y r*w- --- " - 1 f ; . v ' The American People Are Baying Victory IFinish .the.Jnht.Hmie You Bought Yours f V HARRISBURG ISSllfii TELEGRAPH V She Biac-In&cptn&enl. •slxxxvm- NO. 99 16 PAGES D *&£K?&Tns HARRISBURG, PA. MONDAY EVENING, APRIL 28, 1919. ""HJSSB sa&°ogg&a HOME EDITION MASS MEETING AND PARADE TO ► OPEN LOAN DRIVE Six Military Airplanes to Race Here Tomorrow Prom York WILL SHOW FREE MOVIES Street Dancing Parties Sched uled at Three Big Centers VICTORY LIBERTY LOAN j IN A NUTSHELL T To-night—Parade and meeting at Chestnut Street Auditorium. To-morrow Airplane race, "flying circus," free moving pic- j turcs at Board of Trade Hall. ' Free moving pictures continue ! four days, 11 A. M. to 11 P. M. j Three Nights, Starting Tuesday j —Street dancing parties. • . Placing of Bonds —Starts in j UL earnest to-morrow. ■ ■ Hurrisburg starts its Fifth or Vic- H lory Liberty Loan campaign in Pi™ earnest to-morrow morning, when f hundreds of workers get on the job to finish it. And 30,000 men and women of Harrisburg to-morrow also get on the job to finish it. It i is the last of the Liberty Loan cam- j paigns, and it will be successful, un- , less the city and balance of the dls- j trict'are so cocksure of success that' I they fall down. To-night's meeting in Chestnut! Street Auditorium promises to fill . that hull to more than capacity, so i ' arrangements have been made for! an overflow meeting in the small I auditorium. Speakers to-night will j be Chaplain McFettride, who has ; returned from service on the actual front in France; Benjamin H. Lud low, prominent throughout the State as the leader of the hour Minute Men and at present of the Atctory Loan advisory committee, and Miss Anna Lipphardt, who for a year and a half served in a French evacua tion hospital. The Municipal Band I will p'ay and there will be a sol diers' quartet. Judge Kunkel will preside at the meeting. Last, but not least, there will be the five-reel feature picture, l> "The Price of Peace," showing actual scenes of warfare on several fronts. l-'rcc at Board of Trade "The Price of Peace," incidental ly, is to be given a free showing at the Board of Trade Halt Wednesday, i Thursday and Friday from 11 A. M. | to 11 P. M. In the various towns in the dis- | trict in which this picture has been j displayed great enthusiasm has been shown by the crowds. Parade at " Tonight Workers, soldiers, sailors and Boy , t Scouts, with the Municipal Band, j will parade to-night prior to the i Chestnut street meeting. The pro- ! cession will form in Front street, moving promptly at 7.05 in Market: street to the Square, thence in Sec-! 'md to State, to Third, to Chestnut| and to the Auditorium. Street llnnetng Bntmigled A niizup has occured somewhere in ' the announcement of the street dancers to bo held beginnig to-morrow night, j The correct schedule is as follows: Tuesday night, 8.30 to 10, Third and | Broad, Wednesday night, 8.43 to 10.15, Mul- j berry and Derry. Thursday night, 8 to 10, Market square. The hour of commencement is an arbitrary one. of course, but if the , crowd insists the hour of closinf will j be extende. ! N. S. lamgaker, Who is in cltarge of i the dancing, announced this morning 1 [Continued on Page 7.] 'Ayes' and 'Noes' of State Assembly to Play Ball For Charitable Homes The baseball sun and moon will I atop in their courses, and the morn- 1 ing and evening stars of the game j will shine conjunctively the after noon of May 7, when Governor Sprout I tosses a ball into the diamond at Island Park, and former Governor I .lohn K. Tener calls "Play ball" The I Ayes and Noes of the House of Hep- j respntatlves are going to play hall ; for charity. It will be a charitable | affair from start to finish. While no admission fee will be charged for the game the proceeds are going to be large, because the usual "gentlemanly attendants" will "pass among you" with outstretched hats, and there will be a rather large shower of gold and silver. The three orphanages of the city | —Sylvan Heights, Children's Indus- j trial Home and the Nursery Home, j are to be the beneficiaries of the I game. , j Lieutenant Governor Beidelmsn is lo be on hand and will take a prom > J inent part in the affair. The game •'*' will see the slargest assemblage of State celebrities In recent years. I THE WEATHER] For llnrrixburg and vlctnltyi I Generally cloudy to-night mid ' jßrsdny, firohnhly ahom-rxi not change In tempernture, to-night nbout -IN dr -5 * Knalcrn I'ennxylvanin j to-nlglil nnil Tuesday. i hiv rain, Kiimi nhnl eaolrr portions niodr rn t,. j B wlnda heeoniing tarinble. Itlver ■aqurhnnmi river nnd nil Its : BNrn will probably full Hv or remain nenrly ata- H|T' A alage of nbout .'.O ■fi Indlented for Harrla ■ Tuesday morning. - | The Last Drives CAN ANYONE THINK OF THE PRICE OUR YOUNG MANHOOD PAID FOR VICTORY— y "j J AND NOT CHEERFULLY DO THEIR SHARK IN THE FINAL SETTLEMENT? MAN WHO KILLED ! WIFE'S ADMIRER | DIES IN CHAIR | Hardy Dickcrson Electrocuted; at Rockvicw Penitentiary For Murder Today Rcllefoate. Pa.. April 28.—Hardy i Dickerson, of Dauphin county, was ! I electrocuted to-day at the Rockyiew | : Penitentiary. Dickerson was a Plor- ! ' ida negro who killed another colored ! man in a quarrel over the former's j , wife. Only last week Dickerson's ; | mother learned of his whereabouts, ' I and that he was to bo electrocuted I j for murder. 1 Dickerson was convicted of first j degree murder when he was eha-ged ' ! with killing William Leitzer, colored, | ' last May. The murder occurred in | the kitchen in Dickerson's home in i South Ninth street, his wife being! ! present when he shot Leitzer. Chamber of Commerce Sends Five Delegates to St. Louis Convention Four members of the Harrisburg Chamber of Commerce, and Warren R. Jackson, secretary, have left the city for St. Louis, Mo., to attend the seventh annual convention of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States. A number of ques tions concerning the future inter national relations of this country, i and concerning its internal govern ment. will Vie considered by the dele- j gates. George S. Reinoehl, presi- ' dent of the Chamber of Commerce, j will act as national councilor at the convention. The other three dele- j gates are J. William Bowman, David | E. Tracy and Charles H. Hunter. Nickel Still Buys Ride and Talk Out at Chicago Chicago. April 28.—The nickel still retained some shreds of its reputa tion here by virtue of last-minute support extended by State arid Fed- ' oral authorities. The nickel ean slill do two things in Chicago—buy a ride on the surface car lines or com mands a telephone call. A 2-eent increase In fares was de nied the street ear company by i;he State's Public Utilities Commlsslan. This action was followed with a sim ilar ruling by Federal Judge, Land is against the proposal to Increase tele phone rates In Illinois. VALIANT BOYS OF I 406 TH TELEGRAPH UNIT ARE MODEST Scrgl. Hamilton Tells Without Flourishes of Battalion's Experiences Overseas i They are a modest lot, these mem ! ters of tlje Four Hundred and Sixth I Telegraph Battalion, who returned ! i to their Harrisburg homes yesterday j | after twenty months of thrilling ex'- j | periences in the thick of the conflict ' lon the soil of France. Practically j j every local member of the battalion I has arrived safely in the city. De- i I spite the fact that their bravery in I 1 laying lines and operating telegraph i instruments won for them warm ! | praise from the men higher up, they j | uttered 110 word of their heroic I deeds. But there was praise in | ; abundance for the soldiers whom j I they called "the real fighters." i Asked to tell of their experiences' in France, Sergeant Jerome M. I Hamilton, 34S Hummel street, said: j j "Well there isn't much to tell." Pressed by a reporter for the Har , risburg Telegraph to narrate for the | | readers of this paper the activities of I the Hat risburg warriors, he opened I j with a striking coincidence: Works Around Figure 20 "Our contingent seems to be working around the figure '2o.' We | enlisted April 20, 1917, landed in [Coiltinued on Page o.] ' : ■ I"BLACKIE," PET MINORCA CLAIMS EGG CHAMPIONSHIP^ ! Aside From Laying Four-and-a-Half-Ounce Kggs She Often \ Lays Two a Day ——• | "Blackie," pet Mlnorac hen of Mrs. Harry Halsey, 1414 Wallace street, is I the champion egg layer of Dauphin county. one of the largest eggs laid by ] Dauphin county hens was produced | by her several days ago. This speci i man, 8 by 7 1-8 inches, is being shown to-day us an exhibition of the j prowess of "Blackie," by her owner, Mrs. Halsey. The egg weighs ounces. "Blackie" is just about to celebrate her fourth birthday, has a habit of doing the unusual. She is be low the size of the normal Black Minorca, but Iter eggH have been above the ordinary size ever since 120,000 VETERANS I OF 28TH DIVISION TO BE IN LINE I Colonel Pusey Arrives Here I to Complete Plans For Big Review Lieutenant Colonel Frederick Tay lor Pusey and live other officers of | the Keystone division who preceded | the division, arrived in Harrisburg j this afte'rnoon to confer with Adju i tant General Beary concerning ar- I rangemcnts for the pageant. Included among these officers is j Captain Henry M. Gross, of this [Continued on Page 7.] Miss Mary Sachs Buys N. Third Street Property j Final negotiations were closed j Saturday involving the purchase of | property ilia North Third street, by j Mary Sachs, owner of the women's specialty shop located in the adjoin ing building, 210 North Third street. The need of larger quarters for her business has been felt for some time, and it was to provide for future needs that led Miss Sachs to make the purchase. she started to lay eggs. Then, too, "Blackie" occasionally lays an extra egg, making it two a day, in order to aid in providing for her keep One of the eggs, Mrs. llalsey says, is of ordinary size while the second is about the size of a walnut and with out the yolk. The egg Mrs. llalsey has decided shall be sold for the bcnelit of the ilarrisburg returning soldiers of the 28th and 7!>th divisions. The funds raised in the contest will serve to enrich the coffers of the Home Folks' Victory Association which is planned a tltting welcome to local overseas veterans. FORMER KAISER IS TO BE TRIED FOR WAR CRIMES BY WORLD JURY; HOLLAND WILL BE ASKED TO SURRENDER EXILE IGermany Will Be Required to Give Up Accused JURY IS TO BE MADE UP OF 5 Peace Treaty Has Proviso Calling For Inquisition ! By Associated Press. Washington, April 28.—Trial lof the former German emperor j for "a supreme offense against j international morality and the ! sanctity of treaties" has been de ; termined upon by the allied and i associated powers. Holland will be requested to surrender the royal refugee for arraignment before a court composed of five j judges named by the United j j States, Great Britain, France, j Italy and Japan. Articles Made Public The State Department made pub. ; lie to-day proposed articles for in- I sertion in the peace treaty, to be ; considered by the Peace Conference j in plenary session, provid ng for the 1 , trial of William 11 of Hohenaollern : 1 and also requiring Germany to de- I liver all persons within its borders i charged with "having exercised acts j in violation of the laws ond customs of war," for arraignment before military tribunals of the Allied and associated powers, whose nationals suffered through such offenses. Solves Weighty Problems Thus the Peace Conference Com mission on responsibility for the war solved its most weighty prob lem. The State Department's an nouncement of the solution was re ceived here generally with surprise because It was known that Secre tary Lansing, halrman of the om mission, had steadfastly opposed any attempt to bring the former Kaiser i before an international tribunal. | Mr. Lansing contended there was no law by which such an offender could be reached by the conference and that it would be contrary to the constitution of the United Saes for he American delegates to partici pate in the execution of a sort of in ternational ex r post facto law. At that time, however, it was proposed j to harge criminal and military of- • fenses and it was suggested to-day | that the decision to base the indict ment upon violation of international morality and the sanctity of treaties was tuken to meet the American viewpoint. The announcement issued by the State Department follows: Following are the proposed arti cles regarding penalties, for insertion in treaty of peace to be considered at a plenary session of conference to-day, Monday at 3 o'clock p. in. Paris time: Arraign Former Kaiser "Article I—The Allies and asso ciated powers publicly arraign Wil liam II of Hohenzollern formerly German emperor, not for an offense against criminal law, but for a su preme offense against international morality and the sanctity of treat ies. / "A special tribunal will be con stituted to try the accused, thereby assuring him the guarantees essen tial to the right of defense. It will be composed of five judges, one ap pointed by each of the following five powers: The United States of America, Great Britain. France, Italy and Japan. "In its decision the tribunal will be guided by the highest motive of international policy, with a view of vindicating the solemn obligations of international undertakings and the i validity of international morality. It | will be its duty to fix the punishment i which it considers should be impos- , 0(1, "The Allied and associated powers will addrfess a request to the gov- j ernment of The Netherlands tor the j surrender to them of the ex-emperor ! in order that he may be put on trial. ! "Article 2—The German goicrn ! ment not having insured the pun ishment of the persons accused of having exercised acts in violation of the laws and customs of war, such persons will be brought before mill- j fary tribunals by the Allied and as- | sociated powers and if found guilty. sentenced P to the punishment laid down by military lnw. 1,11 •The German government shall hand over to the Allied and asso ciated powers, or to such one of them ias shall so request, a } P Porn 88 ° n8 t 1 fiispil of having committed an act violation of the laws and customs I° f TorT Urn rXk oftlcl. m eni- I piovment which they held under the German authorities. "Article 3— Persons guilty ot criminal acts against the nationals nf one of the Allied and associated powers will be brought beforo the military tribunal of that power. "Persons guilty of criminal acts toward the nationals of more than one of the Allied and associated pow ers will be brought before the mili tary tribunals composed of mem bers of military tribunals of the powers concerned. Accused to Have Own Counsel "In every case the accused will be entitled to name his own coun- I sel." Article 4 Is as follows. "The German government under- , takes to furnish all documents and i information of every kind, the pro-j ductlon of which may be considered necessary to insure the full knowl edge of incriminating acts, the dls-: covery of the offenders, the Just ap preciation of the responsibility." Page Leaves Rom Crowds G By Associated Press Rome. April 28.—Thomas Nelson Page, the American Ambassa dor to Italy, has left Home for Paris. Large crowds cheered Foreign Minister Sonn'.no and former Premier Salandra in alt the towns where their special train stopped Sunday. In a speech at Genoa, the Foreign Minister asserted that the government is determined to obtain what is due Itu'y. Paris, April 28.—The newspapers report that Saivatore Barzilui, a member of the Italian peace delegation, who left Paris with Prem ier Orlando friday night, declared that he did not intend to return to Paris. Barzilai is a Republican Deputy and a former member of the Italian Cabinet. PENROSE PLEDGES HIS AID TO CITY'S PLANS Senior Senator Wants Harrisburg to Be Model For State; Endorses Park Extension and Memorial Bridge "It is my hope to see Harrisburg become what all State Capitols should be—the model city or the Coinmon | wealth in all that goes to make up ! modern city vjcvelopment," Senator Penrose said in an address before the Harrisburg Rotary Club at its week ly luncheon in the Penn-Harris to day. Serlitor Penrose was introduced by Lieutenant Governor Beidleman. who in< tr/ii was. presented to the club by i John F. O'Neill, chairman of the ; luncheon committee, who was In chaise. Both he and the Lieutenant Governor Avete received with pro longed applause. Mr. Beidleman presented the Sen ior Senator as a long and consistent friend of Harrisburg, re-calling his unfailing support whenever matters in the State government threatened the interests of Harrisburg. Presented by Mr. Heidleninn Senator Beidleman dwelt at length upon his long association with this city and its people, from the time he first came here as a Representative in the Legislature in 1884, until the •present, re-catttng his fight to keep the Capitol in this city at a time when an effort was being made to re move it to Philadelphia, following the fire in 1897. The Senator said that Harrisburg should call upon him at any time to use whatever influence he can bring to bear for the purpose of making this city a model municipality. He said that when he first came to Har risburg this was the deadest city in | the State, but that time was long j since past. He summed up what the city has done for Itself in the way of water supply, lived streets, river improvements and parks, and said he is solidly behind the movement for the development hero of the finest Capitol in the country—second not even to the National Capitol at Wash ington in beauty and dignity. "I have recently seen for the first time the model for the great Memo rial Bridge at State street," he said. "It will be a wonderful memorial, and will be a great addition to the city. Further than that, I want to see the State erect here great office buildings for the housing of the rap idly widening activities of the State government, and I believe this work ought to be done as soon as possi ble." To Concent rate Here. Senator Penrose endorsed most Viewers to Determine Coal Company Lines Because of the dispute between the County Commissioners and the Susquehanna Collieries Company of ficials about the township lines in the coal district, a petition was pre sented in court to-day by County I Solicitor Philip S. Moyer asking I the appointment of viewers to de | termtne the boundaries of Wil • liams, Wiconisco and Lykens town j ships and Gratz borough, j W. G. Daniel, George W. Rother ; mel and Ed. Van Newkirk, all of ! Elizabethville, were appointed as a board of viewers to establish the lines. The next hearing with the coal company representatives will be j held at the office of the County | Commissioners next Monday. Hardscrabble Suits to Be Heard Week of May 26 Suits brought by the city to assess benefits against property owners on the east side of Front street between Herr and Calder streets because of the improvements which will re sult when the properties on the west side are removed have been contin ued until the week of May 26. The cases have been listed for trial next week, but counsel for the property owners requested the court to continue them until after the Su preme Court session in this city May 19, when the damage cases af fecting owners on the west side will be heard on an appeal from the de cision of the Dauphin county court. Actions brought by property own ers affected by the closing of South Third street and the construction of subways in Second and Front streets at Mulberry street also were con tinued. DIVORCES GRANTED I Divorce decrees were signed in i the case of John H. Powley vs. I Maude L. Powley, Henry Grissingcr | and Clarence Riddle being named as co-respondents, and in the case of j Samuel S. Johnson vs. Carolyn S. Johnson, C. Ronlathan being named I as co-respondent. le For Paris; reet Italian Envoy r heartily Governor Sprout's plan for J the concentration of the State offices > in Harrisburg: "I am one of those," r lie said, "who believe that the State government should be concentrated ■ in Harrisburg, without any sub-di . visions located in Philadelphia, Pitts ! burgh or elsewhere. I think that any • | man ought to be able to come to > i Harrisburg with assurance that any i business he may have with the State . | government can be transacted at the i Capitol." . ! Senator Penrose spoke at length . j on the part Pennsylvania took in the j war, of the wonderful record of tha . | Twenty-eighth Division in France. . j and of the welcome' being prepared i | for their homecoming. He received i a great ovation at the hands of the I j Rotarlans and shook hands with j scores of them after the luncheon. 1 Another distinguished guest at the i j luncheon to-day was Cyril Maule, i j the noted Rngllsh actor, who was I present by invitation of Hay Butler, j National Boy Scout Commissioner. © X X *s• 4* XXXX'fr'fr'fr i ,, 1"4"1 , i ■!■ i'O |r *j I? f ! t *f* I *s I l . g ! ¥ t 4, x T .T If ,T <4* ,<# I 4 A, L • X 0 4 T - X £ 4, X J g 1 1 4 t !*X ,Jf 5 3 y f T e ¥ X " 3 y ju ,<4* S If* 'J : f $ -j* WII le twenty-eighth MAY P :H 7 ' x X jT A '<{ j X Puity said they had assurances that practically the en- X • X -'re Twenty-eighth Division, the last of v X X France yesterday, will parage substantially as a unit in ,T X n France. Th< X if 'X s fjn made t that end '■ f ¥ It 1 ¥ ¥ X cd President to approve the tattling back of X • American cable lines to their private owners.. The l ost A - 4* master General hopes to effect the restoration of 1 X - X bles by May 10. T ;J ADOF TO BE ADRIATIC UMPIRE T t T Gustave Ador. pre:;ident of the Sais ; Fe !X h X Ito Paris h vi v J X , 0:' T X i 1. -r the French capital last night. X ; I MARRIAGE LICENSES f f4 .l©n p ph W. Kingston, H loomltirn;, unit Cirirr A. Coleman, Mt. X • A ' c * p l p A. Ycntacti and llur1< Wnldc, Lykem. ' t H--A —O—O—<1—Q-Jl ft-Jl <l—<!--<%. .ft .ft__ft..ft. .ft, ft a X .IJIL®.I • ".'•'.* ttvV.Tl™- ! tvycyp !4!5T© Eventful Week Is Ahead For Peace Board in Paris PACT WILL BE READY FOR HUN Japanese Question Is to Be Settled During Session By /Issociatcd Press. What promises to be perhaps the i | most eventful week yet of the Paris ; Peace Conference opens to-day with i a plenary session of that body, with ! final action on the covenant of the j League of Nations in prospect. I There is also a feeling prevalent I in Paris that the treaty of peace will . j be ready for presentation to the Ger , man delegates by Saturday of this • week, before which time it is hoped , the Italian situation may resolve it- I self. | As to the peace treaty, the most | important matter still to be steeled ' j is the problem of composing the Jap -1 ' anese and Chinese claims to Kiao I Chau and the Shantung oenlnsula. A ' decision on this subject has been ex ' j pected for several days and it may | be ani/unrrd to-day. j Matters dealing witn the dispost ' | tion of the German cables, the repa- I trlatlon of German prisoners of war and the future status of the Kiel ca nal and questions relative to Luxem bourg are also pending, but it is be lieved they are in a fair way toward 1 an adjustment. Watching Italy With Concern ' Conditions in Italy are being ' watched with some concern, but very 1 little news relative to the state of [Continued on Page B.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers