4 Over Two Million Copies of the May Number flfln Pprcnnc 5" % Ought to Laugh The Government has [lifted the re- ,UUU rersons More TWO Mi 111 Oil S strictions on paper. Couldn't get That is what the radiant rollick- XTXIIIIWIJ.O Now. I can give magazines of a size THE LADIES HOME JOURNAL HOME journal make you do-you Of Oflf* ' ~ X , last month: It sold feel as if you have had a bath w X I never dreamed of before. fast Four Full-Color of lau e hter Tr r them-and feei t , P P* h happy! Last month the public pushed THE LADIES* I used to think a 100-page Ladies' reace nctures HOME toitrnai hevond the 1900000 mark Yet , ... , . Tt Will Prnhnhlvt No finer souvenirs of the great Armi- X Short StOmPS JOURNAL. Deyona tne I.VUU.UOO mariC. Yet Home Journal a marvel: this month It 11 rri " rruuuuty stice Day can be imagined. Thousands Jo . I over 20,000 persons were disappointed because • - Sell Out! will frame them. You get not one—but ClflU SCVtCIIS ... , . , 18 184 pages. four—all for is cents, in the May they couldn't get the magazine! T J X A • . . . 0 Even Faster LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. Each bright and happy, and just instead of 4 stories, we are giving o. This Month full of pictures; some of them in This month we not only touch the wonderful T . j x .• , .. . . .... full color. 2-million mark but go over it—a figure that no Instead of 40 articles, we are giving _ _ " Honest: • ctnri** That , T . , , Get a CODV To-Dav tv r , if T • TT stories lhat monthly magazine has ever reached: an un -60 and 65 in each issue. - 1 a upy ° ay They Let Me Lte Here Will Make You Feel Young , _. , .. w And Rot—That's charted land.. We gave our won e u war pic res \W W fY *- Wot They're Doin'" Thf 1 Ppnt A Wffk The magazine this month reaches the high in full colors. Now, we give not only Girls Who Won Out Tha ,. swhatout „ oundedboysto The Man mark of 184 pages: 60 pages more than any May those but the pictures to our stories A man a Jobh, of. number in its history..' have started in full colors. do? it's toid in the May ladies- HOMB AnH fhTtnttht herrr cent for the first week ~ 2 the JOURNAL. And the truth IS here, man article next-double each succeeding week. The That means the printing of 368 millions of . , . . . , ... .. . y° u 0 30 believe. Every one of us employer then figured out how much he Almost double in Size IS tne magazine: who has a boy in the service who is would have earned at the 52d week. No pages Of One issue Of One magaziner-an edition yet the price is the same: 15 cents. Did You Know They r/thl IT.'" if™ so gigantic as to be almost unbelievable. /\ Were Making Pictures UsrfHo™ joubol. could. jo^ ? It required a month of all-nights and ail-day. With the Typewriter? toprlntit. N Portraits of the American girl, of Does A Man SjLUtrr v/L JAjls £cuLusr ffrv*Os scape! Every typist can be an artist. HoUSCWOrk Prevent XKt* CuHxJ 7%<&fo/u*Ur GmtptVtU/^ V * See the pictures given on a full page in 'UU: w-U O , P u ™* kls That is, if he is *3* / I the Mav LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. OIIXII i fair-skinned. If he is dark, he shaves 1 . _ _ 0 ~ even more. You don t believe it? It s . A Man bays Yes all figured out for every man in a little m _ Here is a startling question. A great table, as the razor goes over his face, in What America Did - Now, Mother , y lE3 What Great Britain Did fi&Sk Really Would Not Behave! J&52 Want, Really, to Laugh? What the People of France Did H Ift F\@Sk „ . , , ~ - ... . . ... , , kles with interest. It's in the May r Then do read about the Professor who What the JvlHg OI the oelgians Uld bdUSk So thought her big daughter and bigger son, and they didn t know Ladies . Home JOURNAL. r'eally didn't want to kill Germans, but Whf n thr FamniiQ A rmi'cHr** War 1 what to do! _For moth would be young-she would be happy; she killed and captured them on every hand. , ™ " e " lIIC r amUUi> VrTniSllCe " aS 01 8 nea Does a Wife would p Us h"back her, yks of hair, smile at her big girl and boy. What are We! fcSSuS' The world wait wild with joy/ But'Cour gnat ou. V, „ V °te and then she would do, .ung Women Going to]Do? .Ending even ß occu™i, each the T ilcf* Hpt* T-TiichfinH else. One day out went every ■ , . Tirt_ i c • . TN* flWk I Ldivc lici • ... , , . • • . . So busy were women m war days. But A Whole oDrin£ lJinner T\ nation. These four great events have now been pre- Thousands have said this would hap- oW dry dusty book ,n the house: the war is over. Now what? Hun- on One Plate "W served in four supert, paintin,,: pen if women got the vote. Now, is it the next day, old pictures would . dreds of women are asking this. One ( uu vug A_iai.c i> # , true? A woman has gotten at the facts, go and new ones would appear. [ j woman in Washington has the answer,' Why not save steps, plates, dish- /vy t0 treasure one greatest days m the and she tiil them, just as they are, in w. , • JT/J; for_she_sits at'a great gateway of washing? And the plates are made so u yy world's history. Thousands of dollars have been the May LADres' HOME JOURNAL. * eW CO °™ r f n n ° ° Ver ® \ women's industries, and thousands of that you can do it. Look, too, what you VN > spent to make and print these remarkable paintingi house. Old wall papers went and \ /., women write and talk to her. She has dug get on them and what to put on. Beauti "™—™"™ new cretonnes came. Then dinner FJ. deep. Read her article that points the ful pictures show them to you in the Mav that you uy or a lme and a nickeL When Paderewski parties began. And mother would way in the May LADIES' HOME JOURNAL.' LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. Closed His Piano I 1 I Whacked Him in the Face:! To become the Premier of Poland where her children went. But The First Time / Met My Future Husband we saw one of the most dramatic and , .. , • . , __ - . , , M I . , , romantic pictures of the war How e c " max c 31116 when the daughter came home to find her mother v Think of starting a courtship m that fashion; a marriage that was to last did it com, .bout? Why did he give swapping chocolate peppermints with het dignified Professor of Eng. fiL- W mhd^lS^K'S^^'Shfg^SeXlT^SSd^rfS up an income of $200,000 a year? lish Literature. That was too much! The daughter was in despair. What did he say himself just before The boy merely said "Gee!" trackless West she wentwith him. Dangers on every side. And she met them. he left America? Here is the com- V —NlwlM One after another. What wc formerly read in "dime novels" we now read as nlete storv from information from It>B J U3t P ure comedy in this story-deliciously fresh, rol- V actuahy happenina, and to a woman. For in the May LADIES' HOME JOURNAL £oZrJZZ% licking with fun. You'll feel after reading it as if you had a C B iL W i° W b "' " — LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. bath of laughter. Www ™ " IF "I Tell This Intensely Personal Story „ n TT , 0 . Americanization is Everywhere How I Wrote Q n [ y f or Q ne Reason 39 Why Her Women s society in the* Air The Battle Hymn c A u/ d j Went to Pieces u of the Republic SayS an A. merican War Bride I Mrs. Elliott was president, and her great many women's clubs and societies, tf-ey mean by lt> W. ta . "Because I may convince some girl or wife that her job la not g&l, "Si up"" &L& SSO. /fj \ \ ought to know. It is already a question, terestmg. Not at all in the way you through when her boy comes home from the war, but that it may just get at the trouble. Then, all of a sudden, JOURNAL, and it reads like a story swift / I} : \ it's going to be a bigger question. wouldftmkwiA amasterpiece have _ And t h e n she tells a story that words cannot describe. she did: a trouble that exists with a and interesting. ( (*, 1 Tke man wko knows more a^°ut t ' ian words, tells it in the May LADIES' HOME Superlatives cannot do it justice. It is the most thrilling American ——— jjl 1 anyone else is Secretary of the Interior JOURNAL. , girl's story that has come out of the war: it will stay with every girl TT7 i.. C A \aiii* TY _pi jt q \ */i J Lane. That's why THE LADIES' HOME and woman who reads it. Only an American girl could have stood up * VV3,IIC CO uCC IOUT J3oy LOHI6 ilOlllS • / JOURNAL asked him to explain it. And Tm Mon under such an experience: only an American girl could tell it as she Wouldn't you like to go and see your exactly how your boy feels, what he say* ainlmWi 1 Ilw IWO IVieil , ... le . T , XI T „ boy land when he docks in New York? and what he thinks about comine homa. he does in the May number. Read thi3 in Her T iff does. It is, of itself, worth your buying the May LADIES HOME JOURNAL. If you can't, let us take you there through It's in LADIES' HOME JOURNAL, brief article and you know. C L———J clever Edna Ferber's pen. She teUs you with striking pictures. Many a girl has to make the choice — that Lillie did. But it isn't easy. And i Tr • O TT r.i -\r TT j other girls don't find it easv, either. Per- Keeping otep With Your Husband haMtlwyangethelp fromlthe story of ( JSL ) w-w-w-w A Wife Must in These Days HOME JOURNAL. viiM Can a Woman Run Her Home as a How can she? What can she do so asked a woman to find out, and she did. Uncle Sam's 71 yf TT T • # /yv that her wifehood will not be a failure? And she tells it in the May LADIES' As a Tribute . . . IX/l SUM I\l£Vi C H£ C r\l M 1/i£> C C(T Of course, it Is possible—and easy. We HOME JOURNAL. tO Our BoyS Bluebirds IWA/Mu X± lO XX LlO i //LOO • On Whaf Week-Dav Was I Born? a™- Most women say "No: I. can't be done." But, is that so ? At least, here fa the man who I ▼? 110.L ''ttiv ay • a A community house? about them—the finest-dressed girls in has gone into this subject deeper than any other man in America, Read what he say. He shows Thousands ask it Or, on what week- invented, given complete, so that you can library? Which? 12 picture the wor,d - The bravest > to °- Read how it can be done. It's in the May LADIES' HOME JOURNAL, day will such and such a day fall? cut it out, in the May LADIES HOME of suitable ideas. They're in tne May about them in the May LADIES' HOME | There's the best perpetual calendar ever JOURNAL. LADIES' HOME JOURNAL. JOURNAL. '^(mts^o-wrna^ AND IT COSTS ONLY 15 CENTS MONDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGKIPO MAY 5, 1919.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers