WILSON E. NAYLOR IS DEAty AGED 77 Retired Dentist, Well Known J in Harrisburg, Passes Away at Elizabethville Ellsabeihvllle, May 6.—Wilson E. Naylor, aged 77, died here to-day af ter a long illness. He was a retired dentist, veteran of the Civil War and a member of an old Pennsylvania family. Mr. Naylor resided In Harrisburg, for several years and was well known there as well as In Camp Hill where two of his sons, Galen I* and Edward G.. reside. He is survived also by his wife and two sons, Joseph W„ of Harrisburg, and John R., of Ak ron, Ohio. He was born in Mt. Rock, Cumber- Imtd county, June 6, 1841, and the funeral will be held Thursday, May S. at 1.30 o'clock with burial at Ben dersville, in the family plot, where ten years ago in anticipation of his death Mr. Naylor had a monument to mark his grave erected. Mr. Nay lor had a long war record, having enlisted in Company K, First Penn sylvania Reservcy Infantry, otherwise known as the Thirtieth Pennsylvania Volunteers, served for three years and then re-enlisted in Company A, One Hundred and Ninetieth Veteran Rifles, in which he served a year and fifteen days. He was twice wounded and left for dgad on the battlefield at Gettysburg, where he was found by the father of the late Mayor Meals of Harrisburg, who recognized him and carried him to his home on horseback, where he was nursed back to health. Mr. Xaylor's grand father was the founder of Benders ville, and the family is well known throughout the Cumberland Valley. RE-ELECT OFFICERS Louis Dellone was re-elected presi dent of the Lykens Valley Railway Company at the annual meeting held yesterday. Dr. John Oenslager was re-elected secretary-treasurer. The meeting was held at the office of Dr. Oenslager, 731 North Third street. If He Smokes Give Him Nicotol Powders Secretly Any mother, wife or sister can stop the tobacco habit if she wants to do so. Thousands of women are happy to-day because they gave their hus bands, sons or brothers Nicotol pow ders. thus saving the money waste fullv spent for tobacco and benefiting the health of the loved ones they res cued. Nicot/il powders are odorless, tasteless and harmless and can be given in either liquid or solid food. You take no risk, as Nicotol powders are sold under a steel-bound money refund guarantee by the Clark and the Kennedy stores and other drug gists. POSLAM CAN HEAL SICK SKIN SO QUICKLY Your urgent need for something, right away, to clear unsightly skin, to heal broken-out places, to remove pimples and blemishes, is splendidly mat in Poslam which drives away the very troubles you are anxious to be rid of quickly. Soothes angry skin. stops itching aggravation. Saves time, money, temper, em barrassment. It is safe, easy to use and so little does so much —because it is highly concentrated. Sold everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 543 West 47th St., New York City. Poslam Soap is a daily treat to tender skin or skin subject to erup i.ionai troubles. - 50RE TIRED FEET T Jse "Tiz" for Tender, Puffed up. Burning, Calloused Feet and Corns. -"TIZ' nuke* mylMt Mullet.** People who are forced to stand on their feet all day know what sore, 1 tender, sweaty, burning feet mean! They use "Tiz," and "Tiz" cures their feet right up. It keeps feet in perfect condition. "Tiz" is the only remedy in the world that draws out all the poisonous exudations, which puff up the feet and cause tender, sore, tired, aching feet. It instantly stops the pain in corns, callouses and bunions. It's simply glorious. All! how comfortable your feet feel after using "Ti." You'll never limp or draw up your face in pain, lour shoes won't tighten and hurt your feet. Get a 26-cent box of "Tiz" now from any druggist. Just think! a whole year's foot comfort for only 25 cents. HOW TO REDUCE VARICOSE VEINS Many people have become despond ent because they have been led to be lieve that there is no remedy that Will reduce swollen veins and bunches. It you will get a two-ounce origi nal bottle of Moone's Emerald Oil (full strength) at any first class drug • tore and apply it at home as direct ed you will quickly notice an im provement which will continue until the veins and bunches are reduced to normal. Moone's Emerald Oil is very con centrated and a bottle lasts a long time—that's why It Is a most Inex pensive treatment. It has brought much comfort to worried people nil pver the country, and ia one of the wonderful discoveries of recent years tnd alwavs bear In mlnil that anyone who is disappointed with Its use can kave their money refunded. Your Jruggist can supply you. TUESDAY EVENING, habhibburg TELEGRAPH \ MAY 6, 1919. RIFLE PRACTICE GRDERRECALLED Adjutant General Will Issue Nfiw One For the Members of Reserve Militia nounced that he I would immediate- I dor for the rifle rsjnOCJSQW practice of the i I JfwWSltMliW Reserve Militia 1 - ®ilu pUjOUL 01 Pennsylvania, I fiajEiJbecause of the ac- tion of the War Department i n I sending 3,500 Springfiel