16 BOMB SENT TO AN EX-SENATOR INJURES WIFE Blows Off Maid's Hands at the Home of Thomas \V. Hnrdwick Atlanta, Ga.. April 30.—Explosion of an Infernal machine sent through j the mails to the home of former United States Senator Thomas W. Hardwiek. of Georgia, yesterday, re sulted in the serious injury of Mrs. Maude P. Hardwiek, wife of the ex- "DANDERINE" FOR FALLING HAIR A small bottle of Danderine costs but a few cents at any store. It stops falling hair, itching scalp and ends dandruff, besides it doubles the beauty of your hair, mak ing it appear twice as beavv. thick and abuiidant Try it! FREE " The Price of Peace " Balance of Week: At 2 and I P. M.: at 7.30 and I) P. M. Saturday. 2 anil 1 Only. United States Government film taken at a cost of $1,225,000, depicting the scenes of actual warfare on the French front. BOARD OF TRADE HALL 114 Market Street Coal Will Advance 50 Cents Per Ton BUY coal now. Don't wait for prices to come down. They are going up. During the summer months at least fifty cents per ton will be added to present prices. No one knows how much higher the price will go next winter. But it is not the price of coal to-day that is the big thing to consider —although the price is a factor. It is the sup ply of coal that is of most serious consideration. Unless you put in your next Winter's supply early, the chances are you will regret it before cold weather comes again. Every condition points to higher prices and scarcity. Increased labor cost, increased freight rates and every thing which is used to move the coal after it is mined make high prices logical. Don't wait and get caught in the Fall and W inter "coal rush." If you wait, you must pay higher prices, and, ivhat is worse, you may not be able to get coal at all when you need it most. We are now getting coal from the mines which supplied us before the war. The quality is good; you will be pleased with it. United Ice & Coal Co. Forster & Cowden Sts. 7th & Woodbine Sts. 15th & Chestnut Sts. 7th & Reily Sts. • 6th near Hamilton Sts. WEDNESDAY EVENING, HARRISBURG TELEGRAPH APRIL 30, 1919. Senator. and the maiming of her ne gro maid. Former Senator Hardwiek was not at his home when the infernal ma chine was delivered, and Mrs. Hard wiek ordered her maid to open it. believing, it is said, that it was a sample package containing pencils. When the wrappings were removed, the machine exploded with terntic force. The maid's hands were blown off. Mrs. Hard-.--.c-: was burned about the face and body and her up per lip was severely cut by flying fragments. Furniture in the room was demolished. Police believed to-day the machine was sent by the same person or per sons who several days ago sent a similar machine to Mayor Ole Han son. of Seattle. Both were sent 111 packages with wrappers bear.ng the return address of "Gimbel Brothers. 3?nd and Broadway. New t ork. The pack A pro received at the home of _Mr. Hardwiek also bore the Inscription, •vamuliand a New York postmark. ORPHEUM | To-night David Belasco presents I "Theßoomerang." .Thiee cays, starting Thursday, May I, I —matinee on Saturday "Turn t> ; the Right." MAJESTIC ! High Class Vaudeville—Five splendid j comedy attractions headed by "The i Decorators," one of Fred Ardath's ' acts. Change of program to-mot | row. COLONIAL I To-day and to'morrow Constance ! Ti.lmadge in "Experimental Mar j liage." I Friday and Saturday—Alice Brady j in "Marie, Ltd." REGENT To-day and to-morrow —Marguerite Clark in "Mrs. V'iggs of the Cab bage Patch." , Friday end Saturday—Charles Ray it "The Girl Dodger." VICTORIA To-day—"Wives of men." Thursday, Friday and Saturday "Why I Would Not Marry.' I "The Bocmerang," a most populat comedy of American life, by w J! c . Smith and \ ct ; -The Mapes, which has Dei Boomerang" the success of two so sons at the Belas Theater, New York, and eight mont at Powers' Theater, Chicago, will I seen at the Orpheum to-day. matin I and night. There is said to be i world of wit and wishes in the spnr • ling dialogue of this latest corned if has to do with a young doctor wr. 1 undertakes to cure a jealous lover r. i putting him under the care of an a, - 1 tractive voting nurse. The signin- Icance of the play's title becomes ap | parent when all the doctors theories I of love and jealousy are thrown into the discard, and he, too, finds himself hopelessly entangled in Cupici s j meshes. If vou are despondent when you go into tin- Majestic^Theater^he^arly Vl"rev B."' 1 Wt e he° feWngVhat ; the Majestic way when you come out. for the show ap ! pearing there is a winner and comedy I reigns supreme. There is a splendid I comedy singing and ! presented bv Harris and More>. while I "The Decorators' is the title of a i farce comedy that is a scream from start to finish. Three other choice acts are included on the program. Some of the attractions listed for I the last half of the week are the I three Rozellas in a novelty singing (lTering: Bowers. Walters and Crook er variety entertainers; a refined 'musical act presented by five People entitled "Recollections ; Dou and ' feun Archer in comedy songs and nonsense, and Tate and Tate, novelty I acrobats. Scenic beauty equalling the best of the specially made educational sub jects. picturing na- I nusnnl llrnmn ture's grandeur pro in new vides a wonderful : Petrova Picture natural background for many of the im portant outdoor incidents in "The 1 Panther Woman." to be shown at. ithe Victoria Theater on Monday and I Tuesday as a First National Exhibi i tors' Circuit attraction, starring Ma dame Olga Petrova. 1 Much of the early action of the ' storv of "The Panther Womat. which is the adaption by Mary Muril lo of the famious novel, 'Tatienee Sparhawk and Her Times," written by the novelist, Gertrude Atherton, takes place in the West. Director Ralph I Ince. accompanied by his cameraman. Harry R. Harris, made a special trip to the old Mission section of Arizona. Where the locale of the first half of the Gertrude Atherton story is laid. It was found possible to duplicate in almost every instance, the exact Sapper at Mother Bascoms a scene from "Turn to The Right" Tears and laughter fight for mastery in "Turn To The Right" the comedy success to be presented at the j Orpheum for three days starting to-morrow night with a mutinee Saturday and with the original Broadway I cast by Winchell Smith and John L. Golden. scenes mentioned in "Batience Spar liawk and Her Times." In "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage > Patch," Miss Clark portrays the role of Lovey Mary, a moni t Marguerite .tor in an orphanage in 1 j Clark at whose care is placed a t i Urgent child, of whose parents she is ignorant, and • whom site lives as a brother. This ' child subsequently is the central fig- IJure of an interesting story. tj On Friday and Saturday Charles • Kay will appear in "The Girl Dodger" i presented by Thomas H. Ince. ' To-day is the last day for the Flor ence Keed film, "Wives of Men,' which has drawn pack ' "Wives of ed houses at the Vio '• i Men" at toria the past two days. I Victoria Young wives of the I city, for whom the Vic '! toria management especially booked ' this picture, have flocked there and I have nothing but unanimous and en thusiastic praise for it. While this is known as W omen s Week" at the Victoria, the manage ment is desirous of clearing up a mis taken impression on the part of some 'I of its patrons that the shows arc 'strictly for the fair sex alone. Men I are also welcome and from the com ments ol a number who have scon 'I Miss Reed's picture, it contains a lot II of information for thorn as well as i for young wives and women in par '■ ticular. Bv "Women's Week" is simply meant that the pictures carry I a special appeal to women, but not ■ that they cannot or should not be ' seen by men. BASEBALL RESULTS ; NATION Alj LEAGUE , Yesterday's Results i Philadelphia, S; Brooklyn, 5. Cincinnati, 8; Pittsburgh, 1. ' St. Louis, 1; Chicago, 0. f New York at Boston (cold). i SCHEDULE FOR TO-DAY 1 New York at Boston. Brooklyn at Philadelphia. Pittsburgh at Cincinnati. St. Louis at Chicago. STANDING OF CLUBS W. L. Pet. I Cincinnati 6 0 1.000 I Brooklyn 4 1 .800 I Philadelphia 3 2 .600 | New York 2 2 .500 I Pittsburgh 2 3 .400 | Chicago 2 3 .400 ! St. Louis 1 5 .166 Boston 0 4 .000 AMERICAN LEAGUE Yesterday's Results Philadelphia. 7: New York, 1. Boston. 2; Washington, 4. Chicago. 3; Detroit, 1. Cleveland. 2; St. Louis, 0. SCHEDULE FOR TO-DAY Philadelphia at New York. Boston at Washington. Cleveland at St. Louis. Chicago at Detroit. STANDING OF CLUBS W. L. Pot. | Chicago 5 1 .833 I Boston 3 1 .750 Cleveland 2 1 .666 | Athletics 2 2 .500 | Washington 2 3 .400 New York 1 2 .333 | Detroit 1 3 .250 i St. Louis 1 4 .200 Sale of Manufacturers Stocks and Canceled Orders Men's&Boys' Suits Hats . Trousers Furnishings Watcli-Wait Sale on Friday Full Details To-morrow "Women! Here'a the Latest Hat Creation Hats, hats, hats—oh, you wonderful, beautiful hats! A hat Is a wo man's delight and a husband's woiry—when he thinks about the bill. Fashion decrees that Milady must have a new hat every' two weeks and the milliner agrees with her. She must have a number of straw ones for snow to cling to and make its downy bed upon; she must have several dozen velvet ones for the sun to melt and also melt her head at the same time; and she must have at least, three dozen hats made of satin or any other fantastic material to wear in the off seasons. •W'h women and chorus girls frequented the exclusive hat shop of Marie and bought an odd dozen of bats each year. What happened to Marie and her patrons is told in Alice Brady's latest picture "Marie. Limited" to be shown at the Colonial Friday and Saturday. Reims Population Shrinks From 115,178 to 8,458 Reims, France, April SO.—Reims, which .had a population of 115,178 ; before the war, now has only 8,458 inhabitants—3,9B7 men, 3,258 wom en and 1,213 children. The "martyr city" was shelled by the Germans on 1,051 days, and more than 1,000 persons were killed, including some 300 women and 100 children. The cathedral was struck I by 287 shells up to March 21, 1918. After that date no record was kept. April 24, 1917, was the worst day of the war for Reims. The bom bardment was so terrific that no rec ords could be made of the casual ties and damage on that day. Man Shot Her, Killer! Himself, Says Woman I.os Angeles, Calif., April 30.—Coun- ! ty authorities are seeking an expla-l nation of a shooting aPfair at Ocean Park, a beach resort near here, that ended in the possibly fatal wound ing of Mrs. Theresa Hoover and what i she said was the suicide Sunday night of Louis P. Ramsay, a wealthy lum-| berman, formerly of Rake Charles, La. According to the officers, Itamsav had been a freouent caller et the; Ocean Park residence of M. 'l. j j Coles, for whom Mrs. Hoover acted as , housr keeper and who has been miss- | • ing from her home since last Wed inerday. | Ramsay is said to have called sit' the Coles home last Thursday and t j ' : , Bill Fortna Pitching Gives Tech Victory Over C. 1. and. S. Technical High School's base ball nine won a five-Inning prac tice gat. e on the Island yesterday ; j afternoon from 51 ill No. 1 of the j i Central Iron and Steel Company, 1 j with "Bill" Fortna pitch'ng. Score, ; 8 to 1. This afterni on the Maroon loss- ! ers were sche,lnte l to oppose the I Marsh Run soldiers in a full nine- | i inning contest with "Buddy" ; I Lingle in the box. Fortna nut ] loose throughout the contest and pitched a clever game, through- j j out. Hipper* tool tossed four in- , | nings for the steel workets. but | he was wi'. 1 nt all timer. Ram- i ford pitched the final inning. Coach Albright used Wilsbaeh j on first with Kohlman on second. Both showed good farm. Saturday j the jiine will travel to Bethlehem I Prep for the hardest game of the j season. The team will leave Sat- I urday morning at 7.55. Nev<.'iart, i the Bethlehem pitcher, has a ree- j i ord of 33 strikeouts in his last j j two games. But when the mighty I j Tech swatters oppose him, there j i is sure to be some action. Mt. Union High School will be > | played at that place Saturday, ' | May 10. Huntingdon was u have I been played on the preceding Frl ! day but the latter team cancelled. I A number of the players are ramn i bcrs of the senior class of that institution, and are away on a : senior trip to the Capitol at Washington. It is likely that Qeroge Qermer will start against ! Bethlehem Prep next Saturday. I have searched the house for Miss Coles. Reaching the bathroom, he found the door locked. He fired a revolver shot through the door, strik ing Mrs. Hoover in the breast, ac cording to her story. He is said by the woman to have carried her to a bed. but to have de nied her medical aid. food and water, while lie wandered about the house, sleeping little and occasionally dis charging Ills revolver until Sunday night. Then the telephone rang, and Ramsay, presumably, according to the officers, believed the police had learned of his having shot Mrs. Hoover and had come to arrest him. He went into a room shot himself through the head. She then crawled to the front door of the house and asked passersliy to call the police. Mrs. Hcover is not expected to re cover. WILL KM'IiRTAIN ( LASS Sliircmnns v. i. Pa., April. 30. — Mrs. Williai i Gorman will enter lain the Ladies' Organized Bible Class No. 4 of the Bethel Church of God at her residence, in East Main street, on Wednesday evening. I'o you ever expert to be sentenced to death by electrocution f Piitlcncc Spnrlmwk would have been equally aghast at the possi bility. Hut fate stretched forth Its long tentacles, lifting her from the grief laden surroundings In which she struggles for linpplness, only to drop her nt the very threshold of death. An Inmate of the cold, silent death house of Sing Slug prison, condemned to die In the chair beenuse an imaginary grievance leil to perjury. Mme Petrova THE PANTHER WOMAN Adnptoil from the famous nov el, '•Patience Sparhawk anil , her Times," by Gertrude Atlier ton. VICTORIA VIO.ADAV AND TUESDAY NOW SHOWING Marguerite Clark In ller New Photoplay "Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch" FlrMt Time Shown In HurrlNbtirff TODAY AND TOMORROW I REGENT THEATER Marguerite Clark appears as I.ovry Mary In plcturlxatlon of the splendid novel, "Mrs. Wlggs of the Cabbage Patch." Extra Tomorrow, Friday and Saturday Sennett Comedy "The Foolish Age" FRIDAY AND SATURDAY I'll Alt I,KS RAY —IN— "THE GIRL. DODGER" Advante in Prices of Flour Does Not Mean Scarcity St. I.ouis, April 30.—Commenting ' u the tremendous prlce-amatihing \ hat took place on the Chicago Board l' Trade yesterday. Jul us H. Barnes, I res'dent of the Grain Corporation, 1 aid: .; "The steadv advance in the mar- I tet price of flour is not Justified by j •ny scarcity, actual or impending, as , eserves have been carefully pre served for the demands of the coun- : 1 ry. "The niills are grinding eleven i million bushels or flour weekly, I while our domest'c consumption i. does not exceed c'ght million bush- , -Is. It is therefore a simple prob lem to offset any sepeulative hoard- i lug of flour, to discontinue export ourchases." American Officers Hooted in Fiume By Associated Press• fopenliWen. April 30.—There have I een noiy nnt.l-Amerloon (lemonstrn- | ons in Fiume. American officers ( ere hooted In the Htreeta. according a report received byway >r Ger any, and Hritiah and French troop* aintalned order with dlflloul.ty* QRPHEUM TOO AY 2T.SSS ' ■ ... - :l V ft 1 The best of Wincbcll Smith and Victor Maims plays All the world loves a lover— and so do you It's the sweetest double love story ever told Matinee— to $l.OO Night— to $2.00 I VICTORIA Today Only—Positively Final Day FLORENCE REED "WIVES OF~MEN" Today and All Week "Why I Would Not Marry" The Sensational Hevelntlon of One Girl's Experience W'.th Men mid MnrriuKc. Tomorrow, Friday mid Snturdny "THE GHOST OF SLUMBER MOUNTAIN" I Admission 10 nnd tiOc and war tnx ORPHEUM TOMORROW Matinee Saturday Winchcll Smith and John li. Golden, Producers of "liiglitnin'" and ' "3 Wise Fools, Present TIIE GREATEST OF ALIj LAUGHING HITS TO THE i ll Direct From the Garriek Theater, Philadelphia —THE ONLY COMPANY ON TOt'lt SkOflt Tn.Hav NIGHTS—SOc, $l.OO, $1.50, $2.00 . 36uta JLO-JLiay MATINEE—2Sc to $1.50. HOMEWARD BOUND Cable Dispatches Indicate the 28th Division Is Now on the Ocean THESE ARE HARRISBURG BOYS OUR BOYS You Can Help Entertain These Boys When They Arrive by Attending the HOME FOLKS VICTORY ASSN. CONCERT AND DANCE Chestnut Street Auditorium—Wednesday Evening April 30th Tickets on Sale at the Jewelry Store of H. C. Claster, 302 Market Street Or at Sigler's Piano Store, 30 North Second Street MAJESTIC I.list Chance to See the Comedy Hill Here Featuring THE Decorators (The Act With (he Local Ulrl In It) TIIIM IN eoiiNldercd one of the fiinnleMt PIII.VN In vinidevllle. Til I It SI) A Y-FR ll) \ V-SATI'RDAY Another Feature Hill Including "Recollections" "The Three Rubes" Ami Three (Xlier lieitli Acta. COLONIAL TODAY AND TOMORROW Should people marry and lone their freedom, or ntay mingle and loMe tlie on ON (hey love? Tl IN IN (lie intention charming Constance Talmadge had to MOIVO. The renult in whnt innkeN the photoplay— "Experimental Marriage" One of (he grentent, lnugh rollick ing Moreen plnyx of (he lny. I( In (aken from the Ntagc play "Satur day to Monday.** Don't Miss This Picture—lt's Essential to Your Happiness. FKIDAY ANIJ SATURDAY Alice Brady —IN— a 1 s r'i ~i : 'j | ALICE" BRADY Jff j m "marie. ixdT i "Marie, LTD." The story of n girl who gave tin a wonderful career lo sell hats la ! her mother's store. If you are thinking of buying a lint wait until you see the superb j models shown In this picture.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers