Harrisburg telegraph. (Harrisburg, Pa.) 1879-1948, May 06, 1919, Page 11, Image 11

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Retired Dentist, Well Known J
in Harrisburg, Passes Away
at Elizabethville
Ellsabeihvllle, May 6.—Wilson E.
Naylor, aged 77, died here to-day af
ter a long illness. He was a retired
dentist, veteran of the Civil War and
a member of an old Pennsylvania
Mr. Naylor resided In Harrisburg,
for several years and was well known
there as well as In Camp Hill where
two of his sons, Galen I* and Edward
G.. reside. He is survived also by
his wife and two sons, Joseph W„
of Harrisburg, and John R., of Ak
ron, Ohio.
He was born in Mt. Rock, Cumber-
Imtd county, June 6, 1841, and the
funeral will be held Thursday, May
S. at 1.30 o'clock with burial at Ben
dersville, in the family plot, where
ten years ago in anticipation of his
death Mr. Naylor had a monument
to mark his grave erected. Mr. Nay
lor had a long war record, having
enlisted in Company K, First Penn
sylvania Reservcy Infantry, otherwise
known as the Thirtieth Pennsylvania
Volunteers, served for three years
and then re-enlisted in Company A,
One Hundred and Ninetieth Veteran
Rifles, in which he served a year and
fifteen days. He was twice wounded
and left for dgad on the battlefield
at Gettysburg, where he was found
by the father of the late Mayor Meals
of Harrisburg, who recognized him
and carried him to his home on
horseback, where he was nursed
back to health. Mr. Xaylor's grand
father was the founder of Benders
ville, and the family is well known
throughout the Cumberland Valley.
Louis Dellone was re-elected presi
dent of the Lykens Valley Railway
Company at the annual meeting held
yesterday. Dr. John Oenslager was
re-elected secretary-treasurer. The
meeting was held at the office of Dr.
Oenslager, 731 North Third street.
If He Smokes
Give Him Nicotol
Powders Secretly
Any mother, wife or sister can stop
the tobacco habit if she wants to do
so. Thousands of women are happy
to-day because they gave their hus
bands, sons or brothers Nicotol pow
ders. thus saving the money waste
fullv spent for tobacco and benefiting
the health of the loved ones they res
cued. Nicot/il powders are odorless,
tasteless and harmless and can be
given in either liquid or solid food.
You take no risk, as Nicotol powders
are sold under a steel-bound money
refund guarantee by the Clark and
the Kennedy stores and other drug
Your urgent need for something,
right away, to clear unsightly skin, to
heal broken-out places, to remove
pimples and blemishes, is splendidly
mat in Poslam which drives away
the very troubles you are anxious to
be rid of quickly. Soothes angry
skin. stops itching aggravation.
Saves time, money, temper, em
barrassment. It is safe, easy to use
and so little does so much —because
it is highly concentrated.
Sold everywhere. For free sample
write to Emergency Laboratories, 543
West 47th St., New York City.
Poslam Soap is a daily treat to
tender skin or skin subject to erup
i.ionai troubles.
T Jse "Tiz" for Tender, Puffed
up. Burning, Calloused
Feet and Corns.
-"TIZ' nuke*
People who are forced to stand on
their feet all day know what sore, 1
tender, sweaty, burning feet mean!
They use "Tiz," and "Tiz" cures
their feet right up. It keeps feet in
perfect condition. "Tiz" is the only
remedy in the world that draws out
all the poisonous exudations, which
puff up the feet and cause tender,
sore, tired, aching feet. It instantly
stops the pain in corns, callouses
and bunions. It's simply glorious.
All! how comfortable your feet
feel after using "Ti." You'll never
limp or draw up your face in pain,
lour shoes won't tighten and hurt
your feet.
Get a 26-cent box of "Tiz" now
from any druggist. Just think! a
whole year's foot comfort for only
25 cents.
Many people have become despond
ent because they have been led to be
lieve that there is no remedy that
Will reduce swollen veins and
It you will get a two-ounce origi
nal bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil
(full strength) at any first class drug
• tore and apply it at home as direct
ed you will quickly notice an im
provement which will continue until
the veins and bunches are reduced to
Moone's Emerald Oil is very con
centrated and a bottle lasts a long
time—that's why It Is a most Inex
pensive treatment. It has brought
much comfort to worried people nil
pver the country, and ia one of the
wonderful discoveries of recent years
tnd alwavs bear In mlnil that anyone
who is disappointed with Its use can
kave their money refunded. Your
Jruggist can supply you.
TUESDAY EVENING, habhibburg TELEGRAPH \ MAY 6, 1919.
Adjutant General Will Issue
Nfiw One For the Members
of Reserve Militia
nounced that he
I would immediate-
I dor for the rifle
rsjnOCJSQW practice of the
i I JfwWSltMliW Reserve Militia
1 - ®ilu pUjOUL 01 Pennsylvania,
I fiajEiJbecause of the ac-
tion of the War
Department i n
I sending 3,500 Springfiel<J rifles to
this State.
The rifle practice season started
on Thursday, but owing to the new
rifles, the Adjutant General will di
rect that new rules bo laid down at
The Adjutant General said that the
new rifles would be issued as soon
as possible.
Bills Ajjproved—Governor Sproul
last night announced that he had
signed the Vare Senate bill to carry
into effect the constitutional provi
sion for calculating the borrowing
capacity of Philadelphia. He also
signed the resolution providing for
a committee of three Senators and
five Representatives to make an in
vestigation of the public school sys
tem of the State. As the appropria
tion provided is only $2,000, it will
not go very far in opinion of peoplo
at the Capitol. This resolution was
presented in the Senate on March 17.
Order on Cars—The Public Ser
vice Commission last night issued an
order that all automobiles on ferry
boats on the Delaware river should
have blocks at their wheels and that
chains strong enough to hold them
should be placed on the gates. This
is the result of the inquiry into the
accident in which a car went off a
boat about ten days ago and several
people were drowned.
Two Capital Cases—Two first de
gree murder cases have been filed
with the State Board of Pardons for
commutation of death sentences. The
cases are those of Loomis, of North
ampton, and Gibson, of Allegheny.
The Board is to meet on May 21.
Now Associations—More building
and loan associations have been char
tered by the State government in the
last four months than known in
any similar period. The aggregate
capital of the associations chartered
since the first of the year, will run
over $25,000,000. Some of those in
corporated recently have authorized
capital of $3,000,000 and a number
of increases of capital to $5,000,-
000 have been filed.
After Jitneys—More complaints
against illegal operation of jitneys
have been filed with the Public Ser
vice Commission than in regard to
anything else in the last fortnight.
They have been filed not only by
trolley companies, but by municipal
authorities and by men operating
jitneys which have certificates from
the State.
A Midnight Veto—A veto of the
House bill "to prevent unfair com
petition and unfair trade practices"
was sent to the House just before it
adjourned at midnight, the Governor
saying that its provisions are "vague,
loose and indefinite." The Governor
goes into detail as to objections to
the bill as carelessly drawn and says
that there is now an adequate reme
dy for the appropriation of trade
names, marks and brands and that
it requires no statutory enactment to
give effect to these remedies. He
also says that the proposed act has
no penalty attached to it.
Bond Issue Plans—Tn a communi
cation to the Senate issued last even
ing. Governor Sproul outlined his
plan for the issuance of bonds which
will take place under the "Good
Roads" bill, which carries a $50,000,-
000 appropriation to be raised by
bond sales. Twelve million dollars
worth of the bonds will be issued on
the first of July, and the same date,
one year hence, will see eighteen
million more forthcoming. The bonds
will bear interest at a rate of 4%
per cent per annum, and will be pay
able in not less than 30 years from
American Ret* Cross
Is Active in Albania;
to Open Tirano Hospital
By Associated Press.
Durazzo. Albania, May 6. —The
American Red Cross mission to Al
bania, in charge of Major Robert
C. Denison, of New Haven, Conn.,
and comprising fifty members, is at
work here.
The mission has with it a large
quantity of food, clothing and med
ical supplies which it is distributing
to the poor from bases established
at Scutari, Tirano and Durazzo. A
hospital will be opened at Tirano to
take care of the destitute sick of
the country-
Policemen Clash With
Berlin Salesmen; One Dead
By Associated Press.
Berlin, May 6.—Police officers and
salesmen who were engaged in
vending stolen goods clashed yes
terday, four policemen being
wounded and one civilian killed.
The fight resulted from a raid on
the salesmen, and as the police ad
vanced a crowd opened fire on them
with revolvers. A company of sol
diers was sent to the aid of the po
lice who captured nine salesmen
who had in their possession a thou
sand illegal food cards and a large
amount of stolen property. Mobs
which attempted to rescue the pris
oners were driven off.
('oburn, Pa., May 6.—A score of
members of the Pennsylvania Alpine
Club, arrived in Coburn last night,
ready for a climb of the Red Top
mountain here, which was made to
day. The members held a get-to
gether meeting in Coburn last night.
Col. H. W. Shoemaker, president was
the presiding officer and J. Herbert
Walker, of Lewisburg, was secretary.
The climb was made to-day when
a paper was read and a flag was un
furled on the top of the famous old
Hazleton, Pa., May 6,—A bumble
bee caused an automobile wreck tn
which the machine of J. L, Lom
bardo, of this city, was shattered
on the Broad Mountain road, whllo
Lombardo and family were bound
for Allentown. Tho bee stung Mrs,
Iximbardo, and her screams excited
the entire party, the chauffeur los
ing control, and tho car dashing
into a pole. Lombnrdo's hip was
sprained, but tho other occupants
escaped with slight bruises.
Country Club's Golf
Schedule of Events
The reconstruction of the Harris
burg Country Club building has made
a shift in the program for the sea
son's splendid schedule of events,
and the opening one which was set
for April 10, will be played later.
This match was a two-team match,
Captains Ross Hickok, Harry B.
Bent, losers, to buy dinner. Another,
the full handicap tournament, set
for May 3, will also be arranged for
a later date.
May 10, however, will stage the
event, set for that date, Harrisburg
Club, Walter Maguire, captain, vs.
Engineers' Club, Warren Baldwin,
captain; losing club buys winning
club's dinner. And on May 24 will
take place the match play with Wil
liamsport Country Club. Other fea
tures of the season which is expected
to be the busiest in the club's his
tory, will take place, as follows, but
not, perhaps, on the dates men
May 17, gentlemen two-ball four
some. Pick your partner, (medal
play), full handicap, entrance fee,
prizes. Low medal score.
May 30, Tombstone tournament,
full handicap, entrance fee, prizes.
May 31, Mixed foursome, ladies
and gentlemen, full handicap, medal
and match play, entrance fee, prizes
for low medal score.
June 7, Team match tournament
with Lancaster Country Club at Lan
caster. Ladles' tournament, medal
play, full handicap. Prizes Frank
Whitman's ladies' cup.
June 14, Kickers tournament, blind
handicap, entrance fee, prizes.
June 21, Team match play, York
Country Club, at Harrisburg.
June 28, Vice-president's cup, full
handicap, medal play.
July 4, Married men, Fred B.
Harry, captain, vs. Single men, Wil
liam McCreath, captain.
July 5, Team match play, Altoona
Country Club, at Harrisburg.
July 12, Team match play with
Williamsport Country Club, at Wil
July 19, Team match play, Colonial
Country Club, at Colonial.
July 2G, Harrisburg Club, Walter
Maguire, captain, vs. Engineers'
Club, Warren Baldwin, captain, los
ing team buys winning team's dinner.
August 2. Team match play. Co
lonial Country Club, at Harrisburg.
August 9, Team match play, Al
toona Country Club, at Altoona.
August 16, Scotch foursome, en
trance fee. prizes.
August 22, March play against par,
full handicap, entrance fee, prizes.
August 30, Single club match, han
dicap, entrance fee, prizes.
September 1, Labor Day handicap,
prizes, Frank Whitman's men cup.
September 6, Team match play,
Lancaster Country Club at Harris
September 13. Team match play
York Country Club, at York.
September 20, President's cub,
club championship qualifying rounds,
medal play.
September 27, President's cub,
club championship match play, Ist
October 4, President's cup, club
championship, second round, winning
I want "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" with the
"Bayer Cross "—Genuine! —Safe!
"You can't hand me any substitute for the true, genuine
'Bayer Tablet* of Aspirin' —proved safe by millions"!
"Man alive! Haven't you heard? A Brooklyn fraud is in jail
for flooding the country with millions of counterfeit tablets. He
labeled them 'Aspirin,' but they were 'talcum powder.'"
Be sure your druggist gives you "Bayer Tablet* of Aspirin"
in a Bayer package —not in a pill box. Take them as directed,
without fear, for headache, rheumatism, lumbago, neuralgia, ear
ache, toothache, neuritis, colds, grippe, influenzal colds, or almost
any pain or ache in face, neck, limbs or body.
Proper and safe dosage in each
X \ genuine "Bayer package."
pAVi fr\u Look for the safety "Bayer Cross"
V J both on package and on tablets.
\V [o) //
Boxes of 12 tablets—bottles of 24 an* bottles of 100
— Also capsules.
Aisirin it the trade mark of Bajrcr Manufacture of Meaoacctlceddeeter of SaHtyUcaoK
Bth and beating Bth.
October 5-8, President's cup, club
championship, semi-finals.
October 9-11, President's cup,
club championship finals.
October 18, Benefit match for
Johnson, full handicap, prizes.
Lescure Again Heads
Independent Phone Co.
Officers of the Cumberland Valley
Telephone Company were re-elected
at the annual meeting held yesterday
in the office of the company, at 227
Walnut street. The officers are:
William J. Lescure, president; John
C. Motter, vice-president; O. K. Kines,
secretary and treasurer; Cameron L.
Baer, general manager; Granville S.
Herbert, engineer, and R. W. Miller,
superintendent of construction.
The board of directors Is as fol
lows: William J. Lescure, Christian
L. Long, John C. Motter, W. Grant
Ranch. Harrisburg; Frank A. Zim
merman, Chambersburg; W. E.
Weller, Wrightville; F. W. Foulkes
and .Tames K. Trimble, Philadelphia,
and A. E. Pendergast, Trenton, N. J.
Striking Painters Refuse
Increase of Five Per Cent.
No agreement has yet been reached
by the striking painters and the Mas
ter Painters' Association, it was an
nounced yesterday by J. H. Bealor,
business agent for the strikers. The
strikers have been out for two weeks,
endeavoring to secure an increase of
from 50 cents to 62% cents an hour.
A meeting of the Master Painters' As
sociation was held yesterday and a 5
per cent, increase was offered. This
was refused.
Dauphin, May 6.—ln a twilight
game of baseball here the Dauphin
High School team defeated the Dau
phin Baseball Club by a score of
eight to seven.
Dandruff Surely
Destroys the Hair
Girls—if you want plenty of thick,
beautiful, glossy, silky hair, do by
all means get rid of dandruff, for
It will starve your hair and ruin it
if you don't.
It doesn't do much good to try to
brush or wash it out. Tho only sure
way to get rid of dandruff is to dis
solve it, then you destroy it entirely.
To do this, get about four ounces
of ordinary liquid arvon; apply it at
night when retiring; use enough to
moisten the scalp anul rub it in
gently with the finger tips.
By morning, most if not all, of
your dandruff will be gone, and
three or four more applications will
completely dissolve and entirely de
stroy every single sign and trace
of it.
You will find, too, that all itching
and digging of the scalp will stop,
and your hair will look and feel a
hundred times better. You can got
liquid arvon at any drug store. It
is inexpensive and four ounces is
all you will need, no matter how
much dandruff you have. This sim
ple remedy riever falls.
"The Live Store" "Always Reliable"
Doutrichs Sell Good Clothes
When you purchase clothes, there are two /
things you want to be sure about: First, the integrity of the f
house that makes them. You can't get any more out of your clothes than ?
the tnaker puts into them. Second, the integrity of the merchants who
sell them. You'll feel a whole lot more comfortable in your clothes if / ,
you know definitely that the merchant has charged you a fair and rea- f r
sonable price. The makers of f
Society Brand
V •
are nationally known for their unwavering
allegiance to the highest code of quality. The Society Brand
label assures you of the utmost in style, fabric, fit and tailoring. Dou
trichs have always been known throughout Eastern Pennsylvania as
a store that sells all its merchandise at absolutely minimum prices; as
a safe place for anyone to make purchases, no matter how inexperi
enced a buyer that person might be. This year we are putting forth
every effort to make Doutrichs values bigger and better than ever.
You'll learn how well we are succeeding when you see our prices on
Society Brand Clothes. j
Try The Dependable Doutrich Service /
That Everybody Is Talking About J /
Wash Suits*
J You have never looked at a more beautiful I
( line of Boys' Wash Suits than the handsome styles this I
1 "Live Store" is showing this spring. The women folks tell us there's C
i no use trying to make wash suits when you can buy them at prices as (
, low as we are asking. Come in and look at this excellent line. We I
i feel sure you will invest liberally when you see them. J *
Boys' Silk Shirts
LWe haven't forgotten the Boys in anything
this spring; we knew they would want just as nice looking j
shirts as Daddy's or Big Brother's, That's why we selected such a I
fine lot of Boys' Silk Shirts. They are here in bright stripes of blue, 1
helio, green and many other colorings. \
304 Market Street Harrisburg, Pa,