"SWAT THE FLY" IS CRY OF NEW HEALTH CRUSADE Anti-Tuberculosis Society Re quests Early Slaughter * * of Disease-Carriers "Swat the Fly." This is the cry heard from the Anti-Tuberculosis Society of Harris burg and vicinity, which is already starting its campaign against the disease carrier that they may be kill ed before tliey have multiplied to any great extent. The society will carry out ita cam paign largely through its organi zation of school children of the county, "The Modern Health .Cru saders" as they have been termed by the officials of the society. In struction has been given by officials of the society to the children that the insect causes the death of more people than all of the beasts and rep tiles of the jungles. The campaign provides for the de struction of all possible fly-breeding nests. The society says that many of the flies that have survived the winter have already iaid their eggs and urged a cleanup of possible har bors of eggs ut once. This campaign is in line with one inaugurated by Mayor Keister after conference with State Health De partment officials. He has requested the city health department to make investigations and take steps to over come nusiances which are possible fly breeding nests, at once. It is un derstood. also, that the Civic Club will conduct its usual "Swat the Fly" campaign. Useless Matter Sent by "Dead" War Bureau Is Cluttering Wire Service "Telegraph, telephone and mail ser vice, now days behind in the distribu tion of business messages, are clogged because useless government bureaus at Washington are "shooting money out of fourteen-inch guns," according to a statement issued yesterday by former I,ieutenant Governor Frank B. Mc- Claln, now director of the State Council of National Defense. Triplication of "messages that are "positive subtractions from the sum of human knowledge" are daily occur rences, according to Mr. McClain, who protests against the continuance of the activity of "dead relics of the belliger ent era." Not a word of protest lias ever been recorded by Postmaster General Burle son against the abuse of the wires and the mails. Mr. McClain declares. Most of the abuse comes about be cause bureau heads at Washington re fused to heed notices that state Coun cils of National Defense had isbanded after the armistice, he says. Notifica tion was sent in December that the Pennsylvania Council of National De fense intended to demobilize its 22,000 workers February 1 at the latest, but form letters and telegrams are still pouring into the offices of Mr. McClain in the Finance Building. "The result of all this is to 'clutter up' the wire service in Pennsylvania, to the disadvantage of business enter prises. Most of these suggestions that come from Washington at the present time, both by mail and by wire, have no real value, and many of them are positively subtractions from the sum of human knowledge, said Mr. McClain. "Possibly there are some states in the Union that had, as compared with Pennsylvania 'imitation' or 'carbon copy' state councils of national defense that are still in existance in name, but Pennsylvania during the time of war had a real council of defense that ren dered real service, and we cannot help but feel that the variety of boards, bureaus and commissions which the war emergency gave birth to at Washington have outlived their usefulness, and that those at the head of the same, in most Instances are 'dead and don't know it." Of course, we agree that these ex tinct specimens of a belligerant era should be given a decent burial, but in the same breath, in the interest of national economy, we feel that the ex penditures involved in the practices herein recited should come to an end. That money should no longer be 'shot out of fourteen-inch guns' and that for the good of the state and the nation, the early internment of many of the national boards, bureaus and commis sions is imperative." Use McNeil's Pain Exterminator--Ad REMOVAL NOTICE Dr.JAORWIG (Dentist) formerly of 1446 Market Street is now occupying a newly equipped six room office of the most modern kind at 302 Market St., (Over Claster's Jewelry Store) Spray Fruit Blos soms and Have Perfect Fruit Spraying with "I* V ItOX" will prevent wormy fruit, prevents "falling off"—kills eating insects. " 1 lb., 40c; 5 lbs., $1.50 10 lbs., $2.75; 25 lbs., $5.75; 50 lbs., $10.75; 100 lbs., $20.00. (1 lb. makes 5 gal.) All the llrst InseetieideK—Arsen ate of I.end Soluble Sulphur —. Bordeaux—Sealecide, etc. SI'RAYEItS— aII the best makes and all styles. Trim out the dead branches—see our combined pruner and shears — every fruit grower should have one. Walter S. Schell Quality Seeds taoT-iaon MARKET ST. tit J and suburban town delivery. MONDAY EVENING, ROOSEVELT'S SON TELLS OF ARMY'S UNPREPAREDNESS Even Regulars Knew Nothing of Modern Warfare, Writes Captain New York, April 28. —Captain j Archibald Roosevelt, son of Theo- j tlore Roosevelt, has taken up the j fight for American preparedness. He ! has written for Everybody's Maga zine the story of the unprepared state in which even the regular army entered the conflict. Captain Roosevelt writes to put on j record into how demoralized a state \ from a military point of view the i nation had been brought by iSacifists, and how many lives were uselessly sacrificed in this way by "those bloody priests of inefficiency." He charged that even the regulars went to France at the outbreak of war utterly ignorant, officers and men alike, of the rudiments of mod ern battle science. Not only this, hut also without even the most nec essary offensive and defensive equip ment to meet the troops of Germany. Virtually all of this equipment, he says, had to be borrowed from France or Britain. Wood Punished For Efficiency It took a month, he says, after the First division landed in France be fore the men could be sufficiently outfitted by the Allies even to begin training. It took four months before what the people at home called "our splendidly equipped and trained reg ulars" were able to go into the trenhes for training. Even then they were sent in with three French- j men for every American. He begins j his exposure of the utterly supine . unpreparedness of America with the i introduction of the Plattsburg idea and what that disclosed. He says: "Genera! Leonard Wood was the only man in the United States able to combine deeds with words. He not only spoke for preparedness, but because of his position he was able to start a system of summer military training camps for boys in high schools and colleges—this in spite of the active hostility of our then pacifist government. "Though poorly trained, the per sonnel was good. But modern ma terial was entirely lacking. The auto matic rifle (where the recoil is taken up by the body of the man) and the machine gun (where the recoil is taken up by a fixed tripod) were unknown, not only to the stu dent officers, but to nearly all the officers of the regular army. "The Lewis automatic rifle, three years successfully used by the Brit ish and Belgian armies in actual warfare, had been, after several highly successful trials, condemned by our War Department: hence its advances were known only by a few who had seen the trials. 1 was with General Wood when these trials were given in 1916. The Benet-Mer cier, too heavy to be carried by a 'doughboy,' yet not placed on fixed rests, liad the disadvantage of be ing neither an automatic rifle nor a machine gun. Now Weapons Unknown to Them "It was here that the inefficiency of the Regular Army when dealing with present war conditions became glaringly evident. The men training there to become officers of the new National Army had no training with grenades, hand or rifle. The Stokes mortar and the steel helmet were utterly unknown to them. There were no airplanes, no gas masks nor poison gas drill, and an entirely in adequate equipment for artillery or cavalry training. "Many a weary hour have we wasted on wigwag and semaphore signaling, only to find out later that the European armies had long since , abandoned these methods as 4m ; practical and substituted the blink er lights. T. P. S. (ground wifeless) and wireless. Not until long after 1 bad landed in France did I even hear of those methods, to say noth ing of learning how to handle them." Just before going into training Captain Roosevelt was transferred to the Twenty-sixth Infantry. The men lacked gas mastks and had to borrow them from the French, aft er a disastrous experiment with masks sent out by the War Depart ment. These latter leaked like sieves. The "splendidly equipped reg ulars" were also without automatic rifles, machine guns, grenades, rifle grenades, steel helmets, signal rockets, carrier pigeons or equip ment for blinker signaling. All of these were supplied to the regulars by the French or the British. " "Lack or equipment and lack of training and organization made it impossible to start our actual train ing in modern warfare, based on the lines developed by the English, French and Germans, until July 24, ] 1917—one month less than two days after our arrival in France. And even then we could only simulate the varied equipment required by an infantry company iti modern warfare. Pucli vitally necessary ar tiles as gas masks and steel helmets did not arrive until August, 1917. "Eventually most of our borrowed regalia did come, and in October we were all cheered by the news that were to go to the trenches. The en thusiasm was somewhat dampened, however, when about two weeks be fore we started we found all our 1917 rifle ammunition to he defec tive. It had passed the factory tests and the careless eyes of government inspectors, and had been sent to us overseas where the difference meant the difference between life and death to our soldiers. Fortunately, it had been discovered by the troops in time to substitute the 1916 and 1917 ammunition. "I believe it was October 18, 1917, that we moved up for the first time into the firing line. Nearly four months after landing in France our •splendidly equipped and trained regular division was considered by I the Allied command only sufficiently I trained to he placed in the line with the proper battalion portion of one American battalion to one French | regiment of three battalions." Leave For a Trip to the Oil Field of the Midwest \V. R. Houser. vice president of Midwest and Gulf Company, left to day for Oklahoma with some 30 per | sons composed of stockholders and- I directors for a tour of inspection of their holdings in Tulsa and Chelsea, Ckla. This Company has been excep tionally successful in securing leases and their operations have resulted In satisfactory production. A well was brought in <sn Good Friday that is producing over 150 barrels per day. On their trip they will visit the deep drilling sections in Texas as well as Kansas. Mr. Houser received word I just before leaving that his company had brought in a good well on Sat urday, and that another is expected to roach the oil sand to-morrow. Mr. Homer will be joined in St. Louis by stock holders from other sections I of the c'ountry, and they will be ab sent about two weeks.—adv. Pennsylvania at the Front 124434 ■ Twenty-eighth Division Ration Dump. Twelve different organizations drew their food for twenty-four hours from this dump daily, to right: Sergt. G. A. Davis, in charge, A. B. Schultz, Sergeant C. I*. Cooper. Next "ltogers," French orphan adopted by these men, Private W. P. Brown, .1. M. Steward and E,. M. Sternberg. All of Quartermasters Corps, from Pittsburgh and suburbs. The picture was taken at St. Gemme, Rlarne, France, September 8. 1918. This picture was produced by the Signal Corps of the United States Army, and if interested in obtaining copies apply to the U. S. Army Recruiting Officer, 325 Market street, this city. SUPPORTS ITALY'S CLAIM FOR FIUME Rev, Lewis Harnish Says Wil son Has Taken Wrong Stand "President Wilson has made a seri ous and tragic mistaken which may cause the withdrawal of Italy's friendship for America though many generations." The speaker was Rev. Lewis Har nish an alumnus of Franklin and Marshall College and Seminary who graduated at the latter institution in the same year with the Rev. Mann Irvine, now of Moatfersburg School, and who wajt chosen by the Y. M. C. A. shortly after America declared war, to represent that activity at Florence, Italy. Rev. .Harnish came from Huntingdon county stock, of good, old Reformed Church faith, the family being identified with farming. A brother, William, is now a promi nent lawyer in Lancaster, and his brother-in-law is Rev. Homer Skyles May, pastor of the Fourth Reformed Church at Market and Sixteenth streets, where Rev. Harnish last night addressed the audience. After a period of hard work in a remote section of this State, Rev. Harnish was called to the city of Hartford. Conn., where he has long been the head of that city's social service functions. From there he resp%nded to the Y. M. C. A. call, and retuiyied Only yesterday morning for a brief visit here. Rev. Harnish consented to talk with a Telegraph representative from the single motive of truth as he sees it and with the very keen desire that America should get a real under standing of the Italian attitude in the present agitation. At the head of the great "Y" work in his district he explained that in the course of one and a half he personally shook hands with perhaps, two and a half million Italians, soldiers and civilians. Being a responsive person and accustomed to dealing with facts in his social labors at Hartford, he concentrated on gathering facts. "The peasants of Italy nre chil dren," he began with the poised cau tion, of a trained observer. "Their living system is entirely different from our; the padrone owning the land; the contandino doing the agri cultural work. It is a relic of feu dalism. The country should be a great one for manufacturing, for it is blessed with transcendent resources and untold man-power, but they liave rj fuel. "To estimate the spirit which moves the country in this crisis one should know that the first people to settle in Italy proper were the Etrus cans, an enterprising race who flxed themselves there before 'he Latins. Many marks of this industrious race are still to be seen, and their pro gressive spirit is still the foundation of this race, cropping up at just such times as this. It is the moat real thing in Italy and President Wilson has ignored it. "No foreign rule is the key-note cf this ancient sentiment; Garibaldi realized it and that was his slogan. With the impetus he and other pa triots exerted, Italy would now be in a state of progress but capital lias been lacking and she has been kept poor by Germany, which had supreme ELEVEN-COAL CARS DERAILED ■ I When a brakebeam dropped from an engine on the Philadelphia and Heading railroad yesterday at White Hill and struck against the first of a trntn of cars heavily loaded with coal, eleven cars were derailed and eight of them damaged beyond repair. When the beam dropped against the first of the cars, the coupling between it and the engine tender was torn and the car, with seven otlfers, started down over a steep embankment. Practically all of the coal from these cars was thrown over the embankment and the eight ears piled on top. No persons were injured. The eastbound track w. s damaged a distance n *. Ann ""* tfc west. I bound track was also considerably broken up. .. .. • ... . ■ - i TELEGRAPH economic dominance, manufacturing practically all the goods used there and manipulated all linance. Her traitors teemed in every village, cul tivating the populace to Germany's desires. "Unfortunately, the Italians are poor propagandists. What they need is a live American to show them the benefits of a systematic publicity which will bring other peoples t# this splendid country. Their fault is that they have no patience with other na tions who do not understand them. But there is a deeper feeling of fel lowship of this country than I have observed any where. The whole pop ulation loves its country, loves it pa thetically, and until this crisis it loved America with about the same intensity. The Y men with me and I myy>lf, were affected almost to tears at their demonstrations. That is the real substance of the Italian. I attended many gatherings where the spirt of Garibaldi, Mazzini, Ca vour prevailed and thousands raised their wonderful voices in that na tional song they sing, 'The Bells of San Juisto,' sounding the hour when slavery shall cease. I believe this country is ready for republicanism." Speaking of Italy's claim for Fi ume. Rev. Harnish explained: "It is just the same to Italy as the Monroe Doctrine is to Uncle Sam; or perhaps to make the comparison more nearly it is the same as Alsace-Loraine to the French. That section on the oth er shore of the Adriatic was Italian from an early day as Alsace was French. The Germans conquered and tried to grow their language there, but it did not wholly succeed. The feeling Italy has for this territory is precisely identical with that which the French have for Alsace-Loraine." Honors For Franklin County's Returning Soldiers Cltambersburg, Pa., April 28. Plans for the demonstration in honor of the Franklin county boys who have returned from military service were given brief discussion at a meeting held in the courthouse here on Friday night. The attendance at the meeting was small and those in charge decided to stage a second meeting next Thursday evening and appointed a committee of seven per sons to invite churches, lodges and other organizations to the meeting and to kindle interest in other ways. The members ol' this committee are: Mrs. N. 11. Heefner, Alfred Suesse rott, F. Hayes Harmon, Crosby Tap pan, G. Fred Gibbs, H. A. Kottcamp and Arthur G. Houser. The meet ing was presided over by Postmaster William Alexander and Stuart L. Brown, secretary of the local Cham ber of Commerce, served as secre tary of the meeting. The initial subscription to the fund for the proposed demonstration was made by the Chamber of Commerce when that body donated about $75, the proceeds of the lecture given in the Orpheum Theater here on Thursday evening by Sergeant Wal ter Shaffer, the Dauphin aviator. STUDENTS AT SEASHORE Chnmbcrsburg, Pa., April 28. The girls of Penn Hall, the local girls' preparatory school, left on Saturday morning for Chelsea, N. J., where they will spend the month of May, as is their annual custom. They were accompanied by the fac ulty of the school including the principal, Frank S. Magill, one of Franklin county's representatives in the State Legislature. CHANCES GROW FOR AGREEMENT Senator Penrose Awaits De velopments in Charter Mat ter; to See the Governor Opinion was prevalent on Capitol Hill to-day that there was a chance for some agreement on the Philadel phia charter bills so that their course might be smoother than anticipated forty-eight hours ago and avoid mussing up the State legislative pro gram. This was based upon the statement that Senator Penrose was not inclin ed to fight an amendment to the bills allowing municipal work to be done by contract if three-fourths of the council and the mayor agree. The Senator stands firm on the rest. Senator Vare has not spoken pub licly on this proposition and the Gov ernor has not been heard from. Both are looked for later in the day. Senator Vare is expected to speak his mind in regard to the District Attorney and other bills in the Sen ate to-night and the Senator has withheld comment until he does so. There is considerable comment in the Legislature about the reference of the latest liquor bill presented by Representative W. T. Ramsey, of Delaware, to the judiciary general committee. Other liquor bills have gone to the law and order commit tee which plans a general cleanup to-morrow and will report out the Vickerman and Fox prohibition reg ulators and negative the Ramsey "2% per cent." bill. The second Ramsey bill is almost the same thing and this gives it a chance in the ju diciary general committee. Governor Sprout's stand is against the State defining what shall consti tute a drink with a "kick" and the Ramsey bill will likely be vetoed if it ever gets to him. Between the charter and the liquor bills chances for the session ending in May are growing dim and up State members are not very well pleased with the prospects. Captain Stackpole Speaks to Men of Company M Captain and Mrs. Kdward J. Stack pole. Jr.. returned Saturday from a three days' visit to batrobe. Pa., where they were the guests of Mrs. Thomas B. Anderson, widow of Major Anderson, who, as commander of the Third Battalion, One Hundred and Tenth Infantry of the Twenlv-eighth Division, was killed in action in r ranee. Moat of the men of Company M, One Hundred and Tenth Infantry, commanded by Captain Stackpole, volunteered from Latrobe, which I town boasts of a splendid war record About 15 per cent, of the originai company are home as wounded casu als. A special meeting was held in the high school auditorium, where Captain Stackpole addressed over 800 of the relatives and friends of the men in the company, telling of the heroism and fighting qualities of Com pany M s members. 11th Ward Republicans Called For Meeting A call has been issued for a meet ing of the Eleventh Ward Republican Committeemen on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, at 344 Muench street; Important business will be transacted at this session. ONION SETS Now Is the time to plant them. Yellow, quart, 8c; 4 qts 30c! peck, 65c; % bushel, 90c; bushel, $1.40. White, quart ' 13c -2 qts., 25c; 4 qts., 45c; peck, 80c; % bushel, $1.25; bushel's•' 25* Buy now; plant later for large Onions to carry you over the winter! PLANT NOW Sweet Corn, any variety. 20e| Hand Cultivators, $1.25 to $1" per pound. I * Beans, Dwarf C.rcen, 25c per Sh °' p Manupc I'ert Hirers, pound, any variety. Spray Pumps and Spraying Wax Varieties, 30c per pound. Materials, Pole liimas, 30c per pound. Everything for the garden. We deliver any place In the city, towns on West Shore, Steel, ton und Mtddletown, Penbrook and Progress, Tuesday and Friday, Both phones, use them. Speclnl attention given phone orders. Service and efficiency our watchwords. HOLMES SEED CO. 106-108 SOUTH SECOND STREET. FAMINE GREETS RUSSIAN SOLDIERS RETURNING HOME Peasants Eat Oats and Make Braad Out of Straw With American Forces in North Russia, April 28. —Russian soldiers 1 returning: from Germany to their homes in Northern Russia find their ' fatherland vastly changed since they went to war. Scores of these sol- ! diers are passing through the 80l- : shevik lines and making their way : to the American and other Allied outposts. They tell tales of pitiful suffering from hunger in the villages through | which they passed. One of them, F. ! Evlampieff, of Archangel, thus dc- 1 scribes his experiences when he re turned from Germany: "At Petfograd, we were sent to barracks, where a Bolshevik com missar started to read us the Soviet program. The prisoners protested. " 'Give up first something to eat. and then read us your program,' l they cried. "Then the commissar gave up try- ! ing to read the program, saying we were not lit elements for propaganda and left us. Each of us received 25 rubles in advance on his salary. Grind Up fiats "Famine was reigning in Petro grad. The first category (working people of Bolshevik sympathies) re ceived one pound of oats daily. The second category received one-hal,f pound. The citizens grind the oats in coffee mills, to make flour for bread. For Christmas the Pctrograd inhabitants received two potatoes for each person. A slice of bread is sold for 2 5 rubles. There was no to bacco. People smoked cabbage and nettle. "The situation at Vologda was the same as in Petrograd. It was fam ine and the population stood in line for bread sometimes for two days. There was no private commerce. The shows were empty." Bread From Straw On his way from Vologda toward Archangel a commissar tried to coax Evlampieff into serving in the Red Army and, on his refusal sent him back to Vologda. A peasant hid him in a load of hay and carried him to his uncle's home in Torozk. In the villages he passed through, he said, there was famine. The peasants cut straw, cook it and make bread. Eventually after a long journey on foot through the snow Evlampieff reached his home in Archangel. When such prisbners reach the territory of the Provisional govern ment of the North they are cared for as well as possible. Many of them voluntarily have joined the White Guard Army because of their hatred of the Bolsheviki. Impressive Service Held For Moose Memorial; Five Died in France From every point, the annual me morial services yesterday afternoon in the Majestic Theater of Harrlsburg's Royal Order of Moose, were the most impressive and largely attended in the history of the lodge. Six thousand tickets were given out and the big theater was filled to over flowing. The stage had been beauti fied with flowers, palms and flags, the latter having special Significance be cause so many members of the Lodge were, and still are, in the service. A big number will arrive with the 28th Division and a house-warming of pro portions will be given these heroes. The roll of those who died in the last year totaled 59. fove giving their lives for liberty in France, and a dr. matic incident of the afternoon was the receipt of a cablegram from France, just when Gabriel Moyer was eulogiz ing the warriors, announcing the death of young member, who passed away in the hospital at Brest. The Rev. Floyd Appleton, pastor of St. Paul's Episcopal Church, conducted the prayer service, and the splendid musical program, under direction of Prof. Frank A. McCarrell, included the most distinguished artists of Harris burg: Mrs. Roy G. Cox, AJiss Grace Deal, A. W. Hartman, George W. Up degrove. Mrs. ,T. G. Sanders, Albert Gans, Merrell Shepherd, Hasslor Einzig, Clifford Blair and the Pennsylvania Railroad Glee Club. The Moose committee which planned and carried out this most impressive memorial consisted of: S. M. Miner, chairman, and Messrs. Bond, Quigley, Cameron and Bogar. C. M. Goodyear Home After Long Army Service Charles M. Goodyear has returned to his home, at 2549 North Sixth street, after serving for nearly two f Star Carpet Cleaning Works i Let Us Clcaii Your Carpets Now General Upholstering Awning Making EXPERT WORK GUARANTEED Give Us a Trial Joseph Coplinky Eleventh and Walnut Streets lIAKRISBURG, I'A. Bell 308-R Dial 01)51 / APRIL. M\. WW ycnra in the Fnited States Army. Of tiiis time, eleven months were spent in France and' Italy. Private Good year enlisted June 21, 1917, and was sent to Columbus, Ohio. From there ho was sent to Camp Sheridan. Ohilli cotlie, Ohio, where he was utiaehed to the Three Hundred and Thirty si i end Recipient. He saw active ser vice on the Piave front with the Italian Army. llefore leaving for the *states the j "Sure! We'll Finishj i Our Job" ! \k * I Victory Liberty Loan f J I I*l I*3 1H l J * Perry County Chairman * > WALTER W. RICE ! > . i f Juniata County Chairman * i JOHN J. PATTERSON, Jr. k ★ ; f Ss Ri (s h i * | WORKERS | !ir Frank Braudtner Toboync Township ★ jr Samuel Wolf - T '- A- N °el. chairman ★ J Kdw. K. Bolton Foster T.Seager ★ 1 J. l,andis Strtckler James O'Donnell, Jr. * 1 Walter R. Hoernet- Russell Johnston itr Raymond U. lloerner Lye Township ★ <k John A Ebersole Harvey I.uckenbaugh, chairman * ;£ Curtln Shoop Rev. L. E. Teter ★ if M. M. Englc J Sn! J ir William B. Shope Mrs. lithe Bell k Pr. W. W. Fox A. R. White * k Edgar C. Hummel Goo. A. Myers * Ralph Heisey w m . He shley * f Edw. I>. DeHart H - A. Miller * k RHey Kramer 6 " 5 I M. S. John J Patterson. Jr.. chairman. * f William H. Lebicher m.ni * f William F. R. Murrio .. Mi HI i iitow-nßorongh * i k -T. B. Leithiser J " N - , K ° Uer - chahman. * b John E. Snyder Mclntyre. I S. D. Clark Andrew Banks. ! k ir N Herr Max Nes ße r * if S.C.'stochcr V Mul s? He , t , rick ' y. Ezra P. Hershey James Sterrett. * k A. P. Hcllman Clarence N. Smith. * V- Loyalton Frank Patterson. * t Elmer Uombergcr Maxwell Manbeck. * f H. H. Snyder Charles W. Muyer. . * f Fred Harncr Townsh, P * k Royalton Oscar Deckard. t H. T. Kauffman {Jon. J. C.. Shelley. • j y G. H. Ehrenzellers. J j I PERRY COPXTY JP'a'rP' Deckard. . * . I * uTnuii. itv N. S. Graybill. * if ■ .. . f. . W. S. Neimond * I I lilam Borough and Jackson F R uirich * y Township port Royal Borough ! , Creigh Patterson, chairman j j. p arson , chairman J j I y P* R- Stokes pomeroy * * ' , £ D. C. Dromgold clem c . Johnson * f W. Frank Gray A Heckerntun * I k iY* Wentz Mervin lioyle * t D. E. Book Charles D. McConnell j^. k Itloomlield Borough and Centre Thompsontown Borough * f Township E. S. Thompson, chairman * f Luke Baker, chairman. B. 11. Branthoffer ! k H. W. Robinson' A. G. Haldeman 'J l k George W. Keller Henry C. Itowe .jf J. C. Motter Dr. W. H. Haines * i I ir Buffalo Township W. A. Sellers ' Ir G. B. M. Bair, chairman Mifllin Borough t S. W. Billow Lyman Guss, chairman J i l Z. T. Shuler W. Wilson * £ J. C. MeGinnes D. Bruce Beale * [ t w f Prow -I. I'loyd Hartman -*■ lit ' ' ° arrnll TWnship J g- J - Carman, chairman Beale Township - ■I *" J'J'L '^ nn * ii m i Edward L. McWilliams, chai.-man k H. C. Gutshall , K „ J i * C. S. Henderson William Telfer iiri? r ',^ n P e Cloyd B. Paden ■ * 5' b i ent c Hoy Kellcy i *r g- g E. M. Nipple * s * H - u Smith T w Hostet ier * k Duncannon Borough and I'enn Wilson lines * II 1 Township Luther Woodward * , Jf B. Stiles Duncan, chairman David 11. Deen ,I k M. N. Lightner Delaware Townslt ! p j * W. Stewart Duncan A. F, Dimm, chairman * i k Dr. George H. JohnstoH James Smith * ■ I George E. Boyer E. T. Nelson * I k William Lathlean Frat\k D. Gross t k Irving M. Martin \V. A. Doughton J i * J. Frank Stcelo j. e. Allen *. I * I.inn C. Lightner 0. s. Ford * J Charles L. Snyder Oscar Kagel * ! k C. D. Bates B. O. Martin • * Win. Wills Greenwood Township ! * C. M. Gross Pfister M. Cox, chairman * M. L. Morrow Ralph Cargill * t I John W. C. Kuglcr j, L. Gclnett . * .t -k R. M. Barton Milnor Kerstatter * Chas. JJJ Harling j. w. Cox - Z 1 * Dr. B. F. Bcalo Eli Zeiders * I j * John S. Kennedy Lack Township * s; i C. C. Raub j. M. Barton, chairman * .| k J. L. L. Bucko W. A. Lotliers ff • * R- F. Duncan Elmer Love + | * Liverpool Borough anil LlTerpool It. F. McCahan ★ Township It. A. Woodsido ★ ! J John D. Snyder, chairman W. D. Kcemcr * H. A. S. Shuler W. F. Simonton , * Geo. Y. Xlillor Spruce Hill Township + ' * Wesley Catiffman J. G. Graham, chairman * J Jas. L. Snyder T. N. Hcckerdorn ★ ' J W. 11. Lvtev Clayton Book * > J Mttthson Township g- g- k *W. C. Gitrber, chairman ?^T ve 2. P ® * * it .John hsn ir k Snvllle Township fiuy Conn # * James O. Gray, chairman Hcn w . Gibson * Hloyd Smith Tus<-arora Township • J : + Samuel SWJ;.> John J. Patterson, chairman * J. C. Gray R. M. Gray ir * It. Brady Ttodgers s F Crawford ★ i * Foster Rumbaugh j ]r ra nk Barton * ' k Laiiilislmrg Borough H. c. Lawson j k James It. Wilson, chairman Robert Hammond I ! ★ M. 11. Shcibley Mark Stitt ★ I * J. L. Shcibley Fayette Township ★ I J W. 11. Gray W. H. Seiber, chairman * k George ltltter John A. Shellenbcrger * .★ C. T. Smilii Layman Leyster I * Albert Billman C. A. Musser j * J. C. Waggoner Benjamin Koush ff M. R. Bower Oscar Cupp * * Marysvlllo Borough S. L. Stuck I * Senator Scott S. Lciby, chairman C. R. Rodcr i ★ j w Peers Charles E. \an Ormer ; 1 i V W licit) J. A. Shelley J * a! B. Doaohue Turbctt Township * * W. C. Robinson D- S. Kepnor, chairman * * L. F. Piatt W. E. McMeen * '* W. H. Kennedy .John Heralcr * ff W. H. lisnch . J; f; 1 k Simon Lick R; McCluro # i ★ 11. D. Ellenberger ?f- A. Grouingor * ! ★ H. J. Deckard O. P. McConnell * J New liulTalo Horoufi, l and Watt, JJarrc,i^Kohler ;t v r, r spa,™ H „ ry jj KcaVHcllow. * Newport Horotvgh* Howe, Junlntn k, I'artnor * mill Oliver Townships c H Zo0l( I Frank P. Witmer. chairman Fermanagh Township * * Whcatiicld Township D. Irvin ilai'aoro, ciialrmr.n * E. T. Charles, chairnuin T. J. Sulotf Jf ; J J. 15. Wcldon D. Banks Stouffcr k k Mlllerslowii Borough and en- H. I. Zoolc ★ * wood Township Wellington Smith ★ i * A. L. Long, chairman Floyd Writchcr - ! * E. C. ltolslnger James 11. Howers J ! I Calvin Kerchner Srifwpteluiuna Townsiiip * 1 J Dr. A. T,. Tlolma* H. C. Kiliinger, chairman ★ * James Beaver I- J- Freed ★ * Wm. Blain G. Sheaffer * t Tiiscaro.it Township c - Ku ":^ , ' Tnm ,. llin *h' 11' i'-PT 11 " 5, chairman rr r Hn) . s chairman k * t iil L,, W. 11. Elehmon ★ * ' George W. Kcrchner * *• .Madison Townsiiip i;or3 Rashoro J * W. C. Garher, chairman .lehn I. Book *. Sandy Ilill Townsiiip 15. G. lloirick * 11. M. Clark, chairman Floyd 11. Baahoro Thrco Hundred and Thirty-second Regiment, of which he was a mem ber, was presented with the Lion of Ht. Murks by the Italians. The regi ment was also decorated before leav ing Genoa, Italy. They participated in the Victory Loan parade, in New- York. last Monday. Private Goodyear is the son of Simon W. Goodyear. He was the only Harrisburger uattuched to this regi ment. 9
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers