BOXING FANS "SORE" AT TWELVE ROUNDS FOR BIG FIGHT; CITY NEEDS SWIMMING POOL Hurry Up That Bathing Beach, Mr. Mayor, So Mermaids Like This May Thrive c All Harrisburg will go swimming if the City Council backs up Mayor Keister in his most commendable at titude for the $40,000 bond to tinance an up-to-date bathing place at Hard scrabble. It is a crying shame that this city long ago did not go In for the most wholesome of all summer sports. Not a village in America with water facilities but is producing tampions, of both sexes, and it is pointed out that water exercise is by all odds the best for girls and wo men. Swimming has the marked ad vantage that it keeps the blood at normal temperature in hot weather while all other hardy exercise heats it uncomfortably. For all around de velopment of the body no sport on earth is better, as one will realize in studying a group of aquatic experts. Swimming means real health to women and girls, and Harrisburg even now, with its measly accommo dations has many likely champions, gleaned from the young maids who have taken advantage of McCormick's Island. This move to give our citi zens a healthy, adequate swimming pool at a convenient location spells health, happiness and harmony; to say nothing of exhilaratian and re moving Friend Grouch. The Telegraph reproduces to-day as an example of what swimming does Miss Ethelda Bleibtrey, of the New York Women's S. A., the young school girl who won the national 500 yard A. A. U. swimming champion ship last week in the winter pool at Brighton Beach, is America's latest aquatic marvel. Sixteen years old, and a green no vice less than one year ago, she stands to-day a title holder, a world's recordist and probably our most : brilliant prospect in the field of water ; sport for women. Since she sprang her first surprise i on April 5, when she set an official world's standard of 3S 4-3 for 53 yard back stroke swimming in a regulation 75 foot pool, she Jias performed feats ! which stamp her ono of the greatest ! young mermaids ever developed. Two, In particular, give an idea of | her wonderful possibilities. On April j 18 In Pittsburgh, competing In the ! national 150 yard back stroke cham- • plonshtp, she swum within Indies of Miss Huth Smith of Columbus, the j tep^iiH'iiiHif-iyiinriiiHoriininiifiig' mill' first 1 H JL thought of •; e= a breakfast ~ , r-:: I-ii ee which will he 3 H thoroughly en- pi pi joyed leads one i ee directly to Day- p p enport's. Do yon p p know that we p p serve coffee with p p cream? Do von :p p know that qual* • - pity comes first p §| with us? ,We p I serve the finest p blended coffee, 5c A Cup ( ftn/mfctth 325 Market St. i- — -■ Architects of | j p is | KEYSTONE BOYS 1 WE BID YOU . 1 I ' ffi I A HEARTY WELCOME I and hope you will be as successful in your future civilian undertakings as you were in stopping the jf Hun and saving civilization. THE WONDER STORE | 211 MARKET STREET | WEDNESDAY EVENING. HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH MAY 7, 1919. r! frSM? n irtISS_ETHELDA BLEIBTREY. winner, who beat the best world's I time and herself flnisaed under the i old mark. The following day. after a sleepless night on the train, for she was unable to secure Pullman ac- I commodations, she won the 500 yard national free style title at Brighton ! and covered the course In 7.40 4-5, which leaves hardly a doubt she would have lowered the internation al Indoor record of 7.31 2-5 hod she not been exhausted from the strenu ous trip from Pittsburgh. These achievements with others aI —MBafIBPUBkJIM Coal Goes up July 1 The first advance in the; price of coal comes July 1, i when an increase of 30c | goes into effect, This date gives the house* holders the advantage of filling their bins during May j and June at the present prices, Kelley is prepared to fill all orders with the best grades of anthracite mined. Fill your bins now —delay j will prove expensive in that iyou will have to pay more and possibly not have the , choice of such fine fuel as is ! available now, I H. M. Kelley & Co J No. 1 N. 3rd 10th & State Sts. j [JBUIBiJILI'jI'IBSSa SNOODLES By Hungferord ' I • ] I V^? t b a p J _ { YVJRR.Y / \uea/ w\YS" ] - o**. c. Players Who Are Playing Brooklyn's Outfield Positions in Fine Style ZACK WHEAT LePi try Pield. ** TOM GRIFFITH Riqhf Piold j most n; good tvt free stylo springing. | denote on tho part of Miss Blelbtrey I nil nrouml ability never attained by j a fair contestant of 10 or a more ma [ ture one In the same 'entrth of time. They predict for her even greater success during the approaching out door season, when the national cham pionship at longer distances come up fer decision. She has been made to practise chiefly over 800 to 1,000 | yard stretches, so that she has de veloped exceptional endurance. Miss ItleUdrey's stroke has caused a good deal of favorable comment. She uses the double trudgeon crawl, with a six heat leg drive and a slow, powerful arm action, planing notice ably and gliding smoothly through the water apparently without the least effort, A remarkable and rather unusual feature of her swimming Is that she keeps her form even when tired, She | may be played out at the en t of a hard raee, but she never shows it, : Her stroke invariably remains clean j and correct to tho very last, Miss Bleibtrey'a sudden rise to j fame is particularly gratifying be | cause of the plan on foot to send a I team of .American mermaids to the I Qlympio water carnival nxt >'6ar. At tho sensational rate she is improv ing jt seems a foregone conclusion phe will bo among tho loading can didates when the time comes to se lect a representation, Central Iron and Steel League Opens Saturday Baseball machinery will begin to hum at the Central Iron and Steel Company's big plant on next Satur day, and tiie ballplayers look forward to a record season. The management expects t" have a perfected schedule out by Friday, and to-day the roster of players is announced as follows; General Office and Shops—Hall, Perry, Hippensteel, Koenta, Wright stone, Black, Stauffer, Myer, Moore, Orissmger, Filby. Crider, Bixler, Milligan, Drink water, Barber-, D'inta man, Sheesley Hare. Kaston, Kile and B. H. Shesley, manager. Mill No. 11 —Shearer, Peters. O. Swarts, a, (swarw, Ehling, Cflbis't, tVnlfa, Smith, tost, J. Shearer and Bcamer., manager. Open Hearth —Shade. Williams, fcs sig; McQuard, Bnney, Bobbs. Ciiollovv, Bafne, Falk, I.ongtield, Gable and Huberts, manager. Mill Sq X—Lippert. Batnford, Saw yer, Williams, Seidle, Brown, Winn, Swdrta and Garner, nianager. Boxing Fans Are Listless Over a Twelve-Round Fi^ht New York. May 7.—The Wlllard-1 Dempsey heavyweight championship bout scheduled for July <4 at Toledo; wua the one toplo of discussion i among eastern tight followers during the last St hours. Those who take more than a pass- • tng interest in ring affairs tlnd it ; dittloult to reconcile the idea of a' heavyweight championship battle j with this lBround contest, and the ! glamor which surrounded the vir- | tual tights to a finish in which Sul- j livan, Oorbett. Fitzslnimona, Jeffries j and even Johnson defended their | titles, appears to be lacking, It is 1 also a decided ring novelty for a j heavyweight champion to agree to place his title in jeopardy by a ref eree's decision over sucn a short cut, With the exception of the ten reund no-.decision bout between Wil lard and Prank Moran In this city three years ajfo, which few ring ex perts took serieusly from a title pass | ing angle, there is no record of such a short scheduled battle in the mod ern history of heavyweight lighting. Since the days of John I- Sulli van, championship contests in this class have ranged from 20 rounds upward, The Sullivan-Corbett bout was scheduled for 25 rounds, A simitar distance was set for the Corbett-Pttasimmons battle at Car son City, Jeffries wen the title front Fitasimniens at Coney Island in a tight which was scheduled to go 25 rounds. The Johnson-Jeffries and Wil lard-Johnson bouts provided for an extreme limit of more than forty rounds, The average for the heavyweight .tttuiua fought since the night | , opped Sullivan in New OriCd.... . i 92 has been 13 2-3 rounds per- fight, Willard holds the j duration record, for ,t took htm i 25 rounds fo finish off Johnson in ! Havana in 1915, Of these 17 bouts only four ended in less than double figure rounds, and nine went more than 13 rounds before tho winnerj ! landed tho knock-out blow. CHl'Hf-HTOWN' WANTS 6AMKS The Chur-chtown A C, have organ- j tzed for the coming season and are in the field for games with ail fast i teams in Harrlsburg and vicinity. I Games are fo be played at home and away, would like to hear from such teams as Hershey, llighspire. Hose wood. Rutherford. Y. M. C. A,, Hum melstown, fit. Mary's. Goldsboro and Other fast teams. All communica tions should bo addressed to H. G. Gross, Allen, Pa. Schiff's Manager Pays His Respects to Boob Referee Sporting Editor, Dear Sir, I am writing you in | reference ta the Sammy Schiff j and Willie Hannop fight at tho [ National Club on Saturday night. ! This affair was the most out rageous thing that over came off in a Philadelphia prize ring. The referee stopped tho but claiming that Schiff was holding to prove I that he must have had another motive in stopping the bout, fhe | crowd booted and hissed him re- j fusing fo lot hint referee any J more bouts that night. There | was not one among the 8,000 I present knew why the fight was j stopped. It was a great injustice j to Schiff as he was winning all ; the way- This referee has mined | himself in Philadelphia and it docs not look like he will referee i another bout here. Schiff is a j game boy and has made a num- | ber of sensational fights here. To prove that he was done a rank injustice, 1 have him matched back again with the same boy in two weeks. This is enough proof to show you that the Philadel phia boy, like Schiff, will not tolerate such treatment I have Schiffs' Interest at heart and will not stand for him to get the worst of it in Philadelphia or eis ■ where. ROBERT H. GUNXIS, Manager of Sammy Schiff. 0 - - - - Body Floating in River Identified as Michigan Man The body of the man found float-. : ing in the Susquehanna river neat ! Washington street yesterday morn- ! ; ing, was identified last evening as I 1 that of W, H, Harrington, 211 East ! I (Voss street, Ypsilanti, Mich, He i j had been missing sinoe April 13,! when he was registered at a local ; | hotel. I j|jj| CIGARETTES win smokers from mildness with that all-there " body." £ Camels meet your fondest cigarette fancies in I W 1 so man y ways. Their flavor is unusual and • §/>! refreshing; and, they permit you to smoke as long as you will without any unpleasant ciga- M ' retty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor. I fp** You'll find Camels good all the way through. D J ' It: is a fact y° u 'H prefer Camels expert blend H 1^ f H of choice Turkish and choice Domestic to- II baccos to either kind of tobacco smoked B | -- "- —J - W A straight. And, Camels may be smoked liber- I 1 pi ally without tiring your taste. /&II I To know Camels best compare them in every nwl I P° ss^^e test any cigarette in the world H l I tffl mold mrerywhr'rm In mcientificmljy I/ */ rnKrf,J*: — dfff —ll 1 B memled peckmges of 30 cigmrettem orten pmckmgee I j-SftfiJ /%i a-~ ~IL f.i {3OO cigmrettmm) in m glmmmine-pmper-corered U I —~ r T~ t */LWW r.fS 7' gcv 1) J carton. Wa strongly recommend this carton /"or I . y ■ —T"jr ygm W /Ac home or office supply or when you trevoL fll 18 cents a package R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. B West End Juniors 1 Replace the Leaves I.KA(U K STANDING IV. I„ PC. i Swatara 3 1 .750 ! Ilast End 2 X .06'! < Algonquins 2 2 .500 ! West End, Jrs 0- 2 .000 j ; The game between Swatnra r.nd j East End was canceled last evening i until a later date, on account of the city employes working on tho din- j mond to get it In playing condition j as soon as possible, Wednesday evening's game will probably be played nt Twenty-flrst and Greenwood streets, unless other arrangements are made as tho city employes figure on working on the diamond all this week and probably all of next. The West End Juniors will take tho place of the defunct Leaves team this evening, and see how they can make out with Swatara. Come and See the New Reading Standard The World's Master Motorcycle Now on display tn our storeroom. Sold for cash or on terms — Immediate deliveries, Bicycle end Motorcycle Supplies ami Repairs eiVK US A TRIAL Harrisburg Motorcycle Exchange 1227 N, Sixth St, Oiien Evenings Abolition of Cigarets Urged by Speaker "Down with cigarcts," was the | slogan urged by W. D. Reel, of the ! Pennsylvania State Sabbath School j Association in an address before tho i closing district institute of tho Dau- ■ phin County Sabbath School Asso- | elation in St. John's Reformed [ Church Inst evening. Other speak ers included Colonel Henry C. Dem- j mi rig. The annual convention of tho i county association will be lield in | the Stevens Memorial Methodist Church, June 12 and 13. I % Welcome 1 vA • lr> | -Home- I % Bo y s i You surely are as icelcome Y a as the flowers in May % HERE'S TO YOUR FUTURE SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS. f' . The Hub t ' 320 Miirket St ' \ r Star Carpet Cleaning Works l> Clean Your Carpets Now General Upholstering Awning Making EXPERT WORK GUARANTEED Give Us a Trial Joseph Coplinky ElcTcnth and Walnut Streets UAltltlSßUltU, PA. Bell 3DB-K Dial SSSI 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers