14 WEDNESDAY EVENING, HABMSBURG TEIEGRXPH! MAY 7, 1919. ill 'I 1 :1 j Alvin L. Beistline John Losh Capt. Harry A. Souders / j§ % iilllli William F. Dwyev Frederick 0. Lyter Lieui. Albert H. Stackpole ST* ;// m I'mlrWalter Eby Clifford Morton Capt. Edw. J. Stackpole, Jr. ==3 jl Paul D. Fettrow William E. Mower Lieut. John C. Swank H B, - Frank F. Mailman Paul Nace Lieut. Charles W. Thomas l'll A Isaac 0. Heckert Arthur Earl Owen Ceo. Herbert Walter I ll'il/lL L.G.tiertzler Frank Redeker Joseph D. Weber "^%=^ J l/rmWx Frank L. Hessenberger Sergt. Wilfred J. Reiliy Sergt. Bion C. Welker ' j^ m " e Nelson Round si ey Purcel Wightmon | MPJP 'r& jHj> We know you will join with us in our hopes that the day may not be far w&f- J i WMJ distant when your comrades still in the service will be with us again. It is CV'ScJ J^ us^tan^a, we s h° u ld welcome who have had such a large part in aveng- h 0
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers