.95 j| Mm u ££' s 49 c t0 51.39 K, 98c - $2.45 m X j erißßm , Shoes and 98c Sma 1 ltuby 98C II ni!l nj White Canvas Boots. White White Canvas Lace Shoes, Tan Oxfords, Black Kid Ox- Moeraslns Blankets fijl j? I Canvas Pumps, White Canvas White Canvas Pumps, White Canvas Oxfords, Brown fords. Ankle Strap Pumps Flannel QRr> to Til 45 Large Crib <£ 1 OO 525 White Canvas Pumps, Black ! Oxfords. Brown Kid Bluch- Brown Kid Oxfords, Black Kid Oxfords, Black Kid Ox- White Canvas Button Shoes! Shirts "-*- u 1 Blankets vi; .1 .■£-J 03 liU Kid Oxfords, Gun Metal ers, Brown Kid Oxfords, Kid Oxfords, Patent Leather fords. Patent Leather Ankle All good styles. Sizes 8V- to Flannelette CQ„ to QQ- Pique Carriage QjJ- to <h 1 OC iitJ 50 Pumps, Brown Kid Oxfords. i Black Kid Oxfords. I Pumps. Pumps. Sizes ll I ,£ to 2. 11. " Skirts QIZC J7QU Covers I7OC ti/l.dd jig! ju 11 ' panTs 39c to 75c 69c-98c M m M |CQ Women's Beaver Brown Oxfords, Worth $6.00 & $6.50 a Pair & Jf Ru ss^ Shoctinß :. 36 !"-... 95c K ""lotees 29 c - 79c m S W fffl mt y _ l| jfisk 11 Tf Rubber Crib Sheets, <5l 4c Comb and Brush CQ to QO S,, m This is a special purchase and demands quick action. The lot is a winner. Soft Rubber -t'o Flannelette' * * cq 1| m kidskin with flexible sole and military heel and leather Louis heel, plain long vamp isn,. s < ; 0 „s sc Sjj !ij 0 . „ ... . T- rs 1 , r ■ Lingerie llats, Caps Cassimere Bedford Coitl Pique UlftJ Sj and imitation tips. Sizes 2'/2 to 8, widths Ato E. Regular $6.00 and $6.50 values. and 49c to $4.95 ; ' ollt ' il " ,(l $2 95 to $ll 95 S? W ■Knufninn'w Srroml Cloor— |jlJ 1 Big Sale of Women's & Misses' Suits Saturday $ + f\ 7R 2Z Za£ I for Little Girls Actual $45, $39.50, $35, $32.50, $29.50 & $25 Values At || And Habutai Silk 11 fy Values 89c ** /\ The woman and miss who needs a new Spring Suit will be more than pleased with the oppor- K jf -f) M S Saturday tunity this sale affords for saving money. It has been a long time since suits of this character Em M <. (1 Choice ... have been offered at the price named in this sale. We urge those who wish to take advantage of Spf xljk M % . |l There are six stylos from which this sale to select their suits early in the morning. Every new material and every desirable color At H LM m aii are new and good. with plenty of navy, and all sizes are in this assortment . See the big window display ? rl* \S'/ IS iMade of ginghams and percales— r ' *' oF -' \ Ifyut /t*/% f~\ A ail perfectly finished —and full y / gl yf iL JVH |fj)l made —sizes 2 to 6 years. Every ————— <ji.j ir s w Women's & Misses' Women's & Misses' Morp Silk HrPQQpQ £-S 'I Wonderful waists made of TT J __ A ¥T . w/v -,T iulfl C kjlllv VJY CcOCo .ifce, finest quality crepe de chine in _. , A ,T^ P Trj Up to $16.50 New Up to $22.50 New 2S.SI2!I&SSS,a 1 Girls CC Children S A L . O* n • , Y m r m , l wL med with embroidery all new $1.45 DRESSES AVh Spring Suits Spring Suits In Time for Saturday %|g=pP am.- Iy ""- 7Qp fix I Sale Price Sale Price IJ $2.95 Georgine and ft] [A \ gt\ << A trw mm Silk Dresses; regular <>/rv 7c IWJmM Crepe de Chine (£1 WA Made of tine quality ginghams J tti I 4 / f 15.00 and $ 16.50 values .. f- AISTS at .... ' and chambrays in plaids, stripes j //||ll IV\ .re jf M W ti/ JL JL •A i/ ' Flesh or white the beauti- j[Sl and solid colors—a variety of jr I f~4j \\\ A+' S % M \J ' ful waists with embroidery and Sj|^ pretty styles—full cut. perfectly / I 1 D I\\ Made of poplins and serges— Silk DrPSSPS * rPPlllar d -4l A Tr* \ l lace trimming —in several at- X made-sizes 2to 12 years. • >-J It |\\ The materials are black, navy. black, navy, Copen and tan. Plain ' & H, g /% /S VI tractive models sizes i! 6 to 46. Rljl II I]J serge, and all-wool shepherd checks tailored trimmed styles—Peau de t 1 *r H /i ' " KhmW 11/ 15J (\\ 'ir Tl —nicely lined and trimmed—sizes Cygne and fancy lined—sizes 16 ©20.00 and ©22.50 V3IUeS I ~ V . . • A NEW LOT OF \\ 1L 16 to 42 ~ ' $1.95 Jap Silk Q1 CA ij Girls'sl.9s Gingham V\\ f Silk Dresses; regular <t -j Q7c £ WAISTS at V ' DRESSES Coats values'uTsisfool'suic' CQQC I $25.00 and $30.00 values J_ J I and sunset in a number of Is Vprna I „ _ \-mr lTice 0J7.170 prettily embroidered or lace fri! $llO W; \ r? r - ge ™ en K 1 The materials arc taffeta, satin, georgette, char- JV|r m " del —'" ca 38 to 46 ' M B I \ Coats; sizes, 39 to 51; sweep and all wool. ' meuse, crepe meteor, printed foulards, printed ft ( JOT Vnilo values to 01 (k Cil .WOMEN'S SERGE CAPES— georgettes, and combinations. JUtgP* V Olie I'll Made of fine quality ginghams liVAj $25.00 wiy.oU ,UCii - $lB - Sttlc $12.95 The colors are black, navy, copen, tan, reseda, WAISTS at 7UX> in Plain colors. Stripe, and plauls V\l This lot of extra size coats made SeVgV Capes coatee plain colors and fancy patterns. Twelve different styles - Bj fill 6hs!it-ii flfii nprfprtiv P 2fi ilrAn^ 1 ui Ck, ^^ y effects, hooded effects, 'braided All these dresses are in regular sizes for women beautifully trimmed with cm m n! 6t014 \" ars Sizes 39 to 51 spiendid styles. models; the very newest things in and misses and in sizes for extra size women. broidery and lace sizes 36 to jjfl QJ L= Kaufman-., Second Floo r=== . Saufmon a—Flr.t l l<K>e t|j I eW S £ FOT w^ rd n a - y ' ill MgflK mmmA Brinig j 1 tjL/h, Offer All Sizes From fSXiI Silk '' , Sa T Pan s Set I T „| Windsor Kettle Coffee Percolator j I fill 11VI iLll UIZ/vO X lUlil | 3-pe. Aluminum Sauce Pan Kettle, wood handle: extra six Quart aluminum Wind- 8-cup aluminum coffee ff Jll'l I II 19 t0 26 , Gloves ,'l%, 98c -gi-69 |rrc',.r j A 1.45 I A-SSsS $1.59 RUG SPECIALS IN THE BIG SALE Cf I fitted with four good hose supporters. Sizes 19 to 20. -A. W 3-button gauntlet Btyle in white, I m Sfe 111 black, gray and champagne in i _ EMPIRE TAPESTRY RUGS VELVET RUGS "VA /hi | $2.50 Cor- MQO $l Brassieres /Q e JSTg.. 1 ?.'..-' S29M > 1 •C sets at ... wlOv and Bandeaux I WOOL FIBER RUGS 111 OOI> GRADE AXMINSTER RUGS c'o'mpTete V ffl Pink or white Coutil and Broche; Several styles in white Batiste, GHamOlSette GIOVCS 1 Good grade 9x12 feet size- all over and 5! Hfitl ' Floral and rich oriental patterns; 9x12 ready for use. S s| in high, medium low and topless neat j y trimmed; also in Marqui- A r J medallion patterns for good hard <fQ QC lllil fllTLMlgy |S size; seamless. Qg Special, l|j t| and C Royal Worcester. Sizes 19 ! sette and brocaded cloth; sizes 34 C/OC ' wear. Special each • |j[ B Spec a M to 31. Ito 46. Big value for Saturday. t/VV I GOOD GRADE TAPESTRY RUGS , Tf V x 2 JAI'ANI-VSE MATTING RUGS ———ll >sj Knqfmin'3—Second Floor.— -1 In white, black, Kmy, brown ( Beautiful patterns; 9x12 size, CJO4 QC I Afvy, Very fine quality. QC < LM _ —in self and contrasting stitch- | seamless. Special *D£***•%!%} i Special g ' t] Women's Pure Thread Silk Hosiery Women's i stair and hall carpets j linoleums l >hi vS C||L Ulniroc I Ingrain Carpet, 22 inches wide .... 59c New Process Linoleums—2 yards wide; /\L (j t\ \V\ , ||l|l Sil Double sole and high spliced heel: silk i O 4 D • OIIIV VXIOVco , Wool Fiber, 27 inches wide 89c large range of patterns to select 4Q - jSI , U and lisle garter tops; some are slightly im- t, V I ZIX /\ "ill f P" P* Printed Tapestry, 27 inches wide .. 75c from. Square yard *3 1 nil perfect; in white, black, cordovan, bronze, ( XI lU 114 Ull • Tapestry Hall Carpet 98c Printed Linoleum—Burlap back; 2 O'Cedar Mop \ LM Jjll gray, ptarl, African brown. ' "OV I Velvet Hall Carpet $1.48 yards wide, extra good heavy QQ - with handle I O Ladies' Cotton OO - ! Women's Burson Fingers are double tipped 1 27 lncl12 feet Grass Hall Runners, $2.48 quality. Square yard y ° C | |ill| M I id r Hot Z/C ttagtpdlT 2-clasp in white, black, gray, I lIS Lisle xlose TT/%OTTuIj \/ brown—self stitching. ' ——ol Double sole and heel, garter top fY ■ ■ 111 K W ■ - -- WASH ' II I slightly imperfect, in white and XXV/UXXila X Knufman'a Fir.t Floor Sundown OlHifl S MAC HI NEB I Double sole and heel, cotton gar- I.adies' Burson fashioned black JUL OH cords, uWlllfil pl-Y-vu.'iij® money— ter top: in white, black, gray, n iik hose, reinforced sole and heel, MHB MWX - _ MI | - .. . , ° Rapid Hand Ma- 1 Lj" champagne and taupe. top; some are slightly 1 $4 95 w ?ll made chine, .. $7.95 I M | S e S ~.^v . .44c H^ es pa ( i r otton He 1% __ l 1 8 $0.95 II I 1 11 double and heel, garter top, In Well made In white and black; n U—2 '° r I '' SBl Jr ft $ jp| : Tenth Infantry and scattered casual officers, will arrive on Tuesday in Philadelphia. The Calamares is due at New York on Tuesday with a number of units and staff headquar ters. GAS COMPANY CHARGES HIGH | of the United Gas Im-! I i provement Company for running j service lines in Peach street, Phila delphia, are declared excessive in I compluints filed with tho Public Service Commission by Robert A. • Ferffuson and Edward McDowell, | Philadelphia, to-day. Complaints j wcro filed against rates of the South Fork Water Company by the bor ! outfit of South Fork. War Risk Insurance Bureau Issues Appeal By Associated Press. Washington. May 9.—The war risk 1 insurance bureau to-day issued an-1 other appeal for disabled soldiers and sailors who are entitled to rc-1 I eeive compensation checks, but who may not be receiving them on ac count of a recent change of address to communicate the new address to the bureau at once. Nearly 3,000 I checks aggregating thousands of dol- I lars representing compensation for injuries have been returned to the I bureau for lack of proper address. 4,000 Casuals Will Get j | Free Trip to See Parade 1 Adjutant General Beary to-day an- 1 nounced that the plans of the State] contemplated transportation to Phil-I adelphla for the Keystone Division! 5 review of only such soldiers as are classed as casuals. It is expected that there will be about 4,000 of these men who were disabled while on duty in France and returned to this country as casuals. Men who i returned as members of units and I not as casuals will not have trans- I portation provided.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers