2 NEWS OF CENTRAL PENNSYLVANIA AND CITY'S SUBURBS PRIMARY MAY FIX ELECTION With Only Two Candidates j For Judge in Perry County One Will Win Out Now Bloomlield, Pa., May 9.—The, president judgeship election will I likely be settled at the primary election, it is believed. With but twoi candidates in the Held tor the of lice in the Forty-tirst judicial dis-1 trict, including Perry and Juniata' counties, one of the candidates is practically certain to receive morel than fifty per cefit. of the votes and: this will constitute an election. Judge Jeremiah X. Keller, of Mif-1 flintown, the present incumbent, is the only candidate in the Held from Juniata county and no others are! expected. He went on the bench in I 1917 on the death of Judge William j X. Seibert. James M. Burnett, of New Bloom- j Held, is the Perry county seeker for the nomination now in the Held, and it is not believed in political circles j that he will have any opposition I in this county. Before the non-1 partisan act became effective, he was a candidate for the oHiee on the , Republican ticket, but was defeated I by Judge William X. Seibert. INNOVN'CE BIRTH OF SON Chambershurg, pa., May Mr. 1 and Mrs. G. A. W. Stouffer an- j nounce the birth of a son. Xelson W. j Slouffer. May 5, 1919. Mrs. Stouffer was formerly Mary Katharine \ Kecney, of York, Pa. Insurance Man Tells of Friend's Recovery "He suffered considerably from! gas in stomach and cold attacks, and at times was very yellow. His doc- [ tors diagnosed his ailment as gnllj bladder trouble and that an opera tion was necessary. Some one per-, suaded him to try Mayr's Wonderful \ Remedy. Since taking it one year, ago he tells me he has been able to I out anything." It is a simple, harm-! less preparation that removes tlie| catarrhal mucous from the intestinal; , tract and allays the Inflammation i which car cs practically all stomach.! liver and intestinal ailments., in- ( eluding appendicitis. One dose will) convince or money refunded. f Biki f ■HHBHHIL |! .■■ . . jijj I h 11 | f I k You can't think | of "delicious or | j$ "refreshing" with- j I out thinking of L; | Coca-Cola. | 1/ \1 f f 1 * $ You can't drink Coca- p Cola without being de- W % lighted and refreshed. [J fa; w ■. \ . rl 41 The taste is the test of |j { Coca-Cola quality— U so clearly distinguishes it from imitations that f! i you cannot be deceived. || \ |i Demand the genuine by M i full name nicknames y r encourage substitution. PI THE COCA-COLA CO. If | J ATLANTA, GA. FRIDAY EVENING, tLAjRRisBURG TELEXTRAPH MAY 9, 1919. Cumberland. Valley News~\\ Chambersburg Welcomes ! Its iMen of Co. C, 112 th CliiiitilHTMl>ur;r. Pa.. Mnv 9.—People ; j of Chambersburg and vicinity pave j i a hilarious welcome to the members j |of Company C, One Hundred and ! 'Twelfth Infantry, when they arrived) | from Camp I>l x on Wednesday eve- ' ! at 7.33 o'clock. The twent.v-nine | | heroes who came homo with Captain , | Hoy H. Krelehbautn, commander of j ' the company throughout the war, j I were met at the station of the Cum- j ' bcrland Valley Railroad by an or- j panized parade as well as a larpe i | concourse of citizens. Citizens also j ' lined the sidewalks of the principal , | streets throuph which the parade, ! including the Chamber of Commerce, | Red Cross women. Queen City Rand, home defense guards, mail carriers, j firemen and apparatus. Soldiers' Or phans' Industrial School Band, for mer members of Company C and the j returning doughboys as well as j twelve members of Company C who had previously returned as casuals. • Captain Kreichbaum, who weari j two wound stripes, came home with j the company although he has not yet ! been discharged. He has secured a j fifteen-day leave of absence. Woman's Club Entertains 25 Convalescent Soldiers Pa., May 9.—This afternoon the Woman's Club will en- i tertain twenty-five convalescent sol- j diers again from the United States' General Hospital, Xo. 31, Carlisle, rt j the Business Men's League House, i East Main street. There will he no i formal program, but M. Grant Moh- ' lor, first vice president, of the 1 League, will welcome the boys, | R. Byron Schroeder will lead in he ; singing of patriotic and familiar songs. A hot supper will be served and ; special guests will be the soldiers cf 1 the Old Eighth, who returned home on Wednesday evening. BANK WRECK MIPS HOME SOM) C'hanilierMliurg* Pa., May 9. The J residence of Samuel B. Shearer, who \ is now serving a six-year sentence in | the Federal prison at Atlanta, Ga„ as i a result of his connection with the ( wrecking of the Lemaster's National) Bank about three years ago, has been ! sold by a 1 eal real estate agent to , George A. Hall, of Harrisburg, who 1 has been made manager of the Cham- j bersburg Baking Company, now owned by Bernard Schmidt, of Har risburg. and who will remove his family to this place. 'May Day Festivities at Irving College May 17 Mft'hiinli'NbiirK, I*a., May 9. On ! Saturday, May 17, at 3 o'clock in the! j afternoon the annual May Day fos- 1 tlvltles will be held at Irving Col-I ■ lege, on the campus. The program j I includes: Procession; Queen of May, ! attendants and students: crowning jof the Queen and presentations; dance, Swedish Schottische, by the | Misses Bryson. Schultz, Shawky, | Harnish. Malakoff, Keller, Engle- j I hart. Young and Coulston; sketch, ; j "The Pierrot of tlte Minuet," cast, I j Mlsr Mcndt ami Miss Hunsell; danc- | ; ers. Miss Stiles, Miss Gottshall. Miss | Gottshall, Miss Cathcart, Miss Uont- j bcrgcr. Miss Losher and Miss Miller; 1 i song by tho senior class; dance. Miss I i Bowman; sketch, "Pierrot at Home;"! characters. Miss Harrow, Pierrot;! Miss Schadd, Pierrette and Miss Helt. | Old Man; May-pole Dance, with Miss, j Buckclberg at the piano and a violin! : obligato by Miss I-enhart. ! . Miss Florence Johnson Dies in West Virginia Hospital Greoncastlo, Pa., May 9.—Miss j ! Florence Johnson died yesterday I morning at the Martinsburg, \V. Va!. ! ! Hospital in the 20th year of her j age. Miss Johnson was a daughter ' of Mrs. Josephine Johnspn, and i about two months ago she accepted a position in Martinsburg. Soon after? i her arrival in that town she was | I taken ill with scarlet fever, and was ; I removed to the hospital. Her death j resulted in a complication of dis- ! : eases following the fever. Miss John- I son is survived by her mother, two j sisters and one brother. Mrs. David! Uinchart, Mrs. Alvin Pittinger and : I Harry Johnson, all of Greencastle. George F. James Dies at His Newville Home Xewtille, Pa.. May 9.—George .T. James died tit his home in Big 1 1 Spring avenue early yesterday morn- ! | ing. aged fi3 years. Mr. James was j Jin tltg confectionery business for ! many years," having come from , Harrisburg to litis place. For sev eral years lie served as justice of tlio pence, which oflicc ho held tit tho time of his dfatli. Ho is survived by his wife and one daughter. Martha : James. Funeral services will lie hold ; on Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock ' and burial will lie made in the Pres- | J byterian graveyard. I Italian Peanut Merchants' Estate Valued at $30,000 F hnnihcrMhurg, PH., May 0. —That ! the proceeds of the humble peanut j | ."land which he opened in Memorial [ j Square here about 30 years ago made | i ! John P. Rossi, who name here from i Italy, eomfortably wealthy was re- ! vealed here yesterday when his will was offered for probate in the Frank - i lin courts. The estate of Mr. Rossi, I I \\ ho was generally known in Cham- ]• | bcishurg as "Peanut Johnny," is j i valued at almost $30,000. I TI(OI,I,KV PARS COLLIDE Waynesboro, Pa., May 9. —A work! ! car and a passenger car on the j | Chambersburg, Greencastle and I Waynesboro trolley line met in a ! | headon collision at a sharp curve in : tlie mountain gorge between Pen-; i Mar and Cascade Wednesday eve [ ning, and the front of the passenger ear was demolished and the work car dented. Motorman Grant Fox, , l escaped unhurt; hut Motorman Sio vcr Fox, of the work car, was caught i in the squeeze, his hips being pain fully brui. ed. Passengers for Blue j Ridge Summit were shaken up, hut not hurt. DO I RLE WEDDING CEREMONY Waynesboro. Pa., May 9.—The Rev. | I'. J. Wade, pastor of the Lutheran i church, Frederick, Md., officiated at | I a double wedding ceremony, when i Miss l.urcnia M. Kauffman, daughter of Tax Collector D. K. Kauffman, of! j Rouzerville, and Clarence G. Bare, ! and Miss Alice Elizabeth Fisher, . | daughter of Scott Fisher, and Dewey t J. Stoner, all of Waynesboro, were , married. CONFER ON STATE ROAD Waynesboro, Pa., May 9.—Burgess 1 T. G. Rider, and a committee of ! j Greencastle Town Council, consisting ! of It. v.. Shook, George F. Bloser, A.! ! K. Fleming, Gideon Rauhauser, and , | Solicitor Charles H. Clipplnger, were j ; in Harrlsburg conferring with State • I Highway Commissioner Sadler in ; reference to the building of the State i Highway through to Carlisle to I | Washington street, and south on ! j Washington street to borough line. ! *2OO FOR f ill RCH I f liamliersburg. Pa., May 9.—By the ; i will of the late Christian Frederick, I I a former borough councilman, '/Aon ! Reformed Church here, is to receive I | $2OO. ROBERT NELSON DIRECTOR i Chambersburg, Pa., May 9. —To til! I the vacancy by the death of his fa j ther Thomas M. Nelson, the directors j of the Chambersburg Gas Company, i I have elected as a director Robert B. , j Nelson, a son of the former director. : MEMORIAL I>.\V PARADE Sltippensbnrg, Pa., May 9.-—I j Memorial Day in Shippensburg will j he celebrated as usual. A parade will be hold at 1.30. The Scotland Orphans' School Band has been se- j' cured as well as a number of boys j from the school who will drill. The , affair is In charge of C. A. Good- i hart. BOYS ARE RETURNING Shippensburg, Pa., May 9.—Boys of town have arrived home from j overseas as follows: Wendell Sher- • rick, whoso mother lives in East i King street: Joseph Bolan, a mem- I her of the Irion Division; John Mc- ! Cune and Ordway Hawk. ' EXPERIENCE IN EGYPT Newville, Pa., May 9.—This even- | ing in the lecture room of the Big ; Spring Presbyterian Church at 8 j o'clock, Mrs. William Jessop will toil j of her experience in Egypt during j the war under the auspicos of the ! Woman's Home and Foreign Mis- ' sfonary Society of this church. The ] women of the town are invited. i ODD EE I, LOWS CELEBRATE Godsboro, Pa., May B.—Goldsboro lodge. Independent Order of Odd Fellows, last Saturday night cele-i bratcd the centennial anniversary! of the Institution of the order in j America. About one hundred and I iifty persons attended. Jacob IS. Weaver, York, a prominent Odd I Fellow, was the principal speaker. | Suburban Notes * III'MMKLSTOWN I Miss Lillian Hummer, of Man ! helm, is spending the week witli | .Mr. and Mrs. Aldus Eby. ! Tho Rev. and Mrs. Herbert S. Garner spent several days at Cen- I terville, the guests of his parents, jiho Hev. and Mrs. Samuel A. Gar i nes. Mr. anil Mrs. Albert nickel, John j | Uhrich and Miss Mary llhrich, ot'j j Grantville; Park Eisenhour and i family, and the Misses llertlia and | | Alice Eshenour, or Rutherford I i Heights, spent several days with Mr. | j and Mrs. Harry Hemperly. Mrs. Charles Holsberg, of Harris- ! j burg, is visiting at the home of Mrs. I i Samuel Harts. j j Mr. and Mrs. William Fackler, of] I Allentown, and their son, Charles | .' Fackler. a member of the Twenty- . 'eighth Division, who arrived home' j yesterday, are spending several days !at the home of Mrs. Fackler's j j mother, Mrs. Creager. Howard llolsberg. who is sta- | | tinned at the Brooklyn Xavy Yard, i ' i.a spending a five-day furlough at iilie home of his mother. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hummel, of , j Reading, spent several days at the > I homo of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 1101-j ler. mercersrirg Mrs. Joseph E. Thropp, Jr.. who ] | has been spending several weeks i with Mrs. William Mann Irvine, at ! North cottage, has returned to her j \ home at Columbus, Ohio. ; Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Tine, of ; I Sylvan, were visitors here on Tues- j day. Roy C. Cromwell spent Monday ] i at Philadelphia. | Miss Mildred Witherspoon, who' has been spending some time with ! Mrs. It. H. Stache at Newark, N. J.. I has returned to her home here. Mrs, Jeanettc F. Rankin and Miss ! Margaret Rankin have gone to At- i j lattlic City, X. J.. where they will j I spend several weeks. I Mrs. Harold W. Byron, Mrs. Ida ! Winters and Miss Mary Winters i spent Tuesday at Washington, D. C. MALI FAX Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. McFadden j have returned home from an ex ! tended visit to New York City. The degree team of Charity Lodge No. S2, 1. O. O. F., will go to Mtl i lersburg Saturday evening to confer the lirst degree on a class of candl -1 dates. Mrs. Alfred Bowman and little daughter, Rosalie, are visiting Miss Ruth Bowman, tit Philadelphia. Tho Rev. l)r. S. C. Enck. of Phil adelphia. will conduct quarterly con- j feroncc in tltc Halifax Fnited Breth- \ ren Church on Saturdny evening at | 7 o'clock. Sergeant C. H. Spath. of Kansas city. Mo., and Jean Perdic. a voting ! French lad. adopted by Mr. Spath.; while on duty overseas, spent part of ; this week here with the former's j sister. Mrs. John Ryan, while on his ! way home from a training ramp. j frini which he .lust received his dis- ; charge. A carnival will be held here on ; Memorial Day to help raise funds i to defray expenses of the celebra- j tion to he held here early in Sep- | tembcr in honor of the soldier boys, i Edward Fauber has gone to De- j troit. Mich., to spend some time. Allen Tyter is visiting relatives In j lowa. GOLDSRORO W. F. Rowland has removed to j Mount Wolf, where ho has purchased j a property. Charles Koch, of Cly, has been dis- j charged from the Polyclinic Hospi- i tal, at Yorlj, where he underwent a j an operation for appendicitis. Mrs. Clarence Robinson and two I daughters, of Zion City, were re- j cent guests of Mrs. Harvey A. Fink, j A meeting in the interest of tltc Victory. Loan was held last night j at Strinestown. Addresses were de- ' livered and the motion picture, "The | Price of Peace - ' was shown. MILLKKSTOWX Commorfcemcnt exercises of the ' High school will be held in the ' Presbyterian Church this evening. j Dr. J. K. Stewart, of Shippcnsburg, will deliver the address to the grad uates. The graduates arc Eva t'ootnhes and Ruth Rltzman. Mrs. Huldah Knight, of Duncan- I Dion, visited her parents, Mr. and! Mrs. B. W. Page over Sunday. Miss Zclla Cathcart, of Irving Col- j lege, Meehanicsburg, spent Sunday! at her homo here. Harry Wagner, who has returned j from overseas, now stationed at! Camp Mills, N. Y., spent a short fur- i lough at his home here. Mr* and Mrs. H. E. Walker and! son. Max, Mr. and Mrs. William j Walker and daughter Daisy, and Mr. j and Mrs. C. C. Page, spent Sunday at Reed's Gap, Juniata county. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Fry have re ceived word of tho arrival of their l son, Emory Fry from overseas, and | i who is now stationed at Camp Mills. IN. Y. Mrs. Charles Lahr, of Newport, I was a recent visitor here. Mr. and Mrs, Weber, of Mechan-| icsburg. visited their daughter. Mrs. t C. F. Berkheimer, tit the Methodist! parsonage, on Sunday. MKRCKRSBFRG Private Aaron Metcalfe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Metcalfe, who was a member of Company C, 112 th | Regiment, 28th Division, has re- , turned to the home of his parents j here. Omar Smith, who has been teach- I ing in the high school at Kayserville, i has entered Shippcnsburg State Nor- j mal school for a three months' 1 course. Ira Ricker, of Chicago, is visiting his father, J. 11. Rickor, on Route 3. I Private Walter Gordon, who was' stationed at the government depot j near New Cumberland, has received! a discharge and lias returned home. ! WILL PARTICIPATE IN' PARADE I Shipponslmrg, Pa.. May 9. —Ship- j pensburg will participate in the j peace celebration which will be held in Carlisle on July 2, 8 and 4. One sigh of a !jj good mother ij is plenty of S POST I TOAST lES [ 'Big Time at Lewistown When Company M Arrived l.owisUmn, Pa., May 9.—l.cwls town turned out in great shape on Thursday morning between the hours of 1 and 2 a. m. when tho train bearing Company iM, of the 112 th i regiment, pulled inio l.cwistown j Junction, bands and tlte Ixtwistown j drum corps playing, auto tire trucks : and autos by the hundred and peo ple by the thousands were there to j meet the boys. The eighteen soldiers | had been discharged from service int Camp Dix on Wednesday and their one desire was to get buck to ! to tlieir homes. I The men were: Lieut. William |Shut/.er, Corporal George V. Clttm. j Corporal Harry K. Kitkley, Corporal | Harry Xcrhood, Corporal James \V. ! Dalby, Albert Shcwaltor, Samuel :U. Bulilt, Bonnie Fickette, Daniel jllttnnon, Raymond Depew, George j Carpenter. Clarence Meyer. Miles ! Myers. Jatncs L. Kramer, Arthur Gill, Cloyd L. Mayes, Thompson j Shim p. R. B. ShefTer. ! FRI'IT IN'JIRKD BY I'ROST Waynesboro, Pa., May 9.—Rc i ports front fruit growers about, i Lnntz, Md„ in tlie Blue Ridge fruit | licit, cast of this city, are to tho | effect that tho recent cold snap and frosts badly injured tlte cherries j and peaches and those crops will jbe largely a failure. But the apple i crop will l>e tt bumper one. The ! apples had not put forth their bloom when the freeze came, but the cher ! ties and peaches were in full bloom j and could not stand twenty-cight j degree temperature. Tlilii; FALLS OX 'LFM HERMAN New Itlnomllchl, Pa.. May 9. ! Charles 1.. Swart* was seriously injured ■on Monday at the lumber camp of Charles L. Darlington. Centre township. . He was assisting in cutting trees, when I one. being felled, jumped the stump and fell on him. fracturing his left shoulder blade and bruising him severely. Two other companies nearby escaped prac tically uninjured. Arthur Crull has a cut In his leg. SIMM IK CIIAITMQi \ Mount Wolf, Pa., May 9.—A mass meeting of residents of Mount Wolf, Manchester and York Haven, was" held on Tuesday evening itt lite K. G. !•.. hall, for the purpose of or ganizing for the Chautauqua to he he'd here the week of June 23. Miss Font Donahue, of Nebrnskn, agent for the Chautauqua, will out lino the work. : ssi : iii!siiiisin ssM& ,t * amiaii 28-30-32 North Third Street Important Specials for Saturday featuring SchleisnerMerchandise at radical reductions to adjust stocks !) I| ~ ~ V-0~.*=.-.=XsXSBK = | jjHXBXBSaXBXHXBXBMXBXa'j I x Suits for Stout Women ' I Women's & Misses' Suits !•! : T . Jn Serges and 1 ricotines—Black and Navy. These arc regular sizes. j x X Tatucs Up to $47.50 Values Up to $37.30 . B Values to $33.00 Values to $67.30 ••• K I Choice Choice jj Choice ° 1 l = ... S v =.. = .. XX _i | Silk Hosiery ... I Afternoon and Street I * Gilets Reduced | Special y>v Si 1 k materials, y \ Fiber silk hosiery JLyFOSSOS some are washable. I BlackWnd q whlt y e \ * Values to $32.50 Values to $12.50 I * **■*> to $lO | only. .. .. iiij .; Sale Prices | 69c a pair ■ | Choice Choice jj | $1.75 to $6 j .. •• .. .. .. .. .. • .. .. ™ "• •* " •* *• * # *' *" *• f t> ; ; Hats That Sold up to $11.50 1 1 Silk Faille Skirts, ™ lues 10 25 :: | | Choice $4-85 | | Choice I - ... Black and desirable colors in trimmed and |l|j Navy and black, pleated yoke models, all | r'i ||jj sailor models. | silk faille. | '. Envelope | | Georgette Blouses, $4.95 Satin | ■ Chemise j :i i | Hand embroidered, sunset and bisque only, i i | Camisoles II! P lat $1 .95 I i Pongee Shirts at $1.95 j g -i 59 | p i | • hr sport wear. | | -L j | I Made of fine nain- | x Voile BIoUSCS Saturday, $l.OO 1 jj Washable, plain | f I sook, back and front hi Values tQ $2 5Q White voile< plain tailored x g and lace trimmed, v £ || trimmed. j or lace trimmed. Slightly soiled. |i|| || Values to $2.50. IMi .. ....iiMlf hj ! MEMORIAL I.\Y PLANS . New jMootllticld, Pa.. May 9.—At i a recent meeting of the Ministerium ar- ! I rungcmcnts were made to hold the mo- ] ! mortal services in the Methodist Kpis- ] I copal Church. The Rev. Hoy Cuddy j j will preach the sermon to tho veterans : i of the Grand Army of the Republic, the ! \ World's War veterans and the other pa-*; ! trlotic organizations on Sunday morn- | i j ing, May 25, at 10.30 o'clock. The j i i Junior Order of Mechanics, tho Inde ; pendent Order of Odd Fellows, tho Or- j tier of Maccabees and the Daughters of : 11 Liberty are invited to join in the serv- ! lj DINXFK ON" BIRTHDAY > ■ (ioltlshoro, Pa . May 9.—A dinner ! was served recently at tlte home, of i i Mr. and Mrs. Cly Shelley, in honor • lot' Mr. Shelley's birthday anniver l j sary. Those present were: Mr. and . | Mrs. K. C. Stnmpf and daughters, I | Lois and Marguerite, and son. I Eugene Stuntpf. of York; Mr. and : Mrs.'Otto C. Shelley, of Manchester: ?; Guy E. Shelley, of l-larrisbiirg; • ' Novin, Claude and Wilhelmina Shcl i ; ley and Cly A. Shelley, of Cly, antl I Miss Viola E. I .audit', of York. | SEWING CIRCLE ENTERTAINED | York llaven. Pa., May 9.—The i R. F. O. M. Sewing Circle was en tertained on Tuesday evening at the ' I home of Mrs. Samuel Hummer. Tho hostess served refreshments. Those 1 present were: Misses Emma Swan, Miriam Hoffman, Mary Weaver, ' ! Myrtle Weaver, Mary Jennings and 1 | Mrs. S. A. Hummer. iHow io Clean Up Your 1 System This Spring f Wo Recommend Dr. Fnrtfr'n K *. II Tea—Oll EiiMliloncd ihml Purely \ but Dors She Work .liiKt Hie Same. r | For a few rents any economical > Mother can pet a package of l>r. Car . tt ?•':• k& B Tea and with it can j gently, hut surely give the little 1 children's bowels a thorough clean ing and at the same time they will ■ be taking a spring tonic unexcelled, i A cup of Dr. Carter's K& B Tea be ,; fore going to bed will work won • dors for anyone—especially in the ' spring. i J Drink It for constipation, .upset 'Stomach, sluggish liver, sick head _ j ache and that weary hate-10-get-up- I in-the-morningr feeling—you'll like it I —the children will enjoy it. Be sure • iyou get D r.Carter's K. & B. Tea ( PARTY FOR MRS. WOLF . j Goldsboi'o, Pa., May 9.—A birlh-J j day party was held at the home ol'| ( | llr. and Mrs. Carter Wolf, recently | in honor of tiie latter's birthday an-| | nlvcrsury. Those present were: Mr. i 1 land Mrs. Carter Wolf, Harry Wolf,!' 'I Xevin Wolf, George S. Wolf, Harry j Roller, Harry Witmer, Clyde Fet j row, Mrs. Lucy Hi.bner, Misses Mary Hoover, Mlnnicr Gross, Jvn and j Hilda Bruuw, Gertrude Troup, Dora j Anderson, Verna Roller, Fred Rob j erts, John Danner, Charles Fctrow, Earl 81 rough, Samuel Hoover and ! Theodore Shelley. I R. T. A. Chi li ENTERTAINED Blatn, Pa„ May 9. —The R, T. A. •|Cliil> was entertained on Tuesday j evening by Miss Myrtle Weivtz at her home in this place. Games were i played and refreshments served to: | Miss Grace Stambaugh, Miss Golda ! Dinim, Miss Myrtle Wentz, Mrs. Ila- | ze! G. Stine, Mrs. S. M. Woods, Mrs. It.ilp K. Ilenrh, Mrs. David If. Sny der and baby, Erma Jeanette Snyder, ]of Blain; Mrs. William H. Stine, jof Harrisburg, and Miss Anna It. j Trostle, of Washington, D. C. ilVSag Rhis' Beautifies and Clears the Complexion When your stomach is not noting; ; right, unsightly blotches appear on tiie skin. Too much aetd eidle. ts in tho system, causing indigestion i and all kinds of stomacli and bowel | misery. Mag Rhn not only helps! 'digest and assimilate your food,! ' but also produces a good clear com -1 i)lexion, bright eyes, rosy checks ! ; and red lips. Mag Rhu contains no harmful ; drugs, no alcohol. Prompt results in cases of long! ! standing, when doctors and patent ! medicines fail. One box will con- j 1 j vince you of its merits. Dollar ro- j . : funded if after a thorough trial ac- 1 1 cording to directions you do not get • | results. ! ! Sold By Croll Keller, the drug-1 , gist, 405 Market street, and by all ' I other druggists. If your druggist; ' cannot supply you write direct to j • ; Mag Rhu Company, and a box of I Mag Rhu will be sent postpaid upon , , ! receipt of $l.OO. Address Mag Rhu ! Company, 207-208 Fitzsimmons | Building, Pittsburgh, Pa. State if ■ j you want Tablets or Powdered j M form. I FARMERS TO MEI T lllain. Pa., May n. Tho Blain Farmers' Association will meet in tho town hall on Tuesday evening, May 13, at s o'clock. H. O. Niesley, Dauphin county farm agent, will speak on the subject of "Tho Value of Spraying Potatoes." lowHs . NERVOUS WOMAN GOT WELL I Told by Herself. Her Smcerfty Should Convince Others. I Christopher, 111. —"For four years j T suffered from irregularities, weak —' || . j■, | ness, nervousness. Mnujiimil and was in a run- Uff?" down condition. | Two of our best i® doctors failed to -m •fSiWI. l!o mc any Bood -1 nW * 1 heard so much \ I about what Lydia [ vS&PSM K. Pinkham's jit Vegetable Com r' : pound had done r M 'or others, I tried ) m and was cured. |r' I am no longer nervous, am reg ■il"~. and in ex ; ccllent health. 1 believe tho Com ' pound will cure any female trouble." !—Mrs. ALICE HELLER, Christo pher, 111. i Nervousness is often a symptom of weakness or some functional I derangement, which may be over j come by this famous root and herb ! remedy. Lydia K. Pinkham's Yege | table Compound, as thousands of women have found by experience. If complications exist, write Lydia I E. Pinkliain Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for suggestions in regard to | your ailment. The result of its long j experience is at your service. •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers