MARKETS | TOBACCO IS IN MARKETFRONT Marks Opening Ses sion of Week on Stock Exchange Today York, May o. Firmness , Additional Classified Ads on Opposite Page AIiTOMUKILKS FOR SALE Ueo, The Fifth, 1917, 7i-passongor Touring Car. Will sac rifice for $650. noil 0471.1. BAHGAIN—Paige touring car, red, like new; mechanically first class; .never ran hard nor abused; sell cheap. -Also two ;{6x 1 Goodyear S. ,S. all ■■weather tread cord tires, never taken Jrom paper wrapper; sell right. Lib •erty bonds accepted. Wallace llrend- Jinger, Hershey, Pa. FOR SALE Willys-Knight 7-pau .•sengor car. In excellent mechanical ■condition. Driven 11.000 miles, and Knight sleeve valve motor gives con stantly better performance than when inow. Call Steelton 182-J. FOR SALE Studebaker Touring; 101S eight-cylinder Oldsmobile Tour ing; Reo Touring car; Overland Coun try Club, Jefferies Touring car. An ■cirew Redmond, Third and Reily isireets. AUTO FOR HIKE Fi ve-passen ,gcr, new car, 1010. Everything up-to -date. All kinds of trips. Make your .arrangements in advance. Bell phone :::t3IR, Dial 3230. C. 11. Kasson, Le imoyne. Pa. Federal license. TRUCK FOR SALE l argo sized 5-ton truck, with Dump Ibodv for sale. Big bargain to quick ibuv'or. For particulais call at the Sunshine Garage, 27 North Cameron ■street. SECOND-HAND TRUCKS AND TREASURE CARS FOR SARE—Ford ton trucks, 2-ton Autocar truck, 2-ton Republic truck, 4-passenger Mitchell ■Club roadster, 7-passenger Haynes ■towing car. International Harvester ■Company of America, Truck Depart ment, 610 Walnut street. WANTED All kinds of used uuto itires. We pay highest cash prices, fie junk. 11. Esterbrook, 012 Ncrth Third street. Dial 4990. FORD 1017 TOURING —Good order 5425.00 cash, lloist. Einglestown, Pa. ■Dial 36C. FOR SARE 1917 Keo, 6-cylinder 'touring, just like new; 1917 Maxwell iS-passcnger touring; 1915 Overland roadster; 1917 Ford roadster. Inquire Mr. llunier, East End Auto Co.. rear | ,ol Thirteenth and Walnut streets. | THE Special Dodge Model Rayfield la inexpensive and the saving in gaso line bill from 15 to 30 per cent will pay for it in a short time. Agency, FEDERICK'S GARAGE. 18C7-09 North Seventh St. FOR SARE 1917 Ford Touring iCer. Price. $390. S. 11. Horst, Eing lestown. I'a. Dial phone 36C. AUTOS FOR HIRE CITY GARAGE 116 STRAWBERRY ST. New live and seven-passenger tars for business or pleasure at all hours. BERR 2360. DIAB. 4914 KEYSTONE AUTO TOP CO Ail sorts of auto tops and cushion Work done by experts; a^a o work. Reasonable rates. 72-78 South Cameron street. MAGNETOS All types; 4 awl 0 'Boseh high tension, Klsinan, pixie, ■Splitdorl, Mea, Keiny and different ■makes .of coils, carburetors, etc. A. ■Schiffman, 22-24-26 North Cameron street. Bell 3633. WM. PENN GABAGE ;324-G Muench street. Rimousines for funeral parties and balls; careful .drivers; .open day and night- Bell .4 564. NEW MAXWERR NEW MAX WERR BARGAIN. Touring for sale for 3835.0u cash. ■Regular price is 8990.0u. SIMON HOItST, iEingelfctown, I'a. Near llarrisburg. Dial 36C. SAXON ROADSTERS Two 1916 and 1917 Models, one has starter, elee •tric lights. $275.00 and $295.00. Hurst, Einglestown, Pa. Near llarrisburg. Diai phone 36. ORD AUTOS •Wanted; used, wrecked or oldtimers, •In any condition. See me before sac rificing elsewhere. Chelsea Auto I Wrecking. A. Schirtmun. 22. 24, 26 North Cameron street. Bell 303,1. M U CORES CHURCH PEACE • GARAGE. 44 North Cameron Street. Auto wrecking and repairing. Full line of pans lot all makes ears on sule. We teach you to drive. Will sell you old ear on small commission basis. Storage space for lifteeu cars. 1 Bell Phone. AUTO RADIATORS of all kinds re paired by specialists. Also tenders, etc. Best service in town, llar risburg Auto Radiator Works, 805 North Third Street. GARAGES ACCESSORIES AND REPAIRS FOR KENT Entire Garage or Part. Capacity of six cars—contains pit and wushstand, also heated oy hot water. AFPEY HARRY >V. HAAS, 559 Race Street. '"SUNSHINE GARAGE Auto re pairing by an expert. Road Jobs a specialty. Charges reasonable. Both Phones. Sunshine Garage, 2i North .Cameron street. MOTORCYCLES ANI) BICYCLES """ BICY'CEK REPAIRING BY AN EXPERT ARR WORK GUARANTEED. DORY SHANEK, WITH ANDREW REDMOND 1507 NORTH THIRD ST. €kXCERSIOR TWIN. $65.00 Harley Twin $95.00. Bargains. Horst. Eing lestown. Near llarrisburg, Pa. Dial 36C. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Effective May 5, 1919, the .closing hour lor the receiving and delivery of freight at all freight stations in the city of Harrisburg. I'a., will he four (4) o'clock I'. M. LEGAL NOTICES A SPECIAL MEETING of the stock holders of tire Belmont Motors Cor poration will ho held ut the oflicc of the Company, 29 North Second Street, Harrisburg. i'a.. Rooms 8 and 9. on May 13. 1919, ut 1 o'clock P. M.. for the purpose of re-contirming the ac tion taken by the stockholders at the annual meeting held In 1918 In the amendment of the charter, and such other business us may he presented, i J. H. BUENNKMAN, Secretary and Treasurer. THE annual meeting of the Stock holders of the Blul.aker Coal Co. will be held at the ofttoe of The W. O Hickok Mfg. Co.. on Muy 5. i 919, a 12:00 o clock noon, . " <?. A- JUIUKUK. I Secretary, MONDAY EVENING. marked the opening session of the week on the Stock Exchange, the movement showing few traces, how evir, cf the extraordinary activity of the last foitnight. Tobacco specialties were again pro-ivinnt, American Snuff rising 2 points and Rorillard 7. Gains of j to 2 points were made by Royal Dqtch I Texas Company, Harvester, L'nsced, inspiration Copper, American Zinc, Wilting Taper, Pfd., International Paper and Atlantic Gulf,' the latter rising to the now record of 15614. St. Louis end San Francisco, I'fd., fea tured the rails at a 3 point advance. NEW YORK STOCKS Chandler Brothers and Company, members of New York and Philadel phia Stock Exchanges—3 North Mar ket Square, Harrisburg: 336 Chestnut street, Philadelphia; 34 Pine street. New Y'ork furnish the following quotations: Open Noon Allis Chalmers 41% 41% Amer. Beet Sugar ...... 81% 81% American Can 55% 55% Am. Car and Fndry C 0... 96% 95% Amer. Loco 75% 75% Amer. Smelting 73% 73% American Sugar 130% 132% Amor. Woolens 67% 67% Anaconda 62% 62% Atchison 94% 94% Baldwin Locomotive ... 92% 82% Baltimore and Ohio .... 49% 50% Bethlehem Steel B 73% 74 Butte Copper 24 24% California Petroleum ... 27% 28 Canadian Pacific 166% 169 Central Leather 81% 80% Chesapeake and Ohio ... 65% 65 Chicago, R. 1. and Pacific 27 27 Chino. Con. Copper 37 37 Corn Products 63% 62% Crucible Steel 71 70% Distilling Securities ... 77% 76% Erie 17% 17% REGAL NOTICES In the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. In the Es tate of John Stimuli tor Stivig), de ceased. To the Heirs of John Stivich (Stivig), deceased: Abraham Stivig, Mary Lehman, Abraham Lehman, Mary Burkholder, John .Stivig, George Stivig, Jacob Stivig, Nancy Y'arlitz, Mary Yarlitz, Nancy Yarlitz, Jr., Catharine Y'arlitz, Abraham Reliman, guurdian of Mary. Nancy and Catharine Yarlitz; John Yarlitz, Catharine Bitne.-, Peter Bit ner, Barbara Phelan, Ruifwlg Phelan, Daniel Stivig, David Stivig, Samuel Stivig, children of John Sti vig, late of Londonderry Town ship, Dauphin County- Pennsyl vania, deceased; Poily Stivig, Betsy Stivig, Jacob Stivig and David Stivig, children of Christian Stivig, a deceas ed son of said John Stivig, deceased, or their legul representatives, or to any and all of tiie heirs of John Sti vig, deceased, or the known holder or holders of the dower charge herein after referred to. You are hereby notified that a peti tion was presented to the Orphans' Court of Dauphin County, Pennsyl vania, on March 25, 1919, and which is now on file in the office of the Clerk of said Court, setting forth: I I—That Jacob S. Brandt, of South I Ronderry Township, Lebanon County, Pennsylvania, is now the owner of a eertain farm or tract of land situate in Conewago Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, containing six ty-four (64) acres and one hundred and five (105) perches, neat measure, conveyed to him by Isaac M. Brandt, et ux. et al., by deed dated April 2, 1917, recorded in the Recorder's office of Dauphin County in Deed Book "Q," Vol. 16. page 529. 2—That the said farm or tract of land is subject to the claims which certain of the heirs of John Stivich (Stivig), late of Dauphin County, aforesaid, deceased, muy have in or to the said land hereby conveyed, said claim arising by reason of a widow's dower charge originally in the amount of three hundred and eighty eight ($388.00) dollars, in favor of Nancy, widow of John Stivich, de ceased. during her lifetime, of which the principal sum was to he paid to the heirs of said John Stivich, de ceased. upon the death of the said Nancy Stivich, and which charge as shown by deed from David Brand, et u.\„ dated January 12, 1850, to John Brand, liis heirs and assigns, appear ed to be a charge of one hundred and forty-live and 87-100 ($145.87) dollars, "with interest from the 12th day of June, A. D. 1837, till paid, to such of the heirs of John Stivich, deceased, who have not yet leceived their shares out of the widow's dower o$ Nancy "Anna" Stivich, the late widow of John Stivich, deceased, who also died on said 12th day of June, A. D„ 1837." 3 —That tiie legal presumption of payment of the aforesaid dower or charge upon the land exists from lapse of time, no interest having been paid or demand made for prin cipal or interest for the p.erioa of t\\ enty-one years, and that ,tlie peti tioner is of the belief that the said heirs of the said .John Stivicli have been paid in full for the principal sum and accrued interest of their share or shares in the aforesaid dow er or charge. 4 —That there is no satisfaction or reiease of said charge of record. You are, therefore, hereby required by the Older of Court made upon the said petition to appear in the Orpli anp' Court of Dauphin County, Penn sylvania, on the 17th day of June, A. IX, 1919. at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause, if any there he, why a decree should not he granted by the said Court for satisfaction on the record of suid charge upon the said land as therein prayed for. 4 \V. \V. CARD WELL Sheriff. E. E. McCUItDY. \VM. H. EARNEST, Attorneys. SEARED PROPOSALS In compliance with the Constitution and the laws of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, the Board of Com missioners of Public Grounds and Buildings invites sealed proposals tor furnishing supplies to the various De partments, Boards and Commissions of the Slate Government as described and below the maximum prices as shown in the schedules for the year ending May 31, 1920: Schedule A: Paper, envelopes, poxes, twine, etc. " B: Typewriters, adding, ad dressing and duplicat ing machines. " C: Office Supplies: Pens, Pencils, Inks, etc. " CI Filing Cards-Cabinets. Globe Wernicke, El brury Bureau, Yaw man & Erbe. C 2 Desks and Tables, per specifications; metal lic furniture (Ait Metal). " D Miscellaneous hooks and subscriptions. * - E General Supplies: Brushes, soaps, carpets, rugs, Hags, etc. F Laboratory and Engi neering supplies. " G Paints, upholstering, auo hardware supplies. " H Lumber and Para Sup plies, Repairing uud Hauling. 1 Power Plant and Fluuib i ing Supplies. The Schedule ut supplies will he lo oted in sections as shown auove, aua it is requested tnut parlies uesiring same indicate clearly the section oi tections wanted. All piopusals must he accompanied by a certified check or bond In such torn) and amount as provided in the instructions to Biuders ul.acliud to each schedule. proposals must he delivered to the Superintendent of Public Grounds and Bondings on or before twelve (12) o'clock, meridian. Tuesday Muy 13, 1919, at which time bids wil' he open ed and awards made us soon ihcie aiter at practicable. Blank bonds and schedule.) with all necessary intormution may he had by eeiiiiiiuioeaiiiig with the Department l uhlie Grounds and Buildings, llar risburg, Fa. By older ol the Board, GEORGE A. SiIREINER, Superintendent. R. W. MITCHELL Secretary, s General Motors 181% 182 a Goodrich, B. F. 72% 73% - Great orth. Pfd 94 94% i• Great orth. Ore, subs ... 44% 44% Hide and Leather 27% 27% t Hide and Leather, Pfd....115% 115% 2 Inspiration Copper 50% 50% i International Paper .... 53% 53% i Kennecott 33 32% , Kansas City Southern .. 24% 13% , Lackawanna Steel 71% 71% 1 Lehigh Valley 55% 55% r Maxwell Motors 41 ''.l% Merc. War Ctfs. 41% 41 % - Merc. War Ctfs, Pfd 110% 110% i. Mex. Petroleum 176% 176% Miami Copper 23 23 Mid vale Steel 45% 45% N. Y. Central 75% 76% ' N. Y., N. H. and H 30% 30% N. Y„ Ont. and West. ... 21% 21 % Noorthern Pacific 93% 94 Penna. R. R 41% 44% Pittsburgh Coal 51% 52% Railway Steel Spg 87% 87% Ray Con. Copper 20% 20% Reading 85% 87 Southern Pacific 107% 108% Southern Ry 31 30% Studebaker 77% 77% Union Pacific 132% 132% U. S. I. Alcohol 150 150 U. S. Rubber 97% 56 % U. S. Steel 98% 98% U. S. Steel Pfd 115 115% Utah Copper . 78 78% Vir.-Carolina Chem 6 s ' 68 Westinghouse Mfg 56"i 56% Willys-Overland 34% 24% 1 Western Maryland 11% 12% PHILADELPHIA STOCKS By Associated Press. Philadelphia, May 5. Wheat No. 1. soli, rtu. $2.20; No. 2. i.u, J. 21; No. 3. soft, red, $2.24. Corn The market is higher; No. 2. yellow, as to grade anu location. $i.80@1.85. Outs The market is firm; No. 2, white, 81%®S2c; No. 3, wnlte, Bo@Bo%c. Butter The market is lower: western, creamery, extra, 56c; nearby 1 prints, fancy, 63®. 65c. Refined Suguia Market steady powdered, 8.45 c; extra fine granulat ed, he. , Cheese The market is steady, New Y'ork and Wisconsin, full nnik now, 36@36%c; old., do.. 36039 c. Eggs Market firm; Pennsylva nia and other nearby firsts. tree cases, $13.95 per case; do., current receipts, free cases, $13.65 per case western, extra firsts. free cases.' $13.95 per case; do., firsts, free cases. $12.65 per case; fancy, selected pack ed 51®. 53c. Live, Poultry Quiet; fowls lower; fowls, 40©41 c; spring chickens, large sizes, 39®40c; spring chickens, bro'i crs, not leghorns. 75@80c; do., white leghorns, 55©60 c; roosters, 24@25c; staggy. young roosters. 25®2Sc; ducks, Peking, 34@36c; do., Indian runners. 28®30c; spring ducks. Long Island, 32@06c; geese, nearby, 22® 25c; do., western, 22®25c. Dressed Poultry Firm; turkeys spring. choice, to fancy, 46®48c : do., western, choice to fancy, 45®4Gc : turkeys, fresh killed, fair to good 4ii tf 43c; turkeys, common, 30@25c; 'old turkeys, 40042 c; capons, seven to eight pounds, 44@45c; do., smaller sizes, 40®43c; fowls. fresh knied. choice to fancy, 38® 39c; do smaller sizes, 80®34c; roosters, 27c' western roasting chickens, 27@37c' western broiling ehlckens, 42®44 C : ducks, western. 3S@4oc: pekln ducks' 44®46c; old ducks, 44®46c; Indian Runners. 44®46c; spring ducks. Long Island, 44®46c; geese, 26®30e. Flour Tlio market is firm: winter strlgnt, western. $11.50®11,75 per burre ; do., nearby, $11.25®11.50 per barrel; Kansas straights, $12.20® 12.65 t"\ r . V" rre E do - short patents. $13.00 © 1 0.00 per barrel; spring, short pat ents. $18.70© J 3.90 per barrel; do, spring patents, $13.00@13.50 per bar , rel; spring firsts, .clear, $14.00011.75 j per barrel. Hay The market Is firm; timothy. No. 1, large and small bales, $J9.00 • per ton; Nc. 2. do., $37.50®38.C0 ner ' ton; No. .3, do., $33.50®34.50 per ton 1 Clover Mixed: Light, 537.60@38.00 ' per ton; No. 1. do., $36.50@J7.00 per 1 ton: No. 2, do., $34.00@35.00 per ton. ■ Bran Firm and higher; soft winter, in 100-Ih. sacks, spot, $48.00® 49.00 pcrton; spring, spot, in 100-tb. ■ sacks. $46.00®47.00 per ton. i Tallow The market is firm; prime city, loose, 12c; do., special, I loose, 12% c; prime country, 11c; , edible In tierces, 22®24c. Potatoes The market is higher; , New Jersey, No. 1 65®85c per basket; do.. No. 2, 50@60c per . basket; do., 100-lh. hags. No. 1. $2 50® 3.00. extra quality: do.. No. 2. $1.50® • 2.25; Pennsylvania. No. 1. 100 tba, ' $1.6002.75; do., per 100 lbs., fancy $2.90@3.10: New Jersey. No. 1, iuo' • lbs.. $2.25@2.40; do.. No. 2, 100 lbs " $1.25®1.75; western, per 100 lbs., $2.00 ' 0)2.25: New Y'ork state, per 100 lb ' $2.4502.60; Maine, per 100 lbs., $2.65@ > 2.75; Delaware and Maryland, per 100 , lbs., $2.25@2.40; Florida, No. 1, per barrel, 88.0000.00; Florida, No. 2. per f barrel, $6,000)7.00; Florida per 15Q-Tb i • oags, $1.5003.00; North Carolina, per i barrel, $1 60®4.C0; South Carolina, per ; barrel, $1.6004.00; Norfolk, per bar rel, $3.25; Eastern Shore, per r . LEGAL NOTICES I . COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVA -1 N1 A, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH . SEARED PROPOSALS for the fol lowing work will be received and . publicly opened at the Department of Health, Harrisburg, Penr.a., by ICd . ward Martin, Commissioner, at 2 P M 1 Monday. May 19. 1919: ; WORK AT STATE SANATORIUM FOR TUBERCULOSIS. NEAR MONT PFNN \ FRANKLIN COUNTY", ' Six Employes' Houses, Dormitory for i Female Help, Boiler House for Hos i pital Group, Alterations and Addi s tions to Camp Roiler House 1 Laundry Building and Community Buildings. Healing Installations in above Build ings Alterations and Additions to Heating Plant Equipments. Electric Light YViring in above Build ings. Electric Transmission and Distribu , lion Lines, Interior and Ground ! Lighting and Interior Electric Fix tures. i Plumbing in above Buildings, r Coal and Ash Handling Apparatus in above Camp Boiler House, s WORK AT STATE SANATORTT T .\T 1 FOR TUBEROPLOSTS, NEAR a CRESSON, CAMBRIA COUNTY, r PENNA. Four Employes' Houses, Community i, Building and Solorinm Additions and Fire Towers ip the East Ward Building. ■ Heating for above Buildings Plumbing for above Buildings. . Electric Wiring and Fixtures for above Ruildings. ; WORK AT STATE SANATORIUM POP TUREROTTLOSIS NEAR HAM BURG. RERKS COUNTY, PENNA. Community Building. Dairy Rain. [ Wind Rrakc Additions to Ward " Ruildings, Kaiamein Doors for Fire Escapes, and Cement Pavements. , Heating for Community Ruilding. Electric Wiring and Fixtures for Community Ruilding and Dairv Barn. ' Fli'mhin e for Community Building and Dairy Rarn. Pians and specifications can he seen j at the Office of the Department of Health Harrisburg. and at 1900 Race Street, Philadelphia, and sets 1 rnav be obtained after Monday. May 6. 1919, at the Office of the Engi neering Division, State Health De partment. Keystone Ruilding, Har risbutg. Pa., upon deposit of $25.00 l for each contract set. Deposits will j he returned upon receipt of sets in i good condition. Each Proposal must he accompanied i by certified cheek for $500.0n. The i successful Contractor will he re- L! quired to give a Surety Bond for the 9 amount of the contract. The right 1s reserved to reject any and all a bids. J EDWARD MARTIN, t Commissioner. PENN'SY'LVAN IA STATE HIGH - WAY DEPARTMENT, Harrisburg Pa Sealed proposals will be received I at said Office until 10:00 A. M„ May i 15, 1919, when bids will be publicly i opened and scheduled, and contract • awarded as soon thereafter as pos sible for furnishing Concrete Culvert Pipe to he used in the maintenance work of the Department. Ridding blanks, specifications and full par ticulars on application to Lewis S. . Sadler, State Highway Commissioner. • X HA "RRTSBTTRQ TELEGRAPH barrel, I2.00O1.7B; fancy, Macunglc. No. 1, per barrel. $2.9603.00, do, No 2. per barrel. 51.2501.80. CHICAGO CATTI.E Chlengo, May 5. <U. S. Bureau of Markets). Hogs Receipts, 35,000; market unevenly 25c to 50c higher than Saturday's general trade; top, $21.05; bulk of sales. $20.75®' 21.00, heavy weight, $20.85021.05; medium weight, $21).65021.00; light weight. $20.25021.00; light lights, $10.00®)20.50; heavy packing sows, smooth, $20.00020.50; packing sows, tough, $19.00020.00; pigs. $17.75® 19.25. Cattle Receipts, 19.000; beef steers steady to strong; butcher cat tic strong to 15c higher; calves 25c higher; feeders steady. Beef steers, medium and heavy weight, choice and prime, $17.750 20.00; medium and good, $13.900 18.00; common, $11.59®) 11.25. Bight weight, good and choice, $14.75017.85; common and medium. $10.50015.25. Butcher cattle: Heifers, $8.00015.25; cows, $7.75015.00; can ners and cutters, $6.250 7.75. Veal calves light and handy weight, $13.00 014.00; feeder steers, $10.25015.50; stocker steers, $8.50013.75. Sheep Receipts, 12,000; lambs un evenly higher; mostly 25c to 50c up; sheep strong to 15c higher, Bamks, eighty-four pounds down. $18.25®) 20.25; eighty-live pounds up. $17,750 20.40; culls and common, $13,000 17.50. Yearling wethers. sl6.oo®' 18.50. Kwes, medium, good and choice. $12.25 015.65; culls and com mon. $6.00012.25. CHICAGO nOAItn OK TRADE Clilengo, May s.—Board of Trade closing: Corn—July, 1.6514: September, 1.50. Oats—July, 74)%: September, 69. I'ork —May, 53.70; July, 51.50. Bard—July. 32.10; September, 31.60. Bibs—May, 28.90; July, 28.17. ; ! Steelton News j Borough Council to Meet This Evening The regular session of the borough council will be held this evening. At this meeting the petition from the Municipal Beague asking for street improvements, will be presented. The petitipn asks for the relaying of the blocks in Front street and for the thorough repair of all other paved streets. There is no wa vacancy in the council caused by the death of Coun cilman Charles E. Keim. It is said that there is no likelihood of the vacancy being tilled at this session. Constable Arrests Three For Gambling Constable Brashears yesterday ar rested three foreigners for gambling in Swatara township near the bor ough limits. They were locked up pending a hearing this evening. Two Children Die of Diphtheria Robert Crist, aged 4 years, died yesterday morning nt 5.30 of diph theria. His brother George aged rive, followed two hours later. They died at the home of the parents, Mr. and Airs. George Crist. 40 South Fourth street. The bodies were taken to Chambersburg to-day for burial. WOMEN ARE Tf) HOBI) DEBJCATESSEN SABF The women of Trinity Episcopal church will hold a elicatessen sale on Thursday afternoon from 4 to S o'clock in the parish house. DR. W. I*. DAI BEY Dr. W. P. Dailey has removed his office from 714 South Second street to 19 Walnut street, Steelton. Land Batteries Drive Oft Reds' Attack on Dvina; Outrange Enemy's Weapons By Associated Press. Archangel, May 5. The Bol shevik flotilla on the Dvina again attacked the allied positions near the junction with the Vaga on Fri day, but were driven off by the guns of the Allied land batteries which outranged the weapons of the enemy. Wrong Man on Trial; Ignorance Leads to Error West C'lirnler, Pa., May 5.—A seri ous error in listing cases for trial in Criminal Court caused Henry Cooper, a C'oatesville negro, much tribulation Saturday when he was placed on trial for a crime he did not commit for the real culprit. A charge of asault and battery had been I.rough! against a negro by Jose Campos, a young Mexican, but in er ror the name of Cooper was entered upon the docket. The Mexican could not speak English and when an in terpreter had been called from the State Norma] School it was found that Cooper was not the man accused and he was sent home, a verdict of not guilty being directed by the Court. Arrested in Church For Stealing Jewelry Scranton, Pa., May s.—Charles Mollocky, aged 21, of Port Griffith, a suburb, was arrested while at tending church yesterday on the charge of stealing $40,000 worth of jewelry and $3,000 in cash from the home of Joseph Wagner, in Philadel phia, where he was employed as a dishwasher. Mollocky, who is a dis charged soldier, having served in the 471 st aero squadron, admitted his guilt and turned over to the officers all the jewels and nearly all the cash, having spent some of the money. Tredwell. Arrested by Reds, Reaches Stockholm H)l Asnoriatcd. Press. Washington. May s.—Roger C. Tredwell, the American consul who was arrested by the Russian Bol shevik! authorities last October, has arrived in Stockholm. He advised the State Department to-day that he was taken from Moscow to Fin land several weeks ago and there released. I Experts Find Dynamite in Bombs Made in U. S. Washington. May s.—Experts of the Bureau of Mines analyzing the bombs used in the attempted May Day outrages have proceeded far enough lo convince them that the gelatine dynamite used was of Amer ican manufacture. It is expected that the firm producing the explosive can he identified from the chemical formula and the perpetrators traced ' in that way. SUSTAINS FRAUD VERDICTS Washington, May 5. Conviction in Ohio of Dennis Kelly, president, and three other officials of the Capi tal City Dairy Company, on charges of defrauding the government out of $1,000,000 In taxes on oleomargarine manufactured by the company was In effect sustained to-day by the Su preme Court REPORT SHOWS FARMERS FAVOR WORLD LEAGUE League to Knforcc Peace Dc-1 clares 193 Agricultural Bodies Endorse It New York, May 5.—A list of 193 ! agricultural organizations, national, i state and local, which have adopted , resolutions favoring the entrance of I I the United States into a Beague of ! i Nations was made public to-day by ' the Beague to Enforce Peace. The i Beague also announced that fifty- 1 five prominent agriculturists, rcpre- , , senting every state in the Union, I have joined the organization as na tional officers and members of Ms national committee and are mobiliz- I ing the farmers of the country for a drive on the United States Senate when the Beague of Nations treaty is presented for ratification. On the strength of this evidence 1 the report, which is presented by Professor Walter J. Campbell, the league's rural extension secretary, concludes that an overwhelming ma jority of the 12,000,000 farmers of the country favor, not only the idea of a league, but the league covenant ! as it now stands. Some Dig Organizations Ninety per cent, of the resolutions were adopted since the publication of the covenant and all but two or three of them since January 1, 1919. Copies were sent to President Wilson and to the Senators representing the State in which these organizations are located. The list includes most of the leading national agricultural , bodies, among them the American Agricultural Association, Farmers' \ Educational and Co-operative Union [ of America, Farmers' Equity Union, J Farmers' National Council, Farmers' [ National Reconstruction Conference, National Board of Farm Organiza tions, National Federation of Glean -1 ers, National Grange, and the Non partisan Beague. Among the prominent agricultur -1 ists who are directing the league campaign are: Oliver Wilson, mas ter of the National Grange; C. S. Barrett of the Farmers' Educational and Co-operative Union of America; Dr. H. B. Russell, dean of the Col lege of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin; Clarence Poe of Raleigh, N. C.; E. T. Meredith of Des Moines, Iowa: Foster Dwight Cohurn, of , Topeka,. Kansas; Chester H. Gray, president Missouri Farm Bureau As sociation; Dr. Thomas F. Hunt of the University of California; C. W. Thompson of the Bureau Markets, U. S. Department of Agriculture; Dr. Eugene Davenport, dean of the Agri cultuial College at Urbana, 111.; Pro fessor Beon S. Merrill, of the Col lege of Agriculture, University of Maine; W. D. Hurd, of the Massa j chusetts Agricultural College, and Professor Harvey B. Eby of the De partment of Rural Extension, Uni versity of Wyoming. Following is the list of State and local farmers' organizations and f granges in Pennsylvania that have ' recently adopted resolutions indors ing the league; ! Blair County Farm Bureau, Al toona; Bradford County Pomona Grange No. 23) Carversville Grange No. 451, New Hope; Monroe County Pomona Grange, Stroudsburg; Penn sylvania State Grange. ITALY GETS BACK TO PEACE BOARD [Continued from First Page.] Paris soon after the Germans have received the treaty prepared for their country. The decision on the part of the conference to summon the Aus trians is expected to have some in fluence upon the return of the Ital ians, as well as the reason that Italy 1 would be without a voice in the dis position of Germany's colonies by the conference should she fail to re new her connection with that body. So far as known Hungary has not been asked to send her peace dele gation to Versailles, the conference 1 holding action in abeyance pending the outcome of disorders in that country. The organization of the Beague of Nations is to be perfected to-day. | Standing committees will be appoint ed and arrangements for the first meeting of the league in Washington next October, will he made. It develops that the Finnish troops ; which have occupied Petrograd are Red Guards. It is announced they will march against the Finnish gov ernment forces, or the White Guards. ] ; Indignant at the seizure of the! Hungarian legation at Vienna by i counter-revolutionary forces the So viet government of Hungary has de manded that German-Austria take immediate action to arrest those in volved in the reported seizure. Budapest in Serious Panic Budapest, meanwhile is reported to be in serious panic over the men ace to the city through the near ap proach of Czech, Serbian and Ru manian troops, there being no longer I even a semblance of order. Basic, Switzerland. May s.—The German-Austrian cabinet at Vienna has issued a manifesto in which it claims that President Wilson,- 1 through his making known that he 1 approved the treaty of Bondon as 1 far as that concerned the dernarka tion of the frontier between Italy and German-Austria, which meant the annexation of the southern Tyrol, had acquiesced in a violation of the ninth of his 14 points. War Insurance Void if Applicant Had Been Dying By Associated Press. ' Washington, May 5. Claims for 1 deaths of men in militray service t resulting from natural causes or from battle are not payable under ! the war risk insurance act if appli cation for insurance was made while Hie applicant was in a "dying- con dition" It was explained in a state ment by the War Risk Insurance Bureau. This provision of the law was pointed out, it was said, to correct an erroneous impression that the bu ! reau was refusing to pay claims on ' deaths from natural causes. The ' conditions under which a man dies, ' is was said, do not affect the pay ment of claims, hut only the condi tions upon which ho makes applica tion for insurance. Make Attempt on Life of Horvath Vladivostok, May s.—An attempt was made recently on the life of Bieut. General Horvnth, Russian military commander at Harbin. His assailant attacked him with bombs, t/ut was seized before he had carried out his purpose. Canadian soldiers assisted in capturing the man. THE SHOWDOWN | IS COMING Men and women of Harrisburg who to-morrow do not display : Victory Bond buttons on (heir I coat lapels will ho "telling the j world" that thev do not own ' Victory Bonds. To-morrow is Victory Bond [ j Button Day in Harrisburg. There are men and women in j; j this city who own Victory Bonds , who are not wearing their but- ! tons —hut there are more men j | and women in Harrisburg who j ; are not wearing the buttons be- | i cause they do not have the bonds, i Secretary J. Clyde Myton, of ! | Victory Boan headquarters, this 1 ! morning in one minute in Market i | street counted twenty-two men ] ' who did not have buttons to two 1 ! men who did. "That's a remarkably rotten | I showing." said headquarters of- ! fieials. Postmaster Sites, homes chair man for the city, has issued this I statement: "We might as well have a I showdown on this thing. We I might as well know who has I bonds and who hasn't. There- j fore, I suggest that all bond own- I ers to-morrow wear their Victory I Boan buttons. "The man or woman who on j Tuesday, May 6, 1919, does not , wear a Victory Bond button will be advertising to the world the fact that he doesn't own Victory 1 Bonds." So to-morrow is "Showdown Day." FRENCH CABINET PLEASED WITH PEACE TREATY The Temps Says Belgium Re ceives a New Prop osition By Associated Press. Purls, May s.—The Temps says that the entire French cabinet is favor ably impressed by the report on ttie peace treaty, and adds that Paul Hy mans, the Belgian foreign minister and peace delegate, left yesterday for Brussels with two propositions to he considered by the Belgian govern ment. These concern the priority of Belgium's claim to the amount of 2,500,000,000 francs against Ger many's first reparation payment, ami the clearing up of Belgium's war debt without reserve and with the elimina tion of the conditions which previous ly attached to this. The Belgian caoinet will take these propositions under discussion this evening. The Chinese press bureau to-day issued another statement on the Kiao Chau-Shantung settlement, in which it is said that the Chinese delegation has received no official written com munication of the details of the de cisions of the council, but has learn ed that the clauses to be inserted in the treaty concerning Shantung go farther than was believed. Belgian Delegates Iteenlleil Brussels, Saturday, May 3.—At the cabinet council this afternoon, which lasted two and a half hours, it was decided to recall to this city the three Belgian delegates whose presence is needed at a further council to be held to-morrow evening in the Royal Pal ace at laeken whirh will he attended by all members of the government and state ministers. At this confer ence it will be decided whether or not the conditions offered Belgium by the Peace Conference are acceptable. The Catholic newspaper Nation Beige says it has been informed that. Premier Delacroix told his colleagues at the cabinet session this afternoon that. Belgium is to receive immedi ately 2,500,000,000 francs in gold and that the Allies are to relinquish the advances made to Belgium thus far of about 6,000,000,000 francs. The paper also states that all ma terials requisitioned or destroyed by the Germans are to he returned im mediately and that Germany is to give Belgium annually for a certain number of years 8,000.000 tons of coal representing 400,000,000 francs, it adds that payment, by Germany of 7,- 000.000,000 marks in circulation in Belgium when the armistice was signed is to take place without the intervention of the Allies and thus is dependant upon the economic recon- I struction of Germany. 49th Sunday School Convention to Open Boavei'town, Pa., Muy 7. The forty-ninth annual Sunday school j convention of Snyder county will be i held in the First United Butheran Church of this borougfc, next Mon day and Tuesday. Discussion of the work of the Sunday school in con nection with the reconstruction per iod will occupy most of the conven tion's time. Bentley D. Ackley, noted com poser, pianist and leader of the j "Billy" Sunday musical forces for more than seven years, will play for the convention's singing. Mr. Ackley has written scores of evange listic songs that have been used in the largest campaigns. Officers of the convention are; Dr. John I. Woodruff, president, Seiins grove; Professor T. F. Shambach, vice-president Middletown; H. I. j Romig, secretary, Beaver Springs; Hoyt Graybill, treasurer, Paxton ville. Department superintendents are: Elementary, Mrs. Hoyt Graybill, Paxtonville; secondary, Mrs. M. A. Moyer, Freeburg; O. A. B. C., T. H. Speigelmire,' Selinsgrove; home de partment, Mrs. W. A. Hassinger, Middleburg: teacher training, Dr. George E. Fisher, Selinsgrove; tem perance, the Rev. T. H. Materness, Beaver Springs; missionary, the Rev. Beon S. Drumheller, Selinsgrove; rural school. Professor Ira G. Sand ers, Northumberland. Making Plans For Presidential Campaign Washington, May 5. —Organization plans for the 1920 presidential cam paign will be considered at a con ference to be held here May 22 and 23. The meeting, which will be at tended by state chairman of the men's and women's Republican state central committees and members of the National Republican Committee, will he the first joint conference held since women were admitted to the ,auy'ii tcun'iis TOO MUCH FURNITURE Chicago, March s.—Miss Dclora An gel!, the 16-yera-old Bake Forest girl, who inherited the J. W. Gates millions, inherited also seven car loads of fine furniture, which arrived Saturday night. The seven cars con -1 tain the furniture of Mrs. Gates' home, in New York and the South. The i consignment is valued at sloo,ooo.The Angell family, who live, in a modest home, do not know whether to build i a storage house or establish a, mu seum, MAY 5, 1919. , , The New Junior High Schools By DR. F. E. DOWNES WITH tlie opening of schools ] in September next, Harris-1 burg will occupy for the lirst 1 I lime two of the three intermediate | or junior high schools, which were ! projected us the result of the Van 1 'Sickle survey of 1916. Ultimately a j third such school is expected to bo j provided in the central section of ! the city. I The many questions that are con l tinuully being asked relative to these I schools would seem to indicate that [the public generally is not well in formed concerning them, either as Ito the magnitude of the project it- I nelf, or as to the vital and far reach ling importance of the schools to the educational interests of the commun ity. For this reason it seems proper jto answer through the public press some of the questions that arise ] most frequently. Probably the most .important of these are the following: j . Why was it necessary to provide {additional facilities at this time? For mkny years the Central High | School has been over-ctowded. At | present, and for several years past, .double sessions have been necessary. I This school, now accommodating at {times during the year about 1,050 I students, was constructed to accom modate only 500 to 550 students. For the past two years it has been necessary to send all grammar school graduates to tho Technical High School. This has resulted in the crowding of that school also to at least fifty per cent above its' normal capacity. What arc intermediate or junior high schools? They are schools in tended to house and educate pupils of the seventh, eight and ninth grades. These grades include the j last two years of the present eight grade elementary system and the first grade or year of tho present four-year high school system. The new system is known throughout the country as the 6-3-3 plan of school organization, as distinguished from the former 8-4 plan. The first six grades by the new plan will be known as the elementary grades and the last six as the high school grades, tho latter being divided into three years in the intermediate or junior high school and three years in the senior high school. What arc tlic advantages of this classification? There are many ad vantages, some of which are discuss ed below. Pupils in such schools have the advantages that come from departmental instruction, early dif ferentiation of courses of study, in creased variety of opportunity as to subjects taught, and the stimulus and inspiration that conic through association with many teachers and pupils of one's own age. What ig meant by departmental instruction and what arc its advan tages? Departmental instruction means teaching in some definite de partment of work, such as the de partment of history, the clcpartment of Knglish, etc. Fly this plan the teacher, instead of teaching many subjects, confines herself to her spec ialty. Departmental teaching means better teaching, because the teacher can become an expert in teaching of one subject, whereas in the teach ing of many subjects she is apt to be a real expert in none. It means better equipment, for the reason that the few rooms in which any subject is taught can be fully equipped at less money than it now takes to equip many rooms inadcqualcl.v. It means improved physical conditions through opportunities afforded for physical education. It means in the junior school, a gradual transition from elementary to high school I methods. Ulicrc arc our new junior high schools located? One—the Camp: Curtin school—is located in the up per end of the city, at the corner of Hixth and AVoodbine. streets. The j other—the Edison school- is located! at the corner of Nineteenth and : Chestnut streets. Will all pupils of' the seventh,! righlli ami ninth grades be enrolled ] in the junior high schools next year? ; No. As already indicated, a third! school is contemplated for the con-1 tral part of tho city. Until this is completed, some pupils of the grades' mentioned cannot be accommodated, i Next year it is planned to accommo-1 date in these schools all ninth grade j ! pupils, but the seventh and eighth j grade pupils in the central section of, the city will continue as at present.! W hat will these schools have cost when completed? The Camp Curtin school is not entirely new. The old i part was erected in 1904 at a cost of! about SIIO,OOO. This is bciijg re modelled and an addition egected at I a cost, including equipment, approxi- ! mating $250,000, making a total cost j of about $360,000. The Edison school! when finished will have cost, includ ing equipment, about $450,000. There I is therefore a building outlay in the { schools of more than SBOO,OOO. Hoy large arc tlic schools? Per- I haps this question will be more'ef fectively answered by saying that each school occupies about one-half| of the ordinary city block. Each building has a large auditorium, two gymnasiums, dressing rooms, shops, lunch rooms, domestic science suites, | sewing rooms, commercial rooms, | drawing rooms, study hall 1 facilities j—in fact all special accommodations and facilities required by the most advanced educational procedure. Aside from this, each school con tains twenty or more regular aca demic classrooms. The Camp Cur tin school contains a total of 76 rooms, large and small: the Edison, 82 rooms. What academic subjects will he I taught? English (including gram mar. composition, literature and spelling), arithmetic, algebra, Amet ican history, civics, ancient history, geography, hygiene, general science, Latin and French. What manual activities will he conducted? Work in mechanical drawing, freehand drawing and in dustrial arts, woodworking, metal work, electric work, printing, sewing and cooking. What special work, not Included in the above will l>c given? Com mercial work (including bookkeep PENWSYLVANIATNPEMNITYFXCMAWGI Home Office Philadelphia I A plan that means sav ing and service for you. Write for Information Harrisburg Branch, A* L. Hall, Patriot Bldg. Manager -R=HGG |P WOCAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCI- ing, typewriting, spelling and possi bly stenography), music, public speaking, auditorium activities and physical training. How many teachers will be requir ed to supply tho needs of the intor mcdiatc or junior high schools? The Camp Curtin school will require 36 teachers and the Edison 44—a total of 80. Thirty-seven of these teach ers will be required in the special subjects alone. What will lie the length of the school day? About six hours, not including a lunch period at noon of about forty-five minutes. Most pu pils will be obliged either to bring their lunches or purchase them in the lunch room of the school. Will not tlic construction anil op i cralion of these schools increase the lotal expense of the school district" 1 Yes, considerably. The interest on the bonds, the additions to the sink ing funds, the cost of operating tho plants, the employment of many ad ditional teachers in newly created departments of work—all Ihis will make added costs necessary. How will the schools compare, when completed, with other similar seliools throughout tlic country ? These schools and the facilities pro vided through them will be unsur passed. They mean that Harrisburg has taken a national stride educa lionally. They will afford opportun ities for the development of the boys and girls of Harrisburg equal to those afforded in any city. And. af ter all. it is not so much the ques tion of how much is spent, on edu cation, but what returns are derived for moneys expended that arc of most important concern. Our new schools will bring returns. First Contingent of Men For Overseas Service Is to Leave New York Tomorrow Now York, May 5. —A first con | tingent, 1,000 men of the 50,000 ttroops volunteering to relieve an equal number of doughboys now with the American Army of Occupation in Germany, will sail for Europe to morrow on the transport Agamem non, it was announced to-day by the army embarkation authorities at Ho boken. Rail Merger Upheld by Nation's High Court By Associated Press. Washington, May s.—Consolida tion in 1914 of the New York Cen tral and Hudson River railroad with the Lake Shore and Michigan South ern 'and nine other subsidiary rail road corporations was in effect up held to-day by the Supreme Court, which refused to review proceedings instituted in tho New York State courts by Clarence H. Venner, a stockholder, to prevent confirmation of the union. STILL SERIOUSLY ILL New York, May s.—Physicians at tending the Rev. John J. Hughes, head of the Paulist order in tho United States said to-day there had been no change in his condition, which last night was declared to be serious after five weeks of suffering from a general breakdown. Father Hughes has been unconscious most of the time during the last two days. Among the securities discussed j in the current number of the / | Market Review are tho following: U. S. Steel Southern Pacific Corn Products Salt Creek Producers Association, Inc. American Can Endicott-Johnson Ohio Cities Gas Industrial Alcohol Sent on request for H. T.-3SO HUGHES & DIER I , Phila. Stock Exchange i Members Chicago Board of Trade PENN-HARRIS HOTEL, HARRISBURG .\pw York Oilier—ro llrond St. IFOR SALE No. 1001 North Second Street Two Brick Dwell ings, Hummel Ave., Le moyne. Lots on Curtin, Jefferson and Seneca Streets 1615-17-19-21 Naudain Street ! Apartments and Store, Sixth and Harris Double Brick Dwelling, Bow ers Ave., Ft. Washington Brick Dwelling, Bowers and Walnut Sts., Ft. Wash ington Frank R. Leib and Son REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE 18 North Third St. HARRISBURG, PA. 15
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers